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Coventry University: Faculty of Engineering & Computing

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STUDENT NAME : M. Faazil Fairooz STUDENT ID NUMBER : 4701970 SUPERVISOR : Dr K.A.C Udayakumara

Table of Contents
2.1Using these parameters Y bus matrix calculated by applying MATLAB simulation.6 2.2Bus Admittance Matrix Calculation8 2.3Iterations10 2.4Line Current Calculation...14 2.5Line Losses calculation.15 2.6Slack Power Calculation...15 2.7Power Flow Diagram of the Power System..16 CHAPTER 3: INTRODUCTION17

Chapter 3: Alternative Sources of Energy Possible...21 Chapter 4: Comparison of energy sources.37 Chapter 5: Conclusion ..40 CHAPTER 6: Harvard Referencing ..41

Chapter 1: Abstract Motivation In period, the earth improving and progressing round us, there is a lot characters trying to change things around us in the field of power system but fairly little accomplishment is accomplished in this technical advance, its the same in all individuals where they have a habit to live and work with fewer work and time and more efficiently and effectively We look at power flow analysis as in the first part where it is a very important part to study, its a study regarding power flowing in grid lines. Its about understanding the capacity of the line and design for the parameters. The second part is that it regarding life which is an important topic. Renewable energy is a method that preserves the nature while extracting its energy. We have used to types of renewable which can be located at sea I. II. OTEC plants Tidal wave

As Sri Lanka is surrounded by sea it suits us more


Parameters provided in the question Base apparent power = 100MVA Tolerance of each bus voltage = 5% The bus data

Bus Name 1 2 3 4


Bus Data for the Power System Generation Loads V(pu) P (MW) Q (MVAR) P (MW) Q (MVAR) 1 10 1 1

45 100 95

35 25 40

Transmission Line Number 1 2 3 4

From/To (bus to bus) 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1

Series Impedance Z (pu) <a> <a> <a> <a>

Rated MVA

From/To (Bus to Bus) 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1

Series Impedance (Z) R(p.u.) 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.001 X(pu) j0.033 j0.040 j0.031 j0.022

Series Admittance(Y) G(pu) 1.8298 0.6246 4.0942 2.0619 B(pu) -j30.1921 -j40.7080 -j24.9844 -j45.3608

The power values assigned by the lecturer are converted to per unit by the following formula. = = 100

Generation Bus Name Pg / MW Qg / Mvar

Load QL V [initial] in per unit p.u 10 10 10 10 Remarks

PL MW p.u 90 75 70 0.95 0.75 0.7 35 25 40 Mvar

1 2 3 4

0 0 0

0 0 0

Slack bus Load Bus Load Bus Load Bus

0.35 0.25 0.4

2.1Using these parameters Y bus matrix calculated by applying MATLAB simulation.

Part a. Bus Data used in Matlab.

% Bus data for Load Flow Analysis. % code built using reverse flow function busdata = busdata6() % Returns busdata/04.

% |Bus | Type | Vsp | theta | PGi | QGi | PLi | QLi | Qmin | Qmax | busdata = [ 1 1 1.00 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0; 2 3 1.00 0 0.0 0 0.90 0.35 0 0; 3 3 1.00 0 0.0 0 0.75 0.25 0 0; 4 3 1.00 0 0.0 0 0.70 0.35 0 0; ];

Line data used in Matlab.

% Line Data for Y-Bus Formation.

function linedata = linedata6() % | From | To % | Bus | Bus linedata = [ 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 | | R 0 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.001 | |

% Returns linedata. X | | B/2 | | 0.00; 0.00; 0.00; 0.00; 0.00;];

0 0.033 0.04 0.031 0.022

Y bus calculation in Matlab.

function ybus = ybusppg(); linedata = linedata6(); fb = linedata(:,1); tb = linedata(:,2); r = linedata(:,3); % % % %

% Returns ybus Calling "linedata6.m" for Line Data... From bus number... To bus number... Resistance, R...

x b z y b

= = = = =

linedata(:,4); linedata(:,5); r + i*x; 1./z; i*b;

% % % % %

Reactance, X... Ground Admittance, B/2... Z matrix... To get inverse of each element... Make B imaginary... % no. of buses... % no. of branches... % Initialise YBus...

nbus = max(max(fb),max(tb)); nbranch = length(fb); ybus = zeros(nbus,nbus);

% Formation of the Off Diagonal Elements... for k=1:nbranch ybus(fb(k),tb(k)) = -y(k); ybus(tb(k),fb(k)) = ybus(fb(k),tb(k)); end % Formation of Diagonal Elements.... for m=1:nbus for n=1:nbranch if fb(n) == m | tb(n) == m ybus(m,m) = ybus(m,m) + y(n) + b(n); end end end ybus; % Bus Admittance Matrix zbus = inv(ybus); % Bus Impedance Matrix

Answer developed as of Matlab.

Y Bus ans = -74.9518i -1.8298 +31.7298i 0 -2.0619 +43.2220i -1.8298 +31.7298i 14.7136 -72.4377i -0.6246 +40.7080i 0 0 -0.6246 +40.7080i 16.5018 -64.2374i -4.0942 +23.5294i -2.0619 +43.2220i 0 -4.0942 +23.5294i 15.7055 -66.7514i

2.2Bus Admittance Matrix Calculation

Y11= y12 + y14= (1.8298 - j30.1921) + (2.0619- j45.3608) = 3.8917 j75.5529 Y12=Y21= (-y12) = ( - 1.8298 + j30.1921) Y14=Y41= (-y14) = ( - 2.0619 + j45.3608) Y22=y12+y23= (1.8298 - j30.1921) + (0.6246- j24.9844) = -27.7377 j24.9844 Y23=Y32= (-y23) = (-0.6246 + j24.9844) Y33=y32+y34= (0.6246- j24.9844) + (4.0942- j24.9844) = 4.7188 j49.9688 Y34=Y43= (-y34) = (-4.0942 + j24.9844) Y44=y14 + y43= (2.0619- j45.3608) + (4.0942- j24.9844) = 6.1561 j70.3452

The injected power at each bus is: S1= P1 + jQ1 p.u S2= (-0.9-j0.35) p.u S3= (-0.75 - j0.35) p.u S4= (-0.7-j0.35) p.u

= 0 0.9 = 0.9

= 0 0.75 = 0.75

= 0 0.35 = 0.35

= 0 0.7 = 0.7

= 0 0.25 = 0.25 = 0 0.4 = 0.4

= =


= 1 p.u and

= 0

Using Gauss-Seidel method, the first iteration voltages and phase difference are calculated as follows For the system of N buses the general equation for the calculated voltage at any bus i where P and Q are scheduled is = 1

( )

Superscript (k) denotes the number of the iteration in which the voltage is currently being calculated and (k-1) indicates the number of the preceding iteration.

( )

( )

( )

2.3 Iterations
( )

= (0.2825 j1.1678) . = 1.2012(76) . = = 1

1 = 27.7377 j24.9844



0.9 + j0.35 (1.8298 + j30.1921) 1 (4.0942 j24.9844) (0)

1 0.9 + 0.35 (0.6246 + j24.9844) (0.995 j7.0224) 16.5019 j64.2374 1 (0.6246 + 24.9844)

0.9 + j0.35
( )



= (0. .6196 0.169) .

= 0.642 (15.277) . = = 1 (0.9 + j0.35)

( )

= (0.3221 0.5321) .

= 0.6222 (58.8271) . 10

1 4.7188 j56.7142

0.9 + j0.35


(4.0942 + j30.1921) (0.6246 + 24.9844) (1.054 3.86)


1 0.9 + j0.35 (4.6522 + j34.6231) 2.0619 j45.3608 (0.995 + j7.0224) (1.8298 + j30.1921) (1.054 3.86)

( )



= (1.345 0.0592) . = 1.344(2.526) . = = 1

1 0.7 + 0.25 (1.8298 + j30.1921) (0.9840 1.5425) 16.5019 j64.2374 (1.054 + 3.86) (0.6246 + 24.9844) (0.9175 1.704)

0.7 + j0.25
( )



= (0.766 0.1581) . = 0.78 (11.66) . = = 1

1 0.75 + j0.4 (4.0942 + j30.1921) (0.6246 + 24.9844) 4.7188 j56.7142 (0.9175 + 1.704) (1.2045 1.6324)

(0.7 + j0.4)
( )



= (0.9475 0.0104) .


= 0.94(0.634) . = ( )( )( )

1 0.9 + j0.35 (4.6522 + 34.6231) 2.0619 j45.3608 (0.9840 + 1.5425) (1.8298 + j30.1921) (1.2045 1.6324)

( )

= (1.3837 j0.0.051) . = 1.38 (2.1163) . 1 0.7 + j0.25

( )

= =

1 0.7 + 0.25 (1.8298 + j30.1921) (0.539 j0.967) 16.5019 j64.2374 (1.2045 + 1.6324) (0.6246 + 24.9844) (0.445 0.685)



= (0.7853 0.174) .

= 0.804 (12.51) . = 1

(0.75 + j0.4)
( )




1 0.75 + j0.4 (4.0942 + j30.1921) (0.6246 + 24.9844) 4.7188 j56.7142 (0.445 + 0.685) (0.488 0.665)

= (0.9423 5.46) . = 0.94(0.332) . = (

1 0.9 + j0.35 (4.6522 + j34.6231) 2.0619 j45.3608 0.539 + j0.967 (1.8298 + j30.1921) (0.488 0.665)

( )



= (1.398 0.065) .

= 1.399(2.700) . 1 0.7 + j0.3

( )

= =

1 0.7 + 0.25 (1.8298 + j30.1921) (0.7876 0.268) (0.488 + 0.665) 16.5019 j64.2374 (0.6246 + 24.9844) (0.7432 0.277)



= (0.7878 0.1920) . = 0.810(13.699) .


= =

1 0.75 + j0.4 (4.0942 + j30.1921) (0.6246 + 24.9844) 4.7188 j56.7142 (0.7432 + 0.277) (0.75 0.277)

(0.75 + j0.4)
( )



= (0.9520 0.0217) . = 0.9523(1.309) .

2 Bus Voltages Considering fourth iteration values as final answers

= (0.7878 0.1920) = 0.810(13.699) . = (1.398 0.065) = 1.399(2.700) .

= (0.9520 0.0217) = 0.9523(1.309) . = 2.4

Line Current Calculation


(1.398 0.065) 1 = (11.3714 + 1.857) = 11.522 (9.275) . 0.004 + 0.031 (0.7878 0.1920) (1.398 0.065) = (11.649 + 23.491) 0.006 + 0.023

= (4.977 2.88) = 5.7531 (30) . 14

= 26.22 (116.37) .

(0.9520 0.0217) (0.7878 0.1920) 0.01 + 0.04

(0.9520 0.0217) 1 = (1.409 + 1.86) = 2.33 (127) . 0.005 + 0.022

2.5Line Losses calculation

=( =( ) ) = 11.522

=( =(

) )

= (2.33 ) 0.0004 = 0.02171 .

= (26.22 ) 0.002 = 1.3749 . = 5.7531

0.001 = 0.0330 .

0.001 = 0.1327 .

2.6 Slack Power Calculation

= +

= 0.9 + 0.9 + 0.6 + 0.1327 + 0.3749 + 0.0330 + 0.02171 = 2.962 .


2.7Power Flow Diagram of the Power System

PART E 64-j45 Bus 2

MW Flow

Mvar Flow Bus 1 Bus 3


Slack Power

60 + j35

Bus 4 50 + j45

3.1 The need for alternative energy source

The requirement for renewable power sources gets immediate; therefore the development of alternative energy is shifting quickly. Internationally different individuals and investigation teams tend to be producing brand-completely innovative and thrilling power systems. Many of this equipment are wonderful works and wish increasing regarding massive use. The western world as well as Politician's world-wide tend to be composing procedures and so are creating deals to create better use of these kinds of energizes. The first issue is that the fossil fuel is actually eating up at fast rate and so tougher so that we can retrieve them. The consequence is the fact that we are able to become dealing with electricity problems in the future if we are not really cautious today. The vitality costs will certainly go sky high and never be around for some or perhaps countries. To avoid this disaster situation we have to discover options as well as utilized them to their own complete potential. The major problem is how the fossil fuels work, which can be popular nowadays tend to be dangerous for our environment. In early 70s there have been folks and also researchers which lecture normally, however nowadays the negative effects tend to be displaying. The earth will be warming up and also environments are transforming. An additional negative effect is that the ozone layer is getting slimmer that also has a leads to a warming up of the world. These two outcomes go with each other to make that even more crucial to help create an additional part of an alternative course. This task will bring us for the use of alternative energy The answer for our difficulties may be fixed through renewable energy. Our beautiful planet gives us the chance to create appropriate us regarding sunlight, moving water, strong wind gusts, as well as Hot Springs and also transform these directly straight into energy. These kinds of energy sources tend to be abundant and also free to use. We have to be sure that all of us transform the energy in a proper way, without causing other problems that will once more hurt the environment. Thankfully the numerous efforts by individuals and organizations present that can be achieved

3.2 Major source/s of energy in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka imports just about almost most energy needed for their energy needs. In 2009, Sri Lanka brought in 146.1 Mtoe of energy goods. As a major gas rening as well as investing center in the area, the key significances have been oil goods and crude oil & natural gas liquids (NGL), which established 61.8% as well as 33.2% of overall energy significances respectively. Data provided by Sri Lanka energy statistics 2011

Consumption graph provided by Sri Lanka energy statistics 2011 Consumption Sri Lanka by Different Sectors Total nal fuel i ntake withinside Sri Lanka came to 785.7 ktoe in 2009. This kind of failed to include the fuel used for electricity creation. Among the various industries, the consumption of the actual industrial-related field was the highest, comprising 79.9% associated with overall gasoline usage throughout Capital of Sri Lanka at the time of 2009, followed by the particular business & services-related market (8.7%), households (6.9%) and the transport-related sector (1.6%).The consumption gures range from the conversion of gas so that you can town gas just ahead of syndication in order to be able for you to help homes and the business & servicesrelated market, primarily in order to smoke purposes. Additionally, it contains the usage of gasoline for Compacted Gas (CNG) automobiles


3.3 Sector Consumption provided by Sri Lanka energy statistics 2011 The energy mix regarding electricity generation is based on the amount of electrical energy created from each kind associated with gas. Data up to 2010 tend to be included due to info supply. The particular reveal regarding oil goods found in electrical energy generation lowered through Thirty-five% in 2004 to 15% in 2009 because of a rise in weight using gas crimson vegetation with regard to electricity era. However, this year, there is a small increase in the reveal regarding petroleum items utilized in electrical power generation, like a strong rebound withinside electrical power requirement triggered an elevated using steam plants, involving oil being an energy origin. This season, close to 79% associated with Sri Lankas electrical power was produced from natural gas and also one more Nineteen% through petroleum goods for instance fuel oil and diesel. The remaining Three% has been produced via green solutions for example biogas, city and county strong waste and pv.

Fossil fuels chat by Sri Lanka energy statistics 2011


After seeing this statistics we come to a conclusion that Sri Lanka uses more of fossil fuel as there natural resources are limited. This limitation has been put up due to the total land area of Sri Lanka is small for large hydro power plants.


Chapter 4: Alternative Sources of Energy Possible

4.1 Available resources in Sri Lanka The main Available resources in Sri Lanka is that its fabulous beaches which are not only the best tourist destination but a global hub for power sources which are to be explored by Sri Lanka officials firstly we must look at Sri Lanka geo location before any further study or research to proceed in the locating of a power plant this tropical island. Geo location Sri Lanka is found on the south eastern a section of Asia. If you go through the chart of Sri Lanka, you will see that this island nation is situated just at the center of Indian Ocean. In fact, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka can be known as surrounded on all its part from the Indian Ocean. Sri Lanka can be found within side great physical distance of Asia. Its divided from via India from the thin Gulf associated with Mannar and Palk Strait. The whole area of Sri lanka is actually estimated being 65,610 square kilometers

Image courtesy of travel Sri Lanka


If renewable energy power plants are to be situated there are many factors that are to be considered but would take a quick look at some of these, which would be region Climate wind patterns availability of water and sea patterns

Region Climate The actual climate in Sri Lanka is principally tropicalhot and also humid all year round with ample rain fall. Geographical area includes a moist and time of year due to seasonal shift in gusts of wind or perhaps monsoon. Within the caribbean rainfall buckle leads to extra rainfall throughout the wind season. The particular jungle will be the second biggest in the world (with the entire Amazon becoming the largest). Very to the kind of climate and plant life may be the mountain locations withinside the upper location, where higher altitudes cause more gentle temperatures and more dry landscape. Other parts fall out of the environment because they are leave such as. Wind patterns This region associated with Planet obtaining the particular Sunlight's immediate radiation may be the equator. Here, oxygen is heated and also increases, leaving low pressure areas powering. Shifting so that we can regard 25 levels northern and also to the southerly with the equator, the actual hot air in the circle begins to swirl and tends to increase pressure. In among 30 degrees latitude and the equator, a lot of the air conditioning happens for the oxygen movements to the particular equator. Other air flows toward the poles. The air movements towards the actual equator are called trade wind gusts- warm, constant breezes which blow practically constantly. The actual Consequence helps make the trade winds look like leaning to the west, whether they are traveling to the circle from the southern or perhaps north South around Thirty levels the actual upper or northeast trade winds blow mainly from your northeast toward the actual equator. We were holding the particular sailor's favored wind gusts


since the weather conditions had been comfortable and also the winds usually whacked gradually inside right course.

Doldrums: From concerning the circle is actually Intertropical Unity Zoom or perhaps doldrums, an area of light as well as unusual breeze busted simply by simply occasional thunderstorms and squalls. The size as well as exact place of the doldrums is tough to predict. Sailing ships are sometimes nonmoving here for many days awaiting a proper win Availability of sea water and sea patterns The oceanic zone starts in the away coast where the water measures Two hundred yards (656 toes) strong or perhaps deeper. It is the location of open up ocean past the edge with the ocean floor and also includes Sixty five% from the marine's completely open water. The oceanic zoom includes a wide array of undersea landscape, which includes crevices which are usually more deeply compared to Mount Everest is taller, along with sea cracks and also sea containers. While it is often difficult for existence to support itself with on this form of environment, some varieties perform flourish inside oceanic zone The mesopelagic (disphotic) zone which is adjacent to Sri Lanka, wherever just small amounts of gentle penetrate, lies below the actual epipelagic area. This kind of area is frequently known on the Twilight Zone due to its tight quantity of gentle. Temperature ranges inside mesopelagic area

range from Five to Several C (Forty one so that you can 39 F). The stress is actually increased here, it may be as much as 1,470 pressure unit (10,100,000 Philadelphia) and also rises with depth. 90% with the ocean is based on the bathypelagic (aphotic) zone into which usually no gentle penetrates. This is called the midnight zone. Normal mineral waters pressure is very extreme and also the temperature ranges are usually near cold variety 0 to six C (Thirty-two to Forty three F) 4.2 Existing technologies within side Sri Lanka Solar Energy Capital of Sri Lanka being located with inside the equatorial belt, the nation has tremendous potential to funnel solar energy. But the nation needs to conquer hurdles like scarcity of land as well as high cost as well as reduced yield of photovoltaic or pv (Photo voltaic) technologies before solar technology may become an alternative way to obtain vitality within side Sri Lanka. Capital of Sri Lanka offers offered to construct the world's greatest manufacturing facility, to make solar power items. It would be the first of its kind within side South Asia. The plant would certainly generate wafers; cells as well as modules used to produce solar powered energy by 2010.The product will be constructed by a famous Norwegian solar technology business, Renewable Energy Corp (REC). Wind power Sri Lanka is an island nation with substantial wind energy resources. The Wind Energy Resource Atlas compiled by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in year 2003, has identified three major regions as having good-to-excellent wind resources. They are: 1. North-western coastal region from the Kalpitiya Peninsula north to the Mannar Islands

and the Jaffna Peninsula. 2. 3. Central highlands in the interior of the country largely in the Central Province Parts of the Sabaragamuwa and Uva Provinces.

it is estimated that there is nearly 5000 km2 of windy areas with good-to-excellent wind resource potential in Sri Lanka. About 4100 km2 of the total windy area is on land. The windy land represents about 6% of the total land area (65,600 km2) of Sri Lanka. Using a conservative assumption of 5 MW per km2, this windy land could support more than 20,000 MW of potential installed capacity. The windy lagoon areas are estimated to encompass 700 km2 with a potential installed capacity of 3500 MW. The meteorological potential of all promising wind sites in Sri Lanka is a staggering 25,000MW. But due to system absorption limitations, only 200MW of this is feasible to be developed, in the business as usual scenario. Additional studies are required to accurately assess the wind electric potential, considering factors such as the existing transmission grid and accessibility.

4.3 Alternative Energy Source As for alternative Energy Source we have selected Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion familiarly known as (OTEC) and tidal wave plants. This has been selected because of Sri Lankas great beaches and deep water location within its geo location making far reliable than wind power. And these two power sources could be included into one infrastructure and the second point is that the time factor to construct the power plants is less.


To understand these technologies and to compare them we have to look the important factors that govern this renewable technologies technology

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) The actual seas cover a little more than 70 % from the Surface. This makes the ocean the world's biggest solar energy extractor and storage space method. On a typical day, 58 thousand square km of Tropical Ocean soak up some radiation equivalent with inside heat content to concerning Two hundred and fifty million barrels of essential crude oil. In the event that lower than one tenth part of this kept solar power could possibly be changed into electrical energy,

OTEC, or even ocean thermal energy conversion, can be a power engineering that turns solar radiation to electrical power. OTEC systems use the ocean's natural thermal gradientthe indisputable incontrovertible reality the actual sea's tiers regarding normal mineral waters have different temperaturesto push the power-producing routine. So long as the actual temperature between the cozy water surface and the extremely cold waters differs by concerning 20C (36F), a good OTEC system can create a significant amount of power. The actual oceans are

hence a huge natural resource, with the possibility to help us produce huge amounts of power in term of watts of electrical energy. This kind of prospective is estimated to be concerning watts amount associated with base load power generation, in accordance with a few specialists. The particular cold, strong seawater found in the particular OTEC process can be abundant with nutrition; therefore it may be employed to conserve sea micro creatures and also plants close to the coast or toward land

Any engine offers higher effectiveness and also power when operate with a huge temperatures variation. Inside seas the actual heat difference between surface area and seep waters is actually the finest with inside the tropics, despite the fact that nevertheless a moderate temperature something like between 20 to 25 C. Therefore, it is in the tropics that OTEC provides the very best opportunity to operate. OTEC has the possibility to offer us global quantities of energy up to a usually of 10 to 100 times the conventional ocean power generation like wind mills. OTEC plants can operate persistently offering base load handling of power generating units Where can it be located? Commercial ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) crops should be situated in a breeding ground which is stable enough with regard to efficient system operation. The actual temperature with the cozy surface seawater must differ concerning 20C (36F) through those of the cold deep water that's only about One thousand yards under the deck of the plant. The particular

normal marine thermal gradient necessary for OTEC procedure is generally found in among latitudes 20 deg N and as well as 20 deg N. Through this tropical zone there are usually a couple of commercial nationsthe Sri Lanka and also Australiaas nicely as 30 areas and 66 developing nations. Of most these types of feasible tropical island destinations along together using increasing energy needs and a reliance upon expensive natural gas will be the almost certainly locations regarding OTEC advancement. There are many methods that this plant could be established they would be Land or near the shore Platforms attached to the shelf Moorings or free-floating facilities in deep ocean water.

But we here would see only Land or near the shore methods as it would suit Sri Lanka well. Land or near the shore Land-based as well as near-shore amenities provide 3 principal advantages over individuals situated in deep water. Plants constructed up about or near property undertake and don't sophisticated moorage, prolonged energy cabling, or perhaps the more extensive upkeep associated with open-ocean environments. They could be in sheltered areas in order that they are usually relatively risk-free through storms and large oceans. Desalted water and also cold, nutrient-rich seawater could be transmitted through near-shore amenities by way of trestle connections or perhaps through jetties. Furthermore, this power plant could supply desalinized water to nearby objects as it has been purified before it enters the turbine The most suitable location would be those with narrow shelves mostly known as volcanic active islands, with 15-20 degrees steep offshore slops and smooth sea floors are encouraged when this system is put up. If these conditions are satisfied they could minimize the length of the intake pipe, which in the other hand reduce the capital cost that would be required to build them. A land base OTEC plant could be located well inland from the shore which will provide good protection against natural hazards and security threats could be averted.


Technological break through Sea water which is an important part of the OTEC plant. Where an OTEC plant has 2 Major cycle types which are known as closed-cycle and open-cycle.

This active system uses chemical with low boiling points, such as ammonia which is used in our AC systems. This chemical is then feed in to the turbine chamber for electricity generation. Sea water which is warm is then pumped through a heat exchanger which vaporizes and increases the temperature of the ammonia. Further this gas is will turn in to a turbocharged substance. Then cold water is pumped through the auxiliary system and fed into the second heat exchanger which in turn condenses the gas into liquid. Then this cycle rotates many times within the plant

Closed-cycle Open-cycle OTEC makes use of surface area of the warm water directly to make electrical power. Putting warm seawater inside a nonaggressive box causes it to boil. In some schemes, the actual growing vapor drives the nonaggressive turbine attached to an electric generator. The vapor, that has remaining its salt along with other impurities in the low-pressure container, is real fresh water. This method creates desalted fresh water, suitable for h2o or perhaps colonic sprinkler system


Benefits of OTEC plants Measurements on the technological advancements of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) plant and proof of this technology to be taken ahead is given below: Supports production of fuels such as hydrogen, methanol and ammonia Produces power to handle baseload electrical energy Produces desalinated water for industrial. Is an important reserve for on-shore and near-shore Mari culture operations Has significant potential to provide clean, cost-effective electricity for the future.

Tidal waves But not widely used, tidal strength offers possibility of future electrical energy era. Tides will be more predictable than wind energy and also solar powered energy. Between reasons for renewable energy, tidal energy offers typically endured fairly high cost as well as limited accessibility to geography locations with sufficiently large recurrent event ranges or circulation velocities, thus rigid the total accessibility. Nevertheless, numerous recent technological developments as well as advancements, at layout and design stage (e.g. dynamic tidal power, tidal lagoons) and also wind turbine owner technologies (e.g. new axial turbines, cross flow turbines), reveal that the complete option of periodic event energy might be greater compared to previously assumed, and that economic and environment costs could be brought into competing amounts.


Where can it be located? Tidal power conventionally includes building a dam across the opening of the tidal basin. The dam contains a sluice gate that will be opened to allow the tide to flow into the basin at high speed;; the sluice gate will then be sealed, and as the sea level drops , traditional hydropower technologies can be used to generate electricity from the elevated water in the basin. Some researchers are also trying to extract energy directly from tidal flow stream The power potential regarding the events basins is actually big the biggest facility, the La Rance stationed in France, produces Two hundred and forty megawatts associated power. Presently, France may be the simply region that successfully uses this particular energy origin. French designers have noted that if the use of tidal power on the global stage was brought to high enough amounts, the Earth would certainly slow the turn through 24 hours every single 2,000 years.

Energy extraction There are two ways that the energy could be extracted in tides we will look at them in brief

Wave Energy

Kinematic energy which is stored in the moving waves of the ocean. That energy if used in a single projectile form it can be used to influence rotation on a turbine. The tidal wave rises from the basin into a chamber. The increasing water level forces any air out of the chamber. The moving air exerts a pressure on the piston which is inside the chamber. This action spins a turbine which can turn a generator. When the waves decline, air flows through the piston barrel and back into the chamber through doors that are normally closed.


Tidal energy This form of marine energy extraction is called tidal energy. When tides come into the coast, they are confined in a reservoir behind dams. After the tide descents, the water inside the reservoir through dam can be let out like in a conventional hydroelectric power plant. If this technology to work well, there is a necessity of large rises in tides. An increase of at least 16 feet between low tide to high tide is needed. Some power plants are already operating using this idea. Certain plant in France makes sufficient amounts of energy from tides to power 240,000 homes.

4.4 Justifications for choice of energy source

Reason 1 Firstly this technology was selected because Sri Lanka is an island which is located within the South Asia. Where Sri Lanka main power generation is generated by fossil fuel plants the fuel price in production of electricity generation remains fixed toward the prices of crude oil, grounded on the normal use of HSFO fuel type as prices over decade it is observed that the price of electricity has gone similarly up. While Sri Lankas power is mostly produced out of natural gas, the prices of natural gas in commercial markets are also similarly to fuel oil prices; this is also similar to all countries in the Asian region. Therefore the electricity bill drifts towards the high Sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) price.


Prices of petrol and LPG have been increasing dramatically with inside the previous 5 years. These rates came down in 2009 in line to the western economic downturn,

Reason 2 Fossil fuels are one of the greatest threats for the atmosphere nowadays. Their burning in power plants and other places adds heavily to the concern of global warming, it pollutes the air, drinking water, waterways and also property, plus the output of acid rainfall can be noticed. When standard Fossil fuels are burnt a large amount in power plants Co2 are freed in to the atmosphere. This plays a vital role in the actual greenhouse effect, trapping and causing the sunshine's warmth to become exceedingly caught in the environment. When this occurs, global temps increase. Shedding with the polar glaciers lids causes sea levels to increase too


Therefore as a developing nation Sri Lanka cannot be trusting Fossil fuel for power generation as it is not governed by Sri Lanka officials. Therefore moving into Renewable energy sources as in this project OTEC and tidal plants have only a one time investment and the power to generate electricity is free as it is provide by mother nature, The second mater is the effect of global warming as Sri Lankas main power generating system is operated by fossil fuel therefore large amounts of fuel is burnt, adding tons of CO 2 and other harmful greenhouse gases into the environment.as Sri Lanka is an island adding Co2 will increase global temperature and melting of the glaziers could be observed as water levels will increases reducing fertile beaches of Sri Lanka.

4.5 Advantages and disadvantages of the alternative energy source Advantages The main benefit of using renewable energy is it remains because it remains renewable, therefore it will last for a longer time.it will certainly not go out.

A renewable energy service usually wants a lesser amount of servicing as compared to standard machines. Their gas being based on natural and also available resources cuts down on the costs associated with procedure. A lot more highly considered is that, renewable energy generates slight or no unwanted by products such as Co2 or additional harmful gas pollution, therefore provides small impact on environmental surroundings.

Renewable energy jobs may also deliver financial advantages to numerous local locations, as most developments remain situated away from huge metropolitan centers and surrounding outskirts of the capitals. These types of monetary advantages could be from your elevated utilization of native providers as good as it supports tourists who want to sight-seeing.


Disadvantages Distinguishing of ecological benefits that has risen during testing of renewable kinds of energy could be seen but we should similarly see its actual drawbacks of this source.

A single drawback along together using renewable power source is always that its sometimes complicated in producing the same quantity of electrical energy that its competitor which is the conventional fuel generators. This may signify that we may have to reduce the quantity of power that we use or simply just develop extra power generating units to cater the need. It also shows that the most effective means to fix our energy crisis is that we might experience an equilibrium or production of numerous diverse power sources.

Additional drawback of renewable power producing units may be the dependability of the source of generation. Renewable power frequently utilizes the climate factor for the purpose of power generation. For example Hydropower plants require rainy weather so that it can fill up the Dams to provide flowing of water. Winds turbines will have to have breeze to turn the blades, as well as solar accumulators require obvious air and sunlight to get to the standard temperature and to generate electricity. When these resources are usually unobtainable same with the capabilities of the plant to not deliver 100 percent output from the existing site . This method could be volatile and irregular. The current initial expense of renewable energy technologies can too be

significantly more than standard fossil fuel technology. The reason being it is a brand-completely innovative technology and as such has very big cost of capital.

4.6 Factors to be considered in putting up the energy source When putting up power plants we must see certain factors that would affect the operation and the efficiency for the power plant directly Weather Security Cost of operating

We would firstly why weather is an important factor in location a renewable power plant is that if a OTEC power plant is located in a fairly cooled weather area where it snows all the time we

would not be able to gather its full power were it is a waste of money and land area OTEC power plants must have a desirable weather condition where it has been stated in above chapters and the depth of the sea is very important for an OTEC plant to operate it is because of the temperature and pressure difference at deferent depth of the ocean where the plant is to be situated. And for a tidal power plant the weather is more important than an OTEC.as it complete is designed for a rough sea where its waves would be absorbed by the plants turbine. Therefore breeze weather is encouraged for a plant at sea


Security is a very important factor in construction of a plant as it has to be secured from natural hazards and terrorist attacks. Designers must keep in mind that all the systems that are critical for the power plant must be built using fail-safe units and backup plans. For an example cooling towers of an OTEC plant should have Auxiliary coolers in case that the primary fails. If this need is not meet it could be disastrous as the power plant would contain harmful gases and chemicals that could be air borne in a matter of minutes before it is contained, sufficient perimeter sensors and guards must be installed to keep away intruder and foreign treats away from the plants

Cost of operating

This is a less important factor as a renewable plant doesnt consume any foreign matter for its generating purposes as if there is a cost it would be labor which will include as these two plants are situated at sea, more geologists and engineers have to employed as it directly deals with forbidden ocean air where it is an arch enemy of iron and steel


Chapter 4: Comparison of energy sources 3.1 Comparisons Chart Tidal Plants VS HFSO.

OTEC Power Plants

Environmental Impact Minimal environmental impact

HFSO Possible environmental impact from drilling/transporting and

combustion Efficient Emissions Noise pollution Efficient Power plants have low emissions Entirely silent Highly efficient High CO2 emissions Very high noise pollution at full operation Initial Investment Running Cost Expensive Initial costs Low cost after the Less Expensive Initial costs initial Expensive running costs as fuel price fluctuation

investment Location To Start Up

OTEC grounds found in limited Easy start up could even located locations around the globe and adjacent to urbanized area only at sea


Risk of explosion very rare due Extremely deadly in case of fire to less combustion chemicals as petroleum is a good supporter of combustion

Existing Time On Earth

Not scalable

Source may drain before LPG and coal

Cost Of Transport


Easy to transport


3.2 Comparisons Chart Tidal Plants VS Diesel


Tidal Plants
Environmental Impact Efficient Little disruption of ecosystems Moderately high output directly related to wind speed

Cleanest-burning fossil fuel Often used in mixture with other fuels types and cells to increase efficiency in power generation Burns cleanly, but still has emissions


No emissions

Noise pollution

Zero Noise pollution

Very high noise pollution at full operation

Initial Investment

High compared to natural gas but Less Expensive Initial costs affordable

Running Cost

High ongoing maintenance costs

Expensive running costs as fuel price fluctuation

Location To Start Up

Not feasible for all geographic Easy start up but located in locations remote areas for safety

precautions Safety Very high, due to under water Safety increased by adding

synthetic odor so that it can easily detect the gas in case of a seepage out of tank Existing Time On Earth Not scalable Shortage of groundwork makes gas assets underground


unobtainable in some regions

3.3 Other factor that must be considered in putting up an alternative source.

Renewable energy faces prohibitively highand escalatingcapital costs

Japan Steel will be the only organization in the world that's capable regarding creating the pressure vessel of the OTEC plants containment vessel and the steel that is resistant to rusting, however it can only generate four annually. Even when Asia Steel increases its capability, energy organizations could be purchasing components in the international industry at any given time whenever China as well as India tends to be improving their own energy capacity to satisfy increasing energy requirements.

Supply bottlenecks, in conjunction with soaring item prices, have triggered massive price increases regarding renewable power plant , which can be already capital rigorous, although new apparatuses just have also ended up arriving on the site with a typical price of about four or five each year in the past 10 years.


Chapter 5: Conclusion To be sure we have a lot of power in the future; it really is around most of us to use energy wisely.

If we are to save power and also use it effectively. Additionally it is the designers well as engineers who are able to produce the new kinds of power sources in the foreseeable future. All powers producing sources have an impact on the surroundings environment. Concerns about the greenhouse gas and global warming, air pollution, and energy safety have generated increasing attention and much more increase in the field of renewable energy sources for example solar, wind, OTEC, Tidal power and hydrogen.

But we will need to continue to use non-renewable fuels and also nuclear energy till fresh, cleaner systems can easily replace them. For now, it really is around most of us.

The near future is ours, yet we need energy to get there.


CHAPTER 6: Harvard Referencing


Wikipedia.(2011). Renewableenergy. Available:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_ener gy. Last accessed 23 sep 2012


(2011). Renewable




countries. Available:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_developing_countries. Last accessed 23 sep 2012.






(2012). WHAT



ENERGY?. Available: http://www.energy.gov.lk/. Last accessed 23 sep 2012.


Stephen J. Chapman. (2001). Introduction to Power-Flow Studies. In:Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals. Australia: McGraw-Hill, Inc.. pg210







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