Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) FAQ - Cisco
Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) FAQ - Cisco
Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) FAQ - Cisco
General FAQ
Troubleshoot FAQ
Related Information
This document provides information on the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the Cisco Wireless LAN
Controller (WLC).
Refer to Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.
General FAQ
Q. What is a wireless LAN controller (WLC)?
A. Wireless networks have become a necessity today. Many corporate environments require deployment of wireless
networks on a large scale. Cisco has come up with the concept of the Cisco Unified Wireless Network (CUWN)
solution, which helps make it easier to manage such large scale deployments. WLC is a device that assumes a
central role in the CUWN. Traditional roles of access points, such as association or authentication of wireless clients,
are done by the WLC. Access points, called Lightweight Access Points (LAPs) in the unified environment, register
themselves with a WLC and tunnel all the management and data packets to the WLCs, which then switch the packets
between wireless clients and the wired portion of the network. All the configurations are done on the WLC. LAPs
download the entire configuration from WLCs and act as a wireless interface to the clients. For more information on
how a LAP registers with a WLC, refer to the document Lightweight AP (LAP) Registration to a Wireless LAN
Q. What is CAPWAP?
A. In controller software release 5.2 or later, Cisco lightweight access points use the IETF standard Control and
Provisioning of Wireless Access Points protocol (CAPWAP) in order to communicate between the controller and other
lightweight access points on the network. Controller software releases prior to 5.2 use the Lightweight Access Point
Protocol (LWAPP) for these communications.
CAPWAP, which is based on LWAPP, is a standard, interoperable protocol that enables a controller to manage a
collection of wireless access points. CAPWAP is being implemented in controller software release 5.2 for these
To provide an upgrade path from Cisco products that use LWAPP to next-generation Cisco products that use
To manage RFID readers and similar devices
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the Management menu of the WLC, and click Mgmt via Wireless on the left-hand side. WLC can also be accessed
with one of its dynamic interface IP addresses. Use the config network mgmt-via-dynamic-interface command to
enable this feature. Wired computers can have only CLI access with the dynamic interface of the WLC. Wireless
clients have both CLI and GUI access with the dynamic interface.
Q. How do I use the USB console port on the Cisco 5500 series Wireless LAN Controller?
A. The USB console port on the 5500 series controllers connects directly to the USB connector of a PC using a USB
Type A to 5-pin mini Type B cable.
Note: The 4-pin mini Type B connector is easily confused with the 5-pin mini Type B connector. They are not
compatible. Only the 5-pin mini Type B connector can be used.
For operation with Microsoft Windows, the Cisco Windows USB console driver must be installed on any PC
connected to the console port. With this driver, you can plug and unplug the USB cable into and from the console port
without affecting Windows HyperTerminal operations. Only one console port can be active at a time. When a cable is
plugged into the USB console port, the RJ-45 port becomes inactive. Conversely, when the USB cable is removed
from the USB port, the RJ-45 port becomes active
For detailed information, refer to Using the Cisco 5500 Series Controller USB Console Port.
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controllers assigned associate with the master controller on the same subnet. This allows the operator to verify the
access point configuration and assign primary, secondary, and tertiary controllers to the access point using the All
APs > Details page.
The master controller is normally used only when adding new access points to the Cisco Wireless LAN solution.
When no more access points are being added to the network, Cisco WLAN solution recommends that you disable the
master controller.
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When you upload the configuration file to a TFTP or FTP server, the controller initiates the conversion from XML to
CLI. You can then read or edit the configuration file in the CLI format on the server. When you are finished, you
download the file back to the controller, where it is converted to an XML format and saved.
For step-by-step instructions on how to edit the configuration file, refer to the Editing Configuration Files section of the
WLC Configuration Guide 6.0.
In order to view the active boot image, use the command show boot
(Cisco Controller) >show boot
Primary Boot Image............................... (active)
Backup Boot Image................................
Q. What happens to the wireless network when I perform a software upgrade? Do all the
access points (APs) registered to a WLC go down until they are upgraded, or are they
upgraded one at a time so that the wireless network can remain up (except for the specific
APs that undergo the upgrade)?
A. Once the WLC is upgraded, it must be rebooted for the changes to take effect. Within this time, connectivity to the
WLC is lost. LAPs registered to a WLC lose their association to the WLC, so service to the wireless clients is
interrupted. When you upgrade the controller's software, the software on the controller's associated access points is
also automatically upgraded.
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When an access point loads software, each of its LEDs blinks in succession. Up to 10 access points can be
concurrently upgraded from the controller. Do not power down the controller or any access point during this process;
otherwise, you might corrupt the software image. Upgrading a controller with a large number of access points can
take as long as 30 minutes, depending on the size of your network. However, with the increased number of
concurrent access point upgrades supported in software release and later, the upgrade time should be
significantly reduced. The access points must remain powered, and the controller must not be reset during this time.
Q. What are the guidelines to follow before performing a wireless LAN controller
A. Cisco recommends that the upgrade be performed over a LAN or other high-speed, low-latency link. A very slow
network connection might cause TFTP to timeout, and the upgrade will not be successful.
Cisco recommends the controller be upgraded only from a tftp daemon on the same segment as the wireless LAN
controller when you use TFTP as the transfer mode.
When you attempt to upgrade the controller using an associated wireless client as the TFTP or FTP server, the
upgrade fails. The wireless LAN controller does not allow a (T)FTP transfer from a daemon that is located on a client
associated to an AP joined to the WLC. (See CSCsi73129 for more information.)
In addition to these, follow the guidelines documented in the section Guidelines for Upgrading Controller Software of
the configuration guide.
Q. Can a Cisco IOS Software-based access point (AP) that has been converted to
lightweight mode register with Cisco 4100 Series WLCs?
A. No, Cisco IOS Software-based APs that are converted to lightweight mode cannot register with the Cisco 40xx,
41xx, or 3500 WLCs. These lightweight APs (LAPs) can register only with the Cisco 4400 and the 2000 series WLCs.
For information on the restrictions of APs that are converted to lightweight mode, refer to the Restrictions section of
Upgrading Autonomous Cisco Aironet access points to Lightweight Mode.
Q. What is the maximum number of APs supported on the 4402 and 4404 wireless LAN
controllers (WLCs)?
A. The limitation on the number of supported access points is based on the hardware that you have. The 4402 WLC
with two gigabit Ethernet ports comes in configurations that support 12, 25, and 50 Light Weight Access Points
(LAPs). The 4404 WLC with four gigabit Ethernet ports supports 100 LAPs.
Note: Mesh access points are also available in both indoor and outdoor deployments. For more information on
number of access points (inlcuding mesh APs) supported on each controller model, refer to Table 8-3 Mesh Access
Points Supported by Controller Model in the Controlling Mesh Access Point section of the Wireless Lan Controller
Configuration Guide 6.0.
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A. This is an expected behavior. With WLC version 6.0, the 5508 controller supports only up to 250 lightweight
access points. With version, a single Cisco 5500 Series Wireless Controller can support up to 500 Cisco
Aironet APs.
Q. How do I configure a local database on the wireless LAN controller (WLC)? What are
the special characters that can be used for the local net user username and passwords?
A. The local user database stores the credentials (username and password) of all the local network users. These
credentials are then used to authenticate the users. You can configure local network users either through the GUI or
the CLI. You can enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters. All the special characters can be used when you configure
username and passwords though CLI, but the single quote character cannot be used when you configure username
and password through GUI.
From the CLI, use these commands to create a local net user:.
config netuser add <username> <password> wlan <wlan_id> userType permanent description
<description> Adds a permanent user to the local user database on the WLC.
config netuser add <username> <password> {wlan | guestlan} {wlan_id | guest_lan_id} userType guest
lifetime seconds description <description>Adds a guest user on a WLAN or wired guest LAN to the local
user database on the WLC.
From the GUI, you can configure local net users from the Security > AAA > Local Net Users page.
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A. Mobility group is a group of WLCs configured with the same Mobility group name. The client can roam seamlessly
between the WLCs in the same mobility group. WLCs in a mobility group provide for redundancy among themselves.
For more information on Mobility Groups, refer to the document Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) Mobility Groups FAQ.
Q. Does the Cisco 4400 Series WLC support Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX)
protocol? Does any Airespace product support IPX protocol?
A. No, IPX protocol is not supported on any platforms of the Cisco WLC.
Q. What are the prerequisites to access the graphical user interface (GUI) of the wireless
LAN controller (WLC)?
A. The wireless LAN controller GUI is fully compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 SP1 (or later) and
Mozilla Firefox (or later).
Note: Opera and Netscape are not supported.
Note: Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 (or later) and Mozilla Firefox (or later) are the only browsers supported for
accessing the controller GUI and for using web authentication.
Q. How do I retrieve Cisco wireless LAN controller (WLC) MIBs on the web?
A. You can download the Cisco WLC MIBs from the Wireless Downloads ( registered customers only) page.
Complete these steps in order to download the WLC MIBs:
From the Wireless Downloads page, click Wireless LAN Controller, and choose the WLC platform for which you
need the MIBs.
The Software Download page for the WLC appears. This page contains all the files for the WLC including the
Choose a software version and download the standard MIBs and the Cisco specific MIBs. These two files should
be downloaded and contain the MIBs. The filenames look similar to this example:
Q. In guest tunneling, how many Ethernet over IP (EoIP) tunnels can be formed between a
single anchor WLC to different internal WLCs?
A. A single anchor WLC supports up to 71 EoIP tunnels with one tunnel per internal WLC. These WLCs can be of
different mobility groups.
Q. What are the functional differences between the 2100 Series WLCs and the 4400
A. The major differences between the 2100 and 4400 Series WLCs are in the features they support.
This Hardware features is not supported on 2100 series WLCs
Service Port (separate out-of-band management 10/100-Mbps Ethernet interface)
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Q. Which lightweight access points (LAPs) do the 4100 Series WLCs support?
A. Only the Airespace 1200, 1250, the Cisco 1000 Series, and the Cisco 1500 Series LAPs work with the 4100
Series WLCs.
Q. Can I use this ASA /PIX as a DHCP server instead of windows DHCP server in order to
assign IP addresses to my Wireless Clients?
A. Yes, you can use ASA/PIX as a DHCP server for wireless clients. Ensure that interface of the WLAN to which the
client belongs, is on the same subnet as the ASA/PIX interface on which the server is enabled. However you can't
assign default gateway to the clients. PIX/ASA declares itself as the default gateway to the clients. For more
information on how to configure ASA as a DHCP server PIX/ASA as a DHCP Server and Client Configuration
Q. Is it possible to go back and make corrections in the wireless LAN controller (WLC)
configuration wizard at the time of the initial configuration?
A. Yes, this can be done with the - (hyphen) key. Use this key to re-enter the previous parameter value.
For example, you use the WLC configuration wizard in order to configure the WLC from scratch.
Instead of entering the username as admin, you enter it as adminn. In order to correct this, enter - (hyphen key) at
the next prompt, then click Enter. The system returns to the previous parameter.
(Cisco Controller)
Welcome to the Cisco Wizard Configuration Tool
Use the '-' character to backup
System Name [Cisco_e8:38:c0]: adminn
Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max): System Name [Cisco_e8:38:c0] (31 characters max):
Q. In accordance to RFC 1907 for Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the
SNMP location field should support a size from 1-255. However, I am unable to enter more
than 31 characters in the SNMP location field. Why?
A. This is due to Cisco bug ID CSCsh58468 ( registered customers only) . An user can enter only 31 characters.
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Q. With the Management via Wireless feature enabled on wireless LAN controllers (WLCs)
in a mobility group, I can only access one WLC from that mobility group, but not all. Why?
A. This is an expected behavior. When enabled, the Management via Wireless feature allows a wireless client to
reach or manage only the WLC to which its associated access point is registered. The client cannot manage other
WLCs, even though these WLCs are in same mobility groups. This is implemented for security, and recently was
tightened down to just the one WLC in order to limit exposure.
The Cisco WLAN Solution Management over Wireless feature allows Cisco WLAN Solution operators to monitor and
configure local WLCs using a wireless client. This feature is supported for all management tasks, except uploads to
and downloads from (transfers to and from) the WLC.
This can be enabled through the WLC CLI with the config network mgmt-via-wireless enable command.
On the GUI, click Management; from the left-hand side click Mgmt Via Wireless, and check the box Enable
Controller Management to be accessible from Wireless Clients.
Note: When you enable this option, you can expose the data. Ensure that you have enabled a proper authentication
and encryption scheme.
Q. Are there any basic requirements to maintain when I use the mobility anchor feature in
order to configure wireless LAN controllers (WLCs) for guest access?
A. These are the 2 basic requirements that need to be maintained when you use mobility anchor in order to configure
WLCs for guest access.
The mobility anchor of the local WLC must point to the anchor WLC, and the mobility anchor of the anchor WLC
must point only to itself.
Note: You can configure configure redundant anchor WLCs. Local WLC uses them in the order WLCs are
Make sure you configure the same security policy for the service set identifier (SSID) on both the local and anchor
WLCs. For example, if the SSID is "guest" and you turn on web authentication on the local WLC, make sure the
same SSID and security policy is also configured on the anchor WLC.
For the mobility anchor feature to work well, make sure that the anchor WLC and the local WLC use the same IOS
Q. What are some of the options that can be configured on a Cisco wireless LAN
controller (WLC) to improve its interoperability with non-Cisco devices?
A. The interoperability of a WLC can be improved through these options:
Proprietary features reduce the chance of interoperability between third party devices. These are the proprietary
features of Cisco:
Aironet IE - Aironet IE contains information, such as the access point name, load, number of associated clients,
and so on sent out by the access point in the beacon and probe responses of the WLAN. CCX clients use this
information to choose the best access point with which to associate.
MFP: Management Frame Protection is a feature introduced to protect the management frames, such as
de-authentication, disassociation, beacons, and probes wherein the access point adds a Message Integrity
Check Information Element (MIC IE) to each of the management frames. Any discrepancy in the MIC IE
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generates an alert.
These features are enabled by default for any WLAN that is created on the WLC. In order to disable these
features, click the WLANs menu in the WLC. A list of WLANs configured on the WLC displays. Click the WLAN to
which the client wants to associate. Under the Advanced Tab of WLANs > Edit page, uncheck the boxes that
correspond to Aironet IE and MFP.
Short PreambleA short preamble improves the throughput performance and is enabled by default. Certain
devices, such as SpectraLink Phones can work only with long preambles. In such cases, it helps in association to
uncheck short preambles. In order to disable the short preamble, click the Wireless menu of the WLC GUI. Then
click the 802.11b/g > network menu on the left-hand side. Uncheck the Short Preamble box.
Enable the broadcast service set identifier (SSID) on the WLANWith the broadcast SSID enabled, the
WLAN/SSID information is sent in the beacons. This also help the clients that perform passive scans (those that do
not transmit probe request), as well as clients configured without an SSID to associate with the WLC through this
Note: Make sure that you have strong authentication mechanisms in place since unintended clients can associate
to your wireless network.
Disable aggressive load balancing globally on the WLC.
Q. What is a Rogue AP? Can the rogue APs in my wireless network be automatically
A. APs that are not part of your wireless deployment are called rogue APs. It can be either an autonomous AP or
Lightweight AP that happens to be in the range of authorized APs. Rogue APs cannot be automatically blocked. This
must be done manually. The reason for this is that, when a rogue AP is found, the finding AP disassociates the clients
of the rogue AP, which causes denial of service to the clients. This can cause legal issues if the AP of the neighbor is
detected as a rogue, and its clients are denied service. For more information on how rogue APs are detected by the
WLC, refer to the document Rogue Detection under Unified Wireless Networks.
Q. What is the maximum number of rogue access points (APs) supported per WLC?
A. The 4400 Series wireless LAN controller supports up to 625 rogues, which includes acknowledged rogues, while
the 2100 Series supports 125 rogues.
Q. Can the wireless LAN controller (WLC) send email notifications to the administrator
when a critical event occurs?
A. The WLC does not send email, but it can send traps to the Network Management System (NMS) stations, such as
HP OpenView (HPOV). HPOV can perform things such as running scripts to send email on receipt of particular traps.
HPOV is a Hewlett Packard product range that consists of an extensive portfolio of network and systems
management products. HPOV is most commonly described as a suite of software applications which allow
large-scale system and network management of an organization's IT assets. HPOV includes hundreds of optional
modules from HP as well as thousands of third parties which connect within the well-defined framework and
communicate with one another.
Q. If the WLCs in the same mobility group are separated by Network Address Translation
(NAT) boundaries, can they communicate mobility messages with each other?
A. In controller software releases earlier than 4.2, mobility between controllers in the same Mobility Group does not
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work if one of the controllers is behind a network address translation (NAT) device. This behavior creates a problem
for the guest anchor feature where one controller is expected to be outside the firewall.
Mobility message payloads carry IP address information about the source controller. This IP address is validated with
the source IP address of the IP header. This behavior poses a problem when a NAT device is introduced in the
network because it changes the source IP address in the IP header. Hence, in the guest WLAN feature, any mobility
packet that is routed through a NAT device is dropped because of the IP address mismatch.
In controller software release 4.2 and later, the Mobility Group lookup is changed to use the MAC address of the
source controller. Because the source IP address is changed due to the mapping in the NAT device, the Mobility
Group database is searched before a reply is sent to get the IP address of the controller that makes the request. This
is done with the MAC address of the controller that makes the request.
Refer to Using Mobility Groups with NAT Devices for more information.
Q. The physical ports on the WLC are currently set to operate at 1000 mbps speed. Is it
possible to change this port speed to 100 mbps?
A. No, the port speed on the WLC cannot be changed. These are set at 1000 mbps, full duplex speed only.
Q. I have set the Radio Resource Management (RRM) to the default settings on my WLC.
However, I cannot find my RRM to automatically adjust the channel and power levels.
A. RRM possibly does not work for any of these reasons
The RRM works only if an AP hears RF signals from at least 3 nearby APs, with a third neighbor that transmits a
signal strength greater than -65dbm. If any of these condition fails, the RRM does not work.
The auto RRM feature includes channel adjustment, power adjustment, and coverage hole detection. These
features do not work if they are either disabled or the method of assignment is chosen as manual.
While a fresh AP boots up, it initially keeps power at the default value of 1 (highest). When it sees 3 or more APs with
power levels greater than -65 dBm (in the same RF-Mobility-Domain and same channel), it attempts RRM first
(change channels). If not successful because the channels are manually fixed or there are more APs than channels
available, the AP drops its power level.
Refer to Radio Resource Management: Concepts for more information on how RRM works.
Q. Does the wireless LAN controller (WLC) locally support EAP-PEAP authentication?
A. Through version 4.1, PEAP is not supported locally on the WLC. You need an external RADIUS server. With WLC
version 4.2 and later versions, local EAP now supports PEAPv0/MSCHAPv2 and PEAPv1/GTC authentication.
Q. Can we place the lightweight access point (LAP) under Network Address Translation
(NAT)? Does the Lightweight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP) from access point (AP) to
WLC work through NAT boundaries?
A. Yes, you can place the LAP under NAT. On the AP side, you can have any type of NAT configured, but, on the
WLC side, you can have only 1:1 (static NAT) configured. PAT cannot be configured on the WLC side because LAPs
cannot respond to WLCs if the ports are translated to ports other than 12222 or 12223, which are meant for data and
control messages.
Q. Can I place the Lightweight Access Point (LAP) under Network Address Translation
(NAT)? Does the IETF standard Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points
Protocol (CAPWAP) from access point (AP) to WLC work through NAT boundaries?
A. Yes, you can place the LAP under NAT. On the AP side, you can have any type of NAT configured.
But on the WLC side, you can have only 1:1 (Static NAT) configured and the external NAT IP address configured on
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dynamic AP management interface (only for Cisco 5500 Series Controllers). PAT cannot be configured on the WLC
side because LAPs cannot respond to WLCs if the ports are translated to ports other than 5246 or 5247, which are
meant for control and data messages.
Note: Select the Enable NAT Address check box and enter the external NAT IP address if you want to be able to
deploy your Cisco 5500 Series Controller behind a router or other gateway device that is using one-to-one mapping
network address translation (NAT). NAT allows a device, such as a router, to act as an agent between the Internet
(public) and a local network (private). In this case, it maps the controller's intranet IP addresses to a corresponding
external address. The controller's dynamic AP-manager interface must be configured with the external NAT IP
address so that the controller can send the correct IP address in the Discovery Response.
Note: With CAPWAP, WLC behind NAT is not supported with the 4400 series, 2100 series Wireless LAN Controllers
and the WiSM.
Alternatively, you can use this command in order to disable the 802.11b data rates:
config 802.11b rate {disabled | mandatory | supported} rate
Q. What is the procedure to upgrade the operating system (OS) software on a Cisco
A. Refer to the document Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) Software Upgrade to provide the procedure for a software
upgrade on your WLC.
Q. Can I upgrade the WLC from one major version to another directly?
A. You can upgrade or downgrade the WLC software only between two releases. In order to upgrade or downgrade
beyond two releases, you must first install an intermediate release. For example, if your WLC runs a 4.2 or 5.0
release, you can upgrade your WLC directly to Software Release If your WLC runs a 3.2, 4.0, or 4.1
release, you must upgrade your WLC to an intermediate release prior to the upgrade to to In order to know
the upgrade path for any WLC version, refer to the Release Notes of the corresponding release.
Q. What is Beamforming?
A. Beamforming (also called ClientLink) is a spatial-filtering mechanism used at a transmitter to improve the received
signal power or signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio at an intended receiver (client). Beamforming uses multiple transmit
antennas to focus transmissions in the direction of an 802.11a or 802.11g client, which increases the downlink SNR
and the data rate to the client, reduces coverage holes, and enhances overall system performance. Beamforming is
supported on Cisco Aironet 1140 and 1250 series access points and works with all existing 802.11a and 802.11g
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Troubleshoot FAQ
Q. We have finished our initial deployment of lightweight access points (LAPs). When our
clients move from one end of the building to the other, they stay associated with the AP to
which they were closest. The clients do not appear to be handed off to the next-closest
AP until the signal strength from the initial AP is completely depleted. why?
A. Coverage area of an AP is entirely controlled by the WLC. The WLC talks between its APs and manages their
signal strength on the basis of how each AP senses other APs. However the client movement from one AP to other is
entirely controlled by the client. The radio within the client determines when the client wants to move from one AP to
the other. No setting on the WLC, AP, or the rest of your network can influence client's decision to roam to a different
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Q. I changed the lightweight access point (LAP) mode of my 1030 access point (AP) from
Local to Bridge mode and the 2006 WLC no longer detects it. How can I restore the 1030
AP back to its Local AP mode?
A. In order to configure the bridge in Local Mode, complete these steps:
Go to the WLC GUI and choose Wireless. It displays the list of APs that are currently registered to the WLC. Click
on the AP for which you need to change the mode.
Note: Check if the AP supports REAP mode. This must be YES for indoor bridging APs.
Check the option AP mode. If it says Bridge, then change it back to Local. This changes the Bridge AP to Normal
For more information on how to configure the bridging mode, refer to Ethernet Bridging in Point-Point Wireless Mesh
Network Configuration Example.
Q. I have set up a guest Wireless LAN and the WLC is physically separated from my
internal LAN. I decided to use the internal DHCP feature of this WLC but my wireless
clients do not get IP addresses from the WLC. How do the wireless guest users get IP
addresses from the WLC when they are connected on a physically separate network?
Check if the DHCP scope is enabled on the WLC. In order to check this, click the Controller Menu and click
Internal DHCP server from the left-hand side.
Generally, the DHCP server is specified on the interface, which maps to the WLAN. Make sure that the
management interface address of the WLC is specified as the DHCP server on the interface that maps to the guest
user WLAN. Alternatively, you can enable the DHCP Server override option on the WLANs > Edit page and
specify the management interface address of the WLC in the DHCP server IP Addr field..
Q. I have a 4400 Series wireless LAN controller (WLC) and lightweight access points
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(LAPs) registered to the WLC. I have configured WLANs for the clients to connect on the
WLC. The problem is that the WLC does not broadcast the service set identifiers (SSIDs)
that I configured for the WLANs. Why?
A. The Admin Status and the Broadcast SSID parameters are disabled by default. Complete these steps in order to
enable Admin Status and Broadcast SSID:
Go to the WLC GUI and choose Controller > WLANs. The WLANs page appears. This page lists the WLANs that
are configured.
Select the WLAN for which you want to enable broadcasting of the SSID and click Edit.
In the WLAN > Edit page, check Admin Staus in order to enable the WLAN. Also, check Broadcast SSID in order
to ensure that the SSID is broadcast in the beacon messages sent by the AP.
Q. Does the Cisco Unified Wireless solution support redundant WLCs in the DMZ for
guest tunneling?
A. Yes, WLCs in the DMZ support redundant WLCs in the DMZ for guest tunneling. For more information on how to
configure redundant WLCs, refer to the Configuring Auto-Anchor Mobility section of the document Cisco Wireless
LAN Controller Configuration Guide, Release 5.1.
Q. Wireless LAN Clients associated with the lightweight access points are not able to get
IP addresses from the DHCP server. How do I proceed?
A. The DHCP server for a client is usually marked on the interface, which maps to the WLAN to which the client.
Check if the interface is configured appropriately. For more information on how to troubleshoot DHCP related issues,
refer to the IP Address Issues section of the document Troubleshooting Client Issues in the Cisco Unified Wireless
Q. Are there any documents that explain troubleshooting client connectivity issues in a
Cisco Unified wireless network?
A. For detailed information on troubleshooting client issues, refer to these documents.
Unified Wireless Network: Troubleshoot Client Issues
Understanding Debug Client on Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs)
Q. My 1131 lightweight access point (LAP) does not register with my 4402 wireless LAN
controller (WLC). What can be the possible reason for this?
A. One common reason is that the Lightweight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP) Transport Mode is configured on the
WLC. A 4402 WLC can operate in both Layer 2 and Layer 3 LWAPP mode. Whereas, an 1131 LAP can only operate
in Layer 3 mode. Layer 2 mode is not supported on the 1131 LAP. So, if the WLC is configured with the LWAPP
Transport Mode of Layer 2, then your LAP does not join the WLC. In order to overcome this problem, change the
LWAPP Transport Mode of the WLC from Layer 2 to Layer 3.
In order to change the LWAPP Transport Mode using the GUI, go to the WLC page and locate the second selection in
the main field which is LWAPP Transport Mode. Change this to Layer 3 and reboot the WLC. Now, your LAP is able
to register with the WLC. For more information on issues related to LAP registration, refer to the document
Troubleshoot a Lightweight Access Point Not Joining a Wireless LAN Controller.
Q. No traps are generated by the WLC for Ad-Hoc rogues and the SNMP debugs on the
WLC do not show any traps from the WLC for Ad-Hoc even though the WLC GUI reported
the Ad-Hoc rogues. The WLC runs firmware version Why does this happen?
A. This is due to Cisco bug ID CSCse14889 ( registered customers only) . The WLC consistently sends traps for
detected rogue access points (APs) but not for detected Ad-Hoc rogues. This bug is fixed in WLC firmware versions and later.
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Q. We have an enterprise Cisco Airespace WLAN infrastructure. WLAN clients are unable
to browse a Microsoft Active Directory (AD) domain. This issue is seen within one of our
buildings. Other buildings do not have the problem. We do not use any access control list
(ACL) internally. Also, when a failed client is hard-wired, they can immediately browse the
Microsoft AD domain. What could be the problem?
A. One of the reasons can be that multicast mode is disabled on the WLC. Enable multicast mode on the WLC and
check if you are able to access the Microsoft AD domain.
Q. Does Layer 3 mobility work with an access point (AP) Group VLAN configuration?
A. Yes, Layer 3 mobility works with an AP Group VLAN configuration. Currently, traffic sources from a Layer 3
roamed wireless client is put on the dynamic interface assigned on the WLAN or the interface of the AP Group
Q. Why are our access points (APs) that are registered to other WLCs that are in the same
RF group shown as rogues?
A. This can be due to Cisco bug ID CSCse87066 ( registered customers only) . LWAPP APs in the same RF group
are seen as rogue APs by another WLC for one of these reasons:
The AP sees more than 24 neighbors. The neighbor list size is 24, so the 25th AP is reported as a rogue.
AP1 can hear the client that communicates to AP2, but AP2 cannot be heard. Therefore, it cannot be validated as
a neighbor.
The workaround is to manually set the APs to known internal on the WLC and/or WCS. Complete these steps on the
WLC in order to manually set the APs to known internal:
Go to the WLC GUI and choose Wireless.
Click Rogue Aps in the left side menu.
From the Rogue-AP list, choose the specific access point and clickEdit.
From the Update Status menu, choose Known internal.
Click Apply. This bug is fixed in version
Q. I have a 1200 Lightweight Access Point (LAP) to be registered with my wireless LAN
controller (WLC). I have configured my DHCP server with option 43. How can I verify
whether DHCP option 43 is functioning properly?
A. With DHCP option 43, the DHCP server provides the IP address of the WLCs along with the IP address provided
through DHCP. This can be verified from the LAP if the AP is a Cisco IOS based Lightweight Access Point Protocol
(LWAPP) AP, such as the 1242 or 1131AG LAP. In these cases, issue the debug dhcp detail command on the AP
side in order to see if the AP successfully receives the option 43 information and what it receives.
Q. My 2006 WLC shows that different channels have been assigned to the registered
access points (APs). However, when I scan with Aironet Desktop Utility (ADU) or
Netstumbler, all the APs are in the same channel (1). What is the reason?
A. This problem occurs when these registered APs are in close proximity with each other. You might be hitting Cisco
bug ID CSCsg03420 ( registered customers only) .
Q. When I issue the ipconfig/all command at the command prompt of my PC, a different
DHCP server address shows. It shows as the DHCP server IP address. This is the
virtual interface IP address of the WLC and not the DHCP server address. Why is this
shown as the DHCP server?
A. This is because the virtual interface address acts as a DHCP proxy for the original DHCP server. If you
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want to see the original DHCP server address at the output of the ipconfig/all command, then disable the DHCP
proxy feature in the WLC to which the client is associated. This can be disabled with the config dhcp proxy disable
This command will replace the virtual interface address, which shows up itself as the DHCP server, with the
actual DHCP server IP address that you defined on the interface or in the override option of the WLAN.
Q. We have a couple of Access Control Servers (ACS) that authenticate the wireless
clients associated to wireless LAN controllers (WLCs). One ACS acts as a primary
authenticating server and the other as a failover server. If the primary server fails, the
WLC falls back to secondary for authenticating the wireless clients. Once the primary
server comes back up, the WLC does not fallback to the primary server. Why?
A. This is an expected behavior. These steps occur when a client is authenticated through the WLC in multiple ACS
Upon boot up, the WLC determines the active ACS.
When this active ACS does not respond to the RADIUS request from the WLC, the WLC searches and makes a
failover to the secondary ACS.
Even when the primary ACS comes back up, the WLC does not fall back to it until the ACS to which the WLC is
currently authenticating fails.
In such cases, reboot the WLC in order for the WLC to identify the primary ACS again and fallback to it. This fallback
does not occur immediately after reboot. It might take some time.
Q. I am not able to Secure Shell (SSH) into the wireless LAN controller (WLC) when I use
SecureCRT SSH v2 SH client software. My WLC runs version
A. SecureCRT works only with WLCs that run version or later. Upgrade your WLC to this version. Then,
you can use SecureCRT SH client in order to SSH into the WLC.
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Related Information
Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Modules
Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers Q&A
802.11 MAC Counters on WLC
Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide, Release 7.0
Wireless Support Page
Technical Support & Documentation - Cisco Systems
12/9/2015 7:24 PM