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CSCI 4670: Course Information Sheet

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Course Information Sheet

CSCI 4670

Brief Course Description
(50-words or less)

Extended Course Description /

Pre-Requisites and/or Co-Requisites

Basic counting principles: permutations, combinations, probability, occupancy

problems, and binomial coefficients. More sophisticated methods include
generating functions, recurrence relations, inclusion/exclusion principle, and
the pigeonhole principle. Additional topics include asymptotic enumeration,
Polya counting theory, combinatorial designs, coding theory, and
combinatorial optimization.
This course is cross-listed as MATH 4670. This is a 3 credit hour course

CSCI 2610

Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science

MATH 3000


MATH 3500

MATH 3200
Intro. To Higher Math

or MATH 3500H

Approved Textbooks
(if more than one listed, the textbook
used is up to the instructors discretion)
Specific Learning Outcomes
(Performance Indicators)

Author(s): Richard A. Brualdi

Title: Introductory Combinatorics
Edition: Fifth
ISBN-13: 978-0136020400
This course presents a survey of topics in combinatorics. At the end of the
semester, all students will be able to do the following:
1. Apply the sum rule for counting
2. Apply the product rule for counting.
3. Prove identities involving binomial coefficients
4. Derive a recursion from a generating function equation.
5. Compute the probabilities of the five poker hands.
6. State the fundamental theorem of inclusion/exclusion.
7. Demonstrate a Steiner Triple System


Relationship Between Student

Outcomes and Learning Outcomes

Student Outcomes









An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics
appropriate to the discipline.
An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing
requirements appropriate to its solution.
An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based
system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.
An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common

e. An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social

issues and responsibilities.
f. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
g. An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on
individuals, organizations, and society.
h. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing
professional development.
i. An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for
computing practice.
j. An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles,

and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-

based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the
tradeoffs involved in design choices.
k. An ability to apply design and development principles in the
construction of software systems of varying complexity.

Major Topics Covered
(Approximate Course Hours)
3 credit hours = 37.5 contact hours
4 credit hours = 50 contact hours
Note: Exams count as a major topic

Propositional logic (3.5-hours)
Predicate logic (3.5-hours)
Proofs: types of proofs (4-hours)
Sets, set logic and set operations (2-hours)
Functions (2-hours)
Sequences and summations (2-hours)
Integer algorithms (3-hours)
Modular arithmetic (.5-hours)
Mathematical induction (3.5-hours)
Counting (2.5-hours)
The pigeonhole principle (.5-hours)
Permutations and combinations (2.5-hours)
Finite probabilities (4-hours)
Relations (2.5-hours)
Using graphs to represent relations (1.5-hours)

Typical problems posed in combinatorial

fashion: "how many
ways can you ... ?"
2. Pigeonhole principle.
3. Permutations, combinations, Pascal's
triangle, multinomial
4. Inclusion/exclusion principle, derangements,
with forbidden positions.
5. Recurrence relations and generating
6. Special counting numbers: Stirling numbers,
Catalan numbers.
7. Applications to block designs, graph theory.
Assessment Plan for this Course

Each time this course is offered, the class is initially informed of the
Course Outcomes listed in this document, and they are included in the

How Data is Used to Assess Program


Course Master
Course History

syllabus. At the end of the semester, an anonymous survey is

administered to the class where each student is asked to rate how well
the outcome was achieved. The choices provided use a 5-point Likert
scale containing the following options: Strongly agree, Agree, Neither
agree or disagree, disagree, and strongly disagree. The results of the
anonymous survey are tabulated and results returned to the instructor
of the course.

The course instructor takes the results of the survey, combined with
sample student responses to homework and final exam questions
corresponding to course outcomes, and reports these results to the
ABET committee. If necessary, the instructor also writes a
recommendation to the ABET committee for better achieving the
course outcomes the next time the course is offered.

Each course Learning Outcome, listed above, directly supports one or
more of the Student Outcomes, as is listed in "Relationships between
Learning Outcomes and Student Outcomes". For CSCI 46790, Student
Outcomes (a), (b), and (j) are supported.
Dr. E. Rodney Canfield
Course Information Uploaded to CAPA
Course Information Sheet Created

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