Revisedlesson 1 4
Revisedlesson 1 4
Revisedlesson 1 4
Grade: 1st
This is the first lesson of the unit. It introduces the characteristics of fairy tales, which will be reviewed
throughout the entire unit, and the stories Red Riding Hood and Lon Po Po.
cognitiveR U Ap An E C*
Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create
This is the first lesson in the unit, so no specific prerequisite knowledge is needed
Pre-assessment (for learning):
-Ask students to think of words they associate with fairy tale, ask if they can
name any fairy tales
Formative (for learning):
-Complete the Unit Chart: characteristics of Little Red Riding Hood as a class
-Complete the Venn Diagram comparing the 2 stories as a class
Formative (as learning):
Summative (of learning):
lesson present?
-clarify definitions of
fairy tale and venn
Provide options for
comprehension- activate, apply
& highlight
Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do you
need for this lesson and are
they ready to use?
-communicate story
through book & animated
Provide options for executive
functions- coordinate short &
long term goals, monitor
progress, and modify strategies
-facilitate management of
information by:
- organizing it visually on
the big notebook
-creating a Venn Diagram
(the largest
component or
main body of
the lesson)
-discuss the video: did you notice anything different in
the video? What did you like or not like about that
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
The first lesson went much better than I expected it to go. The classroom teacher settled the class
down a bit before I began teaching, so the students were already seated quietly and respectfully on the rug
when I began. The brainstorming of fairy tale characteristics went pretty well, although the students did give
some responses that were off the mark. During this segment, I struggled with how to correct their wrong
answers yet still be encouraging and keep answers coming. I tried not to linger on this section too long because
I was afraid they would lose interest quickly, and I especially didnt want that right off the bat.
While reading Little Red Riding Hood aloud to the class, they listened quite well. I knew before
starting the unit that the class enjoys being read aloud to, and this lesson was no exception. Filling out the fairy
tale characteristics on the easel after reading went well, and the class continued to behave while I read Lon-Po
Po aloud. One section of the lesson I took out was showing a video of Little Red Riding Hood, for the sake of
time. However, if it was my classroom and the distribution of time was up to me, I would certainly include
The Venn Diagram comparing the two versions of Red Riding Hood was probably the part that
went the poorest, I think in part because it was right at the end, very close to the 30 minute mark. If I were to
teach this lesson again, I would go more in depth with my explanation of what a Venn Diagram is. I think it
would have been more effective if I had created a Venn Diagram comparing two things that the students are
familiar with rather than jumping right into the comparison of the two fairy tales covered in the lesson. For
example, I could have compared apples and oranges as an example and elaborated on why each characteristic
belongs where it does.
During this lesson, I realized that 30 minutes is just about the maximum amount of time that the
students are able to stay interested in one thing. I think in some cases, even this is pushing it with this
particular group of students. If this were my classroom, I would definitely try to include more movement
during class instruction. I feel as though the majority of the time the class does not behave well while sitting on
the rug, mostly due to their inability to sit still, yet their teacher uses this classroom set-up for much of her
large group instruction. If I was the teacher, I would establish expectations early on in order to include more
movement during instruction, but I didnt feel like I had the time to teach this as part of this unit, and I was
concerned that too much movement without guidance would have derailed all of the instruction.
Perhaps part of what made this lesson a success was the novelty of me teaching. I think the students
were interested in it because prior to this lesson I had done very little large group instruction and they were
stimulated to see a new face at the front of the room. If I could change just one thing, I would split this lesson
into two 20 minute lessons taught at different times in order to better keep the students interest and fit in a bit
more discussion time, as well as the video I had planned on showing.