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Gate Policy 2016

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Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Policy

Bletchley Park Primary School is a nurturing community where we can Be, Think, Grow.
The Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program is based on the belief that all
students have the right to achieve their best possible learning outcomes and that some
students have a higher potential to achieve academically than their peers. This policy
has been developed using the Department of Education Gifted and Talented Guidelines,
March 2011.
Gifted students have the potential to achieve above their peers in one or more domains.
As defined by Gagnes Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent 2.0, this
encompasses approximately 10% of all students.
The GATE program is has a specific academic focus with provision for students who are
Intellectually Gifted and/or Academically Talented (IGAT).
Identification needs to occur as early as possible after commencement at the school,
and must be flexible and continuous.
Students will be identified using a variety of sources including:

Whole school data
On-entry data
Teacher recommendation checklist

Identification processes will be inclusive, so that gifted and talented students are not
educationally disadvantaged on the basis of racial, cultural or socio-economic
background, physical or sensory disability, or gender.
Disabilities may include those with identified or non-identified learning difficulties (twice
Identify potential GATE students at enrolment
Identify and fulfil PL needs for teachers
Assist in the clustering of students from Year 3
Ensure staff are aware of and implementing the policy

GATE coordinator
Coordinate the collection of information required for clustering
Provide support to teachers with identification
Support teachers with program creation, implementation and evaluation
Coordinate schools participation in relevant external and internal competitions
and challenges
Be available to parents to discuss GATE options
Support students applications to high school GATE programs
Complete PEAC testing
Assist teachers to create Teaching and Learning Adjustments (TALAs)
Maintain longitudinal data on GATE students
Develop networks with other professionals in order to share ideas and resources
Curriculum Leaders
Support the identification and clustering of GATE students
Support teachers within their learning team to develop and deliver relevant
programs based on Australian Curriculum outcomes
Classroom Teachers (including Specialist Teachers)
Identify and monitor GATE students throughout the year
Develop and deliver effective learning programs that engage, challenge and
motivate GATE students to reach their full potential
Create TALAs
GATE Students
Actively engage in, and be accountable for their own learning
Be enquiring, creative and innovative learners
A range of strategies will be implemented in order to cater for the GATE students. These
may include:
Enrichment and extension activities
3-tiered approach
Differentiated outcomes
Inquiry based learning
Competitions and challenges
Creative and critical thinking
Cluster groups
Open ended tasks
Student led and/or negotiated opportunities
Targeted instruction
Compaction of the curriculum
GATE in Early Childhood

GATE students will be informally identified and continuously monitored. Learning

outcomes are differentiated to allow for all students. Learning centres including
differentiated and open ended tasks will be implemented. Kindergarten and Pre-primary
learning will be play-based.

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