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Iec 60034, 2004

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Rotating electrical machines Part 1: Rating and performance

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Genf, 2004-04-21, ed. 11
Standard no.: 60034-1:2004 (IEC), ICS 29.160.01 (BIS)
adopted by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), New Dehli, 2007-10

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Rotating Machinery Sectional Committee, ET 15


This Indian Standard (Part 1) which is identical with IEC 60034-1 : 2004 'Rotating electrical machines
- Part 1: R ating and performance' issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the R otating Machinery
Sectional Committee and approval of the Electrotechnical Division Council.
The text of IEC Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without
Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards.
Attention is particularly drawn to the following:

Wherever the words ' International Standard' appear referring to this standard, they should
be read as ' Indian Standard'.



(, ) has been used as a decimal mar ker , while in Indian Standards, the current
practice is to use a point(.) as the decimal marker.

In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which Indian
The corresponding Indian Standards, which are to be substituted in their

Standards also exist.

respective places, are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

Corresponding Indian Standard

Degree of

IEC 60034-5 : 2001 R otating electrical

IS 4691 : 1985 Degrees of protection


machines -Part 5: Degrees of protection



provided by the integral design of rotating

electrical machinery

International Standard








(first revision)



and direction of rotation

IS 4728 : 1975 Terminal markings and

direction of rotation for rotating electrical
machinery (first revision)

IEC 60034-8 : 2002 Rotating electrical

machines - Part 8: Terminal markings
IEC 60034-15 : 1995 Rotating electrical


machines - Part 15: Impulse voltage

withstand levels of rotating a.c. machines

withstand levels of rotating a.c. machines

with form-wound stator coils







with form-wound stator coils

IEC 60038: 2002 IEC Standard voltages



electrical installations including preferred




1988 Voltage bands

voltages and frequency

IEC 60060-1 : 1989 High-voltage test
techniques - Part 1: General definitions
and test requirements

IS 2071 (Part 1) : 1993 High-voltage test

techniques: Part 1 General definitions
and test requirements (second



IEC 60072 (all parts) Dimensions and

IS 8223 : 1999 Dimensions and output



series for rotating electrical machines







(first revision)

IEC 60279 : 1969 Measurement of the

IS 13107: 1991 G uide for measurement

winding resistance of an a.c. machine

of winding resistance of an ac machine

during operation at alternating voltage

during operation at alternating voltage



2001 Household


IS 302-1 (1979) Safety of household and

similar electrical appliances - Safety -


Part 1: General requirements

General requirements




(fifth revision)



IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

Indian Standard



This part of I EC 60034 is applicable to all rotati ng electrical m achi nes except those covered
by other I EC sta n dards, for exa m ple, IEC 60349.
Machi nes withi n the s cope of this stan dard m ay also be s u bject to s u persedi ng, m odifyi ng or
additional requirem ents i n other publ icati ons, for exa m pl e , I EC 60079, a n d I EC 60092.
NOTE If particular clauses of this standard are modified to meet special applications, for example machines
s ubj ect to radioactivity or machines for aerospace, all other clauses apply insofar as they are compatible.

2 Normative references
The foll owi ng referenced docum ents are i ndispensable for the a ppli cati on of this docu ment.
For dated references, o nly the editi o n cited a pplies. For u ndated references, the latest editio n
o f the referenced document (including any a m endments) applies.
I EC 60027- 1 , Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 1: General
I EC 60027-4, Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 4: Symbols for
quantities to be used for rotating electrical machines

I EC 60034-2, Rotating electrical machines - Part 2: Methods for determining losses and
efficiency of rotating electrical machinery from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)
I EC 60034-3, Rotating electrical machines - Part 3: Specific requirements for turbine-type
synchronous machines
I EC 60034-5, Rotating electrical machines - Part 5: Degrees of protection provided by the
integral design of rotating electrical machines (JP code)- Classification
I EC 60034-6, Rotating electrical machines -Part 6: Methods of cooling (IC code)
I EC 60034-8 , Rotating electrical machines - Part 8: Terminal markings and direction of

I EC 60034- 1 2, Rotating electrical machines - Part 12: Starting performance of single-speed

three-phase cage induction motors
IEC 60034-1 5 , Rotating electrical machines - Part 15: Impulse voltage withstand levels of
rotating a. c. machines with form-wound stator coils

IEC 60034- 1 7 , Rotating electrical machines -Part 17: Cage induction motors when fed from
converters - Application guide

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

I EC 60034- 1 8 (all parts). Rotating electrical machines.- Functional evaluation of insulating

I EC 60038, IEC standard voltages

I EC 60050(4 1 1 ): 1 996,




(lE V)

- Chapter

Rotating machines

4 1 1:

IEC 60060- 1 , High-voltage test techniques- Part 1: General definitions and test requirements
I EC 60072 ( al l parts ) , Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical machines
I EC 60204- 1 , Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General


I EC 60204- 1 1 , Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1 1:

R&(1uir&m&nts for HV &quipment for voltsges sbove 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. and not
fiX(;flffUiing 36 kV
IEC 60279, Measurement of the winding resistance of an a.c. machine during operation at
alternating voltage

I EC 60335-1, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General

I EC 6044 5, Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification
- Identification of equipment terminals and of terminations of certain designated conductors,
including general rules for an alphanumeric system
I EC 6097 1 , Semiconductor convertors. Identification code for convertor connections
I EC 6 1 293, Marking of electrical equipment with ratings related to electrical supply - Safety
I EC 6 1 986, Rotating electrical machines - Equivalent loading and super-position techniques
Indirect testing to determine temperature rise
I EC 62 1 1 4, Electrical insulation systems - Thermal classification
Cl SPR 1 1 , Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment
Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement

CI SPR 1 4 , Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric

tools and similar apparatus
CI SPR 1 6, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this docum ent, the defi nitions i n I EC 60050(4 1 1 ) a n d the followin g
definitions a pply.
For defi nitions concern i n g cooling a nd coolants , other than those in 3 . 1 7 to 3 .22, reference
should be m ade to IEC 60034-6.
For the purposes of this standard, the term 'agreement' means 'agreem ent between the
man ufacturer a n d purchaser'.
rated value

a qua ntity value assigned, generally by a man ufacturer, for a s pecified operatingflondition of
a m achi n e
[IEV 4 1 1 -5 1 -23]
NOTE The rated voltage or voltage range i the rtted voltage or voltage range between lines a t the terminals.
rati ng

the set of rated values and operati n g co nditions

[I EV 4 1 1 -5 1 -24]
rated output

the value ,of the output i ncluded in the rating


all the val ues of the el ectrical aqd m echanical quantities that signify th.e demand made on a
rotati n g machine by a n el ectrical circuit or a mechanism at a given i nstant

[IEV 4 1 1 - 5 1 -0 1 )
no-load (operation)

the state of a m achine rotati ng with zero output power ( but u nder otherwise norm al operatin g
con diti ons)
[IEV 4 1 1 -5 1 -02 , m odifi ed]

full load

the load which ca uses a machine to operate at its rati ng

[IEV 4 1 1 -5 1 - 1 0]
full load val u e

a quantity v a l u e for a machine ope rati ng at full load

[IEV 4 1 1 -5 1 - 1 1 ]
NOTE This concept applies to power, torque, current, speed, etc.

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

d e-energiz ed and rest

the complete absence of all m ovement and of all electrical s u pply or m echanical drive
[IEV 4 1 1 - 5 1 -03]

d uty

the statem ent of the load(s) to which the machine is s u bjected, including, if applicable,
sta rti n g, electric b raking, no-load and rest and de-energized periods, and i ncluding thei r
durations and sequence i n ti m e
[I EV 4 1 1 -5 1 -06]

d uty type

a conti nuous, short-time or periodic duty, com prising one or m ore loads rem ai ni n g constant
for the duratio n s pecified, or a non-peri9dic duty in which generally load and speed vary
within the pe rm iss ib le operating range
[IEV 411 -5 1 - 1 3]


cyclic duration factor

the ratio between the period of loadi n g , i ncluding starti ng and electric braking, and the
du ration of the duty cycle, expressed as a percentage
(IEV 4 1 1 -5 1 -09]
locked -rotor torq u e

the smallest m easured torque the m otor develops at its s haft and with the rotor l ocked, over
all its angular positi ons at rated voltage and frequency
[IEV 4 1 1 -4806]
locked rotor cu rrent

the greatest steady-state r . m .s . cu rrent taken from the l i n e with the m otor held at rest, over all
angular positions of its rotor, at rated voltage and frequency
{IEV 4 1 1 -48- 1 6]
pull- u p torque (of an a.c. motor)

the small est steady-state asynchronous torque which the m otor devel ops between zero s peed
and the speed which corresponds to the breakdown torque, when the m otor is s u ppl ied at the
rated voltage and frequency
This definition does not apply to those asynchro nous m otors of which the torque conti nually
decreases with increase in s peed.

NOTE In addition to the steady-state asynchronous torques, harmonic synchronous torques, which are a function
of rotor load angle, will be present at specific speeds.
At such speeds, the accelerating torque may be negative for some rotor load angles.
Experience and calculation show this to be an unstable operating condition ar1d therefore harmonic synchronous
torques do not prevent motor acceleration and are excluded from this definition.

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

breakd own torque (of an a.c. motor)

the maxi m u m steady-state asynchron ous torq ue which the m otor dev elops without an abrupt
drop i n s peed, when the m otor is su pplied at the rated voltage a nd frequency
This defi nition does n ot a pply to m otors with torques that contin ually decrease with i ncrease
in speed .

pul l-out torqu e (of a sync h ronous motor)

the max i m u m torque which the synchronous motor develops at synchronous speed with rated
voltage, frequency a n d fi eld cu rrent

coo li n g

a procedure b y m e a n s of w h i c h heat resulti ng from losses occurring i n a m achi n e is given u p

t o a pri m a ry coolant, which m ay b e conti n u o usly replaced o r may itself b e cooled b y a
seconda ry coolant i n a h eat ex changer
[IEV 4 11-44-0 1 ]

a medi u m . liquid or gas. by


of which heat is transferred

[I EV 411-44-02]
pr imary coolant.

a mediu m , liquid or gas, wh ich, being at a lower tem perature than a part of a machine and i n
contact with it, rem oves heat f r o m that part
[IEV 4 1 1 -44-03]

second ary coolant

a m edi u m , liquid or gas, whi ch , bei n g at a l ower tem perature than the pri m a ry coolant,
removes the heat given up by this primary coolant by m eans of a h eat excha nger or th rough
the exter nal surface of the mach i n e
[IEV 4 1 1 -44-04]


d i rect cooled (i n ne r cooled ) wind l ng 1

a wi nding m ai nly cooled by cool ant flowi ng i n direct contact with the cool ed part through
hollow conductors, tubes, ducts or chan nels which, regardless of their orie ntation , form an
i ntegral part of the wi n di n g i nside the main insulation
[IEV 4 1 1 -44-08]

i nd i rect cooled wind l n g1

a ny wi n di n g other than a di rect cooled winding

[IEV 4 1 1 -44-09]

1> In

all cases when 'indirect' or 'direct' Is not stated, a n indirect cooled winding is implied.

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

supplementary I nsu lati o n

an i ndependent i nsulation a pplied i n addition t o t h e main insulation i n order t o ensure

protection agai nst e lectric shock i n the event of failure of the m a i n i ns u l ation

moment of i nerti a

the s u m (integral) of the products of the m ass elements of a body a n d the squares of their
distances (radii) from a given axis

thermal equili b ri u m

the state reached when t h e tem perature rises of the several parts of t h e machine do not v ary
by m ore than a gradi ent of 2 K per hour
(I EV 4 1 1 -5 1 -08]
NOTE Thermal equilibrium may be determined from the time-temperature ris.e plot when the straight lines
between points at the beginning and end qf tw9 uenive ron9nable intorviillli eiilc;h have a griildient Qf lelili than
2 K per hour.
thermal eq uivalent ti m e con stant



consta nt,



in dividual

ti me



dete rmi nes

approxi mately the temper ature course in a wi ndi n g after a step-wise curre nt ch a n ge

encapsulated wind i n g

a wi nding which i s completely encl osed o r seale. d b y m oulded insulation

(I EV 4 1 1 -39-06]

rated form factor of d irect cu rrent supplied to a d .c. motor armature from a static power

the ratio of the r. m .s . m axi m u m permissible value of the current Irms 'maxN to. its aver age valu e
lavN ( mean value i ntegrated over one period) at rated con ditions:

Irms, maxN
l avN

cu rrent ripple factor

the ratio of the difference between the m axi m u m value Imax and the m i n i m u m value Imin of a n
u ndulating cu rrent t o two ti m es the average value I1v ( m ean v al ue i ntegrated over one


lmax - Imin

NOTE For small values of current ripple, the ripple factor may be approximated by the following expression:

The a bove expressi o n m ay be used as an a pproxi mati on if the resulti ng calcul ated value of q i
is equal to or less t h a n 0 , 4 .

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


the permitted devi ati on between the declared value of a qua ntity a n d the m easured v a l ue

type test

a test of one or m ore m achines made to a certa i n design to s h ow that the design meets
certain specifications
[IEV 4 1 1 -5 3-0 1 ]
NOTE The type test may also be considered valid if it is made on a machine which has minor deviations of rating
or other characteristics. These deviations should be subject to agreement.

routi n e test

a test to which each i ndividual machine is s u bjected duri n g or after m a nufacture to ascertain
whether it complies with certain criteria
[I EV 4 1 1 -53-02]

4 Duty

Declaration of d uty

lt is the respo nsibility of the p u rchaser to decl are the duty. The p u rchaser m ay describe the
duty by one of the followi n :
a) num eri cally, whe re the load does not vary or where it varies i n a known m an n er;
b) as a ti m e seque nce graph of the vari able quantities;
c) by sel ecti n g one of the duty types S1 to 51 0 that is no less o n erous t h a n the expected
The duty type shall be designated by the appropriate a bbrevi ation, s pecifi e d in 4 . 2 , written
after the value of the load.
An expression for the cyclic d uration factor is given i n the relevant duty type figure.
The purchaser normally ca n n ot provide val ues for the mom ent of i ne rti a of the m otor (JM) or
the relative therm al l ife expectancy (TL), see Annex A These val ues a re provided by the
man ufacturer.
Where the pu rchaser does n ot decl are a duty, the man ufacturer sh;!! l l ass u m e that d uty type
S 1 (co nti n uo us r u n n i n g d uty) a ppli es.

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


D ut y types
D uty type 51 - Conti n uous r u n ning d uty

O peration at a constant load m a i ntai ned for suffi cient ti me to allow the m achine to reach
thermal equil i bri u m , see Figure 1 .
The a p pro priate a bb reviati on is S 1 .




-- ..
--------I ---------------....



electrical losses
maximum temperature attained
Fig u re 1 - Conti n uous r u n ni n g d uty - D uty type 51

ISIIEC 60034-1 : 2004


D uty type 52- S hort-ti me d uty

O peration at constant load for a given time, less than that required to reach thermal
equilibrium , followed by a time de-energized and at rest of s ufficient d uration to re-establish
m achine tem peratures within 2 K of the cool a nt tem perature, see Figure 2 .
The a ppropriate a bbreviation is S2 , followed by a n indication of the duration of th e duty,
Exam ple: S2 60 min.











electrical losses
maximum temperature attained
operation time at constant load
Fig u re 2 - Short-ti m e d uty - Duty type 52

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


D uty type S3 - I nterm ittent period ic d uty 2

A sequence of identical duty cycles, each incl uding a time of operation at constant l oad and a

ti m e de-energized a n d at rest, see Figure 3. I n this duty, the cycle is such that the starti ng
current does not significantly affect the tem perature rise.
The a p pro priate a b breviati on is S3 , followed by the cyclic duration factor.
Exam ple: S3









--- ------1





electrical losses
maximum temperature attained
time of one load cycle
operation time at constant load
time de-energized and at rest
Cyclic duration factor= 11tp/Tc
F i g u re 3 - I nterm ittent period ic d uty- D uty type S3

2) Periodic. duty implies that thermal equilibrium is not reached during the time on load.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

4.2. 4

D uty type 8 4 - I nter m i ttent period ic d uty with sta rting 2

A sequence of identical duty cycles, each cycle including a significant starting time, a time of
operation at constant load and a time de-energized and at rest, see Figure 4.
The appropriate abbreviation i s 84, followed b y the cyclic duration factor, the moment of
inertia of the motor (JM ) and the moment of inertia of the load (Jext l both referred to the motor
Example: 84 25% JM

0,1 5 kg



0 , 7 kg









: ...


















------------- --I





electrical losses
maximum temperature attained

Cyclic duration factor


(Mo + l'itp)ITc

time of one load cycle
starting/accelerating time
operation time at constant load
time de-energized and at rest

Fi g u r e 4 - I n termittent period ic d uty with star ti ng - D uty type 8 4

2 Periodic duty implies that thermal equilibrium is not reached during the time on load.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


D uty type S5 - Intermittent period i c d uty with e lectric braki n g 2

A sequence of identical duty cycles, each cycle consisting of a starting time, a time of
operation at constant load, a time of electric braking and a time de-energized and at rest, see
Figure 5.
The appropriate abbreviation is S5, followed by the cyclic duration factor, the moment of inertia of
the motor (JM ) and the moment of inertia of the load (Jext) , both referred to the motor shaft.
Example: S5 25% JM

0,15 kg



0,7 kg x m2








lI : AIF
:I Alp I







electrical losses
maximum temperature attained
Cyclic duration factor (!!10 + Mp +

time of one load cycle

starting/accelerating time
operation time at constant load
time of electric braking
time de-energized and at rest



Figure 5 - I ntermittent period ic d uty with electric braki ng - D uty type S5

2 Periodic duty implies that thermal equilibrium is not reached during the time on load.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


D uty type 56

C o n ti n u o us-operation period ic d uty 2

A sequence of identical duty cycles, each cycle consisting of a time of operation at constant
load and a time of operation at no-load. There is no time de-energized and at rest, see
Figure 6.
The appropriate abbreviation is 86, followed by the cyclic duration factor.
Example: S6 4 0%


j: =!




I ---------I





electrical losses
tem perature
maximum tem perature attained

Cyclic duration factor



time of one load cycle
operation time at constant load
operation time at no-load

Fi g u re 6 - Conti n uous operati on peri od ic d uty - Duty type 56

2 Periodic duty implies that thermal equilibrium is not reached during the time on load.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


Duty type 57 - Continuous-operation period ic d uty w ith electric braking 2

A sequence of identical duty cycles, each cycle consisting of a starting time, a time of
operation at constant load and a time of electric braking. There is no time de-energized and at
rest, see Figure 7.
The appropriate abbreviation is 87, followed by the moment of inertia of the motor (JM ) and
the moment of inertia of the load (Jext l both referred to the motor shaft.
Example: 87 JM

0 , 4 kg


7,5 kg















time of one load cycle
starting/accelerating time
operation time at constant load
time of electric braking

electrical losses
maximum temperature attained
Cyclic duration factor 1

F ig u re 7 - C o n ti n uous operation period ic d uty with electric braking - D uty type 57

2 Periodic duty implies that thermal equilibrium is not reached during the time on load.




IS/IEC 60034-,1 : 2004

D uty type SS - Conti n uous-ope ration period ic d uty with related load / s peed
changes 2

A sequ ence of identical duty cycles, each cycle consisting of a tim e of o peration at constant
load corres pon d i n g to a predetermined s peed of rotation, followed by one or m ore times of
operation at other constant loads corresponding to different s peeds of rotation (carried out, for
exam ple, by m eans of a change in the n u m ber of poles in the case of i nducti on m otors).
There is no ti m e de-e nergized and at rest (see Figure 8).

The appropri ate abbreviatio n is SB, followed by the m o m ent of inertia of the m otor (JM) and
the m oment of inertia of the load {Jext). both referred to the m otor shaft, together with the
load, speed and cyclic d u ration factor for each s peed condition.
Ex am ple:


0,5 kg



6 kg


16 kW
40 kW
25 kW

740 min-1
1 460 m i n- 1

2 Periodic duty implies that thermal equilibrium is not reached during the time o n load.


980 m i n-1


IS/IEC 60034-1







: Llrp3 :







time of one load cycle
electrical losses
starting/accelerating ti me
operation time at constant load (P1 , P2, P3)
maximum temperature attained
time of electric braking (F1, F2)
Cyclic duration factor= (Ar0 +6tp1)/Tc: (61F1 +Mp2)/Tc: (MF2 +6tp3)/Tc
Fi g u re 8 - Conti n uous operation peri od i c d uty wit h related
load /speed changes - Duty type SS


-IS/IEC 60034-1


D uty type 59 - Duty wi th non -per iod i c load and speed variati o n s

A duty i n which generally load and s peed vary non-periodically within tl\e permia.ible
operati n g range . . This duty i ncludes frequ ently a ppl ied overloads that may greatly exceed the
reference load (see Figure 9).

The appropriate abbreviation is S9.

For this duty ty pe , a constant load appropriately selected and based o n d uty type S1 is taken
as the refe rence value ("Pret" in Figure 9) for the overload concept.




,I------Ir ---- I ------- I -----







reference load
electrical losses
maximum temperature attained




starting/accelerating time
operation time at constant load
time of electric braking
time de-energized and at rest
time under overload

Fi g u r e 9 - D uty with non-peri od i c load and speed variati o n s - D uty type 59


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


Duty t y pe 510 - Dut y wit h discrete constant loads a n d speeds

A duty consisti n g of a s pecific n u m ber of discrete values of load (or equivalent loading) and if
applicable, s peed, each load/speed com bination being maintai ned for s uffi cient ti me to allow
the machine to reach thermal equilibri u m , see Figure 1 0. The m i n i m u m load within a duty
cycle m ay have the val u e zero ( no-load or de-energized and at rest).

The a ppropriate abbreviati on is S1 0, followed by the per u nit quantities p/11t for the res pective
load and its duratio n a nd the per u n it quantity TL for the relative thermal life expectancy of the
i nsulati on syste m . The reference val ue for the therm al life expectancy is the thermal life
expectancy at rati n g for conti n uous r unning duty and permissible l i m its of tem perature rise
based on duty type S 1 . For a tim e de-energized and at rest, the load shall be i n dicated by the
letter r.
Exam ple: S 1 0plllt

1 , 1 /0,4; 1 /0 , 3 ; 0, 9/0,2; r/0 , 1



The v a l ue of TL should be rounded off to the nearest multiple of 0,05. Advice concerni ng the
ignifieanee of this parameter and the derivation of its value is given in a nnex A.
For this duty type a constant load appropriately selected and based on duty type S1 shall be
taken as the refere nce value ( 'Pref' in Figure 1 0) for the discrete loads.
NOTE The discrete values of load will usually be equivalent loading based on integration over a period of time. lt
not necessary that each load cycle be exactly the same, only that each load within a cycle be maintained for
sufficient time for thermal equilibrium to be reached, and that each load cycle be capable of being integrated to
give the same relative thermal life expectancy.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004 p

P ref


- - ----r--,
- =:":1
- --












constant load within a load cycle


time of a constant load within a cycle



reference load based on duty type S 1


time of one load cycle


electrical losses


difference between the temperature rise of the

'.'finding at each of the various loads within one
cycle and the temperature rise based on duty
cycle S1 with reference load




temperature at reference load based on duty

type S 1
Fi g u re 10 - Duty wi th di screte constant loads - Duty type 810


tsnec &0034-1 : 2oo4

5 Rating

Ass i g n m ent of rating

The rati ng, as defi ned in 3 . 2, shall be assigned by the man ufacturer. I n assi g n i n g the rati ng
the man ufactu rer shall select one of the classes of ratin g defi n ed i n 5. 2 . 1 to 5.2.6. The
desi gnation of the class of rati ng shall be writte n after the rated output. If no desig nation is
stated, rating for conti nu ous running d uty applies.
When accessory com ponents (such as reactors, capacitors, etc. ) a re connecte d . by the
manufacturer as part of the machine, the . rated values shall refer to the su pply term inals of
the whole arrangement.
NOTE This does not apply to power transformers connected between the machine and the supply.
S pecial considerations are required when assigning rati ngs to m ach i n es fed from or s upplyi ng
atltic converters. IEC 60034-17 gives guidance for the case of cage i nducti on motors covered
in IEC 60034-12.


tit r.tlftg

Rati n g for contin u ou s r u n n i n g d uty

A rating at which th maehine may be operated

the requirements of this standard .

fo r


unlimited period, while com plyi n g with

This class of rati ng corresponds to duty type 51 and is designated as for the duty type 51 .

Rating for short-time d uty

A rati ng at which the machine m ay be operated for a limited period, starting at a m bient

tem peratu re, while com plying with the requirements of this standard.

This class of rati ng corresponds to duty type 52 a n d is designated as for the duty type 52.

Rating for period ic d uty

A rati n g at which the m a ch i n e may be operated on d uty cycles, while com plying with the

requirem ents of this sta ndard.

This class of ratin g corresponds to one of the periodic duty types 53 to 58 and is designated
as for the correspondi n g duty type.
Unless otherwise s pecified, the duration of a duty cycle shall be 1 0 m in and the cyclic
duration factor shall be one of the followi n g values:
1 5 % , 25 %, 40 %, 60 %.

Rating for non-period ic d uty

A rati n g at which the machine m ay be o perated non-periodically while com plyi n g with the

requirem ents of this sta ndard.

This class of rati n g corresponds to the non-periodic duty type 59 and is designated as for the
duty type 59.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


Rating for d uty with d iscrete constant loads and speeds

A rating at which the machine may be operated with the associated loads and s peeds of duty
type 810 for an u n l i m ited period of ti me whi le complyi n g with the requi rements of this
sta ndard. The m axi m u m permissible load within one cycle shall take into consideration all
parts ,of the m achine, for ex am ple, the i nsulation system regarding the validity of the
expon ential law for the relative thermal life expectancy, bea ri n gs with respect to tem perature,
other parts with respect to therma, l ex pansi on. Unless s pecified in other relevant I EC
standards, the m axi m u m lo a d shall not exceed 1,15 times the value of the l oad based on duty
type 51. The m i n i m u m load m ay have the value zero, the m a c h i n e o perati ng at no-load or
bei ng de-energized and at rest. Consi derations for the applicati o n of this class of rati ng a re
given in an nex A.

This class of rating corres ponds to the duty type 810 and is designated as for the duty type

NOTE O ther relevant IEC standards may specify the maximum load
temperature rise) instead of per unit load based on duty type 51 .


in terms of limiting winding temperature (or

R ati ng for equival ent loadi ng

A rati ng, for test purposes, at which the m achine may be operated at constant load u ntil
thermal equilibrium is reached and which results i n the sam e stator wi n di ng tem perature rise
as the average temperature rise during one load cycle of the s pecified duty type .

NOTE The determination of an equivalent rating should take account of the varying load, speed and cooling of the
duty cycle.
This cl ass of rating, if a pplied, is designated 'equ'.

Selection of a class of rating

A machine m a n ufactured for general pu rpose shall h ave a rati ng for conti n u o us running duty
and be ca pable of performing d uty type 81.

If the duty has not been s pecified by the purchaser, duty type 81 applies and the rati ng
assigned shall be a rati ng for continuous running duty.
When a machi n e is i ntended to have a rati ng for short-tim e duty, the rati n g shall be based o n
duty type 82, see 4.2.2.
When a m achine is i ntended to supply varyi ng loads or' loads i ncluding a time of no-load or
tim es where the m achine will be i n a state of de-energized and at rest, the rati ng shall be a
rati ng for periodic duty based on a duty type selected from duty types 83 to 88, see 4.2.3
to 4.2.8.
When a machine is i ntended non-periodically to supply varia bl e l oads at vari a ble spee ds,
i ncl uding overloads, the rati n g shall be a rati ng for non-periodic d uty based on duty type 89,
see 4.2.9.
When a machine is i ntended to su pply discrete constant l oads i ncl uding ti m es of overload or
times of no-load (or de-energized and at rest) the ratin g shall be a ratin g with discrete
constant loads based on duty type 810, see 4.2.1 0.


18/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


Al location of outputs to class of rating

In the determi nation of the rati ng:

For duty types S1 to S8, the s pecified val ue(s) of the constant load(s) shall be the rated
output(s), see 4.2.1 to 4.2.8.
For duty types S9 and S10, the reference value of the load based on duty type S1 shall be
taken as the rated output; see 4.2.9 and 4.2.1 0.

Rated output
DC generators

The rated o utput is the o utput at the termi nals and shall be expresse d in watts (W) .

AC generators

rated ou tpu t is the a pparent power at the term i nals and shall be expressed in volt
am peres (VA) together with the power factor.


The rated power factor fo r syn chronous generators shall be 0,8 lagging (over-excited), unless
othe rwise specified by the purch aser.



The rated output is the m echanical power available at the sh aft and shall be expressed i n
watts (W) .
NOTE l t i s the practice i n some countries for the mechanical power available at the shafts of motors to be
expressed in horsepower (1 h.p. is equivalent to 745,7 W; 1 eh (cheval or me'tric horsepower) is equivalent to
736 W).
5.5. 4

Synchronous con den sers

The rated o utput is the reactive power at the terminals and shall be expressed in volt-amperes
reactive (var) in leadi n g ( u nder-excited) and lagging (over-excited) conditions.

R ated voltage
D C generators

For d . c. generators i ntended to operate over a relatively s m a l l range of volta ge, the rated
output and c urrent shall a pply at the highest voltage of the range, unless otherwise specified,
see also 7 . 3 .

AC generators

For a . c . generators i ntended to operate ov er a relatively s m al l range of voltage, the rated

output and power factor s hall apply at any voltage within the range, u nless otherwise
specified, see also 7 . 3 .

Co- ord i n ation of voltages and outputs

lt is n ot practical to build machines of all rati ngs for all rated voltages. In general, for a.c.
m achi nes, based on desi gn and manufacturing considerations, preferred volta ge ratings
above 1 kV in terms of rated o utput are as shown in Tabl e 1.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

T able 1

P referred v oltage ratings

Rated voltage

Minim um rated output

1,0<U N 3,0




kW (or kVA)

3,0<UN 6,0


6,0<U N,;;11,0


11,0<UN :S15,(!)

2 500

M ac h i n es with more than one rat i ng

For m a chines with m ore than one rati ng, the machine shall comply with this standard in all
respects at each rating.
F o r multi-speed motors, a

rating ehall be assigned for each speed.

When a rated q uantity (output, voltage, s peed, etc. ) m ay assume several values or vary
conti n uously within two lim its, the rating shall be stated at these val ues or li mits. This
provision does not apply to voltage and frequency v ariations d u ring operation as defined in
7.3 or to star-delta connections intended for starting.

6 Site operating conditions


G en e ra l

Unless otherwise s pecified, m achines shall b e s u itable for the fol lowing site o peration
conditions. For site operating conditions deviating from those v a l u es, corrections are given in
Cla use 8.


The altitude shall not exceed 1 000 m a bove sea-l evel .


M ax im u m a m bient a i r temperature

The am bient air tem perature shall not exceed 40 c.


M in i m u m a m bient a i r temperature

The am bient air tem perature shall not be less than -15 c for any m achine.
The am bient air tem perature shall be not less than 0 c for a m achine with any of .t he
a) rated output greater than 3 300 kW (or kVA) per
b) rated output l es s than 600 W (or VA);
c) a comm utator;
d) a sleeve bearing;
e) water as a prim ary or secondary coolant.


1 000 m in-1;

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


Water coolant temperature

The water cool a nt tem peratu re at the inlet to a m achine or h eat exchanger, or the a m bient
water (in the case of s u bmersible machines with surface cooling or machines with water
jacket cool i ng) shall not exceed +25 c nor be l ess than +5 c.

Storage and tra n s port

When tem peratures l ower than specified in 6.4 are expected during trans portation, storage, or
after installation,. the purchaser shall inform the manufacturer and s pecify the expected
mini m u m tem perature.

P u ri ty of hyd rogen coolant

Hydrogen cooled m achi nes shall be capable of operating at rated output under rated
conditio ns with a coolant containing not less than 95 % hydrogen by volume.
NOTE For safety reasons, the hydrogen content should at all times be maintained at 9 0 % or more, it being
assumed that the other g1u1 in tho mixt11re io olr,

For calculating efficiency in accordanc.e with I EC 60034-2, the standard composition of the
gaseous mixture shall be 98 % hydrogen and 2 % air by volume, at the specified values of
press ure and tem perature of the re-cooled gas, u n less otherwise agreed. Wi ndage losses
shal l be calculated at the corresponding density.

7 Electrical operating conditions


Electri ca l s u p_ ply

For three-phase a . c. machi nes, 50Hz o r 60 Hz, i ntended to be d irectly connected to

distribution or utilisation systems, the rated voltages shall be derived from the nominal
voltages giv en in IEC 60038.
NOTE For large high-voltag e a.c. machines, the voltages may be selected for optimum performance.
For a . c . motors s u pplied from static conve rters these restrictions on voltage, frequency and
waveform do n ot a pply. I n this case, the rated voltages shall be selected by a greement.

F orm a n d sym m etry of voltages and cu rr ents

7 .2.1

AC motors

AC m otors rated for use on a power supply of fixed frequency, s upplied from an a. c.
generator (whether local or via a su pply network) s hall be suitable for o peration on a su pply
voltage h av i n g a harmonic v oltage factor (HVF) not exceeding:

0,02 for single- ph ase m otors and three-phase m otors, i n cl uding syn chronous m otors but
excluding m otors of design N (see I E C 60034- 1 2), u nless the m a n ufacturer declares
oth erwise.

0 , 0 3 . for design N m otors ..


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

The HV.Fhshall be computed by using the following formula:


is the ratio of the h armonic voltage Un to the rated voltage UN ;


is the order of harmonic (not divisible by three in the case of three-phase a.c. motors);


1 3.

Three-phase a . c. motors shall be suitable for operation on a three-phase voltage system

having a negative-sequence component not exceeding 1 % of the positive-sequence
component over a long period, or 1 , 5% for a short period not exceeding a few minutes, and a
zero-sequence corn ponent not exceeding 1 % of the positive-sequence component.
S hould the limiting values of the HVF and of the negative-sequence and zero-sequence
co m ponents occur sim ultaneously in service at the rated load, this shall not lead to any
harmful temperature in the motor and it is recommended that the resulting excess
temperature rise related to the limits specified in this standard should be not more than
approximately 1 0 K .
NOTE In the vicinity of large single-phase loads (e.g. induction furnaces), and in rural areas particularly on mixed
industrial and domestic systems, supplies may be distorted beyond the limits set out above. Special arrangements
will then be necessary.

AC motors supplied from static converters have to tolerate higher harmonic contents
of the supply voltage, see I EC 60034- 1 7 for the case of cage motors within the scope of
I EC 60034- 1 2 .

7 . 2. 1 . 2

NOTE Whe n the supply voltage is significantly non-sinusoidal. for example from static converters, the r.m.s. value

of the total wavefo rm and of the fundamental are both relevant in determining the performance of an a.c. machine.


AC generators

Three-phase a.c. generators shall be suitable for supplying circuits which, when supplied by a
system of balanced and sinusoidal voltages:
a) result in currents not exceeding a harmonic current factor (HCF) of 0, 05, and
b) result in a system of currents where neither the ngative-sequence component nor the
zero-sequence component exceed 5% of the positive-sequence component.
The HCF shall be computed by using the following formula:




in is the ratio of the harmonic current In to the rated current IN ;

is the order of harmonic;

1 3.

Should the limits of deformation and imbalance occur simultaneously in service at the rated
load, this shall not lead to any harmful temperature in the generator and it is recommended
that the resulting excess temperature rise related to the limits specified in this standard
should be not more than approxim ately 1 0 K .


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


Sync h ronous m ach ines

Unless otherwise specifi ed, three-phase synchronous m achi nes shall be capable of operati ng
conti n u ously on an u n bal anced system in such a way that, with none of the phase cu rre nts
exceedi ng the rated cu rrent, the ratio of the negative-sequence com ponent of cu rrent (!2) to
the rated current (I N ) does not exceed the values i n Table 2 a nd u nder fault con diti ons shall
be capable of ope rati on with the product of (J2/IN ) and ti m e (t) not exceedi n g the val ues in
Table 2.
Table 2- Unbalanced operating cond itions for synchronous mac h i n es

Maxim u m IiiN value for

continuous operation

Maxim u m (I2/IN)2 x t in
seconds for operation under
fault conditions














synchronous condensers



Machine type

Salient pole machines


Indirect cooled windings

synchronous condensers

Direct cooled (inner cooled) stator

and/or field windings



Cylindrical rotor synchronous machines


Indirect cooled rotor wlndlngs








>350 S900 MVA

See Note 1

See Note 2

>900 S1 250 MVA

See Note 1


Direct cooled (inner cooled) rotor

S350 MVA

>1 250 S1 600 MVA

NOTE 1 " For these machines, the value of I.JIN is calculated as follows:


2 = 0,08 -

SN - 350

NOTE 2 For these machines, the value of (I.j/N)2 x 1 , in seconds, is calculated as follows:
(I.j/N)2 X I 8 - 0,005 45 (SN - 350)
where in the tWO notes, SN is the rated apparent power in MVA


IS/IEC 600341 : 2004

DC motors s u ppl ied from static power conv erters

7 .2.4

I n the case of a d . c . motor su p plied from a static power converter, the pu lsati ng voltage a n d
current affect t h e perform ance of the m achi ne. Losses and tem perature rise will i ncrease
and the comm utation is m ore difficult com pared with a d.c. m otor su pplied from a pure d.c.
power source.
lt is necessary, therefore, for m otors with a rated o utput exceedi n g 5 kW, i ntended for s u pply
from a static power converter, to be designed for operati on from a specified s u pply, and, if
considered necessary by the motor m a n ufacturer, for an external i n ductance to be provided
for reducin g the u n dulati o n .
T h e static power converter supply s h a l l be characterized by m e a n s o f a n identifi cation code,
as follows:

[CCC - UaN -f- L)

ccc is

th e identifi cati on code for converter connection accordi n g to I EC 6097 1 ;

consists of three o r fou r digits indicating the rated alternatin g voltage a t the i nput
terminals of the converter, in volts;
consists of two digits i ndi cati n g the rated i n put frequency, in h e'rtz;

consists of one, two or th ree digits indicati ng the series i n ductance to be added
externally to the m otor armature ci rcu it, in millihenrys . If this is zero, it is omitted.

Motors with rated output not exceeding 5 kW, instead of being tied to , a s pecific type pf static
power converter, may be designed for use with any static power converter, with or without
external i n ducta nce, provided that the rated form factor for which the m otor is desig ned will .
not be surpassed a n d that the ins ulation level of the m otor armat u re circuit is a ppropriate for
the rated altern ati n g voltage at the i n put termi nals of th e static power converter.
I n all cases, the u n dulation of the static power converter output c urrent is ass umed to be so
low as to result i n a current ripple factor not higher than 0 , 1 at rated conditi ons.

Vo ltage and freq uency v ariations d u rin g operati o n

F o r a . c. m achines rated fo r use on a power supply o f fixed freq uency s upplied from an a . c.
generator (wheth er local or via a su pply network), com bi natio ns of voltage variation a nd
frequency variation a re classified as bei ng either zone A or zone B, in accordance with Figure
1 1 for generators a n d synchronous condensers, and Figure 1 2 for m otors.
For d . c. m achines , when directly con nected to a normally constant d . c . bus, zones A and B
apply o nly to the voltages.
A machine s h a l l be capable of performing its prim a ry functi o n , as specified in Tabl.e 3,
conti nu ously within zone A, but need not com ply fully with its performance at rated voltage
and freq uency (see rati ng poi nt in Figures 1 1 and 1 2) , and m ay exhi bit some deviations.
Tem perature rises may be higher than at rated voltage and frequency.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

A machine shall be capable of performing its pri m a ry fu n ction withi n zone 8, but may Dhibit
greater devi ati ons from its performance at rated voltage a n d frequency than in zone A.
Tem perature rises m ay be higher than at rated voltage a n d frequency a n d most likely wi ll be
higher tha n those i n zone A. Extended operati on at the peri m eter of zon e lil is n0t
recom mended.

NOTE 1 In practical applications and operating conditions, a machine will sometimes be requires to opete
outside the perimeter of zone A. Such excursions should be limited in value, duration and frequency of occurrence.
Corrective measures should be taken, where practical, within a reasonable time, for example, a reduction in output.
Such action may avoid a reduction in machine life from temperature effects.
NOTE 2 The temperature-rise limits or temperature limits in accordance with this standard apply at the ratmt
point and may be progressively exceeded as the operating point moves away from the rating point. For conditions
at the extreme boundaries of zone A, the temperatu-re rises and temperatures typically exceed the limits specified
in this standard by approximately 1 0 K .
NOTE 3 An a.c. motor will start at the lower limit of voltage only if its starting torque is adequately matched to the
counter-:orque of the load. but this is not a requirement of this clause. For starting performance of design N
motors , see IEC 60034-12 .

Table 3 - Primary fu nctions of mach ines


Primary function

Machine type

generator, excludins item 5

Rated apparent power (kVA), at rated power factor where this is

separately controllable

AC motor, excluding items 3 and 5

Rated torque (1')1!'1)

Synchronous motor, excluding item 5

Rated torque (Nm). the excitation maintaining either rated field

current or rated power factor, where this is separately

Synchronous condenser. excluding

item 5

Rated apparent power (kVA) within the zone applicable to a

generator. see Figure 11, unless otherwise agreed

Turbine-type machine, with rated

output 1 0 MVA

Sea IEC 6003-4-3

DC generator

Rated output (kW)

DC motor

Rated torque (Nm). the excitation of a shunt motor maintaining

rated speed, where this is separately controllab.la


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004





Y axis

frequency p.u.
voltage p . u.

zone A

F ig u re 11 - Voltage a n d freq u ency li m its

for generators


zone B (outside zone A)

rating point
F i g u re 12 - Voltage and frequency li mi ts
for motors

T h ree-pha se a.c. machines operating on uneart.hed systems

Three- ph ase a . c . m achi nes shall be suitable for conti n u ous operatio n with the neutral at or
near earth pote ntial. They shall also be suitable for operati on on unearthed systems with one
line at earth potenti al fo r i nfrequent periods of short du ration, for example as requi red for
normal fa ult cle arance. If it is i ntended to run the machine conti nuously or for prolonged
periods i n this condition, a machi ne with a level of i nsul ation suitable for this condition will be
req uired.
If the wi nding does not have the same insulation at the l i n e and ne utral ends, this shall be
stated by the m a n ufacturer.
NOTE The earthing or interconnection of the machine's neutral points should not be undertaken without
consulting the machine manufacturer because of the danger of zero-sequence components of currents of all
frequencies under some operating conditions and the risk of mechanical damage to the windings under line-to
neutral fault conditions.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

Voltage (peak a n d g rad ient) withstand levels


For a. c. m otors the m anufacturer shall declare a l i m iting value for the peak v oltage and for the
voltage gradient in conti nuous o peration.
For cage induction m otors within the scope of I EC 60034- 1 2, see also I E C 60034- 1 7.
For hi gh-voltage a . c. m otors, see also I EC 60034- 1 5 .

8 Thermal performance and tests


Thermal class

A thermal class in accordan ce with I EC 621 1 4 shall be assi gned to the i nsulation systems
used i n m achi n es.
l t is the responsibility of the m anufacturer of the m achine to i nterpret the results obtai ned by
thermal endurance testin g according to the a ppropriate part of I EC 60034- 1 8 .
NOTE 1 The thermal class of a new insulation system should not b e assumed to be directly related to the thermal
capability of the individual materials used in it.

2 The continued use of

satisfactory service experience .



an existing insulation system

is acceptable where it

has been proved by

Reference coolant

The reference cool ant for a given method of cooli n g the machine is s pecified in Table 4.
Table 4 - Reference coolant ( see also Table 10)



Method of



I ndirect



I ndirect



Table referred to in
column 5 specifies
limits of:

Temperature rise


I ndirect



I ndirect






Reference coolant

Ambient air
Reference temperature:
40 c


Coolant at inlet to
machine or ambient water
Reference temperature of
cooling gas at inlet to
machine: 40 c
Reference temperature of
ambient water: 25 c
(see note)

Ambient air





Reference temperature:
40 c





or liquid




Gas at entry to machine

or liquid at entry to the
Reference temperature:
40 c

NOTE A machine with indirect cooled windings and a water cooled heat exchanger may be rated using either the
primary or secondary coolant as the reference coolant (see also 10.2 for information to be given on the rating
plate). A submersible machine with surface cooling or a machine with water jacket cooling should be rated using
the secondary coolant as reference coolant.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

If a third coolant is used, temperature rise shall be measure d a bove the tem perature of the
prim a ry or secondary coolant as s pecified in Table 4 .
NOTE A machine may b e so arranged and cooled that more than orie item of Table -4 applies, i n which case
different reference coolants may apply for different windings.


Conditions for thermal tests


Electrical s u pply

D u ri n g thermal testi ng of an a.c. m otor the HVF of the s upply shall not exceed 0,015 and
the negative-sequence c o m po nent of the system of voltages s h all be less than 0,5 % of the
positive-sequence component, the i nfl uence of the zero-sequence com ponent being
eli mi nated.

By agreement, the negative-sequence component of the system of currents m ay be m easured

i nstead of the negative-seque nce compo nent of the system of voltages. The negative
sequence component of the system of currents shall not exceed 2 , 5 % of the positive
seque nce component.

Tem perat u re of m ach ine before test

If the tem perature of a wi nding is to be determ i ned from the increase of resistance, the i n itial
shall n ot differ from t h e coolant b y m o r e than 2 K .

wi ndi n g temperature

When a machine is to be tested o n a short-ti m e rati n g ( d uty type 52) its temperature at the
begi n n i n g of the thermal test shall be within 5 K of the tem perature of the coolant.
8.3. 3

Tem perature of coolant

A machine m ay be tested at any convenient value of coolant tem perature. See Tabl e 1 1 (for
indirect cooled windi n gs) or Table 1 4 (for direct cooled win di n gs).

M ea s u rement of coolant temperature d uring test

The value to be a dopted for the te m perature of a coolant d u ri n g a test shall be the mean of
the readings of the temperature detectors taken at equal i ntervals of ti m e during the last
quarter of the d uration of the test. To reduce errors due to the ti m e Jag of the change of
tem perature of l arge m achi nes fol l owin g variations i n the temperature of the coolant, all
reasonable precautions shall be taken to m i n i m ize such variations.
8.3. 4.1

O pen m ach i nes o r closed mach ines without heat exchangers (cooled by
s u rrou n d i ng a m b ie nt air or gas)

The tem perature of the a m bient air or gas shall be m easured by means of several d etectors
placed at different poi nts around a n d halfway up the machin e at 1 m to 2 m from it. Each
detector shall be protected from radiant heat and d raughts.

M achines cooled by a i r or gas from a remote source through ventilation d u cts

and mac h i n es with separately mounted heat exchangers

The tem perature of th e pri m a ry coolant shall be measured where it enters the machi ne.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

8.3. 4.3

C losed mac h i n es w ith mac h i ne-mou nted o r i nternal heat ex changers

The tem perature of the prim ary coola nt shall be measu red wh ere it enters the machine. The
temperature of th e secondary cool a nt shall be measured wh ere it enters the h eat exchanger.
T em peratu re rise of a part of a m ac h i ne


The tem perature rise, fl. B, of a part of a machine is the difference between the te m perature of
that part m easured by the a ppropriate m ethod in accorda nce with . 8.5, and the tem perature
of the coolant m easured in accord ance with 8 . 3 . 4 .
For com parison with the lim its of tem perature rise (see Ta ble 7 or 8 ) or of tem perature (see
Table 12) , when possi ble, the tem perature shall be meas u red i m m ediately before the m achine
is s h ut down at the end of the thermal test, as descri bed i n 8.7.

When this is not poss i ble, for ex a m ple, when using the direct m easurement of resistance
method, see 8 . 6 . 2 .3.
For m achi nes tested on actual periodic duty (d uty types S3 to S8) the tem perature at the end
of the test shall be taken as that at the middle of the period causing the greatest heati ng i n
the last cycle of o perati on ( but see also 8. 7.3).
Methods o f measu re m e n t of temperature

8.5. 1

G en eral

Th ree m ethods of m eas uring the tem perature of wi ndi ngs and oth er parts are recognized:

resistance m ethod;

em bedded tem perature detector ( ETD) method;

thermometer m etho d .

Different methods s h all n ot be u s e d as a ch eck u pon one a nother.

For indirect testing see I EC 61986.

Resistance m ethod

The tem perature of the wi ndings is dete rmined from the i ncrease of the resistance of the
wi ndi ngs.

Em bedded tem peratu re detector (ETD) method

The tem perature is determined by mea ns of tem perature detectors (e.g. resistance
thermometers , thermocouples or semi-cond uctor negative coefficient detectors) built i nto the
machine d u ring construction, at points which a re inaccessible after the machine is com pleted.

Thermometer m ethod

The tem peratu re is determined by thermometers a pplied to accessible surfaces of the

com pleted m achine. The term 'th ermometer' i ncl udes n ot only bul b-thermometers, but also
non-em bedded thermocouples and resistance thermom eters. When bulb-thermometers are
used in places where there is a strong varyi ng or m oving m agneti c (ield, alcohol
therm ometers shall be used in prefere nce to mercury therm ometers .


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

8.6. 1

Dete r m i nation of wind ing temperature

C hoice of method

In general , fo r m easuring the tem perature of the wi ndings of a m achine, the resista nce
method in accorda nce with 8 . 5. 1 shall be a pplied (but see also 8.6.2. 3 . 3 ) .
For a . c . stator wi ndi ngs of m achines having a rated output o f 5 000 kW (or kVA) or m ore the
ETD method sh all be used.
For a . c. machi nes having a rated output less tha n 5 000 kW (or kVA) but greater than 200 kW
(or kVA) the m a n ufactu rer s hall choose either the resistance or the ETD method, unless
otherwise agreed .
For a . c . machi nes having a rated output less than o r equal to 2 0 0 kW (or kVA) the
man ufacturer shall ch oose the di rect measurement version or the su perposition version of
the resista nce m ethod (see 8.6. 2. 1 ) , u n l ess otherwise agreed (but see also below).
For machi nes having a rated output less than or equal to 600 W (or VA), when the windings
are non-u niform o r severe co m pl i cati ons are involved in m a king the necessary connecti ons,
the tem perature may be determ ined by m ea ns of thermometers. Tem perature rise li mits in
accordance with Table 7, item 1 d for resistance method shall a pply.
The thermometer m ethod is recogn ized in the fol lowi ng cases:
a) when it is not practicable .to determ i ne the te m perature rise by the resistance method as,
for exam ple, with low-resista nce com m utati ng coils a n d com pensati n g wi ndi ngs and, i n
genera l , i n t h e case o f low-resistance wi ndings, especi ally when the resista nce of joi nts
a n d connections forms a consi derable proportion of the total resista nce;

b) single l ayer wi n d i n gs, rotati ng or stationary;

c) during routi ne tests on m achin es m a n ufactured i n la rge n u m bers.
For a . c . stator wi ndings having only one coi l-side per slot, the ETD method shall not be used
for ve rifying complia nce with this standard: the resista nce m ethod shall be used.
NOTE For checking the temperature of sucti,wlndings in service, an embedded detector at the bottom of the slot
is of little value because it gives mainly the temperature of the iron core. A detector placed between the coil and
the wedge will follow the temperature of the winding much more closely and is, therefore, better for checks in
service. Because the temperature there may be rather low the relation between it and the temperature measured
by the resistance method should be determined by a thermal test .
For other windi n gs having one coil-side per slot and for end wi ndings the ETD m ethod shall
not be used for verifying compliance with this sta ndard.
For wi ndi ngs of arm atures h aving comm ytators and for field windings the resistance. m ethod
and the therm o m eter m ethod are recogn ized. The resista nce method is preferred but for
statio nary fi eld wi ndi ngs of d . c. m achi nes having m ore than one l ayer the ETD method may be


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


Determ ination by resistance method

Measu rement

One of the fol l owin g m ethods shall be used:

direct m easurem ent at the beg i nning a nd the end of the test, using an i nstrument having a
suitable range;

m easure m e nt by d.c. current/voltage i n d.c. wi ndings, by m easuri n g the cu rrent in and the
voltage across the windi ng, using i nstruments having suitable ranges;

m easure m ent by d.c. cu rrent/voltage in a . c. win di ngs by i njecti n g direct current i nto the
wi nding when de-energized;

su perposition m ethod without i nterruption of the a . c. l oad current by superim posing on the
load current a s m all d.c. measuri ng current, in accordance with IEC 60279.

Calcu lation

The temperature rise,

88, m ay be obtained from the equation:

82 +k


-- = -

81 . + k


81 is the tem perature (0C} of the winding (cold) at the moment of the i n itial resistance
m easurement;

is the tem perature (C) of the wi nding at the end of the thermal test;

88 is the temperature (0C} of the coolant a.t the end of the thermal test;
R 1 is the resistance of the winding at tem perature 81 (cold);
R2 is the resistance of the winding at the end of the thermal test;
k is the reci procal of the tem perature coefficient of resistance at 0 oc of the conductor
For copper

k = 235

For aluminium

k = 225 unless s pecified otherwise.

For practical purposes, the foll owi ng alternative form ula may be fo und convenient:

Correction for stopping time


The m easurement of temperatures at the end of the thermal test by the di rect m easurem ent
resistance m ethod reqlri res a quick shutdown . A carefully pla n ned procedure and an adequate
num ber of people a re requ ired.


IS/IEC 60034-1
8.6. 2.3.2


Short stopping time

If the i nitial resistance reading is obtai ned withi n the tim e i nterval s pecified in Table 5, that
readi ng shall be a ccepted for the te m perature m easurement.
Table 5 - T i m e i nterval
Rated output (PN)

Time interval after switching

kW or kVA

off power

PN s 50

50 < P N s 200


200 < P N s 5 000

1 20

5 000 < P N

By agreement extended stopping time

I f a resista nce reading cannot be made i n the time i nterval specified i n Table 5, it shall be
made as soon as possible but not after m ore than twice the i nterval specified i n Table 5, and
additional readings shall be ta ken at intervals of approxim ately 1 min u ntil these readi n gs
have beg u n a disti nct decline from their m axi m u m value. A curve of these readin gs shall be
plotted as a functi on of ti m e and extrapolated to the appropriate tim e i nterval of Table 5 for
the rated output of the machine. A semi-logarith m i c plot is recom m ended where temperature
is plotted on the logarith m ic scal e . The value of tem perature thus obtained shall be
considered as the tem perature at s h utdown. If successive m easurements show increasing
tem peratures after s h utdown the highest value shall be taken.
If a resista nce reading cannot be m ade until after twi ce the tim e i nterval specified i n J"able 5,
this m ethod of correction shall only be used by a greement.
8.6. 2.3.4 W i n d i n g s w ith one coi l-side per slot

For machines with one coil-side per slot, the resistance m ethod by di rect measurement may
be used if the machine comes to rest within the time i nterval specified in Table 5. If the
m achine takes m ore than 90 s to come to rest after switchi n g off the power, the auperposition
method may be used if previ ously agreed.
8.6. 3

Determ ination by ETO method

8.6. 3 . 1


The detectors shall be s uitably distributed throughout the winding and the n u m ber of detectors
i nstalled shall be not less than six.
All reasonable efforts, consistent with safety, shall be made to place the detectors at the
poi nts wh ere the h i g h est tem peratures are li kely to occur, in such a m anner that they are
effectively protected agai nst co ntact with the pri mary coolant.
The highest readi n g from the ETD elem ents shall be used to determine the temperature of the
wi nding.
NOTE ETD elements or their connections may fail and give incorrect readings. Therefore, if one or more readings
are shown to be erratic, after investigation they should be eliminated.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

Two or more coi l-sides per slot

The detectors shall be l ocated between th e i nsulated coil-sides with i n the slot in positions at
which the highest tem peratures are l ikely to occur.

One coil-side per slot

The detectors shall be l ocated between the wedge and the outside of the wi nding i ns ulation i n
positions a t which t h e h i ghest tem peratures are likely t o occur, but s e e a l s o 8 . 6 . 1 .

E n d wind ing s

T h e tem perature etectors s h a l l b e located between two adjacent coil-sides with i n t h e end
wi ndi ngs i n positi ons where the hi ghest tem peratures are li kely to occ ur. The sensing poi nt of
each detector shall be i n close contact with the surface of a coil-si de and be adequately
protected agai nst the i nfl uence of the coola"nt, but see also 8.6 . 1 .

Determ i nation

by thermometer method

All reasonabl e efforts ; consistent with safety, shall be m ade to place thermom eters at the
poi nt, or poi nts where the highest tem peratures a re li kely to occur ( e . g . in the end wi ndings
close to the core i ro n ) in such a m a n ner that they a re effectively protected agai nst co ntact
with the pri m a ry cool ant and are in good thermal contact with the wi nding or other pa rt of the
mac hine.

The highest reading from any thermometer shall be taken to be the tem perature of the
wi nding or other part of the machine.
8.7. 1

D u ration of t h e r m a l tests
Rating for conti n u ou s running d uty

The test shall be conti n ued u ntil thermal equilibri u m has been reached.

Rating for s h o rt-t i m e d uty

The duration of the test shall be the ti m e given in the rati ng.

Rating for periodic d uty

Norm ally the rating for equivalent loading assigned by the manufacturer (see 5.2. 6) shall be
appl i ed until thermal equili bri u m has bee n reached. If a test on the actual duty is agreed, the
load cycle specified shall be applied and conti n u ed u ntil practically identi cal tem perature
cycles are o btai ned. The criterion for this shall be that a straight l i n e between the
corresponding poi nts of successive duty cycles on a temperature plot has a gradient of less
than 2 K per hour. If necessary, measurements s hall be taken at reasonable i ntervals over a
period of time.

Ratings for non-periodic d uty and for d u ty with d i screte constant loads

The rati ng for equival ent loadi ng assigned by the man ufactu rer (see 5.2.6) shall be a ppl ied
until thermal equilibrium has been reached.


IS/I EC 60034-1 : 2004


Dete r m i nation of the thermal eq u ivalent time constant for machines

of d uty type 59

The thermal equivalent tim e constant with ventil ation as i n normal operati n g conditions,
suitable for approx i m ate dete rmi nation of the tem perature course, ca n be determ i n ed from the
cooling curve pl otted in the same m a n n er as in 8 . 6 . 2 . 3 . The v a l ue of the tim e constant is
1 ,44 ti m es (that is to say, 1 /l n(2) times) the time taken by the m achin e to cool to o ne-half of
the full load tem perature rise, after its disconnecti on from the s u pply.
M eas u rem ent of beari n g temperature


Eith er the thermom eter m ethod or the E;TD method m ay be used.

The m easuring poi nt shall be as near as possible to one of the two locations specified i n
Table 6.
Table 6 - Measu ring points
Type of bearing

Measuring point

Ball or roller

I n the bearing housing and not more than 10 mm 1 from the outer.
ring of the bea ring2

Outer surface of the bearing housing a& close as possible to the

outer ring of the bearing
In the pressure zone of the bearing shell 3 and not more than
1 0 mm 1 from the oil-film gap 2

S leeve


Location of measuring point

E lsewhere in the bearing shell

The distance is measured to the nearest point of the ETD or thermometer bulb.

In the case of an 'inside out' machine, point A will be in the stationary part not more than 10 mm from the inner
ring and point B on the outer surface of the stationary part as close as possible to the inner ring.

The bearing shell is the part supporting the bearing material and which is secured in the housing. The pressure
zone is the portion of the circumference which supports the combination of rotor weight and radial loads.

The therm al resista nce between the tem perature detector a n d the o bject whose tem perature
is to be m easu red shall be m i n i m ized; for exa m ple, air gaps shall be packed with thermally
conducti ng paste.
NOTE Between the measuring points A and B, ;s well as between these points and the hottest point of the
bearing, there are temperature differences which depend, among other things, on the bearing size. For sleeve
bearings with pressed-in bushings and for ball and roller bearings with an im'!ide diameter of up to 1 50 mm, the
temperature difference between points A and B may be assumed to be negligible. In the case of larger bearings,
the temperature difference between measuring points A and B is approximately 15 K .

L i m its o f tem peratu re a n d of temperature rise

Limits are given for operation u n der site operati n g con ditions specified i n Clause 6 and at
rati ng for c6nti nu ous r u n n i n g duty ( reference conditi ons), followed by rules for the adjustment
of those l i m its when operatin g at site u nder other conditions and o n other ratings. Further
rules give adjustm e nts to the l i m its during thermal testi ng when conditions at the test site
differ from those at the o peratin g site.
The li mits are stated relative to the refe rence cool ant s pecified in Table 4 .
A r u l e is given to a l l ow f o r the purity o f hydrogen coolant.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

8. 1 0. 1

I nd i rect cooled w i n d ings

Tem perature rises u nder reference conditions shall not exceed the l i m its given in Table 7 (ai r
coolant) or Table 8 ( hydrogen coola nt) as appropriate.
For oth er ope rati ng site conditions, for ratings other than conti n u ous r u n n i n g d uty, and for
rated voltages greater than 12 000 V, the l i m its shall be a djusted according to Table 9. (See
also Ta ble 1 0 for limit on cool ant tem perature which is assumed in Table 9 . )
I n t h e case o f thermo m eter readings made i n accordance with 8.6 . 1 , the l i m it of tem perature
rise s hall be according to Table 7.
If, for wi n di ngs i n d i rectly cooled by air, conditions at the test site differ from those at the
operati n g site, the a djusted li m its given in Table 1 1 shall apply at the test site .

If the adjusted limits given i n Tabl e 1 1 l ead to permissible tem pe ratures at the test site which
the m anufacturer ao ns i de rs to be excessive, the testi ng procedure and th e li m its shall be
No a djustm ents at the test site are given fo r wi ndings indirectly cooled by hydrogen, because
it is very unli k ely that they will be tested at rated l oad anywh ere oth er than at the operati n g


Table 7 - L i m its of tem pe rat u re r ise of w i nd i ngs in d i rectly cooled by a i r

1 30 ( B)

T h e r m a l class







1 05

1 1 01)


9 0 1)

1 05

1 1 51 )

AC w i n d i n g s of m a c hi nes having outputs of 200 kW (o r kVA) or less,

1 d) or 1 e) 2>


1 05

AC wi ndings o f mac hines having rated o utputs o f less tha n 600 W (or
VA) 2>


AC windings which a re self-cooled with o ut a fa n ( I C 40) a nd/or with






T h = The rmom ete r, R = Res ista nce,

E TD = E m bed ded te m pe rat u re detector

Part o f mach i n e


AC wind i ngs of mac hines having o utp uts of 5 000 kW (or kVA) o r

l E:D

1 80 (H)

M eth o d o f m e a s u rem e n t

1 a)

1 55 ( F )


1 25

1 30 )

1 25

1 35

1 25

1 10

1 30


1 30


1 05

1 05

1 25


1 b)

1 c)

AC win dings of m a c h ines having o utputs a bove 200 kW (or kVA) , but
less than 5 000 kW (or kVA)


other tha n those in ite m s


1 e)

enca psu lated windi ngs



Wi ndings of armatures ha ving com m utators

Field windi ngs of a . c . a nd d.c. machines othe r tha n those in item

4a )

Field wi nd ings of sync hro no us machines wit h cyl i nd rical rotors

hav i ng a d . c . excitation winding e m bedded in slots, e xce pt



1 05

1 05

1 25



1 35

sy nchronous i nduction motors


I nsulated stationary fie ld windi ngs of d.c. ma c h ine s having more than
one layer





1 05


1 05

1 25

1 35

4c )

Low-resistance field windings of a .c . a nd d .c . machines having m o re

than one l ayer a nd compensating wi ndings of d . c . m ach ines



1 00

1 00

1 25

1 25

4d )

S i ngle-layer windings of a .c. a nd d. c. machi nes with exposed bare or

va rnished metal s u rfaces .




1 10

1 35

1 35


For adj ustment for high-voltage a .c . windings see item 4 o f Ta ble 9.

2) With the a pplication of the superpositio n test method to windings of machines rated at 200 kW (or k VA) or less with the rma l classes 1 30 (B) and 155
(F), the tim its of temperature rise given for the resistance method may be exceeded by 5 K.
3) A lso includes m ultiple layer windings provided that the under l ayers are each i n c o ntact with the circ u lating pri m a ry cool ant.




IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

Table 8 - Lim its of tem perature rise of windings i n d i rectly cooled by hydrogen

Thermal class

1 30 (B

Method of measurement


Embedded te mp_e rature detector

1 66 IF





1 05 1 )
1 00 1 )
98 1 )
93 1 )
9o 1 >


85 1 >
80 1 >
78 1 )
73 1 )
70 1 l
85 1 >

1 00

1 1 01 )




AC windings of machines having outputs of 5 000 kW (or kVA)

or more or having a core length of 1 m or more
Absolute hydrogen pressure 2)
s 1 50 kPa (1 ,5 bar)
> 1 50 kPa
s 200 kPa (2,0 bar)
s 300 kPa (3,0 bar)
> 200 kPa
s 400 kPa (4,0 bar)
> 300 kPa
> 400 kPa
2a AC windings of machines having outputs of less than 5 000 kW
I(or kVA), or having a core length of less than 1 m
2b DC field windings of a.c. and d.c. machines other than those in
items 3 and 4
Field wtndinas of turbo type machines having d.c. excitation
4a Low-roaistanc:e field wlndings of more than one layer and
compensating windi ngs
4b Slngle-laj;er windings with exposed bare or varnished metal
surfaces >


1 05
1 00

1 10

1 ) For adjustment for high-voltage a.c. windings .see item 4 of Table 9.

2 ) This is the only item where the limit of temperature rise is dependant on hydrogen pressure.

Also includes multi-layer field windings provided that the under layers are each in contact with the circulating
primary coola nt.

Table 9 - Adj ustments to l im its of temperature rise a t the operating site

of i n d i rect cooled wind ings to take accou n t of non-reference
operatin g cond itions and rat i n g s

Operation conditions o r rating


Maximum temperature of
ambient air or of the
cooling gas at inlet to the
machine ( 9c) and for
altitudes of up to 1 000 m .

Adjustment to limit of temperature rise ( A 9) in

Tables 7 and 8

o c s 11c s -40 c

I f the difference between

the thermal class and the
observable limit of
temperature, consisting of
the sum of the reference
cold coolant inlet
temperature of 40 c and
the limit of temperature
rise according to Tables 7
and 6 is less or equal to
5 K:

a higher altitude
replace 40 c with the
value given in Table 1 0.


Increased by the amount by which the coolant

temperature is less than 40 c.

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

Table 9 (continued}


Operation cond itions or rating

Maximum temperature of
ambient air or of the
cooling gas at the inlet to
the machine ( Be) and for
altitudes of up to 1 000 m .

o c s Be


Adjustment to limit of temperature rise (66} In

Tables 7 and 8
40 c

I ncreased by the amount by which the coolant

temperature is less than 40 c, but this amount is
reduced by the factor

I f the difference between

the thermal class and the
observable limit of the
temperature. consisting of
the sum of the reference
cold coolant inlet
temperature of 40 c and
the limit of temperature
rise according to Tables 7
and 8 is larger than 5 K:



thermal class



limit of temperature rise according to
Tables 7 or 8 at 40 c cold coolant temperature

For a higher altitude

replace 40 c with the

value given in Table 1 0.


40 c



Maximum temperature of
the water at the inlet to
water-cooled heat
exchangers or maximum
temperature of the
ambient water for
submersible machines
with surface cooling or
machines with water
jacket cooling ( 8w)
Altitude (H)



Be s s o c

0 or Be > 60 c

5 c s 8w s 25 c


Rated stator winding

voltage ( UN)

1 000 m < H S 4 000 m

and maximum ambient
air temperature not


Increased by 15 K and by the difference between

and B.,

25 c

No adjustment. lt shall be assumed that the

reduced cooling resulting from altitude is
compensated by a reduction of maximum ambient
temperature below 40 c and that the total
temperature will therefore not exceed 40 c plus
the Table 7 and 8 temperature rises 1 1
By agreement

kV < UN s; 24 kV

UN > 24

By agreement

Increased by 1 5 K and reduced by the difference

between 8., and 25 c

> 2s c

H > 4000 m

Reduced by the amount by which the coolant

temperature exceeds 40 c


for embedded temperature detectors (ETD)

shall be reduced by 1 K for each 1 kV (or part
thereof) from 1 2 kV up to and including 24 kV

By agreement


Rating for short-time duty (S2), with rated output

less than 5 000 kW (kVA)

Increased by 10 K


Rating for non-periodic duty (S9)

6B may

72 )

Rating for duty with discrete loads (S 1 0)

6 8 may be exceeded for discrete periods during

the operation of the machine

be exceeded for short periods during the

operation of the machine

1l Assuming the decrease in ambient temperature is 1 % of the limiting rises for every 1 00 m of altitude above
1 000 m , the maximum ambient air temperature at the operating site can be as shown in Table 1 0.

2 l For air-cooled windings only.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

Table 1 0 - Ass u m ed maxi m u m am bient tem pe rature

Thermal class

1 30 ( B )

1 000




3 000




2 000
4 000

8 . 1 0.2

1 66 ( F )

1 80 ( H )






D i rect cooled w i n d i n g s

Tem peratures under refe rence con ditions shall not exceed the l i mits given i n Table 12.
For o'ther operati ng site conditions the l i m its shall be adjusted accordi n g to Table 13.
If conditions at the test site differ from those at the operati ng site, the adjusted lim its given i n
Table 1 4 shall a pply at the test site.
If the adj usted l i mits given in Table 14 lead to tem peratures at the test site which the
m a n ufacturer considers to be excessive, the testi ng procedure and the l i m its shall be agreed.
8. 1 0. 3

Adj u stments to take account of hyd rogen purity on test

For wi ndi ngs di rectly or i ndi rectly cooled by hydrogen, no adjustm ent shall be made to l i m its
of tem perature rise or of total tem perature if the proporti o n of hydrogen i n the coolant is
between 95 % a n d 1 00 % .
8 . 1 0. 4

Permanently short-clrcuited w l n d i ngs, magnetic cores a n d all struct u ral

com ponents (other than bearings) whether or not i n contact with i n s u lation

The tem perature rise or the tem perature shall not be detrimental to the i nsulation of that part
or to any other part adjacent to it.
8. 1 0. 5

Com m utators and s l i p r l ngs, open o r enclosed and their brushes a n d brushgear

The tem perature rise or tem perature of any com m utator, slipring, brush or brushgear shall not
be detri m ental to the i nsulation of that part or any adjacent part.
The tem perature rise or tem perature of a comm utator or slipring shall not exceed that at
which th e combi nation of brush grade and com m utator or sli pring materi al ca n handle the
cu rrent over the full operati ng range.


IS/IEC 600341 : 2004

Table 1 1 - Adjusted l i m its of temperature rise at the test site (A9r)
for wind ings i n d i rectly cooled by a i r to take accou nt of test site operating conditions


Adjusted limit at test site A'r

Test condition
Temperature difference of
reference coolant at test site
( Bcr> and operating site ( Bc)

Absolute value of
( Bc - Bcr > s

Absolute value of

(BC - Bcr) >

Difference of altitudes of test

site (f-Ir) and operating site (H)

1 000 m < H s 4 000 m

Hr < 1 000 m

1 000 m < Hr s 4 000 m

1 000 m < H s 4 000 m

1 000 m < H1 s 4 000 m




By agreement

30 K

H < 1 000 m


A ir

30 K

H > 4 000 m or Hr > 4 000 m





llB 1 -

H - l OOO m



f-Ir - 1 000 m
10000 m


Hr - H
10 000 m

lO OOO m

By agreement

is given i n Table 7 and adjusted if necessary in accordance with Table 9.

NOTE 2 If temperature rise is to be measured above the temperature of the water where it enters the cooler,
the effect of altitude on the temperature difference between air and water should strictly be allowed for.
However, for most cooler designs, the effect will be small, the difference increasing with increasing altitude at
the rate of roughly 2 K per 1 000 m. If an adjustment is necessary, it should be by agreement.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

Table 1 2 - Lim its of temperature of d i rectly cooled wlnd ings and their coolants

1 30 (B)

Thermal class
Method of measurement

Thermo- Resi stan ce


Thermometer .

Resis tanc e


Part of the machine


1 615 (F)

Coolant at the outlet of direct-cooled

a.c. windings. These temperatures are
preferred to the values given in item 2
as the basis of rating.


Gas (air, hydrogen, helium, etc.)

1 10

1 30

1 b)





AC windings


Gas cooled
Liquid cooled


1 45

Note 1

Note 1

Field windings of turbine type machines

Cooled by gas leailing the rotor
through the following number of
outlet regions (Note 2)
1 and 2

1 00


3 and 4

1 05

1 20


1 25


1 30

1 20

1 35

to 1 4
above 1 4


Liquid cooled

Observance of the maximum coolant temperature given in

item 1 b) will ensure that the hotspot temperature of the winding
is not excessive

Field wlndings of a .c. and d.c.

machines having d.c. excitation other
than in Item 3.


Gas cooled


Liquid cooled

item 2.

1 30

1 50

Observance of the maximum coolant temperature given in

item 1 b) will ensure that the hotspot temperature of the winding is
not excessive

No adjustment in the case of high-voltage a.c. windings is applicable to these items, see Table 1 3,

NOTE 2 The rotor ventilation Is classified by the number of radial outlet regions on the total length of the rotor.
Special outlet regions for the coolant of the end wlndings are included as one outlet for each end. The common
outlet region of two axially opposed flows is to be counted as two regions.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

Table 1 3 - Adj ustments to l i m its of tem perature at the operating s ite for windings
d i rectly cooled by a i r or hydrogen to take account of non-reference
operating conditions and ratings


o c s

Temperature Be of
reference coolant

Be s 40 c

o40 c <

Adjustment to limit of temperature In Table 12

Operating condition or rating

Be s eo c
Be < 0 c or Be > 60 c
UN > 1 1 kV

Rated stator winding

voltage (UN)

Reduction by the amount of the difference between

40 c and e . However, by agreement, a smaller
reduction may be a pplied, provided that for Be < 10 c
the reduction is made at least equal to the difference
between 1 0 c and Be
No adjustment
By agreement
No adjustment
The heat flow is mainly towards the coolant Inside the
conductors and not through the main. Insulation of
the winding.

Table 1 4 - Adjusted l i m its of temperature at the test s ite Br for wlndlngs

d irectly cooled by air to take account of test s ite operati ng conditions

Test conditio11


Difference of reference
coolant temperatures of
test site (Bcr> and
operating site


Difference of altitudes
of test site (H1) and .
operating site (H)

Adjusted limit of temperature

at tet lte

Br = B

Absolute value of

(Be - BeT) S 30 K
Absolute value of

By agreement

(Be - Bcr> > 30 K

1 000 m < H s 4 000 m
Hr < 1 000 m
H < 1 000 m
1 000 m < H1 s o4 000 m




1 000 m < H S 4 000 m

000 m < H1 s 4 000 m

H > 4 000 m or Hr > 4 000 m


( {

H - 1000 m
10 000 m

- Be 1 +

Hr - 100l m
10000 m

= 8 - 1 +

H1 - H
10000 m

By agreement

NOTE 8 is given in Table 1 2 and adjusted if necessary in accordance with Table 1,3.


(9 - 8c 1

+ 8cr

+ BeT

+ BeT

IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

9 Other performance and tests


Routine tests

Routi n e tests are always factory tests . They can only be performed o n m a chines which a re
assembled at the works of the m a n ufacturer. The machine n eed not be com pletely
assem bled. lt can lack components which are not significant for the testi ng. Routine tests do
not need the m a ch i ne to be coupled except for the open-ci rcuit test on synchronous
machi nes.
The m i n i m u m test schedul e is listed in Table 1 5 and is a pplicable for machi nes with rated
output s 20 MW ( M VA) . Additi onal routi ne tests may be perfo rmed especially on machi nes
with rati ngs a bove 200 kW (kVA) . The term synchronous m achi nes i n cludes perma nent
mag net machines.
For d.c. machines, depending on size and design, a com m utation test u n der load may be
performed as a routi ne test.
Table 15 - M i n i m u m sched u le of routi n e tests


I nduction machines
synchronous '
induction motors)



DC machines
with separate or
shunt excitation







Open circuit secondary induced

voltage at standstill (wound rotor) 3



Direction of rotation





Phase sequence


Resistance of windings (cold)


No-load losses and current


No-load losses at unity power



No-load excitation current at rated

voltage by open-circuit test 2

Excitation current at rated speed

and rated armature voltage



Withsta nd voltage test according

to 9.2




IEV 41 1 -33-04.

Permanent magnet machines excluded.

3 For safety considerations this test may be performed at reduced voltage.
4 Tests 3a and 3b are exclusive. Only one of these tests is required.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


Withstand voltage test

A test voltage, as s pecified below, shall be applied between the wi ndi ngs under test and the
frame of the m achi ne, with the core and the windi ngs not under test con nected to the fra me. lt
shall be a ppli e d only to a new and completed m achine with all its parts i n place u nder
co nditions equival ent to normal wo rking conditions and shall be carried out at the
man ufacturer's works or after erection on site. When a thermal test is carried out, the
withstand voltage test shall be carried out i m m ediately after that test.
In the case of polyphase m achi nes with rated voltage above 1 kV having both ends of each
phase individually access i ble, the test voltage shall be applied between each phase and the
frame, with the core and the other phases and wi ndi ngs not under test con nected to the
Except as stated below, the test voltage shall be of power freque ncy a n d as near as possible
to a sine wave form. The fi nal value of the voltage shall be in accorda nce with Table 1 6.
However , for m achi n es with a rated voltage 6 kV or greater, when power frequ ency equi pment
is n ot available, then by agreement a d.c. test may be carri e d out at a voltage 1 , 7 times the
r . m .s. value given in Table 1 6.
NOTE lt is recogni<:ed that, during a d.c. test. the surface potential distribution along the end winding insulation
and the ageing mechanisms are different from those occurring during an a .c. test.
The test shall be comm enced at a voltage not exceedi ng h alf of the full test v oltage. The
voltage shall then be i ncreased to the full value, steadily or i n steps of not m ore than 5 % of
the full value, the ti m e allowed for the voltage increase from half to full value being not less
than 1 0 s. The full test v oltage shall then be maintained for 1 m i n in a ccordance with the
value as specified in Table 1 6. There shall be no fail ure (see I EC 60060- 1 ) d u ri n g this period.
During the routi ne testi ng of qua ntity produced machi nes up to 200 kW (or kVA) and rated for
UN s; 1 kV, the 1 m i n test may be repl aced by a test of 1 s at 1 20 % of the test voltage
specified in Table 1 6.
The withstand voltage test at full voltage made on the wi n di ngs on acceptance shall not be
repeated. If, however, a second test is made at the request of the purchaser, after further
dryi ng if consi dered necessary, the test voltage shall be 80 % of the voltage s pecified i n
Table 1 6.
To determi n e the test v oltage from Table 1 6 for d . c . m otors s upplied by static power
converters, the di rect v oltage of the m otor or the r. m . s . phase-to-phase val ue of the rated
alternatin g voltage at the i n put terminals of the static power converter shall be used,
whichever is the greater.
Com pletely rewound wi ndi n gs shall be tested at the full test voltage for new machines
When a user and a repai r contractor have agreed to carry out withstand voltage tests in cases
where windings h ave been partially rewound or in the case of an overha uled m achine, the
followi ng procedure is reco m m ended:
a) partially rewound win d i n gs are tested at 75 % of the test v oltage for a new m achine.
Before the test, the old part of the windi n g shall be carefully cleaned and dried;


ISIIEC 60034-1 : 2004

b) overhauled m achines, after cleaning a nd dryi ng, a re subjected to a test at a voltage equal
to 1 , 5 times the rated voltage, with a m i n i m u m of 1 000 V if the rated voltage is equal to or
greater than 100 V and a m i n i m urn of 500 V if the rated voltage is less than 1 00 V.
Table 1 6 - Withstand vo1tage tests


Machine or part

Insulated windings of rotating machines of rated

output less than 1 kW (or kVA) and of rated
voltage less than 1 00 V with the exception of
those in items 4 to 8


Insulated windings of rotating machines of rated

output less than 10 000 kW (or kVA) with the
exception of those i n item 1 and items 4 to 8
(Note 2)

1 000 V + twice the rated voltage with a m inimum of

1 SOO V (Note 1 )

Insulated windings of rotating machines of rated

output 1 0 000 kW (or kVA) or more with the

Test voltage (r.m.s.)

V + twice the rated voltage

exception of those In items 4 to 8 (Nota 2)

Rated voltage (Note 1 ) :



up to and including 24 000 V

1 000 V + twice the rated voltage

above 24 000 V

Subject to agreement

Separately excited field windings of d.c.

Field windings of synchronous generators,
synchronous motors and synchronous
Rated field voltage:
- up to, and including SOO V,



1 000 V + twice the maximum rated circuit voltage with

a minimum of 1 SOO V

Ten times the rated field voltage with a minimum of


- above SOO V.

4 000 V + twice the rated field voltage

When a machine is intended to be started with

the field winding short-circuited or connected
across a resistance of value less than ten times
the resistance of the winding

Ten times the rated field voltage with a minimum of

1 SOO V and a maximum of 3 500 V.

When the machine is intended to be started

either with the field winding connected across a
resistance of value equal to, or more than, ten
times the resistance of the winding. or with the
field windings on open circu"it with or without a
field-dividing switch

1 000 V + twice the maximum value of the r.m.s.

voltage . which can occur under the specified starting
conditions, between the terminals of the field winding,
or in the case of a sectionalized field winding between
the terminals of any section , with a minimum of 1 SOO V
(Note 3)

Secondary (usually rotor) windings of induction

motors or synchronous induction motors if not
permanently short-circuited (e .g. if intended for
rheostatic starting)


For non-reversing motors or motors reversible

from standstill only

1 000 V + twice the open-circuit standstill voltage as

measured between slip-rings or secondary terminals
with rated voltage a pplied to the primary windings


For motors to be reversed or braked by

reversing the primary supply while the motor is

1 000 V + four times the open-circuit standstill

secondary voltage as defined in item Sa)


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


Machine or part
Exciters (except as below)
Exception 1:

exciters of synchronous motors

(including synchronous induction motors) if
connected to earth or disconnected from the
field windings during starting

Test voltage (r.m.s.)

As for the windings to which they a re connected
1 000 V + twice the rated exciter voltage, with a
minimum of 1 500 V

Exception 2: separately excited field windings

of exciters (see item 4)

Electrically interconnected machines

and a pparatus

A repetition of the tests in items 1 to 7 above should be

avoided if possible, but if a test is performed on a
group of machines and apparatus, each having
previously passed its withstand voltage test, the test
voltage to be applied to such an electrically connected
arrangement shall be 80 % of the lowest test voltage
appropriate for any individual piece of the arrangement
(Note 4)

Devices that are in physical contact with

fo r exa m ple, te mparaturo dotoetors,
shall be tested to the machine frame.

1 500 V


During the withstand test on the machine, all

devices in physical contact with the winding
shall be connected to the machine frame.
NOTE 1 For two-phase windings having one terminal in common, the voltage in the formula shall be the highest
r.m.s. voltage arising between any two terminals during operation.
NOTE 2 Withstand tests on machines having graded insulation should be the subject of agreement.

NOTE 3 The voltage occurring between the terminals of the field windings, or sections thereof, under the
specified starting conditions, may be measured at any convenient reduced supply voltage, and the voltage so
measured shall be increased in the ratio of the specified starting supply voltage to the test supply voltage.
NOTE 4 For wlndings of one or more machines connected together electrically, the voltage to be considered"is
the maximum voltage that occurs in relation to earth.

9.3. 1

Occasional excess cu r rent


The excess curre nt capability of rotating m achi nes is given for the purpose of co-ordi nati ng
these m achi n es with control and protective devices. Tests to demonstrate these capabilities
are not a requirem ent of this stan dard. The heati ng effect in the machi ne wi n di n gs varies
approx i m ately as the product of the time and the square of the current. A current in excess of
the rated cu rrent will result i n increased temperature. Unless otherwise a greed, it can be
assumed th at the m achine wil l not be operated at the excess currents specified for m ore than
a few short periods d uri n g the lifetime of the machine. When an a . c. m achine is to be used as
both a gen erator a nd a m otor, the excess current capability should be the s u bject of
agreem ent.
NOTE For the capability of synchronous machines concerning the occasional negative-sequence component of
current under fault conditions, see 7 .2.3.


AC generators hav i n g rated outputs not exceedi n g 1 200 MVA shall be capable of
withstanding a current equal to 1 , 5 times the rated current for not l ess than 30 s .
AC generators h av i n g rated outputs a bove 1 200 MVA shall b e capable o f withstanding a
cu rrent equal to 1 , 5 tim es the rated cu rrent for a period which shall be a greed, but this period
shall be not less than 1 5 s.


ISIIEC 60034-1 : 2004


M otors (except com m utator motors and permanent mag net motors)

Polyphase m otors having rated outputs not exceeding 3 1 5 kW and rated voltages not
exceedi ng 1 kV shall be capable of withstanding:

a cu rrent equal to 1 , 5 ti m es th e rated current for not less than 2 m i n .

NOTE Polyphase motors having rated outputs above 315 k W and all single-phase motors, n o occasional excess
current Is specified.
9.3. 4

Comm utator mach i n es

A comm utator machine shall be capable of withstanding, for 60 s, 1 , 5 ti m es rated cu rrent

un der the appropriate com bination of conditions as follows:
a) speed:
1 ) d. c . m otor:

highest full-field speed;

2) d.c. generator:

rated speed;

3) a.c. com m utator m otor:

highest full-field speed;

b) armatu re voltage:

that corres ponding to the specified speed.

NOTE Attention should be given to the limits of commutation capability.

9.4. 1

M omentary excess torq ue for motors

Polyphase Ind uction motors and d.c. motors

Motors, whatever their d uty and construction, shall be capabl e of withsta nding an excess
torque of at least 60 % of their rated torque for 1 5 s without eithe r stall i n g or exh i biting an
abrupt cha nge of s peed ( un der gradual i ncrease of torque). The voltage a n d frequency (for
inducti on m otors) shall be m a i ntai ned at their rated val ues.
NOTE Higher torques are required for some motors manufactured according to IEC 60034- 1 2.
For d.c. m otors, the torque shall be expressed i n terms of overl oad current.
Motors for d uty type S9 shall be capable of withstan di n g m o mentarily an excess torque
determi ned accordi ng to the duty specified.
NOTE For an approximate determination of the change in temperature due to the current-related losses, the
thermal equivalent time constant determined according to 8.8 may-be used.
Motors i ntended for specific a p plications that require a h i g h torqu e (for exa m pl e for hoisti ng)
shall be th s u bj ect of agreem ent.
For cage-type ind uctio n m otors s pecially designed to ensure a starti n g current of less than
4,5 tim es the rated cu rrent, the excess torque can be below the value of 60 % given in
paragraph 1, but not less tha n 50 % .
I n the case o f special types o f in duction m otors with special i n h erent starti n g properties, for
exam ple m otors i ntended for use at variable frequency or induction m otors supplied from
static converters, the value of the excess torque shall be the s u bject of a greement.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


Po lyp hase s y n c h ro no u s mo to rs

Unless otherwise agreed, a polyph ase synchronous m otor, irrespective of the d uty, s hall be
capable of withsta nding an excess to rque as specified bel ow for 1 5 s with out fall ing out of
synch ronis m , the excitation bei ng maintai ned at the val u e co rres ponding to rated load. When
automatic excitati on i s used, the l i m its of torqu e shall be the same val ues with the excitation
equi pm ent operat i n g u nder normal conditions:

synch ronous (wo u n d roto r) induction m otors:

35 % excess torque;

synchronous (cyl i ndrical rotor) m otors:

35 % excess torque;

synch ronous (salient pole) m otors:

50 % excess torque.

9.4. 3

Other mo to rs

The mom entary excess torque for single-phase, comm utator and other motors s hall be the
subject of agreement.

P u ll-u p torq u e

Unless otherwise specified (for exa m ple m achi nes according to I EC 60034-1 2), the pull-up
torque of cage i nducti on motors u nder full voltage shall be not less than 0,3 ti mes the rated
torq ue.

S afe o perat i n g s peed o f cage i n d u ctio n mo to rs

All three- ph ase single-speed cage i n d ucti o n m otors of frame num ber u p to and i ncl u di ng 3 1 5
and for volta ges up to and i ncludi ng 1 000 V shall be capable of safe continuous operation at
speeds u p to the a ppropriate s peed given i n Table 1 7 unless otherwise stated on the rating
T able 17 - M a xi m u m safe o perati ng speed ( m i n 1 ) o f th ree-phase si n g l e- speed
cage i n d uctio n mo to rs fo r vo ltages up to and i n c l u d i n g 1 000 V

2 pole

4 pole

6 pole

5 200

3 600

2 400


5 200

3 600

2 400

1 32

4 500

2 700

2 400

1 60

4 500

2 700

2 400

Frame n u m ber

1 00

1 80

4 500

2 700

2 400


4 500

2 300

1 800


3 600

2 300

1 800


3 600

2 300

1 800


3 600

2 300

1 800


3 600

2 300

1 800

NOTE The above values may have to be reduced to meet the requirements of
IEC 60079.
NOTE When operating at speeds above rated speed, for example, when used with adjustable speed controls,
noise and vibration levels will increase. The user may require to fine balance the motor rotor for acceptable
operation above rate d speed. Bearing life may be reduced. Attention should be paid to the re-greasing intervals
and the grease service life.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

9. 7

Ov erspeed

Machi nes shall be designed to withsta nd the speeds specified in Table 1 8.

An overspeed test is not norm ally consi dered necessary but ca n be performed when this is
specified and has been agreed. (For turbine-type a . c. generators , see a lso I EC 60034-3 . ) An
overspeed test shall be consi dered as satisfactory if no permanent abnormal deformation is
apparent subsequ ently, and no other we akness is detected which wo uld prevent the m ach i ne
from operati ng normally, and provided the rotor wi ndi ngs after the test comply with the
req uired diel ectric tests . The du ration of any overspeed test shall be 2 m i n .
D u e to settling of l aminated rotor ri ms, lami nated poles held b y wedges o r b y bolts, etc. a
mi n ute perm an ent i nc rease in the dia mete r is natu ral , and n ot to be considered as an
abnormal deformation i n di cating that the machine is not suitable for normal operation.
D u ring com missioning of a hydraulic-tu rbi n e driven synchronous generator, the machine shall
be driven at the s peed it can reach with the overspeed protecti on o perati n g , so as to ascertain
that the balanee is satisfactory up to that speed.
Table 1 8 - Ov ers peeds


Machine type


AC machines
All machines other than those specified 1 ,2 times the maximum rated speed

1 a)

Water-turbine driven generators, and

Unless otherwise specified, the runaway speed of the set but
any auxiliary machines connected
not less than 1 ,2 times the maximum rated speed
directly (electrically or mechanically) to
the main machine

1 b)

Machines which may under certain

circumstances be driven by the load

The specified runaway speed of the set but not less than
1 ,2 limes the maximum rated speed.

Series and universal motors


limes the no-load speed at rated voltage. For motors

integrally attached to loads that cannot become accidentally
disconnected, the words 'no-load speed' shall be interpreted
to mean the lightest load condition possible with the load

1 d)

Three-phase single-speed cage

induction motors according to 9.6

1 ,2 times the maximum safe operating speed

DC machines


Shunt and separately excited motor

1 ,2 times the highest rated speed or 1 , 1 5 times the

corresponding no-load speed, whichever is greater


Compound excited motors having

speed regulation of 35 % or less

1 ,2 times the higher rated speed or 1 , 1 5 times the

corresponding no-load speed, whichever is greater but not
exceeding 1 ,5 times the highest rated speed


Compound excited motors having

speed regulation greater than 35 %
and series motors

The manufacturer shall assign a maximum safe operating

speed which shall be marked on the rating plate. The
overspeed for these motors shall be 1 , 1 times the maximum
safe operating speed. The safe operating speed marking is
not required on motors that are capable of an overspeed of
1 , 1 times the no-load speed at rated voltage


Permanent-magnet excited motors

Overspeed as specified in item 2a) unless the motor has a

series winding and, in such a case, they shall withstand the
overspeeds specified in items 2b) or 2c) as appropriate



1 ,2 times the rated speed

1 c)


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004


S hort-circuit c u r rent for synch ronous machi nes

Unless otherwise specified, the pe ak value of the short-ci rcuit current for synchronous
machi nes, i ncluding tu rbi ne-type m achines not covered by I EC 60034-3, in the case of short
ci rcuit on all ph ases duri ng operation at rated voltage, shall n ot exceed 1 5 times the peak
value or 21 ti m es the r. m . s . value of the rated current.
Verification may be ca rried out by calcu lation or by means of a test at a voltage of 0 , 5 times
the rated volta ge or a bove.

Short-circuit withstand test for synch ronous mac h i nes

The three- phase short-circuit test for synch ronous machi nes shall be carried o ut only at th e
request of the purchase r. I n this case, th e test shall be carried out on the machine running on
no-load with an excitation corres ponding to the rated voltage unless otherwise agreed. The
test shall n ot be carried out with a n excitation greater than that correspondi ng to 1 , 05 times
the rated voltage at no load.

The test excitation, as determined, may be reduced b y agreement, i n order to take into
accou nt the i m pedance of the transformer which may be placed between the m achines. and
the system . In this l atter case, it m ay a lso be agreed that the test be m a de at the operati ng
site with the over-excitati on dev ice i n operati on. The short ci rcuit shall be m aintained for 3 s.
The test is considered satisfactory if n o harmful defor mation occurs a n d i f t h e requirem ents of
the a pplied voltage dielectric test (see Table 1 6) are m et after the sh ort-ci rcuit test. For three
phase turbine-type m achi nes, see I EC 60034-3.
9. 1 0

C o m m utation test for com m utator mac h i nes

A d.c. or a . c . com m utator machine shall be capable of operati ng from no-load to operati on
with the excess curre nt or excess torque, specified i n 9 . 3 a nd 9.4 respectively, without
perm a ne nt damage to the surface of the com m utator or brushes a n d without injurious
sparki n g, the brushes re maining i n the same set positio n. If possible, the com m utation test
shall be performed in warm conditions.
9. 1 1

Total Harmonic D i stortion

9. 1 1 . 1

(Tl(D) for synchronous

mach ines


The re quirements of this subcla use apply only to synchronous m achi nes having rated outputs
of 300 kW (or kVA) or more, i ntended for connection to power networks operati n g at nominal
frequencies of 16 2t3 Hz to 1 00 Hz i ncl usive, with a view to m i ni m izi n g i nterference caused by
the machines.
9. 1 1 . 2

Lim its

When tested on o pe n-circuit and at rated speed and voltage, the total harmonic distortion
( THD) of the l i n e-to- l i n e terminal voltag e , as measured accordin g to the m ethods laid down i n
9. 1 1 . 3, shall not exceed 5 % .
NOTE Limiting values of individual harmonics are not specified a s it is considered that machines which meet the
above requirements will operate satisfactory.
9.1 1 .3


Type tests shall be carried out on a . c . m achines to v erify com pliance with 9. 1 1 .2. The range
of frequencies m easured shall cover all harmonics from rated frequency up to the 1 00th


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

Either the THD may be m easured di rectly by means of a meter a n d associated network
specially designed for the pu rpose, or each individual harmonic shall be measured and from
the m easu red values the THD shall be com puted usi ng the fol l owi ng form ula:
lliD =

J :

wh ere
is th e rati o of the l i n e-to-line term i nal voltage
term i nal fundamental. voltage u1 of the machine;


of the mach i ne to the l i ne-to-line

is the order of harmonic;


1 00 .

1 0 Rating plates


Every el ectri cal machine shall be provided with a rating plate(s). The plates shall be made of
durable m aterial a n d be securely mounted.
The rati n g plate(s) shall preferably be mou nted o n the frame of the machine and be l ocated so
as to be easily legible in the position of use determ ined by the type of construction and
mounti ng a rra ngem ent of the machine. If the el ectrical machine is so enclosed or i ncorporated
in the equi pment that its rati ng plate is not easily legible, the m a n ufacturer shall, on request,
su pply a second plate to be mou nted on the equi pment.


Machi nes with rated o utputs up to and i ncl udi ng 750 W (or VA) and di m hsions not covered
by I EC 60072 shall be m arked with the i nfo rmati on g iven i n items 1 , 2 , 1 1 , 1 2 and 26 below as
a m i n i m u m . For s pecial-purpose a n d built-i n m achi nes with rated o utputs up to a n d i n c lu d in g
3 kW (or kVA) items 1 , 2 , 1 1 and 12 s hall b e m a rked a s a m i n i m u m and item 2 6 may be
provided in anoth er form .
I n all other cases, rati ng plate(s) shall be durably marked with the items i n the followi ng list,
as far as they a pply. The items need not all be on the same plate . Letter sym bols for u nits a nd
quantities shall be i n accordance with I EC 60027- 1 and I EC 60027-4.
If the m anufacturer gives m ore i nformati o n , this need not necessarily be m a rked on the rati ng
The items a re n u m bered for conv enient reference, but the order in wh ich they appear on the
rati ng plate(s) is n ot sta ndardized. Items m ay be suitably combined.
1 ) The man ufacturer's name or m ark.
2) The man ufacturer's serial n u m ber, or identifi cation mark.
NOTE A single identification mark may be used to identify each member of a group of machines which are
made to the same electrical and mechanical design and are produced in one batch using the same technology.


ISIIEC 60034-1 : 2004

3) I nform ati on to i dentify the yea r of man ufactu re. This shall be m arked on the rati ng plate or
be given o n a se parate data sheet to be provided with the mach i n e.
NOTE If this information ca n be obtained from the manufacturer by quoting the data specified in item 2, it
may be omitted from both the rating plate and the separate data sheet.
4) The man ufacturer's m achine code.
5) For a . c. m achi n es , the n u m ber of phases.
6) The n u m ber(s) of the rati n g and performance sta ndard(s) which are appl i cable
( I EC 60034-X and/or equival ent national standard(s )). If I EC 60034 is ma rked, this i m plies
compliance with all the other releva nt sta nda rds of the I EC 60034 series.
7) The degree of protection provi ded by the i ntegral des i g n of the rotati ng electrical machine
enclos ures ( l P code) in accordance with IEC 60034-5.
8) The therm al cl ass and the limit of temperatu re or of tem perature rise (whe n lower than
that of the thermal class) and, if necess ary, the m ethod of m easurement, followed in the
case of a m achine with a water-cooled heat exchanger by 'P' or 'S', depend i n g o n whether
the tem peratu re rise is measu red a bove the pri m a ry or secondary coolant respectively
(see S . 2 ) . This i nform ati on s ha l l be given for both stator and rotor (separated by a s lash)
wh en their thermal class differ.

The class(es) of rating of the machine if designed for other than rati n g for conti n uous
run ning duty S 1 , see 5.2.

1 0) The rated output(s) or range of rated output.

1 1 ) The rated vol t a g e ( s)

or r a n ge of r ated voltage .

1 2) For a . c . machines the rated frequency or range of rated frequency.

For u n iversal m otors, the rated frequ ency shall be followed by the a p propri ate sym bol :
for exam pl e , - 50 Hz/

or a . c . 50 Hz/d . c.

1 3) The rated cu rrent(s) or range of rated cu rrent.

1 4) The rated s peed(s) or .range of rated s peed.
1 5) The permissible ov erspeed if other than specified i n 9. 7.
the m ax i m u m safe o perati ng speed if less than i n 9.6.
1 6) For d.c. m achi nes with separate excitation or with s h u nt excitation and for synchronous
machi nes, the rated field voltage and the rated field cu rrent.
1 7) For a . c . m achines, the rated power factor(s).
1 8) For wo und-rotor i n d uction machi nes, the rated open-circuit voltage between sli p-ri ngs
and the rated s l i p-ri n g cu rrent.
1 9) For d.c. m otors with armatures i ntended to be su pplied by static power converters, the
identificatio n code of the static power converter in a ccordan ce with I E C 6097 1 .
Alternatively, for m otors not exceeding 5 kW, the rated form factor and the rated
altern ati n g voltage at the i n put term inals of the static power converter, when this exceeds
the rated di rect voltage of the motor armature circuit.
20) The maxi m u m a m bi ent air tem perature, if oth er than 40 o c .

The maxim u m water cool ant tem perature, if other than 25 oc.

2 1 ) The m i n i m u m am bient air tem perature if other than specified in 6 . 4 .

22) T h e altitu de f o r w h i c h the machine i s designed ( i f exceeding 1 000 m a bove sea-level) .
23) F o r hydrogen-cooled m achines, t h e hydrogen pressure a t rated output.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

24) When specifi ed, the approx i m ate total m ass of the m ach i n e , if exceedin g 30 kg.
25) For machines suitable for o peration in only one direction of rotation, the di rection of
rotation, indi cated by an arrow. This arrow need n ot be on the rati n g plate, but it shall be
easily visible.
26) The connecting i nstructions in accordance with IEC 60034-8 by means of a diagram or
text l ocated near the term inals.
Two different rated val ues shall be i ndicated by XIY and a range of rated val ues shall be
i ndicated by X-Y (see I E C 6 1 293).
Except for n ormal m a i ntenance, when a m achin e is repaired or refurbished an additional plate
shall be provided to i ndicate the name of the company undertaki ng the work, the year of
repair and the changes m ade.


M iscellaneous req uirements

Protective earthing of mao h i nes

Machi nes shall be provided with an earthing terminal or a nother device to permit the
connection of a protective conductor or an earthing conductor.




i dentify




m achi nes


neither be earthed nor be provided with a n earthing term i nal wh en:

1 ) they are fitted with s u pplem entary i nsulation, or;
2) they are i ntended for assembly in apparatus having su ppl ementary i nsul ation, or;
3) they have rated voltages up to 50 V a.c. or 1 20 V d.c. and a re i ntended for use on SELV
ci rcuits .
NOTE The term SELV i s defined i n IEC 60884-2-4.
I n the case of machi n es h av i n g rated voltages greater than 50 V a . c . or 1 20 V d.c. , but n ot
exceeding 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c., the terminal for the earthing con ductor shall be
situated in the vici nity of the termi nals for the l i ne conductors, bei ng placed i n the termi nal
box, if one is provi ded. M achi n es having rated outputs in excess of 1 00 kW (or kVA) shall
have i n addition a n earthing term inal fitted on the frame.
Machi nes for rated v oltages greater than 1 aoo V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. shall have an earthing
termi nal on the frame, for example an i ron strap, and i n addition, a m eans i nside the term i nal
box for conn ectin g a conductin g cable s heath , if any.
The earthi n g term inal shall be designed to ensure a good connectio n with the earthi ng
conductor without any damage to the con ductor or term inal. Accessi ble conducti ng parts
wh ich are not part of the ope rati ng ci rcuit shall have good electrical contact with each other
and with the earthing termi nal. When all beari n gs and the rotor win di n g of a m achi n e are
i nsulated, the shaft shall be electrically connected to the earth i n g term inal, unless the
man ufacturer and the purchaser agree to alternative m eans of protection.
When an earthing term i nal is prov ided i n the terminal box, it shall be assum ed that the
earth i n g conductor is m a de of the same m etal as the l ive conductors.
When an earthi ng term i nal is provided on the frame, the earthi n g conductor may, by
agreem ent, be made of another m etal (for example, steel ) . In this case, i n designing the
terminal, proper consideration shall be given to the conductivity of the conductor.


ISIIEC 60034-1 : 2004

The earthi n g termi nal shall be designed to accomm odate an earthi ng con ductor of cross
secti onal area in accordance with Table 1 9 . If an earthi ng conductor larger than the size given
i n the Table is used, it is reco m m ended that it should correspond as nearly as possible to one
of the other sizes listed.
For other cross-secti onal areas of live conductors, the earth i ng or protective conductor shall
have a cross-secti onal area at least equivalent to:

that of the live conductor for cross-sectional areas less than 25 m m 2 ;

25 m m 2 for cross-secti onal areas betwee n 25 m m 2 and 50 m m 2 ;

50 % of that of the live con ductor for cross-secti onal areas exceedi ng 50 m m 2 .

The earth i n g term inal shall be identified in accordance with I EC 6044 5 .

Table 1 9 - C ross-sectional areas of earth i n g con d uctors

Cross-sectional area
live conductor

of the

Cross-sectional area of the

earthing or protective

m m2

m m2













1 20


1 50


1 85



1 20


1 50


1 85

1 1 . 2 Shaft-end key(s)
When a machine sh aft end is provided with one or more keyways, each shall be provided with
a full l<ey of normal s h a pe and l e n gth.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

1 2 Toleran ces

1 2. 1

Unless stated otherwise, tol erances on decl ared val ues shall be as specified in Table 20.
Table 20


Schedule of tolerances on values of q u a ntities



Efficiency 1J

- machines up to and including 1 50 kW (or kVA) -1 5 % of (1


-10 % of ( 1 - 1J)

- machines above 1 50 kW (or kVA)


Total losses (applicable to machines with ratings + 1 0 % of the tota I losses

> 1 50 kW or kVA)

Power-factor, cos ;, for induction machines

-1 /6 (1 - cos (f)
M inimum absolute value 0,02
Maximum absolute value 0,07


S peed of d.c. motors (at full load and at working

temperature) 1
Shunt and separately excited

m otors




0,67 s

1 000 PN/nN < 2,5

10 s

1 000 PN/nN

2,5 s



Series motors
0,67 s
2,5 s

1 000 PN/nN < 1 0

000 PN/nN < 0,67

1 000 PN/nN < 2,5

1 000 PN/nN < 1 0

1 000 PN/nN

:I: 1 5 %

:1: 1 0 %
:1: 7,5 %


:1: 20 %
:1: 1 5 %
:1: 1 0 %
:1: 7,5 %

Compound excited motors

Tolerances as for item 4b) unless otherwise agreed

Variation of speed of d.c. shunt and compound

excited motors (from no-load to full load)

:1:20 % of the variation with a minimum of :1:2 % of

the rated speed

I nherent voltage regulation of d.c. generators,

shunt- or separately excited at any point on the

:1:20 % of the regulation at that point

Inherent voltage regulation of compound excited :1:20 % of the regulation, with a minimum of :1:3 % of
generators (at the rated power-factor in the case the rated voltage. (This tolerance applies to the
maximum deviation at any load between the
of alternating current)
observed voltage at.that load and a straight line
drawn between the points of no-load and full-load



IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

8 a)




8 b)


Slip of induction motors (at full load and at

working temperature)
< 1 kW

:1:30 % of the slip

:1:20 % of the slip

1 kW

Speed of a .c. (commutator) motors with shunt

characteristics (at full load and at working

- on the highest speed:

-3 % of the synchronous speed
- on the lowest speed:
+3 % of the synchronous speed

Locked rotor current of cage induction motors

with any specified sta rting apparatus

+20 % of the current


Locked rotor torque o f cage induction motors

-15 % of the torque.


Pull-up torque of cage induction motors

-15 % of the value


Breakdown torque of induction motors

-10 % of the torque except that after allowing for

this tolerance the torque shall be not less than 1 ,6
or 1 ,5 times the rated torque, see 9.4.1

(+25 % may be exceeded by agreement)


Locked rotor current of synchronous motors


Locked rotor torque of synchronous motors



Pull-out torque of synchronous motors

- 1 0 % of the value except that after allowing for this

tolerance, the torque shall be not less than 1 ,35 or
1 ,5 times the rated torque, see 9.4.2


Peak value of short-circuit current of a n a.c.

generator under spcified conditions

30 % of the value


Steady short-circuit current of an a.c. generator

at specified excitation

15 % of the value


Moment o f inertia

:1:10 % of the value

20 % of the value

_1 5 % of the value (+25 % may be exceeded by


NOTE When a tolerance is stated in only one direction, the value is not limited in the other direction.

Tolerances in item 4 depend on the ratio of rated output PN in kW, to rated speed in min-1.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

1 3 Electromag netic compatibility ( EM C )



The foll owi ng requirem ents apply to rotati ng el ectri cal machi nes with rated voltages n ot
exceeding 1 000 V a . c . or 1 500 V d . c. and which are i nte nded for operatio n i n i ndustri al
environ ments.
Electronic components m ounted i nside a rotati ng electrical machine a n d which are essential
for its operation (for ex a m ple rotati ng excitatio n devices) a re part of the machi ne.
Requirements which apply to the final drive system and its components, for exam ple power
and control electronic equipm ent, coupled machin es, monitori n g devices, etc. wheth er
m o u nted i nside or o utside the machine, are outside the scope of this sta ndard.
The requi re m e nts of this claus e apply to machin es that are su pplied di rectly to the end-user.
NOTE Machines that :no intondod for incorporation u components in an apparatus, where the enclosure
assembly will affect the E MC emissions, are covered by the EMC standard that relates to the final product.


Transie nts (such as starting) are not covere d by this clause.


I m m u n ity
M achines not lncorporatin g electronic circuits

1 3. 2 . 1

Machi nes without el ectronic ci rcuits are not sensitive to electro m agnetic e missions under
normal service conditions and, therefore, no i m m U n ity tests are requi red.
M achines incorporating electronic circuits

1 3.2.2

As electronic circuits which are incorporated i n machi nes generally utilize com po nents that
are passive (for exam ple diodes, resistors, varistors, capacitors, surge su ppressors,
i nductors), i m m u nity tests are not requi red.
1 3 .3

Em ission

1 3.3.1

M achi nes without brus hes

Radiated and conducted em issions shall com ply with the requirements of C I S P R 1 1 , Class 8,
Group 1 , see Table 8 . 1 .

1 3.3.2

M achi n es with b r us hes

Radiated and conducted (if applicable) em 1ss1ons shall com ply with the requi rem ents of
CI SPR 1 1 , Class A, Group 1 , see Table 8.2.
1 3.4

I m m u n ity tests

I m m unity tests are not required.


IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

1 3. 5

E mission tests

Type tests shall be carried o ut in accorda nce with C I SPR 1 1 , CISPR 1 4 a nd C I SPR 1 6 as
appl icable .
. 1 3.5.1

M achines without b r u s hes

Machi nes without brushes shall com ply with the em ission l i m its of 1 3 . 3. 1 .
NOTE The emission from squirrel cage induction motors are always so low that testing is not needed.
1 3.5.2

M achi nes with brus hes

Machi nes with brushes, when tested at no-load, shall com ply with the e m ission l i m its of
1 3.3.2.
NOTE 1 The no-load measurement Is justified by the negligable influence of load on the emission.
NOTE 2 There a re no conducted emissions from d.c. machines as they are not directly connected to the a.c.

s upply .

NOT!! 3

Tho omission from aarthlng brushas a r 11 always so low that tGsting i s not nGGdlld .

1 4 Safety
Rotati ng m achines in accord a n ce with this stan dard shall com ply with the requi rem ents of
I EC 60204-1 or I EC 60204- 1 1 or, i n the case of rotati n g mach i n es i ncorporated in household
a n d similar electrical a ppliances, I EC 60335- 1 , as appropriate unless otherwise specified i n
this sta ndard, a n d b e desig ned a n d co nstructed a s far as possible i n accordance with
i nternationally a ccepted best design practice, appropriate to the application.
NOTE lt is the responsibility of the manufacturer or assembler of equipment incorporating electrical machines as
components to ensure that the overall equipment is safe.
This may involve consideration of relevant product standards such as:
IEC 60079: Electrical apparatu$ for explosive ga$ atmospheres,
and other parts of IEC 60034 including:
IEC 60034-S, IEC 60034-6, 1EC 60034-7, 1EC 60034-S, IEC 60034-1 1 and IEC 60034 -12.
In addition , it may be necessary to consider limitation of the surface temperature and similar characteristics: see
for example IEC 60335-1 , Clause 1 1 : Heating.


ISIIEC 60034-1 : 2004

An nex A

G u i d a n ce fo r the a p p l i cation of d uty type S 1 0 a n d for
establishing the val ue of relative the rmal l ife expecta ncy TL

A. 1 The load of the machine at any m oment is equivalent to duty type S 1 correspo nding
to 4 . 2 . 1 . However, the l oad cycle may com prise loads oth er than the rated load based on duty
type S 1 . A load cycle com prising fou r discrete constant load/speed combi nations is shown i n
Fi gure 1 0.

Depending on the value and duration of the different loads within one cycle, the relative
life expectancy of the machine based on the thermal ageing of the i nsulati on system can be
calculated by the foll owi ng equati on:



= :LM; x 2 k




is the relative thermal l ife expectancy related to the thermal life expectancy i n case of
duty type S1 with rated o utput;


is the difference between the tem perature rise of the wi n d i n g at each of the various
loads withi n one cycle and the tem perature rise based u pon d uty type S 1 with
reference load;


is the p . u . ti m e of a constant load within a load cycle;

is the i nc rease i n tem perature rise in K, whi ch leads to a shorte n i ng of the thermal life
expectancy of the i nsul ation system by 50 %;

is the n u m ber of discrete values of load.

A.3 The quantity TL is an i ntegral part of the u n a m bi guous identification of the class of
rati ng.
The value of the qua ntity TL can be determi ned only when, i n a dditio n to i nformation
concerning the load cycl e according to Figure 1 0, the value k for the insulation system is
known . This value k h as to be determined by ex perim ents in conformity with I EC 60034- 1 8 for
the whole tem perature ra nge with i n which the load cycle takes place according to Figure 1 0.


A.5 TL can be stated sensi bly as a relative value only. This value can be used by
approx i m ation to assess the real change i n the mach i n e ther m al life expectancy as com pared
to duty type S1 with rated output, because it may be assumed that in considerati on of the
varyi ng l oads existi n g within a cycle the rem aining i nfl uences over the lifeti m e of the machine
(e. g . diel ectric stress, environm ental i nfluences) are approxi mately the same as in the case of
duty type S1 with rated output.
A.6 The m a n ufacturer of the machine is res ponsi ble for the correct com pilation of the
various parameters for determining the value of TL.


--- - IS/IEC 60034-1 : 2004

An nex 8

Electromag netic com pati b i l ity ( E M C ) l i m its

Table 8 . 1 - Electromagnetic e m i ssion l i m its for mach i nes without brushes

Radiated emission

Conducted emission
11 , , , liloiiiiiiY torminillli



Frequency range


30 M Hz to 230 MHz

30 dB(iJV/m) quasi peak, measured at

10 m distance (Note 1)

230 MHz to 1 000 M Hz

37 dB(iJVIm) quasi peak, measured at

10 m distance (Note 1 )

0,15 MHz to 0,50 MHz

Limit:; deGrea:;e linearly with
logarithm frequency

66 dB(IIV) to 56 dB(IJV) quasi peak

56 dB(iJV) to 46 dB(JJV) average

0,50 MHz to 5 M Hz

56 dB(iJV) quasi peak

46 dB(iJV) average

5 MHz to 30 MHz

60 dB(IIV) quasi peak

50 dB(iJV) average

May be measured at 3 m distance using the limits increased by 1 0 dB.

NOTE 2 Emission limits are from CISPR 1 1 . Class B. Group 1 .

Table 8 . 2 - E lectromag n etic em ission l i m its for mach i n es with brushes

Radiated emission

Conducted emission
on a .c. supply terminals

Frequency range


30 MHz to 230 MHz

30 dB(iJV/m) quasi peak,

measured 30 m distance (Note 1 )

230 MHz to 1 000 MHz

37 dB(iJV/m) quasi peak,

measured 30 m dista nce (Note 1 )

0,15 MHz to 0,50 MHz

79 dB(iJV) quasi peak

66 dB(iJV) average

0,50 MHz to 30 M Hz

73 dB(iJV) quasi peak

60 dB(iJV) average

NOTE 1 May be measured at 1 0 m distance using the limits increased by 1 0 dB or measured at 3 m distance
using the limits increased by 20 dB.
NOTE 2 Emission limits are from CISPR 1 1 , Class A, Group 1 .


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