rtsgawd/TMJawa GMT -7
Pipe__04 GMT -5
Snets GMT +1
tkmj75 GMT +1
Ghazna GMT -7
WoodyWorld GMT+1
mrdewtles GMT -5
jeowaypoint GMT +2
1. Azmodan GMT +1
2. Avehand1 GMT -5
Population (200)
Game Speed (Normal)
Reveal Map (Normal)
Starting Age (Standard)
Ending Age (Standard)
Victory (Standard)
Lock Speed (Checked)
Record Game (Checked)
2. Record Game
It is required that a game is recorded for documentation purposes. In the event that one player
objects to recording of a game then a screen shot of the both the opponent defeated and
achievements screen will need to be submitted.
3. Best of Three
Both participants will play a possible total of three matches. Each match will result in a different
game map being used. The game and map are listed below.
4. Disconnects
Game 1 Arabia
Game 2 Gold Rush
Game 3 (if needed) Random Land Map
Both players can agree to who won the match or a re-do. If both players fail to come to an
agreement the ruling will be as followed:
If a player is disconnected from the match, the tournament host reserves the right to review the
recorded game footage. After reviewing the game, the tournament host will either award a win
to one of the players or call for a re-do. If a re-do is given and both parties are over their allotted
time to complete their 3 games, additional time will be granted.
Note: The footage will more than likely end up on reddit to ensure a non-biased decision.
5. Allotted Time
Below is the list of the rounds and their timeline. This timeline is subject to change dependent
on the completion of rounds. For example, if round 1 finishes on November 9th, round 2 will be
begin on November 10th and continue until 19th. If a round is finished early, the next round will
begin early!
Round 1: November 6th November 12th
Round 2: November 13th November 19th