Teaching The Correct Use of Omissive Apostrophes in Year 4 Using Multimedia Software
Teaching The Correct Use of Omissive Apostrophes in Year 4 Using Multimedia Software
Teaching The Correct Use of Omissive Apostrophes in Year 4 Using Multimedia Software
The teacher
The pupils
The teacher has been teaching at the school for ten years and
has taught Years 2 and 3 in addition to Year 4. As ICT co- Before the project began the pupils had been carrying out
ordinator she has been instrumental in moving ICT forward work on using apostrophes correctly. The teacher had used a
within the school. She enjoys a close working relationship number of different strategies which did not use ICT to teach
with colleagues and values the contacts made while this aspect of word and sentence level work but found, after
attending in-service courses. She comments on the fact that: testing, that more than half the class had failed to
understand the use of apostrophe especially when used for
"When attending a course I like to come back inspired with omissions or contractions. Given the amount of input which
new ideas to put into practice." had taken place (for example whole class teaching,
individual worksheets, homework and even a demonstration
When using ICT she is always conscious of the links that are using a feather duster to ‘tickle out’ letters) the teacher was
required into other subject areas and never teaches ICT in rather surprised at the test results and keen to make use of
isolation. She is keen to point out that: ICT to try and improve the children’s understanding. Could
"Although I favour using the computer, unless I have ICT help them move from ‘will’nt’ to won’t?
planned to use it to meet specific learning objectives you
will probably find my computer switched off." The aim of the project
This project aimed to move pupils’ understanding forward in
Alongside using ICT in the curriculum she makes good use the use of the apostrophe. The teacher was keen to involve
of the technology for planning, recording, reporting and all the children in the use of ICT and not just those who
creating resources. Having access to the Internet at home has were struggling with the correct usage. It was decided that
proved invaluable in literacy hour preparation. She is in addition to using the ICT to improve apostrophe usage a
enthusiastic about sharing resources across the Internet and program would be used which would also stretch their ICT
hopes, in time, this will result in more creative and exciting skills and contribute to their IT capability. Many of the
teaching. children have computers at home and as a consequence some
pupils had high levels of ICT skills.
the rules is worth particular consideration. It involved the teacher was motivated to use this program because she
children in word level work distinguishing uses of the wanted to improve her own ICT skills. Learning with the
apostrophe as well as sentence level work identifying children is something she enjoys and felt this was an
patterns in how apostrophes were used. In pairs the children excellent opportunity to develop her own ICT skills.
were given a list showing the original two words followed by
the contraction e.g. your are - you’re. They were asked to use The teacher used ICT as a vehicle to encourage the children
colour pencils to highlight groups which they thought were to work as a team. Although the stack was considered by the
similar. Many children looked at the number of missing children as the final result, for the teacher it was the
letters and created a grouping this way. Others came up with thinking that had gone into establishing the rules, agreeing
more sophisticated patterns. Once they had finished, a whole the examples, hints and tips and working collectively as a
class discussion took place on what the groups had found class that was important. In moving their understanding of
and finally a consensus was reached which everyone agreed omissive apostrophes forward, the work that had taken place
to and understood. away from the computer was more important than what had
actually been achieved using the computer.
using omissive apostrophes correctly in their general writing. effectively not only when to use ICT to improve literacy, but
also when not to use it.
While it is not possible to say that using ICT was directly
responsible for the improvement in test scores, the results do The teacher also wished to develop her own ICT skills as
suggest that ICT activities with clear literacy objectives can part of the work with the children. She feels her new skills
contribute to improving pupils’ understanding of aspects of can be put to use in other areas of the curriculum. As a
punctuation. consequence of being involved in the project she feels much
more confident about making use of ICT in the literacy hour
Features of ICT both for whole class teaching and for use by the children in
their group work.
While creating their multimedia presentation the children
were making use of the speed and automatic functions of the
As the work progressed she realised that the teaching of
program. They were controlling the presentation with the
apostrophes was more complex than she had previously
use of navigational buttons and creating text frames which
thought and that this perhaps explained some of the
allowed speech feedback. In addition the pupils used other
difficulties she had experienced in teaching this aspect of
buttons to automatically display text and images, play
word level work before. For example even omissive
recorded speech and create animations.
apostrophes are complex. Some follow a pattern such as
didn’t and wouldn’t but then other similar contractions, such
The children were able to make use of the provisionality
as won’t; don’t follow this pattern. The approach she took
which ICT offers when they made changes with ease. For
enabled her to understand the difficulties the children were
instance if a card in the stack was not in the correct order
having and in using this knowledge to improve their
the program allowed the children to change the order simply
by dragging the card to the correct place.
No. correct
(Max. 14) 8
The teacher prepared a test to see how effective
her teaching had been. This chart shows how
successfully the pupils learned the correct usage of
Pupils 1st test
apostrophe before and after the work they did.
2nd test