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CN Nationalism Aacps Lesson Plan Template 2

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Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Teaching & Learning Cycle

Instructional Observation Plan

Teacher Name



Christine Nolan

Arundel Middle School


Lesson Sequence


Unit 2 Nationalism

Eighth lesson in a 20 day unit (First class on this topic)

10/24/16- 10:35-11:35am

Content Standard

MSDE 2.A.1.c Explain the interaction of cultures in Antebellum America.

MSDE 1.0.C.1- Political Science: Examine the impact of governmental decisions on individual rights and responsibilities in the United States
MSDE 5.0.B.1- History: Analyze the growth and the development of the United States
NSCC 4.1.A.3 Analyze how the Louisiana Purchase influenced politics, economic development, and the concept of Manifest Destiny.
CCSS.RH.6-8.2 - Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.1- Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
Essential Questions

How can I explain the concepts of nationalism & sectionalism and provide examples of both?

Quality Learning Environment

Environment of respect and rapport creates a culture of learning.
Physical space is organized for maximum learning.
Each student sees himself/herself as a valued member and active
participant in the learning process.
Routines are in place for a safe and orderly environment.
Performance expectations for learning are communicated.

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Students are advised and reminded of the school's mandate of respect and safe environments in all
classrooms. The Growth Mindset concept is presented and participation is encouraged. "Not yet" and
"almost there" are encouraging phrases implemented often in the classroom. Desks are arranged in a
way to facility active learning and group settings. Routines include students outcomes (I can
statements), drills, and exit tickets on a daily basis. Students are expected to participate and complete
all classroom and homework assignments and encouraged to seek assistance if needed. Reviews prior
and following assessments are standard.

AAPCS DPHS/JH 2540/47 (Rev


Teacher Name



Christine Nolan

Arundel Middle School


How will I ensure student understanding of the learning outcome(s)?
Student Learning Outcome:
Distinguish between concepts of nationalism & sectionalism and provide examples of both
What data sources will guide the lesson planning?
Primary source quotes from Henry Clay, Senate, 1848 and John C. Calhoun, Congress, 1817, will be analyzed.
How will I pre-assesswhat students know?
Students will complete a drill regarding the Monroe Doctrine and foreign policy and attempt to connect the newly learned knowledge to prior knowledge.
What connections will I make within and/or beyond the classroom to make learning relevant and motivating?
Connections will be made to prior knowledge of the foreign policy of George Washington, the Louisiana Purchase, and the War of 1812. Application of this knowledge will be
addressed in future lessons on this topic, the Missouri Compromise and ultimately, the Civil War. Students will be able to synthesize and connect this new knowledge to the current
Presidential election and its political topics on immigration and controlling borders.
How will instruction be differentiated: content, process, product, grouping?
Students are grouped in pre-assigned to tables. Various visual, audible and kinesthetic instruction will be presented. Active learning and creative options will be utilized to reach all
learning styles.
What materials, resources and technology are needed?
Technology will include the use of a Smart board and internet. Art and image displays will be utilized.
How will this lesson support the School Improvement Plan and/or school initiatives?
Artful and visual integration will be implemented in this lesson and during the exit ticket.
Various graphic organizers will be utilized along with the use of kinesthetic instruction.
Primary Source texts will be introduced and examined.

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AAPCS DPHS/JH 2540/47 (Rev


Teacher Name



Christine Nolan

Arundel Middle School

A Drill containing a question regarding the Monroe Doctrine and foreign policy will be presented in an attempt to connect prior knowledge the newly learned topic.


Instructional Delivery
What specific strategies will allow all students to master the outcome?
Logical sequence and pacing of lesson components facilitate learning.
Opportunities are provided for modeling, guided practice and coaching.
Literacy skills are embedded to build student capacity.
Differentiation allows all students to progress towards mastery of the outcome.
Flexible, purposeful student groups facilitates learning.
How will you monitor for student understanding at checkpoints?
Planned, tiered questions monitor student understanding.

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Lesson Plan

At the conclusion of the drill, students will be provided a KWL Organizer and instructed to complete
the first two columns with evidence of their current knowledge of the terms Nationalism and
Sectionalism and their interests. Students will then be shown a video regarding this topic. They will be
instructed to add to their KWL organizer after watching the video. Next, each table of students will be
given rulers containing the terms Nationalism and Sectionalism and they are instructed to raise the
correct one as a team when witnessing various images. At the conclusion of this exercise, students will
be presented with two primary source texts of which they are instructed to identify whether the text
represents nationalism or Sectionalism and support their claim with evidence from the texts. Students
will be selected randomly using the equity sticks and instructed to share their responses. Next, students
will be introduced to national culture as it is displayed in paintings and literature. The next activity will
be of an art integration nature, either randomly selecting an art card and sharing with a friend their
creative representation of either nationalism or sectionalism or, if time allows, students will be shown 4
American national pieces of art in which they, as groups, will recreate the picture using their prior
knowledge of the tableau concept. Finally, an exit ticket will be provided requesting the students to
synthesize their knowledge of the topic and answer the questions, Do you think sectionalism could
lead to issues in the 1850s and in todays society?

AAPCS DPHS/JH 2540/47 (Rev


Teacher Name



Christine Nolan

Arundel Middle School

Student Learning Behavior

How will the lesson be arranged to allow for pre-teaching, review, re-teaching and
Students demonstrate and apply new learning in various ways.
Students practice their learning independently within the classroom.
Students express multiple perspectives, processes and ways of thinking.

Lesson Plan

How does the lesson ensure students are consistently involved and sustain interest?
Students are clear about what they are learning.
Students share previous learning and personal connections with new content.
Students make connections within and beyond the content.
Students exhibit perseverance on challenging tasks.
Students culture is a vehicle for learning.
Effective integration of technology supports student learning.

Introduction to the topic will be provided through the outcome so they are clear on the learning
objectives. Instruction will include presenting the material via Smart board, video and through images
and art.. Students will be able to connect prior knowledge to this lesson and apply it to future lessons
as well as the present day political environment. Students will be challenged to interpret primary
sources to form determine the meaning and intent of the quotes. Students will move fairly quickly
from one exercise to another to allow for active learning and maintaining of interest. Presentation of
various technology and visual, audible and kinesthetic learning will maintain interests.

Which levels of cognitive demand will students exhibit?

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
How will opportunities to practice and extend standards-based student learning
through enrichment and/or home assignments be provided?

Students will demonstrate their new learning and multiple perspectives through their own inferences,
additional information collected upon receipt of new learning, and apply new learning creatively and
in determining their opinions of causes and effects of the topic.

Students will be tasked with recalling prior lessons, understanding past and present concepts and
perspectives, while applying new learning to draw opinions. They will be tasked with analyzing
primary source documents and evaluating prior political and social environments while connecting
with previously learned concepts (Louisiana Purchase, War of 1812, Presidents Madison and Monroe),
and applying to them to the present day two party political environment. Lastly, they will be recreating
images of nationalism and evaluating art and/or opinions while supporting them with evidence.

Assessing for Learning

What evidence will determine student understanding of the outcome?
How are the outcome, learning activities and assessment aligned in terms of levels
of thinking?
How will students reflect upon their learning and acquisition of the outcome?

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Lesson Plan

Formative assessments will primarily be utilized in this lesson including the students results on the
graphic organizers, their participation and explanations during sharing and active learning exercises and
assessing their critical thinking when evaluating art and images and in their decision making within the
lesson. The desired outcome is aligned with the learning activities through the students verbal and
written evidence of their critical thinking. The students will reflect on this learning experience when
deciding which topic and stance (political and social influence) they would most likely align. Further,
an exit ticket will reinforce their level of understanding through providing evidence of their ability to
comprehend the topics and apply their knowledge to a high order question.

AAPCS DPHS/JH 2540/47 (Rev


Teacher Name



Christine Nolan

Arundel Middle School

Teacher Reflection
How did this lesson demonstrate:
Rigor = Content Knowledge + High Expectations + Higher Order Thinking
Relevance = Background Knowledge + Connection
Quality Learning Environment = Relationships + Cultural Proficiency +

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