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Programme Standards for Computing

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Published by
Malaysian Qualifications Agency
Tingkat 14B, Menara PKNS-PJ
No. 17, Jalan Yong Shook Lin
46050 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan

+6003-7968 7002
+6003-7956 9496

Malaysian Qualifications Agency 2010

ISBN: 978-967-10181
All the Agencys publications are available on our web site: www.mqa.gov.my
Printed copies are available from:
The Public and International Affairs Units
Malaysian Qualifications Agency

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The Malaysian Qualifications Agency, as the sole national higher education quality
assurance organisation, facilitates quality through the development of quality assurance
documents. These documents are Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF), Codes of
Practice, Guidelines to Good Practices and Programme Standards, all of which must be
used as a reference point in the conduct of a programme of study in Malaysia.
Programme Standards are developed to provide specific guidelines to providers in a
particular field or course of study so as to fulfil the MQF requirements. These guidelines,
if followed closely and wisely, enable the development and sustenance of quality
programmes in Malaysia, consequently improving the quality of graduates and their
employability and mobility.
The Programme Standards: Computing is formulated to promote the development of
Academic Programmes in the field of Computing from Diploma to Doctoral levels. It
includes specific guidelines on programme aims and objectives, programme-learning
outcomes, programme designs (including a proposed programme structure), admission
criteria, student assessment, academic staff, educational resources and continuous quality

My deepest gratitude goes to them and the MQA officers who put forth tremendous effort
and generously gave their time in realising the Programme Standards for Computing.

Programme Standards for Computing

The panel of experts involved in the development of this Programme Standards represents
various stakeholders including the government and private agencies, and Higher
Education providers. To ensure greater acceptance of the Document, a larger stakeholder
workshop was held on 8 April 2009 where a draft was presented and views consolidated
into this final Document.

Tan Sri Dato Dr. Mohamed Salleh Mohamed Yasin

Malaysian Qualifications Agency

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Programme Standards for Computing

The completion of this Document, The Programme Standards: Computing was largely due
to the support of outstanding individuals from Institutions of Higher Education, Industries
and Government agencies. Coming from different backgrounds, these experts worked
meticulously over a period of nine (9) months to produce this final Document.


Malaysian Qualifications Agency would like to thank the following experts for their
support and contribution towards the production of this Programme Standards.

Panel Members



Professor Dr. Haji Shahrin Haji Sahib

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka



Professor Dr. Abdullah Mohd Zin

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)


Associate Professor Dr. Ali Mamat

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)


Associate Professor Dr. Patricia


Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)


Associate Professor Dr. Roslan Ismail

Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)


Professor Dr. Andy Seddon

Asia Pacific University College of

Technology and Innovation (Asia
Pacific UCTI)


Dr. Yeoh Eng Thiam

Universiti Multimedia (MMU)

Ms. Hajah Norehan Md. Shariff

Curriculum Development and

Evaluation Division Department of
Polytechnic Education Ministry of
Higher Education


Dr. Yew Kok Meng


Alternate member:
Mr. Tan Eng Hoo
Mr. Cheah Kok Hoong



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Alternate member:
Mrs. Hayati Harudin
Dr. Rozilini Mary Fernandez-Chung

Multimedia Development Corporation

Sdn. Bhd. (MDeC)

Persatuan Industri Komputer dan

Multimedia Malaysia (PIKOM)
Malaysian Qualifications Agency

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Within this Agency, the creative process was assisted by Mrs. Fazliana Mohamed who may
be contacted at fazliana@mqa.gov.my for further clarification or query.
With our sincere appreciation and gratitude,

Dato Dr. Syed Ahmad Hussein

Chief Executive Officer
Malaysian Qualifications Agency

Programme Standards for Computing

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Programme Standards for Computing

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an enormously vibrant field that

emerged at the end of the last century as our society experienced a fundamental change
from an Industrial Society to Information or a Knowledge-Based Society. ICT has emerged
as a convergence of Computer and Communications Technologies.


This Document covers the Computer-specific part of ICT referred to as Computing.

Generally, Computing includes designing and building hardware and software systems
for a wide range of purposes; processing, structuring, and managing various kinds of
information; carrying out scientific studies using computers; making Computer Systems
behave intelligently; creating and using communications and entertainment media;
finding and gathering information relevant to any particular purpose, and so on.
From its inception just half a century ago, Computing has become the defining technology
of our age, changing how we live and work. Computing has dramatically influenced
progress in science, engineering, business, and many other areas of human endeavour.
Computers are integral to modern culture and a primary engine of growth behind much
of the worlds economic and social change. It is considered the Primary Enabler to the
Knowledge Based Economy or K-Economy.
The field continues to evolve at an astonishing pace. New technologies are introduced
continually, and existing ones become obsolete almost as soon as they appear. The rapid
evolution of the Discipline has a profound effect on Computing education affecting
both content and pedagogy. Computing will continue to present challenging career
opportunities, and those who work in computing will have a crucial role in shaping
the future. To ensure Malaysia remains competitive and be propelled towards a fullydeveloped nation, it is important that the Computing Disciplines attract quality students
from a broad cross-section of the population and prepares them to be capable and
responsible professionals, scientists, and technologists.
This Standard has made reference to documents produced by the joint Task Force for
Computing Curricula which is a cooperative project of The Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM), The Association for Information Systems (AIS) and The Computer
Society (IEEE-CS).

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Academically, Computing consists of several fields namely Computer Science, Computer

Engineering, Information Systems, Information Technology, Software Engineering, and
many more. Although these fields are related, they are quite different from each other.
The purpose of this Document is to underline Curriculum Standards in four Computing
Disciplines namely, Computer Science (CS), Information Technology (IT), Software
Engineering (SE) and Information Systems (IS). The Computer Engineering Discipline
is not covered under this document despite the fact that it is a sub-discipline under
Computing due to the overlapping area of authority with the engineering professional
bodies in Malaysia.
This document also provides a general overview of the different kinds of programmes
in computing that should be made available according to new Computing Curriculum
standards. Academics, Industry, administrators, students, and parents can benefit from
this document.
Several questions naturally arise. What are these different kinds of Computing
Programmmes? How are they similar? How do they differ? How can I tell what their names
really mean? Which kinds of Programmes should our college or university offer? These are
all valid questions, but to anyone unfamiliar with the breadth of computing, the responses
to these queries may be difficult to articulate. The Document may help to provide some

Prof. Dr. Shahrin Sahib @ Sahibuddin

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)

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Programme Standards for Computing

This Document explains the characteristics of the various Programmes in Computing,

how they should be assessed and delivered. It should also help one determine which of
the Programmes are most suited to particular goals and circumstances. We hope that this
Document can be beneficial to a broad and varied audience, especially for the computing

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Word from the Chairperson



Programme Aims

Learning Outcomes

Curriculum Design and Delivery


Student Assessment


Student Selection


Academic Staff


Educational Resources


Leadership, Governance and Administration


Programme Monitoring and Review


Continual Quality Improvement


Appendix A: Body of Knowledge

Appendix B:


ii. Glossary

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Programme Standards:
Computing for the purposes of this Programme Standards involves the study of
computers and their applications. Thus, Computing includes designing and building
hardware and software systems for a wide range of purposes; processing, structuring, and
managing various kinds of information; carrying out scientific studies using computers;
making computer systems behave intelligently; creating and using communications
and entertainment media; finding and gathering information relevant to any particular

For the purpose of Malaysian Higher Education sectors, computing will be broadly
categorised into four (4) major disciplines namely Computer Science, Information Systems,
Information Technology and Software Engineering. These follow the classification of the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and they are:

Computer Science: Graduates of this Discipline, called Computer Scientists, should

be prepared to work in a broad range of positions involving tasks from theoretical
work to software development and can adapt to innovations in ICT;

Information Systems: Graduates of this Discipline, called Information Systems

Specialists, should be able to analyse information requirements and business
processes and be able to specify and design systems that are aligned with
Organisational goals;

Information Technology: Graduates of this Discipline, called Information Technology

Professionals, should be able to work effectively at planning, implementation,
configuration and maintenance of an Organisations computing infrastructure;

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Programme Standards for Computing

In the Malaysian context, Computing is always referred to as Information Technology (IT)

or Information and Communication Technology (ICT). IT encompasses many aspects of
computing and technology and it covers many fields. When Computer and Communication
technologies are combined, the result is Information and Communication Technology
(ICT). ICT is widely used as a phrase to describe Computing and IT. As a result, Computing
degrees are always referred to as ICT degrees. Higher Education Providers (HEPs) used a
variety of nomenclatures such as Computer Science, Software Engineering, Networking,
Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, all of which fall under the term Computing.

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Software Engineering: Graduates of this Discipline, called Software Engineers,

should be able to perform and manage activities at every stage of the life cycle
of large-scale Software systems.

Programme Standards for Computing

The four (4) Disciplines provide the basic platform for placement of computing
programmes. Higher Education Providers are given the autonomy to determine the
specific nomenclature for their awards and this is subject only to the existing National and
International best practices.

Computer Science spans a wide range, from its theoretical and algorithmic foundations
to cutting edge developments in Robotics, Computer Vision, Intelligent Systems,
Bioinformatics, Forensic Computing and other exciting areas. It involves designing and
implementing software, devising new ways to use computers and developing effective
ways to solve computing problems.
Computer Science offers a comprehensive foundation that permits graduates to adapt
to new technologies and ideas. Computer scientists extend theories and practice for
implementation of computer systems which has grown to include aspects of web
development, interface design, security issues, mobile computing, and involvement in
devising new ways to use computers.
Information Systems integrate Information Technology solutions and business processes
to meet the information needs of businesses and other enterprises, enabling them
to achieve their objectives in effective, efficient ways. This Disciplines perspective on
Information Technology emphasises Information, and views Technology as an instrument
for generating, processing and distributing information.
Information Systems programmes prepare graduates to work with business support
applications such as payroll, accounts, receivables and inventory management. Information
Systems Specialists are expected to become familiar with computer applications related
to these traditional business areas, especially database-management systems and
spreadsheets, and other off-the-shelf software products.
Information Technology in the broadest sense refers to all aspects of computing. However,
in academia, it often refers to meeting the technological needs of business, government,
healthcare, schools, and other kinds of organisations through the selection, creation,
application, integration and administration of computing technologies.
IT graduates are trained to focus on the application, deployment, and configuration
needs of organisations and people over a wide spectrum. IT Professionals have a
special focus on satisfying organisational needs that arise from Computing Technology.
They assume responsibility for selecting hardware and software appropriate for an

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Organisation, integrating these with organisational needs and its infrastructure, and
installing, customising, and maintaining those applications for the computer users in the
Software Engineering is the Discipline of developing and maintaining software systems
that behave reliably and efficiently, is affordable to develop and maintain and built to
customers specifications. It has evolved in response to factors such as the growing impact
of large scale software systems in a wide range of situations and the increased importance
of software in safety-critical applications.
Software Engineering programmes produce graduates who can understand user
requirements and develop software systems. Software Engineers are expected to develop
systematic models and reliable techniques for producing high-quality software on time
and within a budget.
As a whole, the Programme Standards for Computing describes the different levels of
standards leading to the award of individual qualifications, namely Certificate (Malaysian
Qualifications Framework MQF Level 3), Diploma (MQF Level 4), Bachelors Degree
(MQF Level 6), Masters Degree (MQF Level 7) and Doctoral Degree (MQF Level 8). It has
not incorporated Advanced Diploma (MQF Level 5) as the expert focus group for the
Programme Standards felt that the qualification best fits the needs and demands of the
non-conventional student entry mode and should be given opportunity to develop in
accordance to the demand for such a qualification in the future.

As the statements within the Programme Standards should be viewed as benchmark

statements, Higher Education Providers are encouraged to go beyond the basic minimum.
This Document is also intended to be valuable to potential students, their parents
and guardians, employers, professional and regulatory bodies, universities, colleges
and schools. Assessors and Auditors are guided by these standards in arriving at their
recommendation and conclusions.

Programme Standards for Computing

These standards are designed to encourage diversity of approach within a framework

that is compatible with the national and global human resource requirements and the
socio-economic needs. They cannot be seen as a syllabus and no form of prescription is
intended in the amount of time devoted to each component or the order in which the
material is presented. Higher Education Providers are expected to combine, teach and
assess the subject matter creatively. The Programme Standards provides an inventory of
content; delivery and assessment of programmes, thus enabling identification of vital
components of qualifications from Certificate to Doctoral awards.

The development and implementation of this Programme Standards is to ensure that

the graduates meet the professional requirements and expectations in their respective
fields. Higher Education Providers must take cognisance of the rapidly evolving subject

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Programme Standards for Computing

matter and introduce effective and sustainable programme improvement. In doing so,
the providers should also ensure that the graduates obtain the necessary skills to function

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) will be in accordance to the Code of Practice for Quality
Assurance of the Open Entry Admission System and open-entry policies. Qualifications
supporting lifelong learning, Advanced Diploma, Graduate Certificate and Diploma,
and Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma should reflect the achievement in part of the
learning outcomes for the respective levels. For example, a Graduate Certificate is placed
at Level 6 of the MQF (Bachelor). Therefore, the learning outcomes should in part fulfill the
learning outcomes at Bachelor level.
All partnership or collaborative programmes should accommodate, as much as possible,
the requirements of this Programme Standards. As the purpose of this Programme
Standards is to provide guidelines in relation to the development and conduct of
programmes in the identified fields, it is of paramount importance that this document be
read with other quality assurance documents and policies by the Malaysian Qualifications
Agency and related agencies. These include but are not limited to:

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The Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF);

The Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA);
The Code of Practice for Institutional Audit (COPIA); and
Relevant Guidelines to Good Practices (GGP).

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A Programmes stated aims reflect what it wants the learner to achieve. It is crucial for these
aims to be expressed explicitly and be made known to learners and other stakeholders
alike (COPPA, 2008, pp.10).

Computing programmes at Certificate level aim to provide computing graduates with
a broad range of interpersonal skills and an in-depth understanding and knowledge
within their field of study to responsibly take on appropriate jobs. The nomenclature for
the Certificates, for example, Certificate in PC Maintenance and Certificate in Networking
should reflect concentration areas of the Programme.

Computing programmes at Diploma Level aim to provide graduates with the skills
and a broad-based knowledge to responsibly take on appropriate jobs with moderate
autonomy. The graduates should possess a combination of knowledge and skill to assist
in an organisations computing infrastructure and its users.

Generic Programme aims for a Diploma are to prepare graduates who


possess relevant knowledge, skills and aptitude to meet job specifications,

can utilise current computing tools and techniques by applying knowledge and
interpreting information to solve problems,
iii. can execute and be responsible for routine tasks,
iv. have effective communication skills to convey information, problems and
v. have team and interpersonal skills, and are aware of their social and ethical
responsibilities, and
vi. possess skills for lifelong learning and career development.

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Programme Standards for Computing

The programme aims for a Certificate are to train graduates who

i. possess basic knowledge and skills in computing,

ii. can utilise computing tools and techniques by applying knowledge and
interpreting information to solve problems,

iii. can execute routine tasks and are proficient in the use of relevant tools in their
area of training,

iv. can perform IT support services ,

v. have communication, team and interpersonal skills, and are aware of their social
and ethical responsibilities, and

vi. possess skills for lifelong learning and career development.

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Subject to the concentration in a particular Diploma and its nomenclature, the specific
Programme aims for the four (4) Disciplines identified in this Programme Standards

Programme Standards for Computing

A. Computer Science

The Programme should prepare graduates who

i. have knowledge of algorithms, software methods and current programming
languages, and
ii. have the ability to analyse, design and develop computer applications.

B. Information Systems

The Programme should prepare graduates who

i. have knowledge of organisational and systems needs, and
ii. have the ability to configure, deploy systems and utilise software according to
the organisational needs.

C. Information Technology

The Programme should prepare graduates who

i. have an understanding of the importance of human-computer-interaction, and
ii. have the ability to configure, integrate and deploy systems, and provide technical
support within the Organisations.

D. Software Engineering

The Programme should prepare graduates who

i. have knowledge of processes for the development of software projects,
ii. have the ability to assist in the development of systematic models, and
iii. have the skills to adhere to standard process-oriented methodologies and
procedures for producing high-quality software on time and within a budget.

Computing programmes at Degree Level aim to provide graduates with sufficient
knowledge and skills to take on appropriate responsibility with a higher degree of
autonomy from the Diploma holders. The graduates should possess the ability to be
responsible for an Organisations computing infrastructure and its users.
Generic programme aims for a Bachelors Degree are to prepare graduates who

i. possess skills for lifelong learning, research and career development,

ii. have communication, team, leadership and interpersonal skills, and aware of
the social, ethical and legal responsibilities, and

iii. have entrepreneurial skill and a broad business and real world perspective.

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Subject to the specialisation / major / minor in a particular Bachelors Degree and its
nomenclature, the specific Programme aims for the four (4) Disciplines identified in this
Programme Standards are:

A. Computer Science

The Programme should prepare graduates who

i. possess fundamental knowledge, principles and skills in Computer Science,
ii. have strong analytical and critical thinking skills to solve problems by applying
knowledge, principles and skills in Computer Science, and
iii. possess theoretical computing knowledge in analysing, modelling, designing,
developing and evaluating computing solutions.

B. Information Systems

The Programme should prepare graduates who

i. possess fundamental knowledge, principles and skills in Information
ii. have strong analytical and critical thinking skills to solve problems by
applying knowledge, principles and skills in Information Systems, and
iii. understand business requirements and have the ability to plan, design and
manage business Information Systems, with the relevant technology and
knowledge to enhance organisational performance.

The Programme should prepare graduates who

i. possess fundamental knowledge, principles and skills in Information
ii. have strong analytical and critical thinking skills to solve problems by
applying knowledge, principles and skills in Information Technology,
iii. possess the ability to design, implement and manage Information
Technology solutions and resources, and recognise the impact of technology
on individuals, organisations and society, and
iv. possess skills to integrate various technology solutions.

D. Software Engineering

Programme Standards for Computing

C. Information Technology

The Programme should prepare graduates who

i. possess fundamental knowledge, principles and skills in Software
ii. have strong analytical and critical thinking skills to solve problems by
applying knowledge, principles and skills in Software Engineering, and
iii. are competent in applying appropriate methodologies, models and
techniques that provide a basis for analysis, design, development, testing
and implementation, evaluation, maintenance and documentation of a large
scale Software system.

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Programme Standards for Computing

Computing programmes at Masters level aim to provide Masters Degree holders with
advanced knowledge and skills to deal with an Organisations computing needs. The
programmes are aimed to cater for both computing and non-computing graduates. In
applying the aims below, Institutions are required to adapt in accordance to the needs of
the candidates.

The Programme is to:

i. provide graduates with advanced knowledge and skills in computing;
ii. equip graduates with advanced theoretical principles and scientific methods
to create effective solutions to problems and to evaluate them;
iii. train graduates to work on a project in which they propose, design, build, test,
analyse, and deliver a computing solution to meet appropriate computing
standards and realistic constraints;
iv. instill graduates with skills to seek knowledge through lifelong learning;
v. equip graduates with the ability to supervise and carry out research under
vi. develop graduates effective communication skills in both written and oral
form; and
vii. inculcate graduates with professional and ethical responsibilities as
well as understanding the possible social, economic, cultural, legal and
environmental impact of their computing solutions in the global context.


As a terminal Degree in computing, a Doctoral Level qualification should provide graduates

with the ability to develop and expand knowledge and application of computing, both in
the organisation and society.
The Programme is to:
i. prepare competent practitioners/researchers with a firm grounding in
computing who can foster research and development of new knowledge in
specific areas;
ii. equip practitioners/researchers with in depth knowledge of computing and
a focused understanding in the area of expertise;
iii. prepare practitioners/researchers who can apply skills and principles of
lifelong learning in academic and career development;
iv. develop practitioners/researchers effective communication skills in both
written and oral form;
v. equip practitioners/researchers with the ability to supervise and carry out
independent research; and
vi. inculcate practitioners/researchers with professional and ethical
responsibilities as well as understanding the possible social, economic,
cultural, legal and environmental impact of their computing solutions in the
global context.

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The quality of programme is ultimately assessed by the ability of the learner to carry out
their expected roles and responsibilities in society. This requires the programme to have
a clear statement of the learning outcomes to be achieved by the learner (COPPA, 2008,
These learning outcomes should cumulatively reflect the eight domains of learning
outcomes, which are significant for Malaysia (MQF, 2007, Para 15).


Generic learning outcomes
At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:
i. demonstrate the ability to articulate and document work-flow and processes
during project development;
ii. apply skills and principles of lifelong learning in academic and career
iii. communicate effectively with peers, clients, superiors and society at large;
iv. demonstrate teamwork, interpersonal, entrepreneurial and social skills; and
v. demonstrate professionalism and social and ethical considerations in
accordance with ethical and legal principles.

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Programme Standards for Computing

At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:

i. demonstrate an understanding of basic knowledge and skills in their area of
ii. utilise computing tools and techniques to solve problems related to the area
of concentration;
iii. perform a range of support tasks such as installation, configuration, basic
maintenance and data entry;
iv. execute instructions as described in user and technical manuals;
v. apply skills and principles of lifelong learning in academic and career
vi. communicate effectively with peers, clients, superiors and society at large;
vii. demonstrate teamwork, interpersonal, and social skills; and
viii. demonstrate professionalism, social and ethical considerations in accordance
with ethical and legal principles.

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Subject to the concentration in a particular Diploma and its nomenclature, the specific
learning outcomes for the four (4) Disciplines identified in this Programme Standards are:

A. Computer Science

Programme Standards for Computing


At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:

i. write computer programmes using at least one Industry relevant to software
development environment;
ii. investigate a problem, model and design a solution, implement and test projects
to meet real world needs;
iii. select appropriate algorithms for software solutions;
iv. design and develop user-friendly interfaces for problems; and
v. use industry relevant methods and tools in the management of computerbased Systems.

B. Information Systems

At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:

i. model an organisations functional areas and its information requirements;
ii. obtain and analyse users requirements; and
iii. configure and deploy off-the-shelf software packages for real-world projects.

C. Information Technology

At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:

i. document user requirements for real-world projects;
ii. design and develop user-friendly IT solutions in relevant areas;
iii. design and manage computer networks; and
iv. provide technical support and maintenance for computer solutions.

D. Software Engineering

At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:

i. apply professional practices in the development of software solutions;
ii. analyse, design and implement user-friendly systems;
iii. participate as part of a team in the development of a software project;
iv. assist in documenting all aspects of the development lifecycle to appropriate
industry standards; and
v. assist in stakeholders meeting during project development.

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Generic learning outcomes
At the end of the Programme graduates should be able to:
i. apply skills and principles of lifelong learning in academic and career
ii. communicate effectively with peers, clients, superiors and society at large;
iii. demonstrate teamwork, leadership, interpersonal and social skills;
iv. utilise relevant techniques and demonstrate analytical and critical thinking
skills in problem solving;
v. demonstrate professionalism and social and ethical considerations in
accordance with ethical and legal principles; and
vi. apply broad business and real world perspectives daily and demonstrate
entrepreneurial skills.
Subject to the specialisation/major/minor in a particular Bachelors Degree and its
nomenclature, the specific learning outcomes for the four (4) disciplines identified in this
Programme Standards are:

A. Computer Science

B. Information Systems
At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:
i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts,
principles, and theories relating to Information Systems;
ii. apply theoretical principles of Information Systems in relevant areas; and
iii. demonstrate understanding of business requirement and be able to plan, design
and manage business Information Systems, with the relevant technology and
knowledge to enhance organisational performance.

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Programme Standards for Computing

At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:

i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts,
principles, and theories relating to Computer Science;
ii. apply theoretical principles of Computer Science in relevant areas; and
iii. demonstrate theoretical computing knowledge in analysing, modelling,
designing, developing and evaluating computing solutions.

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Programme Standards for Computing

C. Information Technology


At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:

i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts,
principles, and theories relating to Information Technology;
ii. apply theoretical principles of Information Technology in relevant areas;
iii. design, implement and manage Information Technology solutions and
resources, and recognise the impact of technology on individuals, organisation
and society; and
iv. integrate various technology solutions.

D. Software Engineering
At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:
i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts,
principles, and theories relating to Software Engineering;
ii. apply theoretical principles of Software Engineering in relevant areas; and
iii. apply appropriate methodologies, models and techniques that provide a
basis for analysis, design, development, test and implementation, evaluation,
maintenance and documentation of a large scale Software System.

At the end of the Programme, graduates should be able to:
i. apply and integrate knowledge concerning current research issues in computing
and produce work that is at the forefront of developments in the domain of the
programme of study;
ii. evaluate and analyse computing solutions in terms of their usability, efficiency
and effectiveness;
iii. develop computing solutions and use necessary tools to analyse their
iv. apply existing techniques of research and enquiry to acquire, interpret and
extend, knowledge in computing;
v. communicate and function effectively in a group;
vi. prepare, publish and present technical material to a diverse audience; and
vii. demonstrate behaviour that is consistent with codes of professional ethics and

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At the end of the programme, graduates should be able to:
i. demonstrate a systematic comprehension and in-depth understanding of
a discipline and mastery of skills and research methods related to the field of
ii. critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise new and complex ideas;
iii. show scholarly capabilities to generate, design, implement and adopt the
integral part of the research process based on the computing theoretical
iv. contribute to original research that broadens the boundary of knowledge
through an in-depth thesis, which has been presented and defended according
to International standards including writing in Internationally refereed
v. communicate to peers, scholarly communities and society at large through the
preparation, publication and presentation of technical material;
vi. promote the technological, social and cultural progress in a knowledge-based
society in both academic and professional contexts;
vii. demonstrate behaviour that is consistent with codes of professional ethics, legal
requirements and responsibility; and
viii. supervise research projects.

Programme Standards for Computing

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Programme Standards for Computing



For the purpose of this Programme Standards, reference is made to the Code of Practice
for Accreditation of Programmes (COPPA) and in particular, the section on Curriculum
Design and Delivery. The term curriculum design and delivery is used interchangeably
with the term programme design and delivery. Programme means an arrangement
of Courses that are structured for a specified duration and learning volume to achieve
the stated learning outcomes and usually leading to an award of a qualification (COPPA,
2008, pp.12).
This section of the Programme Standards contains benchmarked statements pertaining
to the structure and delivery of a programme within the field of Computing.
The matrices below represent the benchmark requirements for all levels of qualifications
and they include the requirements for the various classifications of modules (e.g. core,
concentration and electives). Specific requirement as to the body of knowledge for the
different Levels (Certificate Doctoral Degree) and Disciplines are provided in Appendix
This section of the Programme Standards provides as example the description and division
relating to the Body of Knowledge, specific to the four Disciplines identified, Computer
Science, Information Systems, Information Technology and Software Engineering.
However, Higher Education Providers (HEPs) are encouraged to develop the Programme
to reflect current best practices, achieve higher standards and develop specialisations.



(Bahasa Kebangsaan, Pengajian Malaysia,

Pengajian Islam / Pendidikan Moral, etc.)



Core Modules / Common Core





Compulsory Modules

Industrial Training

*Credits calculated are based on the Minimum Graduating Credits given above.

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Core Modules / Common Core and

Concentration / Specialisation



Core Modules / Common Core

Concentration / Specialisation (Discipline Core)



Elective Modules



Industrial Training



Compulsory Modules
(Bahasa Kebangsaan, Pengajian Malaysia,
Pengajian Islam / Pendidikan Moral, etc.)

*Credits calculated are based on the Minimum Graduating Credits given above.







Core Modules / Common Core and Concentration /

including a Project Paper



Core Modules / Common Core

Concentration / Specialisation (Discipline Core)



Elective Modules



Industrial Training



Compulsory Modules
(Bahasa Kebangsaan, Pengajian Malaysia,
Pengajian Islam / Pendidikan Moral, etc.)

Programme Standards for Computing


*Credits calculated are based on the Minimum Graduating Credits given above.

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MASTERS DEGREE by Coursework

Programme Standards for Computing



Core Modules / Common Core and Concentration /
Core Modules / Common Core
including Research Methodology and a Project
Elective Modules









* Credits calculated are based on the Minimum Graduating Credits given above.






Core Modules / Common Core

including Research Methodology and a Dissertation



Concentration / Specialisation



Core Modules / Common Core and
Concentration / Specialisation

* Credits calculated are based on the Minimum Graduating Credits given above.


MINIMUM GRADUATING CREDIT - no given credit value
Research Methodology or relevant prerequisite modules as required.

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Student assessment is a crucial aspect of quality assurance because it drives student
learning. It is one of the most important measures to show the achievement of learning
outcomes. The result of assessment is also the basis in awarding qualifications. Hence,
methods of student assessment have to be clear, consistent, effective, reliable and in line
with current practices and must clearly support the achievement of learning outcomes
(COPPA, 2008, pp.15).

Generally, students shall be evaluated where appropriate through:

Closed / Open book, Viva Voce, Mid-, Semester;
Assignments, Quiz, Laboratory Report;
Individual / Group; and
Class Participation, Attendance, Group Activities, Presentation.

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Programme Standards for Computing

Specific methods of assessment will depend on the specific requirement of each module.
However, as a general guide, the following must be considered:
The combination of the various assessment methods should show the
achievement of the Learning Outcomes;
Summative and formative assessments should be used;
Knowledge and understanding (the cognitive domain) should be tested through
written, oral or other suitable means but practical skills should be tested by
practical evaluation such as Lab Tests;
In modules requiring practical skills, pass in practical evaluation is compulsory
(A pass implies that the examiner is satisfied that the candidate has met the
learning outcomes of the particular subject);
The types of assessments indicated below are merely examples. Higher
Education Providers (HEPs) are encouraged to use a variety of methods and
tools appropriate for the learning outcomes and competencies; and
Candidates must pass both continuous and final evaluation. A pass implies
that the examiner must be satisfied that the candidate has met all the learning
outcomes of the particular subject.

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Programme Standards for Computing

Suggested breakdown for each level of award from Certificate to Doctoral Degree are as
given below:







Written Assessment
Oral Assessment
Practica Assessment


Written Assessment
Oral Assessment
Practical Assessment
Industrial Attachment /
Written Assessment
Oral Assessment
Practical Assessment
Industrial Attachment /




Bachelors Degree



Masters Degree
by Coursework

Written Assessment
Project Paper


Masters Degree
by Mixed mode

Written Assessment
Project Paper
Viva Voce

Masters Degree
by Research

Thesis (two examiners)
Viva Voce

Thesis (1 internal examiner

and 1 external examiner)
Viva Voce
One (1) internationally
refereed publication

Doctoral Degree

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This section of the Programme Standards concerns the recruitment of students into the
individual programme of study. In general, admission policies of the Programme need to
comply with the prevailing policies of the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).
There are varying views on the best method of student selection. Whatever the method
used, the Higher Education Provider (HEP) must be able to defend its consistency. The
number of students to be admitted to the Programme is determined by the capacity of the
HEP and the number of qualified applicants. HEP admission and retention policies must
not be compromised for the sole purpose of maintaining a desired enrolment. If an HEP
operates geographically separated campuses or if the Programme is a collaborative one,
the selection and assignment of all students must be consistent with national policies
(COPPA, 2008, pp.17).
The benchmarked standards for recruitment of students into Computing programmes are
provided below. The standards are created keeping in mind the generic national Higher
Education policies pertaining to minimum student entry requirement. Higher Education
Provider (HEP) must take cognisance of any specific policies that may apply to their
individual Institution.


Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or equivalent with at least THREE (3) credits, inclusive
of Mathematics;
Pass Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) or equivalent with at least ONE (1) principal in
any subject AND credit in Mathematics at SPM level;

Programme Standards for Computing

Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or equivalent with ONE (1) credit, AND a Pass in


Recognised Computing Certificate or equivalent;
Recognised related Technical / Vocational Certificate or equivalent with ONE (1) year
relevant work experience or ONE (1) semester Bridging Programme.

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Recognised Matriculation or Foundation with CGPA 2.0 AND credit in Mathematics at SPM

Programme Standards for Computing

Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or equivalent with credit in Mathematics AND
Pass Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) with TWO (2) full passes or equivalent with
minimum CGPA of 2.0;


A Diploma in Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Software
Engineering or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.5.
Candidates with CGPA below 2.5 but above 2.0 may be admitted subject to a rigorous
internal assessment process;
Any other Diploma with a minimum CGPA of 2.5, AND credit in Mathematics at SPM level.

Masters Degree by Research
A Bachelors Degree in Computing with CGPA of 2.5 and above.
Candidates with CGPA below 2.5 but above 2.0 may be admitted subject to a rigorous
internal assessment process.
Masters Degree by Coursework or Mixed Mode
A Bachelors Degree in Computing OR non-Computing field, with CGPA of 2.5 and above.
Where candidates without a Computing Degree are admitted, prerequisite modules in
Computing must be offered to adequately prepare them for their advanced study.
Candidates with CGPA below 2.5 but above 2.0 may be admitted subject to a rigorous
Internal Assessment process.

A Masters Degree or equivalent AND candidates must have completed at least ONE (1) of
their earlier Degrees (Masters or Bachelors) in Computing.

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The quality of the academic staff is one of the most important components in assuring
the quality of Higher Education and thus every effort must be made to establish proper
and effective recruitment, service, development and appraisal policies that are conducive
to staff productivity (COPPA, 2008, pp.21).
The following sections provide benchmarked requirements for the various levels of the
Computing qualifications.



Minimum qualification of the Academic staff

Bachelors Degree in related field.
(30% of the staff with minimum TWO (2) years relevant industrial work experience or
professionally certified in the relevant area)
Overall Staff-Student ratio 1:20.
Full-time and Part-time teaching faculty At least 60% full-time.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for full-time staff according to the
specialisation needs with at least FIVE (5) days relevant training per year including
conferences and workshops.
Computer Lab Staff (Technicians)-Computer Lab ratio 1:2.
Computer Lab Demonstrator-Student ratio 1:20.

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Programme Standards for Computing

Minimum qualification of the Academic staffDiploma with TWO (2) years relevant industrial experience or professionally certified
in the relevant area OR Bachelors Degree in related field.
(30% of the staff with minimum TWO (2) years relevant industrial work experience or
professionally certified in the relevant area)
Overall Staff-Student ratio 1:20.
Full-time and Part-time teaching faculty At least 50% full-time.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for full-time staff according to the
specialisation needs with at least FIVE (5) days relevant training per year including
conferences and workshops.
Computer Lab Staff (Technicians)-Computer Lab ratio 1:2.
Computer Lab Demonstrator-Student ratio 1:20.

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Programme Standards for Computing

Minimum qualification of the Academic Staff Masters Degree in the related field.
(30% of the staff with minimum TWO (2) years relevant industrial work
Bachelors Degree with FIVE (5) years related work experience in the subject
(The programme should not employ more than 20% of the staff of this
Overall Staff-Student ratio 1:15.
Full-time and Part-time teaching faculty At least 60% full-time.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for full-time staff according to the
specialisation needs with at least FIVE (5) days relevant training per year including
conferences and workshops.
Computer Lab Staff (Technicians)-Computer Lab ratio 1:2.
Computer Lab Demonstrator-Student ratio 1:20.



Minimum qualification of the Academic staff Doctoral Degree in related field.

Masters Degree in related field with FIVE (5) years relevant work experience.
(The Programme should not employ more than 20% of the staff in this
Overall Staff-Student ratio 1:10.
Overall Supervisor-Student ratio 1:7.
Full-time and Part-time teaching faculty At least 60% full-time.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for full-time staff according to the
specialisation needs with at least FIVE (5) days relevant training per year including
conferences and workshops.
Computer Lab Staff-Specialised Lab ratio 1:1.


Minimum qualification of the Academic staff Doctoral Degree or equivalent in related field.
Overall Supervisor-Student ratio 1:7.
The Main Supervisor must be a full-time staff.
A Doctoral holder without experience may only act as the main supervisor with an
experienced co-supervisor.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for full-time staff according to the
specialisation needs with at least FIVE (5) days relevant training per year including
conferences and workshops.

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Adequate educational resources are necessary to support the teaching-learning activities
of the Programme. These resources include finance, expertise, physical infrastructure,
information and communication technology, and research facilities. The physical facilities
of a programme are largely guided by the needs of the specific field of study (COPPA,
2008, pp.23).
For Computing programmes, Higher Education Providers (HEPs) are required to provide
sufficient resources conducive to support teaching and learning in the field. For lecture
and tutorial rooms, and computer labs, sufficient space to accommodate student-centered
learning must be provided. For research in Post-graduate programmes, candidates should
be provided with a conducive work area.


Computer Labs

Tutorial Rooms

Lecture Rooms (with sufficient Audio Visual facilities)

Library (including on-line resources)

Internet Access

Sufficient access to relevant software and hardware according to the needs of the
Programmes and students


Computer Labs

Research / Project Lab for final year students Specialised Lab according to Programme

Lecture Rooms (with sufficient Audio Visual facilities)

Tutorial Rooms

Library (including on-line resources)

Internet Access

Sufficient access to relevant software and hardware according to the needs of the
Programmes and students

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Programme Standards for Computing

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Programme Standards for Computing


Computer Labs
Research / Project Lab
Specialised Lab according to the Programme needs
Lecture Rooms (with sufficient Audio Visual facilities)
Tutorial Rooms
Working Space / Station
Library (including on-line resources)
Internet Access
Relevant specialised software and hardware according to the needs of the
Programmes and students


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There are many ways of administering an Educational Institution and the methods
of management differ between HEPs. Nevertheless, governance that reflects the
leadership of an Academic Organisation must emphasise excellence and scholarship.
At the departmental level, it is crucial that the leadership provides clear guidelines and
direction, builds relationships amongst the different constituents based on collegiality
and transparency, manages finances and other resources with accountability, forge
partnership with significant stakeholders in educational delivery, research and
consultancy and dedicates itself to academic and scholarly endeavours. Whilst formalised
arrangements can protect these relationships, they are best developed by a culture of
reciprocity, mutuality and open communication (COPPA, 2008, pp.28).
Specific to the level offered at the Institution, the Programme leader (e.g., Coordinator,
Head or Dean) must fulfil the following qualifications and experience.



Diploma and Certificate

A Bachelors Degree in Computing or related area with a minimum of FIVE

(5) years relevant experience.

Bachelors Degree and below


Masters Degree and below


A Masters Degree with at least ONE (1) qualification in computing or

related area.

A Doctoral Degree, with at least ONE (1) qualification in computing or

related area;
A Masters Degree with 10 years relevant experience, with at least ONE (1)
qualification in computing or related area.

Doctoral Degree and below

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A Doctoral Degree with THREE (3) years experience in related area, with at
least ONE (1) qualification in computing or related area;
A Masters Degree with 15 years relevant experience and actively involved
in research and publication.

Programme Standards for Computing


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Programme Standards for Computing

Quality enhancement calls for programmes to be regularly monitored, reviewed and

evaluated. This includes the monitoring, reviewing and evaluating of institutional
structures and processes (administrative structure, leadership and governance, planning
and review mechanisms), curriculum components (syllabi, teaching methodologies,
learning outcomes) as well as student progress, employability and performance.


Feedback from multiple sources - students, alumni, academic staff, employers, professional
bodies, parents - assist in enhancing the quality of the programme. Feedback can also be
obtained from an analysis of student performance and from longitudinal studies.
Measures of student performance would include the average study duration, assessment
scores, passing rate at examinations, success and dropout rates, students and alumnis
report about their learning experience, as well as time spent by students in areas of
special interest. Evaluation of student performance in examinations can reveal very
useful information. If student selection has been correctly done, a high failure rate in a
programme, indicates something amiss in the curriculum content, teaching-learning
activities or assessment system. The programme committees need to monitor the
performance rate in each programme and investigate if the rate is too high or too low.
Student feedback, for example, through questionnaires and representation in programme
committees, is useful for identifying specific problems and for continual improvement of
the programme.
One method to evaluate programme effectiveness is a longitudinal study of the
graduates. The department should have mechanisms for monitoring the performance of
its graduates and for obtaining the perceptions of society and employers on the strengths
and weaknesses of the graduates and to respond appropriately (COPPA, 2008, pp.27).

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Increasingly, society demands greater accountability from HEPs. Needs are constantly
changing because of the advancements in science and technology, and the explosive
growth in global knowledge, which are rapidly and widely disseminated. In facing these
challenges, HEPs have little choice but to become dynamic learning organisations that
need to continually and systematically review and monitor the various issues so as to
meet the demands of the constantly changing environment (COPPA, 2008, pp.30-31).
The Higher Education Providers (HEPs) are expected to provide evidence of ability to
keep pace with changes in the field and requirements of stakeholders. These may be
demonstrated by, but not limited to:
Annual module review and programme curriculum review, conducted at least
ONCE every 2-3 years;


Appointment of external reviewer / industrial adviser for quality assessment



Linkages with industry;


Continuous review of industrial attachment practices and records;


Dialogue sessions with stakeholders;


Active participation of academic staff at relevant conferences, seminars,

workshops and short courses;


Presentations by invited speakers, local or international; and


Organisation of conferences, seminars and workshops.

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Programme Standards for Computing


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Programme Standards for Computing

The breath and depth of the required Computing (ICT) Body of Knowledge should reflect
the different level of study from Certificate to Doctoral Degree level. Higher Education
Providers (HEPs) are required to develop programmes to reflect current best practices.
Institutions are advised to refer to the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) website
or other relevant Computing Curricula and Description.



Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Computer Systems
Data Representation and Manipulation

Computer Architecture

Memory Organization
Bus Configurations
Timing Issues and Pipelining
Assembly Language
Database Concepts


Data Models
Database Management Systems
Introduction to SQL
Number base systems
Control of accuracy
Formal Language


Set, Relation and Function

Counting Principle
Logic, truth tables
Boolean Algebra
Graphs and Trees

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Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Data Communication and Transmission
Classifying Networks
LANs and WANs
Networking and Internetworking devices

Net-Centric Computing

Broadcasting Communications / Voice Over IP /

Network Protocols and Standards
Modulation and Multiplexing
Socket Programming
Hardware and Software
System Software and Architecture
Process Control Management
Memory Management
I / O Management
File System Management
System Security
Network Operating System
Problem Solving and Program Design
Programming Language concepts
Control Structures

Programming Fundamentals

Programme Standards for Computing

Operating Systems


Functions / Methods
String Manipulation
Pointer expression / arithmetic
Development of Graphical User Interface

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Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Fundamentals of SAD
Project Management
Overview of SDLC

Programme Standards for Computing

Preliminary Investigation / Feasibility Study

System Analysis and Design

Systems Analysis
Data Flow Diagrams
Data Dictionary
Process Specification
Input / Output Design

Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Computer Systems


Data Representation and Manipulation

Computer Architecture

Memory Organization
Bus Configurations
Timing Issues and Pipelining
Assembly Language
Database Concepts


Data Models
Database Management Systems
Introduction to SQL

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Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Number base systems
Control of accuracy
Formal Language


Set, Relation and Function

Counting Principle
Logic, truth tables
Boolean Algebra
Graphs and Trees
Data Communication and Transmission
Classifying Networks
LANs and WANs

Net-Centric Computing

Networking and Internetworking devices

Broadcasting Communications / Voice Over IP /

Modulation and Multiplexing

Socket Programming
Hardware and Software
System Software and Architecture
Process Control Management
Operating Systems

Programme Standards for Computing

Network Protocols and Standards


Memory Management
I/O Management
File System Management
System Security
Network Operating System

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Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Problem Solving and Program Design
Programming Language concepts
Control Structures

Programme Standards for Computing

Programming Fundamentals


Functions / Methods
String Manipulation
Pointer expression / arithmetic
Development of Graphical User Interface
Fundamentals of SAD
Project Management
Overview of SDLC
Preliminary Investigation / Feasibility Study

System Analysis and Design

Systems Analysis
Data Flow Diagrams
Data Dictionary
Process Specification
Input / Output Design

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Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Digital Logic
Data Representation

Architecture and

Assembly Level Organisation

Memory Architecture
Functional Organisation
Information Models
Database Systems
Data Modelling
Relational Databases

Information Management

Query Languages
Relational Database Design
Transaction Processing
Physical Database Design
Discrete Structures
Functions Relations And Sets
Basic Logic Proof Techniques
Basics of Counting


Graphs and Trees

Discrete Probability
Statistics and Probability

Programme Standards for Computing

Distributed Databases


Linear Algebra

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Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Network Communication
Network Security

Net-Centric Computing

Web Organization
Networked Applications

Programme Standards for Computing

Network Management


Multimedia Technologies
Mobile Computing
Overview of Operating Systems
Operating System Principles
Operating Systems

Scheduling and Dispatch
Memory Management
Fundamental Constructs
Algorithmic Problem Solving
Data Structures


Event Driven Programming
Object Oriented
Foundations of Information Security
Secure Programming
Modelling foundations
Types of models
Analysis fundamentals
Requirements fundamentals
Requirements specification and documentation

Software Analysis and


Requirements validation
Design concepts
Design strategies
Architectural design
Human computer interface design
Detailed design
Design support tools and evaluation

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(A) Computer Science
Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Basic Analysis

Algorithms and

Algorithmic Strategies
Fundamental Algorithms
Distributed Algorithms
Basic Computability
Overview of Programming Languages
Virtual Machines
Basic Language Translation

Programming Languages

Declarations and Types

Abstraction Mechanisms
Object Oriented Programming

Building GUI Interfaces

User-Centred Software Evaluation

User-Centred Software Development
GUI Design
GUI Programming
Human Factors and Security
Fundamental Techniques

Graphics and Visual


Programme Standards for Computing

Programming Language Semantics


Graphic Systems
Geometric Modeling
Basic Rendering
Computer Animation
Virtual Reality
Game Engine Programming

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Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Fundamental Issues
Basic Search Strategies
Knowledge Based Reasoning

Intelligent Systems

Advanced Search

Programme Standards for Computing

Machine Learning
Social Context
Analytical Tools
Professional Ethics
Social and Professional

Security Operations
Intellectual Property
Privacy and Civil Liberties
Computer Crime


Software Design
Using APIs
Tools and Environments
Software Processes
Software Engineering

Requirements Specifications
Software Validation
Software Evolution
Software Project Management
Software Reliability
Risk Assessment
Modelling and Simulation

Computational Science

Operations Research
Parallel Computation

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(B) Information Systems

Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Computer Architectures
Algorithms and Data Structures
Programming Languages

Information Technology

Operating Systems
Artificial Intelligence
General Organisation Theory
Information Systems Management
Decision Theory

Organisational and
Management Concepts

Organisational Behavior
Managing the Process of Change
Legal and Ethical Aspects of IS
Interpersonal Skills
Approaches to Systems Development
Systems Development Concepts and Methodologies
Systems Development Tools and Techniques
Application Planning

Theory and
Development of

Risk Management
Project Management
Information and Business Analysis

Programme Standards for Computing



Information Systems Design

Systems Implementation and Testing Strategies
Systems Operation and Maintenance
Systems Development for Specific Types of
Information Systems

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(C) Information Technology

Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Pervasive Themes in IT

Programme Standards for Computing

Information Technology

History of Information Technology

IT and Its Related and Informing Disciplines
Application Domains
Human Factors
HCI Aspects of Application Domains

Human Computer

Human-Centred Evaluation
Developing Effective Interfaces
Emerging Technologies
Human-Centred Software Development
Fundamental Aspects
Security Mechanisms (Countermeasures)


Operational Issues
Information Assurance
and Security

Security Domains
Information States
Security Services
Threat Analysis Model
Inter-systems Communications
Data Mapping and Exchange

Programming and

Integrative Coding
Scripting Techniques
Software Security Practices
Miscellaneous Issues
Overview of Programming Languages

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Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Operating Systems

System Administration
and Maintenance

Administrative Activities
Administrative Domains
Acquisition and Sourcing

System Integration and


Integration and Deployment

Project Management
Testing and Quality Assurance
Organizational Context
Professional Communications
Teamwork Concepts and Issues
Social Context of Computing
Intellectual Property
Legal Issues in Computing
Organizational Context
Professional and Ethical Issues and Responsibilities
History of Computing
Privacy and Civil Liberties
Web Technologies

Web Systems and


Information Architecture
Digital Media

Programme Standards for Computing

Social and Professional



Web Development

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(D) Software Engineering

Body of Knowledge

Detail Topics
Computer Science foundations

Programme Standards for Computing

Computing Essentials


Construction technologies
Construction tools
Formal construction methods

and Engineering

Mathematical foundations
Engineering foundations for software development
Engineering economics for software
Group dynamics / psychology

Professional Practice

Communications skills (specific to SE)

Modelling foundations
Types of models

Software Modelling and


Analysis fundamentals
Requirements fundamentals
Eliciting requirements
Requirements specification and documentation
Requirements validation
Design concepts
Design strategies

Software Design

Architectural design
Human computer interface design
Detailed design
Design support tools and evaluation
V&V terminology and foundations

Software V and V

Human computer UI testing and evaluation
Problem analysis and reporting

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Body of Knowledge
Software Evolution

Software Process

Detail Topics
Evolution processes
Evolution activities
Process concepts
Process implementation
Software quality concepts and culture
Software quality standards

Software Quality

Software quality processes

Process assurance
Product assurance
Management concepts
Project planning

Software Management

Project personnel and organization

Project control
Software configuration management

Programme Standards for Computing

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Programme Standards for Computing



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Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning /

Recognition of Prior Learning


Cumulative Grade Point Average


Code of Practice for Institutional Audit


Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation


Continuous Professional Development


Computer Science


Guidelines to Good Practices


Higher Education Provider


Information and Communication Technology


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Computer Society


Information System


Information Technology


Minimum Graduating Credits


Malaysian Qualifications Agency


Malaysian Qualifications Framework


Software Engineering

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Compulsory Module

Module that is taken to fulfil university and

national requirements.



Computing is concerned with the

understanding, design, implementation and
exploitation of computation and computer,
and communication technology.


Common Core

Modules that are deemed common to all

disciplines of Computing by this Programme


Concentration / Specialisation /

Modules taken to fulfill the requirements

within an identified / specific discipline of


Formative Assessment

A process of monitoring the achievement of

the learning outcomes. It involves evaluating
student learning that aids understanding
and development of knowledge, skills
and abilities without passing any final
judgement (via recorded grade) on the level
of learning.


Summative Assessment

A process of evaluating and grading the

learning of students at a point in time.



A student who has successfully completed

any level of qualification within this
Programme Standards.


Industrial Attachment /
Industrial Training / Internship

A period of time within the programme

where students are required to be placed
in the industry to gain industrial experience
and enhance soft skills.


Internationally Refereed

Peer reviewed publications of international

standing either as conference proceedings
or in journals.

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Programme Standards for Computing


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A unit of learning and teaching also

described as subject or course or unit in a



A structured and sequenced set of

modules leading to an academic award /


Elective Module

A module which is selected by a student from

a group of identified modules which form
part of the Minimum Graduating Credits for
the programme. These may either be as free
electives or field electives.

Programme Standards for Computing



JD135499 BUKU KOMPUTER bii.indd 44

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Programme Standards for Computing

JD135499 BUKU KOMPUTER bii.indd 45

12/9/10 8:37:47 PM

Programme Standards for Computing


JD135499 BUKU KOMPUTER bii.indd 46

email: cservice@printnasional.com.my
Tel.: 03-92366895 Fax: 03-92224773

12/9/10 8:37:47 PM

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