Game Mechanics
Game Mechanics
Game Mechanics
ML Tournament
Game Mechanics
I. Tournament Rules
1. Each contestant can only battle for one team/squad in total, only for the squad
stated at the time of registration. A player cannot change team part way through
tournament and cannot play for two squads at the same time.
2. Once registration ends, the official MLBB team will make a post announcing the
first-round matchups and match times. (Match ups between participating squads
will be done at random by official team.
3. Each round of matches should be set up Custom Mode, as a 5v5 Match Up
4. There are no restrictions on account level. heroes or skins used.
5. Teams are prohibited to replace any of the registered players (including the
reserved player) throughout the event.
6. Players will conduct themselves with sportsmanship and in a reasonable manner,
maintaining a friendly and polite demeanor to spectators, competitors, members
of the press, tournament staff, and to other participants of the event.
7. All results must be reported to the respective admins right after the match.
8. No player shall perform any cheating with regards to match results. If any used of
3rd party tools, hacking tools or similar actions are discovered, that squad will be
automatically disqualified from the tournament.
Game Mechanics
1. Two to four players are required to start the game.
2. The objective is to attain the highest score possible using combinations of letters
to form words noting that all the letters placed on the board have different values
for computation.
3. Below are the point values for each letter that is used in a Scrabble game.
0 Points - Blank tile
1 Point - A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T and U
2 Points - D and G.
3 Points - B, C, M and P. o 4 Points - F, H, V, W and Y.
5 Points - K.
8 Points - J and X.
10 Points - Q and Z.
5. When looking at the board, players will see that some squares offer multipliers.
Should a tile be placed on these squares. the value of the tile will be multiplied by
2x or 3x. Some squares will also multiply the total value of the word and not just
the single point value of one tile.
6. Without looking at any of the tiles in the bag, players will take one tile each. The
player that has the letter that is closest to "A" will begin the game. In case that a
player got a blank tile, he/she will be the first one to start. All the tiles will be
placed back to the bag and will be used in the remainder of the game.
7. Every player will start their turn by drawing seven tiles from the Scrabble bag. A
player can either place a word or pass but passing cannot gain scores. If any
player passes two times in a row, the game will end and the one with the highest
score will win.
8. After the turn is over, players will have to wait until their next turn to place a word
on the board.
9. When the game begins, the first player will place their word on the star spin in the
center of the board. All players following will build their words off of this word,
extending the game to other squares on the board.
10. The game continues in a clockwise direction around the Scrabble board.
11. Once all tiles are gone from the bag and a single player has placed all of their
tiles, the game will end and the player with the highest score wins.
12. When the game ends, each player will count all points that are remaining on their
tiles that have not been placed on the board. This amount will be deducted from
the final score.
13. The Scrabble player with the highest score after all final scores are tallied wins.
Note: For this game, only the words that are indicated in the provided dictionary should
be used.
LARO NG LAHI (By Section)
Sack Race
Game Mechanics
1. Each team shall be composed of 5 players.
2. The player must be able to reach the turning point and go back to the starting line
for the next player to join the race until all 5 players enter the sack and turn
around to the starting line.
3. The winner will be the first team to complete the race.
Tug of War
Game Mechanics
1. Each team is composed of 6 players.
2. Each round is composed of 2 teams to compete.
3. Each team must pull the rope until the competing team passes the respective line
to be a winner.
Catching Egg
Game Mechanics
1. All teams begin by standing an equal distance apart. One person begins by
tossing the egg to the other teammate.
2. If the teammate catches the egg successfully, they both take a step back and the
game continues.
3. If the egg is dropped, but not broken, the teammate may pick it up and throw it
back and consider themselves lucky to still be in the game! (Some variations set
a limit on how many times the egg can be dropped by a team before they are
4. If the egg breaks on the ground or in someone’s hands, the team is now out of
the game.
5. The game continues until there is one team left standing.
6. If there happens to be a question on the last two teams as to whose egg broke
first, the winning team is determined by whichever team is at the farthest
distance apart.