LEED Cover Letter For BID PKG
LEED Cover Letter For BID PKG
LEED Cover Letter For BID PKG
Recycled Content
This credit encourages selection of materials with significant recycled content. For all materials in CSI divisions 2-10 please complete the reporting
form and indicate the value of the recycled content (both pre-consumer and post-consumer) for each product. For material assemblies, the recycled
content shall be determined by weight. This weight is then multiplied by the total materials cost to calculate the value of the recycled content.
Post-Consumer Recycled Content: End-use waste material that is generated by households or commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities as a
byproduct of consumption, which can no longer be used for its intended purpose, and is therefore made into new products. Examples include
construction and demolition debris, materials collected from curbside or drop-off recycling programs, discarded products, etc.
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content: Material that is diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing process and used to make new products.
Examples include planer shavings and sawdust in pressboard, print overruns, slag and fly-ash in cement, etc. This is often referred to as PostIndustrial recycled content.
Common Recycled Materials List (recycled content varies from product to product)
Acoustical Ceiling Tiles
Rubber Products
Gypsum Wallboard
Ceramic Tile
Resilient Flooring
Horizontal Blinds
Wall Panels
Composite Decking
Cement Fiber Products
Homasote Board
Regional Materials
This credit encourages the reduction of environmental impacts from transportation through the selection of locally sourced materials, which are
harvested and manufactured within 500 miles of the project site. For all materials in CSI divisions 2-10, indicate the distance (in miles) from the
harvesting and manufacturing sites to the project. For salvaged and recycled materials, the distance from where the material was reclaimed and/or
reprocessed is considered the harvesting location. For example, for steel with recycled content used on a project, determine the distance from both
the manufacturing plant and the steels source location to the project site.
Certified Wood and No Added Urea Formaldehyde
These credits encourage environmentally responsible forest management through the selection of wood-based products that are certified in
accordance with the Forest Stewardship Councils (FSC) Principles and Criteria. For all wood materials used on this project, please indicate whether
or not they are FSC-certified, whether the wood is a composite material and/or contains any added urea-formaldehyde, and provide the FSC Chainof-Custody certification number. Many composite woods contain small amounts of added urea-formaldehyde. These credits stress selection of
composite woods that contain no added urea-formaldehyde and use at least 50% (based on cost) FSC-certified wood products.
VOC Reporting Form
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are air contaminants that can be odorous, irritating, and/or harmful to building occupants. ALL field-applied
adhesives, sealants, paints, and coatings identified in the specifications (including those related to MEP work) that are within the weatherproofing
system must comply with both the VOC limits outlined in the specifications and the referenced standard (SCAQMD Rule #1168). The VOC reporting
form must be completed for all of the above mentioned materials, indicating the VOC content in grams per liter. A copy of the products MSDS sheet
should also be included. Please see the VOC limit list for various applications.
Flooring Systems Tracking Form
Please complete the flooring systems tracking form for all flooring systems used on this project. Indicate whether the carpet installed meets the
requirements of the Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label Plus Program and whether the carpet cushion meets the requirements of the Carpet and
Rug Institute Green Label Program. Indicated whether the flooring (non-carpet flooring) installed meets the requirements of FloorScore, the
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule #1113, Architectural Coatings, or SCAQMD Rule #1168. These requirements
are also set forth in the specifications. Finally, provide a compliant statement (e.g., MSDS or product cut-sheet) verifying that the flooring systems
meet these requirements.
Thank you for your cooperation and attention to the projects LEED goals.
Danny Fattal
ODP Architects