Stuyvesant High School: Jie Zhang
Stuyvesant High School: Jie Zhang
Stuyvesant High School: Jie Zhang
Jie Zhang
Brian Moran
Assistant Principal
Health & Physical Education
shirt, shorts/sweat pants), sneakers and socks. No street clothes, tank tops, polo shirts, cut-off shorts,
tights, stockings or panty hose are permitted. Sweat pants/sweatshirts will be acceptable for classes
that go outdoors and for religious purposes only. Students taking swimming require a bathing suit
(females: one-piece), swim cap, goggles and towel. Jewelry must not be worn during PE class.
IPODs or other personal music devices and/or electronic devices are not permitted in any PE class
without prior permission from the teacher.
2. ATTENDANCE/EFFORT/PARTICIPATION- A students grade is a reflection of effort and
participation throughout the term. Students who are absent fail to participate, therefore attendance is
mandatory. Every student is expected to participate fully in daily activities. If on a given day, a
student is unable to participate in strenuous activity and has a doctors note and/or parent-guardian
note, the student may be excused for the day after dressing for the class.
Students are expected to arrive to class on time, in proper attire and put forth their best effort
In order to receive full credit for participation, you must attend class every day, as
programmed. As this is a participation class, cutting, lateness and absenteeism are not
acceptable. Failure to comply will result in grading penalties based on the grading policy
Unexplained absences will be considered cuts. Students are required to bring a note
explaining each absence upon their return to school
Three or more unexcused absences, latenesses and unprepared marks (or any combination of
these totaling three) per marking period will result in the lowering of the students grade and
lead to possible failure
PE Student Contract
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3. LOCKER ROOM- In order to maintain order and security, students are required to purchase a
lock. This lock/locker is not to be shared. Locks are to remain on locker at all times. When changing,
keep lock on hasp of locker (do not place on bench as it can be accidentally switched). Keep
combination in a secure place. Students should enter the locker room through the double doors.
Doors will be locked at the late bell and no one will be admitted afterwards. The locker room may
only be used during your PE class.
Food, gum and beverage (other than water) are not permitted in any physical education
Glass containers are not permitted in any physical education facility.
Students are not permitted in any gym or locker room without supervision.
Book bags and books are to be stored in the hall locker.
Changing in the hallway or staircase is strictly forbidden. Failure to comply will result in
grading penalties and disciplinary action.
Please complete the bottom portion of this form and submit to you PE teacher immediately