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Workshop Manual

(Group 23) EDC 4

TD420VE, TAD420VE, TD520GE, TAD520GE, TD520VE

TAD520VE, TAD530/531/532GE, TAD620VE, TD720GE
TAD720GE, TD720VE, TAD720VE , TAD721GE, TAD721VE,
TAD722GE, TAD722VE, TAD730/731/732/733GE

Workshop manual
TD420VE, TAD420VE, TD520GE, TAD520GE, TD520VE
TAD520VE, TAD530/531/532GE, TAD620VE, TAD650VE
TAD730/731/732/733GE, TAD750VE, TAD760VE

Safety information ................................................. 2
Introduction .......................................................... 2
General information ..............................................
About the workshop manual .................................
Spare parts ..........................................................
Certified engines ..................................................


Repair instructions ................................................

Our common responsibility ...................................
Tightening torque .................................................
Torque-angle tightening ........................................
Lock nuts .............................................................
Strength classes ..................................................
Sealants ..............................................................


Repair instructions ..............................................

Working on the EDC4 .........................................
Control unit, change ...........................................
Speed regulator, change ....................................
Starting with auxiliary batteries ..........................


Function check .................................................... 29

Diagnostic function with program for PC ............ 29
Fault tracing ........................................................ 30
Symptoms and possible causes ........................ 30

Engine signs ......................................................... 8

Location of engine signs ...................................... 8

Diagnostic function .............................................

Diagnostic function, tasks ..................................
Malfunction message .........................................
Fault tracing guide .............................................
Effect on engine .................................................
Operation ...........................................................

Special tools ......................................................... 9

Fault codes .......................................................... 33

Technical data ..................................................... 10

Electrical fault finding ........................................

General ..............................................................
Function checking of cables and connectors ......
Fault tracing of cables and connectors ...............
Joining electrical cables for multi-connector .......
Inspection/fault tracing of components ...............
Fault tracing the starter motor ............................
Fault tracing the alternator .................................

Design and function ............................................

System description, EDC 4 ................................
Other functions ..................................................
Component description ......................................
Component location ...........................................




Limit values ......................................................... 21

Parameter setting ................................................
Adjustable parameters .......................................
Read-only parameters ........................................
Fine adjustment, engine speed regulator ............


Electrical system ................................................. 53

Important information about electrical system .... 53
Wiring diagram ................................................... 54

Group 23 EDC 4

Safety information

Safety information
The workshop manual contains descriptions and repair
instructions for products or product versions noted in
the table of contents, supplied by Volvo Penta. Make
sure that you use the correct workshop literature.
Read the available safety information, General Information and Repair Instructions in the workshop
manual before you start to do any service work.

The following special warning signs are used in the
workshop manual and on the engine.
WARNING! Warns for the risk of personal injury,
major damage to product or property, or serious
malfunctions if the instruction is ignored.
IMPORTANT! Is used to call attention to things
which could cause damage or malfunctions to
product or property.
NOTE! Is used to call attention to important information, to facilitate work processes or operation.
To give you a perspective on the risks which always
need to be observed and precautions which always
have to be taken, we have noted them below.

Never start an engine without the air filter in

place. The rotating compressor turbine in the
turbocharger can cause severe injury. Foreign
bodies in the inlet pipe can also cause severe
mechanical damage.
Never use start spray or similar products as a
starting aid. Explosions could occur in the inlet
manifold. Danger of personal injury.
Only start the engine in a well- ventilated area.
When operated in a confined space, exhaust
fumes and crankcase gases must be ventilated
from the engine bay or workshop area.
Avoid opening the coolant filling cap when the
engine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can spray
out at the same time as the pressure which has
built up is lost. Open the filler cap carefully if
necessary, and release the excess pressure in
the cooling system. Be extremely careful if a
tap, plug or coolant hose has to be removed
from a hot engine. Steam or hot coolant can
stream out in an unexpected direction.

Make it impossible to start the engine by cutting

system current with the main switch(es) and
lock it (them) in the off position before starting
service work. Fix a warning sign by the control

Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid skin contact with

hot oil. Make sure that the lubrication oil system
is de- pressurized before doing any work on it.
Never start or run the engine with the oil filler
cap removed, because of the risk of oil spillage.

All service work should normally be done on a

stationary engine. Some work, such as adjustments, need the engine to be running, however.
Going close to a running engine is a safety risk.
Remember that loose clothes, long hair etc. can
catch on rotating components and cause severe

Stop the engine before doing any work on the

cooling system.

If work is done adjacent to a running engine, a

careless movement or a dropped tool can lead
to personal injury in the worst case. Be careful
with hot surfaces (exhaust pipes, turbos, charge
air pipes, starting heaters etc.) and hot fluids in
pipes and hoses on an engine which is running
or which has just stopped. Re- install all guards
which have been removed during service work,
before re- starting the engine.

Make sure that the warning or information labels

on the product are always clearly visible. Replace labels which have been damaged or painted over.

Group 23 EDC 4
If other equipment connected to the engine has
altered its centre of gravity, special lifting devises may be needed to obtain the correct balance
and safe handling.
Never do any work on an engine which just
hangs from a lifting devise.
Never work alone when heavy components are
to be dismantled, even when safe lifting devises
such as lockable blocks & tackle are used.
Even when lifting devises are used, two people
are needed in most cases. One who operates
the lifting devise and other who makes sure that
components move freely and are not damaged
during lifting.
Always make sure that there is enough space
for disassembly where you are working, with no
risk for personal or material damage.
WARNING! Components in the electrical and
fuel systems on Volvo Penta products have
been designed to minimize the risks of explosion and fire. The engine must not be operated
in environments with adjacent explosive media.
Only use the fuels recommended by Volvo Penta. Please refer to the instruction book. The use
of fuel of inferior quality can damage the engine.
In a diesel engine, poor fuel can make the engine over- rev, entailing a strong risk of personal
injury and machinery damage. Poor fuel can
also lead to higher maintenance costs.
Remember the following when washing with a
high pressure washer: Never aim the water jet at
seals, rubber hoses, electrical components or
the radiator.
Always use goggles when doing any work where
there is any risk of splinters, grinding sparks,
acid splash or other chemicals. Your eyes are
extremely sensitive, injury could cause blindness!
Avoid skin contact with oil! Long- term or repeated skin contact with oil can injure your skin. The
consequence is irritation, dry skin, eczema and
other skin disorders. Used oil is more hazardous
to health than new oil. Use protective gloves
and avoid oil-soaked clothes and rags. Wash
regularly, especially before meals. Use special
skin cream to avoid drying and facilitate skin

Safety information
Most chemicals intended for the product, such
as engine and transmission oils, glycol, petrol
(gasoline) and diesel oil, or chemicals for workshop use, such as degreasers, paints and solvents are hazardous. Read the instruction on
the packages carefully! Always observe the
safety advice, e.g. use of breathing protection,
goggles, gloves etc. Make sure that other personnel are not inadvertently exposed to hazardous substances, such as via the air they
breathe. Ensure good ventilation. Handle used
and surplus chemicals in the prescribed manner.
Be very careful when searching for leaks in the
fuel system and testing fuel injectors. Use goggles. The jet which comes from a fuel injector
has very high pressure and considerable penetration ability. Fuel can force its way deep into
body tissue and cause severe injury. Risk of
blood poisoning (septicemia).
All fuels, and many chemicals, are flammable.
Make sure that open flames or sparks can not
set them alight. Petrol (gasoline), some thinners
and hydrogen gas from batteries are extremely
flammable and explosive when mixed with air in
the correct ratio. Do not smoke! Provide good
ventilation and take the necessary precautions
before you start welding or grinding work in the
vicinity. Always have a fire extinguisher easily
available near the workplace.
Make sure that oil and fuel soaked rags, and
used fuel and oil filters are disposed of in a safe
manner. Oil soaked rags can self-ignite in certain circumstances. Used fuel and oil filters are
polluting waste and must be handed to an approved waste management facility for destruction, together with used lubrication oil, contaminated fuel, paint residue, solvents, degreasers
and wash residue.
Batteries must never be exposed to open
flames or electric sparks. Do not smoke close
to the batteries. The batteries generate hydrogen gas when charged, which forms an explosive gas when mixed with air. This gas is very
flammable and highly explosive. A spark, which
can be formed if the batteries are wrongly connected, is enough to make a battery explode
and cause damage. Do not move the connections when you attempt to start the engine (risk
of arcing), and do not stand and lean over one of
the batteries.

Group 23 EDC 4

Never mix up the battery positive and negative

poles when the batteries are installed. If the batteries are wrongly connected, this can cause severe damage to the electrical equipment. Please
check the wiring diagram!
Always use goggles when charging and handling
batteries. Battery electrolyte contains highly corrosive sulfuric acid. If this comes into contact
with your skin, wash at once with soap and a lot
of water. If you get battery acid in your eyes,
flush at once with a lot of cold water, and get
medical assistance at once.
Stop the engine and cut the system current with
the main switch(es) before doing any work on
the electrical system.

Safety information
The clutch must be adjusted with the engine
shut off.
The existing lugs on the engine should be used
for lifting the engine/gearbox etc. Always check
that the lifting devices are in good condition and
that they have the correct capacity for the lift
(the weight of the engine plus the gearbox and
extra equipment if installed).
The engine should be lifted with a customized or
adjustable lifting boom for safe handling and to
avoid damaging components on top of the engine. All chains or cables must be parallel to
each other and should be as square as possible
to the top of the engine.

Group 23 EDC 4

General information

General information
About the workshop manual

Certified engines

This workshop manual contains descriptions and repair instructions for the standard versions of following
engines: TD420VE, TAD420VE, TD520GE,
TAD520GE, TD520VE TAD520VE, TAD530/531/
532GE, TAD620VE, TAD650VE TAD660VE,
TAD730/731/732/733GE, TAD750VE, TAD760VE.
The workshop manual can illustrate tasks done on
any of the engines noted above. This means that the
illustrations and photographs which clarify certain details might not entirely correspond. The repair methods are similar in all important respects, however. The
engine designation and number are noted on the type
plate. Please refer to the Engine signs chapter.
The engine designation and number must always be
given in all correspondence about an engine.
The workshop manual has been primarily prepared for
Volvo Penta service workshops and their qualified personnel. This assumes that people who use the
manual have basic skills and can do the tasks of a
mechanical or electrical nature associated with the
Volvo Penta constantly improves its products, so we
reserve the right to make modifications without prior
notification. All information in this manual is based on
product data which was available up to the date on
which the manual was printed. Any material changes
introduced into the product or service methods after
this date are notified by means of Service Bulletins.

The manufacturer certifies that both new engines and

those in use, which are certified for national or regional legislation, comply with the environmental requirements Each product must correspond with the
unit used for certification. The following requirements
for service and spare parts must be complied with, for
Volvo Penta as a manufacturer to be responsible for
ensuring that engines in use comply with the stipulated environmental requirements:

Spare parts
Spare parts for electrical and fuel systems are subject
to various national safety requirements. Volvo Penta
Original Spares comply with these requirements. No
damage whatever, occasioned by use of non-original
Volvo Penta spares for the product, will be compensated by the warranty offered by Volvo Penta.

Maintenance and service intervals recommended

by Volvo Penta must be complied with.

Only Volvo Penta Original Spares, intended for

the certified engine variant, may be used.

Service which includes injection pumps, pump

settings or unit injectors must always be done by
an authorized Volvo Penta workshop.

The engine must not be converted or modified in

any way, except for the accessories and service
kits which Volvo Penta has approved for the engine.

Installation changes to the exhaust pipe and the

engine bay air inlet ducts (ventilation ducts) must
not be done without further discussion, since this
could affect exhaust emissions. No seals may be
broken by unauthorized personnel.

IMPORTANT! When spare parts are needed,

use only Volvo Penta Original Spares.
The use of non-original spares means that
Volvo Penta ceases to be responsible for ensuring that the engine corresponds with the
certified version.
Damage, injury and/or costs of whatever nature,
which arise due to the use of non-original Volvo
Penta spares for the product in question will not
be compensated by Volvo Penta.

Group 23 EDC 4

Repair instructions

Repair instructions
The work methods described in the workshop manual
apply to work in a workshop environment. For this reason, the engine is lifted out and mounted on an engine
support. Renovation work which does not need the engine to be lifted out can be done in situ, with the same
work methods, unless otherwise specified.
Please refer to the Safety information chapter, where
the meaning of the warning signs used in the Workshop Manual are explained in detail.

are not comprehensive in any way, since we can not
of course foresee everything, because service work is
done in highly varying circumstances. For this reason,
all we can do is to point out the risks which we believe
could occur due to incorrect work in a well-equipped
workshop, using work methods and tools tested by
In the workshop manual, all tasks for which there are
Volvo Penta special tools, are done using these tools.
Special tools are specially prepared to permit the safest and most rational work methods possible. For this
reason, it is the responsibility of the person who uses
other tools or other work methods than those recommended by us, to ensure that there is no risk of personal injury or material damage, and that they can not
cause any malfunctions.
In some cases, special safety regulations and user instructions are available for the tools and chemicals
mentioned in the workshop manual. These rules must
always be observed, so there are no special instructions about this in the workshop manual.
The majority of risks can be prevented by taking certain elementary precautions and using common
sense. A clean workplace and a clean engine eliminate many risks of both personal injury and malfunction.
Above all, when work on fuel systems, lubrication
systems, inlet systems, turbocharger, bearing caps
and seals is done, it is extremely important that no
dirt or other kinds of foreign particles are able to get
in, since this would otherwise cause malfunctions or
shortened repair life.

Our common responsibility

Each engine consists of a large number of collaborating systems and components. Any deviation of a
component from its technical specification can dramatically increase the environmental impact of an otherwise good engine. For this reason, it is extremely
important that specified wear tolerances are kept to,
that systems with adjustment facilities are correctly
adjusted and that Volvo Penta Original Spares are
used for the engine. The times noted in the engine
maintenance schedule must be observed.
Some systems, such as components in the fuel system, may require special competence and special test
equipment. For environmental reasons etc., some
components are sealed at the factory. It is only permissible to work on sealed components if you are authorized to do such work.
Remember that most chemical products damage the
environment if they are incorrectly used. Volvo Penta
recommends the use of biodegradable degreasers
whenever engine components are de-greased, unless
otherwise specified in the workshop manual. Be careful to ensure that oils, wash residue etc. are processed for destruction, and are not inadvertently discharged to the environment.

Tightening torque
The tightening torques for vital fasteners, which
should be tightened with a torque wrench, are listed in
Technical Data, and are noted in the task descriptions in the manual. All torque specifications apply to
clean screws, screw heads and mating faces. The
torque specifications apply to lightly oiled or clean
screws. If lubricants, locking fluids or sealants are
needed on a fastener, the type of preparation to be
used will be noted in the job description and in Tightening Torques. Where a particular torque value is not
specified for any fastener, the general tightening torques in the table below shall apply. The torque specification is a target value and the fastener does not
need to be tightened with a torque wrench.
Dimension Tightening torque



















Group 23 EDC 4

Repair instructions

Torque-angle tightening


In torque/angle tightening, the fastener is tightened to

the specified torque, and tightening then continues
through a pre-determined angle. Example: for 90 angle tightening, the fastener is turned a further 1/4 turn
in one sequence, after the specified tightening torque
has been achieved.

Several different types of sealant and locking fluids

are used on the engine. The properties of the sealants
differ, and they are intended for different strengths of
fastener, temperature, resistance to oil and other
chemicals, and for the different materials and gap
thicknesses found in the engine.

Lock nuts
Disassembled locknuts shall not be re-used, they
shall be replaced by new ones, since the locking properties are impaired or lost when the nut is used several times. On locknuts with plastic inserts, such as Nylock, the tightening torque specified in the table
must be reduced if the Nylock nut has the same nut
height as a standard fully metallic hexagonal nut. Reduce the tightening torque by 25% if the screw dimension is 8 mm (0.3") or greater. On Nylock nuts with
higher nut height, where the fully metallic thread is as
high as on a standard hexagonal nut, use the tightening torques in the table.

It is therefore important that the correct types of sealant and locking fluids are used on the fasteners where
needed, to give a fully acceptable service result.
In the workshop manual, the relevant chapters contain
notes on the preparations used in our engine production.
In service work, equivalent preparations of the same
make, or other makes of preparations with directly
corresponding properties shall be used.
When sealants and locking fluids are used, it is important that the surfaces are free from oil, grease, paint,
rust-protection and remains of old sealants. Always
observe the manufacturers instructions about temperatures of use, hardening times and other instructions
for use of the product.
Two basic types of preparation are used on the engine, characteristics are as follows:

Strength classes
Screws and nuts are sub-divided into different
strength classes. The classification is shown by a
marking on the screw head. Markings of a higher
number indicate stronger material. For example, a
screw marked 10-9 is stronger than one marked 8-8.
For this reason, it is important when fasteners are dismantled, that the screws are put back in the correct
places when they are re-installed. When you change
screws, please check the spare parts catalogue to ensure that the correct versions are obtained.

1. RTV preparations (Room Temperature Vulcanizing).

These are mostly used together with gaskets, such as
for sealing gasket joints, or are brushed on gaskets.
RTV preparations are fully visible when the component has been disassembled; old RTV compound
must be removed before the joint is sealed again.
The following preparations are RTV types: Loctite
574, Volvo Penta 840879-1, Permatex No. 3, Volvo
Penta 1161099-5, Permatex No 77. Remove old
sealant with denatured alcohol in each case.
2. Anaerobic preparations. These preparations harden
in the absence of air. These preparations are used
when two solid components, such as two cast components, are fitted together without a gasket. Common
uses are also to lock and seal plugs, stud threads,
taps, oil pressure monitors etc. Hardened anaerobic
preparations are glassy and for this reason, the preparations are colored to make them visible. Hardened
anaerobic preparations are highly resistant to solvents, and old compound can not be removed. On reinstallation, degrease carefully and then apply new
The following preparations are anaerobic: Loctite
572 (white), Loctite 241 (blue).
Note. Loctite is a registered trademark of the Loctite Corporation.
Permatex is a registered trademark of the Permatex Corporation.

Group 23 EDC 4


Engine signs
Location of engine signs
The engines are supplied with two engine signs, of
which one is installed on the right side of the engine

Engine plate

Engine model
Engine specification number
Engine series number (10 digits)
Engine power, peak, without fan
Engine speed
Injection advance and type of camshaft
Manufacturers identification code

8. Indication of standard and/or specification

9. ISO 3046 , Air temperature in C (F)
10. ISO 3046, Altitude above mean sea level in meters
11. Unit injector code (EP code)
12. Piston class
13. Extra information

Group 23 EDC 4


Special tools
The following special tools are used in work on engines. Special tools can be ordered from Volvo Penta under the
part numbers given below.

999 9324

951 0060

999 8482


951 2636


Designation use

999 8482

Template, connector

999 9324

Cable terminal pliers, repair

951 2636

Pin tool, connector

951 0060

Multimeter, fault tracing/checking


Repair kit (not illustrated)


Adapter (not illustrated)



Other special equipment

The tools below are intended for use in work on the cable harnesses of the engine. The tools are not included in
Volvo Pentas range, they must be ordered from a local AMP or Deutsch dealer. If you experience problems in
contacting a dealer, please contact Volvo Penta Quality Action Center for advice.



AMP 825 514

AMP 725 938

AMP 726 534

AMP 726 519

AMP 825 582

Deutsch connectors

Blades and sockets 3.5 mm


Terminal crimping pliers

725 938-0

Dissasembly tool


Dissasembly tool

825 582-2

Terminal crimping pliers

726 534-1

Dissasembly tool 1.6 mm pin width

4.8 mm and 6.3 mm cable clamps. Tongues and

socket terminals

726 519-1

Dissasembly tool 2.8 mm pin width

825 514-1

825 514-1

Terminal crimping pliers

AMP Connector (25-pin round)

JPT connector (25-pin EDC 4)

Terminal crimping pliers

872 070-1

Dissasembly tool (not illustrated)

734 289-2

Terminal crimping pliers (not illustrated)

Group 23 EDC 4

Technical data

Technical data
Control unit
Voltage .................................................................. 24 V or 12 V (engine can be started from 6 V)
Connector .............................................................. 2 x 25-pin (AMP)
Max cable length .................................................... 5 m (16,4 ft)
Working range, temperature ................................... -40 C (-40.0F) to +85 C (185.0F)
Current drain (incl. actuator) ................................... <9 A, <11.5 A for 60 s (12 A fuse)
Weight ................................................................... 1.6 kg (3.5 lb)
Size (L x W x H) .................................................... 231 x 204 x 62 mm (9 x 8 x 2.4)
Relative humidity ................................................... < 98% (at 55 C (131.0F))
Protection class ..................................................... IP 66k, IP X7, IP X9k to DIN40050
Impact tolerance .................................................... < 50 g (0,1 lb)
Vibration ................................................................ < 1.5 mm (0.06") (at 10 20 Hz)
< 180 mm/s (7.01" /s) (at 21 63 Hz)
< 7 g (at 64 2000 Hz)
Housing .................................................................. Cast, untreated aluminum
Diagnostic interface ............................................... Serial interface SAE J1708
Computer interface ................................................. CAN-Bus with ISO/DIS 11989, SAE J1939 protocol
Electromagnetic comparability ............................... Radiated interference 95/54/EWG
Interference immunity up to 100 V/m ISO 11452-2, ISO 7637,
TR 10605
Load dumping ........................................................ U < 60 V
Connector .............................................................. 5 pin
Resistance, control solenoid .................................. app. 1.3
Resistance, measurement solenoid ....................... app. 25.4
Resistance, reference solenoid .............................. app. 25.3
Inductance, measurement solenoid ........................ app. 21.5 mH (stop position)
app. 8.1 mH (full throttle position)
Inductance, reference solenoid .............................. app. 13.3 mH (constant)
Speed sensor, camshaft
Connector .............................................................. 2 pin
Working range, engine speed ................................. 30 rpm to 4500 rpm
Working range, temperature ................................... -40 C (-40.0F) to +85 C (185.0F)
Resistance ............................................................. 336 W 34 W at 23 C
Inductance ............................................................. 128.8 mH 13mH at 1kHz and 23 C (73,4 F)
Lowest voltage () .................................................. 150mV peak to peak at 2 mm (0.08") air gap and 30 rpm
Type ...................................................................... Inductive sensor
Max. tightening torque ............................................ 9 Nm (6.6 lbf-ft)


Group 23 EDC 4

Technical data

Coolant temperature sensor

Connector .............................................................. 2 pin
Working range, temperature ................................... -40 C (-40.0F) to +140 C (284.0F)
Rated voltage ......................................................... 5 0.15 VDC
Characteristic .......................................................... -40 C (-40.0F)
0 C (32.0F)
23 C (73.4F)
60 C (140.0F)
100 C (212.0F) 186
140 C (284.0F) 71
Type ...................................................................... NTC* (Negative Temperature Coefficient)
Max. tightening torque ............................................ 20 - 24 Nm (14.7-17.7 lbf-ft)

Charge pressure sensor, 3 pin

Voltage .................................................................. 5 V 0.25 VDC
Connector .............................................................. 3 pin
Working range, pressure: ....................................... 50 - 400 kPa (7-58.0 psi)
Pressure signal ...................................................... 0.5 4.5 VDC
Type ...................................................................... Linear
Max. tightening torque ............................................ 18 Nm (13.2 lbf-ft)

Charge pressure sensor, 4 pin

Voltage .................................................................. 5 VDC
Connector .............................................................. 4 pin
Working range, pressure: ....................................... 40 -400 kPa (6-58.0 psi)
Pressure signal ...................................................... 0.3 -4.8 VDC
Type ...................................................................... Linear
Max. tightening torque ............................................ 3.3 Nm (2.4 lbf-ft)

* The resistance falls as the temperature rises.


Group 23 EDC 4
Oil pressure sensor
Voltage .................................................................. 5 V 0.25 VDC
Connector .............................................................. 3 pin
Working range, pressure: ....................................... 0 -1000 kPa (0-145.0 psi)
Pressure signal ...................................................... 0.5 -4.5 VDC
Type ...................................................................... Linear
Max. tightening torque ............................................ 45 Nm (33.1 lbf-ft)
Fuel temperature sensor
Connector .............................................................. 2 pin
Working range, temperature ................................... -40 C (-40.0F) to +140 C (284.0F)
Rated voltage ......................................................... 5 0.15 VDC
Characteristic ........................................................ -40 C (-40.0F)
0 C (32.0F)
23 C (73.4F)
60 C (140.0F)
100 C (212.0F)
140 C (284.0F)
Type ...................................................................... NTC* (Negative Temperature Coefficient)
Max. tightening torque ............................................ 20 -24 Nm (14.7-17.7 lbf-ft)

Air pre-heating (option)

Power .................................................................... 3600 W (24 V), 2000 W (12 V)

* The resistance falls as the temperature rises.


Technical data

Group 23 EDC 4

Design and function

Design and function

System description, EDC 4
EDC 4 (Electronic Diesel Control) and is an electronic system with CAN control (Controller Area Network) for diesel engines. The system includes fuel management and diagnostic functions.
All engines can be controlled via CAN, with a potentiometer, or both. The accelerator control required can be set
by using the VODIA tool (including Penta EDC4 software), please refer to the Parameter Setting chapter.


Diagnostic function

The system includes sensors, control unit and an engine speed regulator. The sensors send input signals
to the control unit, which controls the control rod for
the injection pumps in its turn, by means of an actuator in the engine speed regulator.

The task of the diagnostic function is to discover and

localize any malfunctions in the EDC 4 system, to
protect the engine and to ensure operation in the event
of serious malfunctions.

Input signals
The control unit receives input signals about engine
operating conditions from the following components:

speed sensor, camshaft

coolant temperature sensor

charge pressure sensor

oil pressure sensor

fuel temperature sensor

coolant level sensor (the function is implemented

in the control unit as standard, but no sensor is
supplied with the engine)

If a malfunction is discovered, this is notified by the

diagnostic function, by warning lamps or via the CAN
network. By pressing the diagnostic switch, the operator will receive a fault code as a guide for any faulttracing. Fault codes can also be output via the CAN
interface or with Volvos VODIA tool (including the
Penta EDC4 software) at an authorized Volvo Penta
If there is a serious malfunction, the engine is shut
down altogether. Yet again, fault codes can be output
via diagnostic connector, the CAN interface or with
Volvos VODIA tool (including the Penta EDC4 software) at an authorized Volvo Penta workshop.

Output signals
The control unit controls the following components on
the basis of the input signals received:

engine speed regulator (with position sensor for

the control rod and acutator)

electric air pre-heating (option)

Information from the sensors provides exact information about current operation conditions and allows the
processor to calculate the correct fuel volume, check
engine status etc.


Group 23 EDC 4

Design and function

Other functions
The EDC4 system contains a number of functions
whose functions include engine protection.

Smoke limiting

Droop is the difference in engine speed between a fully

loaded and unloaded engine.

The control unit has an electronic smoke limiting

function. This function monitors the charge air
pressure and adjusts the fuel volume to avoid
smoke problems during acceleration (only applies
to VE engines).

It is possible to switch between two different droop

values while the engine is running.
The droop value can be changed between 0%
(isochronous mode) and 5% (default).
If the droop connector is not connected, the engine
runs in isochronous mode (0% droop).
The VODIA tool can be used to change the droop value so that the value can be switched between 0% and
a value between 0 10%

Compensation, fuel temperature

The control unit regulates the fuel volume to give
the engines the same output power, irrespective of
fuel temperature.
Limp home

The engine speed regulator can be adjusted by means
of the VODIA tool, to trim the engine for a number of
different applications. Please refer to the Fine adjustment, engine speed regulator chapter.

If there is any fault in the signal from the accelerator pedal, the engine speed is set to 1200 rpm (socalled limp home speed).
NOTE! Only applies to VE engines.

Fine adjustment, engine speed

Engine speed can be adjusted 8% up and down on
single 1500 rpm or single 1800 rpm GE engines.

Single 1500 rpm GE: 1380 rpm - 1620 rpm

Altitude correction

Single 1800 rpm GE: 1656 rpm - 1944 rpm

An option for engines which operate at altitudes

above 1,000 m (3,000 foot) above sea level, is an
atmospheric pressure sensor and altitude correction function. This function limits the fuel volume in
relation to ambient air pressure. This is to prevent
smoke, high exhaust temperature and to protect
the turbocharger from overspeeding. gastemperaturer och fr att skydda turboaggregatet mot vervarvning.

This facility is not found on dual speed GE engines.


Idling speed can be adjusted on VE engines, using

the VODIA tool. Default value is 700 rpm.

Group 23 EDC 4

Design and function

Cold starting
The control unit controls engine speed increase during a
cold start. The control unit limits the number of rpm that
engine speed can increase per second.
Example: For VE engines at -30C (-22.0F) , engine
speed can not increase by more than 100 rpm per second (units: r/min/s), please refer to the diagram below.

VE engines:
When coolant temperature is between -30 C (-22.0F)
and +10 C (50.0F) , the control unit increases engine
speed as in the diagram below.

GE engines:
When coolant temperature is between -30 C (-22.0F)
and 0 C (32.0F) , the control unit increases engine
speed as in the diagram below.


Group 23 EDC 4

Component description
The numbers after the headings refer to the Component location chapter.

Control unit (EDC 4)

The control unit, which is externally located (not on
the engine), monitors and controls the actuator to give
the correct fuel volume. Regulation is mainly done
with the aid of the engine speed sensor, coolant temperature sensor and the control rod sensor located in
the actuator.
The EDC 4 system processor is encased in the control module and is protected against moisture and vibration.
The processor receives continuous information about:

engine speed
charge air pressure
coolant temperature
fuel temperature
oil pressure
coolant level (option)

The information provides exact information about current operation conditions and allows the processor to
calculate the correct fuel volume, check engine status etc.

Speed sensor, camshaft (1)

The engine speed sensor is located on the flywheel
housing, on the right hand side of the engine.
The engine speed sensor for the camshaft is an inductive sensor. The sensor reads camshaft movement
and sends information about engine speed to the control unit.

Coolant temperature sensor, (3)

The sensor is located at the rear of the cylinder head,
above the actuator.
The sensor senses the engine coolant temperature
and sends the information to the control unit. The sensor consists of a non-linear resistor, whose resistance
is dependent on the temperature of the resistor body.
The resistance falls as the temperature rises.


Design and function

Group 23 EDC 4

Charge pressure sensor (4 and 5)

There are two different types of charge pressure sensor.

Design and function

4-pin charge pressure sensor

3-pin charge pressure sensor

The engines are delivered with either a 4-pin or a 3-pin

charge pressure sensor.
The 4-pin charge pressure sensor is located on the inlet manifold above the engine.
The 3-pin charge pressure sensor is located between
the actuator and the round connector for the control
unit on the right side of the engine.
The charge air pressure sensor measures absolute
pressure, which is the sum of charge pressure plus
atmospheric pressure. The sensor provides a signal
whose resistance is proportional to the absolute air
pressure. The sensor receives a 5 Volt reference voltage from the control unit.

Oil pressure sensor (7)

Oil pressure is measured by a sensor located above
the oil filter on the right side of the engine.
The sensor consists of a non-linear resistor, whose resistance is dependent on the temperature of the resistor body. The resistance falls with rising temperature.
The pressure signal is a voltage which is proportional
to the pressure. The reference voltage for the sensor
is 5 Volt.


Group 23 EDC 4

Fuel temperature sensor (6)

The sensor is located on the right hand side of the engine, beside the fuel return pipe union. The sensor is
of the same type as the coolant temperature sensor.

Speed regulator / Actuator (2)

The actuator is located above the flywheel, on the
right hand side of the engine.
The actuator consists of a control solenoid which operates the control rod for the injection pumps, and a control rod sensor which measures the position of the
control rod.
A signal from the accelerator goes to the control unit,
which sends a signal to the control solenoid, which operates the control rod in its turn. Information about the
true position of the control rod is sent back to the control unit via the control rod position sensor, which can
then fine-tune the amount of fuel injected.
If the current to the actuator is cut, the control rod is
forced back by the return spring. Fuel injection then
ceases and the engine stops.


Design and function

Group 23 EDC 4

Design and function

The alternator is belt driven and is located at the front
of the engine.
The voltage regulator on the alternator is provided
with a sensor system. The sensor system compares
the charge voltage across the alternator terminals, B+
and B-, with the current voltage across the positive
and negative battery terminals. The voltage regulator
then compensates for any voltage drop in the cables
between the alternator and the battery, by increasing
the charge voltage supplied by the alternator as necessary.

Starter motor
The starter motor is installed on the flywheel housing,
on the left-hand side of the engine.
When engaged, a gear wheel is first slid axially along
the starter motor rotor spindle, so that it engages on
the gear ring on the engine flywheel. The axial movement of the gear, and connection of the starter motor,
are controlled by an actuator solenoid on the starter
The starter motor solenoid is engaged via the starter
relay in its turn, which is activated when the starter
key is turned to position III or the start button is depressed.

Electric heat pre-heating

A module for air pre-heating is available as an option.
The EDC4 control module controls air pre-heating via
this module.


Group 23 EDC 4

Component location

1. Speed sensor, camshaft

2. Speed regulator / Actuator
3. Coolant temperature sensor
4. Charge pressure sensor, 3 pin*
5. Charge pressure sensor, 4 pin*
6. Connection to control unit
7. Fuel temperature sensor
8. Oil pressure sensor

* Only one type of sensor is used.


Design and function

Group 23 EDC 4

Limit values

Limit values
These functions are customer parameters and can be shut off completely.
NOTE! The diagnostic lamp flashes when the alarm limit is reached, even if the function is shut off.

Alarm limits:
Coolant temperature:

Warning lamp, coolant temp. lights up

Engine is stopped

Default value Volvo Penta

110 C (230.0F)
(goes out at 109C (228.1F))

113 C (235.4F)
after 30 sec.

Coolant level:
The control unit does not check this function until 25 s after starting. When the control unit receives a low coolant
level signal, the engine is shut off after 5 sec.
Oil pressure:
The control unit does not check this function until 30 s after starting.
The limit values depend on engine speed. The diagnostic lamp lights up when the limit value is reached, and goes
out again when the oil pressure has risen 10% above the limit value. The engine is shut off when oil pressure falls
to 80% of the limit value.

Examples of default values:

Warning lamp, oil pressure, lights up

Engine is stopped

800 rpm: 0.9 bar (13.0 psi)

(goes out at 1 bar (14.5 psi))

0.72 bar (10.4 psi)

2000 rpm: 2.5 bar (36.2 psi)

(goes out at 2.75 bar (39.8 psi))

2 bar (29.0 psi)


Group 23 EDC 4

Parameter setting

Parameter setting

Adjustable parameters
The VODIA tool can be used to read and adjust the
parameters below, in Parameter Programming mode:
Please refer to the VODIA Users Guide for advice
on use.
NOTE! Special authorization is needed to be able to
adjust certain parameters.
Idling speed voltage error
Full throttle voltage
Voltage at the throttle control input which corresponds
to full throttle.

A fault code is set if the signal falls below the minimum value.
Min. value


Min. value


Default value

0.1 V

Default value

4.6 V

Max. value


Max. value

Idling speed.

Maximum speed voltage error

Setting idling speed

A fault code is set if the maximum value is exceeded.

Min. value

0 r/min

Min. value


Default value

700 r/min

Default value

4.9 V

Max. value

4000 r/min

Max. value


Idle voltage
Voltage at the throttle control input which corresponds
to idling.
Min. value


Default value

0.3 V

Max. value



Group 23 EDC 4

Parameter setting

PID regulator P section

P section which is used to control engine speed

Coolant temperature protection

(Special authorization needed)

Min. value


Chooses whether engine protection should be activated

in relation to high coolant temperature.

Default value

VE: 10 %, GE: 30 %

Alternative positions Off or On

Max. value

100 %

Default value: On

PID regulator I section

I section which is used to control engine speed
Min. value


Default value

VE: 50 %, GE: 85 %

Max. value

100 %

PID regulator D section

D section which is used to control engine speed
Min. value


Default value

VE: 4 %, GE: 3 %

Max. value

100 %

If On, the coolant temperature warning lamp lights up

at 110 C (230.0F) (goes out at 109C (228.1F))
The engine is shut off at 113 C (235.4F) after 30 sec.
Coolant level protection
(special authorization needed)
Chooses whether engine protection should be activated
in relation to low coolant level.
Alternative positions Off or On
Default value: On
If On, the control unit does not check this function
until 25 s after starting. When the control unit receives
a low coolant level signal, the engine is shut off after 5
Oil level protection
(special authorization needed)

Selects the amount of droop to be used.
Min. value


Default value


Max. value

100 %

Accelerator control type (special authorization

Selects the type of accelerator control to be used.
Alternative modes:

Chooses whether engine protection should be activated

in relation to low oil pressure.
Alternative positions Off or On
Default value: On
If On, the control unit does not check this function
until 30 s after starting.
The limit values depend on engine speed. The oil pressure warning lamp lights up when the limit value is
reached, and goes out again when the oil pressure has
risen 10% above the limit value. The engine is shut off
when oil pressure falls to 80% of the limit value.
Examples of default values:


800 rpm - the oil pressure warning lamp lights up at 0.9

bar (13.0 psi) (goes out at 1 bar (14.5 psi) ) and the engine is shut off at 0.72 bar (10.4 psi) .

CAN communication (special authorization needed)

2000 rpm - the oil pressure warning lamp lights up at

2.5 bar (36.2 psi) (goes out at 2.75 bar (39.8 psi) ) and
the engine is shut off at 2 bar (29.0 psi) .

CAN communication on or off.

Alternative modes Off or On
Default value:

VE engines: On
GE engines Off

Control rod
(Special authorization needed)
Control rod calibration.
Min. value

0 mm (0)

Max. value

20 mm (0.7874")


Group 23 EDC 4

Read-only parameters
The VODIA tool can be used to read and the values
below, in Log test mode: Please refer to the VODIA
Users Guide for advice on use.

Battery voltage

Coolant temperature

Charge air pressure

Oil pressure

Fuel temperature

Engine speed

Accelerator linkage %

Droop %

Accelerator position voltage (Only in Parameter

Programming mode in the VODIA tool).

Engine total running time

Engine loading %

Parameter setting

Fine adjustment, engine speed

Each control unit supplied with the engine or as a
spare part has a default setting. The default setting is
chosen to allow the engine to work in most applications.
In certain circumstances, the engine can run unevenly
or behave in an undesirable manner. If this is the
case, the engine should be checked in the order and
using the procedures below:
1. Check whether the control unit has set a fault
code and rectify this if necessary, in accordance
with the Diagnostic functions and Fault codes
2. Check and attend to possible symptoms in accordance with the Fault tracing chapter.
3. Check and adjust the engine speed regulator as

Use the VODIA tool (including Penta EDC4 software),

to read and adjust the P, I and D sections of the engine speed regulator. In some cases, this can offer
more stable and more even engine running.
PID = Proportional, Integrating, Differential
The P section amplifies (Gain). A reduced value
(Fig. 1) gives slower regulator reaction to load changes. An increased value (Fig. 2) gives faster reaction.
The I section stabilizes (Stability). A reduced value
(Fig. 3)
increases the time taken by the system to recover after a load change. An increased value (Fig 4) gives a
shorter recovery time.
The D section stabilizes (Differential). Reacts to the
magnitude of the engine speed change. A reduced
value (Fig 4) gives reduced sensitivity. An increased
value (Fig. 5) gives increased stability.
Before any adjustments are made, the current values
of the P, I and D sections of the PID regulator should
be noted.
NOTE! Without the default values, the engine speed
regulator / actuator can not be restored if adjustment
is not successful.
Please refer to the VODIA Users Guide for advice
on use.


Group 23 EDC 4

Parameter setting

1. Use the VODIA tool and note the current values of
the P, I and D sections of the PID regulator.

Demanded engine speed

2. Start the engine.

3. Run the engine at working speed without load, and
first increase the value of the P section of the PID
regulator until unstable (oscillating) engine speed
is achieved. Then reduce the parameter by 1-2%
until the engine speed is stable again.

True engine speed

4. Then adjust the I section of the PID regulator in

the same way as above.
5. If the engine still runs badly and no other adjustments help, increase the D section of the PID
regulator until the engine only has a very small increase in speed when load is applied or removed,
please refer to fig. 6.


Fig 3. I section too low


NOTE! The few times that the D section may

need to be adjusted include cases where the application has a flexible coupling or extremely low
flywheel inertia.

Demanded engine speed

6. Adjust the P and I sections again as above, if



7. Check engine response as fig. 6.

Fig 4. I section too high or D section too low

Demanded engine speed
Demanded engine speed

True engine speed

True engine speed

Fig 5. D section too high


Fig 1. P section too low



Load removal
Demanded engine speed

Demanded engine speed

True engine speed

Fig 2. P section too high

Load application

Fig 6. Demanded response


Group 23 EDC 4

Repair instructions

Repair instructions
Working on the EDC4 system
Follow the instructions below, to avoid damage to the EDC4 system control unit.

Never turn off the main switch when the engine is running.

Never undo the battery cables when the engine is running.

When the batteries are quick charged, turn the main switch off or undo the battery cables.
During normal maintenance charging, the main switch does not need to be turned off.

Only batteries may be used for start help. Quick starting units can give excess voltages and damage the control module.

Disconnect the EDC4 system from system voltage before undoing either of the 25 pin connectors on the control unit.

If you discover any damage on the cable harnesses, undo the connector on the control unit.
IMPORTANT! Always undo the connectors on the control unit before doing any welding.


When a connector is undone from a sensor, be careful to ensure that the connector pins are not exposed to
oil or other fluids. The consequence of this can be contact problems, or if oil runs down onto the pressure
sensing diaphragm, the sensor will indicate an incorrect value.

Group 23 EDC 4

Repair instructions

Control unit, change

Each control unit is tied to a specific engine via the
engine serial number. This means that it is not possible to transfer a control unit from one engine to another.
If a control unit is changed, the new control unit must
have that particular engines:
data setup (firmware)
engine number.
1. Disconnect system voltage from the engine.
2. Disconnect the cable connectors from the control
3. Install the new control unit.
4. Connect the cable connectors to the control unit.
NOTE! The control unit must not be installed on the

Speed regulator, change

To change the engine speed regulator, please refer to
the workshop manuals for each mechanical engine
(not EDC).
Please refer to the workshop manual, Industrial
engines TD420VE, TAD420VE, TD520GE,
TAD520GE, TD520VE TAD520VE, TAD530/531/
532GE, TAD620VE, TAD650VE TAD660VE,
TAD730/731/732/733GE, TAD750VE, TAD760VE.


Group 23 EDC 4

Starting with auxiliary

WARNING! Ventilate well. Batteries generate an
explosive gas which is highly flammable and explosive. A short circuit, open flame or spark
could cause an explosion.
WARNING! Never switch over the battery cable
positions on the battery. Switching the battery
terminals over when using jumper cables for
start help causes short circuits and arcing,
which could cause an explosion and cause considerable damage to electrical components on
the engine.
1. Check that the voltage of the help start battery is
the same as the system voltage of the engine.
2. First connect the red (+) jumper cable to the positive (+) pole on the flat battery, then to the positive (+) pole on the auxiliary battery.
3. Then connect the black jumper cable to the negative pole () of the help start battery, and to a
place some distance from the flat battery, such
as the negative connection on the starter motor.
WARNING! Under no circumstances may the
black jumper cable () come into contact with
the positive cable connection on the starter motor.
4. Start the engine and run at a fast idle for about 10
minutes to charge the batteries.
WARNING! Working with, or going close to a
running engine is a safety risk.
Watch out for rotating components and hot surfaces. Do not touch the connections during the
start attempt. Risk of arcing. Do not stand bent
over any of the batteries either.
5. Switch off the engine.
Remove the jumper cables in the exact reverse
order from installation. One cable at a time!


Repair instructions

Group 23 EDC 4

Function check

Function check
Diagnostic function for VODIA (including Penta EDC 4 software)

The program can read fault codes which have been stored in the engine control unit, check input and output
signals, read off current values from engine sensors, and then store and print out test results.

The program allows service and workshop personnel to quickly localize and attend to faults in the EDC4 system.

It is connected to the engine control unit via a diagnostic connector (VODIA input), please refer to the Wiring
schedule chapter.

User information is included with the program.

If a malfunction is found, the diagnostic indicator in the control panel begins to flash. A diagnostic trouble
code (DTC) can be obtained by pressing the diagnostic button, as a guide for any fault-tracing.

Please contact your Volvo Penta dealer to order the software.

The task of the diagnostic function is to discover and localize any malfunctions in the EDC 4 system, to protect the engine and to ensure operation in the event of serious malfunctions.

Please refer to the VODIA Users Guide for more information and advice on use.


Group 23 EDC 4

Function check

Fault tracing
A number of symptoms and possible causes of engine malfunctions are described in the table below. Always contact your Volvo Penta dealer if any problems occur which you can not solve by yourself.
WARNING! Read through the safety advice for care and maintenance work in the Safety information chapter before starting work.

Symptoms and possible causes

The diagnosis button lamp flashes.
Engine can not be stopped.

2, 4

Starter motor does not rotate

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 24

Starter motor rotates slowly

1, 2

Starter motor rotates normally but engine does not start

8, 9, 10, 11

Engine starts but stops again

8, 9, 10, 11, 13

Engine does not reach correct operating speed at full throttle

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 25, 26

Engine runs roughly

10, 11, 27

High fuel consumption

12, 13, 15, 25

Black exhaust smoke

12, 13

Blue or white exhaust smoke

14, 15, 22

Too low lubrication oil pressure


Excessive coolant temperature

17, 18, 19, 20

Too low coolant temperature


No, or poor charge

2, 23

1. Flat batteries

11. Water/contamination in fuel

21. Blocked intercooler

2. Poor contact/open circuit in


12. Faulty injection pumps

22. Too high oil level

13. Insufficient air supply to engine:

- blocked air filter
- air leakage between turbo
charger and engine inlet pipe.
- fouled compressor section in
- faulty turbocharger
- poor engine bay ventilation

23. Alternator drive belt slips

3. Main switch turned off

4. Faulty ignition lock
5. Faulty main relay
6. Faulty starter motor relay
7. Faulty starter motor/solenoid


Please refer to the

Diagnostic information chapter.

8. Lack of fuel:
- fuel taps closed
- fuel tank empty/wrong tank

14. Excessive coolant temperature

9. Blocked fuel filter/pre-filter

(because of contamination, or
paraffin fraction separation in
fuel at low temperature).

17. Coolant level too low

10. Air in the fuel system

20. Defective thermostat

15. Too low coolant temperature

16. Too low oil level

18. Air in the coolant system

19. Faulty circulation pump

24. Water entry into engine

25. High back pressure in
exhaust system
26. Break in Pot+ cable to
27. Incorrectly set engine
speed regulator / actuator
(PID regulator)

Group 23 EDC 4

Diagnostic function

Diagnostic function
The diagnostic function monitors and checks that the
EDC 4 system functions normally.

Diagnostic function, tasks

Effect on engine

The diagnostic function has the following tasks:

The diagnostic function affects the engine in the following ways:

Discover and localize malfunctions.

Notify that malfunctions have been discovered.

Give advice in fault finding.

Protect the engine and ensure continued operation

when serious malfunctions are discovered.

Malfunction message
If the diagnostic function discovers a malfunction in
the EDC 4 system, this is notified via the CAN bus or
the diagnostic lamp lights up or starts to flash. At the
same time, the fault is stored in the control unit memory. As soon as the fault has been attended to and the
ignition is turned off and on, the fault code lamp goes
out. Both rectified (passive) and un-rectified (active)
faults are stored in the control unit and can be read by
an authorized workshop.

Fault tracing guide

If the diagnostic switch is depressed (for 1-3 seconds)
and then released, a fault code is flashed out from the
diagnostic lamp. The fault code is found in the fault
code list, with information about the reason, reaction
and measures to be taken. Please refer to the Fault
codes chapter.

1. The diagnostic function has discovered a minor

malfunction which does not damage the engine.
Reaction: The engine is not affected. The diagnostic lamp lights up.
2. The diagnostic function has discovered a serious
malfunction which makes it impossible to control
the engine.
Reaction: The diagnostic lamp starts to flash. Engine is shut off.

During starting
When the ignition is turned on, the diagnostic lamp
lights up for two seconds, together with the warning
lamps for oil pressure and coolant. This is to check
the lamp function.
If the diagnostic lamp flashes after the two seconds,
this indicates a serious fault and the engine can not
be started. One or more fault codes can then be
flashed out.
If the diagnostic lamp is lit, there are one or more less
serious faults. One or more fault codes can then be
flashed out.


Group 23 EDC 4

During operation
If the diagnostic lamp starts to flash during operation:
1. Reduce engine speed to idling.
2. Press the diagnostic button (for 1-3 seconds).
3. Release the diagnostic button and make a note of
the diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that is flashed
out. Please refer to Reading fault codes below.
4. Look up the fault code in the fault code list and
take the necessary measures. Please refer to the
Fault codes chapter.
If the diagnostic lamp starts to flash, the engine will
be emergency stopped.
IMPORTANT! In VE engines, there is a function
in the system which makes it possible to start
the engine again and run it for about 25 seconds. This is so that the vehicle can be moved
from a railway level crossing etc.

Diagnostic function

The fault code consists of three groups of flashes,

separated by a pause of two seconds.
The first and third group consist of short flashes (0.4
s). The second group consists of long flashes (0.8 s).
A fault code is obtained by counting the number of
flashes in each group.
(2 short) pause
(1 short) = Fault code 2.2.1

(2 long) pause

The fault code is stored and can be read as long as

the fault remains. You can find information about
cause, reaction and actions in the fault code list.
Please refer to the Fault codes chapter.
Read as follows:
1. Press the diagnostic button (for 1-3 seconds).
2. Release the diagnostic button and make a note of
the fault that is flashed out.
3. Repeat items 1-2. A new fault code is flashed out
if more are stored. Repeat until the first fault code
is repeated.

Reading fault codes

NOTE! When the first fault code is repeated, all fault

codes have been read out.

Fault codes can either be read via:

When all faults have been rectified:

The VODIA tool (including the Penta EDC4 software). Please refer to the VODIA Users Guide
for advice on use.

1. Turn the ignition on and off.

Diagnostic lamp


3. If there are no active faults, the diagnostic lamp

will give two short flashes, in other cases the remaining non-rectified faults will be flashed out

Diagnostic lamp
If the diagnostic lamp is illuminated or flashes, a fault
code can be read by pressing the diagnostic button
(for 1-3 seconds) and then releasing it. The diagnostic
lamp goes out, and a fault code is then flashed out.


2. Press the diagnostic button (for 1-3 seconds) to

check whether any faults remain.

Group 23 EDC 4

Fault codes

Fault codes
WARNING! Read through the safety advice for care and maintenance work in the Safety information chapter before starting work.
PID 190, Code 2.1.4 Overspeed

Code 2.0.0 No faults

There are no active faults.

PID 190, Code 2.1.1 Engine speed sensor,

Reason: Faulty sensor, connector, cables or incorrect distance to cam wheel. High frequency interference.

Reason: The engine speed is or has been higher than the

permissible limit.
Reaction: Fuel injection ceases and the fault code lamp
lights up until the engine speed falls below the permissible
limit again.

Check the control rod for the injection pumps,

please refer to workshop manual Industrial engines
TD420VE, TAD420VE, TD520GE, TAD520GE,
TD520VE TAD520VE, TAD530/531/532GE,
TAD721VE, TAD722GE, TAD722VE, TAD730/
731/732/733GE, TAD750VE, TAD760VE.

Check the actuator, replace it if necessary, please

refer to chapter
Fault tracing of engine speed regulator or Engine
speed regulator, change.

Check the cables for the actuator for breaks and

short circuits.

Check the number of teeth on the camshaft wheel.

For VE engines, it may be necessary to check the

function of the limp home mode

Reaction: Engine is shut off.


Check that the engine speed sensor is installed

with the correct distance to the camshaft.

Check the cables for the engine speed sensor for

breaks and short circuits.

Check the connector for poor contact.

Check engine speed sensor function. Change the

sensor as necessary.

PID 91, Code 2.2.1 Accelerator pedal sensor

Reason: Faulty sensor, connector or cable.
Reaction: The engine goes into limp home mode.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check sensor function. Change the sensor as necessary.


Group 23 EDC 4

Fault codes

PID 102, Code 2.2.3 Charge pressure sensor

PID 174, Code 2.2.7 Fuel temperature sensor

Reason: Faulty sensor, connector or cable.

Reason: Faulty sensor, connector or cable.

Reaction: A fault code is generated.

Reaction: A fault code is generated.



Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check the sensor function, please refer to the

Electrical fault tracing chapter. Change the sensor as necessary.

Check the sensor function, please refer to the

Electrical fault tracing chapter. Change the sensor as necessary.

PID 100, Code 2.3.1 Warning, oil pressure

PID 100, Code 2.2.4 Oil pressure sensor

Reason: Faulty sensor, connector or cable.
Reaction: A fault code is generated.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check the sensor function, please refer to the

Electrical fault tracing chapter. Change the sensor as necessary.

Reason: Oil pressure below specified limit value (depends on engine speed).
Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code disappears when the oil pressure exceeds the recuperation value.

Check the oil level and oil pump.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check the sensor function, please refer to the

Electrical fault tracing chapter. Change the sensor as necessary.

Check the limit value for oil pressure warning,

please refer to the Limit values chapter.

PID 110, Code 2.2.5 Temperature sensor, coolant

Reason: Faulty sensor, connector or cable.
Reaction: A fault code is generated.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check the sensor function, please refer to the
Electrical fault tracing chapter. Change the sensor as necessary.

PID 110, Code 2.3.2 Warning, coolant temperature

Reason: Excessive coolant temperature
Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code disappears when the coolant temperature falls below the recuperation value.


Check the coolant.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check the sensor function, please refer to the

Electrical fault tracing chapter. Change the sensor as necessary.

Group 23 EDC 4

Fault codes

PID 111, Code 2.3.5 Warning, coolant level

PID 174, Code 2.3.7 Warning, fuel temperature

Reason: Coolant level too low

Reason: Excessive fuel temperature.

Reaction: A fault code is generated.

Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code disappears when the fuel temperature falls below the recuperation value.


Check the coolant level.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check sensor function (if installed).

Change the sensor as necessary.

NOTE! The engine is supplied without a coolant level sensor.

PID 190, Code 2.3.6 Overspeed in limp home

Reason: When the limp home mode is activated and the
engine speed is or has been higher than the permissible
limit value.
Reaction: GE: Engine is shut off. A fault code is generated.
VE: Fuel injection ceases when the control rod returns to
its home position and the fault code lamp lights up until
the engine speed falls below the permissible limit again.


Check the fuel.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check the sensor function, please refer to the

Electrical fault tracing chapter. Change the sensor as necessary.

PID 100, Code 2.3.1 Emergency stop, oil pressure

Reason: Oil pressure below specified limit value.
Reaction: Engine is emergency stopped.

Check the oil level and oil pump.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check the sensor function, please refer to the

Electrical fault tracing chapter. Change the sensor as necessary.

Check the limit value for engine shut-off due to oil



Check the control rod for the injection pumps,

please refer to workshop manual Industrial engines TD420VE, TAD420VE, TD520GE,
TAD520GE, TD520VE TAD520VE, TAD530/531/
532GE, TAD620VE, TAD650VE TAD660VE,
TAD730/731/732/733GE, TAD750VE, TAD760VE.
Check the actuator, replace it if necessary, please
refer to chapter
Fault tracing of engine speed regulator or Engine speed regulator, change.

PID 110, Code 2.3.2 Emergency stop, coolant

Reason: Excessive coolant temperature
Reaction: Engine is emergency stopped.

Check the coolant.

Check the cables for the actuator for breaks and

short circuits.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check the number of teeth on the camshaft


Check the sensor function, please refer to the

Electrical fault tracing chapter. Change the sensor as necessary.

For VE engines, it may be necessary to check the

function of the limp home mode

Check the limit value for engine shut-off due to

coolant pressure.


Group 23 EDC 4

Fault codes

PID 111, Code 2.3.5 Emergency stop, coolant


SID 23, Code 2.5.1 Control rod position sensor,


Reason: Low coolant level

Reaction: The engine is emergency stopped and can not
be re-started until the fault is rectified.

Check coolant level.

Check the sensor cable for breaks and short circuits.

Check sensor function (if installed).
Change the sensor as necessary.

Reason: Injection pump/actuator has got stuck or is not

connected. Difference between control rod current value
and nominal value exceeds 10%.
Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code disappears when the difference between control rod current
value and nominal value falls below 10%.

Check the control rod for the injection pumps,

please refer to workshop manual Industrial engines TD420VE, TAD420VE, TD520GE,
TAD520GE, TD520VE TAD520VE, TAD530/531/
532GE, TAD620VE, TAD650VE TAD660VE,
TAD730/731/732/733GE, TAD750VE, TAD760VE.

Check the actuator, replace it if necessary, please

refer to chapter Fault tracing of engine speed
regulator or Engine speed regulator, change.

Check the cables for the actuator for breaks and

short circuits.

NOTE! The engine is supplied without a coolant level sensor.

SID 24, Code 2.5.1 Control rod position sensor

Reason: Actuator not connected. Faulty value from control
rod position sensor in actuator.
Reaction: Engine is emergency stopped. Actuator can not
be controlled.

Check the actuator, replace it if necessary, please

refer to chapter Fault tracing of engine speed
regulator or Engine speed regulator, change.

Check the cables for the actuator for breaks and

short circuits.

SID 24, Code 2.5.1 Control rod position sensor,

Reason: Actuator not connected. Faulty value from control
rod position sensor in actuator.
Reaction: Engine is emergency stopped. Actuator can not
be controlled.

Check the actuator, replace it if necessary, please

refer to chapter Fault tracing of engine speed
regulator or Engine speed regulator, change.

Check the cables for the actuator for breaks and

short circuits.

SID 23, Code 2.5.2 Injection pump, auto

Reason: Automatic actuator equalization is not possible.
Faulty calibration.
Reaction: The engine is emergency stopped and can not
be re-started until the fault is rectified. The regulator can
not be activated.

Check the actuator, replace it if necessary, please

refer to chapter Fault tracing of engine speed
regulator or Engine speed regulator, change.

Check the actuator cables.

Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.

SID 231, Code 2.7.1 Communication fault, CAN

Reason: CAN controller for CAN bus is faulty.
Reaction: -Action:


Check the cables.

Check the control unit.

Group 23 EDC 4

Fault codes

SID 252, Code 2.8.1 Parameter programming

Reason: Memory fault
Reaction: The engine is emergency stopped and can not
be re-started until the fault is rectified.

Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.

SID 240, Code 2.8.1 Cyclical program test

PID 158, Code 2.8.2 Reference voltage 2

Reason: Reference voltage for actuator exceeds permissible limit values.
Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code disappears when the voltage returns to within the permissible
limit values (5 V).

Check the voltage supplied.

Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.

Reason: Memory fault

Reaction: The engine is emergency stopped and can not
be re-started until the fault is rectified.

Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.

PID 158, Code 2.9.1 Control unit, voltage supply

Reason: Voltage supplied to actuator exceeds permissible limit values.
Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code disappears when the voltage returns to within the permissible
limit values.

PID 158, Code 2.8.2 Reference voltage 3

Reason: Reference voltage for actuator exceeds permissible limit values.
Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code disappears when the voltage returns to within the permissible
limit values (5 V).

Check the voltage supplied.

Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.


Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.

PID 158, Code 2.8.2 Reference voltage 1

Reason: Reference voltage for actuator exceeds permissible limit values.
Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code disappears when the voltage returns to within the permissible
limit values (5 V).


Check the voltage supplied.

Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.


Group 23 EDC 4
PID 48, Code 2.9.2 Atmospheric pressure
Reason: Air pressure is outside permissible values.
Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code disappears when the pressure returns to normal. Monitoring
function for air pressure is de-activated.

Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.

SID 253, Code 2.10.1 Parameter fault

Reason: No data or incorrect data (fault only occurs during parameter setting or reset).
Reaction: Engine can not be started.

Check parameter settings.

Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.

SID 240, Code 2.10.1 Stack overflow

Reason: Internal calculation fault.
Reaction: The engine is emergency stopped and can not
be re-started until the fault is rectified.


Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.

Fault codes

Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical fault finding

Electrical fault finding

The following should be checked before electrical
fault tracing starts:

Fault codes

First check that none of the circuit breakers has


Fuel level and filter

Use multimeter 9510060 to measure the cables.

Coolant level

Connect adapter 885675 between the engine cable

connector and the control unit.

Air filter
Cables (visual)
Main switch, circuit breakers, connectors
Relay connections

Electric fault finding can be done on the following


Function checking of cables

and connectors

Check the wiring schedule to ensure that measurement is done at the correct place.
Use multimeter 9510060 to measure the cables.
NOTE! Never do measurements by poking a probe
through insulation.
Check all measurements against the data read from
the wiring schedule.


If a measurement value can not be interpreted from

the wiring diagram, check the wires separately.

Engine speed sensor

Contact problems

Coolant temperature sensor

Intermittent contact or temporary recurring faults can

be difficult to fault trace, and are frequently caused by
oxidation, vibration or poorly terminated cables.

Charge air/charge air sensor.

Oil pressure sensor
Fuel temperature sensor
Starter motor

Wear can also cause faults. For this reason, avoid

disconnecting a connector unless it is necessary.
Other contact problems can be caused by damage to
pins, sockets and connectors etc.
Shake cables and pull connectors during measurement, to find where the cable is damaged.
Resistance in connectors, cables and junctions
should be 0 Ohm.
A certain amount of resistance will occur, however,
because of oxidation in connectors.
If this resistance is too great, malfunctions occur. The
amount of resistance that can be tolerated before malfunctions occur varies, depending on the load in the


Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical fault finding

Check the following:

Open circuit

Look for oxidation which can impair contact in connectors.

Chafed or torn cables and connectors which have

come loose can be possible fault causes.

Check that terminals are undamaged, that they are

correctly inserted into their connectors, and that
the cable is correctly terminated in the terminal.

Use the wiring schedule to check the cable harnesses

which are relevant to the function. Start off with the
most probable cable harness in the circuit.

Test whether the sockets give good mechanical

contact. Use a loose pin for this test.

Check the following:

Disconnect the relevant connector at each end of

the cable harness.

Carefully insert gauge 9998482 into the connectors. Pull the gauge back and forwards a few
times, and feel whether the connectors grip the
gauge. If the connectors have lost their grip, or if
they are weak, change the spade terminals.
Please refer to the Joining electrical cables for
multi-connector chapter.

Use multimeter 9510060-8 to measure the resistance between the ends of the cable. Nominal value R ~ 0 .

Shake cables if possible, and pull connectors during measurement, to find where the cable is damaged.

If the fault can not be found, check the next cable

harness as in the wiring schedule.

Fill sockets which have been checked with low

temperature grease 1161417-9.

Contact resistance and oxidation

Important! The engine management unit connector must only be checked by means of gauge

Important! Pressure sensors must not be filled

with grease.

Check that the cables are correctly clamped.

Avoid clamping cables in a very tight radius beside connectors.

Fault tracing of cables and

Do a visual check on connectors

Resistance in connectors, cables and junctions

should be 0 .
A certain amount of resistance will occur, however,
because of oxidation in connectors.
If this resistance is too great, malfunctions occur. The
amount of resistance that can be tolerated before malfunctions occur varies, depending on the load in the
Check the following:

Look for oxidation which can impair contact in


Check that terminals are undamaged, that they

are correctly inserted into their connectors, and
that the cable is correctly terminated in the terminal.

Test whether the sockets give good mechanical

contact. Use a loose pin for this test.

Check the following:

Look for oxidation which can impair contact in


Check that terminals are undamaged, that they

are correctly inserted into their connectors, and
that the cable is correctly terminated in the terminal.

Test whether the sockets give good mechanical

contact. Use a loose pin for this test.

Shake cables if possible, and pull connectors during measurement, to find where the cable is damaged.


Important! Pressure sensors must not be filled

with grease.

Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical fault finding

Joining electrical cables for

Special tools: 951 2636, 9999324
Repair kit: 1078054
1. Remove the connectors from the control unit,
please refer to Control unit, change. Disassemble the connector, to gain access to the cable
leading to the pin which is to be changed.
2. Remove the pin, using tool no. 9512636 or a very
small jewelers screwdriver.
NOTE! Only remove one pin at a time.
3. Cut off the cable and the pin which is to be
changed. Join the cable with the new one, using
repair kit 1078054. Use cable crimping tool no.
4. Carefully heat the joint with a hot air gun, to make
the insulation shrink and seal tightly.
5. Put the pin back in the right place in the connector before removing the next pin, if several pins
are to be changed. Check that the locking tab on
the pin locks the pin into the connector.
6. Install the cables with insulation and tie wraps in
the connectors, in the reverse order to disassembly.
7. Install the connectors in reverse order to disassembly.
8. Make sure that the connector and the connection
on the control unit are clean and dry.
9. Connect the connectors to the control unit, please
refer to Control unit, change.
10. Start the engine and check carefully that no fault
codes occur.


Group 23 EDC 4

Inspection/fault tracing of components

Checking the sensor, charge pressure

NOTE! There are two different types of charge pressure sensors. A 3-pin and a 4-pin sensor.

Shut the engine off


Undo the connector on the charge air pressure

sensor and connect adapter no. 885675 between
the charge air pressure sensor connector and the
engine cable harness. Then connect multimeter
9510060-8 between measurement points 1-3 (applies to both sensors).


Turn the control voltage on.


Measure, with the multimeter set to voltage measurement. Check that the multimeter indicates 5.0


Then connect the multimeter between measurement points:

12 (for 3-pin sensor)
1-4 (for 4-pin sensor)
At normal atmospheric pressure, the voltage
should be about:
0.8 V 0.05 V (for 3-pin sensor)
1.2 V 0.05 V (for 4-pin sensor)

Max. tightening torque:

18 Nm (13.2 lbf-ft) (3-pol)
3.3 Nm (2.4 lbf-ft) (4-pol)


Electrical fault finding

Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical fault finding

Checking the sensors, coolant and fuel



The same type of sensor is used for both coolant temperature and fuel temperature.

Shut the engine off


Undo the connector and remove the sensor from

the engine.


Use multimeter no. 9510060-8 to measure across

the two contact pins on the sensor. The multimeter should shows the values on the adjacent table
and graph.

-20 C (-4.0F)
-10 C (14.0F)
0 C (32.0F)
10 C (50.0F)
20 C (68.0F)
23 C (73.4F)
30 C (86.0F)
40 C (104.0F)
50 C (122.0F)
60 C (140.0F)
70 C (158.0F)
80 C (176.0F)


NOTE! The sensor is highly sensitive to temperature

changes. When measuring in the lower temperature
ranges of 040 C (32-104.0F) , it is enough to hold
the sensor in your hand for the value to drop rapidly.
Max. tightening torque: 20 -24 Nm (14.7-17.7 lbf-ft)


Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical fault finding

Checking the speed sensor, camshaft

Checking the sensor, oil pressure

In a visual check, first remove the sensor from the engine. Then undo the connector and check that the sensor is undamaged, and that no swarf has stuck on the


Shut the engine off


Undo the connector on the oil pressure sensor

and connect the 4-pin adapter no. 885675 between the oil pressure sensor connector and the
engine cable harness. Then connect multimeter
9510060-8 between measurement points 1-3.

Do an induction test as follows:


Shut the engine off


Undo the engine speed sensor connector..


Turn the control voltage on.


Set multimeter 9510060-8 to resistance measurement. Use the multimeter to measure between the
engine speed sensor pins. The multimeter should
show 336 34


Measure, with the multimeter set to voltage measurement. Check that the multimeter indicates
5.0 Volt.


Then connect the multimeter between measurement points 1-2. The voltage should be about
0.5 V.


Move a metal object quickly past the sensor, at a

close distance. Check that the multimeter gives a

Max. tightening torque: 45 Nm (33.1 lbf-ft)


Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical fault finding

Fault tracing the engine speed regulator


Shut the engine off


Undo the engine speed regulator connector.


Set multimeter 9510060-8 to resistance measurement. Use the multimeter to measure the 5pin connector on the engine speed regulator, between:


1 - 2 app. 1.3
3 - 4 app. 25.4
3 - 5 app. 25.3

Fault tracing the starter motor

If battery voltage is below:

24.7 V (24 V system)

12.3 V (12 V system)

measured at the battery, the starter motor will not be

able to crank the engine at normal speed.
Voltage measurement, check

Check that battery voltage is at least 24.7 V or

12.3 V when not loaded, by measuring the battery terminals with multimeter 9510060-8.


Turn the main switch on.


Check that the voltage between positions 30

and 31 on the starter motor is the same as the

Carbon brushes
The specification for the carbon brushes in the starter motor is described below.
Carbon brush condition
New = 23 mm (0.90551")
Change at = 13 mm (0.51181")


Group 23 EDC 4

Fault tracing the alternator

First remove the alternator, to make the measurement
points more accessible.

Prise off the plastic cover on the alternator with a



Undo the four screws on the regulator.


Undo the two brush holder screws and remove the

brush holder and regulator.


Electrical fault finding

Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical fault finding

Measure the length of the brushes between the brush
mating surface and the brush holder. If the dimension
of the projecting part is less than 5 mm (0.20") , or if
any brush is damaged, it should be changed.

5 mm (0,197 inch)

NOTE! Make sure that the solder bead on the soldered joint does not penetrate too far along the brush
lead. This would make the lead stiff, and could obstruct movement.

Checking the regulator:

Use a multimeter set to diode measurement for



Connect the measurement probes between the



Switch the measurement probes over.


Check that no short circuit occurs in either case.

NOTE! If you suspect a regulator fault, it is easier to

install a new regulator on the alternator and test operate the charge system.


Group 23 EDC 4

Checking the positive power diodes


Set the multimeter to diode measurement.


Connect the negative probe to B+ and the positive

probe to each one of the three stator windings in


Do the measurements on the three stator windings.


Switch the probe points over and do three new



In one case, the instrument should indicate 400

(direction of current), and in the other case it
should indicate OL. The diodes block the current.

NOTE! The entire diode package is insulated from the

alternator frame.


Electrical fault finding

Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical fault finding

Checking the negative power diodes


Set the multimeter to diode measurement.


Connect the negative probe to B- and the positive

probe to each one of the three stator windings in


Do the measurements on the three stator windings.


Switch the probe points over and do three new



In one case, the instrument should indicate 400

(direction of current), and in the other case it
should indicate OL. The diodes block the current.

NOTE! The entire diode package is insulated from the

alternator frame.


Group 23 EDC 4

Checking the magnetizing diodes.


Set the multimeter to diode measurement.


Connect the negative probe to D+ and the positive

probe to each one of the three stator windings in


Do the measurements on the three stator windings.


Switch the probe points over and do three new



In one case, the instrument should indicate 400

1200mV (direction of current), and in the other
case it should indicate OL.


Electrical fault finding

Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical fault finding

Checking stator windings.


Set the multimeter to diode measurement.


Connect the probe tips between the phase connections.


Do three measurements.


The instrument should indicate the same value in

all three measurements.

Short circuit test on the stator


Set the multimeter to diode measurement.


Connect the probe tips between the stator body

and one of the three stator windings.


The instrument should indicate OL. If it shows

any other value, the stator has a short circuit.


Group 23 EDC 4

Checking the rotor


Set the multimeter to diode measurement.


Connect the probe tips to the slip rings.


The instrument should give a hardly noticeable or

very weak reading.


At the same time, check that the slip rings do not

have any burn marks or other damage.

Short circuit test on rotor


Set the multimeter to diode measurement.


Connect the probe tips between the stator body

and one of the three stator windings.


The instrument should indicate OL. If it shows

any other value, the stator has a short circuit.


Electrical fault finding

Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical system

Electrical system
Warning! The battery locker must never be exposed to open flames or electric sparks. Do not
smoke close to the batteries. The batteries generate hydrogen gas when charged, which forms
an explosive gas when mixed with air. This gas
is very flammable and highly explosive.

Important information about

electrical system
Important! Stop the engine and cut the system
current with the main switch before doing any
work on the electrical system.

Main switch
Never cut the circuit between the alternator and
the batteries when the engine is running. The
main switch(es) must never be disconnected before the engine has been stopped.
If the circuit is broken when the engine is running,
the voltage regulator can be destroyed and the alternator can be seriously damaged.
The charging circuits must never be re-connected
with the engine running, for the same reason. A
Volvo Penta charge splitter (optional) can be installed on the standard alternator to charge two
independent battery circuits.


Never mix up the battery positive and negative
poles when the batteries are installed.
If the batteries are wrongly connected, this can
cause severe damage to the electrical equipment.
Please check the wiring diagram! The battery
poles should be carefully cleaned, the terminals
should always be tightened and thoroughly
Avoid quick charging the batteries. If quick charging has to be employed, the ordinary battery cables must always be disconnected first.

NOTE! Observe applicable safety rules when charging batteries.

During charging, the cell plugs should be loosened but
remain in their holes. Ventilate well, especially if the
batteries are charged in an enclosed space.

Always use goggles when charging and handling

Battery electrolyte contains highly corrosive sulfuric
If this comes into contact with your skin, wash at
once with soap and a lot of water. If you get battery
acid in your eyes, flush at once with a lot of water,
and get medical assistance at once.

When starting with auxiliary batteries, please refer

to Starting with Auxiliary Batteries.


Connection of auxiliary equipment

All auxiliary equipment must be connected to a
separate junction box and fused.
Extra current take-offs direct from the instrument
panel should be avoided. The permissible extra
current take off must not exceed 5A in total (applies to all instrument panels together).

Electric welding
Remove the positive and negative cables from the
batteries. Then disconnect all connections to the alternator.
Disconnect the cable connectors from the control unit.
Please refer to Control unit, changing.
Always connect the welder earth clamp to the component to be welded, and as close as possible to the
weld site. The clamp must never be connected to the
engine or in such a way that current can pass through
a bearing.
Important! When welding is finished, the disconnected components such as connectors, alternator cables and battery cables must be reinstalled in the correct order.

Always switch off the charge current before undoing

the charging clamps.


Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical system

Wiring diagram
Wiring diagrams, engine side

Wiring diagram, control side

Speed regulator / Actuator

Coolant temperature sensor
Speed sensor, camshaft
Oil pressure sensor
Charge pressure sensor (two variants can
occur, 3-pin or 4-pin)
Fuel temperature sensor
Coolant level sensor
Air pre-heating relay (option)
Heating element (does not function without
the air pre-heating relay)
Battery (24/12 V).
Connector, air pre-heater/coolant level

Signal description, control unit, connector M



Earth (ground)
Digital output signal
Digital output signal 4
Input signal 1, temperature NTC
Input signal 2, temperature NTC
Digital input signal 5
Digital output signal 7
Earth (ground)
Analogue input signal 3
Earth (ground)
Input signal, engine speed 2
Earth (ground)
Input signal, engine speed 1
PWM output signal control solenoid
(STG -)
PWM output signal control solenoid
(STG +)
Shielded cable
Common connection for reference and
control rod measurement RF
RF Ref
RF Meas.
Earth (ground)
Analogue input signal 4
+ 5 V reference voltage
Earth (ground)
Analogue input signal 2
+5 V

Signal description, connector

Air pre-heater/coolant level (L)

Coolant level (-)

Coolant level (+)
Ubatt (15+)
Earth (ground)
High voltage relay (-)
Coolant level (+)
Output current (max 4 A)

Group 23 EDC 4

Electrical system

Wiring diagram, control side


Engine speed potentiometer (throttle control)

CAN interface SAE J 1939
VODIA input
Droop contact
1500 / 1800 rpm switch
Diagnostic connector
Warning lamp, oil pressure
Diagnostic lamp
Warning lamp, high coolant temperature
Fuse 15 A
Main switch
Battery (24/12 V).

Wiring diagrams,
engine side

Signal description, control unit,
connector F
#1. Ubatt (-)
#2. Earth (ground)
#3. Digital output signal 2, warning lamp for
coolant temperature
#4. Digital output signal 5, diagnostic lamp
#8. J1708A
#9. J1708B
#12. CAN high
#13. CAN low
#14. Ubatt (+)
#15. Digital output signal 6, warning lamp for
oil pressure
#16. Digital output signal 8 (frequency)
#17. Earth (ground)
#18. Digital input signal 1, 1500/1800 rpm
#21. Digital input signal 2, droop contact
#22. Shielded cable
#23. Earth (ground) for SWG, potentiometer
#24. Analogue input signal 1, potentiometer
#25. + 5 V reference voltage, potentiometer

Signal description, connector,

VODIA input (C)

Battery (+30)
Battery (-)




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