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Load Flow Analysis

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Military Institute of Science and Technology

Project Name: Open Ended Lab Project

Course Code: EECE 306
Course Title: Power System-1 Laboratory
Group Number: 02

Group Members:
Name ID
1. Maju Ahmed Shipon: 202116035
2. Masud Rana : 202116040
3. Taushif : 202116133
Load flow analysis is one of the basic power system analyses in the stage of planning, design and operation
of power systems. This is used to calculate the steady state performance of the system under various possible
operating conditions and study the effects of changes in equipment configuration. The load flow studies are
a very important part of power system analysis. It helps in planning, economic scheduling, and control of an
existing power system. In the solution of power flow, the system is assumed to operate under balanced
conditions. The system is represented in form of single line diagram. The solution is obtained in terms of the
magnitudes and phase angle of voltages at each bus, real, and reactive power flowing through the lines.
Power flow calculations are done with the help of various iterative methods such as Gauss-Seidel method,
Newton-Raphson method and Fast Decoupled method. In this study, power flow analysis is performed for 5-
bus system under three phase fault conditions. The results are obtained with the help of MATLAB. Three
phase fault is applied at the load bus. Obtained results are compared with normal operating conditions. This
gives system behavior under fault conditions

Newton Raphson Method is an iterative technique for solving a set of various nonlinear equations with an
equal number of unknowns. In this paper polar coordinate form is used. As shown in figure the current
entering at bus is given by equation.

This equation can be rewritten in terms of the bus admittance matrix as

expressing in polar form we have

Complex power at bus is . This equation can be rewritten in terms of the bus admittance

matrix as , expressing in polar form we have Complex

power at bus is
Flow Chart:
3. Tools Used

Power systems analysis is a critical part of any transmission or distribution system. In this paper load flow
calculations from provided data on a 5-bus system and the results were obtained using MATLAB and ETAB.
Simulator Figure below represent 5 bus power system network and related information on 5 bus systems are
shown in tables.

Figure : Line diagram of the 5 bus system

Using same data simulation is done with ETAP simulator and Better results were obtained. Below figure
shows 5 bus system in power world simulator and using above given data load flow analysis is done using
Newton Raphson method. Line power flows, voltage magnitude and angle at each bus and losses in line can
be calculated for various loading level.

Problem No 1. Perform load flow studies of the power system of Fig. 1 to identify slack bus (Bus no. 1)
power and bus voltages (Bus no. 2 to Bus no. 3). Compute line flows and line losses also.

Table: 3
Bus Voltage
Bus Voltage
Bus number
pu Deg (x+jy)
1 1 0 1.000+j0.000

2 1.0407 -2.2 1.040-j0.040

3 1.014 -5.09 1.010-j0.090

4 1.014 -5.37 1.010-j0.095

5 1.008 -6.03 1.003-j0.106

Table: 4
Bus Number Line Flow (MW+jMVar) Line Loss (MW+jMVar)

1-2 87.2+j2.85 1.36+j0.759

1-3 42.5+j6.13 1.33+j1.28
2-3 19.7+j5.29 0.242-j1.11
2-4 30.2+j5.69 0.528-j0.531

2-5 56+j10.5 1.2+j2.03

3-4 15.6-j3.16 0.024-j0.956

4-5 5.25-j0.975 0.022-j2.49

2. Verify the results obtained in Task no. 1 by writing a Matlab code adopting any load flow analysis
Solution :
Coding in Matlab:
% Load Flow Analysis of 5-Bus System
% Taushif, Maju, Masud
% 202116133, 202116035, 202116040
close all
clear all
basemva = 100; accuracy = 0.001; accel = 1.8; maxiter = 100;

% Bus Bus Voltage Angle ---Load---- -------Generator----- Static Mvar

% No code Mag. Degree MW Mvar MW Mvar Qmin Qmax +Qc/-Ql
busdata=[1 1 1.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0
2 0 1.0 0.0 20.0 10.0 40.0 30 0 0 0
3 0 1.0 0.0 45.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0
4 0 1.0 0.0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0
5 0 1.0 0.0 60.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0];

% Line code
% Bus bus R X 1/2 B = 1 for lines
% nl nr p.u. p.u. p.u. > 1 or < 1 tr. tap at bus nl
linedata=[1 2 0.02 0.06 0.03 1
1 3 0.08 0.24 0.025 1
2 3 0.06 0.18 0.02 1
2 4 0.06 0.18 0.02 1
2 5 0.04 0.12 0.015 1
3 4 0.01 0.03 0.01 1
4 5 0.08 0.24 0.025 1];

% This program obtains th Bus Admittance Matrix for power flow solution

j=sqrt(-1); i = sqrt(-1);
nl = linedata(:,1); nr = linedata(:,2); R = linedata(:,3);
X = linedata(:,4); Bc = j*linedata(:,5); a = linedata(:, 6);
nbr=length(linedata(:,1)); nbus = max(max(nl), max(nr));
Z = R + j*X; y= ones(nbr,1)./Z; %branch admittance
for n = 1:nbr
if a(n) <= 0 a(n) = 1; else end
Ybus=zeros(nbus,nbus); % initialize Ybus to zero
% formation of the off diagonal elements
for k=1:nbr;
% formation of the diagonal elements
for n=1:nbus
for k=1:nbr
if nl(k)==n
Ybus(n,n) = Ybus(n,n)+y(k)/(a(k)^2) + Bc(k);
elseif nr(k)==n
Ybus(n,n) = Ybus(n,n)+y(k) +Bc(k);
else, end
clear Pgg

% Power flow solution by Newton-Raphson method

ns=0; ng=0; Vm=0; delta=0; yload=0; deltad=0;

nbus = length(busdata(:,1));
for k=1:nbus
kb(n)=busdata(k,2); Vm(n)=busdata(k,3); delta(n)=busdata(k, 4);
Pd(n)=busdata(k,5); Qd(n)=busdata(k,6); Pg(n)=busdata(k,7); Qg(n) = busdata(k,8);
Qmin(n)=busdata(k, 9); Qmax(n)=busdata(k, 10);
Qsh(n)=busdata(k, 11);
if Vm(n) <= 0 Vm(n) = 1.0; V(n) = 1 + j*0;
else delta(n) = pi/180*delta(n);
V(n) = Vm(n)*(cos(delta(n)) + j*sin(delta(n)));
Q(n)=(Qg(n)-Qd(n)+ Qsh(n))/basemva;
S(n) = P(n) + j*Q(n);
for k=1:nbus
if kb(k) == 1, ns = ns+1; else, end
if kb(k) == 2 ng = ng+1; else, end
ngs(k) = ng;
nss(k) = ns;
Ym=abs(Ybus); t = angle(Ybus);
maxerror = 1; converge=1;
iter = 0;
% Start of iterations
clear A DC J DX
while maxerror >= accuracy & iter <= maxiter % Test for max. power mismatch
for i=1:m
for k=1:m
A(i,k)=0; %Initializing Jacobian matrix
end, end
iter = iter+1;
for n=1:nbus
J11=0; J22=0; J33=0; J44=0;
for i=1:nbr
if nl(i) == n | nr(i) == n
if nl(i) == n, l = nr(i); end
if nr(i) == n, l = nl(i); end
J11=J11+ Vm(n)*Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l));
J33=J33+ Vm(n)*Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*cos(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l));
if kb(n)~=1
J22=J22+ Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*cos(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l));
J44=J44+ Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l));
else, end
if kb(n) ~= 1 & kb(l) ~=1
lk = nbus+l-ngs(l)-nss(l)-ns;
ll = l -nss(l);
% off diagonalelements of J1
A(nn, ll) =-Vm(n)*Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l));
if kb(l) == 0 % off diagonal elements of J2
A(nn, lk) =Vm(n)*Ym(n,l)*cos(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l));end
if kb(n) == 0 % off diagonal elements of J3
A(lm, ll) =-Vm(n)*Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*cos(t(n,l)- delta(n)+delta(l)); end
if kb(n) == 0 & kb(l) == 0 % off diagonal elements of J4
A(lm, lk) =-Vm(n)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l));end
else end
else , end
Pk = Vm(n)^2*Ym(n,n)*cos(t(n,n))+J33;
Qk = -Vm(n)^2*Ym(n,n)*sin(t(n,n))-J11;
if kb(n) == 1 P(n)=Pk; Q(n) = Qk; end % Swing bus P
if kb(n) == 2 Q(n)=Qk;
if Qmax(n) ~= 0
Qgc = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n);
if iter <= 7 % Between the 2th & 6th iterations
if iter > 2 % the Mvar of generator buses are
if Qgc < Qmin(n), % tested. If not within limits Vm(n)
Vm(n) = Vm(n) + 0.01; % is changed in steps of 0.01 pu to
elseif Qgc > Qmax(n), % bring the generator Mvar within
Vm(n) = Vm(n) - 0.01;end % the specified limits.
else, end
if kb(n) ~= 1
A(nn,nn) = J11; %diagonal elements of J1
DC(nn) = P(n)-Pk;
if kb(n) == 0
A(nn,lm) = 2*Vm(n)*Ym(n,n)*cos(t(n,n))+J22; %diagonal elements of J2
A(lm,nn)= J33; %diagonal elements of J3
A(lm,lm) =-2*Vm(n)*Ym(n,n)*sin(t(n,n))-J44; %diagonal of elements of J4
DC(lm) = Q(n)-Qk;
for n=1:nbus
if kb(n) ~= 1
delta(n) = delta(n)+DX(nn); end
if kb(n) == 0
Vm(n)=Vm(n)+DX(lm); end
if iter == maxiter & maxerror > accuracy
fprintf('\nWARNING: Iterative solution did not converged after ')
fprintf('%g', iter), fprintf(' iterations.\n\n')
fprintf('Press Enter to terminate the iterations and print the results \n')
converge = 0; pause, else, end


if converge ~= 1
tech=(' Power Flow Solution by Newton-Raphson Method');
V = Vm.*cos(delta)+j*Vm.*sin(delta);
for n = 1:nbus
if kb(n) == 1
S(n)= P(n)+j*Q(n);
Pg(n) = P(n)*basemva + Pd(n);
Qg(n) = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n);
Qgg(k)=Qg(n); %june 97
elseif kb(n) ==2
Qg(n) = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n);
Qgg(k)=Qg(n); % June 1997
yload(n) = (Pd(n)- j*Qd(n)+j*Qsh(n))/(basemva*Vm(n)^2);
busdata(:,3)=Vm'; busdata(:,4)=deltad';
Pgt = sum(Pg); Qgt = sum(Qg); Pdt = sum(Pd); Qdt = sum(Qd); Qsht = sum(Qsh);

%clear A DC DX J11 J22 J33 J44 Qk delta lk ll lm

%clear A DC DX J11 J22 J33 Qk delta lk ll lm

% This program prints the power flow solution in a tabulated form

fprintf(' Maximum Power Mismatch = %g \n', maxerror)

fprintf(' No. of Iterations = %g \n\n', iter)
head =[' Bus Voltage Angle ------Load------ ---Generation--- Injected'
' No. Mag. Degree MW Mvar MW Mvar Mvar '
' '];
for n=1:nbus
fprintf(' %5g', n), fprintf(' %7.3f', Vm(n)),
fprintf(' %8.3f', deltad(n)), fprintf(' %9.3f', Pd(n)),
fprintf(' %9.3f', Qd(n)), fprintf(' %9.3f', Pg(n)),
fprintf(' %9.3f ', Qg(n)), fprintf(' %8.3f\n', Qsh(n))
fprintf(' \n'), fprintf(' Total ')
fprintf(' %9.3f', Pdt), fprintf(' %9.3f', Qdt),
fprintf(' %9.3f', Pgt), fprintf(' %9.3f', Qgt), fprintf(' %9.3f\n\n', Qsht)

Table 5:

Voltage (pu) Angle (Deg) Real Power (MW) Reactive Power(MVar)

1.060 0.000 129.575 -7.570

1.047 -2.806 20.000 20.000

1.024 -4.997 -45.000 -15.000

1.024 -5.329 -40.000 -5.000

1.018 -6.150 -60.000 -10.000

Table 6:

Line Line Loss (MW) Line Loss (MVar)

1-2 1.410 -2.431

1-3 1.192 -1.855
2-3 0.352 -3.238
2-4 0.441 -2.966
2-5 1.125 0.176
3-4 0.036 -1.990
4-5 0.031 -5.118
Comperison Between the Simulation and Matlab Data:

Table 7:

Bus Voltage(Simulation) Bus Voltage(Matlab)

Bus number
pu Deg pu Deg
1 1 0 1.060 0.000

2 1.0407 -2.20 1.047 -2.806

3 1.014 -5.09 1.024 -4.997
4 1.014 -5.37 1.024 -5.329
5 1.008 -6.03 1.018 -6.150

Table 8:

Simulation Data Matlab Data

Bus Number Line Loss (MW) Line Loss (MW)
1-2 1.36 1.410
1-3 1.33 1.192
2-3 0.242 0.352
2-4 0.528 0.441

2-5 1.2 1.125

3-4 0.024 0.036

4-5 0.022 0.031

3. Make an undervoltage event in Bus-4 and apply any technique to overcome the undervoltage problem
of the system. (Consider, below 90% to be undervoltage for any bus).

Solution :
i. Problem:

Adding one extra load as lump-5 at Bus-bar 4. We set 90% as undervoltage. So, we can see warning
sign in bus bus-bars.

We solve the problem by adding one capacitor at bus-bar 4. The rating of the capacitor is given below. The
red warning signs at the bus-bars are removed. Thus, the problem is solved.

4. If the power flow through the transmission line (2-5) is to be made 75% of the normal condition, what
should be the steps that can be adopted to do it? Implement any of them to do this job.

From the solution of problem-1, we get the power flow through the transmission line (2-5) is 56 MW.
75% of 56 = 42
So, we need to bring the power flow to 42 MW.
To solve the problem we increase the impedance of Z4. Then the value decreased from 56 MW to 42 MW.
The rating of Z4 is shown below.
1. Load flow analysis is an essential tool for power system planning, operation, and control. It helps ensure
that the system operates within acceptable limits and facilitates decision-making for system expansion,
reactive power compensation, and load shedding, among other applications.
2. A 5-bus system typically focuses on steady-state analysis and may not incorporate dynamic modeling of
system components Dynamic phenomena like transient stability, voltage stability, and control system response
are not adequately represented in such a simplified system. Therefore, dynamic effects and their associated
challenges cannot be properly studied or analyzed.

P. V. Dhole (B) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University, Navi Mumbai 410206, India S. N. Patil
Bhivrabai Sawant Institute of Technology and Research, Pune 412207, India (Book)
2. https://youtu.be/-Ighs3sPTbk (Matlab from youtube)
3. Smart Technology for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol 2
- Mohan Lal Kolhe, S. B. Jaju, P. M. Diagavane (Book)
4. Analysis of Power Flow In IEEE Five Bus Power System Based on PV Curve Assessment
Manish Parihar, M.K. Bhaskar, Dharmendra Jain, Deepak Bohra, Digvijay Sarvate (Journal)

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