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Lord 1998

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Cooperative Learning That Really Works in Biology Teaching: Using Constructivist-Based

Activities to Challenge Student Teams

Author(s): Thomas Lord
Source: The American Biology Teacher, Vol. 60, No. 8 (Oct., 1998), pp. 580-588
Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the National Association of
Biology Teachers
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4450554
Accessed: 02-10-2016 16:29 UTC
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Cooperative Learning That Really Work

in Biology Teaching
Using Constructivist-B ased Activities To
Challenge Student Teams
Thomas Lord

T HERE is an old Chinese proverb that reads,

If I hear-I forget, If I see-I remember, If I
do -I understand. Seasoned educators know,

however, that seeing and doing can lead to forgetting

as well. Simply viewing the material will not automatically lead to remembering, and working with something will not automatically lead to understanding.
For lasting learning to take place, students must be

between systems from the same germ layer in the

gastrula or predict outcomes that were not directly

in their notes, most could not do it.

Studies find that it is not unusual for students
to misunderstand and retain information they have
successfully passed in their courses (Astin 1985).
Tinto (1987) found that many students cannot apply
the information they have in courses to common,

actively involved in thinking about what is being

heard, seen or done.
For example, students in biology laboratories some-

every-day situations and Daloz (1987) concluded from

times perform investigations without understanding

content they have learned. Perkins (1994) found that

his studies that most students in high school cannot

make comparative relationships between the factual

what they are doing. Indeed, so widespread has the

idea of "hands-on education" become in our schools

many students continue to hold misconceptions about

that students have become skillful at setting up

recently taken exams.

learning situations, following directions, performing

activities, and cleaning up after themselves. In fact,

students have become so competent in the "handson" format that they can answer questions on a
performance sheet or describe what they have completed in an activity report without totally understanding what they have just accomplished.
I watched a high school lab in advanced biology
exploring the embryologic development of amphibians. Each student observed preserved stages of devel-

course material they have successfully passed on

Why can't many of our students make connections
between things they know? Is it because of the
poor study habits of today's students or the difficult
reading levels of contemporary science textbooks?

Perhaps the reason students aren't retaining or understanding information they are taught is due to the

way we are teaching.

How often do we, as biology teachers, ask students
to draw connections between things we teach them?

Do we encourage students to apply the concepts

they leam to things outside the lesson? In many
scope and arranged them in order from zygote to
biology classrooms, all the instructional time is spent
tadpole, drawing each stage as he or she went along.
going over the factual content in the text. Despite
In a late stage, organogenesis was introduced and
the teachers' acknowledgment that the primary goal
the students read what organ systems developed
of teaching is for students to understand and be able
from the various layers. The participants worked
to apply the material, many feel pressure to cover
quickly and efficiently through their task, completing
as much of the content in the textbook as they can.
it before the lab ended. I returned the following
Unfortunately, in many schools it is the content in
week to find out how the students had done on
the textbook or an exit exam that drives the biology
their exam on the subject. Grades on the test revealed
that the "learning" of the subject matter was very
Furthermore, many biology teachers continue to
high in this group of high achievers. Yet when I
the assumption that content recitation conasked students if they could draw correlations
firms content comprehension. This is supported by
the fact that most of the biology exams given to
Thomas Lord is in the Biology Department at Indiana Universtudents across the country focus on the facts covered
sity of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705-1090.
in the unit. The few exams that do include openoping frog eggs in petri dishes under a dissection


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ended, subjective-type questions are still heavily

in biology teaching presents a real challenge. The

laden with questions that depend solely on rote

research literature on the philosophy reveals that the

memory (Menges 1988). With the emphasis on

nomenclature rather than comprehension, it is no

constructivist style used by one practitioner often

wonder that the students of today have misunder-

in a second discipline (Good 1993). One of the most

standing about biology. When the evaluation of what

they know is based on rote memorization and reiteration, students don't expend the additional cognitive
energy that is required to apply the information to
other situations and truly comprehend the subject.
If the goal of our instruction is to develop students
who are enthused about biology and really understand the material, we need to drastically modify
the way we teach.
Before we can make changes in our teaching meth-

successfully utilized constructivist methods for biology is the "5 E" model developed several years ago by

ods, however, we should consider what is really

involved in the way the students acquire knowledge.
Learning psychologists point out that knowledge is
something that resides within one's body, not outside
it in biology textbooks and lecture notes. New knowledge results when information encountered cogni-

problems (Glasson & Lalik 1993). Bybee's constructiv-

differs significantly from the method used by another

Rodger Bybee of the Biological Sciences Curriculum

Studies (BSCS). Bybee (1993) based his model on the
once popular Science Curriculum Improvement Study

(SCIS) learning cycle. According to two researchers

that scrutinized the model, the SCIS learning cycle
provides an excellent foundation on which to build
constructivist-based lessons because it encourages
peer interaction in resolving instructor-generated

ist design focuses on five instructional phases:

Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate.

The Engage activity motivates the class for the topic;

the Explore segment encourages the students to examine the topic in small groups; the Explain segment

tively interacts with what the learner already knows.allows them to describe to other members in the
Through this interaction, the biology student attempts class what their team has discovered; the Elaborate

to fit the new information with mental notions thatpermits the students to expand on the topic; and the

are already perceived and understood from his or

her past experiences. Once the new information is

properly assimilated with the old, real understanding
of the issue is reached and a new level of biological
knowledge is gained.

Evaluate activity provides the students a means of

assessing what they have learned. The 5 E model
was recently utilized in a large General Biology
course for nonscience majors in a midsize university.

The results indicated that the undergraduates in the

Learning theorists term this view of knowledge
course scored significantly better on the biology
acquisition "constructivism." Constructivist educaexams and enjoyed the course more than the students
tors believe that students make sense of what they
in traditional teacher-directed biology classes (Lord
are presented by associating it with prior knowledge.
Once the newly gleaned information is implanted
Despite what the research shows about the benefits
on the person's existing knowledge, the learner is
of using such student-centered, constructivist-based
enlightened on the subject and can interact, describe
instructional methods, the vast majority of biology
and exchange his/her new insights with others. By
teachers still conduct their classes in a teacherattempting to explain what one knows about a topic
directed fashion (Yager 1991). A survey of several
to someone else, explainers test the fit of their underhundred high school and college biology instructors
standing of the material. Similarly, while trying to
indicates there are several reasons why teachers conunderstand what a colleague is saying, listeners questinue to use instructor-directed methods (Lord 1994b).
tion and challenge their own understandings and
One of the major reasons given by biology educators
try to fit the material into their already established
for not using cooperative learning in their instruction
cognitive foundations. In the learning process, mental
is that they believe the instructional method they
energies are expended by both the deliverer and the
presently employ is effective in getting what is essenreceiver. In a traditional, teacher-directed classroom
tial across to the majority of their students. Most of
the expenditure of cognitive energy that enables listhese teachers state that they have used their science
teners to cement new knowledge on their existing
teaching practices for years and will strongly resist
foundations rarely exceeds 10 to 12 straight minutes.
any change forced upon them. Interestingly, several
In a student-directed classroom, however, cognitive
biology teachers in this group claim that, despite
energy continues to be expended for most of the
their teacher-centered instruction during class presenclass period (Wilson 1987).
tations, they have been using cooperative learning
for years in the laboratory segment of their course
Using Constructivism in Biology
where students work with teammates to complete


Although constructivism gives us an idea about

how learning takes place, using constructive methods

specific lab exercises. Like many teachers, these

instructors wrongly equate any form of group work
with cooperative learning.

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The survey found, however, that many biology

teachers were willing to adopt new forms of instruc-

tion to their teaching if they were sure it would lead

to higher learning in their students. Many of these

attempt to find a fit with what they already know

(Ruhl, Hughes & Schloss 1987). As a matter of fact,

it's not just the non-rote leamers who benefit from

educators, however, had misgivings about coopera-

student-directed discussions. Research finds that all

kids (even the most gifted) need to do this as well

tive learning and other forms of student-centered

instruction. Countless teachers in this group said
they had tried to use cooperative learning in the

heads for an appreciable amount of time (Yager 1991;

Lorsbach & Tobin 1994).

past but found their best students did not learn as

much and their not-as-advanced students "fooled
around" and did not learn with the method. Another
large group said it had tried student-centered teaching practices in past years but had gone back to a

if they're going to hold the information in their

Furthermore, the constructivist-based, cooperative

learning requires that biology teachers appraise what
is important for true understanding of the material
and remove superfluous content from the lesson.
Many "bioeducators" have for years simply revised

traditional format because it could not cover all the

their lessons with new material and only marginally

content to which it was accustomed. Some of the

surveyed teachers said that cooperative learning

eliminated less pertinent information from their pre-

worked well in the arts, humanities and the social

studies, but that it didn't work in science-related

sentations. As a result, in many biology classes the

content in the courses has increased appreciably over
time. Interestingly, research studies have discovered

the best students: academically they read, write and

that up to a third of the content in a traditionally

taught biology class could be replaced with studentcentered exercises that challenge students' learning
without sacrificing understanding (Menges 1988).
Mayer-Smith and Moon (1993) found that by eliminating superfluous and repetitious content from traditional biology classes, student-focused group activities such as analyzing charts and graphs, constructing
concept maps, and answering challenging questions
can be included in a lesson without serious consequence. Lord (1996) found that reducing the breadth
of coverage in General Biology allowed for greater
depth and understanding of the subject by students.
The research has revealed another important aspect
of constructivism. Lorsbach et al. (1993) found that

memorize well and are competitive and goal oriented.

as instructors move from traditional to constructivist

subjects. According to this group, science is built

around undeniable truths, facts that each student
must know to pass the subject. Most supporters of
this position believed that science content can't be
learned through shared cooperation. Rather, each
individual must learn the information on his or
her own.

Resistance to Cooperative Learning

Let's examine these reasons for not using cooperative learning in science instruction. First, we need
to realize that some students do succeed in teacherdirected, lecture settings. These kids are generally

This segment of the student population will succeed

teaching formats, behavior in the biology class and

no matter what teaching style is employed by the

laboratory undergoes a transition to where the stu-

instructor (McKeachie 1988). A professor I know, for

dents become more interested in the subject and

disrupt the class less frequently. With less time spent

example, recites his lessons to the biology majors in

his class for the entire period. He pedantically follows
this teacher-directed, lecture format class after class

for the entire term. Only occasionally does he use

the chalkboard or an overhead projector in his instruction to help disseminate the content he is delivering.
Yet, despite his poor teaching style, his students pass
most of his standard, objective-style tests that come
with the adopted textbook. Although his teaching
method is considered poor by present-day standards,
the majority of his students are successful in "learning" what is needed to pass the course. In fact, most
score high enough to get an A or a B.
It's the other, much larger group of students that
we have in our biology classes who have trouble
learning from teacher-directed instruction. It's this
group of non-rote learners who greatly benefit from
breaks in the teacher-directed routine to discuss the
relevant information in the lesson with others and
to manipulate the material in their minds in an

in corrective management, the teacher can devote

more time to the learning process.

Creating Construcfivist-Based Activities

If constructivist-based, cooperative learning is done

properly, student learning is enhanced at any level

of biology. The reason that some experience failure
in their teaching with the practice is that cooperative
learning isn't done right much of the time. There
are several factors that will doom an honest effort

by a teacher to utilize cooperative learning in his or

her biology classroom (Table 1). One common exercise

that is adversely used as a cooperative learning

activity is asking students to do something in their
group that can easily be done by one person. In some
cooperative learning settings, for example, teachers
might ask student groups to copy a diagram from
their biology book on a sheet of paper or have


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of asking the group of students to do a task that

only has one right answer. Some teachers, for exam-

Table 1. Productive and unproductive student-centered

learning activities.

ple, may ask student groups in a cooperative learning

Productive Unproductive

setting to look up definitions of biological terms in

the book's glossary or a dictionary. Other teachers

* Questions with answers * Questions with answers

not simply found in the easily found in the text

a Questions that have * Questions that are too

several answers simple for the students
* Questions with answers * Questions that one
that are open ended student has no trouble
doing alone

may assign cooperative learning teams to look up

the answers to questions at the end of the textbook

chapter or from a worksheet. Both of these activities
have little learning value and are generally seen as
busy work by students.

Group work that requires students to simply memorize information is another type of exercise commonly used as a cooperative learning activity in

* Questions that require a Questions with answers

student interpretation that are simply

biology which will eventually lead to failure. Teachers, for example, ask students to review diagram
labels or vocabulary terms in their cooperative groups

* Questions that are * Questions with one

challenging correct answer

for an upcoming test. This activity may keep the

students busy for a while but it is not a productive

* Questions that * Questions that have no

encourage students to relevance to the
give their opinions material being taught

learning experience and it certainly is not constructive-based, cooperative learning.

On the other hand, there are many exercises that

student groups draw a representation of what is seen

in the microscope. This type of activity generally
involves just one member of the team and creates
a poor learning situation for most of the students.
Another exercise often used as a cooperative learning activity in biology and is doomed to fail is that

frequently lead to a productive, cooperative learning

experience for biology students. Activities that contain

questions with answers not directly found in the
biology book work well for constructivist-based, student work groups. Rather than asking teams to label
a diagram on a worksheet in their text, for example,

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ask them to create a structure placing the diagram

able reasons why home owners should have the right

labels in some unusual areas. For instance, ask them

to treat their property any way they want and five

to create a flower of a submerged aquatic angiosperm

defendable reasons why home owners should not

and compare it to a typical terrestrial blossom.

have that right will generate a lot of thinking within

Remind the students that they must use most of the

each of the groups.

terms on the book's diagram and be ready to explain

their answers. The teams may not know about missing

Examples of other constructivist-based, cooperative

learning activities for General Biology are shown in
Figure 1.

structures or be able to defend all the parts on all

their drawings but they will work together and put
creative, high-level thinking into their team's effort.
Another constructivist-type exercise that generally
works as a cooperative learning activity includes
questions that have several answers. For example,
rather than teaching the physiology of different
organs in one of the systems of the human body
through teacher-directed lecture, ask students to come
up with the functions of the system's components.
If this type of activity is used, it is important to
specify a number of functions for each organ. For
example, instead of asking students to list "several"

functions of the digestive organs (mouth, esophagus,

stomach, pancreas, intestines, liver and colon), ask
them to give you eight functions of the mouth, three
for the esophagus, eight for the stomach, four for
the pancreas, eight for the intestines, eight for the
liver, and six for the color. When you specify the
number of items for each organ, it challenges the
student teams and assures that all members will
contribute to the answer.
Open-ended questions are also excellent for challenging constructivist groups in biology. Queries that
do not have specific answers encourage all members
of the team to contribute to the group's answer. An
example of this type of question would be to ask
teams to come up with 10 actions that industrialized
nations could take to help the economies of third
world countries, or to ask teams to develop a concept

Managing Cooperative Learning

Another reason why biology teachers said they
did not use student-centered constructivist teaching

with their classes was the perceived hassle of incorporating it into the daily instruction. Often, there is
so much time lost establishing student groups and
handing out the cooperative group materials that
half the class period is lost. Instruction time is, indeed,
a precious factor in biology teaching. This is why
preclass planning is so important in structuring successful constructivist-based, cooperative learning ses-

sions in biology.

The management of the cooperative learning experience need not be a hassle. Many teachers find that
if they develop their groups at the onset of each

marking period and require the students to sit with

their teammates during each class, little time is wasted
initiating short group activities during class. One

way of doing this that has been successful is to place

a different desk or chair number on each course

schedule sheet for the marking period. As students

enter the class at the onset of the term, they are
handed a course schedule from a scrambled stack

holding a specific seat number and told to find their

new seat for the marking period. As the students
locate their new place in the class, they meet the

map of direct and indirect factors that would influ- teammates they will work with for the term (Lord
ence habitat conditions in an environment.
Questions that require interpretation are also good
cooperative learning exercises. Asking student teams


The content packet system successfully used with

large numbers of cooperative groups will make the

to interpret information from a chart or graph is an management even more efficient. Earlier in the day
excellent constructivist-based, group activity. Another the instructor places a large envelope with all the
is to have teams solve a question that may be interpre- easily managed material the group will need for the
class. Then, at the beginning of the class period, a
ted different ways. Asking groups to come up with
of each cooperative team retrieves the conat least seven examples of movements in plants, for
example, leads to an array of various answers. These tent package from the front of the room. Such items
might include transport of materials within the plant'sas short readings, information outlines, term sheets,
vascular tissues, mitotic growth of meristem tissue, challenge question answer sheets, team quiz results,
surprisingly quick nastic reactions, sunlight-directedand even the challenge questions and team quizzes
diurnal and nocturnal activities, and endocrinedirected tropic and developmental movements. The
smorgasbord of answers provides for rich group and
class discussion and enlightenment.
Opinion questions are also excellent for simulating
constructivist interaction within a group. For instance,
asking student groups to come up with five defend-

(sealed in different small envelopes) can be placed

in the envelope. When it is time for a team activity
during class, the instructor asks the groups to pull

an answer sheet and!/or sealed question from the

large envelope and attempt to answer it as a team.
When a student group reaches consensus on the
answer, someone in the group writes down the


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Multianswer Questions
fatigue. In fact, the muscles seem "energized." See if you
and your partners can trace what happened to the glucose
We have learned that, to acquire the materials they need
(a) upon entering the cytoplasm (b) when it passed
to survive, animals eat different types of food. Some are
the membrane of its treated organelle, and (c)
solely plant eaters (herbivores), some are solely meat eatafter
of it moved to the center of the treatment
ers (carnivores), and some eat both plants and meat (omniorganelle.
vores). As a team, make a list of 10 animals that fit under
each category. After you have done this, arrange the animals in a multi-tiered pattern of who might eat whom if
the different animals were all placed in a 25-acre, plantrich field enclosed by a high chain-linked fence.

Chart & Diagram Interpretation

We know that one species can drastically influence

another. See if you and your partners can draw population
curves for acorns, owls and squirrels in the large park in
The proper functioning of our digestive tract depends on
town as the curves might have looked from 1900 to 1990.

a multitude of enzymes. Under ideal conditions, large

foodstuffs are quickly and systematically broken down
to very small particles that can pass through the tract's
membrane linings. Sometimes, however, the enzyme
activity is slowed (or quickened), and even interrupted

On the board is a line chart that indicates the level of

oxyhemoglobin in the blood stream of a fetus. Quantity
of blood oxygen is indicated by the vertical axis and the
area along the fetal circulatory pathway is indicated on
by certain factors in the digestive environment. See if the
youhorizontal axis. The letters on the curve itself indicate
and your teammates can come up with a list of at least
specific sites along the blood route. See if you and your
four factors that will disrupt or enhance enzyme activity.
teammates can come up with the correct site for each

We've seen that we have three membranes around our

brain and spinal cord and that there is fluid (cerebralProblem Solving
spinal fluid) between the membranes. See if you and your
Mary Lyons is correct and only the patemal or the
partners can come up with three different functions of
X chromosome is active in any one cell (and the
this multimembrane-fluid coat.
other is dormant), why don't women carriers of diseases
such as hemophilia, tintinal deafness and colorblindness
Concept Maps
express the disease in half their cells? Each group should
We know that changes in an environment will affect
a reasonable hypothesis.
plants and animals living there. See if you and your teamUpon his return to England, Darwin wrote of the huge
mates can construct a concept map with 20 environmental
variations that exist within a single species (1). He also
factors (both biotic and abiotic) that could directly or
Thomas Malthus' essay on potentials of population
indirectly change an area.
growth outstripping food production (2) and Charles
There are several ways nature uses to prevent animals of
Lyell's book on geological change being persistent and
different species from successfully producing hybrids. See continuous (3). From the three, he formed the backbone
if you and your team can construct a concept map with
of his theory. Discuss with your group what each of the
at least 12 ways animals are isolated reproductively.
three mean and how Charles Darwin combined the ideas
of each into his concept of evolution. Then write your
team's understanding of the theory in your own words.

A local pet store owner purchased a dozen temperature

Participation Activity
zone South American field toads from a distributor to
In the little envelope in your "source packet" is a series
sell from his shop in town. Several days after he received
of circles of different colors. While one team member
(and paid for) them, he learned that the toads were listed
closes his/her eyes, scatter the circles on the desk top.
as endangered by the South American government and
that the distributor had illegally obtained them. Calls to Next tell the "blind" member (who represents a predator)
the distributor revealed that he had skipped town. Not
that he / she should pick up as many circles (which repreknowing what to do, and not wanting to get in trouble,
sent prey) as possible in 15 seconds. After this is done,
count the different number of colors "captured by the
the owner decided to release the toads in a large field
near the school. As a group, predict what would happen predator." Write the results on a team sheet and explain
to the freed toads and give a rationale for your conclusion.how this relates to natural selection.
Even though we seem to have a large variety of tastes,
Feeling tired after a long job around town, a student
we have only four types of receptors for gustation. The
drank a pint of Gatorade?, a glucose-rich fluid. Since the
receptors are located in different regions of our tongue.
monosaccharides in the drink were already in a small,
Each member of your team should apply one of the soluabsorbable state, they need no enzyme treatment and
were quickly moved through the intestine lining into thetions at your teamsite to his/her tongue and determine
where he / she senses a definite taste. Note where the sense
blood stream. Soon they were transferred to the tired
occurs on the tongue and what it tastes like. Draw a team
muscle cells and absorbed through the cell membranes. In
map of taste locations on the tongue.
10 minutes, the student felt refreshed and had no muscle
Figure 1. Examples of the constructivist-based biology activities that work with cooperative learning.


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8-10 8 -10 5 6 8-10 8 -10 5 - 5- 8


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answer on the answer sheet. Answer sheets are col-

can take the quiz. In this situation, the instructor will

lected by the instructor as each team completes the

randomly select only one test from the group to count

question. Next, the teacher randomly selects one or

for each team member. Because the students do not

two answer sheets from the collected bunch and asks

know which member will be selected, they all study

one of the team members to recite his/her group's

and review for the test. In this way all of the team

answers. Correct and incorrect conclusions are dis-

members are accountable for the information.

cussed as a class and corrections are suggested by

teams when needed. Following this event, the instructor moves the class toward further elaboration of the

material and another group challenge.

Sharing & Grading in Cooperative


The above sequence is repeated several times during

Another of the concerns expressed about using

the class period as learning extends further and further

cooperative groups was how teachers could be sure

into the topic of the day. The system can be thought of

that the work is being shared equally within the

as a series of informative books placed in a progressive

group rather than being done by one or two in the

sequence on a bookshelf. As students move through

team. The answer is that it is impossible to know

the class, they pick up new information to 10- to 12minute spurts broken by short periods of student-to-

this. However, if one thinks about the work each

individual in a society performs in the "real world,"

student interaction in which each pupil tests the fit of

he or she realizes that work is rarely shared equally

his/her perception of what was just discussed with

by each member of the population. Some societal

his/her own knowledge about the subject (Figure 2).

members contribute more than others to the commu-

With 8 to 10 minutes left in the class, the teacher

nity. However, if everyone does what he or she can,

directs the groups to conclude what they have learned

and gives them several minutes to review the informa-

the whole community benefits. Recognizing only the

best people in a community is rarely productive since

tion with one another. Then, with five minutes to go,

it turns many would-be supporters or contributors

a color or number is randomly selected from a series

of four (each group member has his/her own color or
number). When a color or number is selected, the person holding that color or number takes a short quiz
on the day's material and the rest of the class is excused.
All members of the team receive the grade earned by
their representative. Alternatively, if it is not possible
to excuse the nontest-takers, each member of a team

away. In fact, rewarding specific individuals in a

community is really only important in highly competitive situations. With cooperative learning, the goal
is sharing the task of learning and helping each
person through the activity. Because the students in
each team all begin with different levels of preexisting knowledge, they all build their new insights
of the information on different cognitive foundation


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levels. Therefore, some students need more help than

other students to understand the material. Through
teamwork, everyone benefits and all leam from the
experience. The brightest student in the group tends
to contribute more to the concluding answer than
the others in the team but, if it is a good cooperative
learning activity, all members in the group will be
involved and all will leam from the activity! By

* Divide your class randomly into t

the first meeting.
a. Seat numbers on syllabus-seating chart
on overhead.
b. Group letters on syllabus-group letters
taped on wall.

* Tell students what you're doing in the first


explaining it to others, the bright student tests his/* Give students an activity to do early in first

her understanding of the item, often discovering and

correcting perturbations in his/her thinking. This
results in a clearer understanding of the subject by
that student. Other students in the group also leam

as they attempt to make sense of the new information

from their cognitive bases. These students often interject issues pertinent to the subject that the brighter

student hasn't considered. In so doing, the poorer

student gains the respect of the others in the group,
something that generally doesn't occur in teacherdirected classes. The students in the middle also
benefit as they contribute and analyze the issue,
fitting it with their preconceived thoughts.
Grading is always a difficult problem with studentcentered classes. It is often hard to determine where

each student falls on a conventional percentage scale

when groups, rather than individuals, receive scores
for work. One way to avoid this dilemma is to
base student grades on points earned rather than

class to try it out.

a. Give at least one to two team activities
each period.
b. Make team activities challenging.
c. Center team activities around constructivist

d. Always give the groups a number of answers

to shoot for.
* Use points rather than grades (i.e. 1000 possible
for class).
a. Give student points for quizzes, tests, labs,
team sheets.

* Give students credit for group work only if they

are present.

* Place all materials the groups will use in a large

envelope (content packet).
a. Group member retrieves the envelope when
class starts.

b. Group member retums the envelope when

class ends.

? k'>FREE Video

vote1~with purchase of a

Details at Concept Set


or Concept Sets integrate

www.edvotek.com 3 "hands-on" biotechnology

experiments focusing on a
unified theme. Great as
I curriculum "plug-in" units for

FundaMI e o enhancing life science courses.

EIectroPhorBs's Cat. #

401 Agarose Gel


| { _ 1 ~~402 DNA Science

IY w 41c0 Gene Typing

* Provide groups with a single outline of material

for the day in the content packet.
* Keep each member of the group apprised of his/
her status.
a. Put individual's points in content envelope
each meeting.
* Give a short quiz at end of each class for

a. Give teams 3-5 minutes to straighten out

member problems.
b. Randomly select one member of each team
to take quiz.
c. All present members get points earned by
team quiz-taker.

* Set it up so everyone in the class can attain quiz

point maximum.
a. i.e. Must earn 150 quiz points by semester's end.

b. Manipulate quiz points as needed (5 points!

quiz early, 8 points/ quiz later).
c. Go over the session quiz at the onset of the
next meeting.

* Give major exams to each student-not to a

team test-taker.

Fundamentals of Electrophoresis withuRefer to

3. Managing0e
a constructivist-based, cooperative
Fun a Itas of Electrophoresis Code
learning class.


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percentage scores throughout the marking period.

Students can earn points toward their grade both

through their contribution to the team (i.e. group

answers on challenge questions, group tests and
quizzebs, group homework, group projects, group
papers) and through assessing their understanding

thoughts and ideas with others in their classes. It is

through such discussion with peers that students test
their new knowledge and correct their misinterpretations. As this occurs, the new information is fitted
with their pre-existing insights. This is how knowledge grows in our minds and is what good biology

as individuals (i.e. individual exam scores, individual

instruction is all about.

project contributions, topic contributions to a term

paper). The instructors can decide how much of the

final grade should be based on points earned through
group or individual efforts (Figure 3).
Sometimes a single cooperative group activity may

carry with it both team and individual assessments.

Team projects, debates, term papers, and presenta-

tions can be scored both as one unit and/or individually, especially if the assignment includes a specific
component for each team member to complete. This
type of exercise provides the instructor with a measure of each person's contribution to the group effort

(and, therefore, how accountable each member was

for the information). Teams receive one score for
their project along with an individual member score
for his/her contribution. Instructors can weigh the
two scores differently as their conscience guides them.
For example, each semester student teams in my
Environmental Science course prepare a term paper

on a major environmental issue (i.e. fossil fuels). The

paper always includes four aspects (i.e. biotic impact,
abiotic impact, economic impact and social impact),

with each member of the group responsible for one

of the portions. Students receive 100 points for the

overall paper and each receives 100 points for his/
her section of the assignment. This system encourages
each member of a team not only to do his/her section

of the paper but to motivate and help the less capable

teammates. If one of the group members defiantly
fails to contribute to the project (or provides a halfhearted effort to it), the team's points are determined
without the negligent student's contribution. The
neglectful student does not receive the points

awarded to the team and the team is not penalized

for that member's lack of effort.

Astin, A. (1985). Achieving Educational Excellence. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Bybee, R. (1993). An instructional model for science educa-

tion. In Developing Biological Literacy. Colorado Springs,

CO: Biological Sciences Curriculum Studies.
Daloz, I. (1987). Effective Teaching and Mentoring. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Glasson, G. & Lalik, R. (1993). Reinterpretation of learning

cycle from a social constructivist perspective. Journal of
Research in Science Teaching, 30(2), 187-207.
Good, R. (1993). The many forms of constructivism. Journal
of Research in Science Teaching, 30(9), 1015.

Lord, T. (1997). A comparison between traditional and

constructivist teaching in college biology. Innovative
Higher Education, 21(3), 197-216.

Lord, T. (1994a). Using constructivism to enhance student

learning in college biology. Journal of College Science
Teaching, 5, 346-348.

Lord, T. (1994b). Using cooperative learning in the teaching

of high school biology. The American Biology Teacher,

56(5), 280-284.

Lorsbach, A. & Tobin, K. (1993). Constructivism as a referent

for science teaching. NARST News, 34(3), 9-11.
Lorsbach, A., Tobin, K., Briscoe, C. & LaMaster, S. (1994).
An interpretation of assessment method in middle school
science. International Journal of Science Education, in press.
Mayer-Smith, J. & Moon, B. (1993). Enhancing undergraduate student learning of cell biology: Moving away from
the lecture podium. Presentation at the Annual Meeting
of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Atlanta, GA.

McKeachie, W. (1988). Teaching thinking. In F. Kerlinger

(Ed.), Review of Research in Education. Itasca, IL: Peacock.

Menges, R. (1988). Research on teaching and learning:

The relevant and the redundant. The Review of Higher
Education, 11(3), 259-268.

Perkins, D. (1993). Teaching for understanding. The American Educator, 17(3), 28-35.


Ruhl, K., Hughes, C. & Schloss, P. (1987). Using the pause

procedure to enhance lecture recall. Teacher Education

Biology students need to be actively challenged
Special Education, 10(1), 14-18.
by their learning. Students don't learn by being
Tinto, V. (1987). Rethinking the Causes and Cures for Student
passive bystanders in the learning process. The chalAttrition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
lenge to biology teachers isn't to put together enterWilson, R. (1987). Toward excellence in teaching. In L.M.
taining presentations; it's putting together challenging
Aleamoni (Ed.), Techniques for Evaluation and Improving
scenarios and questions that cause pupils to think
Instruction (pp. 9-24). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

about what they are being taught. Not only do

students need time to think about the challenge but

they should be provided with time to discuss their

Yager, R. (1991). The constructivist learning model: Toward

real reform in science education. The Science Teacher,
September, 53-57.


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