Ardaas PDF
Ardaas PDF
Ardaas PDF
The Vaar (poetic verse) of Sri Bhagauti, composed by the Tenth King.
Having first involved the dynamic power of God, call on Guru Nanak.
Then on Angad Guru, Amar Das and Ram Das, may they ever protect us.
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May the tenth king, Guru Gobind Singh be ever on our side.
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Let us now turn our thoughts to the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib, the
visible embodiment of the ten Gurus and utter, O Khalsa Ji, Vaheguru! (glory
be to God).
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The five Beloved Ones, the four Sahibzaade (sons of the tenth Master), the
forty emancipated ones, the martyrs, the true disciples, the contemplators of
God, and those who remained steadfast on the path of Dharma, remember
their glorious deeds and utter O Khalsa Ji, Vaheguru!
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Those who dwelled on God's Name, shared their honest earnings with others,
wielded sword in battlefield, distributed food in companionship, offered their
heads at the altar of Dharma, were cut up limb by limb, skinned alive, boiled
or sawn alive, but did not utter a sigh nor faltered in their faith, kept the
sanctity of their hair until their last breath, sacrificed their lives for the sanctity
of Gurdwaras; remember their glorious deeds and utter O Khalsa Ji,
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Turn your thoughts to the five Takhats (seats of Sikh authority) and all the
Gurdwaras and utter O Khalsa, Vaheguru!
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First, there is supplication for all the Khalsa Panth. May the Lord bestow upon
His Khalsa the gift of His remembrance, Vaheguru, Vaheguru,Vaheguru, and
may the merit of this remembrance be happiness of all kinds. O God,
wherever are the members of Khalsa, extend Your protection and mercy on
them; let the Panth be ever victorious, let the sword be ever our protector.
May the order of the Khalsa achieve ever-expanding progress and
supremacy. Utter O Khalsa, Vaheguru!.
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May God grant to the Sikhs, the gift of faith, the gift of uncut hair, the Keshas,
the gift of discipline, the gift of spiritual discrimination, the gift of mutual trust,
the gift of self confidence and the supreme gift of all the gifts, the communion
with Vaheguru, the Name, and the gift of bathing in Amritsar, May the
administrative centres, banners, the cantonments of Khalsa ever remain
inviolate. May the cause of truth and justice prevail everywhere at all times,
utter O Khalsa, Vaheguru!.
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May the minds of Sikhs remain humble, and their wisdom exalted. Vaheguru!
you are the protector of wisdom.
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Almighty Lord! Our helper and protector ever, restore to us the right and
privilege of unhindered and free service and access to Nankana Sahib and
other centers of Sikh religion from which we have been separated.
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God, the Helper of the helpless, the Strength of the weak, the Supporter of the
fallen, the true father of all, (here the specific purpose and the occasion for the
supplication is stated by the person leading in the supplication and the
blessings and aid of God are beseeched)
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Forgive us O Lord, all our faults, extend Your helping hand to everyone. Grant
us the company of those who may help keep Your Name fresh in our hearts.
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Through Satguru Nanak, may Your Name be exalted and may all of mankind
prosper according to your Will