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Bus Reactor

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The key takeaways are that a Controlled Shunt Reactor (CSR) can be used to continuously control bus voltage in an efficient and economical manner compared to conventional breaker switched reactors.

The paper is studying the performance and effectiveness of using a Controlled Shunt Reactor (CSR) for bus voltage management in extra high voltage (EHV) power systems.

A Controlled Shunt Reactor works by using a thyristor-controlled high impedance transformer known as a reactor transformer to provide variable reactive power output based on bus voltage deviations, in order to maintain the bus voltage within permissible limits.

Performance study of a Continuously Controlled

Shunt Reactor for Bus voltage Management

in EHV systems
S.V.N.Jithin Sundar, G.Vaishnavi

Abstract—In EHV substations, it is a common practice to use But the permanent connection of the shunt reactors leads to
breaker switched bus reactors to maintain the bus voltage within reduced voltage levels and decreased transmission capacity
permissible limits under varying load conditions. With the of the lines during full load conditions. This problem is
development of Controlled Shunt Reactor (CSR) which is a
addressed by breaker controlled shunt reactors in many parts
thyristor controlled high impedance transformer, a stable bus
voltage can be maintained by providing variable reactive power of the world. In such cases, the dynamic over voltages and
based on the bus voltage deviations due to the load variations. problems evolving from breaker switching of reactors are
The high impedance transformer which is also known as reactor solved by other technical innovations. The Controlled Shunt
transformer (RT) can be made to any size without any limitation Reactor1 (CSR) which is a thyristor controlled equipment
unlike gapped core shunt reactors. As a single CSR of large offers a good solution with a fast response time to take care of
capacity can be realized with suitable control mechanism, this dynamic conditions. Also the switching problems associated
approach proves to be technically superior and economical
with breakers are completely avoided. An ON/OFF type CSR
compared to the existing practice of breaker switched bus
reactors. is in operation at Itarsi substation in India for last five years.
A CSR with a detailed control system is modeled along with a Shunt reactors which are meant to be used for controlling
typical EHV system in PSCAD/EMTDC environment. The study the bus voltage of sub station are known as bus reactors. These
includes the effectiveness of filters introduced in the tertiary of are always connected through a circuit breaker and switched
the reactor transformer in controlling the harmonics generated on or off, based on the voltage variations. In large switching
during partial conduction of thyristors. The transient and steady substations, it is not uncommon to find multiple bus reactors
state performance of the CSR system for varying system
when the total reactor capacity required is large. Due to
conditions is studied and the same is compared with the
conventional practice. The paper presents and discusses the limited standard ratings of gapped core shunt reactors, it is
results of the study. necessary to provide in multiples of standard ratings along
with associated bay equipment and space for accommodating
Keywords: High impedance transformer, shunt reactor, the same. The CSR mentioned above is based on a high
reactive power, compensation, EHV systems, voltage control, impedance transformer known as Reactor Transformer (RT)
thyristors. with a provision to control from the secondary side through
thyristor valves. As RT of any large capacity can be realized as
a single three phase unit or three single phase units, it is

T he application of shunt reactors for controlling the over

voltages in power systems is a well known practice. In the
context of EHV systems, this has special significance due to
possible to provide variable reactive power support by
controlling the firing angle of the thyristor valves. This
continuously variable CSR as bus reactor offers following
the large amount of reactive power generation. The effect of advantages.
the same, results in dynamic power frequency over voltages 1. Continuously variable reactive power based on the
during line charging and sudden load throw off conditions. voltage variation.
During light load conditions also, the capacitive reactive 2. Fast Response to dynamic conditions like load throw
power generated in the line results in steady state over off
voltages. For the above reasons, the presence of shunt reactors 3. Reduced losses with optimized reactive power
is a mandatory requirement for the operation of EHV lines. support.
4. Better economy in terms of sub station space and
auxiliary equipment.
S. V .N. Jithin Sundar is a Senior Deputy General Manager with Corporate
Research & Development Divn, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Vikas
Continuous control of CSR was demonstrated successfully
nagar, Hyderabad, INDIA (e-mail: jithin@bhelrnd.co.in). on the first prototype without the harmonic filters. The
G.Vaishnavi worked as a project trainee as a part of her M.Tech program in advantage of continuous control can be realized only in a large
Power Systems emphasis on high voltage engineering at JNTU Kakinada, capacity of CSR. This paper presents a study to visualize the
benefits of a continuously variable CSR. A large size CSR
Presented at the International Conference on Power Systems with associated power electronics and control requirements is
Transients (IPST’07) in Lyon, France on June 4-7, 2007 modeled in PSCAD. A suitable power system model is
realized to study the operation of CSR under different
operating conditions. The same power system model is 0.032 0.032 0.032

provided with conventional bus reactors for comparative 0.03789 12.299 0.03789 12.299 0.03789 12.299

analysis with CSR. 0.044532


1.88 1.88 1.88


A Icsrpa A
A Icsrsa
180.0 [MVA]
CSR is a group of equipment connected in a scheme to
B B B Icsrpb B B Icsrsb
#1 #3
VCSRBVcsrpb Vcsrsb

realize the desired functionality. The CSR scheme designed for

C C C Icsrpc C C Icsrsc
420.0 11.0 [kV] 19.0
VCSRCVcsrpc Vcsrsc

bus voltage control application is as shown in fig.1.The main

b yp b r k
3 Phase
equipment is the RT which is a three winding transformer. The FP4 FP6


1 3 5

primary (HV), the secondary (LV) windings are star connected

2 4 6

Vp u


and the tertiary is in delta to facilitate the circulation of triplen

0 .0 0 1
0 .0 0 1
0 .0 0 1
harmonics. This is realized from the standard library of
PSCAD with appropriate voltage ratings and impedances. The
Fig. 2. Model of CSR power circuit in PSCAD
key issue is the 100% impedance between the primary and the
secondary windings which has a significant influence on the
The tertiary connected in delta takes care of third harmonic
full load losses of the transformer. The impedance between the
and the other significant harmonics the 5th,7th, and 11th are
secondary and tertiary is important for effective control of
mitigated by providing suitable LC filters across the same. The
harmonics during partial conduction of thyristors. In other
complete modeling of CSR is converted into a user defined
words, the coupling between secondary and tertiary is stronger
component as shown in Fig. 2.
compared to the one between primary and tertiary. The
The control system of CSR comprises a Proportional
parameters of RT are chosen in line with the practical
Integral (PI) block available in the PSCAD library. The bus
experience of building the first prototype CSR.
voltage is compared with the reference value and the deviation
becomes the error signal or actuating signal to the PI block.
The output of PI block is scaled to suit the operational range of
thyristors which is between /2 and with reference to the
zero crossing of voltage waveform. The output of the
controller is used for generating firing pulses for each thyristor
based on the reference derived from individual phase voltages.
Voltage, power and current meters are provided at appropriate
locations to capture the operation of CSR. The Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) block is used to estimate the magnitude of
harmonics and the distortion factor due to the same is also
calculated using the Harmonic Distortion (HD) block. The
control system and the thyristor firing pulse generation block
Fig. 1. CSR scheme for continuous control. are shown in Fig. 3.
The primary terminals of CSR are to be connected to the
HV bus (400kV) of the substation through a mechanical
isolator. Mechanical isolators are not part of the modeling as BLOCK

they have no significance in the simulation. The voltage D


ratings of secondary and tertiary are as shown in Fig. 2. Vpu Vpuf D -


Voltage measurement on the primary is provided for voltage


feed back. The secondary terminals of RT are connected to an Low pass filter
50Hz 100Hz
Notch filters FP1

anti parallel pair of thyristors with a bypass path. The bypass Va FP2
path consists of a vacuum circuit breaker in series with a Ma
Vb FP3
choke. This has a special significance in line reactor Ia
Mag1 Mag2 Mag3
(15) (15) (15)
X1 Ph1 Vc FP4
application but is retained here as a generic arrangement. For FFT

X2 Ph2 PIO FP5

this application while the primary remains connected to the Ib (15)

F = 50.0 [Hz] Ph3

HV bus bar, CSR provides variable reactive power based on X3
(15) Ma
Harm onic

Ic dc1 dc2 dc3 Distortion 15

the firing angle of the thyristors. The firing angle is varied Individual

depending on the bus voltage deviation from the reference

value. Fig. 3. PSCAD model of control system for CSR in continuous mode.
The CSR modeled is to be used for the control of a 400kV
bus voltage in an EHV sub station. The power system model
Line Length in Reactor Load
should facilitate over voltage condition during line charging,
km capacity P Q
bus voltage variations due to changes in the load demand on
the substation and sudden load throw off condition which can
lead to sudden increase of the bus voltage. The scheme shown Tline1 400 126 - -
in fig.4 is realized in PSCAD by using the standard library Tline2 400 126 - -
blocks and user defined components of CSR. The power Tline3 150 0 150 30.44
system represents a typical 400kV system in Indian power
Tline4 200 0 150 30.44
system network.
Tline5 310 100 180 36.53

CSR is rated for 180 MVAR capacity based on the

1 50 .0 [MW ] 3 0.4 [MVAR ]

simulation of the above network under different conditions. As

3 Phase
RMS Vbrms

shown in Fig .4, CSR is connected to the substation (SS) bus

400.0 km BRKFS1 BRKFR1
TLine1 150.0 km

and a three phase RMS voltmeter is used for monitoring the


3 6.5 [MVAR ] 30 .4 [MVAR ] 15 0.0 [MW]


bus voltage. If the same amount of compensation is to be


200.0 km
63.0 [MVAR] 63.0 [MVAR]

provided with breaker controlled shunt reactors, it will be
through three units of 60 MVAR capacity. This case is also
400.0 km

310.0 km
TLine5 studied for comparison with CSR. A case without any bus
63.0 [MVAR] 63.0 [MVAR]
reactor compensation is also studied and compared with the
18 0.0 [MW ]

50.0 [MVAR] 50.0 [MVAR] above.






VCSRC The simulation studies are intended to investigate the
following cases:
Fig. 4. 400kV Power system network model in PSCAD. 1. To study the bus voltage of substation SS during line
charging of lines 1& 2 from the sending end , during loading
The source is realized as a 3 phase, 50 Hz , 400kV infinite of the lines emanating out of the SS and also during switching
source with an equivalent impedance represented through a off of the same loads. The loads on line 3, line 4 and line 5 are
series-parallel R-L circuit for a short circuit level of selected in such a way that the bus voltage at SS swings below
27000MVA. The source is transmitting power to the and above the reference value of 1 p.u.
substation SS through two parallel transmission lines of length 2. To study the bus voltage for the same situation described
400km. The 400kV transmission line is modeled as a above with the bus SS supported with shunt reactor bank of 3x
frequency dependent model with suitable conductor 60 MVAR switched through circuit breakers. To simulate the
configuration. Each line is compensated by permanently delay involved with circuit breakers a delay of 100ms is
connected line reactors at sending and receiving ends. The introduced for each switching. In this case, the number of
capacity of the line reactors is chosen as 63 MVAR in line shunt reactors are introduced as per the predetermined
with the existing practice of 60% permanent compensation and requirement. For example, only 60 MVAR is connected during
standard shunt reactors ratings in India. Both the lines are line charging. Further, with the increase of load this is also
provided with breakers (T1&T2) at the sending end. switched off to keep the voltage within permissible limits.
The substation dispatches power to three different load During load throw off, all the three shunt reactors are brought
centers through different lengths of 400kV transmission lines. in sequentially to control the over voltage.
Only one of the lines which is of 310km is provided with 3. By connecting a CSR of continuously variable type with
permanently connected shunt reactors of 50MVAR in line with 180 MVAR capacity at the bus SS and study the voltage of the
the existing practice. All the three lines are provided with same during the above described conditions.
breakers at the sending and receiving ends to facilitate
A. Simulation sequence
selective switching of loads and load throw off. The load
connected to each line, line length and reactor capacity are as A common simulation sequence shown in Table II
shown in Table I. applicable to all the three cases is formulated to facilitate the
In the case of CSR, Thyristor valve de-blocking and bypass CSR,Main : Graphs
breaker (BYBRK depicted in Fig. 2) opening are the two Vref Vbrmscsr
additional operations required to bring CSR in to operation. 1.00
From the instant of bypass breaker opening the automatic 0.80
operation of CSR becomes effective thereby providing the 0.60
required reactive power support to the SS bus.

Vref Vbrmsfr
Time 1.00
Description Of 1 2 3
Instant Without Switched CSR 2
Operation 0.60
(Secs) Reactors Reactors

0.2 Close SBRK 0.00
0.3 Deblock Vref Vbrmswthtrect
- - 1.40
thyristors 1.20
0.4 Open BYBRK - - 1.00
0.5 Close Tl 0.80

1.0 Close T2
0.60 1

1.5 Close BRKFS2 0.20
2.0 Close BRKFS1 0.00

3.0 Close BRKFS3 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

3.5 Open BRKFS1

and BRKFR1 Fig. 5. RMS bus voltage for complete simulation sequence.
6.0 Open BRKFS2 Without Reactors (1), Switched Reactors (2), CSR (3)
and BRKFR2
6.5 Open BRKFR3 It can be seen from the above plots, the bus voltage follows the
7.0 Simulation ends reference setting quite closely. The variation of reactive
power (Q) and active power (P) consumption by CSR through
B. Bus voltage management the simulation cycle is seen in fig.6. The reactive power
In Fig. 5, the bus voltage of SS plotted against the above consumed, varied from 37 to 180 MVAR with five other
sequence and time base is shown for comparison. The plot 1 is values in between. Such precise compensation can not be
with no bus reactor support. During line charging the bus obtained with a bank of breaker controlled shunt reactors.
voltage is 1.04 p.u, at full load drops to 0.945p.u and with full CSR : Graphs
load throw off it raises to 1.24p.u. Pcsr Qcsr
Plot 2 of Fig. 5 which is the case of switched reactors the 175
line charging voltage is limited to 0.98p.u with one 60 MVAR 150
connected. However with increase of load at t=2.0 sec the 125
reactor is switched off, thereby the bus voltage improves to 100
1.048p.u. But with disconnection of loads, the shunt reactors 75

are to be switched in one by one, to maintain the bus voltage 50

within permissible limits. It may be noted that the required 25

capacity of reactors and switching instants are possible only in
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0
The simulation with CSR as bus reactor is shown in plot 3
of Fig. 5. From t =0.3 s CSR adjusts the reactive power
Fig. 6. P, Q Variation in CSR during the simulation sequence.
support to the bus based on the voltage feed back. The
switching-in and switching-off the loads do not affect the bus The variation of CSR primary currents corresponding to the
voltage. Even during load throw off, the maximum bus voltage reactive power consumption is shown in fig.7. As explained in
is maintained at 1.02 p.u. This is possible by varying the section II, this is the result of triggering the thyristors at
reactive power support to the SS bus continuously. As the appropriate firing angles calculated by the control system.
response is immediate the delays imminent with switched
shunt reactors are avoided.
Icsrpa Icsrpb Icsrpc CSR : Graphs
0.40 Icsrsa Icsrsb Icsrsc
0.30 8.0
0.20 4.0
0.10 2.0
0.00 -2.0


-0.10 -6.0
-0.20 -10.0
-0.30 Icsrpa Icsrpb Icsrpc
-0.40 0.40
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 0.10

Fig. 7. Primary currents variation in CSR during the simulation sequence. -0.20

C. Suppression of Harmonics 6.920 6.940 6.960 6.980 7.000 7.020

The partial conduction of thyristors gives raise to the

Fig. 9. Secondary currents at full conduction (Icsrsa, Icsrsb, Icsrsc).
generation of harmonics in the current .The dominant Corresponding primary currents (Icsrpa, Icsrpb, Icsrpc).
harmonics are the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 11th harmonics. The tertiary
winding ( ) provided in the RT takes care of the 3rd while the D. Transient response for load throw off
5th, 7th and 11th harmonic filters connected across the tertiary The advantage of thyristor control is the fast response which
mitigate the corresponding harmonic frequencies. The will be of great benefit for sudden changes in the power system
harmonics are analyzed using the FFT block in PSCAD and conditions. A total load throw off is simulated by switching off
are found to be much lower than the permissible limits. The the load from 480MW to 0 MW. CSR quickly responds to the
same can be observed visually by comparing the primary and changes in the voltage and comes into full conduction as
the secondary waveforms during the same time interval. Fig. shown in Fig. 10. CSR comes into conduction from the next
8 shows both secondary and primary current waveforms half a cycle and takes around 30ms to settle.
between t=2.380s to 2.480s during which CSR is consuming
around 51 MVAR which is 28.3% of the actual capacity. CSR : Graphs

Under full conduction i.e. at 180 MVAR capacity primary and 0.50
Icsrpa Icsrpb Icsrpc

secondary current waveforms of are shown in fig.9 for 0.40

comparison. It can be seen that secondary and primary currents 0.30
are totally free from harmonics. 0.20

CSR : Graphs
Icsrsa Icsrsb Icsrsc 0.00

4.0 -0.10
2.0 -0.20
0.0 -0.30

-2.0 -0.40
-4.0 -0.50
-5.0 5.950 6.000 6.050 6.100 6.150 6.200
Icsrpa Icsrpb Icsrpc
0.075 Fig. 10. Response of CSR for sudden load throw off.
The effect fast response is to limit the over voltage on the SS

bus. Under the same conditions, breaker switched reactors are
-0.100 used for the same purpose with a minimum delay of 100ms.
The corresponding waveform of the bus voltage in this case is
2.380 2.400 2.420 2.440 2.460 2.480
compared with the one with CSR as shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 8.Chopped secondary currents (Icsrsa, Icsrsb, Icsrsc).

Corresponding primary currents (Icsrpa, Icsrpb, Icsrpc).
Vbusa Vbusb Vbusc
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400 [1] S. V. N. Jithin Sundar, S. C. Bhageria, C. D. Khoday, Amitabh Singhal,
Dr. M.Arunachalam, M. I. Khan, A. R. C. Rao, J. S. Kuntia, M. M.
Goswami, G. N.Alexandrov, M. Arunachalam, “Design, Testing and
0 Commissioning of First 420kV, 50 MVAR Controlled Shunt Reactor in

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600 Bangalore. India.
[3] G. N. Alexandro, V. P. Lunin, Y. G. Selesney, L. N. Shifrin, S. V.
N.Jithin Sundar, S. C. Bhageria, C. D. Khoday , Amitabh Singhal,
200 “Fast-Acting Controlled Shunt Reactor.” Vii SEPOPE MAY, 2003,
Curitiba, Brazil.
[4] K. Reichert, J. Kauferle and H. Glavitsch, “Controllable Reactor

-200 compensator for more extensive utilization of high voltage transmission

-400 systems”, CIGRE 1974, paper 31-04.

5.90 6.00 6.10 6.20 6.30
Mr.S.V.N. Jithin Sundar was born in Vijayawada A.P India and graduated
Fig. 11. Load throw off effect on the bus voltage. in Electrical Engineering from College of Engineering, Osmania University in
1) With CSR 2) With breaker switched reactors. the year 1981.
Mr. Jithin Sundar joined Corporate R&D, BHEL
in the same year as Engineer Trainee. At present, he
V. CONCLUSIONS is working as Senior Deputy General Manager in
PES group at R&D complex. Mr.Jithin Sundar has
The simulation studies prove that the CSR developed can worked in the development Transmission products
be effectively used for the management of bus voltage in a & Systems for last 24 years. He has published
technical papers in several National & International
EHV sub station. The main equipment RT being a simple
Conferences including CIGRE. He has co-authored
transformer type, can be designed as a single three phase unit a few patents in the area of Controlled Shunt Reactor & Phase Shifting
or as three single phase units. There is no restriction for Transformer. He is a member of IEEE, Hyderabad section.
selecting the suitable capacity of reactor for any specific
Miss G.Vaishnavi obtained her B.Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics
Engg from SVU University Tirupathi in 2004, and M.Tech in High Voltage
The application of CSR for this purpose provides economic Engg from JNTU Kakinada in 2006.She has worked in Corporate R&D,
benefits in terms of space and equipment. As a single large BHEL for her M.Tech Project during 2006.
equipment compared to individual shunt reactor units, CSR
occupies less space and the individual switchgear, protection
and other substation equipment reduce in quantity. The filters
required along with CSR are effective in mitigating the
harmonics produced during partial conduction of thyristors.
The CSR control system being automatic and local bus
voltage dependent, is simple, reliable and fast. Thus it is
technically superior to manual switching of shunt reactors
which is the existing practice in most of the EHV substations.
The problems associated with reactor switching can be averted
with the use of CSR.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of all
the team members of CSR development. Authors thank the
management of Corp.R&D, BHEL for granting permission to
publish this work.

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