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Bertaud, A. (2014) - Cities As Labour Markets. Marrion, NYU

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A citys welfare depends on its labor market. As long as a labor market does not fragment into adjacent,
smaller ones as it grows, the larger the market, the more innovative and productive the city will be.
Maintaining mobility is therefore essential to the economic viability of cities.

Maintaining mobility has two implications: first, managing a transport system that allows an efficient
movement of labor and goods across metropolitan areas, and second, insuring that regulations or inadequate
land supply do not prevent firms and households from settling in the area that will maximize their welfare.
This also implies that transaction costs should be low enough to allow firms and households to change
location when their circumstances change. Considering cities primarily as labor markets has important
operational implications for their management, particularly in the way transport systems are developed and
in the way land markets are allowed to operate.

Alain Bertaud


art galleries, public libraries, well-designed public spaces, and


great restaurants, among many others. In turn, these typically

urban amenities require additional specialized jobs and attract

c i t i e s a r e p r i m a r i ly l a b o r m a r k e t s

Cities are primarily labor markets. This claim may seem terribly
reductionist to the many among us who love cities. Certainly
the attractions offered by the amenities of a large city cannot be
reduced such that the whole is seen merely as a place where firms
are looking for labor and people are looking for jobs.
During the French cultural revolution of May 1968 students
were deriding a life reduced to only three activities: Metro,
boulot, dodo, which could be roughly translated by commuting,
working, sleeping. This became one of the most ubiquitous tags
on Paris walls. The students were revolting against what I, more
pedantically, call an urban labor market, and they had a strong
point; I have seen such reduced forms of urban life in many
malfunctioning cities. However, I believe that improving the way
labor markets function through better land use and transport
allow for the indispensable values of urban life: a commute short
enough that one has time for elective activities; an open job
market that allows one to change jobs until an interesting and/
or materially rewarding professional activity has been secured; a
residence from which access to social life or nature is quick and
easy. All this is possible only in the presence of a well-functioning
labor market. Urban life reduced to Metro, boulot, dodo is
precisely the expression of a dysfunctional labor market.
I am not implying that a citys only purpose is as a labor
marketplace, but I am arguing that without a functioning labor
market there is no city. Try thinking of an alternative explanation
for the existence of very large cities. A city nucleus might have
been created originally as a commercial port, a trading post,

an even more diverse population, which become the source of

future innovations and a more interesting urban life.
Usually when a citys population is growing, it means that its
labor market is growing. Still, there is a segment of any urban
population (usually between 35 and 50 percent) that does not
participate directly in the labor market. Statisticians rightly
call the non-active segment the dependent population. Its
membersretired people, infants, students, prison inmates,
etc.are not part of the labor market and participate in the urban
economy only as consumers.
People migrating from other cities once they have reached
retirement age may be the cause of the growth of a few cities
whose growth is more driven by consumer markets than by labor
markets. These types of cities might become more common in
the twenty first century with the projected aging of the world
population. The retiree population of these cities would be
expected to consume a lot of services in health care facilities,
restaurants, and entertainment venues. The growth of these
retiree cities would then be caused by the dual effect of not
only the retirees migration, but also the migration of additional
workers to staff the services required by the retirees. These
retiree cities would not require spatial concentration and are
unlikely to create much economic dynamism. The eventual
growth of retiree cities is the only exception to growth created
by the efficiency of large labor markets. And, of course, the
retirement income of retirees will have to have been generated by
efficiently working labor markets in other large cities.

an administrative center, a military stronghold, or a center

large labor markets are more productive than

of religious pilgrimage, but over the years, the growth of a

smaller ones

diversified labor force would be the only possible cause for the

Economists have convincingly demonstrated the productivity

expansion of the original urban nucleus. While most cities offer a

advantage of larger cities over smaller ones. Large cities generate

lot more than job opportunities, it is important to recognize that

scale economies that allow enterprises to reduce their costs

the expansion of job markets makes everything else possible. A

by increasing output, thereby reducing costs per unit. Scale

well-functioning labor market brings together people with varied,

economies are only possible in cities with a large labor market.

but complementary, knowledge and skills-- the preconditions

When many related activities are located in close proximity, they

for innovation. A well-functioning labor market makes possible

generate what economists call knowledge spillovers. New ways

every other urban attractionsymphonic orchestra, museums,

of doing things in one firm are soon imitated by other firms and


eventually by other sectors as a result of the proximity and close

countries, shows the regularities found in the distribution of

contact between workers of different firms and sectors within

city size across countries, with the exception of anomalies in

the urban economy. For instance, the first users of electronic

the former Soviet Union and China. In his book Planet of Cities

spreadsheets in the early eighties were mostly accountants

(2012), Shlomo Angel summarizes previous studies on the subject

and financial analysts. The use of spreadsheets soon became

and addresses the issue of worldwide city size distribution.

common in all sectors of the economy, but the spillover occurred

Angel based his analysis on a reliable worldwide database. His

first in large cities. Knowledge spillovers are responsible for

conclusions confirm previous, less exhaustive studies:

agglomeration economies, i.e. increase in productivity due to the

rapid dissemination of new ideas in areas where large numbers

The size distribution of cities by continent follows

of workers are in close contact. Agglomeration economies also

Zipfs law, which states that the size of a citys

result from a lowering of transaction costs in larger cities because

population is inversely proportional to its statistical

of the proximity of competing suppliers and consumers.

rank, such that if cities are ranked by decreasing

size, the second largest city is half the size of the

Economic literature linking the wealth of cities to spatial

largest, the third largest city a third the size of the

concentration is quite abundant and is no longer controversial

largest, etc.

in academic circles. National accounts show that the output

share of large cities is always much higher than their share of

On average, large cities, as a group, are growing at

the national population. The 2009 World Bank Development

about the same rate as medium and small cities in

Report Reshaping Economic Geography, and the report of the

the same countries or regions. It seems that cities

Commission on Growth and Development, Urbanization and

growth rates follow Gibrats law of proportionate

Growth published the same year, exhaustively summarize and

effect, which says that the size of a city is not an

document the theoretical and empirical arguments justifying

indicator of its future growth ratethat is, cities

the economic advantage provided by the spatial concentration of

growth rates are random, with the same average

economic activities in large cities.

expected growth rate and same variance. This is why

Zipfs law is preserved over time.

But if larger cities are more productive than smaller ones, why
are large cities not growing faster than small ones? And why do

In any given region, the distribution of cities of various sizes

many households and firms choose to remain in or even move

therefore remains stable. Larger cities keep growing, but on

to smaller cities when they could instead settle in the more

average, so do smaller cities. This seems paradoxical given that

productive environment provided by larger cities?

larger cities are more productive than smaller ones. However,

larger cities do not play the same economic role as smaller

the proportion of smaller cities to l arger ones

s tay s c o n s ta n t o v e r t i m e ; o n av e r a g e , a l l g r o w at
a b o u t t h e s a m e r at e

Data on city size distribution by country or by region show that

the proportion of small to medium and large cities stays about
constant over time. When households decide to migrate and

cities. They complement each others activities. The increased

productivity of larger cities is therefore linked to the existence
and growth of smaller cities. In turn, smaller cities economic
growth is dependent on larger cities innovations and inventions.
some cities keep g rowing while others don t

firms decide to select a location for a new enterprise, they are as

Small cities do not always grow into larger cities. The rate of

likely to choose a small city as a larger one.

population growth is determined by economic opportunity,

which in turn is largely determined by the comparative advantage

The American economist Vernon Henderson, who pioneered

given by a citys location and its populations capacity for

work on the growth rate and size distribution of cities in various

innovation. But the economic advantage provided by location

1 The internet is certainly able to spread knowledge quickly without requiring spatial concentration. However, the
impact of the internet in disseminating knowledge might be similar to books: it makes knowledge available quickly
and cheaply but it doesnt replace the serendipity of a random meeting of people with similar interests.


is not necessarily permanent; it may increase, decrease, or even

instance, activities like furniture-making require a lot of land and

vanish with technological change. Being close to an obsidian

easy truck access to transport the bulky materials necessary for

mine might have been a decisive advantage for the early Middle

the finished product. They require skilled, but not particularly

Eastern cities described by Jane Jacobs, but that advantage

specialized, labor. Furniture manufacturers, therefore, have no

disappeared when obsidian ceased to be the preferred material

reason to relocate to a large city, where land and labor would be

for tools and weapons. The Anatolian cities, whose economies

expensive and where moving bulky raw materials and finished

had not been able to diversify into activities other than obsidians

products in and out of the factory would be inefficient and costly.

craft and trade, inevitably shrunk and eventually disappeared.

These types of firms would tend to locate their manufacturing

The dominance of New York as the United States main eastern

activities in smaller cities. However, furniture makers may

seaport was made possible by the comparative advantage

require innovative designers who may not be found in smaller

provided by the Erie Canal. By the time railways made waterway

cities. In such cases, they may need to subcontract the design

transport obsolete, New Yorks population had accumulated such

of furniture to a firm located in a large city, where talented

a high level of diversified, specialized skills that it continued

designers are more likely to be found and where agglomeration

to thrive without having to rely on the advantage conferred by

economies and idea spillover, both important for a design

proximity to the canal.

firm, are also more likely to occur. Firms such as furniture

makers can carry out their highly specialized and innovative

The history of the worlds cities is full of examples of large cities

activitiesdesign and marketing, for instancein large cities.

dominating their regions for a time and then shrinking back to a

Their repetitive and land intensive activities (manufacturing) can

smaller size or even into oblivion. In 1050, Cordoba, in the south

be carried out in smaller cities. In this way, they can enjoy the

of Spain, was the largest city in Europe with 450,000 inhabitants,

advantages of both a large city (innovation, specialized labor) and

followed by Palermo, Sicily, with a population of 350,000. By the

a smaller city (low land and labor costs).

middle of the fourteenth century, the population of both cities

had shrunk to 60,000 and 50,000, respectively. In the eleventh

Speedier and cheaper communication over the past twenty years,

century, Kaifeng in China was probably the largest city in the

including the expansive adoption of the Internet, has contributed

world, with 700,000 people, while Shenzhen was not even on

to the splitting up of large firms into various departments located

the map. Today, Shenzhen has 10 million people, and over the

in cities of different sizes. Specialized tasks (design, marketing,

past ten centuries, Kaifengs population has barely increased to

export promotion) can take place in larger cities, where the

800,000 people.

requisite innovators and specialized labor force are more likely

to be found, while more routine manufacturing can take place in

w h y d o n t h o u s e h o l d s a n d f i r m s m i g r at e t o l a r g e r

smaller cities. In addition, large firms increasingly subcontract

c i t i e s w h e r e p r o d u c t i v i t y a n d s a l a r i e s a r e h i g h e r?

tasks to smaller firms often located in different areas. The same

In spite of the higher productivity to be gained, only some types of

factors have likely led to the growth of both large and small

firms can benefit from moving to a larger city. Firms established

cities, allowing them to specialize in what they do best. Similar

in larger cities require higher capital and higher operation and

rationale could be applied by workers who prefer either to remain

maintenance costs than those located in smaller cities. Land and

in large cities or to migrate to smaller cities: the latter have lower

rents are more expensive in larger cities than in smaller ones.

salaries but also lower rents, lower commuting costs and, often, a

Distances traveled are longer, and the congestion tax is higher.

better natural environment.

In addition, not every enterprise can benefit from economy of

scale or agglomeration economies.

Some services are likely to thrive in both large and small cities
and are thus not dependent upon the advantage provided by

Moving to a smaller city where land is cheaper and salaries are

location. Fast food restaurants, barber shops, and laundry

lower makes economic sense for firms whose activities require

services, for instance, follow the labor force of more specialized

a lot of land and labor that is not particularly specialized. For

firms wherever they locate, contributing to the even growth rate


of small and larger cities.

smuggling, or other unlawful, predatory activities are its main




The assumption that the preparation of national or regional

Cities grow when their labor markets expand. This economic

plans would result in a predictable urban growth rate for

expansion is usually the result of a comparative advantage gained

each individual city in a region is also demonstrably false.

from location or an unusual concentration of skilled workers.

Unfortunately, in many countries this common planning conceit

The rate of a citys population growth cannot be attributed to

has resulted in misallocated public investments and regulatory

advance planning; rather, it is due to a combination of exogenous

impediments that have decreased cities productivity. In reality,

and endogenous circumstances. To the chagrin of urban

planners have very little influence on city size distribution and

planners, a citys growth rate over the mid or long term is largely

city growth rates, unless they take active, targeted measures to

unpredictable, and it is futile to pretend it is the result of careful

destroy the urban economies of the cities that have grown too


large. The Khmer Rouges urban policy applied to Cambodia in

the late seventies was an extreme and brutal example of planners

Planners and city managers have traditionally been concerned

temporarily successful attempt to manage city size.

about the unplanned growth of large cities because of the

complexity involved in managing them, the difficulty integrating

As a consequence of the planners hubris about the necessity

poor migrants from rural areas into city life, and an instinctive

of managing city size, many regional plans designed in the

aversion to anything that seems undesigned. Planners have

second half of the twentieth century have promoted regulatory

even described the growth of large, dominant cities like Paris or

limits on the growth of large cities. These were combined with

Mexico City as cancerous.

planned infrastructure investment aimed at stimulating the

growth of smaller cities, which were deemed more manageable.

The aversion to unplanned or to asymmetrical spatial patterns

A seminal and influential paper published in 1947, calling for a

is quite apparent in most urban planners approach. Some

national plan for the spatial development of France, was titled

planners look at a countrys map and observe that some regions

Paris and the French Desert, implying that the growth of Paris

contain many cities while others have only a few. They incorrectly

had occurred at the expense of the French provincial towns.

conclude that this imbalance represents an inequity due to

Anyone familiar with French provincial towns would recognize

parasitic urban activities or to other market failures. In their

their comparison to a barren desert as a slightly comical but

view, it then becomes the responsibility of the government to

gross exaggeration. While it is possible that the centralization

modify the imbalance and to remove this regional inequity

tendency of successive governments since the French revolution

through national spatial planning, with the declared objective of

of 1789 contributed to Paris rapid growth, the problem, if it

restoring a regional symmetry in the spatial distribution of cities.

exists, lays with the political system. Preventing investments in

However, the assumption that national spatial planning can

the capital while directing large resources towards provincial

modify the distribution of urban populations in order to reach a

towns is unlikely to change a city size hierarchy caused by an

new, planner-designed spatial equilibrium is false.

idiosyncratic political system whose reforms fail to allow for more

decentralized decisions.

Cities that have a decisive comparative advantage, either

because of their location or because of their large specialized

In 1956, the Indian government adopted a policy dictating that

and innovative labor pool, are likely to grow. People migrate

new industries should locate in backward areas. At the same

toward cities where economic and social opportunities are best,

time, it prevented further development of manufacturing in

from their point of view. The idea that a citys economic and

large cities.2 Through this policy, the government committed

demographic growth rate is due to parasitic activities occurring to

the detriment of other cities is fancifulunless, of course, piracy,


2 Industrial Policy Resolution of the Government of India adopted in 1956 under the provisions of the Industrial
Development and Regulation Act, 1951.

itself to correcting regional imbalance and to preventing further

their construction and insured their initial survival as they were

industrial growth in cities of more than 500,000. In 1988, the

financed by taxes paid by the rest of the country. Eventually, a

negative impact of the policy was compounded by an interdiction

more diversified labor market grafted itself onto the government

that new industries locate less than 50 kilometers from cities with


a population of more than 2.5 million and within 30 kilometers

of cities with a population between 1.5 million and 2.5 million. As

During the 70 years of the Soviet Union, planners had the

one can easily imagine, the latter policy didnt prevent the growth

opportunity to decide which cities were going to grow and which

of industries in successful cities like Mumbai or Bangalore with

were not. No city could grow without supporting resources

a population significantly bigger than 2.5 million; it just made

allocated from the Gosplan,4 a specialized ministry in Moscow.

it more expensive for these industries to expand there. More

The government had the means to enforce the movement of

tragically, it diverted scarce government infrastructure resources

people, and migrations toward selected locations within the

to regions with weak potential while starving large metropolitan

Soviet Unions vast hinterland were often involuntary. Many new

areas of desperately needed investment, even though this

cities were created for various political or perceived economic

was where most people were migrating. The current poor

reasons, but none of these cities was the result of voluntary

performance of public infrastructure roads, transport, sewer,

migration of firms and people toward areas that represented

drainage, and power in major Indian cities is in part the result

better opportunities.

of misguided national spatial policy conducted over the last 50


In 2010, traveling to Moscow as a consultant, I was asked by the

ministry of construction to provide advice on how to proceed

If planners are unable to control the growth rate of cities, how do

for the closing of 60 cities that the Russian government had

I explain the successful growth of entirely planned cities like St

identified as no longer viable. The government could not

Petersburg, Brasilia or Shenzhen, created ex nihilo by powerful

continue to support social services and infrastructure in cities

rulers as diverse as Peter the Great, Juscelino Kubitschek and

that had been abandoned by the large monopolistic industries

Deng Xiao Ping? These planned cities became large and

that were originally their raison dtre. The labor market had

successful as the result of two main factors. First, each citys

disappeared, but the laborers were still there; closing the

location was selected because of a geopolitical necessity and

cities would entail another forced migration of several million

not because of an abstract planning concept. Second, each city

people. Apartments that had recently privatized represented

had the strong political and financial support of a powerful ruler

most peoples only asset; however, because the apartments

of a very large country. This support allowed these cities to sink

had become worthless, their owners were unable to move. The

large amounts of money in infrastructure investment without

closing of cities in Russia is an extreme illustration of the danger

having to borrow and tax their own initially fledgling economies.

of creating cities based on planning criteria without economic

These political and financial conditions are not typically met in

base and of using forced migrations or heavy subsidies to

the regional plans routinely prepared by technocrats. Politicians

promote urban growth.

created new capital cities like Washington (USA), Canberra

(Australia), Islamabad (Pakistan), Abuja (Nigeria), and Naypyidaw

w h y p l a n n e r s s h o u l d n o t t r y t o a lt e r t h e

(Myanmar). All are capitals of large countries and were initially

distribution of cit y sizes

without economic base beyond the national government

There is a natural equilibrium reached, within countries

bureaucracy. The cost is no object concept presided over

and regions, between the size of the population and the firms
choosing to settle in small, medium, and large cities. This

3 St. Petersburg was created by Peter the Great to open a port toward Western Europe in order to gain new technology
through trade and cultural contact. Brasilia, created by president Juscelino Kubitschek of Brazil, was part of an

equilibrium is created by the accumulated decisions of firms and

effort to develop the center of the country and to make the capital more politically independent from the large cities

households to vote with their feet, thereby selecting to move to

of the coast. Deng Xiao Pings main objective in creating Shenzhen was to graft and test within a limited perimeter
some of the market institutions and technical know-how used across the border by his Chinese compatriots in Hong

4 In Russian: Gosudarstvennaya Planovaya Comissiya State Planning Committee, in charge of the Soviet




the cities that will grow and to leave the cities or villages that have


less potential. The spontaneous spatial equilibrium created by


the sum of uncoordinated, individual decisions illustrates what I


call the principle of order without design.

Mobility, which I would argue is the centerpiece of
With the exception of the few geopolitical examples mentioned

our national productivity, is neither highly valued

above, planners have no credible rationale for intervening directly

nor understood among public officials.

in the location and growth rate of cities. Planners should no

--Alan Pisarski, 2006

more encouragea favorite word in the planning literature

the growth of large cities at the expense of smaller cities than

Good management can therefore increase

they should discourage their growth, as they have done in the

indefinitely the optimal size of a city.

past. History has shown that these types of planner initiatives

--Rmy Prudhomme & Chang-Woon Lee, 1998 ,

are bound to fail or, worse, to create serious diseconomies,

Size, Sprawl, Speed And The Efficiency Of Cities

making a country poorer. The size of a city does not make it

automatically more productivelarge, dense refugee camps are

Larger labor markets are made possible by an increase in the

less productive than small towns, although they may provide

mobility of people and goods. Advancements in urban transport

shelter to several hundred thousand inhabitants. A city only

technology have improved the mobility of people and goods,

becomes more productive when its growth is generated by the

which in turn, has contributed to the growth of large cities during

aggregated decisions of many firms and households to migrate

the last 150 years. Improvements to transport technology have

toward it and when those firms and households have the freedom

also made possible the spatial concentration of both people and

to either stay put or to migrate elsewhere. These decisions should

fixed capital. Economists describe fixed capital as factories,

not be altered either by coercive regulations or by government

office buildings, houses, apartment buildings, community

investment incentives. Because households and firms have the

facilities, and infrastructure. In the last fifty years, an increasing

most invested in the successful outcomes of their moves, we

return to scale and agglomeration economies as a result of this

have to trust that the majority of them have enough information

spatial concentration has led to the emergence of mega-cities.

to justify their migration choices. Planners, in contrast, lack

the information about the economy of individual firms and

The potential economic advantages of large cities are reaped only

households that would be necessary to make informed decisions

if workers, consumers, and suppliers are able to exchange labor,

about the advantages and disadvantages of locating in a small,

goods, and ideas with minimum friction and to multiply face-to-

medium, or large city.

face contacts with minimum time commitments and cost. The

productivity of a city with a growing population can increase only

We will see below that planners optimum design hubris is

if travel between residential areas and firms and among firms

not limited to the size and location of cities. Within cities,

locations remains fast and cheap. As a city grows, it is therefore

too, they attempt to regulate both where households and firms

important to monitor mobility by comparing how average travel

should locate and the quantity of land and floor space they

times and transport costs vary over time.

should consume. As we will also see, planners do have a crucial

role to play in the development of cities, in particular with the
development of their infrastructure. However, it must be clear
that allocating land and floor space in specific locations is not
their role.

t h e d a i ly h u m a n t i d e : t h e c h a l l e n g e o f m o v i n g p e o p l e
and goods

The necessity of managing urban growth rather than to trying

to slow it down is finally being understood by mayors, city
managers, and urban planners. An increase in city size is not the
only condition necessary to increase productivity. Productivity
increases with city size only if the transportation network is able


to connect workers with firms and providers of goods and services

square kilometers. Today, by contrast, the built-up area of the

with consumers. This connectivity is difficult to achieve in large

largest cities covers several thousand square kilometers each.

cities; it requires consistency among a number of factors: land

In large modern cities, mobility can be maintained only with an

use and investments for transport networks, pricing decisions

elaborate system of transport, usually combining private and

for road use, parking, and transit fares, and collection of local

public modes of travel. The frequency of face-to-face contact

taxes and user fees. In their 2009 book, aptly titled Mobility

among the millions of people living in large cities depends

First, Sam Staley and Adrian Moore describe in detail the cross-

entirely on the efficiency of a motorized urban transport system.

disciplinary reforms in road and urban transport design and

in road pricing, among other things, that would be required to
maintain mobility in cities in the twenty first century.

t h e s p at i a l p at t e r n o f l a b o r m o b i l i t y

Every day in urban areas, the millions of people who constitute

the active population leave their homes to travel to their places

Failure to manage urban transportation in a manner that

of work, usually located in parts of the metropolitan area other

maintains mobility results in congestion. Congestion decreases

than the ones in which they live. Every evening these same people

labor mobility and productivity and is in fact avoidable in

come back home. In between, they may drop their children at

large cities. Its presence represents a failure on the part of city

school, stop to buy groceries, or meet friends at a coffee shop.

managers. Congestion has a double-negative effect; it acts

These daily trips originate and terminate at peoples homes but

as a tax on productivity by tying down people and goods, and

also include their workplaces and any number of amenities

it degrades the environment and increases greenhouse gas

restaurants, museums, supermarkets, cinemas, etc. The

emissions. It is conceivable that in the future some mismanaged

commute constitutes a daily tide moving back and forth in a

large cities may reach a level of congestion and pollution the

predictable manner, with peak hours and ebb times, from home

combined negative effects of which could offset the economic

to workplace and amenities and back.

advantage of spatial concentration. These cities would then stop

growing, and the economic advantage of spatial concentration

In addition to trips originated in residential areas by commuters

would be taxed away by congestion and an unsafe environment.

and consumers, economic activities generate freight trips

between firms locations and increasingly, with the growth of

Given this potential scenario, the positive economic effect of

e-commerce, from firms directly to their consumers in residential

agglomeration must be very powerful in cities like Bangkok and

locations. Firms in large cities need to be constantly supplied

Jakarta where urban productivity continues to offset the price of

both with merchandise to be sold in shops and with the materials

chronic congestion. It is difficult to assess a citys productivity

and parts to be used in manufacturing. These freight trips do

just by visiting, but traffic congestion is clearly apparent on even

not follow the same patterns as commuting trips and are often

a short visit to either city. But, even the spectacular and semi-

ignored by planners. In a typical city in an OECD5 country,

permanent traffic congestion in these economic powerhouses, as

freight trips may represent 10 to 15 percent of the total vehicle

well as in Beijing, does not cancel the productivity advantage of

kilometers traveled (VKT). When roads are congested, the tax on

their large, human spatial concentrations.

productivity affects both labor and freight mobility.

Maintaining mobility while a citys built-up area and its

A citys economy is therefore dependent on the repetitive flow of

population are growing is not easy. During centuries of urban

commuting and freight trips. If by chance a snowstorm, a flood,

development, walking was an adequate means of urban

or a public transport strike forces these trips to be canceled, the

transportation. At the beginning of the industrial era, one could

citys economy freezes immediately and remains frozen until the

walk from the periphery to the center of each of the largest

daily commuting tide resumes.

European and American cities in less than an hour. In the

1830s, the area occupied by each of the three largest cities in the
Western worldMoscow, London, and Pariswas less than 60


5 The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) is a club of 34 rich countries with high
human development index committed to market economy and democracy

commuting time and commuting cost limit the size of

each way. Only a small percentage of commuters in large cities

labor markets

have a total commuting time of more than one hour per day.

Obviously, there are limits to the money and time that workers are

In 2009, the mean travel time in US metropolitan areas was 26

willing to spend on commuting. These limits impose a constraint

minutes; however, in New York, the largest US metropolitan area,

on the commuting distance, and as a consequence, on the size

with 19 million people, it was 35 minutes. Figure 1 compares

of the urban labor market. For very low-income workerswhose

the distribution of commuting travel time (one way) between an

income is nearly entirely devoted to food and shelterthe cost

average of US metropolitan areas and Gauteng, the South African

of commuting is a more binding constraint than the time spent

metropolitan area that includes Johannesburg and Pretoria

commuting. As a households disposable income increases, the

(12.3 million people in 2011). In spite of the difference in their

cost of transport becomes a smaller fraction of incometypically

economies, urban structures, cultures, and topographies, the

less than 15 percent, and the time spent commuting becomes

majority of commuters, approximately a third in both Gauteng

the major constraint for workers, limiting the size of the labor

and US cities, spend 15-29 minutes of travel time. The percentage

market. Because the time spent on commuting is a dead loss

of commuters who spend less than 15 minutes of travel time

for both individuals and employers, the size and efficiency of a

is significantly higher in the US cities, and the percentage

labor market depends on how short, cheap, and comfortable the

who spend either 30-59 minutes or more than 60 minutes is

commute is. The maximum cost in time and cash that workers

significantly higher in Gauteng.

are willing to spend commuting will therefore dictate the size of

Figure 1: Distribution of commuting travel time in US cities and in Gauteng (South


the labor market and, by extension, the productivity of a city.

I consider an hours commute (one way) to be the absolute limit

Urban commuting surveys indicate that the median travel time

when defining the spatial extent of a labor market. For a worker,

across cities and countries is, and for a long time has been,

the number of jobs that can be reached within a travel time of less

remarkably stable, with an approximate mean of 30 minutes

than one hour defines the size of his labor market.


Aarabi.7 Prudhomme and Lees paper titled Size, Sprawl, Speed

One could argue that the number of jobs for which a particular

and the Efficiency of Cities shows that productivity per worker

worker would be qualified or in which he would be interested

is closely correlated to the average number of jobs per worker

would be much smaller than the total number of jobs accessible

that are reachable in less than 60 minutes. In Korean cities, a 10%

within an hour of his home. This is true, but increasingly

increase in the number of jobs accessible per worker corresponds

specialized jobs have led to a greater dependence on the physical

to a 2.4% increase in workers productivity. Additionally, for

proximity of people with other specialties and skills. In the

25 French cities, a 10% increase in average commuting speed,

service industry in particular, which constitutes a large portion

all other things remaining constant, increases the size of the

of the jobs in large cities, large arrays of skills are needed in close

labor market by 15 to 18%. In the US, Melo et al. show that the

proximity. For instance, a lawyer who specializes in European

productivity effect of accessibility, measured by an increase in

agriculture regulations would not be very productive if she were

wages, is correlated to the number of jobs per worker accessible

surrounded only by people with the same skills. To be effective,

within a 60-minute commuting range. The maximum impact

she will have to be in close contact with other specialists in

on wages is obtained when the number of jobs accessible

taxation and import tariffs, and she will need to engage the

within 20 minutes increases; within this travel time, a doubling

services of workers who will fix her computer, clean her office,

in the number of jobs results in an increase in real wages of

deliver coffee to the board room and prepare and serve the

6.5%. Beyond 20 minutes of travel time, worker productivity still

food that she will eat at lunch. In the same way, an unskilled

increases, but its rate decays and practically disappears beyond

industrial worker is likely to work in a factory requiring a large

60 minutes.

array of workers specialized in electronics, mechanics, labor law,

insurance and so on.

Both papers demonstrate that workers mobility their ability to

reach a large number of potential jobs in as short a travel time

The idea that a lawyer needs to access only the area where lawyers

as possible, is a key factor in increasing the productivity of large

are likely to work while an industrial worker needs to access

cities and the welfare of their workers. Large agglomerations

only industrial areas no longer corresponds to the reality of job

of workers do not insure a high productivity in the absence of

distribution in a large modern city. Our European agriculture

worker mobility. The time spent commuting should, therefore, be

regulations specialist may only be interested in a few jobs, and

a key indicator in assessing the way large cities are managed.

these few jobs are likely to be randomly distributed among

many other jobs. For this reason, the larger the total number

As Prudhomme writes in his paper: [] the benefits associated

of jobs, the greater the chances that a few very specialized jobs

with city size are only potential, they are contingent upon the

will be among them. In addition, the larger the number of jobs

quality of management. City size would therefore define an

accessible within an hours commute, the better the ability to

efficiency frontier, with effective efficiency often significantly

change jobs when desired. This type of labor mobility the ability

below this frontier. The quality of management as defined by

to change jobs within different economic sectors benefits both

Prudhomme is in a large part the ability of the local government

individual workers and the city economy by redistributing labor

to adapt the transport system to the spatial structure so that

where it will provide the most benefits.

workers can access a maximum number of jobs in less than 60

minutes of travel time.

the effective size of the labor market depends on

t r av e l s p e e d a n d t h e s p at i a l d i s t r i b u t i o n o f j o b s

The effective size of a citys labor market is, therefore, not

The impact of travel speed, size of labor markets and jobs

necessarily equal to the number of jobs available within a

spatial distribution on urban productivity has been convincingly

metropolitan area but to the average number of jobs per worker

demonstrated for European and Korean cities by Prudhomme

and Lee6 and for US cities by Melo, Graham, Levinston and

et des Institutions Locales, IUP Universit de Paris XII

7 Patricia Melo, Graham, Levinson and Aarabi, 2013, Agglomeration, Accessibility, and Productivity: Evidence for

6 Prudhomme and Lee, 1998, Size, Sprawl, Speed and the Efficiency of Cities. LOEIL, Observatoire de lconomie


Urbanized Areas in the US paper submitted to the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC.

accessible within a one hour commute. Depending on the speed

of transport could be increased so that one could travel from a

of the transport system, the effective size of the labor market

to d and from e to b within one hour, rather than the 90 minutes

could be equal to the total number of jobs available in a

each trip currently takes, then the effective size of the job market

city or to only a fraction of it. The location of workers residences

would be 100% of all jobs available (100% of 3/3 = 100%).

relative to their jobs and the speed of transport will determine

the effective size of a labor market and, therefore, the additional

In a less schematic city, the effective size of labor markets can be

productivity that could be gained by the scale and agglomeration

calculated as follows: Let us assume that the city is divided into

economies described earlier.

polygons identified by their number i; then, the effective size of

its labor market can be expressed by:

I will illustrate the relationship between speed of transport,

J =(wi ji)/ni

effective size of labor market and spatial distribution of jobs by

using a schematic representation of a city as shown on Figure 2


Imagine a linear city where workers residences are spread evenly

between a and e. Jobs are concentrated in only three locations

J is an indicator of the effective size of the labor market expressed

b, c and d. Each location contains 1/3 of all jobs. The speed of

as the average % of total jobs accessible in less than one hour per

transport is uniform within the city and is represented by the


arrows showing travel time between different points. It takes

two hours to travel from a to e, on opposite outer edges of the

wi is the number of workers living in location i;

hypothetical city.

ji is the number of jobs accessible within one hour travel time of
location i;

ni is the number of jobs in location i;
This type of calculation would have been prohibitively labor
intensive before the availability of GIS technology, but it is now
quite feasible to update this indicator regularly. Different
transport modes and networks could be tested for their potential

Figure 2: Distribution of workers residence and job location in a hypothetical linear


impact on the effective size of the labor market.

The effective size of a labor market depends on commuting

Workers living between b and d can reach 100% of the jobs in less

travel speeds and the relative location of workers residences to

than one hour, but workers living between a and b can reach only

their jobs. This dependence may be illustrated in a less abstract

the jobs located in b and c in less than one hour; jobs located in

way by representing a city as a two dimensional object, rather

d are out of reach for workers living between a and b. Similarly,

than the one dimensional, linear representation of Figure 2, and

workers living between d and e can reach only the jobs located in

by showing alternative arrangements for travel speeds and job

c and d; the jobs located in b are out of reach. As a consequence,


50% of the workers (those living between b and d) have access

to 100% of the jobs in less than 1 hour of travel time while the

Figure 3 shows a schematic representation of an urban built-

other 50% (those between a and b and between d and e) only have

up area, represented by a circle. Within this circle, smaller red

access to 2/3 of all the jobs. Therefore, the effective size of the

circles represent job locations. Horizontally, I have shown three

labor market represented in Figure 2 is only 83% of all the jobs

types of spatial distribution for jobs: monocentric, where all jobs

available in the city: 50% of 3/3 + 50% of 2/3 = 83.3%. If the speed

are concentrated in a central business district (CBD); polycentric,


where jobs are concentrated within three clusters; and dispersed,

access to all jobs within the built-up area, but workers living

where jobs are uniformly distributed within the built-up area. For

on the periphery have access to only a fraction of the total jobs

each pattern of job distribution, an arrow shows the maximum

available in the city. In this case, then, the implied productivity

travel distance that a worker can cover in one hour from the outer

of a large labor market is not fully realized. A decrease in

edge of the urban area. The different arrows lengths correspond

commuting travel speed fragments large labor markets into

to different travel speed.

smaller ones and results in a decrease in urban productivity.

Increasing travel speed decreases the difference between the

We will see how different commuting speeds have an impact on

effective labor market (the number of jobs accessible within an

the effective size of the labor market depending on the spatial

hour commute) and the nominal labor market (the total number

distribution of jobs.

of jobs in a metropolitan area.)

Figure 3: Labor markets, speed, and job location

In the three graphs on the top row of Figure 3, I have adjusted

For a given built-up area, the pattern of job distribution is

the speed of travel to allow for accessibility to all jobs in less than

important in defining access to the labor market. When jobs are

one hour. On the bottom row, at a lower travel speed, the workers

clustered in a CBD, the distance from all jobs to all residential

residing on the periphery can access only a fraction of the jobs in

locations is much shorter than it is when jobs are randomly

less than one hour. The labor market in this case is fragmented

distributed within the built-up area. This does not necessarily

and is therefore less efficient than the unified one represented

demonstrate that the CBD model is the most efficient pattern or

in the top row. Workers who live in a more central area may have


that it will ensure full access to the labor market for everyone.

In cities where job accessibility has been measured, the number

It is true that a centrally located CBD , containing one hundred

of jobs accessible by commuting time shows large variations. For

percent of all jobs, would decrease the distance from ones

instance, Prudhomme noted that in Seoul, in 1998 the average

residence to ones job for everyone. However, the size of labor

worker has in 60 minutes access to only 51% of all the jobs

markets is limited not only by distance but also by travel time.

offered by the city; and the average enterprise has 56% of all the

Therefore, speed of transport (distance/time) is the key parameter

workers at less than 60 minutes. The additional subway lines

in allowing access to the maximum number of jobs.

built since that date must have increased the effective size of the

labor market in Seoul. A comparison of car commuting across

The convergence of all commuting routes toward a CBD usually

US cities in 2010 calculated by David Livingston10 shows amazing

creates congestion and slows the speed of travel. In contrast,

differences in accessibility between US cities (Figure 4). Within a

when jobs are dispersed in suburban locations, there is no

30 minute drive, 2.4 million jobs can be accessed in Los Angeles

convergence of routes, and transport speed is usually faster. The

compared with 0.6 million in Atlanta. However, 4 of the 5 cities

average surface transport speed in the center of Paris (within

represented in figure 4, allow access to all jobs within 60 minutes.

5km of City Hall) is about 12 km/h; rush-hour speeds in the

suburbs (20 km from City Hall) are about 50 km/h. Thanks

t h e l a b o r m a r k e t s h a p e s t h e p at t e r n o f c o m m u t i n g

to improvement in GPS technology, we are now able to check


variations in rush hour speeds on the internet in real time for

As we have seen in Figure 3, a majority of jobs may be

many cities in the world.

concentrated in a central business district or be clustered in

several centers or be completely dispersed across a metropolitan

In areas where the major road network was originally designed

area. Next, we will look only at the possible trip patterns that

for a monocentric city, commuting routes from suburb to suburb

would allow the labor market to function within each of the

may be less direct than they should be; this is the case in Paris,

following spatial distributions of jobs.

Atlanta and Shanghai. Initially, suburb to suburb commuting

routes may have to follow minor roads and may include awkward

Figure 5 illustrates in a schematic manner the most usual trip

major road crossings. There is usually a long time lag before a

patterns in metropolitan areas depending on the concentration

municipality is able to adjust the design of a major road network

or dispersion of jobs. There are three observed models of

from monocentric to a grid-like pattern that will better serve new,

commuting route patterns, labeled from A to C on Figure 5:

emerging routes among suburbs.


The monocentric model most jobs are

It is outside the scope of this paper to further discuss the

concentrated in a dense Central Business

influence of different transport modes cars, public buses, or

District (CBD); trip routes follow radial roads and

subways on transport costs and travel time for various types of

converge toward the CBD. Of course, no real city

urban spatial structures in which population and job densities

is ever strictly monocentric; a number of jobs are

are distributed differently within the built-up area. The schematic

necessarily found inside residential areas, for

representation of spatial structure in Figure 3 is very crude, but

instance in schools, dispensaries, gas stations and

it clearly demonstrates the impact of speed of travel and job

grocery stores.

location on the effective size of a labor market.

Monocentricity is really measured by degree rather
8 Not all CBDs are located at the center of the built-up area. Mumbais CBD, for instance is located at the Southern

than in absolute terms. A city where more than 50%

tip of a peninsula while the centroid of the built up area is located more than 15 km to the north. This situation is

of the jobs are located in the CBD is dominantly

relatively rare, as market forces tend to re-center the CBD toward the center of gravity of a citys population.

monocentric. To my knowledge, no metropolitan

9 The term commuting routes defines an itinerary from one place to another, which may have to follow minor roads

area with a population above 5 million meets this

in the absence of major roads linking the point of origin to the desired destination. Commuting routes are therefore
independent from the existing design of major roads which may often converge toward a central point.


10 David Levinson, Access Across America, 2013, Center for transportation studies, University of Minnesota

Figure 4: Average number of jobs accessible by workers in various US cities

Figure 5: Possible trip patterns in metropolitan areas



The trips toward each job cluster follow radial

routes centered on each cluster and behave as if

B. The polycentric or dispersed model most jobs

each cluster were an isolated, monocentric city.

are concentrated in small clusters or completely

According to this model, a large city can be made up

dispersed among residential areas; trip routes are

of a number of self-sufficient, small monocentric

randomly distributed within the built-up area. If


speed of transport allows it, some workers will

commute from one edge of the metropolitan

Unfortunately, the urban village model exists only in the mind of

area to its opposite edge. As in the monocentric

urban planners. Otherwise, it would be a very attractive model,

model, workers residing closer to the centroid of

which is why urban planners favor it, as it would not require

the built-up area are closer to all the jobs than are

significant investment in transportation or roads. Furthermore,

workers residing at the edge. Firms located closer

it would dramatically reduce vehicle kilometers travelled (VKT)

to the built-up area centroid are also closer to all

and, as a result, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According to

workers. However, because commuting speeds

the proponents of this model, everybody could walk or bicycle to

are usually not the same near the centroid and at

work, even in a very large metropolis. To allow a city to grow, it

the periphery, firms located close to the periphery

would only be necessary to add more clusters. The assumption

might be accessible in shorter time by more workers

behind this model is either that urban planners would be able to

than firms located close to the centroid. In part,

perfectly match work places and residences, or that workers and

this explains why firms do not cluster close to the

employers would spontaneously organize themselves into the

centroid even though doing so would put them at a

appropriate clusters.

shorter distance from all their potential workers.

This model does not exist in the real world because it contradicts
C. The composite model a significant fraction of all

the economic justification of large cities: the efficiency of large

jobs are concentrated (say, 30% for instance) in a

labor markets. Employers do not select their employees based on

dense CBD, but the majority of jobs are randomly

their places of residence; neither do specialized workers select

distributed in the rest of the built-up area. Trip

their jobs based on proximity from their residences. However,

routes toward the CBD follow radial roads while

as I have postulated above, employees may be reluctant to

trip routes toward dispersed jobs are randomly

accept a job located beyond a one-hour commuting time. This

distributed but usually avoid the congestion of the

commuting time limit would not allow the creation of urban

CBD. This is the most usual pattern of trips in large


cities in Asia and Europe.

The urban village model implies a systematic fragmentation
There is also a fourth model of trips that doesnt exist in the

of labor markets within a large metropolis and does not make

real world but is very often presented in master plans as being a

economic sense in the real world. A firm that would be satisfied

desirable alternative to the three trips patterns described above.

to restrict the selection of its employees to the vicinity of its

Because of the prevalence of this conceit in many urban master

factory or office would not need to locate in a large metropolis

plans, this utopian alternative trip pattern, labeled D in Figure 5,

where rents and salaries are higher. This firm could locate in a

needs to be discussed:

small town where the unspecialized workers it seeks could be

recruited for a lower salary. In the same way, a worker living in

D. The so-called Urban Village Model jobs are

a large city and looking for a new job would try to maximize job

concentrated in many small clusters. In this model,

satisfaction, measured in part through salary, level of interest

there are many centers, but commuters travel

in the work and its compatibility with skillset, attractiveness

only to the center that is closest to their residence.

of the work environment, etc. The time spent commuting


might certainly be a consideration in seeking a job, but if the

This path dependency11 rule, common to all evolving shapes, is

commuting time were less than one hour, it would likely not be a

a reality that should seriously limit the freedom of planners to

determining one.

dream up new urban forms. Planners should take into account

the path dependency of city shape when designing for new

The five satellite towns built around Seoul are an example

transport systems.

of an attempt to implement the urban village concept. The

government built the new towns under the assumptions that

None of the three models discussed above are immutable. Future

they would be self-contained and that most inhabitants would

urban labor markets, for instance, might not require as many

work and live within their own towns. To achieve this objective,

face-to-face interactions between employees, customers and

planners carefully balanced the number of projected jobs in

suppliers as they have in the past. New models of trip patterns

each town with the number of projected inhabitants. However,

might emerge in the future reflecting the new requirements of

subsequent surveys showed that most people living in the new,

an evolving labor market. For instance, the recent emergence

satellite towns commuted to work in the Seoul metropolitan area,

of telecommuting has put into question not only the pattern of

and most of the jobs in the satellite towns were filled by people

commuting trips but also the very need for commuting. As such,

living outside of them. The trip pattern found in satellite towns

we should remain agnostic regarding the patterns of commuting

is consistent with the hypothesis made at the beginning of this

trips twenty years from now. However, we can look at the trend in

paper: a large unified labor market is the justification for large

trip patterns over the last decades to inform our understanding

cities. Its likely that some households initially decided to move

going forward. This trend reflects path dependency, mentioned

to Seouls satellite towns because apartments were cheaper than


in Seouls core city or because the environment was better and

newer. It is also probable that when these households moved,

What effect could a large increase in telecommuting have on

the heads of household were already employed somewhere in

current trip patterns? So far, the effect has been modest. In fact,

Seoul. After all, had they not been employed, they likely would

there is a hint that this modest trend may reverse itself among

not have been able to buy a new apartment. Furthermore, after

high tech companies that were the first to initiate it. In 2013,

moving to a satellite town, it is unlikely that they would quit their

Yahoos new CEO announced a reversal of its telecommuting

current jobs to find equivalent, vacant jobs within the town. The

policy, which confirmed what we already knew: that serendipitous

same reasoning could be made for firms moving to a satellite

face-to-face contact between professionals is necessary for

town. A firm might move from the central city to find cheaper


rents or more space, but many of its employees would likely

decide to keep their jobs and commute from the core city to the

However, the question remains: how often should those face-

satellite town.

to-face interactions occur? Once a week? Every other day?

How large should the groups needing face-to-face interaction

h o w c o m m o n a r e e a c h o f t h e t h r e e s p at i a l

be? How much serendipity is required to generate innovation?

d i s t r i b u t i o n m o d e l s?

Whatever the answer, telecommuting will certainly decrease

The spatial distribution of jobs, and as a consequence

daily commuting flow and change traffic flow, but it will not

commuting trip patterns, evolve as cities become larger and

completely eliminate a workers need for spatial proximity to

more affluent. The monocentric model is a simple, primitive

his/her employer or to other workers with complementary skills.

city model that inevitably evolves over time into a more complex

It is quite possible that telecommuting will decrease in firms

form, more closely resembling the composite model. Once jobs

requiring innovation and increase in firms engaged in routine

have dispersed into a pattern similar to the dispersed/polycentric

model, it is unlikely that they will eventually concentrate again
into a dense, central CBD.

11 Path dependency refers to situations in which options taken in the past limit the number of options available in the
future. The concept is commonly used in history, evolutionary biology and economics but is obviously applicable to
urban development. For instance, in evolutionary biology a group of primitive living cells could possibly evolve in into
a mammal or into a fish. But once the cells have evolved into a fish, they cannot possibly evolve into a mammal and


data processing. One lesson is clear, we cannot plan for it, but we

to Manhattan or within Manhattan; 2.1 % of trips are from

must monitor carefully the spatial implication of this trend and

Manhattan to the suburbs, and the large majority, 73.6%, are

support it with adequate transport infrastructure.

from suburb to suburb. The pattern of trips in metropolitan New

York illustrates what I have called the composite model (Figure 5,

Although the large metropolises of the world show a great

pattern C).

variety of histories, cultures and incomes, the trends, when the

data exist to measure them, seem to converge toward a more

Outside the US, the trends of large metropolitan areas also seem

spatial dispersion of jobs. This trend seems counterintuitive,

to move toward the composite model, even in cities like Paris,

particularly as the CBDs in an increasing number of cities

with a historically dominant and prestigious center and a radio-

compete for the distinction of worlds tallest skyscraper. But

concentric transit system providing excellent access to the center.

we must realize that a prime office skyscraper contains fewer

In Paris metropolitan area (defined as the Ile de France region),

workers per hectare than the five-story sweatshop that it likely

trips within and to the Paris municipality (historical Paris)


represent 30% of the total commuting trips, and 70% of trips are
from suburb to suburb (Figure 6).

Because of the very low built-up densities of US cities, their

spatial trend might not be representative of most world

Large metropolitan areas of Asia, although much denser than

cities. However, the US trend has the advantage of being well

US or European cities, are showing the same trends toward the

documented and may still provide some insights into the way

suburbanization of jobs and people. Seouls metropolitan area,

changes in labor markets impact urban land use. In 1995

with a population of 24.7 million in 2010, is representative of the

and 2005, Alan Pisarski conducted the most comprehensive

trend in prosperous East Asian cities that have seen a significant

nationwide study of commuting in the US. The trends he

increase in population and household income in the last 30 years.

measured over a ten-year interval are clear: the ratio between

In Seoul, between 2000 and 2010, the population decreased by

jobs and resident workers is decreasing in central cities and

0.5% in the central city13, and it increased by 92% in outer suburbs

increasing in suburban areas. Pisarskis studies clearly show

located more than 20 km from the city center (Table 1). During

that, on average, US metropolitan areas are slowly evolving from a

that same ten year period, the spatial distribution of jobs has

composite model (Figure 5, pattern C), to a more dispersed model

been less dispersed, with 16% of the new jobs being added to the

(pattern B). Furthermore, Pisarskis studies indicated that the

CBD, while 59% were added to outer suburbs more than 20 km

job concentration in the traditional CBD is constantly decreasing

from the CBD. Seoul, however, still remains more monocentric

not in absolute terms but as a proportion of the total number of

than Paris or New York, with 31% of the total metropolitan jobs

metropolitan jobs.

concentrated in the central city.

Pisarskis reports show that in smaller US metropolitan areas,

As we can see from the historical trend the monocentric model

those below 100,000 people, commuting trips to the CBD

tends to break down when a city becomes larger. However,

represent about 50% of all trips a good approximation of the

empirical evidence does not show an obvious population size

monocentric model. However, for larger metropolitan areas,

threshold beyond which cities cease to thrive as dominantly

those with population above two million people, the trips to

monocentric. Sometimes, topography rivers or mountains

the CBD drop to about or below 24%. This is also observed in

prevents direct communication from suburb to suburb and

very large metropolises with a well-marked, dominant CBD

therefore maintain monocentricity in spite of a large population.

such as Seoul, New York or Paris. For instance, in the New

An original network of primary radial roads would reinforce a

York metropolitan area, 24.3% of trips are from the suburbs

high degree of monocentricity as a city expands by making it


12 Commuting trips include only trips between a residence and a work place. Other trips, for shopping, social life or
leisure, are counted separately. Commuting trips are often a fraction of all trips, but they are the most important for
proper functioning of the labor market. In addition, most commuting trips take place at rush hour and therefore test
the capacity limit of the transport system.


easier to go to the CBD than to peripheral locations. This type

13 In this case, I defined Seoul central city as the area within a circle of 10 km radius centered on Seoul City Hall. This
area includes three distinct CBD-like areas with an intense spatial concentration of jobs.

Figure 6: Trip Patterns in Metropolitan Paris

of radial network can be seen in European cities like Berlin,

t h e e f f i c i e n t o p e r at i o n o f l a b o r m a r k e t s r e q u i r e s

Copenhagen or Paris. By contrast, a primary grid network


would rapidly encourage the creation of sub centers with good

Mobility should be understood in two ways: first, it is the

overall accessibility as a city develops. This has been the case

ability to move quickly and easily between locations within a

for Los Angeles, Houston, and Omaha. The grids in these cities

metropolitan area; second, its the ability to locate ones house or

sometimes become irregular, but the availability of wide roads,

ones firm in any location within a metropolitan area. Mobility

perpendicular to the radial roads at the fringe of urbanization,

is, therefore, not only the ability to move rapidly between origin

stimulates the creation of sub-centers, and perhaps even of job

and destination but also the ability to change the origin and

dispersion, because wide roads allow for higher driving speeds

destination of commuting trips as circumstances dictate.

and, therefore, for faster accessibility to areas farther away from

the radial roads. A grid network of roads, therefore, encourages

The ability of households and firms to choose where they locate

an early shift toward polycentricity.

depends upon the availability of land and floor space in the areas
of the city they deem to have the most favorable benefits for


households, the proximity to jobs and amenities, and for firms,


the proximity to clients, employees and suppliers. Theoretically,


the lowest-income household or the least well-capitalized firm

should be able to locate anywhere in a city, even where land


Figure 7: Seoul - Changes in population and job distribution between 2000 and 2010

Table 1: Seoul - Spatial changes in the distribution of population and jobs 2000-2010


is the most expensive, if they are allowed to consume as little

built before 1930; they are prohibited in apartment buildings

land as they require. The food carts of Manhattan and the tiny

that are more recent. These unfortunate regulations reduce the

paanwalas stalls of Mumbai demonstrate this point. These

mobility of the poor. As a consequence, their participation in the

small businesses sell cheap products but thrive in their expensive

full labor market is also restricted.


locations by consuming only two or three square meters of land,

as opposed to the several hundred square meters occupied by

In South Africa, the government housing program for the poor

most shops in the same area. Farmers markets and flea markets

illustrates how well-intentioned planners may limit residents

are other examples of the trade-off between location and land

mobility, reduce their participation in the labor market, and

consumption allowing low-margin businesses to thrive in

increase their travel time. Starting in 1995, the government

expensive locations.

embarked on a massive housing program to improve the living

conditions of the victims of apartheid. The program aimed to

Equivalent examples exist for housing; for instance, Paris

provide subsidized housing to about 80 percent of the poorest

chambres de bonne

South Africans. By 2012, it had already delivered 3.5 million


are located in the citys most expensive

neighborhoods. Typically as small as nine square meters, they

urban dwelling units, a unique quantitative achievement for

allow students or low-income workers to afford housing in a

a government housing program. The standards are generous:

very favorable location. The residential plots in Indonesias

400 square meters per lot, 65 square meters of floor space per

kampongs are another example of the demand for centrally

house, wide vehicular access roads, and schools equipped with

located residences with low land and floor consumption. The

large sports grounds and within walking distance, etc. The

availability of these residences allows the poor to decide about

space standards are fixed and similar all over urban South Africa.

the trade-offs they want to make regarding location and land

The subsidy is also fixed, amounting to about 150,000 rand (US

consumption. If water, sanitation, and refuse management are

$16,000) per dwelling in 2012. The only dependent variable is

adequate, a small, inner city location might be a desirable trade-

the price of land. Land for this massive program must be very

off compared to a suburban one far from jobs, amenities, and

cheap to allow beneficiaries to enjoy the high space standards

social services. Whether Chambres de bonnes or Kampongs,

prescribed by the program. As a result, the new subsidized

the neighborhoods in which such dwellings are located are by no

housing projects are all located in the far periphery of cities, in

means slums, in spite of the very small size of their dwellings.

settlements that are too dispersed to be easily serviced by public


transport. Because of the remote location, the beneficiaries of

Unfortunately, well-intentioned regulations often prevent

these projects have a hard time finding employment. Those

the poor from making these trade-offs between floor space

who are employed pay as much as 50 percent of their income on

consumption and location. Urban regulations typically require

transport, even when sharing taxis with other commuters. This

a generous minimum floor space standard for housing. These

dramatic example illustrates why planners should not make

well-intentioned regulations exclude the poor because the high

trade-off decisions involving location and land consumption for

price of floor area makes it too expensive for them to afford the

households and firms.

minimum standard. Chambres de bonne exist only in housing

In the case of South Africa, the outcome is indeed comfortable
14 Paanwalas sell paan, a mixture of betel leaf, areca nuts, and tobacco. They are small, informal, thriving retail

housing for poor people, but the large subsidy attached to a house

businesses in the streets of Indian cities.

in a distant location prevents the beneficiaries from participating

15 Chambres de bonnes or maids rooms were independent rooms of about 10 to 12 square meters built under the

in the labor market. High-standard housing provided to poor

roofs of opulent buildings in Paris and provincial towns, usually with common bathroom facilities on the same floor.
When the households in these buildings could not afford maids anymore, the rooms became the cheapest rental rooms

people in a remote location becomes a poverty trap. The

on the market. Their low cost has been maintained over the years in spite of their excellent location because they are

subsidies are not to blame here. The error is not only tying the

located on the 5th or 6th floors of buildings without elevators.

subsidy to a specific location but also deciding on the location

16 A Kampong, which means village in Bahasa Indonesian, is an informal but legal residential neighborhood in

verse land consumption trade-off without having solicited input

Indonesian cities. The lot sizes vary by income with the smallest being around 10 m2. Streets in a Kampong are
usually 2 or 3 meters wide; some passages between houses not wider than one-half meter.


from the beneficiaries. A portable subsidythat is, a lump sum

given to poor households to use for shelter anywhere in the

However, too often planners substitute the constraint for the

metropolitan areais significantly preferable.

objective. For instance, advocates of smart growth imply that

the reduction of congestion and pollution is the main objective

Because planners lack information to make informed decisions

of urban planning. They soon realize that nothing would reduce

about the difficult trade-offs between location and land

congestion and pollution more certainly than a decrease in

consumption, they shouldnt have the authority to make these

mobility. Reducing mobility is then considered a desirable

types of decisions. Only a free market allows households and

outcome and is the logical consequence of the confusion between

firms to choose the trades- offs that best allow them to maximize

objectives and constraints. For this reason, planners design

their comfort and their participation in the labor market. To

urban village spatial arrangements (Figure 5, pattern D), which

benefit fully from a large labor market, households and firms

implicitly reduce mobility.

must have ease of mobility. As such, there must be sufficient,

affordable options that allow them to make the trade-off

Matching employment location with residence in large

decisions between location and land consumption that best suit

metropolitan areas has become the Holy Grail of urban planners.

their needs.

This recurrent conceit, motivating many master plans and many

land use regulations17, can only be explained by ignorance of the


economic efficiency of large labor markets and the mobility that


large labor markets require in order to function. The choice of

Looking at cities as unified labor markets should change the

spatial location is best left to households and firms themselves.

generally negative views that urban planners hold regarding

mobility. Planners believe that one of their most important tasks

The functioning of labor markets is my guiding principle in

is to decrease nuisances created by urbanization and particularly

evaluating alternative spatial arrangements. Mobility is the

by vehicular traffic. They are right; decreasing congestion and

ability to reach any area of a metropolitan area in as short a travel

pollution is one of the most pressing challenges brought on by

time as possible, and affordability is the ability of households

urbanization. However, planners, in their enthusiasm to reduce

and firms to locate in whichever area they deem will maximize

nuisances, often fail to understand the differences between the

their welfare. Increasing mobility and affordability are the two

objective of increasing mobility and the constraint of decreasing

main objectives of urban planning. These two objectives are

the nuisances it creates.

directly related to the overall goal of maximizing the size of a

citys labor market, and therefore, its economic prosperity.

One of the main objectives of urban planning is maintaining

mobility preventing an increase in commuting time as the size
of the labor market increases. In other words, the main objective
of planning should be to increase the speed of urban transport as
a citys size increases. Decreasing the level of nuisances due to
transport is a constraint that may increase the cost of achieving
the objective. But this cost is fully justified if the marginal
cost of reducing nuisance is lower than the marginal increase
in productivity due to the expansion of the labor market. For
instance, charging vehicles in proportion to the pollution they
create, or imposing tolls on highways to reduce congestion would
increase the cost of transport, but at the same time would also
increase its efficiency, allow for higher speeds and improve
environmental quality.

17 For instance, Stockholm urban regulations require a job housing balance in each neighborhood, in spite of statistics showing that when this balance is achieved it doesnt decrease trip length. Allowing mixed land use where firms
and housing can be found in the same location is an excellent thing but mandating it is illusory and only slow down
the development process. In addition, the number of jobs per commercial structure could vary a lot in time.


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