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Experiment 10b. The Effect of Carbon Dioxide Concentration On Gas Production

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Photosynthesis 10b.


Experiment 10b. The effect of carbon dioxide concentration on gas production

(a) Set up the apparatus as described on pp. 10.01 & 10.02 Select a vigorously bubbling piece of
pond-weed and insert it in the microburette.
(b) Place the bench lamp 15 cm from the beaker and do not move it during the course of the
(c) Copy the table given below into your notebook.
(d) At an appropriate moment, note the time and draw any gas which has accumulated in the
bulb, up into the tube. Leave the pond-weed to continue bubbling for an exact number of
(e) At the end of this time, draw the collected gas into the graduated tube, measure the length of
the gas column and record this in your table.
(f) Now add 5 cm3 sodium hydrogencarbonate solution to the jar from a graduated pipette or
syringe and force the air from the tube into the bulb.
(g) At an appropriate moment, note the time and draw up the collected gas. Allow the pond-weed
to bubble for the same length of time as before and at the end of this time, draw up the
accumulated gas from the bulb and measure its length in the graduated tube.
(h) Add another 5 cm3 sodium hydrogencarbonate solution and measure the gas produced in the
time you have selected.
(i) Continue the experiment by adding successive 5 cm3 volumes of hydrogencarbonate solution
until there is no change in the rate of gas production.
(j) Plot a graph of the volume of gas produced against the concentration of hydrogencarbonate.
Volume of
in cm3

Volume of gas in mm


Volume per minute

NOTE If bubbling ceases during the experiment it can often be restarted by cutting a small piece
from the stem without having to obtain a fresh shoot and start the experiment all over again

Photosynthesis 10b.02

Experiment 10b. Discussion

If you have already answered the questions on experiment 10a, questions 3-5 can be ignored.
1 What general effect did increasing the concentration of hydrogencarbonate have on gas
2 How could you explain these results in terms of photosynthesis?
3 In this experiment, why is the rate of gas production not necessarily related to the rate of
4 What additional information would you need before you could assume that a doubling of the
gas production also meant a doubling in the rate of photosynthesis?
5 In this experiment, the hydrogencarbonate concentration was progressively increased in equal
steps throughout. Did the production of gas also increase in equal steps over the whole range of
hydrogencarbonate concentrations?
6 If the hydrogencarbonate concentration continued to increase beyond the range of your
experiment, would you expect the gas production to continue increasing in proportion? Explain
your answer.
7 What conditions other than the hydrogencarbonate concentration might have been altered
during the experiment? How might these alterations affect the rate of gas production?

Photosynthesis 10b.03

Experiment 10b. The effect of carbon dioxide concentration on gas production

- preparation
Outline (See experiment 10, p 10.01 & 2.) By adding a number of equal volumes of normal
sodium bicarbonate solution the concentration of carbon dioxide available to the plant is
increased and the gas production measured.
Prior knowledge
Sodium hydrogencarbonate is a source of carbon dioxide.
Advance preparation and materials-per group
As for experiment 10 but use a smaller jar or beaker marked at 250 cm3
50 cm3 molar sodium hydrogencarbonate solution (84 g per litre) or soda water, (see note
below). The hydrogencarbonate solution must be freshly prepared.
Elodea shoot about 80 mm long
Apparatus-per group
As for experiment 10 but use a smaller jar or beaker marked at the 250 cm3 level
graduated pipette or syringe, 5 or 10 cm3
container for the sodium hydrogencarbonate solution
NOTES. When using tap-water and hydrogencarbonate solution the results are often rather
erratic but there will usually be a rise in oxygen production and a limiting effect. For more
consistent results it is best to use boiled water to begin with.
Boiled water. Boiling the water for about 10 minutes will remove calcium hydrogencarbonate
and dissolved gases. Store the boiled water in stoppered bottles (e.g. cider flagons). Just before
use shake it with a limited quantity of air to saturate it with oxygen otherwise the gas from the
Elodea will dissolve as fast as it is produced. Soda water can be used instead of sodium
hydrogencarbonate with some improvement in the results.
Black-out. It is not necessary to black-out the laboratory but it is advisable for the students to set
up the apparatus where it will not be affected by changes in the external light intensity.
Results. The experiment should be about 70% successful.

Photosynthesis 10b.04

Experiment 10b. Discussion - answers

1 An increasing concentration of sodium hydrogencarbonate should increase gas production.
2 Since carbon dioxide is one of the raw materials of photosynthesis, an increase in the supply of
hydrogencarbonate ions should enable photosynthesis to proceed faster assuming no other
conditions are limiting.
3 Unless the gas produced by Elodea is pure oxygen it would be possible for the plant to double
its oxygen output without doubling the volume of gas if the proportion of oxygen in the gas
mixture were increased.
4 One would need to know that the percentage of oxygen in the bubbles remains constant, before
it could be assumed that doubling the volume of gas meant doubling the production of oxygen.
5 In practice, the changes in gas production are likely to be rather erratic and not proportional to
the increase in hydrogencarbonate concentration. Even if there is a steady increase in gas
production at first, it will probably reach a constant level at the higher concentrations of
hydrogencarbonate for a variety of reasons.
6 It would not be expected that gas production would continue to increase indefinitely with
increasing carbon dioxide concentration because other factors such as light and temperature
would become limiting.
Also, the concentrated solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate would eventually plasmolyse the
cells. Some students may suggest that at high concentrations sodium hydrogencarbonate might
not be completely dissociated so that the concentration of carbon dioxide is not effectively
7 Prolonged exposure to the bench lamp might cause a rise in temperature of the water in the
beaker. Since a rise in temperature speeds up many chemical reactions it might also accelerate
some stages of photosynthesis. (In practice, the temperature is unlikely to rise more than
2 or 3 C.)

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