WRI7 - 8 - 9 - Hydrograph Analysis, Unit Hydrograph, S-Hydrograph, Numerical Problems
WRI7 - 8 - 9 - Hydrograph Analysis, Unit Hydrograph, S-Hydrograph, Numerical Problems
WRI7 - 8 - 9 - Hydrograph Analysis, Unit Hydrograph, S-Hydrograph, Numerical Problems
hydrograph, S-hydrograph,
numerical problems
Water resources and irrigation
Hydrograph is graphical plot of discharge versus time in chronological
Variations of discharge (stream flow) with time at a particular point of
The hydrograph is the response of a given catchment (or watershed)
to a rainfall input - we can find out the rainfall-runoff relationship and
different properties.
Important in flood control, flood forecasting and considering design
flows for hydraulic structures.
Components of single peak
1) Rising limb
2) The peak
3) Recession limb
Time parameters for hydrological
o Effective time duration (tre)
o Lag time or basin lag (tl)
o Time to peak (tp)
o Time of concentration (tc)
o Recession time (tr)
o Time base of hydrograph (tb)
A point can be easily identify but point D can not be easily located.
Empirical equation for the time interval N from the peak to D point is
= 0.827 0.2
Where A = area of drainage basin in km2
Unit Hydrograph
A unit hydrograph is a hydrograph representing 1 cm of runoff from a
rainfall of some unit duration and specific areal distribution.
Unit duration the duration of a runoff producing rainfall-excess.
If a unit hydrograph results from a 3 hours unit rainfall duration, it is
known as 3-hours unit hydrograph.
Construction of S hydrograph
Construction of unit hydrograph of different unit
duration from a unit duration of given duration.
1. Construction of longer period unit hydrograph from given unit
hydrograph of shorter duration.
2. Construction of shorter or longer period unit hydrograph from given
unit hydrograph.
3. Examples related to above two applications