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Boiler Water Test

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Marine Engineering: Boiler Water Testing

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Boiler Water Testing

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Objectives of the Boiler Water Testing

1)To monitor the condition of the boiler water.
2)To control the chemical dosing of the boiler.
3)To maintain the boiler in healthy state, around any possible seawater contamination.
The first stage in the boiler water testing is to collect feed water sample from the boiler
concerned. The water sample collected from the boiler through connection would be
relatively clean and does not represent the true through connection would be relatively
clean and does not represent the true condition of the boiler water it considered as good
This is because hot sample particles is flushed off into a steam making that dissolved
solid in the sample higher and lots of volatile such as hydrazine will reduce the
concentration measure in the test program.
A representative water sample is required. Always take water sample from the same
place. Allow the water to flow from the sample cock before taking the sample for testing
to ensure the line is clear of sediments.
An ideal location in the boiler to draw sample is from the Salinometer Valve, after passing
thru a sample cooler making sure that the sample line is flushed through and sample
bottle rinse thoroughly. Let the water over flow from the sample bottle to prevent air being
trapped inside the bottle and keeping the bottle air tight for testing. Follow test
procedures recommended by Unitor Chemical Services Water quality Analyzer
Spectrapak 311. Take test sample for:
5.Total Hardness
The conductivity tests are sometimes recommended by some manufacturers.
Test for Alkalinity

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The Alkalinity Test is carried out in two stages:

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1)Phenolphthalein Alkalinity Test


November (4)

P- Alkalinity Test (CaCO3)

1.It gives the alkalinity of the sample due to Hydroxides and Carbonates.
2.It gives warning against high concentration of sodium hydroxides and subsequent
damage to the boiler from caustic embitterment.
1.Take a 200 ml water sample in the stopped bottle.

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Marine Engineering: Boiler Water Testing

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2.Add one P- Alkalinity tablet and shake or crush to disintegrate.

3.If P-Alkalinity is present the sample will turn blue.
4.Repeat the tablet addition, one at a time (giving time for the tablet to dissolve), until the
blue colors turns to permanently yellow.
5.Count the number of tablets used and carry out the following calculation:
P-Alkalinity, ppm CaCO3 = (Number of tablets x 20) 10
e.g. 12 Tablets = (12 x 20) 10 = 230 CaCO3
6.Record the result obtained on the log sheet provided, against the date on which the
test was taken.
7.Retain the sampler for the M-Alkalinity.
M-Alkalinity Test
1.It gives alkalinity due to bicarbonates, includes the bicarbonates formed during the
P-alkalinity test.
2.The result warns us against possible formation of carbonic acid inside the boiler as well
as in the steam condensate lines, due to high concentration of bicarbonates.
1.To the P-Alkalinity sample add one M. Alkalinity tablet and shake or crush to
2.Repeat tablet addition, one at a time (giving time for the tablet to dissolve), until the
sample turns to permanent red/pink.
3.Count the number of tablets used and carried out the following calculation: MAlkalinity, ppm CaCO3= (Number of P. & M. Tablets x 20) 10 e.g. If 12 P. 5 M. Alkalinity
tablets is used.
4.Record the result obtained on the log sheet provided, against the date on which the
test was taken.
PH Test
Solutions of which water forms a part, contain hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions, when
this are present in equal amounts the solution is said to neutral. When there is an excess
of hydrogen ions it is acid, and when an excess of hydroxyl ions it is alkaline. Keeping
the water in slightly alkaline condition reduces corrosion. The level of acidity or alkalinity
is usually express in terms of pH Value. This is basically a measure of the hydrogen ion
concentration in the solution; for convenience the very small values involved are express
in terms of the logarithms of their reciprocals.

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PH = Logarithm of the reciprocal of the Hydrogen Ion in the solution

It should be noted that as the reciprocal is being use, the pH value increases as the
actual hydrogen ion concentration decreases.
PH Value (Reciprocal or Hydrogen Ion) Test
7.5 14.0 for Boiler Water
6.5 10.0 for Condensate Water
1. To give warning on acidity or alkalinity of boiler water sample.
2. Result help to establish the dosage of boiler compound to fight against corrosion.
1.Take a 50 ml sample of the water to be tested in the plastic sample container provided.
2.Using the white 0.6 gram. Scoop provided, add one measure of the pH reagent to the
water sample, allow dissolving stirring if required.
3.Select the correct range of pH test strip and dip it into the water sample for one minute.
4.Withdraw the strip from the sample and compare the color obtained with the color scale
on the pH indicator strips container.
5.Record the pH value obtained on the log sheet provided, against the date on which the
test was taken.
Chloride ppm CI Test

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Marine Engineering: Boiler Water Testing

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1. Gives warning against any seawater contamination of the Boiler Feed System.
2. Help to establish an effective blow down control of the boiler.
The range of chloride to be tested determines the size of water sample used. The higher
the chloride level, the smaller the size of water sample used this saves tablets. E.g. for
Low Chloride Levels use 100 ml. water sample. For Higher Chloride Levels 50 ml water
1.Take the water sample in the stopper bottle provided.
2.Add one Chloride tablet and shake to disintegrate. Sample should turn yellow if
chlorides are present.
3.Repeat tablet addition, one at a time (giving time for the tablet to dissolve), until the
yellow color changes to permanent red/brown.
4.Count the number of tablets used and perform the following calculation:
For 100 ml Water Sample: Chloride ppm = (Number of tablets x 10) - 10 e.g 4 tablets =
(4 x 10) 10 = 30 ppm chloride
For 50 ml Water Sample: Chloride ppm = (Number of tablets x 20) - 20 e.g 4 tablets = (4
x 20) 20 = 60 ppm chloride
For small steps of ppm chloride use a larger sample.
For larger steps of ppm chloride use a smaller sample.
5.Record the pH value obtained on the log sheet provided, against the date on which the
test was taken.
Phosphate ppm Test (PO4)
1.It helps to maintain a phosphate reserve in the boiler to counter any possible
contamination of the boiler water by corrosive and scale forming salts. However, too
much phosphate in the boiler may also contribute to foaming and priming.
1.Take the comparator with the 10 ml cells provided.
2.Slide the phosphate disc into the comparator.
3.Filter the water sample into both cells up to the 10 ml mark.
4.Place one cell in the left hand compartment.
5.To the other cell add one Phosphate tablet, crush and mix until completely dissolved.
6.After 10 minutes place this cell into the right hand compartment of the comparator.
7.Hold the comparator towards a light.
8.Rotate the disc until a color match is obtained.
9.Record the result obtained on the log sheet provided, against the date on which the
test was taken.
Posted by Julius Maranga at 4:11 AM
Labels: Education

tisanjosh August 27, 2012 at 5:23 AM

Virtually any chemical may be found in water, but routine testing is commonly limited to a
few chemical elements of unique significance. Groundwater Testing

udanasri June 7, 2014 at 10:54 PM

thanks for sharing knowledge

21-Aug-16 10:41 PM

Marine Engineering: Boiler Water Testing

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ragul April 28, 2015 at 7:02 PM

excellent blog !!! helped a lot ... thanks to you dude !!!

sergio gracias July 2, 2015 at 12:21 AM

how to calculate phosphate ppm after rotating disc ?


VAIBHAV NAYAK May 10, 2016 at 6:35 AM

very very nice, purpose of treatment explained well!!


VAIBHAV NAYAK May 10, 2016 at 6:46 AM

very very nice, purpose of treatment explained well!!


david peter balson July 3, 2016 at 3:10 AM

What about reasons for the change in reading? so change of read of total dissolved
salts, phosphate reserve reducing, chlorides, and alkalinity increase

z58 August 6, 2016 at 12:14 AM

Good boiler water treatment information given.

If possible then add the possibility of change in readings.
Thank you

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21-Aug-16 10:41 PM

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