IBPS PO CWE Mains 2015 Analysis
IBPS PO CWE Mains 2015 Analysis
IBPS PO CWE Mains 2015 Analysis
The IBPS PO CWE Mains 2015 for recruitment to 21 nationalised banks was held in the online format
on 31st Oct 2015. The paper comprised 200 questions to be solved in 2 hours. Like previous IBPS PO
CWE exams, there were five sections in all:
English Language
General Awareness (with specific focus on the Banking industry)
Computer Awareness
Quantitative Ability
The number of questions per section and marks per section varied. All the sections, except English
Language, were available bilingually i.e. in both English and Hindi. Overall the paper was more or less
on standard lines and a decent number of questions could have been attempted by the well-prepared
Total Marks
Number of Questions
Number of Sections
Quantitative Aptitude 50
Reasoning 50
English Language 40
General Awareness 40
Computer Knowledge 20
1/4th of marks allotted to each question
Number of Questions
Negative Marking
The reasoning section was of high difficulty level. The section had typical LR question types such as
linear and circular arrangements, complex arrangements, relationships, sequential output tracing,
data sufficiency, and syllogisms (pick out the wrong conclusion). The sequential output tracing
question was of very high difficulty level and therefore, tough to solve given the time constraint. This
section also had Critical Reasoning questions: independent questions on strengthening/weakening
argument and decision-making type questions. There was also a novel type of grouped question on
Critical Reasoning (assumptions, arguments etc) having 5 sub-questions. The CR questions were of
moderate difficulty level. A well-prepared student would still find this section time consuming.
Students could have attempted 20-22 questions in 35 minutes.
English Language
This section was of easy to moderate difficulty level. There were 2 Reading Comprehension passages
of about 650 words each with some words in bold. These consisted of very heavy material involving
world economy. Each passage had ten questions, consisting of only two vocabulary-based questions
and a mix of inferential and factual questions. The other types of questions besides the RCs were
jumbled sentences (with 6 sentences), a cloze passage with five blanks, mark the error questions, and
faulty construction questions with a highlighted phrase to be replaced. The jumbled sentences
question had 5 sub-questions and was slightly ambiguous in nature. The cloze passage was very easily
IBPS PO CWE 2015 Analysis
solvable. The error-based questions all dealt with basic aspects of grammar. A well-prepared student
could have easily attempted 25-30 questions in 30 minutes.
General Awareness
Like always, the focus in this section was on banking and areas related to it. More than 50% of this
section was based on questions on banking terms, products, RBI notifications and news,
economy, and government initiatives. A good grasp of current affairs in this area would have helped
tremendously. Some of the other areas from which questions were asked included sports, literature,
trivia and international news. A well-prepared student could have easily attempted 21 - 24 questions
in 10 minutes.
Computer Awareness
This section was easy to moderate and comprised questions on the knowledge of frequently-used
applications such as Windows, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), Networking, Basic Hardware and
Software, DBMS, Internet. A candidate well-versed in the fundamentals of day-to-day computing could
have easily scored well in this section. On the whole, a student could have attempted 12 - 14
questions in around 10 minutes.
Quantitative Aptitude
This section was of easy to moderate difficulty level. It had a mix of arithmetic, number series and
data interpretation. The weightage on general arithmetic was substantial, with around 20 questions
from this area including general concepts in Arithmetic such as profit and loss, time and work,
mixtures, problems on ages and simple and compound interest, time, speed & distance comprising
boat and streams. All questions were of moderate difficulty level. This section also had questions on
number series (to pick out the odd number), data sufficiency (1 set of 5 individual questions),
mensuration, data interpretation comprising line graph, pie chart, and tables & Caselets, etc. The Data
Interpretation questions were calculation-wise moderate and could be said to be fairly
straightforward. This year, calculation techniques and quantitative comparisons did not make an
On the whole, a well-prepared student could have attempted 22-27 questions in 35 minutes.