15 - Levels of Organization Reading
15 - Levels of Organization Reading
15 - Levels of Organization Reading
this page, you are using muscle tissue. There are 4 categories of tissues
(shown in the picture) in those categories are also tissues like bone, blood,
skin and fat.
Just as cells join together to form tissues, different types
of tissues combine to form organs. An organ is a group of
different tissues with a specific job. The heart, stomach,
and brain are familiar examples of organs that can be
found in many different organisms. Did you know that
the eye, skin, and tongue are also organs? The heart is
an example of an organ made up of four different types of
tissues. All four tissues types work together to enable the
heart to pump blood throughout the organism.
Each organ system contributes to the constant teamwork that keeps the
organism alive. The different organ systems work
together and
depend on one another to maintain
homeostasis. A complex organism is composed of
cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. The
interactions among these levels of organization enable
the organism to carry out its life processes.
So, whether it is an ant, a dog, an elephant, or a human, it should be clear
that each organism has different levels of organization, which perform
specialized jobs. However, each level is also dependent on the activities of
other levels to keep the organism alive.
Adapted from: Prentice Hall Science: Human Biology and