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Operations Management-Course Syllabus

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The key takeaways are that the course provides an introduction to production operations management and decision making techniques used in production and service operations. It aims to help students realize their full potential both individually and collaboratively.

The expected learning outcomes are that students will develop passion for excellence by solving quantitative problems accurately, construct computations by identifying relevant information, summarize knowledge by applying tools and techniques to solve problems, exhibit faith and importance of ethics, and manifest patriotism by pursuing triple bottom line productivity and corporate social responsibility.

The final product requirements are a comprehensive case analysis of a production operations case that integrates the whole process and prepares the case in good form with quantitative/qualitative measurements, interpretations and implications for stakeholders. Students must act as an operational professional helping stakeholders make ethical and socially responsible business decisions.


College of Business Administration

Graduate Studies in Business
Course Title

Technology and Operations Management

Course Code
Units Earned
E-mail Address
Consultation Period


Dr. Jonathan D. Mondero
jomondero@yahoo.com or
1:00pm to 3:00pm Sat


Guided by the values of faith, zeal for service, and communion in mission, this course uncovers the meaning of production operations management --- how
this information is used by decision makers in different business roles. This is achieved by helping you realize your full potential (has passion for
excellence) individually and in collaboration with diverse stakeholders, and thereafter, in participating responsibly in church (God- loving), industry, and
nation-building (patriotic).
This introductory course intends to make you conversant and familiar with the conceptual and procedural aspects of production operations management. It
will provide you with the basic knowledge of how quantitative and qualitative decision making is used in the day to day operation of production and service
operation decision makers, and the techniques and methods are used to classify, summarize and present meaningful operation from a mass of business
data. Since production operations management is so pervasive, an understanding of its uses and limitations is valuable whether you will eventually
become the chief executive/operating officer, marketing manager, a finance manager, an entrepreneur, or a local government official.


Expected Lasallian Graduate
Attributes (ELGAs)

At the end of the course, the following are expected to be realized:

Has passion for excellence


Practice accuracy and precision in the mathematical aspect of production operations by solving
quantitative problems.
Construct the basic computations by identifying the relevant information necessary to complete a
correct statement.
Summarize acquired knowledge and skills by applying the relevant tools, methods and techniques to
solve the different production operations management problems.
Exhibit faith by interpreting, judging, and evaluating classroom realities in the light of the Gospel.


Demonstrate the importance of ethics and Christian-like actions in production operations management
by emphasizing the importance of truthfulness, integrity, competence, objectivity, honesty, and
precision in the light of decision-making.
Manifest the spirit of patriotism by being involved in the pursuit attaining productivity of triple bottom
line production operations and corporate social responsibility.
Demonstrate the spirit of patriotism by being informed with new operations practices that affects
current national economic issues.

III. FINAL PRODUCT: Comprehensive Production Operations Case Analysis / Course Documentation (Book Bind)
The goal is to solve a comprehensive production operation case by integrating the whole production operation process and appropriately prepare
operations cases in good form with accompanying measurement of quantitative/qualitative and their interpretation, and their implications to various stakeholders.
o You shall act as a operational professional helping the various stakeholders come up with a business decision that is in line with the concept of
corporate social responsibility (Patriotic).
o You are responsible in preparing ethical production operations statements that will result to Christian-like business decision and action (Godloving).
o Your production/service l statement must clearly incorporate the correct flow of the quantitative techniques cycle, identify concepts and principle
relevant to the case, and effectively present the interpretation and analysis of the relevant results (Has passion for excellence).
ELGA-based rubric for the final output (adapted from http://www.rcampus.com)
A. Has Passion for excellence
Performance Element

(1 pt.)

Partially Proficient

(3 pts.)

(4 pts.)

Qualitative techniques

Shows little to no
understanding of the
decision making

Shows a basic
understanding of the
decision making

Shows a good
understanding of the
decision making

Shows a well developed

understanding of the
decision making

Quantitative techniques

Shows little to no
understanding of the
quantitative computational

Shows a basic
understanding of the
quantitative computational

Shows a good
understanding of the
quantitative computational

Shows a well developed

understanding of the
quantitative computational


B. Patriotic
Performance Element

(1 pt.)

Partially Proficient

(3 pts.)

(4 pts.)

Integrating social
responsibility into
business case

Students fail to
characterize and integrate
the different models of
social responsibility

Students correctly
characterize and integrate
at least two models of
social responsibility.

Students correctly
characterize and integrate
the three models of social

Essay shows insightful

characterization and
integration of social
responsibility in the
business case

Position on Social
Responsibility Case

Students fail to choose

fully a position on social
responsibility, to clarify this
position in the paper, and
to defend this position
against possible

Answers that somewhat

meet expectations exhibit
a social responsibility
stance, an explanation of
the stance, and some
defense against possible

Answers that meet

expectations exhibit a
clear social responsibility
stance, a clear explanation
of the stance, and a full
defense against possible

Answer shows exceptional

insight into the social
responsibility position
chosen, an illuminating
characterization of that
position, and a sharp
defense that takes into
account serious

Partially Proficient

(3 pts.)

(4 pts.)


C. God-loving
Performance Element

(1 pt.)

Ethical Awareness

No analysis provided.

Authoritative rule driven

without justification.
Position may be less
definitive (e.g., "should do"
vs. "must do").

Applies rule or standard

considering potential
consequences or conflicts.

Correctly applies ethical


Use of established
ethical construct

Defaults to a superior or
authority without further

Minimal effort at analysis

and justification.

Correctly recognizes
applicability of ethical

Uses an established
ethical construct
appropriately. Considers




aspects of competence
and responsibility of key

Citing of Analogous

Takes a definitive and

unambiguous position
without justification.

Recognizes that contexts

of concepts must be

May cite analogous cases.

Cites analogous cases

with appropriate rationale.

Evaluation of key actors

in the case.

Any analysis appears to

have been done without
reference (explicit or
implicit) to guidelines,
rules or authority.

May miss or misinterpret

key point or position

Incomplete specification of
contexts of concepts.

Thorough evaluation of
competence and
responsibility of key actors


Major exam
Class participation


Major exam
Culminating Performance
Reports (Plant Immersion)





Teaching Strategies

Class Activities

Midterm (18 hours = 15 hours classroom-based + 3 hours midterm examination):

Introduction to Production Operations
Chapter 1- Introduction to Production
Operations Management

Chapter 2 - Competitiveness,
Strategy, and Productivity

God loving - Gospel reading

Stevenson, Willian Production
Operations Management based on
Kolbs (Experiential Group Learning
Model) ELM

GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Step 1: Group Formation (GF) Large

classes need to be divided into study
groups of three to six students.
Formation of groups can provide support
for individual students who are having
difficulty with a specific learning stage.

Introduction to Operations
(Passionate for excellence)

Step 2: Concrete Experience (CE)

During Concrete Experience stage of
instructional cycle, purpose is to present
students with samples of objects,
artifacts, behaviors, processes, or
phenomena found in practice.

Step 3: Reflective Observation (RO)

After students have observed samples of
concepts, concepts are proved
deductively, expanded, and added to
related concepts. Instructional method in
this stage is usually deductive lecture
and discussion.

Operations Principles and Ethical Standards (


Step 4: Abstract Conceptualization

(AC) Students are now ready to enter
theory-building and problem-testing
stage of learning cycle. The most
effective system of instruction is a
problem solving lab environment.

Strategies and its importance (Passionate for



Class Policies (Patriotic)

Chapter 3- Forecasting

Step 5: Active Experimentation (AE):

Learning process in this stage leads to
application of what has been learned to
practical problems encountered by
practitioners. Role-play and simulation
gaming are teaching methods used for
this stage.

AC, AE, E: Cases of ethical dilemma in production

operations. Self and group assessment

Step 6: Evaluation (E): Evaluation

instruments such as quizzes and tests
are part of feedback mechanism that
teacher uses to inform students of their
progress in learning environment. The
evaluative instruments should include a
variety of questions that incorporate
each level of Blooms taxonomy of
objectives (Knowledge, Comprehension,
Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and

God loving - Gospel reading

Passionate for excellence, Patriotic, and God loving

Discussion on the following topics

Qualitative Approaches to Forecasting

Quantitative Techniques

Types of Forecasting Techniques

Choosing the right Forecasting techniques for

Business Decision Making
AC, AE, E: Computation using quantitative approach
moving average, exponential smoothing, trend
regression analysis, MAD, MSE,MAPE. Tracking signal,
Self and group assessment on the computation of
forecasting techniques.
Chapter 4- Product and Service Design

God loving - Gospel reading

Passionate for excellence, god loving, and patriotic
GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Stages of Product and Service Design


Technology and Innovation Discussions

Problem Solving on the Capacity for Product

and Service

AC, AE, E: Problem Solving, Self and group

Chapter 5- Capacity Planning

Capacity Planning Challenges in

Complex Operations (Experiential
Group Learning Model) ELM

God loving - Gospel reading

Passionate for excellence, god loving, and patriotic
GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Capacity Discussion

Break even analysis

Productivity computations and Capacity


Problem Solving on the Capacity for Product

and Service
AC, AE, E: Problem Solving, Self and group
Chapter 6- Process Selection and
Facility Layout

Identifying Processes in each Operations

in Production or Services. Assessment
of Current Facility Layout and
Improvements of Proposed Layout as
manifested by their Independent Study
on their respected companies

God loving - Gospel reading

Independent Study and Assessments

and Improvements of their own
company Facility Layout

Passionate for excellence, god loving, and patriotic

GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Identifying processes in any operation

Designing of Facility Layout in Operation

AC, AE, E: Problem Solving, actual production of Smiley

face greeting card by the groups, Self and group
assessment on process and facility layout.
Research: Assessment of Facility layout of your company
Final/Culminating: (27 hours =21 hours classroom-based + 3 hours research day/CSR Activity + 3 hours final exam)
Chapter 7- Design of Work System

Production process on the chosen

product assembly

God loving - Gospel reading

Passionate for excellence, god loving, and patriotic

GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Chapter 8 - Location Planning and


Location Planning and Analysis of

companies(Experiential Group Learning
Model) ELM

Simulation of Design of Work Systems by

manufacturing Sandwich Assembly

Discussion on the Time and Motion and Work


Transportation Model
AC, AE, E: Problem Solving, Internal control evaluation
case, Self and group assessment on Design of work
systems. Critique of relevant Research paper on current
issues of current time and motion study
God loving - Gospel reading
Passionate for excellence, god loving, and patriotic
GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Need and Nature of Location Decisions

General procedures for making Location


Factors that affect Location Decisions

Chapters 9 & 10- Management of

Quality and Quality Control

Management Quality Gurus based on

Heizer (Experiential Group Learning
Model) ELM
Quality Issues and Improvements in
their Companies (Experiential Group
Learning Model) ELM

AC, AE, E: Problem Solving, Self and group

God loving - Gospel reading

Patriotic - Group discussion: Total Quality Management

on the Workplace
Passionate for excellence Library/ research work,
application of the TQM in work places
God-loving, patriotic, and passionate for excellence Culminating activity:Sharing of best practices in terms of
Quality Management Self and group assessment,
Critique of relevant Research paper on current issues of
Quality tools and Management.
Discussion on the following topics:

Chapter 11- Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Practices

The transportation Model

Quality Gurus
Total Quality Management
Quality Controls/Systems
7 Quality Control tools

God loving - Gospel reading

in Companies (Experiential Group

Learning Model) ELM

Chapter 12- Inventory Management

Chapter 13- Aggregate Planning and


Inventory Management Issues and

Improvements in their Companies
(Experiential Group Learning Model)

Aggregate Planning and Scheduling

Strategies and Tactics (Experiential
Group Learning Model) ELM

Patriotic - Group discussion: Global Supply Chain

Passionate for excellence Library/ research work,
industry SCM strategies
God-loving, patriotic, and passionate for excellence Culminating activity:Sharing of best practices in terms of
Supply Chain Management, Self and group assessment,
Challenges, Critique of relevant Research paper on
current issues of Supply Chain Management.
Discussion on the following topics:

The need for supply chain management

Benefits of effective SCM

Elements of SCM


Use of Cloud
God loving - Gospel reading
Passionate for excellence, god loving, and patriotic
GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Nature and importance of Inventories

Requirements for effective Inventory

Demand forecasts and Lead Time information

Quantity Models and Operations Strategy


AC, AE, E: Problem Solving, Self and group

God loving - Gospel reading
Passionate for excellence, god loving, and patriotic
GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Overview of MRP

MRP Inputs, Processing, Outputs, and Other


Benefits of MRP

Chapter 14- MRP and ERP, and JIT and

Lean Operations

MRP and ERP settings in Companies

(Experiential Group Learning Model)

ERP, Manufacturing Execution Systems

AC, AE, E: Problem Solving, Self and group

God loving - Gospel reading
Passionate for excellence, god loving, and patriotic


GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Overview of MRP

MRP Inputs, Processing, Outputs, and Other


Benefits of MRP

Chapter 15- JIT and Lean Operations

Chapter 17-Project Management

JIT and Lean Operations practices in

Companies (Experiential Group
Learning Model) ELM

Improvement Projects done in their

respective companies (Experiential
Group Learning Model) ELM

ERP, Manufacturing Execution Systems

AC, AE, E: Problem Solving, Self and group

God loving - Gospel reading
Passionate for excellence, god loving, and patriotic
GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Lean Operation Systems

Goals of JIT and its importance

Building Blocks of JIT

Benefits of JIT System

AC, AE, E: Problem Solving, Self and group

God loving - Gospel reading
Passionate for excellence, god loving, and patriotic
GF, CE, RO: Discussion on the following topics

Behavioral Aspects of Project Management

Project Life Cycle

Work Breakdown Structure

PERT/CPM Techniques
AC, AE, E: Problem Solving, Self and group

CSR Activity (Class Activity)

Factory/Industry Visit (Class Activity)

Facilitate CSR activity at Bahay PagAsa

Visit at least 1 company and understand/study their
technology and operations strategies


i. Class Attendance. A significant portion of your learning is dependent on your participation in, and contribution to, the classroom community. You
are expected to be in class, turn in all work on time, and significantly contribute to the classroom discussion. You should notify me personally in
advance regarding all approved absences.
You maybe absent only (due to sickness or extremely unavoidable circumstances), for a maximum of 9 hours, inclusive of tardiness. You are
held responsible for all lessons and requirements that you missed during your absence. All absences after that shall mean excessive absences,
which merit a grade of 0.00.
ii. Assignments. Assignments will be due at the beginning of class unless otherwise indicated. Assignments turned in after the due date will not be
accepted. There is no provision for make up for any missed assignment.
iii. Seatwork. There is no provision for makeup for any missed seatwork.
iv. Quizzes and Examinations. You are expected to do your own work on the examinations and are responsible to protect your work from being
copied by your classmates. Reference materials may not be used during quizzes and examinations. Make-up quizzes are given for excused
absences only. If you missed any quiz you should see me during my consultation hours on the day you report to our class to schedule the make
up quiz. You will lose the chance to take the special quiz if you fail to take such as scheduled.
v. Major Examinations. There will be two major examinations with a Comprehensive Final Examination. You may take a special examination only if
your failure to take such is due to an approved absence, sickness, or extremely unavoidable circumstances. You are responsible for arranging
the schedule with me. Special major examination is given only within one week after the examination schedule.
vi. Policy on Scholastic Dishonesty. Acts prohibited by the University for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty,
including but not limited to, cheating on an examination or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside
work. The academic work you will submit shall be the result of your thought, research, or self-expression. An academic work is defined as, but
not limited to, tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper; projects, either individual or group; classroom presentations, and
assignments. If you engaged yourself in an academic dishonesty you will be subjected to a range of disciplinary actions, from a failing grade on
an activity in question to expulsion from the University.
vii. Textbook. The textbook is an essential reference and learning tool. In order to succeed in this course, you will need to spend time reading it in
preparation for class. You should bring with you this book every class meeting as most of the class activities will require its use.
viii. Proper Decorum in the Classroom. Cellular phones should always be in silent mode during class hours; the use of cellular phones is prohibited
in class unless a special permission is sought. The use of walkman or similar gadgets during class hours is also prohibited. The use of
translators is strictly prohibited during quizzes and major examinations. Civility in the classroom is expected from all members of the class.
ix. General Concerns. All written requirements should be completed on appropriate working papers with your name, date and type of course
requirement. Documents should have a neat, professional appearance and be stapled in correct sequential order. All written answers/solutions
must be prepared using correct format, grammar, punctuation and spelling. You must provide your own supplies, including a non programmable
calculator, for use whenever necessary. Only black ballpoint pen is allowed.
x. Other Concerns Relative to the Class. Any concern that is relevant to the class should be brought to my attention before it is elevated to a
higher authority or an outside party. This would cover, for instance, complaints directed to me (manner of teaching, grades, etc.) or to your
classmates. Special arrangements requested due to certain situations (e.g., a students disabling condition) may be decided and acted on a
case to case basis.
Other matters not provided in the preceding policies concerning this class maybe resolved within the bound of University policy.


A. Textbook: Stevenson, William. (2011). Production Operation Management (9th Edition). McGraw- Hill. Inc
B. References:
William J. Stevenson (2007), Operations Management, (9th Edition), McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Dan Reid and Sanders (2010). Operations Management, (4 Edition), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Heizer and Bayer, . (2008). Production Management, (4 Ed.), McGraw-Hill, Inc.


Dilltworth D.L. et al. (2007), Operations Management, (3 Ed.), South-Western Thomson Learning
Martinez, Edward


(2005), Production Management, (2 Ed.), Rex Bookstore, Inc

Prepared by:
Graduate Studies in Business
Term SY 2015-2016



Jonathan D. Mondero, PhD

Professor, CBAA-GS

Zeny Lontoc, PhD

Director, College of Business Administration and Accountancy - Graduate School

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