What Is The Collaborative Classroom?: New Learning and Thinking Curricula Require Collaboration
What Is The Collaborative Classroom?: New Learning and Thinking Curricula Require Collaboration
What Is The Collaborative Classroom?: New Learning and Thinking Curricula Require Collaboration
M.B. Tinzmann, B.F. Jones, T.F. Fennimore, J. Bakker, C. Fine, and J. Pierce
NCREL, Oak Brook, 1990
This focus on the collective knowledge and thinking of the group changes the roles of
students and teachers and the way they interact in the classroom. Significantly, a
groundswell of interest exists among practitioners to involve students in collaboration
in classrooms at all grade levels.
Consider a lesson on insect-eating plants, for example. Few students, and perhaps few
teachers, are likely to have direct knowledge about such plants. Thus, when those
students who do have relevant experiences are given an opportunity to share them, the
whole class is enriched. Moreover, when students see that their experiences and
knowledge are valued, they are motivated to listen and learn in new ways, and they
are more likely to make important connections between their own learning and
"school" learning. They become empowered. This same phenomenon occurs when the
knowledge parents and other community members have is valued and used within the
Additionally, complex thinking about difficult problems, such as world hunger, begs
for multiple ideas about causes, implications, and potential solutions. In fact, nearly
all of the new curricular goals are of this nature--for example, mathematical problem-
solving--as are new requirements to teach topics such as AIDS. They require multiple
ways to represent and solve problems and many perspectives on issues.
Collaborative teachers differ in that they invite students to set specific goals within
the framework of what is being taught, provide options for activities and assignments
that capture different student interests and goals, and encourage students to assess
what they learn. Collaborative teachers encourage students' use of their own
knowledge, ensure that students share their knowledge and their learning strategies,
treat each other respectfully, and focus on high levels of understanding. They help
students listen to diverse opinions, support knowledge claims with evidence, engage
in critical and creative thinking, and participate in open and meaningful dialogue.
Suppose, for example, the students have just read a chapter on colonial America and
are required to prepare a product on the topic. While a more traditional teacher might
ask all students to write a ten-page essay, the collaborative teacher might ask students
to define the product themselves. Some could plan a videotape; some could dramatize
events in colonial America; others could investigate original sources that support or
do not support the textbook chapter and draw comparisons among them; and some
could write a ten-page paper. The point here is twofold: (1) students have
opportunities to ask and investigate questions of personal interest, and (2) they have a
voice in the decision-making process. These opportunities are essential for both self-
regulated learning and motivation.
3. Teachers as mediators
As knowledge and authority are shared among teachers and students, the role of the
teacher increasingly emphasizes mediated learning. Successful mediation helps
students connect new information to their experiences and to learning in other areas,
helps students figure out what to do when they are stumped, and helps them learn how
to learn. Above all, the teacher as mediator adjusts the level of information and
support so as to maximize the ability to take responsibility for learning. This
characteristic of collaborative classrooms is so important, we devote a whole section
to it below.
The perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds of all students are important for
enriching learning in the classroom. As learning beyond the classroom increasingly
requires understanding diverse perspectives, it is essential to provide students
opportunities to do this in multiple contexts in schools. In collaborative classrooms
where students are engaged in a thinking curriculum, everyone learns from everyone
else, and no student is deprived of this opportunity for making contributions and
appreciating the contributions of others.
Thus, shared knowledge and authority, mediated learning, and heterogeneous groups
of students are essential characteristics of collaborative classrooms. These
characteristics, which are elaborated below, necessitate new roles for teachers and
students that lead to interactions different from those in more traditional classrooms.
Facilitator Facilitating involves creating rich environments and activities for linking
new information to prior knowledge, providing opportunities for collaborative work
and problem solving, and offering students a multiplicity of authentic learning tasks.
This may first involve attention to the physical environment. For example, teachers
move desks so that all students can see each other, thus establishing a setting that
promotes true discussion. Teacher may also wish to move their desks from the front
of the room to a less prominent space.
Model Modeling has been emphasized by many local and state guidelines as sharing
one's thinking and demonstrating or explaining something. However, in collaborative
classrooms, modeling serves to share with students not only what one is thinking
about the content to be learned, but also the process of communication and
collaborative learning. Modeling may involve thinking aloud (sharing thoughts about
something) or demonstrating (showing students how to do something in a step-by-step
In terms of content, teachers might verbalize the thinking processes they use to make
a prediction about a scientific experiment, to summarize ideas in a passage, to figure
out the meaning of an unfamiliar word, to represent and solve a problem, to organize
complicated information, and so on. Just as important, they would also think aloud
about their doubts and uncertainties. This type of metacognitive thinking and thinking
aloud when things do not go smoothly is invaluable in helping students understand
that learning requires effort and is often difficult for people.
With respect to group process, teachers may share their thinking about the various
roles, rules, and relationships in collaborative classrooms. Consider leadership, for
example. A teacher might model what he or she thinks about such questions as how to
manage the group's time or how to achieve consensus. Similarly, showing students
how to think through tough group situations and problems of communication is as
invaluable as modeling how to plan an approach to an academic problem, monitoring
its progress, and assessing what was learned.
For example, a collaborative group of junior high students worked on the economic
development of several nations. They accumulated a lot of information about the
countries and decided that the best way to present it was to compare the countries. But
they were stymied as to how to organize the information so they could write about it
in a paper, the product they chose to produce. Their teacher hinted that they use a
matrix--a graphic organizer they had learned--to organize their information. When the
group finished the matrix, the teacher gave them feedback. In so doing, he did not tell
them it was right or wrong, but asked questions that helped them verbalize their
reasons for completing the matrix as they did. The principle the teacher followed was
to coach enough so that students could continue to learn by drawing on the ideas of
other group members.
Goal setting Students prepare for learning in many ways. Especially important is goal
setting, a critical process that helps guide many other before-, during-, and and after-
learning activities. Although teachers still set goals for students, they often provide
students with choices. When students collaborate, they should talk about their goals.
For example, one teacher asked students to set goals for a unit on garbage. In one
group, a student wanted to find out if garbage is a problem, another wanted to know
what happens to garbage, a third wanted to know what is being done to solve the
problem of garbage. The fourth member could not think of a goal, but agreed that the
first three were important and adopted them. These students became more actively
involved in the unit after their discussion about goals, and at the end of the unit, could
better evaluate whether they had attained them.
Designing Learning Tasks and Monitoring While teachers plan general learning
tasks, for example, to produce a product to illustrate a concept, historical sequence,
personal experience, and so on, students assume much more responsibility in a
collaborative classroom for planning their own learning activities. Ideally, these plans
derive in part from goals students set for themselves. Thoughtful planning by the
teacher ensures that students can work together to attain their own goals and capitalize
on their own abilities, knowledge, and strategies within the parameters set by the
teacher. Students are more likely to engage in these tasks with more purpose and
interest than in traditional classrooms.
Students can further develop their self-regulating abilities when each group shares its
ideas with other groups and gets feedback from them. For example, in the first video
conference, elementary students were shown collaborating in small groups to define
and represent math problems. Working in small groups, the children determined what
was being asked in story problems and thought of ways to solve the problems. Then
each group shared its ideas with the whole class. Members of the class commented on
the ideas. As students developed problem-solving skills with feedback from other
groups, they learned more about regulating their own learning which they could use in
the future.
Assessment While teachers have assumed the primary responsibility for assessing
students' performance in the past, collaborative classrooms view assessment much
more broadly. That is, a major goal is to guide students from the earliest school years
to evaluate their own learning. Thus, a new responsibility is self-assessment, a
capability that is fostered as students assess group work.
Collaborative teachers maintain the same sort of high-level talk and interaction when
a whole class engages in discussion. They avoid recitation, which consists primarily
of reviewing, drilling, and quizzing; i.e., asking questions to which the answer is
known by the teacher and there is only one right answer. In true discussion, students
talk to each other as well as to the teacher, entertain a variety of points of view, and
grapple with questions that have no right or wrong answers. Sometimes both students
and the teacher change their minds about an idea. In sum, interactions in whole group
discussion mirror what goes on in small groups.
Still a third way interactions differ in collaborative classrooms has been suggested
above. Teachers, in their new roles as mediators, spend more time in true interactions
with students. They guide students' search for information and help them share their
own knowledge. They move from group to group, modeling a learning strategy for
one group, engaging in discussion with another, giving feedback to still another.
Earlier in this essay we stressed that collaborative classrooms do not lack structure.
Indeed, structure becomes critical. Students need opportunities to move about, talk,
ask questions, and so on. Thus, we argue that the noise in a smoothly running
collaborative classroom indicates that active learning is going on. However, students
must be taught the parameters within which they make their choices. Rules and
standards must be stressed from the beginning, probably before any collaboration is
initiated, and reviewed throughout a school year.
unit within a subject area, probably one they are already very comfortable teaching,
and then add other subjects and units. Teachers can also share their plans with each
other. Indeed, if we expect students to collaborate, we should encourage teachers to
do the same! Principals and curriculum specialists can also collaborate with teachers
to plan effective segments of instruction. Moreover, there is a tradeoff between the
extra planning time needed and benefits such as less time correcting lessons,
increased student motivation, and fewer attendance and discipline problems.
A major question people have concerns the advantage collaboration affords gifted or
high-achieving students. There are two tough issues here. First, many teachers do not
believe that low-achieving students have much to contribute to the learning situation;
in effect, that they have no prior experiences or knowledge of value. Second, teachers
worry that high-achieving students will be held back.
In response to the first issue, many collaborative teachers have expressed surprise
when seemingly less-able students had insights and ideas that went way beyond what
teachers expected. Further, if each student contributes something, the pool of
collective knowledge will indeed be rich. In answer to the second concern, data
suggest that high-achieving students gain much from their exposure to diverse
experiences and also from peer tutoring (e.g., Johnson and Johnson, 1989). Also,
students who may be high achieving in one area may need help in other areas.
Teachers and others also wonder whether shy students can fully participate in a
classroom that depends so much on dialogue. We suggest that these students might
feel more comfortable talking in small groups that share responsibility for learning.
Furthermore, interaction between learners can happen in ways other than oral
dialogue, for example, writing and art.
Ideally, assessment practices should be changed so that they are consistent with
collaboration, with a new view of learning and with a thinking curriculum. Video
Conference 4 addresses recent research and practice on assessment. In the meantime,
effective ways have been developed whereby individual students can be evaluated in
collaborative classrooms. For example, David Johnson and Roger Johnson, as well as
Robert Slavin, advise making individuals responsible for subtasks in group work and
then determining both group and individual grades.
Conflict of Values Susan Florio-Ruane has observed that many teachers do not feel
comfortable allowing students to initiate dialogue, determine topics, or explore
perspectives other than the teacher's. This reluctance conflicts with the way effective
caregivers teach their children in the home. Florio-Ruane and others, such as
Annemarie Palincsar, have found that teachers often have difficulty helping students
construct meaning, especially linking the new information to the prior knowledge and
culture of the students. In part this is because many teachers believe that their role is
to transmit knowledge; in part it is because they are held accountable for teaching
discrete skills. In one poignant example, a student teacher's concern for grammar and
punctuation prevented her from seeing the sophistication and meaning in what the
child was actually communicating in a book report.
The reluctance people feel when asked to make major changes in the way they do
things is clearly the most serious issue of those discussed here. Hardly a person exists
who eagerly gives up familiar ways of behaving to attempt something that is unknown
and is likely to have many challenges of implementation.
This problem requires leadership, support, and time to address. Staff development
needs to address teachers' concerns. We urge that educators first examine their
assumptions about learning and then consider new curriculum guidelines. There is an
intimate relationship among one's definition of learning, one's view of the content and
scope of curricula, and instructional practices. Examining one's assumptions honestly
and forthrightly, in a supportive group, often spurs educators to change. The already-
convinced must allow time for the less-convinced to reflect and grapple with
implications for the views expressed in this Guidebook They must also accept the
possibility that some educators may not change. We are urging that students be treated
with such respect; we must urge the same respect for adults.
Vygotsky, a developmental theorist and researcher who worked in the 1920s and early
'30s, has influenced some of the current research of collaboration among students and
teachers and on the role of cultural learning and schooling. His principal premise is
that human beings are products not only of biology, but also of their human cultures.
Intellectual functioning is the product of our social history, and language is the key
mode by which we learn our cultures and through which we organize our verbal
thinking and regulate our actions. Children learn such higher functioning from
interacting with the adults and other children around them.
Inner Speech Children learn when they engage in activities and dialogue with others,
usually adults or more capable peers. Children gradually internalize this dialogue so
that it becomes inner speech, the means by which they direct their own behavior and
thinking. For example, as adults use language such as, "That piece does not fit there;
let's try it someplace else," children may initially just imitate this strategy. However,
they gradually use it to regulate their own behavior in a variety of contexts.
Eventually, this dialogue becomes internalized as inner speech.
There seems to be a general sequence in the development of speech for oneself. When
alone, very young children tend to talk about what they have done after they complete
an activity. Later, they talk as they work. Finally, they talk to themselves before they
engage in an activity. Speech now has assumed a planning function. Later they
internalize this speech. Inner speech--conversations we carry on with ourselves begins
as a social dialogue with other people and is a major mode of learning, planning, and
Vygotsky noted that children interacting toward a common goal tend to regulate each
other's actions. Other researchers (e.g., Forman & Cazden, 1986) have observed that
when students work together on complex tasks, they assist each other in much the
same way adults assist children. In such tasks, dialogue consists of mutual regulation.
Together, they can solve difficult problems they cannot solve working independently.
The zone of proximal development, scaffolding, and dialogue are especially useful
concepts or frameworks for school learning. Vygotsky observed that effective
teachers plan and carry out learning activities within children's zones of proximal
development, through dialogue and scaffolding. Florio-Ruane drew five maxims from
studies of caregiver-child interactions that illustrate these points and should
characterize school instruction.
1. Assume the child (learner) is competent
5. Capitalize on uncertainty
Very few teachers have the luxury of teaching children on a one-to-one basis.
Fortunately, we now know that tutoring is not, in fact, the only--or even the best--way
for students to learn in most situations. Dialogue, scaffolding, and working in one's
zone of proximal development can be accomplished in collaborative classrooms, and
are being accomplished in many classrooms today.
Effective teachers help students make these connections by scaffolding and dialogue.
In fact, these are the essence of mediating. Teachers plan learning activities at points
where students are challenged. Teachers plan activities and experiments that build on
the language of students' everyday lives through familiar examples and behaviors,
analogies and metaphors, and the use of commonly found materials. Teachers
demonstrate, do parts of the task students cannot do, work collaboratively with
students where they need help, and release responsibility to students when they can
perform the task independently.
Other Research
A number of researchers in recent years have demonstrated the high degree of
learning possible when students can collaborate in learning tasks and when they use
their own knowledge as a foundation for school learning. While there are many that
we could cite, we have chosen three different perspectives here: Luis Moll's work on
teachers' use of successful cultural patterns in Mexican-American families;
Annemarie Palincsar's and Anne Brown's work on scaffolding, dialogue, and
reciprocal teaching; and research on cooperative learning. Later we provide additional
research in content area examples.
Luis Moll Moll, an educator, and his colleagues in anthropology, Carlos Velez-lbanez
and James Greenberg, have studied Mexican-American families who have survived
successfully in spite of debilitating circumstances such as poverty and discrimination.
Particular constellations of cultural patterns--strategies if you will-- that value
learning and the transmission of knowledge to children distinguish these families.
Moll et al. argue that schools can draw on the social and cognitive contributions that
parents can make to their children's academic learning.
Moll and his colleagues discovered that Mexican-American households are clustered
according to kinship ties and exchange relationships. These clusters of households
develop rich funds of knowledge that provide information about practices and
resources useful in ensuring the well-being of the households. Each household in the
cluster is a place where expertise in a particular domain can be accessed and used;
examples of domains include repair of vehicles and appliances, plumbing, knowledge
of education, herbal medicine, and first aid. Together, the households form a cluster
for the exchange of information and resources. Often, everyone seems to congregate
at one core household.
Families create settings in which children carry out the tasks and chores in the
multiple domains of clustered households. The children's activities have important
intellectual consequences. They observe, question, and assist adults as various tasks
are done. For example, the son may indicate interest in fixing a car by asking
questions. The father takes his cue from the child and then decides whether or not the
child is capable of doing a task; if not, he may suggest a task that the child can
accomplish. Even though the son's help may be minimal, such as helping to put in
screws or checking the oil, his participation in the whole task is encouraged as an
essential part of learning. He is allowed to attempt tasks and to experiment without
fear of punishment if he fails. In such families, learning and questioning are in the
hands of the child.
With time children develop expertise as well. They have many opportunities in the
cluster of households to apply what they have learned to tasks of their own design.
For example, the son may have a workplace where there are many "junk" engines that
he can manipulate and with which he can experiment. He may use what he has
learned in observing and assisting his father to rebuild a small engine for a "go-cart"
he is constructing.
Moll and his colleagues are exploring ways of using the community to enrich
children's academic development. To accomplish this, teachers have developed an
after-school laboratory. One teacher created a module on constructing houses which is
a theme of great interest to the students in this teacher's classroom and also one of the
most prominent funds of knowledge found in the students' households. The students
started by locating information on building or construction in the library. As a result
of their research, they built a model house or other structure as homework and wrote
reports describing their research and explaining their construction. To extend this
activity, the teacher invited parents and other community members who were experts
to share information on specific aspects of construction. For example, one parent
described his use of construction tools and how he measured the area and perimeter of
his work site. Thus, the teacher was mobilizing the funds of knowledge in the
community to achieve the instructional goals that she and her students had negotiated
The students then took the module one step further. They wanted to consider how
they could combine these individual structures to form a community. This task
required both application of their earlier learnings and considerable research. Students
went out to do research, wrote summaries of their findings, and shared the results
orally with others in the class. Thus, students fulfilled their own interests and
designed the learning task, while the teacher facilitated and mediated the learning
process and fulfilled her curricular goal of teaching language arts.
Palincsar and Brown Palincsar and Brown have applied Vygotsky's theories about
dialogue and scaffolding to classroom instruction. They reasoned that if the natural
dialogue that occurs outside of school between a child and adult is so powerful for
promoting learning, it ought to promote learning in school as well. In particular, they
were interested in the planning and self-regulation such dialogue might foster in
learners as well as the insights teachers might gain about their students' thinking
processes as they engage in learning tasks. In addition, dialogue among students
might be especially effective for encouraging collaborative problem solving.
The four comprehension strategies that are stressed are: predicting, question
generating, summarizing, and clarifying. The "teacher" leads dialogue about the text.
Predicting activates students' prior knowledge about the text and helps them make
connections between new information and what they already know, and gives them a
purpose for reading. Students also learn to generate questions themselves rather than
responding only to teacher questions. Students collaborate to accomplish
summarizing, which encourages them to integrate what they have learned. Clarifying
promotes comprehension monitoring. Students share their uncertainties about
unfamiliar vocabulary, confusing text passages, and difficult concepts.
Reciprocal teaching has been successful, but only when teachers believe the
underlying assumption that collaboration among teachers and students to construct
meaning, solve problems, and so forth, leads to higher quality learning. Believing this
is only a beginning. Engaging in true dialogue requires practice for both teachers and
students. However, the principles of collaborative dialogue and scaffolding for
purposes of self-regulated learning ought to be effective across many content areas.
What may differ, of course, are the critical specific strategies for different subject
areas. For example, defining problems seems critical in mathematics; judging the
reliability of resources appears important in social studies; and seeking empirical
evidence is essential in science. In fact, Palincsar is currently investigating problem
solving in science.
Unfortunately, simply putting students in groups and letting them go is not enough to
attain the outcomes listed above. Indeed, many teachers and schools have failed to
implement cooperation because they have not understood that cooperative skills must
be learned and practiced, especially since students are used to working on their own in
competition for grades. At least three conditions must prevail, according to Johnson
and Johnson, if cooperation is to work. First, students must see themselves as
positively interdependent so that they take a personal responsibility for working to
achieve group goals. Second, students must engage in considerable face-to-face
interaction in which they help each other, share resources, give constructive feedback
to each other, challenge other members' reasoning and ideas, keep an open mind, act
in a trustworthy manner, and promote a feeling of safety to reduce anxiety of all
members. Heterogeneous groups of students usually accomplish this second condition
better than do homogeneous groups.
The third condition, effective group process skills, is necessary for the first two to
prevail. In fact, group skills are never "mastered." Students continually need to reflect
on their interactions and evaluate their cooperative work. For example, students need
to learn skills both for accomplishing tasks, such as summarizing and consensus
taking, and for maintaining group cohesiveness, such as ensuring that everyone has a
chance to speak and compromising.
Some people, such as Slavin, have developed specific cooperative learning methods
that emphasize individual responsibility for group members. While groups still work
to achieve common goals, each member fulfills a particular role or accomplishes an
individual task. Teachers can then assess both group and individual work.
Teachers conduct discussion of stories in three phases. First, they guide students to
activate what they know that will help them understand what they read, make
predictions, and set purposes. This is the Experience phase. Next, they read the story
with the students, stopping at appropriate points to discuss the story, determine
whether their predictions were confirmed, and so on. This is the Text phase. After
they have finished the story, teachers guide students to relate ideas from a text to their
own experiences. This is the Relationship phase. Teachers facilitate comprehension,
model processes, and may coach students as they engage in reading and
comprehension activities.
Hawaiians engage in "talk story" as a favored way to narrate stories. While some
cultures expect only one person to relate a story, Hawaiians cooperate by taking turns
relating small parts of a story. Encouraging such strategies in reading lessons
promotes collaboration among students and the teacher and involves, indirectly, the
community as well. (Cooperation among family and group members is also important
in other aspects of the culture.) As a result, the ETR method not only attends to
students' experiences related to the content of a text, but also honors communication
strategies students have learned in their own cultures.
Content Area Reading Harold Herber developed a set of teaching strategies for
content area reading for older students, particularly high school students, in which
teachers show students how to comprehend text through simulation (modeling and
facilitating) rather than asking recitation questions that merely assess whether students
have understood a text.
Process Writing The process writing approach we describe here was developed in a
rural school in New Hampshire under the direction of Donald Graves. It has been
incorporated in many elementary school classrooms but is just as appropriate for older
Process writing teachers who use Graves' approach make certain assumptions about
students and the writing process. One is that students have worthwhile ideas to
communicate in writing. Another is that when students select their own topics they
will learn more about writing than if teachers always assign topics. A third is that
writing should be read by real audiences, that is, that writing is constructing meaning
by a community of writers and readers.
Both teachers and students engage in writing as a craft. Teachers' main functions are
to facilitate, model, and coach. Students dialogue with other students in conferences
and as part of an audience. The mode of interaction is collaboration among students
and the teacher.
Teachers fulfill their mediating roles in many ways. They facilitate by providing time
to write every day and by setting standards with the students for conferencing,
sharing, and being an audience. They model by writing along with the students and
thinking aloud about how to solve problems writers encounter such as selecting topics
and making revisions. Coaching often takes place in teacher-student conferences, and
student-student conferences mirror the teacher-student conference. Conferences are
conceptualized as dialogues between an editor and an author. The "editor" might point
out places where the author's writing works especially well, or might point out a
confusing passage that the author could revise. Graves provides many practical
guidelines for, and examples of, successful conferencing.
Many important interactions are promoted in process writing. Students work on their
own, but also share their writing with other students and the teacher. When a student
decides to share his or her work with the whole class, he or she is treated as a real
author. Questions that other students ask the student author would be the same ones
they might ask a "real" author; for example, "Where did you get your idea for that
story?" When students feel a piece is finished, they publish it and place it on the
classroom shelves alongside books by their peers and "real" authors.
The teacher then helped students look for patterns in the numbers of solutions for 3, 4,
and 5. Next, she asked them to use their "best" system to generate all possible patterns
for the number 6. Again, she asked if a pattern was apparent and if they could use it to
predict solutions for the number 7. Several suggestions were made, but no conclusions
agreed on. She ended by encouraging students to think more about this problem.
For example, instead of being asked to find a solution to an abstract "problem" such
as 400 divided by 11.3, students might be asked, "Suppose a car goes 400 miles
between gas fill-ups and it takes 11.3 gallons to fill up the tank. What has been the
mileage per gallon?" In classes where this question is asked and the answer (about
35.4 miles per gallon) is found, there are natural questions such as: "Why is this
number important?" "Is this possible - do cars get this much mileage? If so, what cars
do?" "What is a good gas mileage these days?" "How much less gas would be used on
a 10,000-mile trip by a car averaging 35 miles per gallon than a car averaging 25
miles per gallon? How much less would it cost?"
In the algebra curriculum, Usiskin and Senk have included only those "word
problems" that show the importance of mathematics in today's world. The curriculum
developers point out the pitfalls of problems such as the following, often found in
algebra texts: "Reversing the two digits in the cost of an item, a salesperson
overcharges a customer by 27 cents. If the sum of the digits was 15, what was the
original cost of the item?" Such problems violate two principles of application of
mathematics. First, they are reverse given-find, in that one has to know the answer
before one can make up the question. In the real world, one would never solve a
problem for which one already as solution. Second, such problems are easier to solve
with arithmetic than algebra. Usiskin, Senk, and the teachers they work with believe it
is because of these two weaknesses that such "word problems" are viewed with such
antipathy that many students ask why they are studying the subject. Mathematics,
Usiskin, points out, has been invented to do things more easily, not to make things
more difficult.
Basic to Joliet West High School's program are the TEAM (Together Each
Accomplishes More) Seminars in which all freshmen participate daily. Seminars
provide students with opportunities to experience small-group, cooperative learning.
While learning problem-solving and decision-making skills, students, grouped
heterogeneously with regard to race, economic level, and ability, begin to appreciate
diverse cultures, attitudes, and abilities. TEAM also involves the community: Local
hospital staff talk with freshmen about stress management and drug abuse prevention;
other community members introduce students to career possibilities.
Aware that collaboration promotes learning in many settings, Joliet West High School
trains many of its content-area teachers to make their classrooms communities of
collaboration. In English, history, foreign language, and industrial technology, for
example, students collaborate in small groups or as an entire classroom; they share
prior knowledge, set learning goals, monitor their progress, and share responsibility
for results. Heterogeneous grouping may team students from various socioeconomic
groups and students with varying experiential backgrounds. Gifted students and
former Special Education students may collaborate. Classrooms are open
communities where all ideas are welcome; students challenge each other and share
positive criticism. Teachers offer positive reinforcement and communicate successes
to parents.
Joliet's success is evident not only in academic performance, but also in student
attitudes, motivation, and self-esteem. Since the program's inception three years ago,
the number of students earning grades in the A to C level has increased by 20 percent,
and there has been a significant reduction in the number of failures among the
academically at-risk group. Teacher comments illustrate other types of gains: "I use it
in auto technology. Students change oil in triads: one picks up the tools, one puts
them away, while one actually does the job. All watch and are responsible that the job
is done properly." "I find that there seem to be fewer disciplinary referrals on the
freshman level." "In freshman seminar my students are forming their own groups to
study before major tests. They quiz each other. They enjoy working together so much,
they have even made up their own games and asked me to be part of their group."
Student comments may be the most insightful: "I really like sharing answers. I never
shared answers before." "I really like working in groups because you can bring your
grade up." "While working in groups there are no arguments. If you disagree with
someone you find a way to solve the problem." "I learned not to argue and always
help out and share ideas that you think of and do not start fights." "Working with
groups is fun because you get to share your facts with someone else."
All that has changed. The program that made all the difference is called Reading,
Reading, Everywhere. Far more than a reading program, it demonstrates how
collaboration within the classroom, the school, and the community can produce
successful learners.
Teachers activate students' prior knowledge by asking them what they already
KNOW; then students (collaborating as a classroom unit or within small groups) set
goals specifying what they WANT to learn; and, after reading, students discuss what
they have LEARNED. Students apply higher-order thinking strategies which help
them construct meaning from what they read and help them monitor progress toward
their goals.
At Beaupre, students often work in cooperative group~ in which each student has a
specific responsibility--to complete a product such as a story map. Fifth- and sixth-
grade teachers have seen how effectively peer influence regulates behavior when
group members must cooperate to complete a science experiment or other type of
Beaupre has gained respect in the community by utilizing the talents of community
members to further stimulate learning. Among the numerous collaborative efforts are:
visits to senior centers where youngsters and senior citizens read to each other; visits
to early education centers where Beaupre students share their knowledge with the
toddlers; a homework lab operated by teenagers and seniors from a local church; and
an Urban League tutoring program operated by parents and high school students. A
program exemplifying collaboration as well as a whole-language approach is the
school's Read Aloud program. Students in each classroom write to community
members inviting them to be the "community reader" for the day. Community
members of various ethnic groups and occupations have accepted invitations and
serve as role models for the students.
In addition to heightened involvement and respect from parents and the community at
large, Beaupre has observed improvement in students' reading habits and abilities:
after-school reading was up 20 percent; the number of students holding library cards
increased by 28 percent; newspaper readership by students increased significantly. On
state reading comprehension and vocabulary assessments, the school rose from last in
the school district to first in the county; the percent of students in the bottom quartile
on standardized tests for grade 1-6 decreased from 80 percent to 22 percent; and
overall reading scores of at-risk students tutored through the Urban League Project
increased 34 percent. In fact, 5 of 15 students moved out of the at-risk category.
These changes have created a lack of cohesiveness and feelings of insecurity in the
community. High school students, especially, fear for their future and wonder if they
will find jobs. The town's limited manufacturing enterprises, retail stores, and
remaining farms cannot provide employment for all the town's youth. Most will
probably seek jobs in small cities nearby.
To address these problems, in the late 1980s the school system applied to the
American Forum in the late 1980s and was awarded a five-year Education 2000 grant.
Education 2000 funds enable communities to restructure schools so that students are
prepared for a changing society. To accomplish this aim, the entire Redwood Falls
community collaborated to set goals and develop a restructuring plan.
These efforts have led to many positive changes. People began regarding the schools
as the center of intellectual life for the community at large. Early childhood, family
education, and university level adult education courses are among those programs
available to everyone in the community.
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nothing is an "event" until someone tells a story about it. When studying about
conflicts on the Great Plains in the 1800s between Native American and white groups,
students heard representatives of both groups present their point of view. Gavin, the
drama teacher, and the music teacher collaborated to assist students in writing and
producing an original one-act play.
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Video Sources
Learning Mediated Through Dialogue. This videotape was developed and copyrighted
by NCREL (1990).