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2-Days Mobile Controlled Robotics Workshop

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2 Day National Level workshop on

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Mobile Controlled Robotics Workshop

2-Days Mobile Controlled Robotics Course Contents

Day 1 (Session 1)
Introduction to Robotics
Basics of Robot Electronics:

Basic Electronic Components

Fundamental Electrical Concepts


Operational Amplifier

Integrating Circuit

Interfacing of Sensors

Motors and Controlling Circuit

Interfacing of Motors

DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency)

Day 1 (Session 2)
Introduction to Microcontrollers
This session would deal with the basics of Microcontroller. The focus will be on the AVR series micro controllerATMega8, which is one of the most powerful and widely used 8 bit micro controller.

What is Microcontroller?

Difference between Microcontroller and Microprocessor.

Microcontroller Architecture and Interfacing.

How can we use Microcontroller in our Own Circuits?

Introduction to Programming Languages

Assembly vs Embedded C.

Microcontroller Programming using 'Embedded C'.

Discussion on Different Algorithms

Line Following Robot

Edge Avoiding Robot

Obstacle Avoider Robot

Wall Following Robot

Sound Operated Robot

Light Searching Robot

Mobile Controlled Robot

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Day 2 (Session 3)
Installation of Software and Debugging

Writing your First 'Embedded C' Program in AVR Studio.

Program Compilation and Debugging.

Loading Compiled 'C' Program into Microcontroller

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Assembling the kit

Assembling plays a major role that deals with the mechanical section of Robotics including mounting of components and
mechanical stability.
Generating different LED Patterns
Development of Line Following Robot
As the name suggests, Line Follower Robot is well programmed mobile machine that can follow a path visible like Black
Line on White Surface or vice versa. A simple fuzzy logic will do the job of maneuvering the robot according to the Line
Following Algorithm discussed in session 2.
Development of Edge Avoiding Robot
Edge Avoiding Robot is a mobile machine that senses the presence & absence of surface below it and avoids the
absence of the surface using the Edge Avoiding Algorithm discussed in session 2.
Generating different LED Patterns using Mobile Phone
Development of Mobile Controlled Robot
A Mobile Controlled Robot is a mobile device that provides wide-range of wireless control ability to your robot sitting in
one place, until and unless your mobile phone gets out of signal.

Day 2 (Session 4)
Zonal Competition
After the hand on theory and practical experience from the workshop, Zonal Round Competition will be conducted for
the participants.
Certificate Distribution
Certificate of Merit will be provided to all Zonal Round Winners and Certificate of Participation will be provided to all the
Zonal Round Participants (Excluding Merit Participants).

KIT Component for Mobile Robotics Workshop: Page | 21

Mobile Robotics Kit

1. The controller board (Revert Technology Board)

Built around the popular Atmel AVR microcontroller
ATmega 8 with ample of program memory (8Kb)
2 channels of motor controller Board, capable of driving
2 dc motors

On board power regulator IC

On board power supply socket
Onboard program RESET switch
Atmega8 Microcontroller
USB Programmable
USB Powered (only for programming)

2. USB Cable
3. Chassis:
Chasis cum Motor Driver Circuit
Driven by 2 geared motors and 2 Castor Bullet
4. Motors: 2 gears motors (BO-2 Type)
5. A pair of Wheels with rubber
6. Sensors: a Pair of IR Sensor
7. Tool: Screw Driver
8. DTMF Decoder: DTMF decoder module with 3.5mm
audio pin
9. Software

Requirements for Zonal Center

Seminar hall/classroom having the enough capacity to conduct hands-on-session for all participants.
Good Quality public address system ideally two cordless mikes will be required.

Projector/ Screen along with black/white board for teaching and presentation purposes.

One small stereo jack cord connect to laptop for its sound system.

This Zonal center can only be arranged for a minimum of 60 students

Registration charges
(Training + Free kit)

INR.1200/-per participant only

Free Gesture Robotics Kit in a Team (5 members).
The fee includes workshop training, certification, and Event

Registration charges
( Training + Kit** )

INR.800/-per participant only

Kit will be given only training purpose to each team of 8
The fee includes workshop training, certification, and Event

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