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RISA Connection Notes

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Release Notes for RISAConnection

Version 5.0.1 Enhancements / Corrections

Enhancements to the Flange Plate Moment Connections in tension:

o Updated the Beam Flexural Rupture check for Flange Plate Moment connections in axial tension to be
checked per AISC 360 equation F131.
o Added a new Beam Tensile Rupture limit state to Flange Plate Moment connections which are in axial
Enhancements to the Seismic Moment Connections display:
o Clearer status bar messages for input variables.
o Replaced "FOR REFERENCE ONLY" with "n/a" flag to denote limit states that are not required by the
AISC 341/358 but are still referenced in other checks.
o Reported the unity check value for the "n/a" reference limit states where applicable for quick checking.
o Expanded the Seismic Width to Thickness Ratios limit state checks to better show the limiting ratios.
o Showed the governing unity check value for the grouped Seismic Beam Web and Seismic End Plate
Shear limit states.
Elastic Weld checks now will be shown as stress values rather than force values.
Rearranged Bolt Bearing calculations to be easier to read.
Improved messaging when a connection could not be designed because the shape wasn't in the shape database
in a combined RISAFloor/RISA3D/RISAConnection model.
Removed an overconservative assumption which took the flange area at the center of the RBS for the Beam
Flange Tensile Yield and Rupture limit states
Corrected an issue where Extended Shear Tabs were being overconservative with rotational ductility checks
on thin beams with thin webs.
Fixed an issue with Canadian shapes where the Bolt Group Eccentricity was erroneously not being ignored
when it should be.
Corrected the calculation for the Utilization Ratio, U, for rectangular HSS truss connections per AISC 36010
Table K2.2.
Updated the program to allow remote desktop connections for standalone versions.

Version 5.0 Enhancements / Corrections

Seismic Detailing Checks added for Moment Connections per AISC 3412010 and AISC 3582010.
Additions / Changes to HSS Design
Added HSS T Connections for Rectangular tubes.
Renamed some HSS connection limit states for consistency between connections.
Added new combined interaction limit state for HSS connections experiencing shear and moment.
Corrected formula for shear tab flexural plastification on HSS columns.
Made corrections to the calculation of utilization ratio (U) for HSS connections.
Additions / changes for Bolted End Plate Moment Connections:
Added flush end plate moment connections per AISC Design Guide 16.
Added other extended end plate moment connections per AISC Design Guide 16.
Added a specialty 8 bolt unstiffened end plate moment connection similar to the MRE 1/2 connection
from Design Guide 16.
Added Bolted End Plate Moment Connections to the CSA (Canadian) code.
Corrected an unconservative issue with the column web yielding limit equation for bolted end plate
connections near the top of the column.
Corrected an unconservative error with Flange Weld Strength calculations for fillet welds on bolted
end plate moment connections. Length of weld was over estimated by a value of k1.
Shear connections can now be analyzed with channel beam sections.

Release Notes

Brace connections can now be analyzed with channel brace sections.

Added a (Global) Project Setting to allow the user to determine which panel zone shear capacity equation they
want to use.
Added a (Global) Project Setting to allow the user to use full eccentricity for shear connections if desired.
Added an Angle Leg Bending limit state for certain angle shear connections in tension.
Updated the beam bolt eccentricity calculations to consider reduced (or zero) eccentricity for specific
configurations defined in the AISC design manuals for shear tab and double angle connections.
Updated interface to use a ribbon toolbar.
Improved / Increased bearing length for local web crippling checks on end plate connections per the guidance
given in AISC Design Guide 13.
Improved the program to ignore eccentricity for "conventional" shear connections for the CSA (Canadian) code
using criteria similar to the AISC 13th edition.
The program can now be used through Remote Desktop without licensing issues.
Changed / Clarified the wording in the bolt prying check to eliminate confusion.
Changes to Weld Access Hole dimensions per 2005 and 2010 versions of AISC 360.
Corrected a display issue where the plate interaction equation shown in the results was incorrect. Internal
calculations used a different (but correct) equation.
Corrected an issue with Plate Flexural Buckling calculations for shear tabs where the program would over
conservatively apply phi (or omega) twice.
Corrected the program to take the bolt group coefficient (C) for slip critical connections.
Corrected an issue where connections named with symbols (&, %, $, et cetera) could cause a printing error or
Corrected an issue with bolt prying calculations for CSA (Canadian) code and single angle shear connections.
Corrected an issue with the DXF export where the weld symbols for PJP and CJP were incorrectly displayed.

Version 4.0.2 Enhancements / Corrections

Added compatibility for the RISATekla Link V4

Updated INI file behavior to explicitly add the database directory default location at the creation of the INI file.
Corrected an issue with the bolt prying calculations for the CSA code and single angle shear connectors.
Corrected a display issue where shapes that did not have a root / k value defined could cause odd images in the
3D view.

Version 4.0.1 Enhancements / Corrections

Improved integration with RISA3D v12.0 and RISAFloor 8.0.

Added connection design for symmetric tapered wide flange member ends.
Enhanced the web yielding, buckling, and crippling calculations to include increased capacity when doubler
plates are included.
Improved the behavior of the program when the RISAConnection.INI file is not present or has missing data.
Improved the Block Shear capacity calculation for uncoped beams. Previous versions were using a capacity
which ignored the presence of the beam flange.
Corrected an issue where the Canadian Steel Design Code was erroneously reporting code checks for HSS
Corrected an issue where the program was over conservatively using the 0.85*Ag maximum net area limit for
cases that were not similar to bolted splice plates.
Fixed the ability to directly type in a member shape within the Project Properties rather than choosing it from
the Shape Selection dialog.

Release Notes

Version 4.0 Enhancements / Corrections

Added HSS connections:

o Slotted brace connections for HSS Tube and Pipe braces
o Knife Plate brace connection for HSS Tube and Pipe braces
o End Tee connections for HSS Tube and Pipe braces
o HSS Tube and Pipe columns for Shear Tab connections
o HSS Tube columns for Clip Angle and End Plate shear connections
Added connections for the Canadian (S1609) steel code:
o Shear Tab connections to column or girder
o Clip Angle connections to column or girder
o Direct Weld Moment connection
o Flange Plate Moment connection
o Added metric bolt materials (A325M and A490M) as well as metric bolt sizes
o Added Canadian materials for members and welds
Added WT Braces for Diagonal and Chevron braces.
Enhanced Bolt Prying calculations so that prying forces are included with Bolt Tension code checks.
Improved the calculation of the Shear Lag Factor (U) for angle braces to be less conservative based on the
larger value of Case 2 or 8 from AISC Table D3.1.
Improved the bolt bearing calculations per user note in AISC 14th edition section J3.10.
Added the ability to save defaults in the Global Parameters dialog.
Added the ability to save defaults in the Units dialog.
Improved the formatting of printed output.
Changed the Panel Zone Shear limit state check to be based on panel zone shear demand rather than moment.
Moved registry information from HKey Local Machine to HKey Current User to better comply with Windows
best practices.
Removed the Column Flange Bending limit state from the Column/Beam Shear Tab connection as it doesn't
Corrected the Stiffener Compression checks for moment connections which were previously considering the
capacity of just one of the two stiffeners.
Corrected the value used for Block Shear Reduction Coefficient (Ubs) for braces with multiple rows of bolts.
Corrected an issue where the 8 Bolt End Plate Moment connections were not correctly reporting a failure in the
Bolt Prying assumptions.
Corrected a reporting issue with Stiffener Weld Limitations on column transverse stiffeners where a failure
was erroneously reported.
Corrected a report printing issue where results from a load combination that did not govern may have been
printed erroneously.
Corrected a problem with the bolt edge distance calculation for the Minimum Edge Distance check.
Corrected an issue in AISC where conventional shear tab connections were designed as if they were extended.

Version 3.0.1 Enhancements/Corrections

Modified the program to better support the RISATekla link

Enhanced the connection grouping behavior for integration with RISA3D and RISAFloor. Properties which
previously could only be modified at the connection group level may now be modified for individual
connections within the group.
Added slip critical information to DXF drawing output
Enhanced the compression capacity calculations for various failure states to consider the case when KL/r > 25
Removed Max Weld Length limitations in a number of connections for which it was not deemed applicable
Overhauled the Rotational Ductility checks for shear tab connections. Previous checks were overly

Release Notes

Modified weld assumptions for end plate shear connections to neglect fillet distance on either side of plate per
AISC design examples.
Now accounting for connection eccentricities in beam and column shear splice connections.
Improved the way we report local buckling checks for end plate stiffeners
Corrected an issue in integration with RISA3D / RISAFloor where RISAConnection could identify the wrong
governing LC
Corrected a units conversion issue with RISA3D / RISAFloor integration for cases where strength and stress
units were not consistent
Corrected an issue where weld strength of doubler plates was incorrectly using the 1.5 strength increase factor
intended for welds loaded at 90 degrees
Corrected an issue where the plate flexural buckling check (for shear tab connections) was being overly
conservative with its calculation of shear demand
Corrected an issue where continuity plate stiffener welds were not correctly accounting for weld angle in the
base material proration factor calculation
Corrected an issue where 8ES bolted end plate connections were not identifying a failure with the bolt prying

Version 3.0 Enhancements/Corrections

Added the AISC 3602010 (14th edition) steel code.

Added the ability to add and design column transverse stiffeners and web doubler plates for moment
Added a Directly Welded beam to column moment connection.
Added a Directly Welded moment splice connection.
Updates to Bolted End Plate Moment Connections
o Added 8 bolt option for the bolted end plate moment connections.
o Added thin plate/prying considerations per AISC Design Guide 16.
Updates to Vertical Brace Connections
o Removed the restriction on gusset plate aspect ratios for bracing connections. This expands the
geometry options available and removes the Uniform Force Method restrictions.
o Added the ability to use nonconcentric brace work points.
o Added the design of gusset plate to beam or column connections to resist moment.
o Major revisions to the chevron brace connection analysis and limit states. The Uniform Force Method is
no longer used for this connection as it was found to not be applicable.
Added a Report Printing Generator to allow quick printing of multiple connections at once.
Added 1/2" bolt sizes to all connection types.
Added the ability to use full depth shear tab connections.
Added compatibility to support the upcoming release of the RISAConnection/Tekla Structures Link.
Allow the option to switch between a welded or bolted connection for a column moment plate splice
Added the ability to consider moment due to eccentricity in clip angle shear connections.
Added a check for combined tension and shear in bearingtype connections.
Modified shear tab flexural yielding and rupture checks to better account for the interaction between flexure
and axial forces and be more consistent with the AISC 14th edition manual.
Corrected metric weld units to be mm instead of 16ths of an inch.
Corrected an issue with the max edge distance for bolts.
Corrected multiple locations where single angle bolt shear checks were doubling the capacity.
Corrected an issue that gave incorrect results for plate flexural yielding checks.
Converted the .NET Framework to 4.0 for Windows 8 compatibility.

Release Notes

Version 2.0.1 Enhancements/Corrections

Added weld checks to verify that the weld fits on the connection.
Added a compression buckling check for clip angle connections that are part of vertical brace connections in
Added a plate tearout check for clip angles on a vertical brace connection in tension.
Updated Bolt Shear strength formula to handle onebolt connections.
Updated Chilean Steel database per Acero Diseo Estructural Manual Segunda Edicion.
Fixed a problem with the minimum edge distance checks in the Geometry Restrictions at Beam limit state.
Previously it was erroneously failing the minimum edge distance.
Corrected an error where the Story Shear input force was not being considered in required load calculation for
the Column Panel Zone Shear check.
Corrected the view orientation of chevron braces in RISAConnection that come from a RISA3D model.
Previously the chevron braces showed up in RISAConnection from the opposite sides of the frame.
Corrected an issue where the Moment Strength (No Prying) capacity check was being compared to the
controlling flange force in moment connections even if it was a compression force. Now this is only checked
against the tension flange force.
Corrected an error where a group of diagonal brace connections from RISA3D was not displaying the Group
Properties properly in RISAConnection.
Corrected an issue where the calculation of the Whitmore section would be unconservative for bolted braces
with a single row of bolts.

Version 2.0 Enhancements/Corrections

Added Vertical Brace Connections (Concentric):

o Supports both Diagonal and Chevron brace configurations.
o Includes the design of all gusset connections.
o Utilizes the Uniform Force Method.
o Includes the design of the gusset plate (Whitmore Section).
Added axial loads to existing shear and moment connections:
o Checks to see if bolt prying applies.
o Considers the angle of the load resultant for bolt and weld checks in combined shear and axial
Added column and beam splice connections (Shear and Moment).
Added DXF export of connection details.
Added foreign steel shape databases.
Improved the warning / error messaging system between RISA3D/RISAFloor and RISAConnection.
Removed the Max Flange Thickness (Fillet) check from Flange and Web Weld Limitations based on AISC
clarification that this was only a suggestion (for nonseismic connections).
Fixed an issue with default files in RISAConnection where a file integrated with RISAFloor or RISA3D could
have multiple load combinations information saved to the default. When a user then creates a model in
standalone mode, it then corrupts the file.

Version 1.1 Enhancements/Corrections

Added integration with RISAFloor and RISA3D. This feature will bring all materials, geometry, shapes and
loading from your RISAFloor or RISA3D model directly into RISAConnection. See the RISAFloor and RISA3D
Integration topic for more information.
Added the ability to read foreign shape databases read from database files. Australian, British, Canadian,
Chilean, Chinese, European, Indian and Mexican shapes databases are now available.
Fixed an issue with the Beam Shear Yield check where the capacity for coped sections was based on the
uncoped dimensions.

Release Notes

Fixed an issue where the graphical cutoff of the beam in the three dimensional view incorrectly affected the
edge distance checks.
Corrected a problem with PJP welds incorrectly reporting a filler metal mismatch.

Version 1.0

This is the initial release of the program. See the Overview section within the Before you Begin topic and also
the Connection Modeling topic for more information.

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