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Pulse Modulation Systems

(a) Sampling
1. A bandlimited signal is sampled at the Nyquist rate. The signal can be
recovered by passing the samples through
(a) an RC filter
(b) an envelope detector
(c) a PLL
(d) an ideal low-pass filter with the appropriate bandwidth
[GATE 2001: 1 Mark]
Soln. A continuous time signal is sampled at Nyquist rate
i.e. =


It can be fully recovered.

The spectrum F() repeats periodically without overlap. The signal
can be recovered by passing sampled signal through a low pass filter
with sharp cut- off at frequency .
Option (d)

2. A deterministic signal has the power spectrum given in figure. The

minimum sampling rate needed to completely represent signal is

-2 -1.5 -1

(a) 1 KHz
(b) 2 KHz

1 1.5 2

(c) 3 KHz
(d) none of these
[GATE 1997: 1 Mark]

Soln. The given power spectrum has main lobe and other side lobes. We
observe that the maximum frequency of main lobe is 1KHz.

practically about 90% of the total signal lies in the major lobe. So
maximum frequency of the signal can be taken as 1 KHz.
Minimum sampling rate (Nyquist rate) = 2fm
Nyquist rate = =
Option (b)

3. A signal has frequency components from 300 Hz to 1.8 KHz. The

minimum possible rate at which the signal has to be sampled is --[GATE 1991: 2 Marks]

Soln. This is the case of band pass sampling

Bandwidth = = =
Now, =
( ) =


= . , = .

= /

Ans. 3600 samples/sec

4. Flat top sampling of low pass signals

(a) gives rise to aperture effect
(b) implies oversampling
(c) leads to aliasing
(d) introducing delay distortion
[GATE 1998: 1 Mark]
Soln. Flat top sampling of low pass signal has the spectrum of sinc function
where amplitude of high frequency components is reduced. This
affect is called Aperture effect. An aperture refers to the sampling
process as window (aperture) of finite time width through which
signal voltage is observed.

This can be reduced by either increasing the sampling frequency or

reducing sampling aperture width. As width increases loss increases
Option (a)

5. Increased pulse width in the flat top sampling leads to

(a) attenuation of high frequencies in reproduction
(b) attenuation of low frequencies in reproduction
(c) greater aliasing errors in reproduction
(d) no harmful effects in reproduction
[GATE 1994: 1 Mark]
Soln. For flat top sampling the spectrum is of sinc function, where the
amplitude of high frequency component is reduced. This effect is
called aperture effect.
As the sampling aperture increases i.e. increase of pulse width -----there will be more loss in high frequency components.
Option (a)

6. A 1.0 KHz signal is flat top sampled at the rate of 1800 samples/sec and
the samples are applied to an ideal rectangular LPF with cut-off
frequency of 1100 Hz, then the output of the filter contains
(a) only 800 Hz component
(b) 800 Hz and 900 Hz components
(c) 800 Hz and 1000 Hz components
(d) 800 Hz, 900 Hz and 100 Hz components
[GATE 1995: 1 Mark]
Soln. Given
= . /
The frequency components in the sampled signal are

For = ,

= =

= , . . . &

= , . . . &
Cutoff frequency of LPF 1100 Hz
So, 800 Hz & 1000 Hz components will appear at the output
Option (c)

7. The Nyquist sampling interval, for the signal sin (700 ) + sin (500 )







[GATE 2001: 2 Marks]

Soln. Signal is given as
() + ()

() ()

The maximum frequency component is

Or =

The Nyquist rate is


Sampling interval ( ) =

Option (c)
8. The Nyquist sampling frequency (in Hz) of a signal given by 6
104 sin 2 (400) 106 sin 3 (100) is
(a) 200
(c) 1500
(b) 300
(d) 1000
[GATE 1999: 2 Marks]


The signal given is

() ()

Let the given function is f(t) and

() = ()
() = ()
We know that
() () (). ()
Convolution in time domains is product is frequency domain
Bandwidth of
() = / = /
Due to term
Bandwidth of
() = = /
Due to term
Then (). () will have bandwidth of 150Hz only (since product
of two spectrums)
Sampling frequency is =
Option (b)

9. Four independent massages have bandwidths of 100 Hz. 100 Hz, 200 Hz
and 400 Hz, respectively. Each is sampled at the Nyquist rate, and the
samples are Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) and transmitted. The
transmitted rate (in Hz) is

(a) 1600
(b) 800

(c) 400
(d) 200
[GATE 1999: 2 Marks]

Soln. Four messages are sampled at the Nyquist rate

I message =

II message =
III message =
IV message =
So there are 1600 samples in 1 sec
So, the speed of commutator is 1600 samples per sec
Option (a)

10. A signal () = 100 cos(24 103 ) is ideally sampled with a

sampling period of 50 sec and then passed through an ideal low pass
filter with cutoff frequency of 15 KHz. Which of the following frequency
is/are per present at the filter output?
(a) 12 KHz only
(b) 8 KHz only
(c) 12 KHz and 9 KHz
(d) 12 KHz and 8 KHz
[GATE 2002: 2 Marks]
Soln. Signal frequency

Sampling period =
So =

After sampling, signal will have frequency and

i.e. 12 KHz and 20 KHz 12 KHz = 8 KHz
so, after filter the frequency present will be 12 KHz and 8 KHz
Option (d)

Note that sampling frequency (20 KHz) is less than 2 fm (24 KHz)
Nyquist rate, so there will be aliasing error.
11. Let () = 2 cos(800) + cos(1400). () is sampled with the
rectangular pulse train shown in the figure. The only spectral components

(in KHz) present in the sampled signal in the frequency range 2.5 KHz to
3.5 KHz are


(a) 2.7, 3.4

(b) 3.3, 3.6

(c) 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6

(d) 2.7, 3.3
[GATE 2003: 2 Marks]

Soln. Given = so frequency =

= of pulse train.

To determine frequency components in pulse train we find Fourier

series Coefficient Cn



( )

[ ]
( )

. .

( ) =
( )
( )

From Cn we see that harmonics present are 1,2,3,4,5,7-------So p(t) has 1 KHz, 2 KHz, 4 KHz------The signal has frequency components 0.4 KHz and 0.7 KHz

The sampled signal will be () () will have

1 0.4 and 1 0.7 KHz
2 0.4 and 2 0.7 KHz
3 0.4 and 3 0.7 KHz etc
In the frequency range of 2.5 KHz to 3.5 KHz
The frequency present are
2 + 0.7 = 2.7 KHz
4 0.7 = 3.3 KHz
Option (d)

12. The Nyquist sampling rate for the signal () =

given by
(a) 400 Hz
(b) 600 Hz




(c) 1200 Hz
(d) 1400 Hz
[GATE 2010: 2 Marks]

Soln. Given

() =

() ()

() . ()

[( ) ( + )]

[() ()]


Maximum frequency component

Nyquist sampling rate

= =
Option (c)

13. Consider a sample signal


() = 5 106 () ( )

() = 10 cos(8 103 ) = 100
When y(t) is passed through an ideal low-pass filter with a cutoff
frequency of 5 kHz, the output of the filter is
(a) 5 106 cos(8 103 )
(b) 5 105 cos(8 103 )
(c) 5 101 cos(8 103 )
(d) 100 cos(8 103 )
[GATE 2002: 1 Mark]
Soln. Given, the sample signal

() = () ( )

() = ( )
Note, Fourier series expansion of impulse train is

() =

[ + + + ]

Sampled signal can be written as

. ().

[ + + ]

. ( ) [ + + ]

= ( ) [ + + ]
It is passed through 5 KHz filter then the output will be
( )
Option (c)

14.If Eb, the energy per bit of a binary digital signal, is 10-5 watt-sec and the
one-sided power spectral density of the white noise, 0 = 106 W/Hz,
then the output SNR of the matched filter is
(a) 26 dB
(c) 20 dB
(b) 10 dB
(d) 13 dB
[GATE 2003: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given
= /
SNR of matched filter

= =

() = =
Option (d)

15. The transfer function of a zero-order hold is


( )

(c) 1

( )

[GATE 1988: 2 Marks]

Soln. Zero order holding circuit holds the input signal value for a period of
T, for an input of short duration () it produces an output pulse
duration T.

Input () = ()

() =

Output () = () ( )

, () =

() =

Option (a)

(b) Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)

16.An analog voltage in the range 0 to 8 V is divided in 16 equal intervals
for conversion to 4-bit digital output. The maximum quantization error
(in V) is _____________
[GATE 2014: 1 Mark]
Soln. Given,
Dynamic range or voltage range = 0 to 8 V

Number of levels = 16
Maximum quantization error



= .

= .

Quantization error is 0.25 V

17.Compression in PCM refers to relative compression of

(a) higher signal amplitudes
(b) lower signal amplitudes
(c) lower signal frequencies
(d) higher signal frequencies
[GATE 1999: 1 Mark]
Soln. In PCM, Companding results in making SNR uniform irrespective
of signal amplitude level.
In formed from two words compressing and expanding
In PCM, analog signal values are rounded on a non-linear scale. The
data is compressed before it is sent and then expanded at the
receiving end using same non-linear scale.
So right option is compression of higher signal amplitudes
Option (a)

18. The line code that has zero dc component for pulse transmission of
random binary data is

(a) non-return to zero (NRZ)

(b) return to zero (RN)
(c) alternate mark inversion (AM)
(d) none of the above
[GATE 1997: 1 Mark]
Soln. There are two types coding
Source coding techniques are used in PCM and DM. In this
analog signal is converted to digital i.e. train of binary digits
Line coding converts stream of binary digits into a formal or
code which is more suitable for transmission over a cable or
any other medium
Alternate mark inversion (AMI) code has zero dc component for
pulse transmission of random binary data
Option (c)

19.The signal to quantization noise ratio in an n-bit PCM system

(a) depends upon the sampling frequency employed
(b) is independent of the value of n
(c) increasing with increasing value of n
(d) decreases with the increasing value of n
[GATE 1995: 1 Mark]
Soln. Signal to quantization noise in an n bit PCM is

( ) = () = . ()

Where n is number of bits in the word of binary PCM.

It can be written in dBs

() = ( )

= . + ()

From above equations (S/N) increases with n

Option (c)

20. If the number bits per sample in a PCM system is increased from and n
to (n+1), the improvement is signal to quantization nose ratio will be
(a) 3 dB
(c) 2 n dB
(b) 6 dB
(d) n dB
[GATE 1995: 1 Mark]

( )

Soln. Note

= (. + )

() = . +
() = . + ( + ) = . + +
() () = . + + . =
So for every one bit increase in bits per sample will result is 6 dB
improvement in signal to quantization ratio
Option (b)

21.The bandwidth required for the transmission of a PCM signal increases

by a factor of ____________ when the number of quantization levels is
increased from 4 to 64.
[GATE 1994: 1 Mark]
Soln. () =
Where n number of bits in PCM code
fm signal bandwidth
= =
= =
() = =
() = =
() = ()
So, increase is 3 times

22. The number of bits in a binary PCM system is increased from n to n+1.
As a result, the signal quantization noise ratio will improve by a factor
(a) ( + 1)/
(b) 2(+1)/
(c) 22(+1)/
(d) Which is independent of n
[GATE 1996: 2 Marks]


For =
= +

() =

() =

(+) +

= [ . ]


So, () = ()
Note that signal to quantization noise increases by factor of 4. So this
is improvement in SQNR is independent of n
Option (d)

23.In a PCM system with uniform quantization, increasing the number of

bits from 8 to 9 will reduce the quantization noise power by a factor of
(a) 9
(c) 4
(b) 8
(d) 2
[GATE 1998: 1 Mark]
Soln. Quantization noise in PCM is given by

() =

( )

= = = = =

( )

( ) =

( )

Quantization noise reduces by a factor of 4

Option (c)

24. The peak to peak input to an 8 bit PCM coder is 2 volts. The signal
power to quantization noise power ratio (in dB) for an input of
0.5 cos is
(a) 47.8
(c) 95.6
(b) 43.8
(d) 99.6
[GATE 1999: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given
No. of bits = 8
Or = = =

( )

= . +

= . + = .
Option (b)

25.A signal is sampled at 8 KHz and is quantized using 8-bit uniform

quantizer. Assuming SNRq for a sinusoidal signal, the correct statement
for PCM signal with a bit rate of R is
(a) = 32 , = 25.8
(b) = 64 , = 49.8
(c) = 64 , = 55.8
(d) = 32 , = 49.8
[GATE 2003: 2 Marks]

Given sampling rate = 8 KHz

Then bit rate = = =
= (. + . . )
= . + .
= .
Option (b)

26. In a PCM system, if the code word length is increased from 6 to 8 bits,
the signal to quantization noise ratio improves by the factor
(a) 8/6
(c) 16
(b) 12
(d) 8
[GATE 2004: 1 Mark]
Soln. Note that

( )

= =

( )

= =

( )

( )

= = =

Option (c)

27. A sinusoidal signal with peak to peak amplitude of 1.536 V is quantized

into 128 levels using a midrise uniform quantizer. The quantization noise
power is
(a) 0.768 V
(c) 12 166 2
(b) 48 106 2
(d) 3.072 V
[GATE 2003: 2 Marks]
Soln. Note

() =

= .

Quantization noise
(. )
( ) =

Option (c)

28. A signal having uniformly distributed amplitude in the interval (-V to

+V), is to be encoded using PCM with uniform quantization. The signal
to quantizing noise ratio is determined by the
(a) dynamic
(b) sampling
(c) number of quantizing levels
(d) power spectrum of signal
[GATE 1988: 2 Marks]

Soln. The signal is uniformly distributed in the interval V to +V, the PDF
is shown in figure.


Area under PDF is unity

[ ()] =

= =

So () = {

Signal power

( )

= = () = .
. =
[ ] =


Quantization noise ( ) =


= ( ) .

( ) =


( )

So, signal to quantizing noise ratio is determined by number of
quantizing levels
Option (c)

29. In a PCM systems, the signal () = {sin(100 + cos(100 ))} is

sampled at the Nyquist rate. The samples are processed by a uniform
quantizer with step size 0.75V. The minimum data rate of the PCM
system in bits per seccond is
[GATE 2014: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given, () = + = . [ + ]
Step size = .



, =

Frequency of signal f = 50 Hz
Nyquist rate = 100
Bit rate ( ) = =
= /
30. An analog signal is band-limited to 4 KHz, sampled at the Nyquist rate
and the samples levels are assumed to be independent and equally
probable. If we transmit two quantized samples per second, the
information rate is
(a) 1 bit/sec
(c) 3 bits/sec
(b) 2 bits/sec
(d) 4 bits/sec
[GATE 2011: 1 Mark]

Soln. Signal is band limited to 4 KHz

Nyquist rate = =
Levels = 4 i.e. = =
The number of bits = 2
Each sample requires 2 bits.
Two samples per second are transmitted so, the number of bits per
= /
Option (d)

31. In a baseband communication link, frequencies up to 3500 Hz are used

for, signaling. Using a raised cosine pulse with 75% excess bandwidth
and for no inter-symbol interference, the maximum possible signaling
rate in symbols per second is
(a) 1750
(c) 4000
(b) 2625
(d) 5250
[GATE 2012: 1 Mark]
Soln. Given
Signaling frequency (f) = 3500 Hz
Excess bandwidth used is = . =
We know that

Where Rb is the data rate

() =

, = = =
Option (d)

(c) Delta Modulation

32. In delta modulation, the slope overload distortion can be reduced by
(a) decreasing the step size
(b) decreasing the granular noise
(c) decreasing the sampling noise
(d) increasing the step size
[GATE 2007: 2 Marks]
Soln. When the slope of analog signal is much higher than that of
approximated digital signal, then this difference is called slope
overload distortion.
Condition to avoid slop overload in delta modulation is

. ()


From above equation we observe that if step size is increased, slope
overload distortion can be avoided.

33.In the output of a DM speech encoder, the consecutive pulses are of

opposite polarity during time interval 1 2 . This indicates that
during this interval
(a) the input to the modulator is essentially constant
(b) the modulator is going through slope overload
(c) the accumulator is in saturation
(d) the speech signal is being sampled at the Nyquist rate
[GATE 2004: 1 Mark]
Soln. Given
During the interval
The consecutive pulses of encoder are of opposite polarity.

In between the two adjacent sample values, if the baseband signal

changes by an amount less than the step size, the output of Delta
Modulator is sequence of alternate positive and negative pulses.
This small change in base band signal indicates that the baseband is
almost constant
Option (a)

34. The input to a linear delta modulator having a step-size = 0.628 is a

sine wave with frequency fm and peak amplitude Em. If the sampling
frequency fs = 40 KHz, the combination of the sine-wave frequency and
the peak amplitude, where slope overload will take place is
(a) 0.3 V
8 KHz
(b) 1.5 V
4 KHz
(c) 1.5 V
3 KHz
(d) 3.0 V
1 KHz
[GATE 2003: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given
= .
() =
Slope overload takes place

. ()


, . .

(a) . = .
(b) . =
(c) . =
(d) =
Option (b)

35. The minimum step-size required for a Delta-Modulation operating at

32K samples/sec to track the signal (here u(t) is the unit-step function)
() = 125{() ( 1)} + (250 125){( 1) ( 2)}
so that slope-overload is avoided would be
(a) 210
(c) 26
(d) 24
(b) 28
[GATE 2006: 2 Marks]
() = [() ( )] + ( )[( ) ( )]
To avoid slope overload


, .

Option (b)

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