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Relay Coding

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stands for in case of relays and can anyone

answer to decode this codes C,V,D,G,A,X,TT,J,JH etc
# 4
This is based on
very simple
It has three
letters and they
are coded as

First Letter -
A - Phase angle
B - Balanced Current
C - Current (Amps)
D - Differential
E - Direction
F - Frequency
K - Rate of rise of
M - Manual
O - Oil Pressure
P - Poly phase VA
R - Reactive VA
S - Slip Frequency
T - Temperature
V - Potential
W - Watts
X - Reactance
Y - Admittance
Z - Impedance

Second Letter -
A - Attracted
B - Buchholz
C - Induction
D - Induction Disc
G - Galvanometer
I - Transmitter
J - Mixed Types
M - Magnet
P - Plug
R - Rectifier
S - Synchronized
T - Transistor
W - Weight (Gravity)

Third Letter -
A - Auxiliary
B - Testing
C - Carrier or
D - Directional

E - Earth/Ground
F - Plug or Alarm
G - General or
H - Harmonic
J - Tripping
JE - Tripping
JM - Tripping
JS - Tripping (Self)
JC - Tripping
K - Check Alarm
L - Local Limiting
M - Same Phi or
N - Negative
O - Out of Step
P - Potential
R - Re-closing
S - Synchronizing
T - Timer or
U - Definite Time
V - Voltage
W - Piolet Wire
WA - Interposing
WS - Inter-tripping
X - Supervisory
Y - Flash Back
Z - Special
Z0 - Zero Sequence

Examples :
CDG - Current
), Disc
General Purpose(
CAG - Current
), Attracted
VAJ - Potential
), Attracted
VTT - Potential
), Transmitter(
VAZ - Potential (
Special Application
VAA - Potential (
Re: What does CDG,CDAG,CAG,VAJ,VAJH,VTT,VAZ,VAA etc. stands for in case of relays and can anyone
answer to decode this codes C,V,D,G,A,X,TT,J,JH etc
# 2
To add (As I remember)a few more. A- attracted armature
(Instantaneous), G- general purpose, H- high rupturing
capacity ( heavy duty),J- master trip,T- with timer and Z -

The DMH type relay provides high speed biased differential protection for two or three winding transformers. The
relay is immune to high inrush current and has a high degree of stability against through faults. It requires a max of
two cycles operating time for current above twice relay rated current. Instantaneous overcurrent protection clears
heavy internal faults immediately. This relay is available in two forms.
Firstly for use with time Cts, the ratios of line which are matched to the load current to give zero differential current
under normal working conditions. Secondly with tapped interposing transformers for use with standard line current
transformers of any ratio.
2. Directional inverse time overcurrent and earth fault relays
The CDD type relays are applied for directional or earth fault protection of ring mains, parallel transformers or parallel
feeders with the time graded principle. It is induction disc type relay with induction cup used to add directional feature.
3. Instantaneous voltage relay
The type VAG relay is an instantaneous protection against abnormal voltage conditions such as over voltage, under
voltage or no voltage in AC and DC circuits and for definite time operation when used with a timer. It is an attracted
armature type relay.
4. Auxiliary relays
The VAA/CAA type auxiliary relays are applied for control alarm, indication and other auxiliary duties in AC or DC
systems. CAA is a current operated and VAA is a voltage operated relay.. it is attracted armature type.
5. High speed tripping relays
This VAJH type relay is employed with a high speed tripping duties where a number of simultaneous switching
operations are required. This is a fast operating multi contact attracted armature relay.
6. Definite time delay relay
This VAT type relay is used in auto reclosing and control schemes and to provide a definite time feature for
instantaneous protective relay. It is an Electro mechanical definite time relay. It has two pair of contacts. The shorter
time setting is provided by a passing contact and longer time setting by the final contact.
7. Trip circuit supervision relay
This VAX relay is applied for after closing or continuous supervision of the trip circuit of circuit breakers.
They detect the following conditions:
1. Failure of trip relay
2. Open circuit of trip coil
3. Failure of mechanism to complete the tripping operation
8. Instantaneous over current and earth fault relay
An instantaneous phase or earth fault protection and for definite time operation when used with a timer. It is a CAG
12/12G standard attracted armature relay with adjustable settings. It may be a single pole or triple pole relay.
9. Inverse time over current and earth fault relay
This CDG 11-type relay is applied for selective phase and earth fault protection in time graded systems for AC
machines. Transformers, feeders etc. this is a non-directional relay with a definite minimum time which has an
adjustable inverse time/current characteristics. It may be a single pole or triple pole relay.
10. Fuse failure relay
This VAP type relay is used to detect the failure or inadvertent removal of voltage transformer sec. fuses and to
prevent incorrect tripping of circuit breaker. It is three units, instantaneous attracted armature type relay the coil of
each unit connected across one of the VTs.
The secondary fuses under healthy conditions, the coil is SC by fuses and cant be energized. But one or more fuses
blow the coil is energized and relay operates.
11. Instantaneous high stability circulating current relay
It is used to serve the following three purposes
1. Differential protection of Ac machines , reactors auto transformers and bus bars
2. Balanced and restricted earth fault protection of generator of generator and transformer windings
3. Transverse differential protection of generators and parallel feeders.
This CAG type relay is a standard attracted armature relay. In circulating current protection schemes, the sudden and
often asymmetrical growth of the system current during external fault conditions can cause the protection current
transformers to go into saturation, resulting in high unbalance current to insure stability under these conditions.
The modern practice is to use a voltage operated high impedance relay, set to operate at a voltage slightly higher
than that developed by CT under max fault conditions. Hence this type of relay is used with a stabilizing resistor.
12. Local breaker back up relay
this is a CTIG type three phase or two phase earth fault instantaneous over current unit intended for use with a time
delay unit to give back up protection in the event of a circuit breaker failure.
13. Poly-phase directional relay
The PGD relay is a high speed induction cup unit used to give directional properties to three phase IDMT over-current
relays, for the protection of parallel feeders, inter connected networks and parallel transformers against phase to
phase and three phase faults. Owing to low sensitivity on phase to earth faults the relay is used with discretion on
solidly earthed systems.
14. Auto reclose relay
Five types of auto reclose relays are available:
a) VAR21 giving one reclosure. The dead time and reclaim time are adjustable form 5 to 25 secs. If the circuit breaker
reopens during reclaim time, it remains open and locked out.
b) VAR41B is a single shot scheme for air blast circuit breakers. Reclaim time is fixed at between 15 to 20 secs. Dead
time adjustment is from 0.1 to 1.0 sec of which first 300 millisec will be circuit breaker opening time.
c) VAR 42 giving four reclosure. It is precision timed from 0 to 60 sec. it can be set for max four enclosures at min
intervals of 10 sec and instantaneous protection can be suppressed after the first reclosure so that persistent faults
are referred to time graded protection.
d) VAR 71 giving single shot medium speed reclosure with alarm and lockout for circuit breaker. This allows up to 10
faults clearance before initiating an alarm. The alarm is followed by lockout if selected no. of faults clearances
exceed. If the circuit breaker reopens during reclaim time, it remains open and locked out. It offers delay in reclosing
sequence. Instantaneous lockout on low current earth fault and suppressing instantaneous protection during
reclamation time.
e) Var81 is a single shot high-speed reclosure with alarm and lockout for circuit breaker This allows up to 10 faults
clearance before initiating an alarm.
Reactance distance scheme
this scheme consists of the following relays, XCG22-3 for phase to phase and 3 for phase to ground, YCG17, mho
starting unit one in each place, VAT51 along with timing unit for zone 2 and 3, 86-X aux. tripping relay and 30G, H,
and J for 1
, 2
and 3
. Zone indication VAA51, CAG12 and VAA31. These schemes provide three zone phase and
earth fault protection using reactance relays type XCG22 and also starting relays YCG17.
They are applicable to important line sections where high values of arc resistance would otherwise affect the
accuracy of measurement and where high speed tripping is essential. High-speed protection is provided for phase
and earth faults on 80-90% of the line section and faults on the remaining section are cleared in second zone, time.
The third zone provides backup protection after further time interval.
Each mho starting unit Y3 and its auxiliary Y3 X is associated with one phase and operates for all faults involving this
phase. Each reactance unit X is connected to measure phase or earth fault distance, but is prevented from operating
by short circuit across the polarizing coils. Under the phase fault conditions, the Y3 X units unblock the appropriate
X1 reactance units, which initiate tripping immediately for faults within their setting.
Operation of the earth auxiliary relay 64 in conjunction with the Y3 X units selects the appropriate reactance units for
measurement of earth faults. The reach of reactance units is extended by the timer, 2 after successive intervals to
cover faults in zone 2 and 3.

The principle of distance scheme - Block diagram

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