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Biology (56)
Std. XI and XII

Higher secondary is the most crucial stage
of education because at this juncture specialized
disciplines of science are introduced. The
present syllabus reinforces the concepts
introduced in lower classes. Recently, the
science of biology has undergone a paradigm
shift that has transformed it from a collection
of loosely related facts into a modern applied
Living organisms exhibit extremely
complex functional system. Organisms seldom
occur as isolated individuals. They are organized
into populations and biological communities.
Organisms, communities, ecosystems and
environment constitute unique set of natural
resources of great importance.
Knowledge of biology helps us to
understand a common thread which holds all
these components together. Understanding of
biology will help in the sustainable development
of the environment and will also ensure the
existence of earth with all its amazing diversity.
This syllabus is designed to prepare
students for various examinations conducted at
state and national level. Hence it has been
prepared in accordance with the guidelines
shown in the final version of common core
syllabi of COBSE, Delhi. Accordingly some
additional topics from state Board syllabus
have been deleted whereas the lacking topics
have been added. The entire unit Ecology and
Environment has now been added under
Botany and Zoology sections.

The prescribed syllabus is expected to

Promote the inherent skill of observation.

Assist to understand the underlying
principles of biological sciences and
thereby develop scientific attitude towards
biological phenomena.

Help students to understand the functioning
of organisms.

Make students aware of issues of global

Guide students to perform easy
experiments for better understanding of
biological principles and to develop
experimental skills required in practical

Create awareness about the contribution
of biology to human welfare.

Std. XI
Section I - Botany
Unit 1 Diversity in Living World:
Chapter 1- Diversity in organisms :
1. Diversity in living organisms-Brief idea.
2. Systematic and binomial system of
nomenclature - meaning of the terms
taxonomy, systematics, classification and
nomenclature, Need of classification.
Three domains of life, Concept of
Taxonomic hierarchy with examples.
Binomial nomenclature explanation,
significance and examples.



Classification of living organisms (five

Kingdom classification) Major groups
and principles of classification for each
Kingdom with examples.
4. Lichens - Meaning, characters, examples
and importance.
5. Viruses and viroids - Definitions,
characters, types with examples, Economic
importance and list of viral diseases.
Chapter 2 - Kingdom Plantae :
1. Salient features of major plant groups Algae,
(Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons). Three
to five salient features and two examples
of each category.
2. Botanical gardens and herbaria - Meaning,
importance and list of gardens and herbaria
in India.

Unit 2 Structure and function of cell :

Chapter 3 - Biochemistry of cell :
1. Basic chemical constituents of living
2. Structure and function of carbohydrates,
proteins, lipids and nucleic acids in brief.
3. Enzymes - Definition, Types, general
properties, Enzyme action and factors
affecting enzyme activity in brief.
Chapter 4 Cell Division :
1. Cell cycle
2. Mitosis
3. Meiosis

Unit 3 Structural organization in plants

Chapter 5 - Morphology of Plants :
1. Morphology, anatomy and functions of
different parts - Root, stem, leaf,
inflorescence, flower, fruit and seed. (To
be dealt along with the relevant
practicals of the practical syllabus)
2. Plant tissues.

Unit 4 Plant Physiology

Chapter 6 - Plant Water Relations and
Mineral Nutrition :
1. Movement of water, food, nutrients and
gases - Absorption of water and
minerals,Apoplast and Symplast
Pathways. Active and passive absorption
in brief.
2. Guttation
Ascent of sap, root pressure concept and
cohesion - tension theory.
Translocation of sugars through phloem
brief account.
Transpiration structure of stomata,
mechanism of opening and closing of
stomata, Role of K+ ions
3. Role of water and minerals macronutrients and micronutrients and their
role. Mineral deficiency symptoms,
Mineral toxicity, Elementary idea of
Hydroponics, Nitrogen Metabolism
(nitrogen cycle, biological nitrogen
Chapter 7 - Plant Growth and Development:
Seed dormancy
Germination - Hypogeal, epigeal and
Definition and characteristics of growth.
Phases of growth, Conditions of growth,
Differentiation, de- differentiation,
Sequence of developmental process in a
plant cell
Growth regulators - auxins, gibberellins,
cytokinines, ethylene and abscissic acid
(role in brief) Photoperiodism,
Photomorphogenesis including brief
account of Phytochromes (Elementary


Std. - XI
Section II Zoology
Unit 1 Diversity in Living World
Chapter 8 - Kingdom Animalia
1. Salient features of major phyla under
kingdom Animalia. Classification of
following phyla with three to five salient
features and two examples of each
category: Porifera, co elenterata
ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca,
Echinodermata and Hemichordata.
Classification of phylum chordata upto
class level with three to five salient features
and two examples of each category:
Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and
2. Zoological parks and Museums - General
idea with list.

Unit 2 Structure and function of cell

Chapter 9 - Organization of Cell
1. Cell theory - brief account
2. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell - structure
and examples.
3. Plant cell and animal cell.
4. Nuclear organization - Nucleus, nucleolus
and nucleoplasm.
5. Cell wall and cell membrane - (fluid
mosaic model).
6. Cell organelles: Plastids, Mitochondria,
Golgi complex, Lysosomes, Endoplasmic
reticulum, Vacuoles, Ribosome and
Centrioles (ultrstructure and functions).
Microbodies, cytoskeleton, cilia and

Unit 3 Structural organization in

Chapter 10- Study of Animal Tissues :
1. Animal tissues - types
a) Epithelial tissues - simple epithelium
(squamous, cuboidal, columnar,
Ciliated, glandular). - compound
epithelium (stratified).
b) Connective tissue - (Areolar, Adipose,
Tendons, Ligaments, Cartilage and
c) Muscular tissue - (Smooth, striated
and cardiac).
d) Nervous tissue (Neurons, glial cells
and types of neurons).
Chapter 11- Study of Animal Type
1. Morphology, anatomy and functions of
digestive, circulatory, respiratory,
nervous, and reproductive systems of
cockroach (Brief account only)

Unit 4 Human Physiology

Chapter 12- Human Nutrition
i) Digestive system in brief
ii) Physiology of digestion, gastrointestinal
hormones, Peristalsis. Calorific value of
proteins, carbohydrates and fats
iii) Absorption, assimilation and egestion
iv) Nutritional and digestive disorders PEM,
indigestion, constipation, Jaundice,
vomiting and diarrhoea
Chapter 13- Human Respiration
Respiratory organs in animals (Recall only)
i) Respiratory system in brief
ii) Breathing- inspiration and expiration.
iii) Exchange of gases, transport of CO2 and
O2 and tissue respiration.
Regulation of Respiration, Respiratory


iv) Respiratory
Emphysema and occupational lung
Chapter 14 - Human skeleton and
Brief account of human skeleton:
A] Axial Skeleton
B] Appendicular Skeleton
(Details to be dealt with the relevant
Types of joints - synarthroses,
amphiarthroses, and diarthroses.
Types of diarthroses - ball and socket,
hinge, condyloid, pivot, saddle and gliding
Types of Movement- Ciliary, Flagellar,
Mechanism of muscle movement:
Contractile proteins and Muscle
contraction. Skeletal and muscular
disorders Myasthenia gravis,
Osteoporosis, arthritis, muscular dystrophy
tetany and gout.

Std. XI - Biology Practicals Syllabus

(A) List of experiments:


Study of parts of compound microscope.

Preparation of T. S. of dicot (sunflower)
and monocot roots and stem to study
different plant tissues.
Study and describe three locally available
flowering plants from the familiesSolanaceae, Fabaceae and Liliaceae with
respect to types of root-(tap and
adventitious), stem (herbaceous and
woody), leaf (arrangement, shape, venation,
simple and compound) and floral




Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels.

Study of osmosis by Potato osmometer
Study of structure and distribution of
stomata in upper and lower surface of
To test the presence of sugar, starch,
proteins and fats from suitable plant and
animal materials.
To study the digestion of starch by salivary
amylase under different conditions of
temperature and pH.

(B) Study/ Observation of the following


Study of specimens and identification with

Bacteria, Amoeba, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra,
Rhizopus, yeast, Agaricus, Usnea, Riccia,
Funaria, Nephrolepis, Cycas, sunflower
and maize.
2. Comparative study of rates of transpiration
in upper and lower surface of leaf.
3. Study of different modifications of root
(fusiform root, parasitic root, epiphytic
root and pneumatophores).
4. Study of different modifications of stem
(stem tuber, runner, and tendril).
5. Study of different modifications of leaf
(leaflet and stipular tendril), leaf Spines,
6.. Study of imbibition of seeds/raisins.
7. Study and identification of different types
of inflorescence.
8. Study of tissues and diversity in shapes
and sizes of plant and animal cellspalisade cells, guard cells, parenchyma,
collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem,
phloem, squamous epithelium, muscle
fibres, mammalian blood smear, through
temporary or permanent slides.







Observation and comments on

experimental set up on:
a) Phototropism
b) Suction due to transpiration.
c) Apical bud removal
Study of specimens and their identification
with reasons Sycon, Hydra, Pleurobrachia
Liverfluke, Ascaris, Leech, Earthworm,
Prawn, Silkworm, Honey bee , Snail,
Star-fish, Balanoglossus, Shark, Rohu,
Frog, Lizard, Pigeon and Rat.
Study of human skeleton (except skull,
hand bones and foot bones) and different
types of joints (synovial, cartilaginous
and fibrous joints with one suitable
Study of external morphology of
earthworm, cockroach and frog through
Study of mitosis in onion root tips and
animal cells (grasshopper) from
permanent slides.

Std. - XII Biology

Section I BOTANY
Unit 1: Genetics and Evolution :
Chapter 1 - Genetic Basis of Inheritance:
Mendelian inheritance. Deviations from
Mendelian ratio (gene interactionincomplete dominance, co-dominance,
multiple alleles and Inheritance of blood
groups), Pleiotropy, Elementary idea of
polygenic inheritance.
Chapter 2 - Gene: its nature, expression
and regulation:
Modern concept of gene in brief-cistron,
muton and recon. DNA as genetic

material, structure of DNA as given by

Watson and Crick's model, DNA
Packaging, semi conservative replication
of eukaryotic DNA.
RNA: General structure, types and
Protein Synthesis; central dogma,
Transcription; Translation-Genetic Code,
Gene Expression and Gene Regulation
(The Lac operon as a typical model of
gene regulation).

Unit 2: Biotechnology and its application:

Chapter 3 - Biotechnology: Process and
Application :
Genetic engineering (Recombinant DNA
Transposons, Plasmids, Bacteriophages;
Producing Restriction Fragments,
Preparing and cloning a DNA Library,
Gene Amplification (PCR).
Application of Biotechnology in
Agriculture BT crops
Biosafety Issues (Biopiracy and patents)

Unit 3: Biology and Human Welfare :

Chapter 4 - Enhancement in Food
Plant Breeding
Tissue Culture: Concept of Cellular
Requirements of Tissue Culture (in brief),
Callus Culture, Suspension Culture.
Single Cell Protein. Biofortification.
Chapter 5 - Microbes in Human Welfare:
Microbes in Household food processing.
Microbes in Industrial Production.
Microbes in Sewage Treatment.
Microbes in Biogas (energy) Production.
Microbes as Biocontrol Agents.
Microbes as Biofertilizers.


Unit 4: Plant Physiology :

Chapter 6 - Photosynthesis
Autotrophic nutrition
Site of Photosynthesis
Photosynthetic Pigments and their role.
Light-Dependent Reactions (Cyclic and
non-cyclic photophosphorylation)
Light-Independent Reactions (C3 and C4
Chemiosmotic hypothesis, Photorespiration, Factors affecting Photosynthesis.
Law of limiting factors.
Chapter 7 - Respiration
ATP as currency of Energy
Mechanism of Aerobic (Glycolysis, TCA
Cycle and Electron Transport System)
and Anaerobic Respiration. Fermentation
Exchange of gases
Amphibolic pathway. Respiratory quotient
of Nutrients.
Significance of Respiration.

Unit 5: Reproduction in Organisms :

Chapter 8 - Reproduction in Plants
Modes of Reproduction (Asexual and
Asexual reproduction; uniparental modesvegetative propagation, micropropagation
Sexual Reproduction: structure of flower
Development of male gametophyte,
Structure of anatropous ovule.
Development of female Gametophyte.
Pollination: Types and Agencies.
Outbreeding devices; pollen-pistil
Double Fertilization: Process and
Post-fertilization changes (development of
endosperm and embryo, development of
seed and formation of fruit)

Special modes-apomixis, parthenocarpy,

polyembryony. Significance of seed and
fruit formation.

Unit 6: Ecology and Environment

Chapter 9: Organisms and Environment -I :
Habitat and Niche
Ecosystems: Patterns, components,
productivity and decomposition, energy
flow; pyramids of number, biomass,
energy; nutrient cycling (carbon and
Ecological succession, Ecological servicescarbon fixation, pollination, oxygen
agrochemicals and their effects, solid waste
management, Green house effect and
global warming, ozone depletion,
deforestation, case studies (any two).

Std. - XII Biology

Section II - ZOOLOGY
Unit 1: Genetics and Evolution :
Chapter 10 - Origin and the Evolution of
Life :
Origin of Life: Early Earth, Spontaneous,
assembly of organic compounds,
Evolution: Darwins contribution, Modern
Synthetic Theory of evolution, Biological
Evidences, Mechanism of evolution;
Gene flow and genetic drift;HardyWeinberg principle; Adaptive radiation.
Origin and Evolution of Human being.
Chapter 11 - Chromosomal Basis of
The Chromosomal Theory.
Linkage and Crossing Over.
Sex-linked Inheritance (Haemophilia and
colour blindness).


Sex Determination in Human being, birds,

honey bee.Mendelian disorders in
humans-Thalassemia. Chromosomal
disorders in human: Downs syndrome,
Turners syndrome and Klinfelters

Unit 2: Biotechnology and its application:

Chapter 12- Genetic Engineering and
DNA Finger Printing.
Genomics and Human Genome Project.
Biotechnological Applications in Health:
Human insulin and vaccine production,
Gene Therapy. Transgenic animals.

Unit 3: Biology and Human Welfare

Chapter 13- Human Health and Diseases
Concepts of Immunology: Immunity Types,
Structure of Antibody, Antigen-Antibody
Complex, Antigens on blood cells.
Pathogens and Parasites (Amoebiasis,
Malaria, Filariasis, Ascariasis, Typhoid,
Pneumonia, Common cold and ring worm).
Adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse.
Cancer and AIDS.
Chapter 14- Animal Husbandry
Management of Farms and Farm Animals.
Animal Breeding.
Lac culture

Unit 4: Human Physiology :

Chapter 15- Circulation
Blood composition and coagulation, Blood
Structure and pumping action of Heart.

Blood Vessels.
Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation.
Heart beat and Pulse. Rhythmicity of Heart
beat. Cardiac output, Regulation of
cardiac activity.
Blood related disorders: Hypertension,
coronary artery disease, angina pectoris,
and heart failure.
ECG, Lymphatic System (Brief idea):
Composition of lymph and its functions.
Chapter 16- Excretion and osmoregulation
Modes of excretion-Ammonotelism,
ureotelism, uricotelism.
Excretory System.
Composition and formation of urine.
Role of Kidney in Osmoregulation.
Regulation of kidney function: reninangiotensin, atrial natriuretic factor,
ADH and Diabetes inspidus, role of
other organs in excretion.
Disorders; Kidney failure, Dialysis, Kidney
stone (renal calculi). Transplantation.
Uraemia, nephritis.
Chapter 17- Control and Co-ordination
Nervous System
Structure and functions of brain and
Spinal cord, brief idea about PNS and
Transmission of nerve impulse.
Reflex action.
Sensory receptors (eye and ear), Sensory
perception, general idea of other sense
Endocrine System
Endocrine glands
Hormones and their functions
Mechanism of hormone action.
Hormones as messengers and regulators.
Hormonal imbalance and diseases:


exopthalmic goiter, Diabetes mellitus,
Addisons disease)

Unit 5: Reproduction in Organisms :

Chapter 18- Human Reproduction
Reproductive system in male and female.
Histology of testis and ovary.
Reproductive cycle.
Production of gametes, fertilization,
Embryo development up to three germinal
Pregnancy, placenta, parturition and
lactation (Elementary idea).
Reproductive health-birth control,
Contraception and sexually transmitted
diseases.MTP, Amniocentesis; Infertility
and assisted reproductive technologiesIVF, ZIFT, GIFT (elementary idea for
general awareness).

Unit 6: Ecology and Environment :

Chapter 19-Organisms and
Environment-II :
Population and ecological adaptations:
competition, predation, parasitism,
population attributes- growth, birth rate
and death rate, age distribution.
Biodiversity and its conservationBiodiversity- concept, patterns, importance,
loss. Threats to and need for biodiversity
conservation, Hotspots, endangered
organisms,extinction,red data book,
biosphere reserves, national parks and
sanctuaries. Environmental issues: air
pollution and its control, water pollution
and its control and radioactive waste
management. (Case studies any two)

Std. XII
(Upgraded) Biology Practicals

Dissect the given flower and display

different whorls. Dissect anther and ovary
to show number of chambers.
2. Study pollen germination on a slide.
3. Collect and study soil from at least two
different sites and study them for texture,
moisture content, pH and water holding
capacity of soil. Correlate with the kinds
of plants found in them.
4. Study of plant population density and
frequency by quadrat method.
5. Prepare a temporary mount of onion root
tip to study mitosis.
6. Separation of plant pigments by paper
7 A) To study the rate of respiration in
flower buds/leaf tissue and
germinating seeds.
B) Demonstration
8. Study the presence of suspended particulate
matter in air at the two widely different
9. Collect water from two different water
bodies around you and study them for pH,
clarity and presence of any living
10. To test the presence of urea and sugar in
11. To test the presence of albumin and bile
salts in urine.
Study/observation of the following
1 Study of flowers adapted to pollination by
different agencies (wind, insect)




Study of pollen germination on stigma

through a permanent slide.
To Study Mendelian inheritance using
seeds of different colour/size of any plant.
Exercise on controlled pollination Emasculation, tagging and bagging.
Study meiosis in onion bud cell or grass
hopper testis through permanent slides.
Study of plants found in xerophytic and
aquatic conditions with respect to their
morphological adaptations.(Two plants
Study and identify stages of gamete
development, i.e. T.S. of testis and T.S.
ovary through permanent slides (from any

8. Study of V.S. of blastula through permanent
9. To study prepared pedigree charts of
genetic traits such as rolling of tongue,
Blood groups, widows peak, colour
10 To identify common disease causing
organisms like Plasmodium, Entamoeba,
Ascaris and ring worm through permanent
slides or specimens. Comment on
symptoms of diseases that they cause.
11 Study of animals found in xeric (desert)
and aquatic conditions with respect to
their morphological adaptations. (Two
animals each)

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