Kangen Water Therapies
Kangen Water Therapies
Kangen Water Therapies
information written
by: by:
Dr. Peggy
Parker, Marsha
Dr. Peggy
What is Kangen Water......................................................................... 3
How to use Kangen Water.............................................................. 4-19
Saving You Money Testimonials........................................................ 20-23
For Contact Information........................................................................ 24
This document is for information purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a doctor or a health care
professional or a recommendation for any particular treatment plan. It is important that you rely on the advice of a doctor
or a health care professional for your specific condition.
6 7
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Cleansing Symptoms
Alkaline Kangen Water is obtained by pushing the purple button at front of unit.
Multiple pushes will move through three different levels of alkaline drinking water.
These are waters dispensed through a flexible hose which is situated on TOP of the
To get desired results, drink half your body weight in ounces of Kangen Water per
day. Example: if you weigh 150 lb (10.71 Stone), you will want to drink 75 oz (just
over half a gallon - 2.2 litres) of Kangen Water every day.
If you are involved in
physically demanding work,
if you exercise strenuously,
or if you have health issues,
you need to drink a lot
more Kangen Water. For
those with serious health
challenges or those who have
hit a plateau in their healing
process, drinking one ounce of
Kangen Water per pound of
body weight per day is where
the miracles happen according
to Dr. David Carpenter.
Drink water with a pH of 8.5 on your first week. At this point, if you are not
experiencing any cleansing symptoms, you can begin to drink water with a pH of
9.0. After two weeks at pH 9.0 level, you can begin to drink water with a pH of
9.5, provided that you do not experience any cleansing symptoms. If you experience
symptoms of cleansing, return to the previous pH level and increase the amount of
water you drink to flush the toxins.
The best time to drink Kangen Water has proven
to be upon waking. After 6-8 hours of rest, your
body needs water to aid hydration. Water first thing
in the morning will hydrate your digestive system
and cleanse organs before you eat breakfast; if
you drink a glass of Kangen Water when you
get up, the water will have moved out of your
stomach before you eat. Your body is cleaning
and repairing while you are resting. A good quart
(liter) of Kangen Water first thing in the morning
helps clean out all the toxins your body is ready to
discard, before they can be reabsorbed and your
body has work to get rid of them again.
Drinking micro-clustered Kangen Water 15 - 20 minutes before a meal supports the
production of hydrochloric acid for better assimilation of nutrients. It also provides
water necessary for digestion and alkaline minerals to buffer acidic waste products
sent to your blood. It is best not to drink water with a meal, but if you must, drink
water with a neutral pH (pH 7.0). Alkaline water will neutralize the acids required for
digestion. Even neutral water will do this to a certain extent; this is why drinking with
meals is not recommended. Wait at least 30 minutes to 1 hour following each meal
before you drink more water; this allows food to leave your stomach.
Another time to drink Kangen Water is when you drink alcoholic beverages or soft
drinks. These drinks are so acidic that it takes a great deal of alkaline water to balance
acid (32 glasses at a pH of 9.5 to recover from every soft drink). For many years
alkaline water has been known as a hangover cure in Japan. When alkaline water
is consumed following alcoholic beverages, alkalinity neutralizes excess acids while
electrons neutralize free radicals. Alcoholic drinks are acidic and dehydrating. Drinking
Kangen Water is 6 times more hydrating than tap water, prevents the dehydration
that manifests as a hangover; thus hangovers are either reduced or eliminated. One
way to include alkaline water with other beverages is
to make ice cubes from Kangen Water.
Other than the above recommendations, drink water
throughout your day. A good idea, have a glass of
water by your desk or wherever you spend your time.
This reminds you to keep drinking Kangen Water
during the day, staying hydrated.
Clean Water 7.0pH
Neutral water with a pH of 7.0 is obtained by pushing the green button on the Enagic
unit. Clean water is dispensed through the top flexible hose. This water has been run
through the filter portion of the system but has NOT gone through the electrolysis
process.Use clean water for taking pharmaceutical (prescription) medicines. These
medicines are designed to be time released; the majority of the medication should NOT
be absorbed by your body, but rather (urinated out).
Therefore do NOT take medications with micro-clustered water as medication will
be taken rapidly to the cellular level of the body, making medication hyper-effective.
1 15When taking pharmaceutical medications, discontinue drinking Kangen Water
20 minutes prior to taking your medication. Use clean water to take prescriptions, and
2 clean
wait at least 30 minutes after medication before drinking Kangen Water. Use
water when preparing baby formulas. Finally, use clean water if you must drink water
with a meal (drinking any water with a meal is NOT recommended).
Beauty Water 6.0pH
Strong Acidic Water 2.5pH
6 7
Eye Drops
There is more Sodium Hypochlorite in your tap water or bottled water than in
Enagics electrolysis solution.
2.5 pH Strong Acidic Water has very potent anti-microbial properties. It has an
oxidation/reduction potential (ORP) of greater than +1,100mV. While the alkaline
portion of the water gains electrons, the acidic portion loses electrons. This creates a
solution with a highly positive ORP measurement, becoming a free radical water far
greater than conventional tap water.
Remember the function of free radicals in your body, is to strip electrons from
other molecules: they are capable of rapidly destroying bacteria, fungus, and
viral pathogens. Strong acidic water is a proven anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and
antifungal for use on skin, foods, plants, countertops, etc. In Japan it has been used as
a disinfectant in hospitals and restaurants for many years.
Strong Acid Water was approved for use disinfecting food products in the United States
in June 2002, in accordance with food hygiene law, under the name hypochlorous acid
2.5pH Strong Acidic Water is used in Japan to kill
bacteria in gangrenous tissue. 11.5pH Strong Alkaline
Water is then used to reduce inflammation caused by
free radical damage.
Soaking or wrapping nail fungus, athletes foot, and
similar conditions in pH 2.5 Strong Acidic Water will
speed resolution of external microbial infections.
2.5pH Strong Acidic Water is wonderful to use on minor
cuts and scrapes to prevent infection. It also helps to
stop bleeding and to control pain. It has been observed
that cuts literally stop bleeding when sprayed or
soaked in pH 2.5 strong acid water.
A woman suffering from eczema had open fissures
all over her body with blood and pus running out. She soaked towels in pH 2.5 acid
water and wrapped her body in them 30 minutes later, when she took the towels off,
the fissures were all closed. She then followed the same process using pH 11.5 water;
this removed the redness/itching/burning sensation she had endured for months
- (Dr Carpenter).
Strong Acidic Water works as a mouthwash and gargle to kill
bacteria in the mouth and throat that cause dental infections,
sore throat (strep throat), bad breath, and cavities. Brush
teeth and gargle for 1 minute to kill the bacteria that causes
gingivitis. 2.5pH water can be used to disinfect toothbrushes.
It also provides a gentle, safe bleaching of the teeth. (Rinse
your mouth with neutral or alkaline water when you are
finished.) People have been known to eliminate strep throat
within hours by using pH 2.5 acid water in the throat.
2.5 pH acid water kills slugs, mosquitoes, flies, ants, fleas and spiders. Many of
these are exoskeletal and Kangen Water drowns them rapidly because of its microclustering properties. 2.5 pH acid water will also oxidize pests causing death. People
have seen pH 2.5 water kill small spider infestations on a plant. Spray pH 2.5 water on
your pets regularly to reduce/eliminate flea infestations.
Use 2.5 acid water to kill microbial bacteria on produce and meats - eliminates the
possibility of e-coli or other illness caused by bacterial growth on food.
Eliminate odors such as cat urine.
Water acid loving plants 3 times during the growing season to produce vigorous
growth & more blossom
This water has been tested at universities in the United Sates and Japan and has been
noted to eliminate:
MRSA (antibiotic resistant staph)
Many other bacteria, funguses and viruses
Strong Alkaline Kangen Water
6 7
On a smaller but no less significant scale, Strong Alkaline Water may reduce
inflammation and redness of acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Where outbreaks are sore
and irritated, Dr. Carpenter recommends a quick spray of the pH 2.5 Strong Acidic
Water to neutralize any bacteria that may be present. When that has completely dried,
apply a cloth soaked in pH 11.5 Strong Alkaline Water. Leave it on for 5-15 minutes;
follow with Beauty Water. Dr. Carpenter has seen large pimples literally disappear
within hours when dabbed with Strong Alkaline Water.
Wrap sunburned areas in a cloth soaked in Strong Alkaline Water and leave for 1520 minutes. Follow with Beauty water and let dry. This works any burns that do not
require hospitalization. Lauri Tauscher saw pictures of a gentlemans hand a few
minutes after it had been burned by boiling paraffin wax and oil. There was a huge
blister. He treated it with pH 11.5 Strong Alkaline Water which removed the pain and
healed the hand within a week with no scarring.
Use pH 11.5 water (or the pH 8.5-9.5 waters) for mixing dyes for clothing, eggs,
artwork, or for mixing paints the colors are more vibrant and set better.
If sunburn does not require medical treatment, spray with pH 11.5 Strong Alkaline Water
or soak a cloth in this water and hold on sunburned area. Once this has dried, spray on
Beauty Water and allow to air dry. Drinking Kangen Water is also very important.
Sore Throats
Gargle with pH 2.5 acidic water 3-4 times per day. For children finding it difficult to
gargle, spray pH 2.5 acidic water to throat area (10 pumps) 3-4 times per day. 2.5 pH
water will not harm them should they swallow it. Typically children report the discomfort
is gone within minutes. Follow gargling with pH 2.5 strong acid water with rinsing
alkaline drinking water so your mouth is not left acidic. Drinking Kangen Water is also
very important.
Oral Hygeine
Use pH 2.5 Strong Acidic Water to swish and gargle as a mouthwash. A high +ORP of
2.5pH waters had been shown to destroy bacteria and other organisms with exposure
times of less than a minute. Tooth decay and bad breath are caused by acid producing
bacteria that break down the foods in your mouth. Some people brush their teeth with
pH 2.5 acid water and claim it leaves their teeth whiter. In Japan numerous documented
studies show that pH 2.5 water eliminates periodontal disease and many other infections of
the mouth. Follow gargling with pH 2.5 strong acid water and rinse with alkaline drinking
water so your mouth is not left acidic. Drinking Kangen Water is also very important.
Water plants with Kangen Water. The micro-clustering allows
water to be more easily absorbed by plants. Plants grow larger
root balls and become larger, healthier and more vibrant.
Produce from plants watered with Kangen Water is sweeter
and contains more nutrients. In Japan this water is used
commercially to improve agriculture.
The type of water used depends on the plant and the soil. Different kinds of plants
prefer different kinds of water. Look up the plants you are interested in to determine
if they prefer acid or alkaline water. For instance, blueberry bushes and roses prefer
Beauty Water, which is slightly acidic.
Use Beauty Water or Drinking Water for cut flowers (depending on type of flower) and
they can last two weeks or more.
Blanch green vegetables in pH 8.5-9.5 Kangen Water to preserve vibrant colors and
enhance flavor.
8.5-9.5 or even 11.5 pH waters can be used to soak beans,
nuts, or seeds and they will sprout in an amazingly short
period of time. Beauty water can also be used for soaking as
the cookbook Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon points
out, these foods should always be soaked in a warm, slightly
acidic environment before cooking and eating.
Pastas and rice can be cooked in Beauty water as they cook
faster, taste better, and are fluffier.
Use Beauty Water in the batter for fried foods as
they will be crispier, remain crispy longer, and be
less oily.
Boil eggs in Beauty Water they will not leak if they
crack and they will peel more easily.
Spray vegetables with Beauty Water prior to
freezing as they will maintain more color and flavor.
Use Beauty Water to remove stains from tea cups and tea pots soak for up to 24
Use pH 11.5 water to emulsify oils when making salad dressings or mayonnaise, or
soaps and lotions. Mix pH 11.5 water with essential oils to spray on skin, fabrics,
When alkaline water is used to make coffee and teas, they retain their full taste without
being bitter. Coffee made with tap water is typically a pH of 4. When made with
Kangen Water 9.5, the coffee pH will be closer to 6, making it 100X less acidic when
made with tap water. Herbal teas that have health enhancing properties will have
those properties magnified by the micro-clustering aspect of Kangen Water.
Leveluk SD501
Put 1-2 liters (1-2 quarts) of Strong Alkaline Water (pH
11.5) in your washing machine with no soap and wash
just as you would with soap. Clothes come out cleaner
and brighter than with detergents and for people with
chemical sensitivities there are no side effects. For those
who are sensitive to detergents, this is the ultimate
solution. There is also no soap residue left in the clothes which means clothes dont
wear out so quickly. So your clothes will last longer!
Use Beauty Water in the rinse cycle of your washing machine softens cloths.
Soak grease stains in pH 11.5 water to help remove them
Soak dish towels in pH 2.5 acid water to disinfect them.
Use pH 11.5 water to soak out coffee stains, blood stains, or other stains in clothes.
pH 2.5 water will also remove many stains like raspberry stains on a light colored
dress but does not affect the color of the dress!
For hardwood, ceramic tiles,
windows, eyeglasses use
Beauty Water.
For stains on carpets use pH 11.5 water it has been known to remove blood,
red wine, beet juice, enchilada sauce etc. Use it in a carpet cleaner with no soap it
has been known to remove stains that have stumped professionals. Soap residue in
carpets attracts dirt and causes the carpets to get dirty faster. With pH 11.5 water
there is NO soap residue!
Eliminate many toxic cleaners - the natural acidity in Strong Acidic Water and
Beauty Water will remove hard water deposits and bring sparkle to kitchen/
bathroom fixtures.
Let tough deposits sit overnight in acidic water. When cleaning glass, acidic water is
a near miracle. Use it as you would use any other glass cleaner.
2.5 pH acid water removes hard water stains on chrome, windows, and ceramic
Strong Alkaline water is a potent cleaning agent replacing many detergents. It is a
powerful grease-cutting agent. Use it on stoves, ovens, pots and pans, its also very
good for coffee stains.
Strong Alkaline water is excellent for removing dirt and grime from hardwood
floors. Leaving no soap buildup and no slip and slide on the soap residue on the
Use 11.5 pH water for cleaning tools removes greasy grime.
Over 15 Years
2/Day/Person =
.73 cents =
5/Day/Family =
Eco Friendly
Carmel Moran Testimonial From
Ballyroan Portlaoise With The
Enagic SD501 Water Ionizer
Total = 83.04
Monthly Shopping is also saving us money as we have
elimanited the following:
Bottled Water, 7Up, Coke at 4.50 x4 -18
Midwi 1Litre - 1.99 All Replaced By Drinking Kangen Water
Total = 19.99
After shave
Toner Nivea 200mls - 4.43
Atrixo Hand Cream 200mls - 5.85
Night Cream Garnier 50mls - 8.99
Day Cream Loreal Dermo 50ml - 18.17
Gillette Moisturising Lotion 75ml - 6.76
All Replaced By Applying Beauty Water pH 6.0
Total = 44.20
Saving =
Dog Shampoo/Flea product - 6.99
Replaced by using Beauty Water pH 6.0
Total = 71.18
Block B | The Village Centre | Willow Court
Primrose Gate | Cellbridge | Co. Kildare
Phone +353 (0)1 627 4720
Allendale Walk | Clonsilla | Dublin 15
Phone +353 (0)1 640 3951
Ballisk Court| Donabate| Co. Dublin
Phone +353 (0)1 808 5546
Enagic manufactures the worlds most durable water ionizers [ISO & medical certifications
prove this]. In fact, Enagics Leveluk Series is the only line of water ionizers that are approved
for medical use in Japanese hospitals to date.
However, consumers are often misled by internet copies who use colourful design and
spin to sell inferior products.
These companies market their defaults as assets.
When you are ready to learn more about what other companies are
not telling you please view the following DVD to fully understand why
this company and water ionizer are the gold standard within this
If You Dont Change Directions,
Youre Going To End Up Where
You Are Headed
Platinum Plate
Mesh Plate
CD 1
Dr. Corrine