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Submitted by
In fulfillment for the award of the degree


Government Engineering College, Bhuj

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

October, 2015


I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to
my guide Prof. M. B. Jhala for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant
encouragement throughout the course of this thesis. The blessing, help and
guidance given by him time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life
on which I am about to embark.

I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to Mr.


Khatri (CGPL power pvt. Ltd.), for his cordial support, valuable

information and guidance, which helped me in completing this task through

various stages.
We are also thankful to our H.O.D. Prof. R. R. Kapdia and other
professors of Electrical department of our college.



Transformer is the most important device in electrical power supply
system. The transformer is a static device which is used to transfer
electrical energy from one ac circuit, to another ac circuit, with increase
or decrease in voltage/current but without any change in frequency.
Protection is important topic in transformer.

Different transformers

demand different schemes of transformer protection depending upon their

importance, winding connections, earthing methods and mode of
operation etc.
It is common practice to provide restricted earth fault protection to
transformer.REF has special purpose to detect earth faults occurring
within initial portion of winding from neutral side in star connected
windings of the transformer.
with reducing Earth fault in transformer therefore damage and insulation break
down between various parts of the transformer we can keep the transformer in
service for many years.
So detailed study of a Restricted Earth fault protection and its design is
necessary to increase the age of unit transformer and auxiliary transformer .

Government Engineering College, Bhuj

Electrical Engineering Department


This is to certify that the project entitled RESTRICTED EARTH








carried out by following student under my guidance in fulfillment of the degree
of Bachelor of Engineering in ELECTRICAL (7th Semester) of Gujarat
Technological University, Ahmedabad during the academic year 2015.

Name of Students

Enrollment No.










( Prof. M.B. Jhala )


Head of the Department

Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project (Mundra UMPP) is a sub-bituminous coalfired power plant in Tunda village at Mundra, Kutch district, in Gujarat, India.
In the mid-1990s the Mega Power Project policy met with limited success.
Hence, aligned with the objective of 'Power to all by 2012', the Government of
India started planning Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPP) in 2005. Each of the
projects with an installed capacity of 4000 MW was envisaged with the intent to
make power available at minimum cost through economies of scale and
superior, energy efficient and environment-friendly technology.
The Mundra UMPP - A Source of Clean and Abundant Power, Coastal Gujarat
Power Limited (CGPL), Tata Powers wholly-owned subsidiary, has
implemented the 4000 MW (800 x 5 units) UMPP near the port city of Mundra.
This UMPP is Indias first 800 MW unit thermal power plant using supercritical
technology, and is arguably the most energy-efficient, coal-based thermal power
plant in the country.
As per the bidding norms, the Project was designed to be run on Indonesian
coal. The Project is expected to benefit close to 16 million domestic consumers
apart from supplying cost competitive power to industry and agriculture.
The Project will supply power to five states namely Gujarat, Rajasthan and
Maharashtra in Western India and to Haryana and Punjab in Northern India,
which are currently facing shortage of electricity.

List of Figures . . i
List of Tables ii
List of Abbreviations .. iii

Chapter 1:


1.1 Introduction to transformer..1
1.2 Introduction to REF..4

Chapter 2:

Literature Survey
2.1 Construction of a transformer... .....5
2.2 Types of transformer


2.2.1 Auto transformer ...11

2.2.2 Power transformer..12
2.3 Accessories of transformer ...13
2.3.1 Transformer tank .....14
2.3.2 Conservator .15
2.3.3 Oil level indicator ....15
2.3.4 Buchholz relay.15
2.3.5 Explosion vent .16
2.3.6 Thermometer ...16
Chapter 3:

Industrial Defined Problem Formulation

3.1 External and internal fault in transformer.....17
3.1.1 External Short - Circuit of Power Transformer....17
3.1.2 High Voltage Disturbance in Power Transformer....18
3.1.3 Under Frequency Effect in Power Transformer19

3.1.4 Internal Earth Faults in a Star Connected Winding with Neutral

PointEarthed through an Impedance19
3.1.5 Internal Earth Faults in a Star Connected Winding with Neutral
Point Solidly Earthed.20
3.1.6 Internal Phase to Phase Faults in Power Transformer..20
3.1.7 Inter Turns Fault in Power Transformer21
3.1.8 Core Fault in Power Transformer.21
3.2 Different types of protection in transformer 21
3.2.1 Over Current and Earth Fault Protection of Transformer..22
3.2.2 Differential Protection Scheme in a Power Transformer24
3.2.3 Restricted Earth Fault Protection of Transformer.25
Future Scope44





Figure Description

Page No



Chapter: 1
1.1 Introduction to transformer
A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to
another through inductively coupled conductorsthe transformer's coils. A
varying current in the first or primary winding creates a varying magnetic
flux in the transformer's core and thus a varying magnetic field through
the secondary winding.
field induces a
varying electromotive force (EMF), or "voltage", in the secondary winding.
This effect is called mutual induction.
If a load is connected to the secondary, an electric current will flow in the
secondary winding and electrical energy will be transferred from the primary
circuit through the transformer to the load. In an ideal transformer, the induced
voltage in the secondary winding (Vs) is in proportion to the primary voltage
(Vp), and is given by the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary (Ns) to
the number of turns in the primary (Np) as follows:

By appropriate selection of the ratio of turns, a transformer thus allows

an alternating current (AC) voltage to be "stepped up" by making Ns greater
than Np, or "stepped down" by making Ns less than Np.
In the vast majority of transformers, the windings are coils wound around
a ferromagnetic core, air-core transformers being a notable exception.
Transformers range in size from a thumbnail-sized coupling transformer
hidden inside a stage microphone to huge units weighing hundreds of tons
used to interconnect portions of power grids. All operate with the same basic
principles, although the range of designs is wide. While new technologies
have eliminated the need for transformers in some electronic circuits,
transformers are still found in nearly all electronic devices designed for
household ("mains") voltage. Transformers are essential for highvoltage electric power transmission, which makes long-distance transmission
economically practical.

TYPE OF STATION TRANSFORMER: A wide variety of transformer designs are

used for different application, through they
share several common features. Important
common transformer types include.:



This type of transformer is used in sub stations to transfer the incoming voltage to the
next voltage level. It can be system or auto transformer with two/three windings. In
general it is equipped with On load tap changers and are connected to transmission
grids by bushings and cables.
The system/auto transformer is built in core form. HV/LV windings are galvanically
separated for system transformer while they are Auto connected for auto transformer.

Unit Auxiliary Transformers (UAT)

The Unit Auxiliary Transformer is the Power Transformer that provides power to the
auxiliary equipment of a power generating station during its normal operation. This
transformer is connected directly to the generator out-put by a tap-off of the isolated
phase bus duct and thus becomes cheapest source of power to the generating station.
It is generally a three-winding transformer i.e. one primary and two separate
secondary windings. Primary winding of UAT is equal to the main generator voltage
rating. The secondary windings can have same or different voltages i.e. generally
11KV and or 6.9KV as per plant l

1.2 Restricted Earth fault protection:

This protection is applied to single winding of the transformer and quite sensitive and
straight forward. The relay is high impedance differential relay and remains stable for
all out of zone faults. The protection is insensitive to the inter-turn faults.
The gain in protection performance is obtained by:
1.Low instantaneous setting
2.The whole fault current is measured
Therefore, although the prospective current level decreases as the fault position
progress nearer to the neutral end of the winding, the square law which controls the
primary current is not applicable.
Protection in case of external earth faults In the event of a station earth fault beyond
the generator protection range, the earth fault current IE that is primary determined by
the dimension of the neutral earthing resistance (and only secondary by the cable
capacities of the network) will be flowing through the earth fault source. In case of
selectivity, it is possible to separate the faulty segment by means of staggering and
IDMT earth fault relays.
Protection in case of internal earth faults In case of an internal earth fault, the stator
earth fault relay of the defective generator will disconnect the defective generator
only. The cable type current transformers T1 and T2 are applied to detect earth faults
within the generators protection range, in particular for the detection of stator earth
faults (ANSI - Code: 64REF). These cable type current transformers must have the
same transmission ratio and shall be connected anti-parallel.
Simple Over current and Differential Protection for a star connected HV
winding, as the transformed current and not the actual current is measured on
the LV side.
Because of the square law faults in the lower third of the winding produce very
little current.

Chapter: 2

2.1 Construction of a transformer

Cores :Laminated steel cores:-

Transformers for use at power or audio frequencies typically have cores made of high
permeability silicon. The steel has a permeability many times that of free space and the core
thus serves to greatly reduce the magnetizing current and confine the flux to a path which
closely couples the windings. Early transformer developers soon realized that cores
constructed from solid iron resulted in prohibitive eddy-current losses, and their designs
mitigated this effect with cores consisting of bundles of insulated iron wires. Later designs
constructed the core by stacking layers of thin steel laminations, a principle that has remained
in use. Each lamination is insulated from its neighbors by a thin non-conducting layer of
insulation. The universal transformer equation indicates a minimum cross-sectional area for
the core to avoid saturation.

The effect of laminations is to confine eddy currents to highly elliptical paths that enclose
little flux, and so reduce their magnitude. Thinner laminations reduce losses, but are more
laborious and expensive to construct. Thin laminations are generally used on high frequency
transformers, with some types of very thin steel laminations able to operate up to 10 kHz.

One common design of laminated core is made from interleaved stacks

of E-shaped steel sheets capped with I-shaped pieces, leading to
its name of "E-I transformer". Such a design tends to exhibit
more losses, but is very economical to manufacture. The cutcore or C-core type is made by winding a steel strip
around a rectangular form and then bonding the layers together.
It is then cut in two, forming two C shapes, and the core
assembled by binding the two C halves together with a steel
strap. They have the advantage that the flux is always
oriented parallel to the
metal grains, reducing reluctance.

A steel core's reminisce means that it retains a static magnetic field when power is removed.
When power is then reapplied, the residual field will cause a high inrush current until the
effect of the remaining magnetism is reduced, usually after a few cycles of the applied
alternating current. Over current protection devices such as fuses must be selected to allow
this harmless inrush to pass. On transformers connected to long, overhead power transmission
lines, induced currents due to geomagnetic disturbances during solar storms can cause
saturation of the core and operation of transformer protection devices

UNIT TRANSFORMERs can achieve low no-load losses by using cores made with low-loss
high-permeability silicon steel amorphous (non-crystalline) metal alloy. The higher initial
cost of the core material is offset over the life of the transformer by its lower losses at light

Solid cores: Powdered iron cores are used in circuits such as switch-mode power supplies that operate above
mains frequencies and up to a few tens of kilohertz. These materials combine high
magnetic permeability with high bulk electrical resistivity. For frequencies extending beyond
the VHF band, cores made from non-conductive magnetic ceramic materials called ferrites are
common. Some radio-frequency transformers also have movable cores (sometimes called 'slugs')

which allow adjustment of the coupling coefficient (and bandwidth) of tuned radio-frequency

Toroidal cores: Toroidal transformers are built around a ring-shaped core, which, depending on operating
frequency, is made from a long strip of silicon steel or perm alloy wound into a coil, powdered
iron, or ferrite. A strip construction ensures that the grain boundaries are optimally aligned,
improving the transformer's efficiency by reducing the core's reluctance. The closed ring shape
eliminates air gaps inherent in the construction of an E-I core. The cross-section of the ring is
usually square or rectangular, but more expensive cores with circular cross-sections are also
available. The primary and secondary coils are often wound concentrically to cover the entire
surface of the core. This minimizes the length of wire needed, and also provides screening to
minimize the core's magnetic field from generating electromagnetic interference.

Toroidal transformers are more efficient than the cheaper laminated E-I types for a similar power
level. Other advantages compared to E-I types, include smaller size (about half), lower weight
(about half), less mechanical hum (making them superior in audio amplifiers), lower exterior
magnetic field (about one tenth), low off-load losses (making them more efficient in standby
circuits), single-bolt mounting, and greater choice of shapes. The main disadvantages are higher
cost and limited power

capacity (see "Classification" above). Because of the lack of a residual gap in the magnetic path,
toroidal transformers also tend to exhibit higher inrush current, compared to laminated E-I types.

Ferrite toroidal cores are used at higher frequencies, typically between a few tens of kilohertz to
hundreds of megahertz, to reduce losses, physical size, and weight of inductive components. A
drawback of toroidal transformer construction is the higher labor cost of winding. This is because it
is necessary to pass the entire length of a coil winding through the core aperture each time a single
turn is added to the coil. As a consequence, toroidal transformers are uncommon above ratings of a
few kVA. Small UNIT TRANSFORMERs may achieve some of the benefits of a toroidal core by
splitting it and forcing it open, then inserting a bobbin containing primary and secondary windings.

Air cores:-

A physical core is not an absolute requisite and a functioning transformer can be produced simply
by placing the windings near each other, an arrangement termed an "air-core" transformer. The air
which comprises the magnetic circuit is essentially lossless, and so an air-core transformer
eliminates loss due to hysteresis in the core material. The leakage inductance is inevitably high,
resulting in very poor regulation, and so such designs are unsuitable for use in power
distribution. They have however very high bandwidth, and are frequently employed in radiofrequency applications, for which a satisfactory coupling coefficient is maintained by carefully
overlapping the primary and secondary windings. They're also used for resonant transformers such
as Tesla coils where they can achieve reasonably low loss in spite of the high leakage inductance.

Cut view through transformer windings. White: insulator. Green spiral: Grain oriented silicon steel.
Black: Primary winding made of oxygen-free copper. Red: Secondary winding. Top left: Toroidal
transformer. Right: C-core, but E-core would be similar. The black windings are made of film. Top:
Equally low capacitance between all ends of both windings. Since most cores are at least
moderately conductive they also need insulation. Bottom: Lowest capacitance for one end of the
secondary winding needed for low-power high-voltage transformers. Bottom left: Reduction of
leakage inductance would lead to increase of capacitance.
The conducting material used for the windings depends upon the
application, but in all cases the individual turns must be electrically
insulated from each other to ensure that the current travels
throughout every turn. For small power and signal transformers, in
which currents are low and the potential difference between
adjacent turns is small, the coils are often wound from enameled
magnet wire, such as forever wire. Larger power transformers
operating at high voltages may be wound with copper rectangular
strip conductors insulated by oil-impregnated paper and blocks
of pressboard.

High-frequency transformers operating in the tens to hundreds of kilohertz often have windings
made of braided Lutz wire to minimize the skin-effect and proximity effect losses.[ Large power
transformers use multiple-stranded conductors as well, since even at low power frequencies non-

uniform distribution of current would otherwise exist in high-current windings. Each strand is
individually insulated, and the strands are arranged so that at certain points in the winding, or
throughout the whole winding, each portion occupies different relative positions in the complete
conductor. The transposition equalizes the current flowing in each strand of the conductor, and
reduces eddy current losses in the winding itself. The stranded conductor is also more flexible than
a solid conductor of similar size, aiding manufacture. For signal transformers, the windings may be
arranged in a way to minimize leakage inductance and stray capacitance to improve high-frequency
response. This can be done by splitting up each coil into sections, and those section placed in layers
between the sections of the other winding. This is known as a stacked type or interleaved winding.

Power transformers often have internal connections

or taps at intermediate points on the winding, usually on the higher
voltage winding side, for voltage regulation control purposes. Such
normally manually operated, automatic on-load tap changers being reserved, for
cost and reliability considerations, to higher power rated or specialized transformers supplying
transmission or distribution circuits or certain utilization loads such as furnace transformers.
Audio-frequency transformers, used for the distribution of audio to public address loudspeakers,
have taps to allow adjustment of impedance to each speaker. A center-tapped transformer is often
used in the output stage of an audio power amplifier in a push-pull circuit. Modulation
transformers in AM transmitters are very similar.

Certain transformers have the windings protected by epoxy resin. By impregnating the
transformer with epoxy under a vacuum, one can replace air spaces within the windings with
epoxy, thus sealing the windings and helping to prevent the possible formation of corona and
absorption of dirt or water. This produces transformers more suited to damp or dirty
environments, but at increased manufacturing cost.


The conservator (reservoir) at top provides oil-to-atmosphere isolation. Tank

walls' cooling fins provide required heat dissipation balance. See also:

Though it is not uncommon for oil-filled transformers to have today been in operation for over
fifty years, high temperature damages winding insulation, the accepted rule of thumb being that
transformer life expectancy is halved for every 8 degree C increase in operating temperature. At

the lower end of the power rating range, dry and liquidimmersed transformers are often self-cooled by natural
convection and radiation heat dissipation. As power
ratings increase, transformers are often cooled by such
other means as forced-air cooling, force-oil cooling,
water-cooling, or a combinations of these. The
dielectric coolant used in many outdoor utility and
industrial service transformers is transformer oil that
both cools and insulates the windings. Transformer oil
is a highly refined mineral oil that inherently helps
thermally stabilize winding conductor insulation,
typically paper, within acceptable insulation
temperature rating limitations. However, the heat
removal problem is central to all electrical apparatus
such that in the case of high value transformer assets,
this often translates in a need to monitor, model,
forecast and manage oil and winding conductor
insulation temperature conditions under varying, possibly difficult, power loading conditions.
Indoor liquid-filled transformers are required by building regulations in many jurisdictions to
either use a non-flammable liquid or to be located in fire-resistant rooms. Air-cooled dry
transformers are preferred for indoor applications even at capacity ratings where oil-cooled
construction would be more economical, because their cost is offset by the reduced building
construction cost.

The oil-filled tank often has radiators through which the oil circulates by natural convection.
Some large transformers employ electric-operated fans or pumps for forced-air or forced-oil
cooling or heat exchanger-based water-cooling. Oil-filled transformers undergo prolonged drying
processes to ensure that the transformer is

completely free of water vapor before the cooling oil is introduced. This helps prevent electrical
breakdown under load. Oil-filled transformers may be equipped with Buchholz relays, which
detect gas evolved during internal arcing and rapidly de-energize the transformer to avert
catastrophic failure. Oil-filled transformers may fail, rupture, and burn, causing power outages
and losses. Installations of oil-filled transformers usually include fire protection measures such as
walls, oil containment, and fire-suppression sprinkler systems.

Polychlorinated biphenyls have properties that once favored their use as a dielectric coolant,
though concerns over their environmental persistence led to a widespread ban on their
use. Today, non-toxic, stable silicone-based oils, or fluorinated hydrocarbons may be used where
the expense of a fire-resistant liquid offsets additional building cost for a transformer vault.
Before 1977, even transformers that were nominally filled only with mineral oils may also have
been contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls at 10-20ppm. Since mineral oil and PCB fluid


mix, maintenance equipment used for both PCB and oil-filled transformers could carry over
small amounts of PCB, contaminating oil-filled transformers.

Some "dry" transformers (containing no liquid) are enclosed in sealed, pressurized tanks and
cooled by nitrogen or sulfur hexafluoride gas.


power transformers in the 2 MVA range have been built

with superconducting windings which eliminates the copper losses, but not the core steel loss.
These are cooled by liquid nitrogen or helium.

Terminals :

Very small transformers will have wire leads connected directly to the ends of the coils, and
brought out to the base of the unit for circuit connections. Larger transformers may have
heavy bolted terminals, bus bars or high-voltage insulated bushings made of polymers or
porcelain. A large bushing can be a complex structure since it must provide careful control of
the electric field gradient without letting the transformer leak oil.


A wide variety of transformer designs are used for different application, through they share
several common features. Important common transformeur types include.:

2.2.1 Autotransformer:-


In an autotransformer portions of the same winding act

as both the primary and secondary. The winding has at
least three taps where electrical connections are made.
An autotransformer can be smaller, lighter and cheaper
than a standard dual-winding transformer, but it does
not provide electrical isolation.

Autotransformers are often used to step up or

down between voltages in the 110-117-120 volt range and voltages in the 220230-240 volt range, e.g., to output either 110 or 120V (with taps) from 230V
input, allowing equipment from a 100 or 120V region to be used in a 230V

A variable autotransformer is made by exposing part of the winding coils and

making the secondary connection through a sliding brush, giving a variable
turns ratio. Such a device is often referred to by the trademark name Varian.

2.2.2 Power transformer:-

were transformers are used in electronic circuits and come in many different types
and applications. Electronics or power transformers are sometimes considered to be
those with ratings of 300 volt-amperes and below. These transformers normally provide
power to the power supply of an electronic device, such as in power amplifiers in audio



A UNIT TRANSFORMER is a transformer that

provides the final voltage transformation in the electric
power distribution system, stepping down the voltage
used in the distribution lines to the level used by the
customer. If mounted on a utility pole, they are called
pole-mount transformers (or colloquially a pole pig). If
the distribution lines are located at ground level or
underground, UNIT TRANSFORMERs are mounted
on concrete pads and locked in steel cases, thus known
as pad-mount transformers. Because of weight
restrictions transformers for pole mounting are only
built for primary voltages less than 30 kV.

UNIT TRANSFORMERs are classified into different categories based on certain factors such as

Type of insulation - liquid-immersed UNIT TRANSFORMERs or dry-type UNIT


Number of Phases - single-phase UNIT TRANSFORMERs or three-phase UNIT


voltage class (for dry-type) Low voltage UNIT TRANSFORMERs or medium voltage

Basic impulse insulation level (BIL), for medium-voltage, dry-type.



Oil level indicator
Explosion vent
Buchholz relay and

2.3.1 Transformer Tank: Transformer tanks commonly used are of the following types;1. Plain sheet steel tank.2. Sheet steel
tank with external cooling tubes.3. Radiator tanks.4. Tanks with corrugated wall panels. Plain sheet
steel tanks are used where the size of the tank provides adequate cooling surface to dissipate the heat
generated on account of losses inside the transformer. Normally transformer sup-to 50KVA could be
manufactured without external cooling tubes.

For transformers of higher rating, tanks are constructed with external cooling tubes to provide
additional surface for heat dissipation. The cooling tubes could be circular or elliptical. Elliptical
tubes with smaller width are employed where one of the sides of the transformer is fully occupied by
on load tap changer.

This ensures more tubes on the given surface thereby providing more area for heat dissipation. In
larger tanks, stiffeners are also provided on the sides of the tank to prevent bulging of the tank under
oil pressure. The tubes are welded on the inside of the tank, while all other joints are welded both,
inside and outside. Large size transformers, above 5 MVA rating are normally provided with
detachable Radiator banks to provide required cooling surface. The radiator bank consists of series of
elliptical tubes or a pressed steel plate assembly welded into top and bottom headers. The radiator
banks bolted on to the tank wall and two isolating valves are fitted into the oil inlet and outlet. In
case of very large transformers, even detachable radiator banks mounted onto the tank walls do not
provide adequate cooling surface. IN such cases, separate self supporting coolers are provided which
are connected to the main transformer through large detachable pipes.

This type of arrangement is good for naturally cooled transformers, as well as, for forced cooled
transformers. Forced air cooling could be provided by means of suitable fans located below the
cooler banks. Similarly, forced oil cooling could be provided by installing an oil pump in the return
cold oil pipe connecting the main transformer tank to the cooler bank. For outdoor transformers, the


transformer has to be water-tight. For this purpose, the cover bolts are closely spaced and a
substantial tank flange of ample width is provided. Further a Neoprene bonded cork gasket is
provided between the tank flange and the cover. The bushing insulators are selected considering the
maximum system voltages encountered in the system and pollution conditions prevailing at site. The
joints are made water-tight by use of Neoprene bonded cork gaskets. Transformers of rating 1 MVA
or more are also normally provided with a conservator tank connected to the main tank. The
conservator tank has a capacity of about 10% of the oil content of the main tank.

2.3.2 Conservator:-

When dismantled for transport before assembly of conservator, make sure that inside of vessel and
pipe work is free from rust, dust, grease and moisture. If found corroded, clean the rust and repaint
with oil resistant paint from inside. Enamel paint given is on the outside on a coat of red oxide-zinc
chromate primer. Mount conservator on the corresponding supports in tank cover. Pipe work
should be assembled in the following sequence. Conservator through Buchholz relay to tank.
Conservator to silica gel breather. Magnetic oil gauge should be assembled on position. Plain oil
gauge window glass should be checked for the cracks which may lead to oil leaks and entry of
moisture in the conservator. Gasket should be tightened uniformly to make joints leak proof.
Deteriorated and leaky gaskets should be replaced.

2.3.3 Oil level indicator: This indicator is use for check oil level in Conservator.

2.3.4 Buchholz relay: Assembly precautions (if dismantled) I) Relay pipe work should be slopping 3 deg. To 7 deg.
Upwards towards conservator. ii) Arrow heads on the body should be pointing towards the
conservatories) Floats which operate elements should be free.iv) Check that mercury switches are
intact) Test alarm and trip mechanism. In order to test alarm and trip mechanism, the relay is
provided with two separate pet cocks which enable air to be injected into the body of the relay. For
testing inject air using a cycle pump or any other suitable device until switch operates (check
continuity of contacts),To test trip elements, the valve controlling the bottle is opened quickly so
that air or oil rushes in, impinges on the flap and depresses it operating the switch. On each relay
petcock is provided for taking out samples and releasing gas from the top of relay housing. Testing
of relay may be carried out after fitting in the conservator pipe, and filling of oil in conservator. It
is recommended that the relay should not be taken apart and under no circumstances should any
alteration be made to operating floats or flaps.


2.3.5 Explosion vent: Explosion vent is provided with a Bakelite diaphragm. Normally transformer is dispatched fitted
with explosion vent. If dismantled for the transport, remove blanking plate from bottom of vent
before assembly on tank. ii) Check whether inside of vent is corroded. Rust should be completely
removed and inside painted with oil resistant paint.iii) Before assembly make sure that top and
bottom diaphragms if provided are intact.iv) Diaphragm should be held between two gaskets and
care should be taken to clamp the flanges uniformly to prevent cracking of diaphragms) Pressure
equalizer pipe may be provided on against specific requirement which connects top of explosion
vent and vents it to the atmosphere through the breather.

2.3.6 Thermometer: Oil temperature indicators are generally of two types, one with rigid stem and the other type with
capillary tube. They are fitted with temperature sensing elements at the end of rigid stem or
capillary tube. Winding temperature Indicator is provided with capillary tube with sensing element
(bulb) at the end of tube. Sensing elements are enclosed in metal bulb, which are fitted in pockets
provided on tank over in the hottest oil region.(ii) Before inserting temperature sensing bulb inside
the pocket, transformer oil or heat conducting grease should be filled in pocket. The union coupling
on the bulb should be screwed tightly on the pocket so that water does not penetrate inside the
pocket.(iii) Capillary tube of instrument must be routed and fixed such a way that it suffers less
risk of being pinched or bent or cut off. Plastic straps are provided with each instrument for fixing
the tube. Surplus length of tube should not be cut off since the pressure balanced system will be
destroyed. Tube may be made into loop more than150 mm diameter and tied to tank in suitable
position. Utmost care should be taken while fitting sensing bulb in the pocket since it is likely that
capillary tube may form sharp bends and damage the instrument.(iv) Instruments are calibrated and
under no circumstances indicator pointer should be moved by hand or bent, as it might suffer
permanent damage. If the instrument is not giving correct temperature indication as a result of
improper handling or any other cause, it may be calibrated as given in instruments pamphlet. (v)
Winding temperature indicator (with a separate heater pocket). Temperature sensing bulb provided
at the end of capillary should be fitted in the heater pocket in housing fitted on tank cover. (These
are normally connected before dispatch of transformer). Housing is air filled. Instrument is housed
in the marshalling box.

Both pole-mount and pad-mount transformers convert the high 'primary' voltage of the overhead or
underground distribution lines to the lower 'secondary' voltage of the distribution wires inside the
building. The primaries use the three-phase system. Main distribution lines always have three
wires, while smaller "laterals" (close to the customer) may include one or two phases, used to serve
all customers with single-phase power. If three-phase service is desired, one must have a threephase supply. Primaries provide power at one of a wide range of standard voltages from 4 to 33
kilovolts, but the most widely used are 7,200 or 14,400 volts.


Chapter: 3

3.1 External and Internal Faults in Transformer

Under Electrical Transformer


External Faults in Transformer External Short - Circuit of Transformer High Voltage

Disturbance in Transformer Transient Surge Voltage Power Frequency Over Voltage
Under Frequency Effect in Transformer Internal Faults in Power Transformer Internal
Earth Faults in Power Transformer Internal Phase to Phase Faults in Transformer Inter
Turns Fault in Transformer Core Fault in Transformer

This is essential to protect high value transformer against external and internal
electrical faults.

External Faults in Power Transformer

3.1.1 External Short - Circuit of Power Transformer

The short - circuit may occurs in two or three phases of electrical power system. The
level of fault current is always high enough. It depends upon the voltage which has
been short - circuited and upon the impedance of the circuit up to the fault point. The
copper loss of the fault feeding transformer is abruptly increased. This increasing
copper loss causes internal heating in the transformer. Large fault current also
produces severe mechanical stresses in the transformer. The maximum mechanical
stresses occurs during first cycle of symmetrical fault current.

3.2.2 High Voltage Disturbance in Power Transformer

High Voltage Disturbance in Power Transformer are of two kinds, (1) Transient Surge
Voltage (2) Power Frequency Over Voltage

Transient Surge Voltage


High voltage and high frequency surge may arise in the power system due to any of
the following causes, (a) Arcing ground if neutral point is isolated. (b) Switching
operation of different electrical equipment. (c) Atmospheric Lightening Impulse.
Whatever may be the causes of surge voltage, it is after all a traveling wave having
high and steep wave form and also having high frequency. This wave travels in the
electrical power system network, upon reaching in the power transformer, it causes
breakdown the insulation between turns adjacent to line terminal, which may create

Power Frequency Over Voltage

There may be always a chance of system over voltage due to sudden disconnection of
large load. Although the amplitude of this voltage is higher than its normal level but
frequency is same as it was in normal condition. Over voltage in the system causes an
increase in stress on the insulation of transformer. As we know that, voltage V =
4.44.f.T V , increased voltage causes proportionate increase in the working
flux. This therefore causes, increased in iron loss and dis - proportionately large
increase in magnetizing current. The increase flux is diverted from the transformer
core to other steel structural parts of the transformer. Core bolts which normally carry
little flux, may be subjected to a large component of flux diverted from saturated
region of the core alongside. Under such condition, the bolt may be rapidly heated up
and destroys their own insulation as well as winding insulation.

3.1.3 Under Frequency Effect in Power Transformer

As, voltage V = 4.44.f.T V .f as the number of turns in the winding

is fixed. Therefore, V/f From, this equation it is clear that if frequency
reduces in a system, the flux in the core increases, the effect are more or

Internal Faults in Power Transformer

The principle faults which occurs inside a power transformer are categorized as, (1)
Insulation breakdown between winding and earth (2) Insulation breakdown in
between different phases (3) Insulation breakdown in between adjacent turns i.e. inter
- turn fault (4) Transformer core fault


Internal Earth Faults in Power

3.1.4 Internal Earth Faults in a Star Connected
Winding with Neutral Point Earthed through an
In this case the fault current is dependent on the value of earthing
impedance and is also proportional to the distance of the fault point from
neutral point as the voltage at the point depends upon, the number of
winding turns come under across neutral and fault point. If the distance
between fault point and neutral point is more, the number of turns come
under this distance is also more, hence voltage across the neutral point
and fault point is high which causes higher fault current. So, in few words
it can be said that, the value of fault current depends on the value of
earthing impedance as well as the distance between the faulty point and
neutral point. The fault current also depends up on leakage reactance of
the portion of the winding across the fault point and neutral. But compared
to the earthing impedance,it is very low and it is obviously ignored as it
comes in series with comparatively much higher earthing impedance.

3.1.5 Internal Earth Faults in a Star Connected

Winding with Neutral Point Solidly Earthed
In this case, earthing impedance is ideally zero. The fault current is dependent up on
leakage reactance of the portion of winding comes across faulty point and neutral
point of transformer. The fault current is also dependent on the distance between
neutral point and fault point in the transformer. As said in previous case the voltage
across these two points depends upon the number of winding turn comes across faulty
point and neutral point. So in star connected winding with neutral point solidly
earthed, the fault current depends upon two main factors, first the leakage reactance of


the winding comes across faulty point and neutral point and secondly the distance
between faulty point and neutral point. But the leakage reactance of the winding
varies in complex manner with position of the fault in the winding. It is seen that the
reactance decreases very rapidly for fault point approaching the neutral and hence the
fault current is highest for the fault near the neutral end. So at this point, the voltage
available for fault current is low and at the same time the reactance opposes the fault
current is also low, hence the value of fault current is high enough. Again at fault
point away from the neutral point, the voltage available for fault current is high but at
the same time reactance offered by the winding portion between fault point and
neutral point is high. It can be noticed that the fault current stays a very high level
throughout the winding. In other word, the fault current maintain a very high
magnitude irrelevant to the position of the fault on winding.

3.1.6 Internal Phase to Phase Faults in Power


Phase to phase fault in the transformer are rare. If such a fault does occur, it will give
rise to substantial current to operate instantaneous over current relay on the primary
side as well as the differential relay.

3.1.7 Inter Turns Fault in Power Transformer

Power Transformer connected with electrical extra high voltage transmission system,
is very likely to be subjected to high magnitude, steep fronted and high frequency impulse
voltage due to lightening surge on the transmission line. The voltage stresses between
winding turns become so large, it can not sustain the stress and causing insulation failure
between inter - turns in some points. Also LV winding is stressed because of the transferred
surge voltage. Very large number of Power Transformer failure arise from fault between
turns. Inter turn fault may also be occurred due to mechanical forces between turns originated
by external short circuit.

3.1.8 Core Fault in Power Transformer

In any portion of the core lamination is damaged, or lamination of the core is bridged by any
conducting material causes sufficient eddy current to flow, hence, this part of the core
becomes over heated. Some times, insulation of bolts (Used for tightening the core lamination
together) fails which also permits sufficient eddy current to flow through the bolt and causing
over heating. These insulation failure in lamination and core bolts causes severe local heating.


Although these local heating, causes additional core loss but can not create any noticeable
change in input and output current in the transformer, hence these faults can not be detected
by normal electrical protection scheme. This is desirable to detect the local over heating
condition of the transformer core before any major fault occurs. Excessive over heating leads
to breakdown of transformer insulating oil with evolution of gases. These gases are
accumulated in Buchholz relay and actuating Buchholz Alarm.

3.2 Different types of protection in transformer

Operating perameter:ELECTRICAL PARAMETER:1. Over current protection
2. Earth fault protection
3. Differential protection
4. REF protection

PHYSICAL PERAMETER:1. Buchcholz relay

2. winding temperature high trip
3. oil temperature high trip

3.2.1 Over Current and Earth Fault Protection of

Backup protection of electrical transformer is simple Over Current and
Earth Fault protection applied against external short circuit and excessive
over loads. These over current and earth Fault relays may be of Inverse
Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) or Definite Time type relays. Generally
IDMT relays are connected to the in-feed side of the transformer.
The over current relays can not distinguish between external short circuit,
over load and internal faults of the transformer. For any of the above fault,
backup protection i.e. over current and earth fault protection connected to


in-feed side of the transformer will operate. Backup protection is although

generally installed at in feed side of the transformer, but it should trip both
the primary and secondary circuit breakers of the transformer.

Over Current and Earth Fault protection relays may be also provided in load side of
the transformer too, but it should not inter trip the primary side Circuit Breaker like
the case of backup protection at in-feed side. The operation is governed primarily by
current and time settings and the characteristic curve of the relay. To permit use of
over load capacity of the transformer and co- ordination with other similar relays at
about 125 to 150% of full load current of the transformer but below the minimum
short circuit current.Backup protection of transformer has four elements, three over
current relays connected each in each phase and one earth fault relay connected to the
common point of three over current relays as shown in the figure. The normal range
of current settings available on IDMT over current relays is 50% to 200% and on
earth fault relay 20 to 80%.


Another range of setting on earth fault relay is also available and may be selected where the
earth fault current is restricted due to insertion of impedance in the neutral grounding. In the
case of transformer winding with neutral earthed, unrestricted earth fault protection is
obtained by connecting an ordinary earth fault relay across a neutral current transformer. The
unrestricted over current and earth fault relays should have proper time lag to co - ordinate
with the protective relays of other circuit to avoid indiscriminate tripping.


3.2.2 Differential Protection Scheme in a Power

Principle of Differential Protection:-

Principle of Differential Protection scheme is one simple conceptual technique. The

differential relay actually compares between primary current and secondary current of
power transformer, if any unbalance found in between primary and secondary currents
the relay will actuate and inter trip both the primary and secondary circuit breaker of
the transformer.
Suppose you have one transformer which has primary rated current Ip and secondary
current Is. If you install CT of ratio Ip/1A at primary side and similarly, CT of ratio
Is/1A at secondary side of the transformer. The secondaries of these both CTs are
connected together in such a manner that secondary currents of both CTs will oppose
each other. In other words, the secondaries of both CTs should be connected to same
current coil of differential relay in such a opposite manner that there will be no
resultant current in that coil in normal working condition of the transformer. But if
any major fault occurs inside the transformer due to which the normal ratio of the
transformer disturbed then the secondary current of both transformer will not remain
the same and one resultant current will flow through the current coil of the differential
relay, which will actuate the relay and inter trip both the primary and secondary
circuit breakers. To correct phase shift of current because of star - delta connection of
transformer winding in case of three phase transformer, the current transformer













At maximum through fault current, the spill output produced by the small percentage
unbalance may be substantial. Therefore, differential protection of transformer should
be provided with a proportional bias of an amount which exceeds in effect the
maximum ratio deviation.

3.2.3 Restricted Earth Fault Protection of

An external fault in the star side will result in current flowing in the line current transformer
of the affected phase and at the same time a balancing current flows in the neutral current
transformer, hence the resultant current in the relay is therefore zero. So this REF relay will
not be actuated for external earth fault. But during internal fault the neutral current
transformer only carries the unbalance fault current and operation of Restricted Earth Fault
Relay takes place. This scheme of restricted earth fault protection is very sensitive for internal
earth fault of electrical power transformer. The protection scheme is comparatively cheaper
Restricted earth fault protection is provided in electrical power transformer for sensing
internal earth fault of the transformer. In this scheme the CT secondary of each phase of
electrical power transformer are connected together as shown in the figure. Then common
terminals are connected to the secondary of a Neutral Current Transformer or NCT. The CT
or Current Transformer connected to the neutral of power transformer is called Neutral
Current Transformer or Neutral CT or simply NCT. Whenever there is an unbalancing in
between three phases of the power transformer, a resultant unbalance current flow through
the close path connected to the common terminals of the CT secondaries. An unbalance
current will also flow through the neutral of power transformer and hence there will be a
secondary current in Neutral CT because of this unbalance neutral current. In Restricted Earth
Fault scheme the common terminals of phase CTs are connected to the secondary of Neutral


CT in such a manner that secondary unbalance current of phase CTs and the secondary
current of Neutral CT will oppose each other. If these both currents are equal in amplitude
there will not be any resultant current circulate through the said close path. The Restricted
Earth Fault Relay is connected in this close path. Hence the relay will not response even there
is an unbalancing in phase current of the power transformer.






Protection scheme is one simple conceptual

There are different kinds of transformers such as two winding or three
winding electrical power transformers, auto transformer, regulating
transformers, earthing transformers, rectifier transformers etc. Different
transformers demand different schemes of transformer protection
depending upon their importance, winding connections, earthing methods
and mode of operation etc.
It is common practice to provide Buchholz relay protection to all 0.5 MVA
and above transformers.
For all larger ( Above 5 MVA)
TRANSFORMERs, over current protection along with restricted earth fault
protection is applied.
REF has special purpose to detect earth faults occuring within initial
portion of winding from neutral side in star connected windings of the
Transformers are a critical and expensive component of the power system.
Due to the long lead time for repair of and replacement of transformers, a
major goal of transformer protection is limiting the damage to a faulted
transformer. Some protection functions, such as overexcitation protection
and temperature-based protection may aid this goal by identifying
operating conditions that may cause transformer failure. The
comprehensive transformer protection provided by multiple function
protective relays is appropriate for critical transformers of all applications.


Malfunction of Transformer protection relay (ABB RET 543). HSPO4 contact of RET
543 which is used to operate Lock out relay contact was continuously chattering.
Diff6T:Trip alarm was frequently appearing in RET 543 relay.


Vertical bus duct Space heater power supply LT cable cable came in contact with HT
conductor inside SPBD Of UAT50B.


1.Fundamentals Of Power System Protection
Y. G. Parithankar & S. R. Bhide - , PHI - 2nd edition
2.Switchgear And Protection
S. S. Rao, - Khanna publication.




Product Name




A DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER is a transformer that provides the final

voltage transformation in the electric power distribution system, stepping down the
voltage used in the distribution lines to the level used by the customer. If mounted on
a utility pole, they are called pole-mount transformers. If the distribution lines are
located underground, DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERs are mounted on concrete
pads and locked in steel cases, thus known as pad-mount transformers. Because of
weight restrictions transformers for pole mounting are only built for primary voltages
less than 30 kV.

Classification:DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERs are classified into different categories based on certain

factors such as: Type of insulation - liquid-immersed DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERs or drytype DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERs
Number of Phases - single-phase DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERs or three-phase
voltage class (for dry-type) Low voltage DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERs or
Basic impulse insulation level (BIL), for medium-voltage, dry-type.

Application: DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERs are normally located at a service drop, where

wires run from a utility pole or underground power lines to a customer's premises.
They are often used for the power supply of facilities outside settlements, such as
isolated houses, farmyards or pumping stations at voltages below 30kV. Another
application is the power supply of the overhead wire of railways electrified with AC.
In this case single phase DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERs are used.



Specifications:1. General:Indian Standards Institution has published the following standards on transformers:

IS: 1180-1964: Specifications for outdoor type three phase DISTRIBUTION

TRANSFORMERs up to and including 100 KVA and voltage ratings up to 11 KV.
2. Outdoor type DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERs IS : 1180-1966

Ratings :
According to this the standard ratings for transformers are :
16 KVA
25 KVA
40 KVA
50 KVA

63 KVA
80 KVA
100 KVA

The no load voltage ratios are:

3300/433 V ; 6600/433 V ; 110000 /433 V.

Tappings:The tapping shall be provided on h.v. side and shall be in 5 steps. The ranges
shall be +/- 2.5% and +/- 5%. Off load tap changers are used.

Connections:The primary i.e. h.v. winding shall be delta connected, while the secondary
winding, i.e. l.v. shall be star connected. The neutral is brought out.

Transformer oil:The transformer tank shall be filled with transformer oil which shall comply with
the requirements of IS : 335-1963 (Specifications for Insulating oil for transformers
and switchgear.


Each transformer shall be fitted with the following accessories :

a) Two earthing terminals.
b) Oil gauge.
c) Lifting lugs.
d) Rating and terminal marking plate.
e) Plain breathing device of weather proof type.
f) Drain valve with plug on the transformer with conservators.
g) Thermometer pocket (not provided on transformers of 25 KVA and

The conservator tank shall be provided on the transformers of capacity 50 KVA and
above. In case of transformers with conservator tank, the h.v. bushing shall be
provided on the side.

Limits of temperature rise:The following temperature rises shall be adhered to, over the ambient
temperature of 45 C.
i. Temperature rise in winding measured by resistance methodii.

Temperature rise in oil measured by thermometer in the top oil45C.

The above temperature rises are for ON, OB and OW type of


Bushing clearance:The minimum phase to phase external clearance of 75 mm for l.v. (up to
1.1 kV) bushing and 255 mm for h.v. bushing (3.3 kV and above) shall
be kept with bushings complete with arcing horns mounted on the

Iron and copper losses:The iron and copper losses shall be lower than the following values for
the various ratings on transformers.
Iron loss W

losses at


































The above losses are subject to variation of +/- 10%.

Impedances:All DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERs mentioned above shall have

and impedance of 4.5 per cent. The above impedance shall be subject to
a tolerance of +/- 10%.

Rating and terminal marking plates:Each transformer shall be fitted with three kinds of plates, namely:

Rating plate.
Terminal marking plate.
Connection diagram.

Rating plate:The rating plate shall give the following information.

1) kVA rating, 2) Voltage on no load on h.v. and l.v. sides, 3)
Current in h.v. and l.v. sides, 4) Phases on h.v. and l.v. sides, 5)
Types of cooling, 6) Frequency, 7) Impedance voltage, 8) Vector
group, 9) Weight of core and windings in kg. 10) Weight of oil
in kg, 11) Volume of oil in liters, 12) Total weight of
transformer, 13) Year of manufacture, 14) Customer reference
number, 15) Maximum guaranteed temperature of oil in C, 16)
Maximum guaranteed temperature of windings in C.

Terminal marking:36

It shall indicate the marking of terminals of both h.v. and l.v. windings. It
shall give the number of turns on h.v. side expressed in percentage at
each off load tap changer position.

Connection diagram:It shall give the single line diagram of the connection made to various
taps within the transformer.

Arcing horns:Each transformer shall be fitted with arcing horns, whose function is to ensure that
any over voltage reaching the transformer is limited to a value not exceeding 80 per cent
of the impulse withstand level of the winding.
The arcing horns settings are:

Nominal system voltage

kV (r.m.s.)

Arcing horn gap

Single gap 35mm
Double gap 16mm
Double gap 20mm.

major supplier of DISTRIBUTION

Rectifier and Control Company:-

1. Oil Cooled DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER: Oil Filled Transformer with Off Circuit Tap Changer / On Load Tap Changer (up to
5000 KVA in 11 KV & 33 KV) conforming to the international standards of quality
and safety for industries and commercial set-ups. These transformers are designed and


developed using latest technologies and can be provided with a variety of terminations
so as to suit the requirements for new installation or replacement.

Optimum efficiency is ensured by delicate proportioning of core and winding looses

using CRGO M3 to MS MOH Lamination, Electrolytic Grade 99.9% pure copper,
with Transposition in L.V. coil for current sharing in parallel Conductors, Electric
grade press paper, boards and mineral oil. Thus better regulation is achieved resulting
in longer life. Careful designing also reduces noise level to the minimum.

Standard Specifications:-

No. of Phases
Voltage Range

Up to 5000 KVA
3 Phase
50 Hz.
11 KV / 22 KV / 33 KV
On Load Tap Changer to provide +5% to -15% Taps in steps of


1.25% on the H.T. Side. Else, Off Circuit Tap Changer for 5%

Vector Group
Duty Cycle

Taps on H.T. Side in steps of 2.5% each.

Class 'A'
Dyn 11
Copper Wound



As per required

Standard Fittings (for Oil Cooled Transformers):Rating & Diagram plate

Lifting lugs
Oil Conservator with drain plug
Oil Level indicator
Top-filter Valve
Silica gel breather
Cooling radiators

Earthing terminals
Thermometer pocket
Air release hole with plug
Explosion vent with diaphragm
Inspection cover
Drain -cum-bottom-filter valve
Uni / Bi- directional rollers

Standard Fittings (for Oil Cooled Transformers):* Buchholz relay with alarm and trip contact
* Oil temperature indicator with alarm and trip contact
* Winding temperature indicator with alarm and trip contact
* Magnetic oil level gauge with alarm contact
* Marshalling box to house O.T.I. and W.T.I
* RTCC (Remote Tap Changer Control) Cubicle
* Electronic Automatic Voltage Controller
* Pressure Release Valve
* Cable Box on H.T. & L.T. Side

1. Dry Type DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER: Dry Type (VPI) Transformer with Off Circuit Tap Links / On Load Tap Changer (up
to 2500 KVA in 11 KV Class.) conforming to the international standards of quality
and safety for industries and commercial set-ups. These transformers are designed and
developed using latest technologies and can be provided with a variety of terminations











RECON'S offer technologically advanced range Dry Type (VPI) Transformers using
CRGO M3 to MS MOH Lamination, Electrolytic Grade 99.9% pure copper. These
transformers are designed for trouble-free performance, confirming to IS - 2026 with
low power loss and low noise. Use of modern manufacturing techniques and optimum


utilization of active materials ensures cost effectiveness, reliability and a long troublefree performance.

RECON'S Dry Type (VPI) Transformer are fitted in enclosure for Indoor installations
and are totally maintenance free and safe from fire as the material used is metal,
ceramic, NOMEX and resin. It is environment friendly as there is no oil, hence
handling becomes easier and there are no chance of spillages and leakage and there is
minimal nontoxic smoke in case of fire. Use of Class 'F' insulation increases the heat
bearing capacity & enables the use of the transformer in humid and chemically
polluted atmosphere also.
Fire safety and environmental aspects are of increasing importance especially in
respect of energy supply. The substitution of oil-filled transformers by dry type
transformers is one of the most important step towards it. Dry Type transformer is
used when it has to be located near load center and in a fire hazardous place. As there
is no oil used in the transformer and special type of fire resistant insulation are used
for the windings the fire risk is considerably reduced.

Standard Specifications:Capacity
No. of Phases

Up to 2500 KVA
3 Phase


Voltage Range

50 Hz.
11 KV
On Load Tap Changer to provide +5% to -15% Taps in steps of


1.25% on the H.T. Side. Else, Off Circuit Tap Links for 5% Taps on

Vector Group
Duty Cycle

H.T. Side in steps of 2.5% each.

Class 'F' (for Dry Type Trf.)
Dyn 11
Copper Wound
As per required

Standard Fittings for Dry Type (VPI) Transformers:-

Winding temperature Indicator

Lifting lugs

Cable Box on H.V. / L.V. Side.

Uni directional rollers

2. H.T. Transformer with Built In H.T. Automatic Voltage Stabilizer

(Transformer with Built In AVR): Most of the times, it has been realized that even after installing DISTRIBUTION
TRANSFORMERs, the problem of fluctuating voltage remains on the LT side,
resulting in improper function of electrical systems. The HT transformer is basically a
combination of HT AVR and standard HT DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER. The
company is HT Transformers manufacturer with built in stabilizers and HT Automatic










The standard transformers can correct limited voltage variations and can not regulate
the voltage in 'on load' condition. The only smart way to tackle this problem is Builtin HT Automatic Voltage Regulator. HT Transformers with Built-in HT Automatic
Voltage Regulators are highly effective for isolating sensitive electrical equipment
from spikes, DC leakage and line voltage transients. These systems can be used in
various industrial and commercial applications.


WORKING:The fluctuating voltage from electricity authority input is initially stabilized by the
built-in HT AVR and then fed to the transformer. It brings out constant LT output
within 1% accuracy.

ADVANTAGES:*Better Efficiency


*Protection of Motors
*Reduced Installation Cost
*Reduced in Electricity Bill

Salient Features :* Compact Design

* Suitable for corrosive industrial sites
* Minimum Power Losses
* Low Maintenance
* Trouble Free operation
* Long service Life
* Space Saving


1 | ABB India

Corporate Office Bangalore, Karnataka | Establishment 1889

Business Power Products, LV Products | Website www.abb.com
| Siemens India

Corporate Office Mumbai, India | Establishment 1867

Business Energy, Infrastructure, Industry | Website www.siemens.co.in
| Alstom T&D India

Corporate Office Noida, India | Establishment 1911

Business Power, Transport & Grid | Website www.alstom.com
4 | Transformers & Rectifiers India Ltd

Corporate Office Gujarat, India | Establishment 1994

Business Transformers & Reactors | Website transformerindia.com
5 | Kirloskar Electric Company Limited


Corporate Office Bangalore, Karnataka | Establishment 1946

Business Electrical & Electronics Product | Website kirloskar-electric.com
6 | Gujarat Transformers Pvt. Ltd

Corporate Office Gujarat, India | Establishment 1974

Business Transformers | website www.gujarattransformers.com
7 | Urja Techniques (India) Pvt. Ltd

Corporate Office Mumbai, Maharashtra | Establishment 1996

Business Transformers | Website www.urjatransfromers.com
8 | Uttam Bharat

Corporate Office Rajasthan, India |Establishment 1983

Business Transformer | Website www.uttam-bharat.com

9 | Kotsons Pvt. Ltd

Corporate Office: Delhi, India | Establishment 1979

Business Transformer | Website www.kotsons.com
10 | Danish Private Limited

Corporate Office Rajasthan, India | Establishment 1981

Business Transformers and C&R Panels | Website www.danish.co.in



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