Chromatography Methods Part 1
Chromatography Methods Part 1
Chromatography Methods Part 1
Origin of Chromatography
The Russian botanist Mikhail Tswett first used
the term Chromatography (Latin for colored
drawing) in 1906, to describe the separation
that occurred when solutions of plant pigments
were passed through columns of calcium
carbonate or alumina, using petroleum ether.
Sorption processes
Sorption is the process whereby solute species are
transferred from the mobile to the stationary phase,
desorption being the reverse process. These processes
occur continually throughout a chromatographic
separation, and the system is therefore described as
being in a state of dynamic equilibrium. A solute is
repeatedly redistributed between the phases as the
mobile phase advances, in an attempt to maintain an
equilibrium corresponding to its distribution ratio, K.
Sorption mechanisms
There are four basic sorption mechanisms, and it is
common for two or more to be involved simultaneously
in a particular mode of chromatography.
Figure 1
Figure 9
u = L/t0
where L is the column length. A nonretained compound,
i.e. one that is not retained by the stationary phase,
appears at the end of the column at t0. tR is the
retention time; this is the period between sample
injection and recording of the peak maximum. Two
compounds can be separated if they have different
retention times. tR is the net retention time or adjusted
retention time.
tR = t0 + tR
t0 is identical for all eluted substances and represents
the mobile-phase residence time. tR is the stationary
phase residence time and is different for each
separated compound.
The longer a compound remains in the stationary
phase, the later it becomes eluted.
Equation 1
Problem 1
Calculate the k values of compounds 1 and 2
t0=12.5 mm; tR1=33.1 mm; tR2=70.5 mm.
Equation 2
Problem 2
Calculate the value of compounds 1 and 2.
(in problem 1)
Equation 3
Resolution Values
Problem 3
Calculate the resolution of compounds 1 and 2.
given :
tR1=33.1 min; tR2=70.5 min; w1=17mm ;
and w2=29 mm
Equation 4
Equation 5
Problem 4
How many theoretical plates emerge from
calculations based on the last peak in Figure 9?
Given tR2 =70.5mm; w2 = 29 mm:
Problem 5
Using the chromatogram shown in Figure 10,
(a) retention factors for peaks 15;
(b) separation factors for the best and worst
resolved pair of peaks;
(c) resolution of these two pairs of peaks;
(d) plate number for each of peaks 15.
Figure 10
Peak Symmetry
The normal dispersion of component molecules as
they move through the chromatographic system is
represented by a bell-shape Gaussian peak (Figure
8).However , if some molecules in the band are
more strongly retained on the stationary phase
,then these molecules will lag behind the main band
and will form a tail on the main peak(Figure 11).
Figure 11
Figure 12
Problem 6
Calculate the tailing of the peak shown in Figure
12. with two methods