mass transfer area, m2
boiling point
Distillation region diagram
mass transfer coefficient,
equilibrium ratio, yi/xi
total liquid flow in continuous
distillation, mole/s
total liquid remaining in batch
still, mole
Residue curve map
total vapour flow in continuous distillation,
total vapour evaporated from batch still,
mole fraction in liquid
mole fraction in vapour
i, j
component indices
1 Introduction
Residue curve diagrams (RCM) are a type of diagram used to study the distillation of
ternary mixtures, especially those that form azeotropes.
Ternary azeotropes
An azeotrope is a mixture whose liquid and vapour phases have exactly the same
Binary azeotropes:
Ternary azeotropes:
With ternary mixture you can get several azeotropes:
Real-life analogue of a ternary saddle azeotrope. Two of the edges (sides) have a
minimum and the third edge (back) has a maximum. The saddle point (minimax) is
shown by the white arrow.
Because 3-D representations are difficult to make, residue curve maps (RCM) are
used instead.
A residue curve shows how the composition of the residue (liquid mixture remaining
in the still) on a ternary diagram, for a three-component liquid mixture. We now
derive a differential equation that describes this curve.
Over a time interval, dV' moles of vapour evaporates from the
still, of which yidV' is component i. The residual liquid loses dL' moles, of which -d(L'xi) is component i. Material balance
yi dV' = - d(L'xi)
(the two sides of the equation look different because yi is the
mole fraction of i in a puff of vapour, while xi is the mole
fraction in the whole flask, which is assumed well mixed)
dV' = -dL'
Equilibrium gives
yi = Kixi
Eliminate dV' and yi from the first equation to get
d ln xi K i 1
d ln x j K j 1
This is the differential equation (ODE) that describes the residue curve on the ternary
diagram. From this equation, for any starting composition (initial value), the residue
curve can be calculated and drawn using equations for K-values from thermodynamic
models. The simulation software Aspen Plus has facilities for calculating and plotting
residue curves.
A ternary diagram with families of residue curves drawn on it is called a residue curve
map (RCM). A couple of typical RCMs are shown below:
Example B
With a mixture containing two low-boiling
azeotropes, the components/azeotropes can be
ordered according to BP from lowest to highest:
Azeo1, Light or Azeo 2, Intermediate, Heavy.
The RCM is divided into two distillation regions by
a separatrix. The triangular region behaves like the
simple ternary system above.
In the quadrilateral region, the residue curve may
head first towards the first saddle point (the light
component) or the second saddle point (low-boiling
azeo 2), depending on the original composition.
Example C
With a mixture containing three low-boiling
azeotropes, there will be a low-boiling ternary
azeotrope. Three separatrices divide the diagram
into distillation regions.
Azeo 4 will have the lowest BP. Each binary
azeotrope will have lower BP than the two pure
In each quadrilateral region, the residue curves will
start by moving directly away from the lowestboiling, then turn away from the nearest
intermediate-boiling (saddle) towards the highest
A residue curve starts near a low-boiling node (also called unstable node), move
directly away from it, then curve away from the nearest intermediate boiling node
(saddle ) and end up at the high-boiling node (also called stable node).
When a ternary mixture forms azeotropes, the residue curves are divided into bundles,
each of which consisting of all the residue curves that start and end at the same nodes.
The region defined by each bundle of residue curves is called a distillation regions.
Each distillation region has two end nodes (low and high boiling component or
azeotrope) and one or more saddles (intermediate boiling component or azeotropes).
From the above, two distillation regions must not share both end nodes (low-boiling and
high-boiling nodes), although they may share one of the two.
For example, (6135) indicates that there is one binary azeotrope (6) formed by the
heaviest (5) and lightest (1) components, and this azeotrope's BP is lower than those
of the pure components.
Thus, from this set of number the DRD can be drawn, with the appropriate arrows on
the distillation boundaries (each arrow moves from a low BP node to a high BP node).
For example, let's see how the DRD for 132567 may be drawn (see figure).
First, remove the non-existent azeotrope, leaving only 2, 6 and 7 (Fig. a).
Then, put in the arrowhead on the line sections, pointing towards the higher boiling
nodes (Fig. b).
Next, notice that there are two low-boiling nodes, which all arrows point away from
(nodes 1 and 3). Thus we must have at least two bundles of residue curves, or two
distillation regions. By drawing a few trial residue curves starting from near nodes 1 and
3, we can see that they form bundles that define distinct regions (Fig. c).
You may check that no other separatrix can be drawn. For example, if you draw another
separatrix joining 1 to 7, you will obtain two bundles of curves (i.e. two distillation
regions) both starting at 1 and ending at 7 (e.g. 1-2-7 and 1-6-7), which is not allowed
by definition.
When all separatrices are straight, the feed composition must be in the same distillation
region as the bottoms and distillate compositions.
Thus, given the RCM (or at least the DRD) and the feed composition, we can
determine the range of possible product compositions. Since residue curves do not
cross separatrices, the distillate and bottoms compositions must be in the same
distillation region. However, even within the distillation region containing the feed,
only a certain sub-range can contain the product composition (Perry 7th edn, Fig. 1361). The sub-range must contain all the portions of residue curves that can be
intersected at least twice by a straight line through the feed composition, as required
by criterion 1 and 2.
Figure (a) below shows the portions of ONE particular residue curve that can be
intersected twice by mass balance (straight) lines through a given feed point F. If we
draw this for ALL residue curves (b), we obtain a bow-tie shaped area centered on the
feed, formed by all the dots representing possible product compositions.
Example A: Design a distillation system to break a lowboiling binary azeotrope AB using entrainer E (Perry 7th edn
p.13-70). The DRD is shown on the right.
First, sketch a few residue curves in the region of concern.
1. Feed (EW) is separated into W (B3) and EW azeotrope (D3) in column C3.
2. EW azeotrope (D3) is distilled together with entrainer-rich ternary mixture O4 in
column C1, bringing us into region 3 (bottom right) and producing ethanol and
near-ternary azeotrope D1.
3. Upon condensing D1 splits into two liquid phases, entrainer-rich O4 and entrainerpoor A4. This phase split enables us to escape out of distillation region 3.
4. A4 is distilled in column C2 (operating in region 1) to produce ternary azeotrope
D2 and E-W mixture B2, which is similar to the original feed
5. B2, which is a binary mixture similar to the original feed, is fed back to column
kY dA
1 Ki xi
dx j
V, yi
L, xi
kY dA
1 K j x j
Dividing the last two equations, we get an equation for the relative chance
K 1 xi
dx j K j 1 x j
which is the same as Equation 1 for the residue curve for batch distillation
derived earlier.
1. Define an azeotrope, a high boiling azeotrope, a low boiling azeotrope.
2. When you boil a mixture, the temperature (a) always rises or stays constant (b)
always falls or stays constant (c) depends on whether the mixture form a high
boiling azeotrope or a low boiling azeotrope.
3. True or false: if you boil a mixture which forms an azeotrope, you always gets the
azeotrope in the last drops of residue.
4. What does RCM stand for?
5. Describe how to obtain a residue curve experimentally.
6. Is an RCM the same as a ternary phase diagram? If not, in which ways are they
7. What is a saddle component? An end node?
8. How many saddles can there be in a distillation region? How many end nodes?
9. In a distillation region, which node or saddle do residue curves start from? end at?
10. Explain how the residue composition evolves in a ternary mixture with no
11. What is a separatrix of an RCM?
12. What is the difference between an RCM and a DRD? Which one actually shows
residue curves?
13. Test yourself by trying to draw the DRD from a number, and by writing down the
number for a given DRD in Perry.
14. Under what conditions will a residue curve be identical to the composition profile
along a distillation column?
15. Give the two RCM-based criteria for the feasibility of a distillation scheme. Show
how they lead to bowtie-shaped areas representing possible product composition.
What is the centre of the bow-tie?
16. Is it true that for distillation to be feasible, the feed and products' compositions
must lie on the same residue curve? How about in the same distillation region?
Explain the meaning of the mixture index (14735) and draw the corresponding DRD.
Do the same for mixture (41735). What do you notice?
On the accompanying RCM, which residue curves can be intersected at least twice by a
straight line through the feed composition F, with F lying between the intersection
points? (The intersection points represent possible bottoms and distillate compositions
from a distillation column at or near total reflux.) Hence draw the bow-tie shaped region
of reachable product compositions.
AB azeotrope
BC azeotrope
AC azeotrope
ternary azeotrope
Using the definition of distillation regions, draw DRD 213567 and explain why you
can't join the LI azeotrope to to the ternary azeotrope to form a separatrix.
The RCM for water (W) - ethanol (E) - cyclohexane (C) is shown, with azeotropes
being denoted by a combination of letters.
(a) How many azeotropes are there?
(b) List the low-boiling binary azeotropes and the high-boiling binary azeotropes.
(c) Is the ternary azeotrope low-boiling, high-boiling or saddle?
Pure ethanol is to be obtained from a 50-50 mixture of water and ethanol. Using the
RCM above, comment on the feasibility of the following schemes: (a) Introduce pure
cyclohexane as an entrainer in an azeotropic distillation column (b) Introduce a 50-50
mixture of cyclohexane and ethanol as entrainer in an azeotropic distillation column; (c)
Distill to get a near-WE azeotrope, then mix with CE azeotrope and distil in a second