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Draft 1 Uwrtannotatedbibliography

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Banzhof 1

Rachel Banzhof
Susan Ingram
UWRT 1104
30 October, 2016

Annotated Bibliography



Postman, Neil. Amusing

This book highlights the

I read this book first junior

amount of over stimulation

year for AP english, then I

that we have daily. With TV,

read it again for English

radio, internet, and

senior year for my senior

smartphones being

project. Every time I read it I

overwhelmed daily is normal.

take away something

The writer Neil Postman, has

different. He looks deep into

written other novels

the effects never being

highlighting other areas of

bored. This causes harm to

research in today's

us in ways such as having

generations. He focuses on

underdeveloped social skills.

the negative effects of the

This can hurt people later in

over stimulation. He also

life when applying for jobs. It

says that throughout the next

also shifts the perspective of

few decades that this issue

people. It can cause them to

will become for prevalent and

have a false sense of what

will not dissipate. He explains



to Death: Public

Discourse in the Age of Show

New York
City: Penguin Books,
2005. Print.

how the mental health of the

people experiencing the
overexposure can be
significantly affected over
time. Kids growing up in this

Banzhof 2

age of technology are at the

biggest risk of experiencing
extreme versions of the
negative effects that he lists
in this book.

Gordon, Serena. Social

This article focuses in on the

I have seen all of the things

Media Has Good and Bad

effects that are caused by

she talks about play a part in

Effects of Kids:Experts. US

teens spending all their free

my own life and my friends

time on social media. Nearly

lives. When you enter a

one quarter of teens say that

public place, people dont

they log on to their social

speak to each other. The

media accounts at least 20

majority of people just get on

times a day. This article also

their phones and they block


focuses on the generation

off the world. This article is


being focused on sexting.It

also cool because it explains

News. 28
March, 2011.
Web. 28 Oct., 2015.

ens-health/articles/201 also says that kids dont just

some theories of what a


hang out anymore. This can

parent can do to help


affect many thing but has

combat these effects. The

detrimental effects on their

writer suggest that parents

social skills. These skills are

should be involved by

necessary for communication

friending their kids on their

and portraying ideas. Kids

social medias. The writer

not developing these skills

then goes to explain that if

will hurt our world if it

the child expresses that they

continues to be this way.

dont want the parent to


friend them that is when

there is an issue.

Fita, Maciej . 6 Reasons

This article suggests 6

-if you are in the professional

Why Social Networking Is So

specific reasons that social

world social media is

Banzhof 3

Popular These Days.

media has such a huge


brandignity. 28

presence in specifically my

-Most businesses and people

generation. It is helpful to not

working for businesses have

only understand what social

social media accounts

media will do but also why

^^^They do this in order to

everyone is so into it. Social

stay relevant

media being so popular is

-gaining a larger audience is


why it can be such a issue for

important to many


people.This article mostly

businesses because social

focuses on the business side

media is a easy way to gain a

of social media and how it is

large audience.

2012. Web. 23 April 2016

used to reach large

audiences. This is similar to
all the books that were
available to me in the library.

#Being 13: Inside the Secret

This CNN article tracked 200

This is a credible source and

World of Teens. CNN 13

8th graders. They looked at

comes to an interesting

their use of social media and


the effect that it had on their

-teens pay so much attention

mental health over time. This

to social media it inflicts

article was extremely popular


and had a large audience last

^^^ I have seen this proven in

year around this time. It was

my own life, Sometimes you

so popular because of the

just dont need to see what

topic being so relevant in

your friends are doing all the

today's society. Most of the


Oct. 2015. Web. 7 Oct. 2015

Booer, Dianna. 6 Ways
Social Media Is Doing More
Harm Than Good.
Huffington Post. 23
March, 2014,
Web., 28 Oct. 2015.

audience to this article was

parents of teens concerned
for their children. It gives
suggestions on how to
address if your child has a

Banzhof 4

behavioral issue in response

to an obsession on social
media and suggests ways to
curve those habits.

Wang, Quinya, Chen Wei, and

Social media's popularity is

-social media is actually

Yu Liang. "The Effects of

only going to continue to

essential in student success

Social Media on College

grow, especially for students.

-23% more than 8 hours a

Students." Johnson and Wales

This is an exploratory study

week on social media, 45%

University. Johnson and Wales

on a group of

6-8 hours a week on social

University, 2011. Web. 06 Oct.


media,12% less than 2


Males=26). The students

-Social media definition:the

received a questionnaire

relationships that exist

asking different questions on

between a network of people

what they use their social

-Because of social media

media for, and how much

people can now exchange

they use it. They made sure

ideas and opinions all over

to have a wide range of the

the world at a click of a

type of students they chose


for their study. 35% of the

-This broadens our

students were undergraduate

perspectives and helps

students and 65% were

develop ideas.

graduate students. 31% of

students had full time jobs,
30% had part time jobs, and
39% had no jobs.
Sponcil, Megan, and Priscilla

This source focuses of the

-Social media's larger issue

Gitimu. "Use of Social Media

effects of a normal use of

is the effects that is had on

by Colleges

social media has on


Students:Relationship to

communication of the users.

-These people were not

Communication and

It also touches on what

extreme social media users,

Banzhof 5

Self-concept." ESBCO HOST

happens to the participants

they used it as much as I do

Connection. Journal of

self-concepts when they use

- this is concerning because

Technology Research, July

social media over a long

out of all the things studied

2013. Web. 6 Oct. 2016.

period of time. Students used

self-concept is the most

for this research were given a

important to not get changed

questionnaire. The
questionnaire focused on
personal use of social media,
communication skills with
family members, and effects
on self concept. The people
used for this research were
regularly active on at least
one form of social media.
There was proof of
correlation of social media
use with a decrease in
communication with family.
There was a larger amount of
participants who struggled
with self-concept in this
"Social Media Bullying Has

This specific article on this

-Ask.fm.com was linked to

Become a Serious Problem."

website is specifically

the suicide of a 14 year old

NoBullying Bullying

focused on cyber bullying on


CyberBullying Resources.

social media. This website is

-Ask.fm is a websight to

N.p., 28 Sept. 2016. Web. 06

focused on bullying as a

annonomously ask questions

Oct. 2016.

whole. It has many tabs for

to someone with out ever

advice for parents whose

being exposed

kids experienced bullying.IT

-15,000 bullying tweets are

says that bullying is not new

posted daily

at all but because of social

-snap chat has been

Banzhof 6

media the tatics are much

attributed to the suicide for 2

more and harder to escape.


When you are bullied at

school you can go home and
escape it or change schools
to escape the bullies. When it
is online it can follow you
everywhere. This is what can
make it so much worse and
heighten the effects.
Facebook can be a hub for
Onwuanibe, Ugochi. "The

Social media affects

-perspective shifts are a

Global Impact Of Social

everything from how we

major source of depression

Media." The Market Mogul.

communicate with our family

-this perspective shift

N.p., 10 Mar. 2016. Web. 07

to how we get our news. It

changing a lot of peoples

Oct. 2016.

can really shift the

idea can cause a global shift

perspective of people
because of social media
controlling what we are
exposed to all the time. This
can be a source of
depression. Constantly being
exposed to negative things
can change your mood by
focusing on only negative
things. This is dangerous in
today's society and in any
society really. This hasn't
been a large issue until
recently because social
media wasn't been so wildly

Banzhof 7

popular until lately.

Probst, Caitlin. "10 Ways

10 different ways that social

-63% of americans log onto

Social Media Affects Mental

media affects your mental

facebook daily

Health." Degreed Blog Atom.

health is listed in this

-social media creates and

N.p., 29 May 2015. Web. 11


ideal lifestyle

Oct. 2016.

1.social media is addictive

- of people find that social

2.social media makes us

media makes it difficult for

comparire ourselfs

them to truly relax and shut

3.social meda makes us

out the world


-95% of children on social

4.social media gives rise to

media have witnessed

cyber bulling


5. Social media glamorizes

-kids who use social media

drugs and alcohol

are 2 times as likely to use

6.social media can make us



-creates a feeling of being left

7.social media leads to fomo

out constantly

8.social media leads to

9.social media inhances our
10.social media helps with
Vis, Farida, and Alejandra

We use social media for

-estimated that in 1018,2.44

Guzman. "6 Ways Social

everything in our

billion people will be using

Media Is Changing the World."

lives(personal lives, work and

social networks

World Economic Forum. N.p.,


-every minute there is

7 Apr. 2016. Web. 8 Oct. 2016.


350,000 tweets sent out



1.social media is now a

-there is 30 million facebook

essencial component for

messages sent out every

Banzhof 8

sucessful busniesses


2.social media platforms

*this source highlights social

could become the banks for

media as a positive influence

the future

on society

3.social media is changing up

the issues like health care to
the public and making it a
well known issue
4.it is changing our civil
participation in government
5.gives a quicker responce to
global disasters
6.helps get information out
faster for important issues
like climate change and even

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