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Process Control and Instrumentation

Prof. A. K. Jana
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 2
Introduction to Process Control (contd.)
Today, we will continue our discussion with the example of distillation column.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:59)

Again I am drawing the schematic of the distillation column, this is the tower now, feed
is introduced in the feed tray. Feed flow rate is F, composition is z then, the operate
vapor lifts the top tray and then, that is condensed in the operate condenser. The
condense liquid is then accumulated in this reflux drum, this is the reflux drum, this is
condenser then, a part of this liquid is taken out as distillate, this is the top product with
flow rate D and composition x D.
Now, another part of this accumulated liquid is recycle back to the top tray, this is the top
tray so, this is the connection for the reflux rate and the bottom liquid which left the
bottom tray, this is bottom tray is reboiled in the reboiler, this is the reboiler. Then, the
produced vapor is recycled back just below the bottom tray and a part of the liquid is
withdrawn as bottoms, this is the bottom product which has the flow rate of B and
composition of x B.

We have discussed with this example and one control configuration we have drawn in
the last class, that control configuration was the feedback control configuration. That was
the feedback control configuration, in that feedback control configuration, we have
majored x D basically for this particular process, the controlled variable is x D and
corresponding manipulated variable is reflux rate, this is reflux rate. We are considering
only the single loop at the top, we are not presently the considering the bottom loop.
Now, in the feedback control configuration we have seen that, the controlled variable
which is x D was directly measured to manipulate the reflux rate. Today, we will
consider another control scheme that is, feed forward control scheme. First, we will
configure this feed forward control scheme for this distillation column, in this feed
forward control scheme, the disturbance is measured. Here, disturbance is the feed
composition as well as feed flow rate but, we are considering this is the majored variable.
Now, for measuring this feed composition, we need one composition analyzer, this is
composition analyzer, which is measuring basically the feed composition z. We are
assuming that, this composition analyzer output is exactly identical with the feed
composition. Then, this information z goes to the feed forward controller, this is the
block for feed forward control scheme then, these feed forward controller calculates the
control action based on this feed composition and this controller action is implemented
through this control valve.
For the feed forward control scheme, disturbance variable or load variable is measured
using one composition analyzer then, that measured feed composition information goes
to the feed forward controller. Then, the controller calculates the control action and that
control action is implemented through this control valve. So, the major difference
between the feedback control and feed forward control is, for the feedback control
scheme, we measured directly the controlled variable and for feed forward control
scheme, we measured the load variable or disturbance variable. There are many other
differences, which we will discuss in the subsequent classes, another control scheme we
will discuss next with this distillation example that is, inferential control scheme.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:07)

So, we will considers the same distillation column to discuss inferential control scheme,
this is a schematic of the same distillation column. Feed is introduced here then, the
operate vapor is condensed and condense liquid is accumulated in the reflux drum, a part
of that liquid is the recycled back to the top tray as reflux stream and a part of the liquid
is withdrawn as distillate. At the bottom section, we incorporate one reboiler, the
vapourised stream is introduced just below the bottom tray and at the bottom, the bottom
product is withdrawn.
Now, in this inferential control scheme, the x D which is controlled variable is not
directly measured, most composition analysis provide large delays in the response.
Secondly, it provides high investment and maintenance cost that is why, sometimes this
composition I mean, the product composition is not directly measured. In that case, we
search for the secondary measurements and then, using those secondary measurements,
we can infer that product composition, that is the purpose here.
So, to estimate x D ,we need to select the secondary variables for this particular example
suppose, this is first tray, this is second tray, this is third tray. So, the temperature of this
first tray is suppose T 1, this is T 2, this is T 3 it is quite easy to measure the temperature
compare to the composition measurement. So, we can say that, these three tray
temperatures we can consider as secondary measurements so, we will measure these
three temperatures using thermocouples.

Then here, we put one block for estimator, these three temperature after measurement,
the temperature information goes to this estimator, this estimator basically nothing but,
one algorithm which consists of some equations and correlations. These correlations
basically, calculate the x D based on the information of the major temperature. So, here,
some mathematical equations are included within this estimator and using those
equations, we can directly calculate based on this measured temperature information x D
Basically, this composition is inferred based on the measure temperatures then as usual,
this estimated composition x D goes to the controller and the controller calculates the
action and those control actions are implemented through this control valve. Since the
product composition, which is the controlled variable is inferred that is why, the
controller is called inferential controller. So, we can write that, the unmeasured output
basically is the function of secondary measurements.
Here, the unmeasured output is x D and the secondary measurements are three
temperatures T 1, T 2 and T 3. So, I have mentioned earlier that, why we prefer this
control scheme, inferential control scheme because, if we directly one to measure this
product composition in that case, we need composition analyser. And most composition
analysis provide large delays in the response, this is the first drawback, most product
composition analysers provide large delays in the response.
Second drawback is high investment and maintenance cost, this is the second drawback
for the use of composition analyser. So, this is all about the different controlled
configurations with the example of distillation column. In the next, we will discuss the
different hardware elements of a control system.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:43)

We will discuss different hardware of a control system, to discuss this topic it is better to
take one example. We will continue the heating tank system, to discuss this topic it is
better to consider one example and we will continue the heating tank system, which will
discussed in the first class. This is the heating tank system, feed is introduced with a flow
rate F i, temperature T i and product is withdrawn with a flow rate of F and temperature
Now, to heat the liquid in this tank, one steam stream is introduced with a flow rate
suppose, F suffix st and for this particular system, we have this control pair I mean,
controlled variable and manipulated variable pair, we want to maintain the temperature
through the manipulation of steam flow rate. Our control objective is to maintain the
temperature of this tank and that is why, this is our controlled variable, corresponding
manipulated variable is steam flow rate.
So, this is basically a close loop system I mean, this is the open loop system if we want
to make it close, we need to include the controlled scheme, this is open loop now, we
want to close it by introducing controlled scheme. So here, temperature is a controlled
variable so, we need to first measure the temperature by using one thermocouple. This is
a thermocouple then, this measured temperature T goes to the comparator, this is the

The measured temperature is compared with the desired temperature, this is positive, this
is negative, output of this comparator is the error signal. Then, this error signal goes to
the controller then, the controller calculates the control action and that control action is
implemented through this control valve. So, this is basically the close loop system now,
we will discuss what hardwares are involved in this close loop system so, first one is the
In this process, physical and chemical operations occur, this heating tank system is a
process, this is the first hardware involved in this close loop system. Second hardware is,
measuring instruments or sensors, this measuring instruments or sensors are used to
measure, these are used to measure first one is load variable. These sensors are used to
measure controlled variable and secondary output, third one is secondary output.
Although we have shown here, only the measurement of controlled variable but, we can
measure also the disturbance variable and secondary output by the use of the measuring
device or sensor. So, we will just discuss in brief what are the different measuring
devices used for different variables. So, we can write them in a table form, variable and
sensor used for measuring that variable like first variable is temperature say.
Temperature we can measure by the use of thermocouple, we can use thermocouple, we
can use resistance thermometer.
We can use thermocouple for measuring temperature, we can use resistance thermometer
but, mercury thermometer is not good because, the measurement cannot be transmitted
readily. Mercury thermometer is not good option because, the measurement signal
cannot be readily transmitted. Next we will consider another variable that is pressure,
pressure we can measure by the use of manometer, by the use of diaphragm element. For
measuring the pressure, we can use manometer, we can use diaphragm element.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:44)

Next, we can consider another variable that is a flow rate, flow rate we can measure by
the use of orifice meter, flow rate we can measure by the use of venturi so, these are two
measuring devices, which are extensively use for measuring the flow rate. Like, another
variable is liquid level, liquid level is measured by the use of differential pressure cell,
DP cell. Liquid level in the tank is measured by the use of differential pressure cell,
another one is composition, composition is measured by using chromatographic
Although we have started all these things in the instrumentation part in details but, just to
know, which devices can be use for different variables, we have just discussed in brief
so, our second hardware was the measuring instruments or sensors. Now, third hardware
is transducer now, measurement signal, measurements cannot be used for control until
they are converted to physical quantities. Physical quantities say for example voltage,
say for example current, say for example pneumatic signal.
So, measurements cannot be used for control until they are converted to physical
quantities, which are readily transmitted, these signals we can readily transmit. And this
is the purpose of the use of transducer basically, the transducer physically convert the
measurement signal to the physical quantities. Next one is transmission lines, this is use
to carry the measurement signal from sensor to the controller and from the controller to

the control valve. The transmission lines are used to carry the measurement signal from
sensor to controller and then, from controller to control valve.
If you see the schematic representation of the close loop system, I think you can clearly
understand this so, this is the usage of the transmission line. Now, measurements signal
is sometimes very weak, sometimes the measurement signal is very weak say for
example, in few milli volts. In that case, this transmission line is equipped with
amplifier, when the measurement signal is very weak in that case, the transmission line is
equipped with amplifier, this is the fourth hardware which is involved in the close loop
(Refer Slide Time: 25:45)

Now, fifth hardware is the controller, this is another hardware which receives
measurement signal from the sensor. The controller basically receives measurement
signal from sensor and then, it decides, what action should be taken based on the major
values. So, the controller basically receives the measurement signal from the measuring
device in the next step, the controller calculates the control action based on the measured
signal comparing with the desired value of that control variable.
Sixth hardware is the final control element now, for the case of controller I told, that the
controller basically calculates the control actions. Now, that control action is
implemented through the final control element so, the control action, which is calculated
and produced by the controller that is, physically implemented through this final control

element. Can you give any example of the final control element, yes first example is say,
control valve, another example is variable speed pump, variable speed compressor.
Why variable speed, if the speed is fixed then, that cannot be changed that is why,
variable speed pump and variable speed compressor. Now, next hardware element is a
recording device, this is used to visualize the plant behavior through the measurement
signals. If we used to visualize the plant behavior at different situations, we need one
recording device and that realization we can achieve through the measured values. And
for this purpose, we can use video display unit, which is usually accommodated in the
control room.
Video display unit can be used for this recording purpose, which is usually
accommodated in the control room. So, these are about the hardware elements for a
particular process so far we have discussed, the first topic that is, introduction to process
control. In the next, we will discuss the second topic that is, the mathematical modeling
and the use of mathematical modeling in process control.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:05)

So, we will start to discuss the second topic that is, mathematical modeling first we will
know in brief, what is the mathematical model. Suppose, we have one experimental
setup so, we will represent the experimental setup, we will use one block to represent the
experimental set up. Now, to this experimental setup, the input is introduced I mean,

input is introduced to the setup and if we run the setup, we get output this is a common
thing in our laboratory which happened.
So, what is basically the model, can we represent this experimental setup by some
mathematical equations or correlations we can? We can represent this mathematical
setup by some mathematical correlations or equation. So, suppose, some mathematics are
involved then, we are giving the same input to this block, we will get some output. Now,
this block is the representation of the model, we are just representing this experimental
setup by mathematical correlation.
Now, if these two outputs are close enough then, we can say that, this model is a good
model so, model is the mathematical representation of a process, intended to promote
understanding of the real system. A real system, we can represent by using some
mathematical equations and correlations so, this is the definition of model. And next, we
will discuss about, what is the use of this model, why we will develop the model, what is
the use of mathematical modeling in process control, that we will cover in the next.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:47)

So, use of the process model, first we can write to understand the process behavior
suppose, we have the model and we have the solution of this model, also we are giving
some input to this model, we can get the output only if, we have the solution otherwise,
we cannot get the output. We have develop the model structure for a particular process,

we are giving some input information to the model basically, the input information is
specified and then, if we solve the model then, we can get some output.
Now, suppose, the model initially is at steady state I mean, after start of we can reach at
steady state. Now, at steady state, we are giving some change in this disturbance variable
then, the process will shift from steady state to another state. Basically, if we change in
load variable, we will get some transient response and that transient response we can get
by performing this simulation of this model without performing experiment, is not it. So,
we can understand the process behavior by some change in load variable, to understand
the transient behavior without performing the experimental setup.
So, this is the first purpose of the model secondly, to train the operating personnel, the
model we can use for training purpose, without running the experimental setup or
without running the plant. Suppose, we have the model structure same thing which we
have drawn earlier, we have some input, we have output. Now, some situations can be
irritated using this model like, the feed is introduced to a particular process here, we are
directly using some value for the feed flow rate.
Now, suppose, the pump is not delivering the feed to the process what will happen,
suppose in the distillation column, we have some minimum reflux rate. If we consider
lower than that minimum reflux rate, what will happen so, these types of emergency
situations, we can irritate by the use of this model, without disturbing the process. Or
even some situations cannot be permitted to irritate in the real process so, to train the
operating personnel, we can also use the simulated model.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:05)

The next purpose is selection of control pairs, we have taken few examples and we have
discussed the controlled variable and manipulated variable pair. But, this controlled
variable and manipulated variable pairs, we can select by knowing the model of that
particular process. So, if we know the model of a particular process, we can determine
the pair between controlled variable and manipulated variable so, for this purpose also,
we need the process model.
Fourth purpose is, to develop the model based controller, you know most of the
advanced controllers are model based controller and the name clearly suggests that, the
controller which consists of or which includes the process model, those controllers are
basically model based controller. So, most of these advanced controllers, use the process
model so, in that sense we can say that, we need the process model for the development
of advanced controllers.
Fifth one is, optimize the process operating conditions, to determine the most profitable
operating condition, we need the process model and economic information. So, we need
process model and some economic information to determine the most profitable
operating condition. So, we need the process model, we need some economic
information to determine the most profitable operating condition. So, these are the issues,
for which we need the process model next, we will discuss the classification of process

(Refer Slide Time: 41:14)

There are different ways to classify the process model but here, we will discuss the
classification of process model based on, how they are obtained. There are three different
models I mean, we can classify in three different ways, three different models are there,
first one is theoretical model. The theoretical model is basically developed based on
principles of conservation, this is developed based on the principle of conservation.
So, first type of model that is, theoretical model and this model is develop principle of
conservation, I think you know the principle of conservation like, mass conservation,
energy conservation, momentum conservation. And another type of model that is
empirical model, this model is obtained by fitting experimental data, the second type of
model that is empirical model, this empirical model we can obtain by fitting
experimental data.
Basically, if we have the experimental setup, we have different sets of input output data
now, if we have the input output data by fitting those experimental data, we can
determine the coefficients. By that way, we can construct a model and that is the
empirical model. Third one is just the combination of these two, theoretical and
empirical model, that is called semi empirical model, sometimes this is also called hybrid

Semi empirical model is the combination of theoretical model and empirical model, semi
empirical model is the combination of these two. Next, we will discuss in brief, what are
the advantages and disadvantages of this models.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:45)

So, first is the theoretical model, which is developed based on the conservation principle
so, what is the advantage of this model. First advantage is, it provides physical insight
into process behavior, this is the first advantage. Second advantage is, it is applicable for
a wide range of conditions, this is the second advantage. Similarly, what are the
disadvantages, it is time consuming to develop so, it leads to be time consuming to
develop because, particularly for the complex systems, the theoretical model is too large.
So, in that sense we can say that, this is time consuming and another drawback is, some
model parameters are not readily available, some model parameters for example, reaction
rate coefficient, overall heat transfer coefficient, these are not readily available. In that
case, we have to follow the empirical technique so, these are basically, the two
drawbacks and two advantages of the theoretical model. Now, what about the empirical
model, I think we can say something for this empirical model, based on the discussion of
this theoretical model.
So, what is the advantage, it is easier to develop, this is the advantage because, if you
have the input output data set then, we can feed some correlations or equations using
those input output data set. So, for complex process, we do not have so many equations

like theoretical model so, this is only the advantage for this case. And what are the
disadvantages, this is applicable for a narrow range of conditions, this is applicable for a
limited range of conditions.
So, this is the advantage and this is the disadvantage for the empirical model similarly, I
think you can find, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the semi empirical
model. Now, for the process control, we have discussed earlier different variables I
mean, input variables, output variables then, input variables are again 2 types
manipulated variable and load variable, and output variables are 2 types majored output
and unmajored output. At this time, we will discuss another variable which is extensively
used in process control that is, state variable that we will discuss now.
(Refer Slide Time: 49:36)

State variable basically describes the natural state of a process now, there are basically 3
fundamental quantities. What are these quantities mass, energy and momentum, these are
three fundamental quantities. Now, these fundamental quantities are usually not directly
measured, these three fundamental quantities are not directly and conveniently measured.
And these three fundamental quantities are usually characterized by say, temperature, by
pressure, by composition, by flow rates, etcetera.
There are 3 fundamental quantities mass, energy and momentum, these three
fundamental quantities are not directly and conveniently measured and they are
characterized by these variables temperature, pressure, composition, flow rate and these

variables are called state variable because, they describe the natural state of the system.
So, these are called state variable and it arises naturally in the accumulation term, we will
discuss in the next, the conservation principle and there we will see that, the state
variables usually present within the accumulation term so, it arises in the accumulation
Within the accumulation term the state variable is present and since we have discussed
the state variable, in the next we will discuss state equations. These equations basically
derived by the application of conservation principle on the fundamental quantities to
relate the state variables with other variables are called state equations. The state
equations are derived by the application of conservation principle on the fundamental
quantities to related the state variables with other variables including other state variables
are called state equations.
These are about the state variable and state equations and how, we can see the state
variable within the state equation. I mean, first we will go for the development of state
equation then, we will see which one is the state variable within that state equation. Now,
for that purpose, we have to know the conservation principle.
(Refer Slide Time: 54:48)

The conservation principle, we can represent in general form like rate of accumulation
equals to rate of input minus rate of output plus rate of generation, this is the general
form of the conservation principle. Now, I told about the three fundamental quantities

mass, energy and momentum so, if we include here rate of mass accumulation equals to
rate of mass input minus rate of mass output, that is the conservation of mass.
For the case of conservation of mass, there is no existence of this rate of generation term
and for the energy conservation similarly, we can write rate of energy accumulation
equals to rate of energy input minus rate of energy output plus rate of energy generation.
So, this is about the conservation principle and the state equations, state variable, the
description on that I mean, by the derivation of the state equation, we will know which
one is the state variable, this thing we discuss in the next class.
Thank you.

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