Msrit 4 Year
Msrit 4 Year
Msrit 4 Year
(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU)
About the Institute:
Dr. M. S. Ramaiah a philanthropist, founded ‘Gokula Education Foundation’ in
1962 with an objective of serving the society. M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
(MSRIT) was established under the aegis of this foundation in the same year,
creating a landmark in technical education in India. MSRIT offers 13 UG programs
and 15 PG programs. All these programs are approved by AICTE. All the UG
programs & 09 PG programs are accredited by National Board of Accreditation
(NBA). The institute is accredited with ‘A’ grade by NAAC in 2014. University
Grants Commission (UGC) & Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) have
conferred Autonomous Status to MSRIT for both UG and PG Programs till the year
2029. The institute is a participant to the Technical Education Quality Improvement
Program (TEQIP), an initiative of the Government of India. The institute has 380
competent faculty out of which 60% are doctorates. Some of the distinguished
features of MSRIT are: State of the art laboratories, individual computing facility
to all faculty members, all research departments active with sponsored funded
projects and more than 300 scholars pursuing Ph.D. To promote research culture,
the institute has established Centre of Excellence for Imaging Technologies, Centre
for Advanced Materials Technology & Schneider Centre of Excellence. M S
Ramaiah Institute of Technology has obtained “Scimago Institutions
Rankings” All India Rank 65 & world ranking 578 for the year 2020.
The Centre for Advanced Training and Continuing Education (CATCE), and
Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) have been set up on campus to incubate
startups. M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology secured All India Rank 8 th for the
year 2020 for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements
(ARIIA), an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development(MHRD),
Govt. of India. MSRIT has a strong Placement and Training department with a
committed team, a good Mentoring/Proctorial system, a fully equipped Sports
department, large air-conditioned library with good collection of book volumes and
subscription to International and National Journals. The Digital Library subscribes
to online e-journals from Elsevier Science Direct, IEEE, Taylor & Francis, Sprin ger
Link, etc. MSRIT is a member of DELNET, CMTI and VTU E-Library
Consortium. MSRIT has a modern auditorium and several hi-tech conference halls
with video conferencing facilities. It has excellent hostel facilities for boys and girls.
MSRIT Alumni have distinguished themselves by occupying high positions in India
and abroad and are in touch with the institute through an active Alumni Association.
As per the National Institutional Ranking Framework, MHRD, Government
of India, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology has achieved 59 th rank among
1071 top Engineering institutions of India for the year 2020 and 1 st rank
amongst Engineering colleges(VTU) in Karnataka.
About the Department:
Information Science and Engineering department is established in the year 1992 with an
objective of producing high-quality professionals to meet the demands of the emerging
field of Information Science and Engineering. Department also started M.Tech program
in Software Engineering in the year 2004 and has been recognized as R&D center by
VTU in 2012. The department is accredited by the NBA in 2001, 2004, 2010, 2015 and
reaccredited in 2018 under Tier-1 till 2021. Department has highly qualified and
motivated faculty members and well equipped state of the art laboratories. All faculty
members are involved in research and technical papers publications in reputed journals,
conferences across the world. Strong collaboration with industries and high profile
institutions is in place for curriculum updates, more hands on training, practical’s, project
based learning, EPICS, expert lectures, partial course deliveries by industry experts and
student interns to enhance the skills in emerging areas to keep an inclusive and diverse
academic environment. Department is successfully conducting seminars, conferences
and workshops for students and academicians in the emerging areas of Information
Technology. Introduced EPICS in senior projects. Some of the laboratories have also
been set up in collaboration with industries such as Intel, Microsoft, Apple, SECO,
Honeywell, EMC2, NVIDIA, IBM, Green Sense Werks, Tech Machinery Labs, Sesovera
Tech Pvt. Ltd., and Ramaiah Medical College (Emergency department). Also, an echo
system is built to initiate start-ups at the department level along with the mentorship. All
the above potential activities have led to high profile placements, motivation to become
an entrepreneur, and encouragement for higher learning.
To be an Institution of International Eminence, renowned for imparting quality
technical education, cutting edge research and innovation to meet global socio
economic needs
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PSO1: Problem Solving Skills, ability to understand and analyze the Information
Technology problems and develop computer programs.
PSO2: Applied Engineering Skills, ability to apply standard practices and strategies in
Software Development.
PSO3: Communication and Higher Learning, ability to exchange knowledge
and continue learning advances in the field of Information Technology.
Curriculum Course Credits Distribution Batch 2019-20
Semester Humanities Basic Engineering Professional Professional Other Project Internship/ Total
& Social Sciences Sciences/ Courses- Courses - Electives Work other semester
Sciences / Lab Lab Core (Hard Electives (OE) (PW) activities load
(HSS) (BS) (ES) core, soft (PC-E) (IS/ECA)
core, Lab)
First 2 9 14 25
Second 4 9 10 23
Third 3 4 18 25
Fourth 4 21 25
Fifth 2 19 4 25
Sixth 15 4 6 25
Seventh 14 12 26
Eighth 4 14 6 24
Total 200
Credits* Contact
Sl.No Course Category Hours
L T P S Total
1 IS71 Data Mining PC-C 3 0 0 1 04 04
2 IS72 Distributed Computing PC-C 3 0 0 1 04 04
3 IS73 Information Security PC-C 4 0 0 0 04 04
4 ISL74 Data Mining Lab PC-C 0 0 1 0 01 02
5 ISL75 Distributed Computing Lab PC-C 0 0 1 0 01 02
6 ISECX Elective C PC-E 4 0 0 0 04 04
7 ISEDX Elective D PC-E 4 0 0 0 04 04
8 ISEEX Elective E PC-E 4 0 0 0 04 04
Total 22 0 2 2 26 28
Elective C: Elective D:
ISEC1 Software Testing ISED1 System Simulation and Modeling
ISEC2 Internet of Things ISED2 Cloud Computing
ISED3 Soft Computing
ISEC3 Virtual and Augmented Reality
Elective E:
ISEE1 Data Science
ISEE2 Mobile Computing
ISEE3 Deep Learning
Credits* Contact
Sl.No Course Code Course Category
L T P S Total Hours
1 - Open Elective OE 4 0 0 0 04 04
2 ISIN Internship IN 0 0 4 0 04 08
3 ISP Senior Project PW 0 0 14 0 14 28
4 EAC EAC 0 0 2 0 02 -
Total 4 0 20 0 24 40
VII Semester
Course Code: IS71 Credit: 3:0:0:1
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 42L
Course Coordinator: Mrs. Pushpalatha M N
Course Content:
Data Mining- Introduction, Challenges, Data Mining Tasks, Types of Data, Data
Quality- Measurements and data collection errors, precision, bias, accuracy, missing
value, inconsistent values. Noise and artifacts, outliers, duplicate data, Issues at the
measurement and data collection level to particular applications and fields.
Data Preprocessing- aggregation, sampling, dimensionality reduction,
Association Analysis- Basic Concepts & Algorithms: Frequent Item set Generation.
Self Study: problem solving to analyze the data, discretization and binarization, variable
Association Analysis: Rule Generation, Compact Representation of Frequent Item sets,
Alternative methods for generating Frequent Item sets, FP Growth Algorithm,
Evaluation of Association Patterns–Objective Measures of Interestingness, Measures
beyond Pairs of Binary Variables, properties of objective measures
Self Study : Handling Categorical & Continuous Attributes, Mining various kinds of
association rules, problem solving.
Classification: Basics, General approach to solve classification problem, Decision Trees
classifiers, Model Overfitting- Overfitting due to presence of noise and lack of
representative samples, Evaluating the performance of a classifier , Methods for
comparing classifiers. Rule based classifiers , Prediction, Accuracy and Error measures.
Self Study : Ensemble Methods, problem solving.
Clustering Techniques: What is cluster analysis?, Types of Data in Cluster Analysis,
Partitioning methods, Density-Based Methods- OPTICS, DENCLUE,
Self Study: Clustering High-Dimensional Data- CLIQUE, Outlier Analysis, problem on
clustering techniques.
Mining different types of data: Graph Mining, Social Network Analysis, Mining the
world wide web-Mining web page layout structure, Case studies: Finance, Retail
Self Study: Mining web’s link structures, Web usage mining, Case Study: Intrusion
Text Books:
1. G. K. Gupta: Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies, 3rd Edition, PHI,
New Delhi, 2009.
Course Code: IS72 Credit: 3:0:0:1
Prerequisite: Computer Organization and Architecture Contact Hours: 42L
Course Coordinator: Mr. Jagadeesh Sai D
Course Content:
Introduction: Parallelism = Opportunities, Challenges, The Power and Potential of
Parallelism, Examining Sequential and Parallel Programs, A Paradigm Shift,
Parallelism Using Multiple Instruction Streams, The Goals: Scalable Performance and
Portability, Parallel Computers And Their Model, Balancing Machine Specifics with
Portability, A Look at Six Parallel Computers , The RAM: An Abstraction of a
Sequential Computer , The PRAM: A Parallel Computer Model.
Self-study: Memory Reference Mechanisms, Communication and Applying the CTA
Reasoning about Performance, Introduction, Motivation and Basic Concepts, Sources
of Performance Loss, Parallel Structure, Reasoning about Performance, Performance
Trade-Offs, Measuring Performance, What should we measure?, First Steps Towards
Parallel Programming, Task and Data Parallelism, Peril-L, Count 3s Example,
Conceptualizing Parallelism, Alphabetizing Example, Comparison of Three Solutions,
Self-study: solving problems and evaluating performance metrics.
Scalable Algorithmic Techniques, Blocks of Independent Computation, Schwartz’
Algorithm, Reduce and Scan Abstractions, Assigning Work to Processes Statically and
Dynamically, Trees: allocation by subtree, Dynamic allocations.
Self-study: Illustrative examples on different case studies.
Parallel programming Languages: Programming with Threads, POSIX Threads,
Thread Creation and Destruction, Mutual Exclusion, Synchronization, Safety Issues,
Performance Issues, Open MP, The Count 3s Example, Semantic Limitations,
Reduction, Thread Behavior and Interaction, Sections, Exercises on analysis and
Self-study: OpemMP detailed study using OpenMP manual at
Local View Programming Languages, MPI: The Message Passing Interface, Safety
Issues, Performance Issues, Unified Parallel C, Titanium, Evaluating Existing
Approaches, Hidden Parallelism, Transparent performance, Future Directions in
Parallel Programming, Attached Processors,
Self-study: Grid Computing, Transactional Memory, Map Reduce.
Text Book:
Course Code: IS73 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Mrs. Deepthi K
Course Content:
Passive information Gathering: starting at the source, Mining Job ads and analyzing
Financial Data, Using Google to Mine sensitive information, Exploring Domain
Ownership. Detecting Live Systems: Detecting Active Systems, Port Scanning, OS
fingerprinting, Scanning countermeasures. Enumerating systems: Enumerating
systems, Advanced Enumeration.
Automated Attack and Penetration Tools: Why attack and penetration Tools are
Important, Automated Exploit Tools, Determining Which Tools to use
Defeating Malware: Evolving threat, viruses, and Worms, Trojans.
Malicious Software: Viruses and Related Threats, Virus Countermeasures, DDoS
Firewalls: Firewall Design Principles, Trusted Systems
Securing Wireless Systems: Wi-Fi Basics, Wi-Fi Security, Wireless LAN threats,
Exploiting wireless networks, Securing wireless Networks
Intrusion Detection: Overview ID detection and Prevention, IDS Types and
Components, an overview of Snort, Installing Snort on windows System, and Building
snort rules and interface.
Text Books:
1. Forouzan, “Cryptography and Network Security” 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Course Code: ISL74 Credit: 0:0:1:0
Prerequisite: Object Oriented Programming with Java/C++
Course Coordinator: Mrs. Ashwitha Contact Hours: 14P
Course Content:
Note: The dataset considered should have at least 10 attributes and minimum of
50 records.
Part – A (2 sessions)
Use of Rapidminer tool
Importing and Exporting data.
Data Preprocessing
Data Cleaning
Variable Selection
Part – B (8 sessions)
Perform the following tasks using R/Python programming
7. Group the data in a dataset based on similarity by using partitioning
8. Group the data in a dataset based on similarity by using Density Based
Part-C( 4 sessions)
Text Books:
1. Arun K Pujari: Data Mining Techniques, 2nd Edition, Universities Press, 2009.
2. G. K. Gupta: Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies, 3rd Edition, PHI,
New Delhi, 2009.
Course Code: ISL75 Credit: 0:0:1:0
Prerequisite: Computer Networks & Operating Systems Contact Hours: 14P
Course Coordinator: Mr. Koushik S
Course Content:
1. Write parallel program using OpenMP to sort n element using merge sort.
2. Write a program to Multiply a matrix by a vector and get the result of the
3. Write an OpenMP program which demonstrates how to "multitask",
implement two separate task, one to generate prime table and other to
generate sine table for a given input using OpenMP for parallel execution.
Justify the inference.
4. Write a program to show how first private clause works. (Factorial program)
5. Write an OpenMP parallel program for Points Classification. Prove the
correctness of sequential program with that of parallel.
6. Write an OpenMP program to convert a color image to black and white
image. Demonstrate the performance of different scheduling techniques for
varying chunk values.
7. Write a program for communication among two processes.
8. Write MPI program to compute dot product of two vectors using block-
striped partitioning with uniform data distribution.
9. Write MPI program that computes the value of PI using Monto-Carlo
10. C program which creates new communicators involving a subset of initial
set of MPI processes in the default communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
11. Write MPI program to compute Matrix-Matrix Multiplication using self-
scheduling algorithm.
12. C program which searches integers between A and B for a value J such that
F(J) = C, using the MPI parallel programming environment
Text Book:
1. Calvin Lin, Lawrence Snyder, “Principles of Parallel Programming”, 1st
Edition, 2009, Pearson Education, Inc. New Delhi.
1. OpenMP Spec 3.0 handbook available on the Web
2. Lecture Notes & Web Reference Bookss
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to -
1. Design and Develop distributed computing using parallel programming
concepts. (PO-3,4) (PSO-1)
2. Demonstrate the concepts of Distributed and Parallel Computing
Architecture.(PO-1,3,4) (PSO-2)
3. Generate an effective report on Distributed and Parallel Computing. (PO-10)
Course Code: ISEC1 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Dr. Naresh E
Course Content:
Review of Software Engineering: Software process models, Software engineering
ethics, Software engineering challenges. Requirements Analysis: Requirements
elicitation techniques, Functional and Non-functional requirements. Software
Design: Architectural design and its styles, Object-oriented design. Implementation
Perspective on Testing: Basic definitions, Test Scenarios, Test cases, Insights from
a Venn diagram, identifying test cases, Error, fault and Failure taxonomies, Levels
of testing, Activities of Test engineer, Test/Debug life cycle, testing principles,
Testing throughout the SDLC. Examples: Generalized pseudocode, the triangle
problem, The NextDate function, the commission problem, The SATM (Simple
Automatic Teller Machine) problem, the currency converter.
Functional Testing: Boundary value analysis, Robustness testing, Worst-case
testing, Special value testing, Examples, Random testing, Equivalence classes,
Equivalence test cases for the triangle problem, NextDate function, and the
commission problem, Guidelines and observations. Decision tables, Test cases for
the triangle problem, NextDate function, and the commission problem, Guidelines
and observations.
Static Testing: Reviews, Types of reviews, Inspections, Inspection process,
Inspection roles, benefits of inspection, Walkthroughs, Checklists. Structural
Testing: Statement coverage testing, Condition coverage testing, Path coverage,
computing cyclomatic complexity, exploratory testing.
Test Management and Automation: Introduction, Test Planning, Test Reporting,
Test Plan template. Test Automation, Terms used in Automation, Skills needed for
automation, scope of automation, design and Architecture for automation, Process
model for automation. Test Metrics and Measurements: Need and types of metrics.
Text Books:
Course Code: ISEC2 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Internet of Things
Course Coordinator: Mrs. Ashwitha P Contact Hours: 56L
Course Content:
Introduction to Internet of Things: Definition & Characteristics of IoT,Physical
Design of IoT Things in IoT ,IoT Protocols, Logical Design of IoT, IoT Functional
Blocks ,IoT Communication Models ,IoT Communication APIs, IoT Enabling
Technologies , Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing Big Data Analytics
,Communication Protocols , Embedded Systems IoT Levels & Deployment
Templates, IoT Level-1,IoT Level-2,IoT Level-3,IoT Level-4,IoT Level-5,IoT
IoT and M2M : Introduction,M2M, Difference between IoT and M2M ,SDN and
NFV for IoT, Software Defined Networking, Network Function Virtualization,
IoT System Management with NETCONF-YANG , Need for IoT Systems
Management, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) , Limitations of
SNMP, Network Operator Requirements, NETCONF,YANG IoT Systems
IoT Platforms Design Methodology: IoT Design Methodology , Purpose &
Requirements Specification , Process Specification, Domain Model Specification,
Information Model Specification , Service Specifications, IoT Level Specification,
Functional View Specification, Operational View Specification, Device &
Component Integration, Application Development, IoT Systems - Logical Design
using Python ,Functions Modules ,Packages ,File Handling Operations Classes,
Python Packages of Interest for IoT ,JSON, XML, HTTPLib & URLLib
Raspberry Pi,About the Board , Linux on Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Interfaces ,
Serial SPI ,I2C ,Programming Raspberry Pi with Python, Controlling LED with
Raspberry Pi , Interfacing an LED and Switch with Raspberry, Interfacing a Light
Sensor (LDR) with Raspberry Pi ,Other IoT Devices, pcDuino, Beagle Bone
Black, Cubie board. IoT Physical Servers & Cloud Offerings, WAMP - AutoBahn
for IoT,Xively Cloud for IoT, Python Web Application Framework – Django,
Django Architecture , Starting Development with Django , Designing a RESTful
Web API,Amazon Web Services for IoT , Amazon EC2, Amazon AutoScaling
,Amazon S3,Amazon RDS Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon
SQS,Amazon EMR,SkyNet IoT Messaging Platform,INTEL Gen2,UDD Board
Data Analytics for IoT , Apache Hadoop , Map Reduce Programming Model
,Hadoop Map Reduce Job Execution ,Map Reduce Job Execution Workflow
,Hadoop Cluster Setup, Using Hadoop Map Reduce for Batch Data Analysis,
Hadoop YARN, Apache Oozie , Setting up Oozie ,Oozie Workflows for IoT Data
Analysis , Apache Spark , Apache Storm,Setting up a Storm Cluster, Using
Apache Storm for Real-time Data Analysis, REST-based approach , Web Socket-
based approach.
Text Book:
Course Code: ISEC3 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Computer Graphics Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Dr. Lingaraju G M
Course Content:
Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments:
Human factors: Eye: accommodation, to Stereopsis, Visual field, Synthetic images
versus reality. Ear: sound perception to Sound direction and stage, Head- related
transfer functions, Measuring HRTFs, Ambisonics. The somatic senses: Tactile and
Haptic technology. Virtual reality hardware & software: Sensor hardware, Head
coupled displays, Acoustic Hardware, Integrated VR systems. Modeling Virtual
worlds, Physical simulation, VR toolkits.
Input Devices & Output Devices, Requirements for VR: Virtual databases, Real time
image generation, database interaction, Physical simulation, Immersive and Non-
Immersive VR systems, Hybrid VR systems, the cave, benefits of virtual reality. 3D
Viewing Process- A Review, Examples of 3D viewing, A Simple Graphics Package,
Segmented Display Files, Display File Compilation, Geometric Models, Picture
Structure.Graphical Input techniques, Input Functions and Event Handling.
The generic VR system: Virtual Environment, Computer environment, VR
Technology, Modes of Interaction, VR Systems. Computing Architectures for VR:
The Rendering Pipeline, PC Graphics Architecture, Workstation-Based Architectures,
Distributed VR Architectures.
Modelling: Geometric Modeling, Kinematics Modeling, Behavior Modeling, Model
Management, VR Programming:Toolkits and Scene Graphs, World ToolKit, Java
3D General Haptics Open Software Toolkit, PeopleShop.
Animation: Conventional and Computer-Assisted Animation, Animation Languages,
Methods of Controlling Animation, Basic Rules of Animation, Problems Peculiar to
Animation. Animating the Virtual Environment: The dynamics of numbers, Linear
interpolation, Non-linear interpolation, parametric interpolation. The animation of
objects: Linear translation, Non-linear translation, Linear and Non-linear angular
rotation. Shape, object parametric line/surface patch Inbetweening. Free-form
deformation, Particle systems. Physics based modeling and simulation.
Text Books:
1. Virtual Reality Technology,2ndedition,Grigore C. Burdea, Philippe Coffet, A
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication.
2. Virtual Reality Systems, John Vince, Published by Dorling Kindersley ( India)
pvt ltd., licensees of Pearson Education in south Asia.
3. Principles of Interactive computer graphics, second edition, William M
Newman & Robert F. Sproull, McGraw-Hill International student edition.
1. Computer Graphics, second Edition in C, James. D Foley, Andries Van Dam,
Steven K Feiner, John F Hughes, Kindle edition.
2. Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality in Industry by Dengzhe Ma,Jürgen
Gausemeier, Xiumin Fan, Michael Grafe By : Springer publications.
3. Computer Vision and Augmented Reality by Kerdvibulvech Chutisant,
Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ,Edition: 2013
4. Principles and practice: Augmented Reality, By: Dieter SCHMALSTIEG,
Tobias HOLLERER, Addison-Wesley Professional.
Course Code: ISED1 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Mr. Rajaram M Gowda
Course Content:
Introduction to Simulation: When simulation is the appropriate tool and when it
is not appropriate, Advantages and disadvantages of Simulation, Areas of
application, Systems and system environment, Components of a system, Discrete
and continuous systems, Model of a system, Types of Models, Discrete-Event
System Simulation, Steps in a Simulation Study; Simulation examples: Simulation
of queuing systems, Simulation of inventory systems
Concepts in Discrete-Event Simulation: The Event-Scheduling / Time-Advance
Algorithm, World Views, Manual simulation Using Event Scheduling; List
processing, Simulation in Java, Simulation in GPSS; Statistical Models in
Simulation: Review of terminology and concepts, Discrete distributions,
Continuous distributions-Uniform distribution, Exponential distribution, Normal
Random-Number Generation: Properties of random numbers, Generation of
pseudo-random numbers; Techniques for generating random numbers; Tests for
Random Numbers. Random-Variate Generation: Inverse transform technique-
Exponential Distribution, Uniform Distribution, Discrete Distributions,
Acceptance-Rejection technique: Poisson Distribution, Convolution method
Queuing Models: Characteristics of queuing systems, Queuing notation, Long-run
measures of performance of queuing systems; Input Modeling: Data Collection,
Identifying the distribution with data, Parameter estimation, Goodness of Fit Tests,
Selecting input models without data
Verification and Validation of Simulation Models: Model building, verification
and validation, Verification of simulation models, Calibration and validation of
models, Estimation of Absolute Performance: Types of simulations with respect
to output analysis, Stochastic nature of output data; Absolute measures of
performance and their estimation
Text Book:
1. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson II, Barry L. Nelson, David M. Nicol: Discrete-
Event System Simulation, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, 2013.
1. Lawrence M. Leemis, Stephen K. Park: Discrete – Event Simulation: A First
Course, Pearson / Prentice-Hall, 2006.
2. Sheldon M. Ross: Simulation, Fourth Edition, Elsevier, 2006.
3. Averill M. Law: Simulation Modeling and Analysis, Fourth Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2007
Course Code: ISED2 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Dr. Siddesh G.M
Course Content:
Storage systems: Storage models, file systems, databases, DFS, General parallel File
system, GFS, Apache Hadoop, Locks & Chubby, TPS & NOSQL databases, Bigdata,
Mega store. Cloud security: Risks, Security, privacy and privacy impacts
assessments, Trust, VM Security, Security of virtualization, Security risks in shared
Text Book:
1. Kai Hwang, Jack Dongarra, Geoffrey Fox, Distributed and Cloud Computing,
From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things, 1st edition, MK Publishers,
2. Anthony T. Velte, Toby J. Velete, Robert Elsenpeter, Cloud Computing: A
Practical Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
Course Code: ISED3 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Ms. Rajeshwari S B
Course Content:
Introduction: Neural networks, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms, Hybrid
systems,Artificial Neural Networks: Fundamental concept, Evolution, Basic model of
ANN, Important terminologies of ANN, MP neuron, Hebb Network
Supervised Learning Network: Perceptron Networks, Adaptive linear neuron,
multiple adaptive linear neurons, Back propagation Network.
Introduction to Fuzzy logic, classical sets and fuzzy sets: Classical sets, Fuzzy sets.
Classical relations and fuzzy relations: Cartesian product of relation, Classical
relation, Fuzzy relations, Tolerance and equivalence relations. Membership functions:
Features, Fuzzification, methods of membership value assignments.
Defuzzification: Lambda-cuts for fuzzy sets, Lambda-cuts for fuzzy relations,
Defuzzification methods. Fuzzy decision making: Individual, multiperson,
multiobjective, multiattibute, and fuzzy Bayesian decision making
Genetic algorithms: Introduction, Basic operations, Traditional algorithms, Simple
GA, General genetic algorithms, the schema theorem, Genetic programming,
Text Books:
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Identify and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building
intelligent machines (PO1,3,4)(PSO-1,2)
2. Identify the components and building block hypothesis of Genetic algorithm.
(PO1,3,4) (PSO-1,2)
3. Examine the features of neural network and its applications. (PO1,3,4) (PSO-1,2)
4. Design Genetic algorithm to solve optimization problem. (PO1,3,4) (PSO-1,2)
5. Describe Neuro Fuzzy system for clustering and classification. (PO1,3,4)
Course Code: ISEE1 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Dr. Krishnaraj P M
Course Content:
Introductions to Data Science- A Statistical Approach, Descriptive statistics,
Cumulative distribution functions, Continuous distributions, Probability
Statistics for data science - Operations on distributions, Hypothesis testing, Estimation,
Supervised Learning- Classification and Regression, Generalization, Over fitting and
under fitting, Supervised Machine learning algorithms- K-Nearest Neighbor, Linear
models, Naive Bayes Classifiers, Decision trees, Random forest
Unsupervised learning- Types of Unsupervised Learning, Challenges, Dimensionality
Reduction- Principal Component Analysis, Clustering - k-Means Clustering,
Agglomerative Clustering, DBSCAN
Interactive graphics- Visualizing Time Series Data, Moving Bubble Charts to show
clustering and Distributions, Animation Transition Maps, Interactive Bee swarm Plots,
Interactive Heat map, Searchable time series Charts
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Apply the statistical principles required for Data Science (PO-1)(PSO-1)
2. Apply the different Testing and Estimation techniques on data (PO-1, 2, 3)
(PSO-1, 2)
3. Analyze the different supervised learning algorithms (PO-2, 3, 4)(PSO-1, 2)
4. Apply the unsupervised learning algorithms for data science (PO- 2, 3, 4)
(PSO-1, 2)
5. Develop interactive graphics for data exploration (PO-3, 4, 5)(PSO-1, 2)
Course Code: ISEE2 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Dr. Vijaya Kumar B.P
Course Content:
Introduction: Challenges in mobile computing, coping with uncertainties, resource
poorness, bandwidth, etc. Cellular architecture, co-channel interference, frequency,
reuse, capacity increase bu cell splitting. Evolution of mobile system: CDMA, FDMA,
TDMA, GSM. Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11.
Mobility Management: Cellular architecture, Co-channel interference, Mobility:
handoff, types of handoffs; location management, HLR-VLR scheme, Mobile IP,
Dynamic host configuration protocol, Mobile transport layer-Traditional and classical
Databases: Database Hoarding Techniques, Data Caching, Transactional Models,
Query Processing. Data Dissemination and Broadcasting Systems: Communication
Asymmetry, Classification of Data-Delivery Mechanisms, Data Dissemination
Broadcast Models, Selective Tuning and Indexing Techniques.
Data Synchronization in Mobile Computing Systems: Synchronization,
Synchronization software for mobile devices, Synchronization protocols, SyncML -
Synchronization language for mobile computing, Sync4J (Funambol), Synchronized
Multimedia Markup Language (SMIL). Mobile Devices: Server and Management:
Mobile agent, Application server, Gateways, Portals, Service Discovery, Device
management, Mobile file systems, security.
Support for Mobility- File Systems, Mobile operating systems; Features, services and
interfacing modules of: Windows, Android, iOS for Mobile devices.
Text Books:
1. Rajkamal, Mobile Computing, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2012
2. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, 2nd edition, Pearson, 2003.
1. Reza B, Mobile Computing Principles, Cambridge University Press, 2005
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Describe the principle techniques and some of the analytics in mobile networks.
(PO-1,2) (PSO-1,3)
2. Illustrate the concept of mobility and resource sharing in network and transport
layer in mobile networks. (PO-1,2) ( PSO-1,3)
3. Analyze the database handling, data dissemination, Synchronization with respect
to different Mobile Operating Systems. (PO-1,2) (PSO-1,3)
4. Describe and illustrate the mobility support using different file systems and
platforms. (PO-1,2,4) (PSO-1,3)
5. Demonstrate the different mobile operating systems and develop mobile
applications and computing models. (PO-1, 2, 3,5) (PSO-1,2,3)
Course Code: ISEE3 Credit: 4:0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Ms. Rajeshwari S B
Course Content:
Introduction: Human brain, neuron models, neural nets as directed graphs, feedback,
neural architectures, knowledge representation, connection to artificial intelligence
Learning Process: Error-correction learning, memory based learning, Hebbian
learning, competitive learning, Boltzmann learning, credit assignment, learning with
and without a teacher, learning tasks, memory, statistical learning theory.
Modern practical deep neural networks: Deep feedforward networks, regularization
for deep learning, optimization for training deep models, convolutional Networks.
Sequence Modelling: Recurrent and recursive nets, practical Methodology,
Deep Learning Research: Linear factor models, auto encoders, variational auto
encoders, restricted Boltzmann machine, generative adversarial networks.
Text Books:
1. Simon Haykin, Neural networks: A comprehensive foundation, Second
Edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1999, ISBN-81-203-2373-4.
2. Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, MIT
Press, 2016.
1. Deng & Yu, Deep Learning: Methods and Applications, Now Publishers, 2013.
2. Josh Patterson & Adam Gibson, Deep Learning – A Practitioners Approach,
O’Reilly, 1st Edition 2017.
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Describe what neural networks are, their properties, compositions and how they
relate to artificial intelligence. (PO-1,2) (PSO-1,2)
2. Illustrate the many facets of the learning process and its statistical properties.
(PO-1,2,5,9,10) (PSO-1,2)
3. Explain the core parametric function approximation technology that is behind all
modern practical applications of deep learning. (PO-1,2,5,9,10) (PSO-1,2)
4. Demonstrate recurrent and recursive nets functionality and how practical
problems can be mapped to them. (PO-1,2,5,9,10) (PSO-1,2)
5. Explicate the advanced approaches to deep learning, currently pursued by the
research community (PO-1,2,5,9,10) (PSO-1,2)
Course Code: ISIN Credit: 0:0:4:0
Course Coordinator: Ms. Rajeshwari S B Contact Hours: 56P
The student can do the Internship during the summer semester between 4th-
5th semesters or between 6th-7th semesters.
The student should take prior permission from the department committee
before carrying out the internship.
The duration of the Internship is one month.
The report of the Internship needs to be submitted to the department in the
8th semester.
The department will constitute a committee for the evaluation of Internship
of student.
Course Code: ISP Credit: 0:0:14:0
Course Coordinators: Mrs. Lincy Meera Mathews & Contact Hours: 392P
Mrs. Pratima M N
Project Work-flow:
1. Students submit the initial details including broad area of work and choice of
guide in a prescribed format.
2. The Project Co-ordinators along with Head of the department finalize the
guide allocation process.
3. Students are given an option to change the guide with mutual consent by
applying through prescribed form.
4. Students submit the Project Work Book to guide on the day of registration.
5. Problem statement is submitted to Project Co-ordinator within one week of
6. Students maintain a blog and update it on weekly basis about their work.
7. Weekly meeting with guide is recorded in the workbook.
8. Guide evaluates the student on a regular basis according to the rubrics defined in the
workbook for total of 50 marks which constitutes the final CIE score.
9. At the end of the semester, an exam is conducted with one internal and one external
examiner for 50 marks which constitutes the final SEE score.
Course Code: EAC Credit: 0:0:2:0
Course Coordinator: Proctor
Co-Curricular Activities:
Extra-Curricular Activities:
If any student has a significant contribution in any category other than the above
mentioned need to submit the report with proof