Question Documents
Question Documents
Question Documents
Alignment defect - characters that write improperly in the following respect: a twisted letter, h
Allograph - a writing or signature made by one person for another or a style (block capital, prin
Altered document - a document that contains a change either as an addition or a deletion.
Ample letter - that which encompasses more than the standard inner space in a given letter.Ch
Archive - collection of documents and records purposely stored for a defined period of time.
Assisted writing - the result of a guided hand, produced by the cooperation of the two minds a
Ball point pen
- a writing instrument having as its marking tip a small, freely rotating ball bea
Baseline - the ruled or imaginary line upon which the writing rests.
Big Floyd - the FBI super computer that contains software allowing it to search criminal records
Bindle paper - clean
Bitmap - a mosaic of dots or pixels defining an image, including dot matrix imprints.The smooth
Blobbing - the accumulation of ink on the exterior of the point assembly of a ball-point pen that
Blunt ending - the effect produce on commencement and terminal strokes of letters, both uppe
Boat - a dish-shape figure consisting of a concave stroke and a straight line sometimes forming
Body - that portion of a letter, the central part that remains when the upper and lower projectio
Boustrophedun - writing in which alternate lines are written in opposite directions and even ha
Bow - a vertical curve stroke as in capitals D and C.
Braille - a system of representing letter, numerals etc. by raised dots that a visually impaired pe
Burring - a division of a written line into two or more, more or less equal portions by a non-linke
Carbon copy - a copy of a typewritten document made by means of carbon paper.An exact rep
Carbon ink - (India ink) one of the oldest form of writing ink commonly referred to as India ink e
Case records - all notes, reports, custody records, charts, analytical data, and any corresponde
Character - any typed or handwritten mark, sign or insignia, abbreviation, punctuation mark, le
Charred document - a document that has become blackened and brittle through burning or th
Class characteristics - not all characteristics encountered in document examination are peculi
Clogged (dirty) typeface - over prolonged use, the typeface becomes filled with lint, dirt, and
Cloth ribbon - a type of ribbon used in some models of typewriter.
Collected standards - a sample of writing made during the normal course of business or socia
Conjoined letters - two letters that have been written in the common manner such that the te
Connecting stroke - an expression commonly used to refer to the fusion of the terminal stroke
Connection subtypes
Supported - the body of the letter rests against or retraces the stem.
Looped - the initial stroke forms a loop with the stem of the letter.
Unsupported - the body of the letter does not follow or retrace the stem.
Contraction - a form of word abbreviation wherein one or more letters are omitted.
Cursive - a form of continuous writing in which letters are connected to one another and design
Decipher - to determine the meaning of, as hieroglyphics or illegible writing, or to translate from
Defect - any abnormality of maladjustment in a typewriter that is reflected in its work and leads
Diacritical mark or point - a sign added to a letter or symbol to give it a particular phonetic va
Didot system - a typographic measuring system used in Europe and based on the didot point, s
Digraph - a group of two successive letters representing a single sound or a complex sound tha
Diphthong - the combination of two vowels in succession, the sound of which begins with one a
Disguised writing - a deliberate attempt to alter handwriting in hopes of hiding one's identity.
Disputed document - a term suggesting that there is an argument or controversy over a docum
Document - any material that contains marks, symbols, or signs either visible, partially visible,
Document examiner - an individual who scientifically studies the details and elements of docu
Documentation - written notes, audio/video tapes, printed forms, sketches, or photographs tha
Erasure - the removal of writing, typewriting, or printing from a document.It may be accomplish
Exemplar - a specimen of an identified source acquired for the purpose of comparison with an e
Facsimile - an image of printed matter that has been transmitted electronically.
Fiber-tip pen - (porous-tip pen) a modern writing instrument in which the marking element or p
Flow-back - an increase in the density of an ink line caused by the run of excess ink along the fi
Fluency - freedom and other like terms, referring to a generally higher grade of line quality that
Flying finish - the diminishing taper of a terminal stroke when the motion of the instrument doe
Flying start - the growing taper of an initial stroke or the delicate initial hook that appears whe
Font - a complete set or collection of letters, figures, symbols, punctuation marks, and special c
Forced hand - a person's signature or writing executed while the hand was under the physical c
Forgery - (free hand imitation) a legal term that involves not only a non-genuine signature or do
Fountain pen - a modern nib pen containing a reservoir of ink in a specially designed chamber
Fraudulent signature - a forged signature.It involves the writing of a name as signature by som
Freehand simulation - a fraudulent signature that is produced by copying or imitating the styl
Gooping - the accumulation of excessive amount of ink on the exterior of the point assembly of
Graphoanalysis - a registered trade name that identifies the system of handwriting analysis ta
Graphology - the art of attempting to interpret the character of personality of an individual from
Graphonomics - the study of the science and technology of handwriting and other graphic skill
Guided-hand signature - a signature that is executed while the writer's hand or arm is steadie
Habit - a persistently repeated element or detail of writing that occurs when the opportunity all
Hand lettering - (hand printing) any disconnected style of writing in which each letter is writte
Haplography - the unintentional omission in writing or copying of one or more adjacent and sim
Hiatus - a gap in writing stroke of a letter formed when the instrument leaves the paper.An ope
Holographic document - any document completely written and signed by one person.
Indented writing - writing impressed into the surface of a page of paper of pressure exerted up
Inert hand - an execution of writing in which the person holding the writing instrument exercise
Infrared luminescence - a phenomenon encountered with some dyes used in inks and colored
Ink eradicator - a chemical solution capable of bleaching ink.
Inorganic pigment - a natural or synthetic metal oxide, sulfide or other salt used as a coloring
Insertion - the addition of writing and other material within a document such as between lines
Interlineation - the act of inserting writing or typewriting between two lines of writing.
Iron-gallotannate ink - this ink is found in fountain pens, was used as early as the 8th century
Joint or Juncture - the point or position at which two or more strokes meet within a letter.
Kerning - the spacing of two letters closer together than customary when their designs leave to
Known standard - a specimen of an identified source acquired for the purpose of comparison w
Lateral expansion - the horizontal dimension of writing produced by the width of letters, the sp
Lateral writing - writing characterized by wide letters and spacing.
Left-handed curve - a stroke that is made in a counterclockwise direction.
Left-handed or wrong-handed writing - any writing executed with the opposite hand from th
Legibility - the ease with which a reader recognizes individual letter and character shapes.
Letter - any drawn, written, printed, or typed character, lower case or uppercase that can be re
Lexical - pertaining or related to the words of a language.
Machine defect - any defect in typewriting resulting from the malfunctioning of the machine ra
Manual typewriter - a machine whose operation depends solely upon the mechanical action s
Mirror writing - writing that runs in the opposite direction to the normal pattern, starts on the r
Moire - the impression with which the habits of the writer are executed on repeated occasions o
Movement - an important element in handwriting.It embraces all the factors related to the mot
Natural writing - any specimen of writing executed normally without an attempt to control or a
Nonaqueous ink - ink in which the pigment or dye is carried in any vehicle other than water.Ink
Nodule - a small, rounded mass or lump of ink caused by an excessive deposit, the result of goo
Nonce word - a word coined to fit a special situation.
Notes - the documentation of procedures, standard, controls and instruments used, observation
Oblique lighting examination - an examination with the illumination so controlled that it graz
Orthography - the principles by which the alphabet is set into correspondence with the speech
Patching - retouching or going back over a defective portion of a writing stroke.Careful patching
Pen - any writing instrument used to apply ink to the paper.
Pen lift - an interruption in a stroke caused by removing the writing instrument from the paper.
Pen position - the relationship between the pen point and the paper.Specifically, the angle betw
Pencil - a writing instrument in which the marking position consists of a compressed stick of gra
Pencil grade - a qualitative description of the hardness or softness of a pencil.
Pencil lead - not really lead but a mixture of various types of waxes, clays, graphite, and carbo
Permanent defect - any identifying characteristic of a typewriter that can not be corrected by
Pica - a unit of measure of printer's type approximately1/6 in. or 12 points, typically used for ve
Point - the basic typographic unit of measurement of fonts, line spacing, rules, and borders, the
Pressure - the amount of force exerted on the point of the writing instrument, technically termed
Questioned document - any document about which some issue has been raised or that is und
Restoration - any processed in which erased writing is developed or brought out again on th
Retouching - going back over a written line to correct a defect or improve its appearance, syno
Retracing - any stroke that goes back over another writing stroke.In natural handwriting there m
Rhythm - the element of the writing movement marked by regular or periodic recurrences.It ma
Ribbon condition - cloth or multiple-use typewriter ribbons gradually deteriorate with use and
Ribbon impression - typewriting made directly through a cloth or carbon film ribbon.Original ty
River - gaps in the writing or printing pattern that form a straggling white stream down the page
Roller pen - a type of ball-point pen that uses aqueous ink.
Script - handwriting as distinguished from printing or lettering, cursive writing.
Secret ink - a material used for writing that is not visible until treated by a developing proce
Sequence of strokes - the order in which writing strokes are placed on he paper.
Serrations - roughness along the edges on an ink line seen under a microscope.
Shading - a widening of the ink stroke due to added pressure on a flexible pen point or to the u
Signatory - a signer with another or others.A person whose name is being inscribe on a docume
Signature - the name of a person or mark representing it as written by himself/herself.
Significant writing habit - any characteristic of handwriting that is sufficiently uncommon and
Single-element typewriter - typewriters using either a type ball or type wheel printing device
Skill - evidence of the writer's proficiency.
Slant - the angle or inclination of the axis of letters relative to the baseline.
Splicing - a term used by document examiners to denote the slight overlapping of two strokes a
Splitting - the division of an ink line into two or more, ,ore or less equal portions by a non inked
Spurious signature - a fraudulent signature in which there was no apparent attempt at simula
Synthetic dye inks - any ink consisting simply of a dye dissolved in water together with the ne
Traced forgery - any fraudulent signature executed by actually following the outline of a genui
Transitory defect - an identifying typewriter characteristic that can be eliminated by cleaning
Trash mark - mark left on a finished copy during photocopying, results from imperfections or di
Tremor - lack of smoothness due to lack of skill, consciousness of the writing act, deliberate con
Twisted letter - each character is designed to print at a certain fixed angle to the base line.We
Type ball - a device containing a complete set of typeface of some single-element typewriters.
Typeface - the printing surface of the type block or type element.The name of a particular desig
Typeface defect - any peculiarity in typewriting resulting from actual damage to the typeface m
Typewriting system - typewriting device consisting of a machine, ribbon, and font.
Versal letter - those that mark important parts of the text, used for headings and words written
Watermark - a translucent design impressed in certain papers during the course of their manuf
Whirl - the curving upstroke usually of letters that have long loops but also on some styles of th
Wrong-handed writing - any writing executed with the opposite hand from that normally used
Xerox - a positive photocopy made directly on plain paper.
Z-twist - a right-handed yarn twist in which the spiral slants like the middle part of the letter