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Superhero Lesson

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Lesson Plan Template for Content-Based Instruction

Teachers Names: Katie Harding, Mandeep Ballagan

Date: 6/13-6/17
Grade/Class/Subject: 1st/2nd Grade/Conversation

Time Period: 50 minutes

Unit/ Topic: Popular American Culture/Superheroes

Lesson Title: Create Your Own Superhero!

Content Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will (know and do):
-describe what a superhero is/does
-describe different parts of a superhero
-verbally express different parts of a superhero and what makes a superhero
-learn vocabulary specific to superheroes
Language Objectives:


1) In future tense describe what your

superhero will do to change the world

Future tense: My superhero will help the sick.

2) Create a catchphrase for their superhero

Imperative and present tense: Dont give up; I

see the future;

3) Describe various aspects of their

Review Vocabulary
(previously taught vocabulary that
students likely need review of)


Present tense: Our superheros name is ___. They

can ___. Their weakness is ___. Their personality is
Signal Words
New Vocabulary

(new vocabulary to be explicitly taught

that is critical to an understanding of the



(vocabulary that may need to be taught

or emphasized that link concepts in
meaningful ways, such as conjunctions
and time markers)

-___ minutes are left

-30 seconds left!
-how, what, who, why, where


By the end of the lesson, students will (do X function using Y form with Z vocabulary):
-The students will be able to describe what their superhero will do to change with the world in the
future tense with their strengths and powers.
-The students will be able to create a catchphrase for their superhero in the imperative or the present
tense with vocabulary about their personality, strengths, and weaknesses.
-The students will be able to describe their superhero using the present tense with vocabulary about
super powers, personality, strengths and weaknesses

Special Cross-Cultural Considerations: Include here anything relevant to culture that

you will either incorporate as part of your lesson or that you need to be attuned to in terms
of your students background to ensure a lesson that is culturally responsive.
One thing to emphasize is that they can choose any super power or any characteristic they
want. In addition, many of the high school girls are concerned about success and personal
appearance so we emphasize that anyone can be a hero in real life and discuss the qualities of
a real life hero too.

Materials: Include here all the materials that you need, including textbook titles and
the page numbers you will refer to.
Computer, PowerPoint slides, video clips of superheroes, worksheets to create their own
superhero, access to internet, projector

Lesson Sequence: This may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate unique lesson

plan features. For each step, explain what the teacher will do, the expectation of what
the students will do, and how long the stage should take.
MOTIVATION: Describe how you will build content background and introduce the specific

language functions/forms that you will target.

TIME: __5 min______

The teacher will(specifically what the

teacher does)
-The teacher will ask the students if they know
about the Avengers
-The teacher will tell the students that we are
watching the Avengers trailer and to watch for
their favorite superhero as well as their power
-The teacher will ask for their favorite hero and

The students will (specifically what the students

should do in response to what the teacher does)
-The students will respond with affirmation or
-The students will watch the trailer and pay
-The students will answer and say their favorite
superhero and their powers

Formative Assessment (How will you gauge whether or not students are connecting to the background the
teacher is providing?):
The students will be evaluated based upon their class participation and responses to the
questions and prompts

PRESENTATION: Describe the specific techniques you will use to make your presentation of
new content and linguistic material comprehensible to students, to provide opportunities for
interaction through appropriate questioning, to engage learner strategies, and to assess
whether or not students are getting it.

TIME: ___5 min_____

The teacher will(specifically what the teacher does)

The students will (specifically what the

students should do in response to what the
teacher does)

-The teacher will show multiple video examples and

visual examples that the students are familiar with,
each video has a task that the students are informed
of before the video starts eg. Listen for this
catchphrase, look for their powers, show pictures of
weaknesses and real life heroes
-The teacher will give clear instruction and tasks by
repeating, rephrasing, speaking slowly, and
-The teacher will walk around the classroom while the
students create their superheroes to help with
questions and clarify

-The students will pay attention so they can

answer the questions after the videos
-The students will listen to the instructions and
ask questions if any tasks are unclear
-The students will work together and ask the
teacher for clarification and if they have

Formative Assessment (How will you gauge whether or not students are comprehending/using the targeted language
forms as presented?):
The teacher will go to each table, talk to the students, and assess their worksheet to make sure they are
on task and completing the worksheet together
PRACTICE/APPLICATION: Describe the activities you will use to allow for meaningful practice
targeting the lessons objectives, the learner strategies you will engage, and the formative
assessment you will provide to gauge whether or not students practice is moving them along
closer to the target)
TIME: ___30 min_____

The teacher will(specifically what the

The students will (specifically what the students
teacher does)
should do in response to what the teacher does)
-The teacher will explain the activity to the
-The students will pay attention to the examples
class step by step and then show the first
and then create super powers for their
example of super powers
-The teacher will explain superheroes
-The students will pay attention and create their
weaknesses to the students and show an
own weakness for their superheroes
example of Supermans weakness, kryptonite -The students will watch the videos and listen,
-The teacher will ask the students if they
repeat the catchphrases they hear to the
understand the word catchphrase, explain
teacher, and create their own catchphrase for
catchphrase, show three video examples of
their superhero
superheroes catchphrases and have the
-The students will pay attention and then create
students listen and repeat
their superheros personality
-The teacher will explain different personality -The students will pay attention to the teachers
traits with examples from superheroes
explanation, think of how their superhero will
-The teacher will explain, repeat, and
change the world, create a name, and draw a
rephrase the last part, how the superhero will picture of their hero
change the world, then tell the students to
create a name and draw their superhero
Formative Assessment (How you will gauge whether or not students practice is moving them closer toward
achieving the objective in a meaningful way?)
The teacher will walk around and make sure the students complete each section and comprehend the examples,
objectives, and material

EXTENSION: Describe the student-centered activities you will use for students to further
apply language skills toward greater mastery of the targeted content and language
objectives, either independently or with a group. This should be an opportunity for
developing higher-order thinking skills and using language in communicative ways.
TIME: ____10 min_____

The teacher will(specifically what the

teacher does)

The students will (specifically what the

students should do in response to what the
teacher does)

-The teacher will explain how the groups will

present their superheroes to one another,
including tasks such as reminding them to
speak in English and to listen attentively
-The teacher will explain that there are
heroes in real life as well, that you do not
need super powers to be a hero. The
teacher will ask the students to name
heroes in their life and explain why these
people are heroes

-The students will present their superheroes in

English to each other and pay attention to the
other groups superhero presentation
-The students will think about heroes in their
lives and share with the class their real life
heroes and why

Summative Assessment

(Describe the ways in which you plan to determine whether or not students achieved the
content and language objectives for the lesson. Be specific in terms of not only what the students will do to demonstrate
their knowledge and skills, but how you will evaluate what they produce.):
The teacher will check their completed worksheet at the end. The teacher will evaluate their grades based on their
presentation in English to the other groups and the completeness and correctness of the worksheet in English.


Miss. Katie and Miss. Mandeep
Work together as a group to build your own superhero by filling in each column. At the bottom
of the page draw a picture of your superhero! Have fun and be creative!
What is your superheros name?
What are your superheros three powers?

What is your superheros weakness?

What is your superheros catchphrase?

What is your superheros personality like?

How is your superhero going to change the


Mandeep Ballagan

Professor Gonzalez-Bueno
C&T 491
21 June 2016
Reflection over Lesson #1
This past week Katie and I got to dive headfirst into our teaching careers. We both have
never taught before and both of us were very nervous about how to go about teaching and
different language barriers. However, the lesson that Katie and I created went extremely well and
definitely exceeded both of our expectations. I learned a lot from both a teachers viewpoint and
a students viewpoint. I learned that all classes are different and that no class is the same as
another class. I also learned different techniques of interacting with students as well as being
flexible and incorporating different constructive critiques into my lesson.
Overall, the lesson went very well. The majority of the students were engaged and
focused. Most of the students were also engaged in the activity as well as the content of the
lesson as well. One way that Katie and I tried to engage the students was by providing various
video examples; the majority of the students were already familiar with the video content and
were excited to be seeing it in class. The videos also provided students with examples of how to
make their own superheroes which helped with their understanding of the lesson. By watching
these videos as well as seeing our modeling, the students understood the activity. However, to
eliminate any confusion or misunderstanding, Katie and I walked around to the groups to clarify
and answer any questions.
Our activity allows our students to use their imagination and their creativity freely
without limits or bounds. Our students live and operate in a very structured and rule bound world
and we wanted our students to create something from their imagination. Katie and I did provide
the students with a framework of their superhero accompanied with examples, but we let them
create their superhero however they wanted. The superhero can have any power they want, any

weakness they want, and can change the world in whatever way they want to. This activity was
even more rewarding when we got to see the superheroes our students created, a lot of them
thought of superpowers and catchphrases that were so creative and unique that I never even
thought of.
Our lesson included writing, speaking, and listening. Our lesson started off with various
video examples of different components of superheroes that the students had to listen to. For
example, we asked the students to pay attention to the catchphrase before we showed the
catchphrase video and then we asked the students to repeat the catchphrase after the video was
over. This emphasized paying attention and listening to what the superhero is saying in order to
repeat the catchphrase correctly. The students also had to write down different components of
their superheroes on their worksheets and then had to present it to other groups which
incorporated the speaking portion of our lesson.
Though the lesson went really well, there are some things that I would change. If I could
do this lesson again I would incorporate reading. The students did not have any reading activities
or drills, the only reading that they did was reading the directions and the steps on the worksheet
as well as the reading on the PowerPoints. I definitely would incorporate a reading activity if I
could do this lesson over again.
Overall, the lesson went really well and I had a great time teaching the students. It was
very rewarding to see our lesson come to life and even more rewarding to see the students

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