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CBE 521 HW 2 (Due 10/6/2016 2pm, submit to UNM Learn)

1. See BSL Fig. 7B.9 in p.228 (the fluid is incompressible.). The efflux time for the cylindrical
tank depends on the flow. The expression for the efflux time for laminar flows (
) is given in
Problem 7B.9(a). For turbulent flows, the efflux time is obtained as
t turb

3.26 LR

1/ 7

D 19 / 7

3/ 7

1 H

g 4 / 7 L

An engineer wanted to estimate the ratio of efflux time between turbulent and laminar flow,
. She reasoned that the vertical dimensions and are separable in the expression
for this ratio so that

, , ,

which is independent of the tank radius. To reduce the number of experiments, she needed to
non-dimensionalize the variables. The dimensionless variable of is obviously / .
(1) Construct the dimensional matrix for the 4 arguments in

(2) What is the rank of the matrix and the number of dimensionless parameters for

(3) Find an expression for .

(4) Find an expression for
non-dimensionalization in (3).

and confirm that it agrees with the form obtained from

(5) When
and the fluid is water, find the condition for the diameter of the pipe, , for the
turbulent efflux time to be greater than the laminar one. (The kinematic viscosity of water is
1 10 / .)

2. A complex potential for a 2-dimensional, incompressible, irrotational, inviscid flow is given

ln where is an undetermined real constant.
(1) Find the velocity field in 2-dimensional polar coordinates.
(2) Sketch the flow both when is positive and negative. Be clear to indicate the magnitude as
well as the direction of the flow velocity.

(3) Calculate

where is the surface normal vector for the surface of a cylinder that has
its axis as the z-axis, has a length (in z-direction) of unity, has its center of mass at the origin of
the coordinates, and has arbitrary radius.
(4) Based on the result in (3), explain the physical significance of

(5) Explain what would be at the origin of the coordinates physically both when
and negative.

is positive

3. BSL Problem 4B.7. In addition, answer the following for each 4B.7 (a) and (b).
(a) Note that is a real constant in the problem. Sketch the flow indicating the magnitude as
well as the direction of the flow velocity both when is positive and negative.
(b) Sketch the flow described by Eq.(3.6.37). Verify that it does not describe an irrotational flow.

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