1 To 11
1 To 11
1 To 11
(a) Sampling
1. A bandlimited signal is sampled at the Nyquist rate. The signal can be
recovered by passing the samples through
(a) an RC filter
(b) an envelope detector
(c) a PLL
(d) an ideal low-pass filter with the appropriate bandwidth
[GATE 2001: 1 Mark]
Soln. A continuous time signal is sampled at Nyquist rate
i.e. =
-2 -1.5 -1
(a) 1 KHz
(b) 2 KHz
1 1.5 2
(c) 3 KHz
(d) none of these
[GATE 1997: 1 Mark]
Soln. The given power spectrum has main lobe and other side lobes. We
observe that the maximum frequency of main lobe is 1KHz.
practically about 90% of the total signal lies in the major lobe. So
maximum frequency of the signal can be taken as 1 KHz.
Minimum sampling rate (Nyquist rate) = 2fm
Nyquist rate = =
Option (b)
= . , = .
= /
6. A 1.0 KHz signal is flat top sampled at the rate of 1800 samples/sec and
the samples are applied to an ideal rectangular LPF with cut-off
frequency of 1100 Hz, then the output of the filter contains
(a) only 800 Hz component
(b) 800 Hz and 900 Hz components
(c) 800 Hz and 1000 Hz components
(d) 800 Hz, 900 Hz and 100 Hz components
[GATE 1995: 1 Mark]
Soln. Given
= . /
The frequency components in the sampled signal are
For = ,
= =
= , . . . &
= , . . . &
Cutoff frequency of LPF 1100 Hz
So, 800 Hz & 1000 Hz components will appear at the output
Option (c)
7. The Nyquist sampling interval, for the signal sin (700 ) + sin (500 )
() ()
Sampling interval ( ) =
Option (c)
8. The Nyquist sampling frequency (in Hz) of a signal given by 6
104 sin 2 (400) 106 sin 3 (100) is
(a) 200
(c) 1500
(b) 300
(d) 1000
[GATE 1999: 2 Marks]
9. Four independent massages have bandwidths of 100 Hz. 100 Hz, 200 Hz
and 400 Hz, respectively. Each is sampled at the Nyquist rate, and the
samples are Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) and transmitted. The
transmitted rate (in Hz) is
(a) 1600
(b) 800
(c) 400
(d) 200
[GATE 1999: 2 Marks]
II message =
III message =
IV message =
So there are 1600 samples in 1 sec
So, the speed of commutator is 1600 samples per sec
Option (a)
Sampling period =
So =
Note that sampling frequency (20 KHz) is less than 2 fm (24 KHz)
Nyquist rate, so there will be aliasing error.
11. Let () = 2 cos(800) + cos(1400). () is sampled with the
rectangular pulse train shown in the figure. The only spectral components
(in KHz) present in the sampled signal in the frequency range 2.5 KHz to
3.5 KHz are
= of pulse train.
( )
[ ]
( )
. .
( ) =
( )
( )
From Cn we see that harmonics present are 1,2,3,4,5,7-------So p(t) has 1 KHz, 2 KHz, 4 KHz------The signal has frequency components 0.4 KHz and 0.7 KHz
(c) 1200 Hz
(d) 1400 Hz
[GATE 2010: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given
() =
() ()
() . ()
[( ) ( + )]
[() ()]
= =
Option (c)
() = 5 106 () ( )
() = 10 cos(8 103 ) = 100
When y(t) is passed through an ideal low-pass filter with a cutoff
frequency of 5 kHz, the output of the filter is
(a) 5 106 cos(8 103 )
(b) 5 105 cos(8 103 )
(c) 5 101 cos(8 103 )
(d) 100 cos(8 103 )
[GATE 2002: 1 Mark]
Soln. Given, the sample signal
() = () ( )
() = ( )
Note, Fourier series expansion of impulse train is
() =
[ + + + ]
. ().
[ + + ]
. ( ) [ + + ]
= ( ) [ + + ]
It is passed through 5 KHz filter then the output will be
( )
Option (c)
14.If Eb, the energy per bit of a binary digital signal, is 10-5 watt-sec and the
one-sided power spectral density of the white noise, 0 = 106 W/Hz,
then the output SNR of the matched filter is
(a) 26 dB
(c) 20 dB
(b) 10 dB
(d) 13 dB
[GATE 2003: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given
= /
SNR of matched filter
= =
() = =
Option (d)
( )
(c) 1
( )
Input () = ()
() =
Output () = () ( )
, () =
() =
Option (a)
Number of levels = 16
Maximum quantization error
= .
= .
18. The line code that has zero dc component for pulse transmission of
random binary data is
( ) = () = . ()
() = ( )
= . + ()
20. If the number bits per sample in a PCM system is increased from and n
to (n+1), the improvement is signal to quantization nose ratio will be
(a) 3 dB
(c) 2 n dB
(b) 6 dB
(d) n dB
[GATE 1995: 1 Mark]
( )
Soln. Note
= (. + )
() = . +
() = . + ( + ) = . + +
() () = . + + . =
So for every one bit increase in bits per sample will result is 6 dB
improvement in signal to quantization ratio
Option (b)
22. The number of bits in a binary PCM system is increased from n to n+1.
As a result, the signal quantization noise ratio will improve by a factor
(a) ( + 1)/
(b) 2(+1)/
(c) 22(+1)/
(d) Which is independent of n
[GATE 1996: 2 Marks]
For =
= +
() =
() =
(+) +
= [ . ]
So, () = ()
Note that signal to quantization noise increases by factor of 4. So this
is improvement in SQNR is independent of n
Option (d)
() =
( )
= = = = =
( )
( ) =
( )
24. The peak to peak input to an 8 bit PCM coder is 2 volts. The signal
power to quantization noise power ratio (in dB) for an input of
0.5 cos is
(a) 47.8
(c) 95.6
(b) 43.8
(d) 99.6
[GATE 1999: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given
No. of bits = 8
Or = = =
( )
= . +
= . + = .
Option (b)
26. In a PCM system, if the code word length is increased from 6 to 8 bits,
the signal to quantization noise ratio improves by the factor
(a) 8/6
(c) 16
(b) 12
(d) 8
[GATE 2004: 1 Mark]
Soln. Note that
( )
= =
( )
= =
( )
( )
= = =
Option (c)
() =
= .
Quantization noise
(. )
( ) =
Option (c)
Soln. The signal is uniformly distributed in the interval V to +V, the PDF
is shown in figure.
= =
So () = {
Signal power
( )
= = () = .
. =
[ ] =
Quantization noise ( ) =
= ( ) .
( ) =
( )
So, signal to quantizing noise ratio is determined by number of
quantizing levels
Option (c)
, =
Frequency of signal f = 50 Hz
Nyquist rate = 100
Bit rate ( ) = =
= /
30. An analog signal is band-limited to 4 KHz, sampled at the Nyquist rate
and the samples levels are assumed to be independent and equally
probable. If we transmit two quantized samples per second, the
information rate is
(a) 1 bit/sec
(c) 3 bits/sec
(b) 2 bits/sec
(d) 4 bits/sec
[GATE 2011: 1 Mark]
() =
, = = =
Option (d)
. ()
From above equation we observe that if step size is increased, slope
overload distortion can be avoided.
. ()
, . .
(a) . = .
(b) . =
(c) . =
(d) =
Option (b)
, .
Option (b)