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The Computer As Tutor

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The Computer as Tutor

To function as a tutor in some subject, the computer must be

programmed by experts in programming and in that subject. The
student is then tutored by the computer executing the program(s).
The computer presents some subject material, the student
responds, the computer evaluates the response, and, from the
results of the evaluation, determines what to present next. At its
best, the computer tutor keeps complete records on each student
being tutored; it has at its disposal a wide range of subject detail it
can present; and it has an extensive and flexible way to test and
then lead the student through the material. With appropriately welldesigned software, the computer tutor can easily and swiftly tailor
its presentation to accommodate a wide range of student

Tutor mode typically requires many hours of expert work to produce

one hour of good tutoring, for any or all of several reasons. (a) As
intuitive beings, humans are much more flexible than any machine,
even a computer. (b) Creating a lesson to be delivered by a human
tutor requires less time because it omits much of the detail, relying
upon the spontaneous improvisation and performance of the
instructor to fill in both strategy and substance at the time of
delivery. (c) Computers are still relatively crude devices and the

only means we have of programming them are awkward and timeconsuming. (d) Human instruction rarely aims to accommodate
individual differences because the normal classroom situation
prohibits such accommodation; hence lesson preparation and design
are simpler and swifter. Because such accommodation is possible
with the computer as tutor, the substantive and strategic details
needed to individualize the lesson tend to get included, thus often
greatly lengthening lesson design and preparation time.

The Computer as Tool

To function as a tool, the lassroom computer need only have some
useful capability programmed into it such as statistical analysis,
super calculation, or word processing. Students can then use it to
help them in a variety of subjects. For example, they might use it as
a calculator in math and various science assignments, as a mapmaking tool in geography, as a facile, tireless performer in music, or
as a text editor and copyist in English.

Because of their immediate and practical utility, many such tools

have been developed for business, science, industry, government,
and other application areas, such as higher education. Their use can
pay off handsomely in saving time and preserving intellectual
energy by transferring necessary but routine clerical tasks of a

tedious, mechanical kind to the computer. For example, the

burdensome process of producing hundreds or even thousands of
employee paychecks can be largely transferred to the computer
through the use of accounting software; the tedious recopying of
edited manuscripts of texts or even music can be relegated to the
computer through word or musical notation processing software;
the laborious drawing of numerous intermediate frames for
animated cartoons can be turned over to the computer through
graphics software; or the fitting of a curve to experimental data can
be done by the computer through statistical software.

To use the computer as tutor and tool can both improve and enrich
classroom learning, and neither requires student or teacher to learn
much about computers. By the same measure, however, neither
tutor nor tool mode confers upon the user much of the general
educational benefit associated with using the computer in the third
mode, as tutee.

The Computer as Tutee

To use the computer as tutee is to tutor the computer; for that, the
student or teacher doing the tutoring must learn to program, to talk
to the computer in a language it understands. The benefits are
several. First, because you cant teach what you dont understand,

the human tutor will learn what he or she is trying to teach the
computer. Second, by trying to realize broad teaching goals through
software constructed from the narrow capabilities of computer
logic, the human tutor of the computer will learn something both
about how computers work and how his or her own thinking works.
Third, because no expensive predesigned tutor software is
necessary, no time is lost searching for such software and no money
spent acquiring it.

The computer makes a good tutee because of its dumbness, its

patience, its rigidity, and its capacity for being initialized and
started over from scratch. Students teach it how to tutor and how
to be a tool. For example, they have taught it to tutor younger
students in arithmetic operations, to drill students on French verb
endings, to play monopoly, to calculate loan interest, to speak
another computer language, to draw maps, to generate animated
pictures, and to invert melodies.

Learners gain new insights into their own thinking through learning
to program, and teachers have their understanding of education
enriched and broadened as they see how their students can benefit
from treating the computer as a tutee. As a result, extended use of
the computer as tutee can shift the focus of education in the

classroom from end product to process, from acquiring facts to

manipulating and understanding them.

Source :http://www.citejournal.org/volume-3/issue-2-03/seminal-articles/the-computer-inschool-tutor-tool-tutee/

Komputer sebagai Alat

Komputer dikatakan sebagai alat komunikasi karena komputer dapat berinteraksi
dengan manusia misalnya dalam menampilkan data. Komunikasi data sendiri
adalah pentransmian data yang telah mempunyai nilai dan dibentuk menjadi kode
digital. Sedangkan peran komputer dalam komunikasi data merupahkan media
komunikasi data baik sebagai sumber informasi dan transmisi serta sebagai
penyambung dan komunikasi bisah terjadi juga apabila ada kesamaan dalam
bahasa (format). Komponen-komponen yang bertugas dalam komunikasi CPU,
RAM, Hardisk, Port.
Dalam komunikasi juga diperlukan jaringan, ada macam-macam jaringan yaitu


Local area network


Metropolite area network


Wide area network


Internasional network

Ada dampak positif dan dampak negatif dari kemajuan sistim komunikasi pada
komputer misalnya dampak positif yaitu :
v Informasi lebih cepat
v Tidak ada batasan ruang dan waktu
v Meningkatkan perekonomian
v Meningkatkan parawisata
Dampak negatif dari kemajuan sistem komunikasi yaitu :
v Timbulnya modus-modus kejahatan baru

v Merusak orang.

Komputer Sebagai Guru

Dalam kategori ini, komputer berperanan menyampaikan pengajaran kepadapelajar, sekaligus menyediakan
aktiviti pembelajaran contohnya kuiz yangmelibatkan interaksi dengan pelajar (Newby et al., 2000). Kelebihan
utamapenggunaan komputer sebagai guru ialah ciri interaktivitinya yang tidak ada didalam bahan bercetak.
Penggunaan komputer sebagai guru memerlukanpelajar memberikan respon yang aktif dan menghasilkan
pembelajaran yangbersifat individu (Kulik & Kulik, 1991).Menurut Newby et al. (2000), aplikasi komputer
sebagai guru sering jugadisebut sebagai Pengajaran Berasaskan Komputer (Computer-basedInstruction),
Pengajaran Berbantukan Komputer (Computer-assistedInstruction) atau Pembelajaran Berbantukan
Komputer (Computer-assistedLearning ). Terdapat beberapa aplikasi perisian dalam kategori
pengajaranberasaskan komputer iaitu : (a) tutorial, (b) latih tubi, (c) simulasi
Dalam aplikasi ini, komputer menyampaikan maklumat pengajaran, latihandan seterusnya memberi
maklumbalas kepada jawapan pelajar di sampingmengemukakan aktiviti pemulihan untuk pelajar (Sharp,
2005). Pelajar yangmenggunakan aplikasi tutorial ini akan belajar mengikut kadar kemampuansendiri serta
berpeluang berinteraksi dengan komputer.
Latih tubi
Kaedah latih tubi digunakan untuk pengukuhan pengajaran dan memastikankemahiran atau konsep dapat
disimpan dalam ingatan jangka panjangpelajar. Kebiasaannya kaedah ini dilaksanakan setelah pengajaran
bagi topiktersebut dilaksanakan (Forcier & Descy, 2005). Antara manfaat penggunaankomputer untuk latih
tubi adalah ciri-ciri interaktiviti yang membolehkanpelajar menerima dan memberi respon kepada komputer.
Menurut Sharp(2005), terdapat sedikit perbezaan di antara aplikasi tutorial dengan latih tubi.Melalui latih tubi,
pelajar mengingat dan menggunakan semula kemahiranyang telah mereka pelajari manakala aplikasi tutorial
mendedahkan pelajarkepada tajuk atau isi pelajaran yang baru.
Simulasi merupakan satu aktiviti yang menyeronokkan dan murah tetapiboleh memberi pengalaman kepada
pelajar dalam perkara yang berbahayauntuk dilakukan secara realiti (Maddux et al., 1997). Kaedah simulasi
mampumenggalakkan pemindahan pengetahuan dengan memberi peluang kepadapelajar untuk merasai
pengalaman dalam satu atmosfera yang melibatkansosialisi dan kerjasama. Kajian yang dijalankan

Sharifuddin dan KasiranBuang (1994) mendapati penggunaan simulasi komputer dalam pengajarandan
pembelajaran ke atas pelajar tingkatan empat di Sekolah menengahSkudai Johor telah memberi kesan
terhadap pemahaman pelajar dalamsubjek Sains. Riley (1990) yang mengkaji kesan penggunaan
simulasikomputer dalam pengajaran topik hidrologi juga telah mendapati penggunaan simulasi tersebut
telah meningkatkan pemahaman pelajar tentang konsep-konsep yang sukar.

Komputer Sebagai Pelajar

Dalam konteks komputer sebagai pelajar, Taylor (1980) menyifatkanpengguna (guru atau pelajar) bertukar peranan dengan
komputer. Dalamaplikasi ini komputer tidak lagi menyampaikan maklumat kepada pengguna,sebaliknya pengguna
mengajar komputer untuk melaksanakan sesuatutugasan. Untuk mencapai aplikasi ini, pengguna perlu
mempunyaipengetahuan dan kemahiran bagaimana untuk berkomunikasi dengankomputer dalam bahasa yang difahami
oleh komputer tersebut bagimembolehkannya menghasilkan tugasan (Newby et al., 2000). Kemahiran ini juga memerlukan
pemikiran logik serta kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah.
Secara kesimpulannya, pelbagai kaedah boleh digunakan oleh guru untukmengintegrasikan komputer dalam pengajaran
dan pembelajaran. Guruboleh memilih sama ada untuk menggunakan komputer sebagai alat, guruatau pelajar selagi
mana kaedah tersebut mampu mencapai objektifpengajaran yang diharapkan

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