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What Would Happen If UE Send Inaccurate CQI ?

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CQI stands for Channel Quality Indicator. As the name implies, it is an indicator carrying the
information on how good/bad the communication channel quality is. This CQI is for HSDPA.
(LTE also has CQI for its own purpose).
CQI is the information that UE sends to the network and practically it implies the following
i) Current Communication Channel Quality is this-and-that..
ii) I (UE) wants to get the data with this-and-that transport block size, which in turn
can be directly converted into throughput
Followings are the topics that I will talk about in this page.

What would happen if UE send inaccurate CQI ?

CQI Report and SR

How to test CQI ?

How UE estimate CQI ?

CQI Value and Expected PDSCH Modulation Scheme
Which Physical Channel Carriers CQI Value ?
Two Important CQI Table
CQI Report and DRX

o Type 1 : Live Network Behavior Test

o Type 2 : CQI Measurement Accuracy Test

CQI Measurement in Livenetwork

What would happen if UE send inaccurate CQI ?

In HSDPA, the CQI value ranges from 0 ~ 30. 30 indicates the best channel quality and 0,1 indicates the po
quality. Depending which value UE reports, network transmit data with different transport block size. If netw
high CQI value from UE, it transmit the data with larger transport block size and vice versa.

What if network sends a large transport block even though UE reports low CQI, it is highly probable that UE
decode it (cause CRC error on UE side) and UE send NACK to network and the network have to retransmit i
turn cause waste of radio resources.

What if UE report high CQI even when the real channel quality is poor ? In this case, network would send a
transport block size according to the CQI value and it would become highly probable that UE failed to decod
CRC error on UE side) and UE send NACK to network and the network have to retransmit it which in turn ca
radio resources.

How UE estimate CQI ?

How UE can measure CQI ? This is the most unclear topic to me. As far as I know, there is no explicit descr
standard on the mechanism by which the CQI is calculated, but it is pretty obvious that the following factor
important roles to CQI measurement.
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR)

signal-to-noise plus distortion ratio (SNDR)

It is not defined in the specification on how these factors are used and whether there is any other factors b
The implementation is all up to chipset makers. In most case, the chipset maker derives a complicated mat
formula called channel model and derive SNR/SINR/SNDR from the channel model. And then, they do a lot
correlate the measured SNR and the measured BLER by the chipset and create some internal table (or equa
correlation. And the mapping table(function) would eventually used to determine CQI value.

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