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Course overview

Introduction to R

Background and Resources

History behind R and some useful websites

Installing R
Installing R in windows.

R Console
R window to edit and execute R commands.

R Commander
Installation and Activation of R commander, Interface of R commander,

Dataset: Activate, Edit and View , Get Help on Activated Dataset, Analysis on
Activated dataset.

Commands and Syntax

R commands and R syntax.

Packages and Libraries

Install and load a package in R.

Help in R
Getting help about R commands.

Workspace in R

Save and load R file in workspace.

Data Structures

Introduction to Data types 1

Introduction to Data types 2

Introduction to Data Types 3

Introduction To Data Structures

Why Data Structures ?, Types of Data Structures in R.

Types of Vectors and their creation procedures, Assigning created Vector into

an object, Basic Vector operations, Operations between Vectors.


Creating a matrix, Extracting elements rows or columns from a matrix,

Combining two matrices, Basic matrix operations.


Creating an Array, Finding type and dimension of Array.

Creating a List, Extract a specific component from a list, Extracting a

component from a sublist.


Create a factor, Unordered and Ordered factor.


Creating a Dataframe, Examining different parts of a dataframe, Edit and

save a dataframe.

Importing and Exporting Data

Importing and Exporting Data.

Data types
Numerical, Nominal and Ordinal Data types, Modifying Data types.

Graphical Analysis

Creating a Simple Graph

Using plot() command.

Modifying the Points and Lines of a Graph

Using type, pch, font, cex, lty, lwd, col arguments in plot() command.

Modifying Title and Subtitle of a Graph

Using main, sub, col.main, col.sub, cex.main, cex.sub, font.main, font.sub

arguments in plot() command.


Modifying Axes of a Graph

Using xlab, ylab, col.lab, cex.lab, font.lab, xlim, ylim, col.axis, cex.axis,

font.axis arguments and axis() command.


Adding Additional Elements to a Graph

Using points(), text(), abline(), curve() commands.

Adding Legend on a Graph

Using legend() command.

Special Graphs
Using pie(), barplot(), hist() commands.

Multiple Plots
Using mfrow or mfcol arguments in par() command and layout command.


Introduction to Frequency

A quick introduction to frequencies.


Frequencies, Frequency table and their graphical presentation, Relative

frequency, Frequency curve.

Descriptive Statistics

Measure of Central Tendency

Mean, Median and Mode.

Measure of Positions
Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles and Quantiles.

Measure of Dispersion
Range, Median, Absolute deviation about median, Variance and Standard


Measure of Distribution
Skewness and Kurtosis.

Box and Whisker Plot

Box Plot and its parts, Using Box Plots to compare distribution.

Comparing Populations

Test of Hypothesis
Concept of Hypothesis testing, Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis.

Cross Tabulations
Contigency table and their use, Chi-Square test, Fisher's exact test.

One Sample t test

Concept, Assumptions, Hypothesis, Verification of assumptions, Performing

the test and interpretation of results.


Independent Samples t test

Concept, Type, Assumptions, Hypothesis, Verification of

assumptions, Performing the test and interpretation of results.


Paired Samples t test

Concept, Assumptions, Hypothesis, Verification of assumptions, Performing

the test and interpretation of results.


One way ANOVA

Concept, Assumptions, Hypothesis, Verification of assumptions, Model fit,

Hypothesis testing, Post hoc tests: Fisher's LSD, Tukey's HSD.

Relationship Between Variables


Concept, Measures of correlation and corresponding tests: Pearson's r,

Spearman's p.

Simple Linear Regression

Definition, Assumptions, Hypothesis, Model fit, Verification of assumptions,

Hypothesis testing, Prediction.


Multiple Linear Regression

Definition, Assumptions, Hypothesis Testing, Model fit: Manual and


Time Series Analysis

Time Series Data and their Graphical Representation

Time Series Analysis, Time Series Objects in R, Graphical Representation of

Time Series Data, Time Series data manipulation with 'xts' package.

Time Series Data Transformation

Use of as.Date() and format() commands to handel time index. Create Time

Series Data for regular and irregular time points. Import Time Series Data using
read.zoo() command.

Decomposition of Time series Data

Components of a time series:Trend, Seasonal and Irregular.Time series

models:Additive and Multiplicative. Decomposition of Time Series Data using

decompose() command.

Smoothing and Forecasting

Simple Exponential Smoothing, Holt's linear trend method and Holt-Winters

seasonal method.



Test your proficiency on 'Analytics with R'.


Command Reference
List of commands

The List of assignments


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