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Weinberg Job CV - Dec 8 2016

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Andrea E.

1588 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523


Spring 2013

Ph.D., Education & Human Resource Studies; Specialization: Research Methods

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Summer 2006

M.Ed., Education & Human Resource Studies; Specialization: School Leadership

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Fall 1999

Teaching Certification; Specialization: K-12 Special Education

West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX

Spring 1999

B.B.A., Accounting
West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX

2013 Present

Assistant Professor, School of Education, Center for Educator Preparation, & Co-Director, Early
Childhood Education Teacher Preparation Program, Colorado State University (CSU)

2012 2013

Research Scientist, School of Education, CSU

2008 2012

Research Associate II, Research & Development Center for Student Learning, CSU

2006 2013

Instructor, School of Education, CSU

2007 2013

Special Education Content Expert and Collaborator, Brian Cobb, CSU, What Works
Clearinghouse (WWC) Evidence Review: Interventions for Improving Postsecondary Outcomes
for Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities (August 2011- May 2013), WWC Research Synthesis:
Cognitive Strategy Instruction for Secondary Students with Disabilities (June August 2007)

2007 2008

Graduate Research Assistant Research & Development Center for Student Learning, CSU

2006 2007

Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Education, CSU


2002 2006

Special Education Teacher, Roosevelt High School, Johnstown, CO

2001 2002

Special Education Teacher & Department Chair, El Rito Elementary School, El Rito, NM

1999 2001

Special Education Teacher, A. J. Moore Academy, Waco, TX

1. Balgopal, M. M., Weinberg, A. E., Sample McMeeking, L. B., Howe, J., Wright, D., Long, S. (invited paper in
preparation). Advancement in Development in Human Resources.
2. Weinberg, A. E., Stevenson, C. A. (in review). A quasi-experimental examination of an innovative professional
development school model. Journal of Teacher Education.
3. Weinberg, A. E., Sample McMeeking, L. B. (in review). Toward meaningful interdisciplinary education: High school
teachers views of mathematics and science integration. School Science and Mathematics.
4. Sample McMeeking, L. B., Weinberg, A. E., Boyd, K. J., Balgopal, M. M. (2016). Student perceptions of interest,
learning, and engagement from an informal traveling science museum. School Science Science and Mathematics 116(5)
5. Weinberg, A. E., Cozzens, M., Logan, J., Walch, O. Crawley, C, Fiorini, E., Hamerlinck, G. (2015) Ways for teachers at all
levels to communicate issues related to the mathematics of planet earth. Report produced at the MPE2013+ workshop:
Education for the planet earth of tomorrow. DIMACS/NimBios, Knoxville, TN.
6. Cobb, R. B., Lipscomb, S., Wolgemuth, J., Schulte, T., Veliquette, A., Alwell, M., Batchelder, K., Bernard, R., Hernandez,
P., Holmquist-Johnson, H., Orsi, R., Sample McMeeking, L., Wang, J., and Weinberg, A. E. (2013). Improving PostUpdated 12/8/2016

High School Outcomes for Transition-Age Students with Disabilities: An Evidence Review (NCEE 2013-4011).
Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences,
7. Rathburn, S., Weinberg, A. E. (2011). Undergraduate student satisfaction and achievement at the GetWET observatory: A
fluid learning experience at Colorado State University. Journal of Geoscience Education. 59.
8. Weinberg, A. E., Basile, C. B., Albright, L. (2011). The effects of an experiential learning program on middle school
students mathematics and science motivation. Research in Middle Level Education 35(3).
9. Weinberg, A. E., Albright, L. (2011). Integrating biology and mathematics in high school classrooms. In Roberts, F. (Ed),
BioMath in the Schools. (pp. 212-245)., Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.
10.Fritz (Weinberg), A. E., & Morgan, G. A. (2010). Sampling. In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of research design (vol.
3, pp. 1302-1305). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
11. Fritz (Weinberg), A. E., Stevenson, C. A., Cooner, D. D. (2009). Training new teachers to teach literacy. Reading
Improvement. 46(1).
12.Stevenson, C. A., Cooner, D. D., Fritz (Weinberg), A. E. (2008). Self-perceptions of standards acquisition during the
principal internship. The International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning. 12(5).
13.Fritz (Weinberg), A. E. (2008). Instructors manual to accompany SPSS for intermediate statistics: Use and interpretation
(3rd ed.) Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis Group.
14.Fritz (Weinberg), A. E. (2008). Appendix B: Review of Basic Statistics. In Leech, N. L., Barrett, K. C., & Morgan, G. A.,
SPSS for intermediate statistics: Use and interpretation (3rd ed., pp. 242-253). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis.
Refereed Presentations
1. Long, S. A., Weinberg, A. E. (January 2017). Mentoring of novice STEM teachers in high-needs schools. Lecture at the
Conference on Academic Research in Education (CARE), Las Vegas, NV.
2. Weinberg, A. E., Sample McMeeking, L. B. (April 2017). Interdisciplinary science and mathematics education: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Paper presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Conference, San Antonio, TX.
3. Weinberg, A. E., Stevenson, C. (April 2017) A quasi-experimental examination of an innovative professional development
school model. Paper Presented at the 2017 AERA Conference, San Antonio, TX.
4. Weinberg, A. E., Sample McMeeking, L. B. (April 2016) Mathematics and science curriculum integration: An exploratory
study of use and skill transfer. Paper presented at the 2016 AERA Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
5. Stevenson, C., Weinberg, A. E. (April 2016). The influence of an innovative professional development school model for
early childhood education teacher preparation Paper presented at the 2016 AERA Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
6. Sample McMeeking, L. B., Weinberg, A. E., & Boyd, K. J. (April 2015). Participatory action research experiences for
undergraduates. Poster presented at the AERA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
7. Stevenson, C. A., Weinberg, A. E. (April 2014). Mutually beneficial partnerships for essential learning in early childhood
and elementary settings, National Field Experience Conference, Greeley, CO.
8. Weinberg, A. E., Sample McMeeking, L. B. (April 2014). Computational thinking: An investigation of the existing
scholarship and research. Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
9. Sample McMeeking, L. B., Weinberg, A. E. (December 2013). Participatory action research experiences for
undergraduates. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
10. Weinberg, A. E., Wolgemuth, J., Albright, L. (April 2011). In the short-term: Measuring the impact of brief math and
science interventions on student motivation. Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
11. Weinberg, A. E., Albright, L. (April 2010). The integration of biology and mathematics using BioMath modules: Longerterm effects on teachers and students. Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
12. Weinberg, A. E., Basile, C. G., Albright, L. (April 2009). The meaning of summer science and math camp for middle
school youth: A statewide evaluation. Paper presented at the AERA Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
13. Fritz (Weinberg), A. E., Morgan, G. A., Philofsky, A., Hepburn, S., Fidler, D. (May 2008). Comparisons of parental
perceptions of mastery motivation in children with autism, down syndrome, and developmental disabilities with those who
are typically developing. Poster presented at the Developmental Psychology Research Group Retreat, Estes Park, CO.
14. Cooner, D. D., Stevenson, C. A., Fritz (Weinberg), A. E. (July 2007). Mapping the journey toward the principalship: A
mixed methods design. Paper presented at the Mixed Methods Annual Conference, Cambridge, England.
15. Gloeckner, G. W., Fritz (Weinberg), A. E., Stevenson, C. A. (July 2007). Aha moments in learning mixed methods
research: Ph.D. students and professor share moments of clarity. Paper presented at the Mixed Methods Annual
Conference, Cambridge, England.
Invited Presentations
1. Weinberg, A. E. (December 2016). Improving Teacher Candidate and PK-12 Student Outcomes Through Site-Based
Preparation, Mentoring, and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
2. Cooner, D. D., Drager, J, Searle, J., Weinberg, A. E. (November 2014). Developing highly effective teacher collaborators
by means of innovative co-teaching training and practice throughout teacher preparation at Colorado State University.
Colorados Educator Preparation Faculty Summit, Denver, CO.
3. Stevenson, C. A., Weinberg, A. E. (April 2014). Mutually beneficial partnerships for essential learning in early childhood
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and elementary settings, National Field Experience Conference, Greeley, CO.

Balgopal, M., Butler, C., Stevenson, C. A., Weinberg, A. E. (December 2013). K-12 STEM teacher education at Colorado
State University. University of Northern Colorados Colorado STEM Teacher Symposium.

To date, I have been the primary or secondary author on ~40 reports related to evaluation/research studies I have conducted or
collaborated on. A full list of these can be provided upon request.


Pending (month and year indicates date of submission)
December 2017 EPPI-Reviewer Software Subscription. PI: A. E. Weinberg, School of Education, CSU. School of Education
Mini Grant Proposal. $660 total requested for 6-month project.
December 2017 A Long-Term Quasi-Experimental Study of Pedagogies of Practice within a Professional Development School
Partnership. PIs: A. E. Weinberg & C. A. Stevenson, School of Education, CSU. School of Education Mini Grant
Proposal. $19,651 total requested for 6-month project.
September 2016 Investigating the Characteristics of Programs that Produce Persistent STEM Teachers with High-Quality
Instruction, PI: S. Southerland, Science Education, Florida State University; Collaborators: M Balgopal, Department of
Biology, CSU; A. E. Weinberg, School of Education, CSU. NSF Solicitation 16-559, Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship
Program, Track 4 Noyce Research. $1,397,140 total requested. $75,000 total 3-year subcontract.
August 2016 Citizen Science in Schools, PI: M. Cozzens, Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science
(DIMACS), Rutgers University; Co-PI: E. Fiorini, DIMACS, Rutgers University. Evaluation Team: A. E. Weinberg,
Colorado State University. NSF Solicitation Number: 16-599, Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and
Teachers (ITEST) Program. $75,000 total for 3-year subcontract.
August 2016 USDA Impact of Antimicrobial-Free Rearing on the Resistome and Microbiome of Animals & Broilers, Meat &
Poultry Products, and Human Consumers. Co-Lead Project Directors: P. S. Morley, Clinical Sciences, CSU; K. E. Belk,
Animal Sciences, CSU; Co-PIs: A. E. Weinberg, School of Education; Z. Abdo, Microbiology, Immunology, and
Pathology, CSU; C. Boucher, Computer Science, CSU; T. W. Campbell, Clinical Sciences, CSU; J. Martin, Animal
Sciences, CSU, J. Metcalf, CSU; J. Ruiz, Computer Science, CSU; and D. Woerner, Animal Sciences, CSU. Proposal
submitted to the USDA-NIFA (Program Area Priority Code A4171: Effective Mitigation Strategies for Antimicrobial
Resistance). $1,200,000 total requested for 3-year project.
July 2016 Spatial and Computational Thinking in Atmospheric Science, PI: T. Ellis, Mallison Institution for Science Education
and the Department of Geography, Western Michigan University. Evaluators: A. E. Weinberg, School of Education,
Colorado State University; L. B. Sample McMeeking, CSU STEM Center. NSF Solicitation 15-555, CAREER Program.
$6,000 total 3-year contract.
June 2016 Workshop on PK-12 Education for the Planet Earth of Tomorrow, PI/Organizer: A. E. Weinberg, School of
Education, CSU; Co-PI/Organizer: L. Sample McMeeking, CSU STEM Center. Supported by the NSF-funded DIMACS
Special Program: Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+ at Rutgers University, $24,000 total budget.
January 2016 CSU Noyce Phase II: Empowering Scholars and STEM Teachers, PI: Meena Balgopal, Department of Biology,
CSU; Co-PIs: A. E. Weinberg, School of Education, CSU; P. Kennedy, Department of Mathematics, CSU; J. Nerger,
College of Natural Sciences, CSU; T. Siller, Department of Engineering, CSU. NSF Award: 1540794, $799,487 total
February 2015 Paradigm Shift: Revolutionizing our Understanding of Antimicrobial Resistance Ecology through Whole
Genome Analysis of Microbial Communities, PI: P. Morley, Clinical Sciences, CSU; Co-PIs: H. Yang, Animal Science,
CSU; D. Woerner, Animal Science, CSU; D. C. Van Metre, Clinical Sciences, CSU; M. Thomas, Animal Science, CSU; J.
Ruiz, Computer Science, CSU; S. J. Reynolds, Environmental and Occupational Health, University of Colorado
Denver; C. S. McConnel, Clinical Sciences, CSU; R. J. Delmore, Animal Science, CSU; M. L. Bunning, Food Science &
Human Nutrition, CSU; C. Boucher, Computer Science, CSU; K. Belk, Animal Science, CSU; A. E. Weinberg, School
of Education, CSU; Laura Sample McMeeking, STEM Center, CSU. USDA-NIFA GRANT119587, $2,249,609 total
October 2013 Expanding Literacy Strategies for Teacher Effectiveness, PI: C. A. Stevenson, School of Teacher Education &
Principal Preparation (STEPP), CSU; Co-PIs: A. E. Weinberg, M. Balgopal, D. Cooner, School of Education, Colorado
State University, Colorado Department of Higher Education CFDA Number: 84.367, Improving Teacher Quality Grant
2013-14, $158,396 total budget.
September 2013 Motivating First Year Calculus with Robotics, PI: J. Cantrella, Mathematics Department, University of
Georgia. Evaluation team: A. E. Weinberg; M. Cozzens, DIMACS, Rutgers University. NSF Solicitation: 12-527, Award
# 124550, Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (TUES)
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Program, $10,000 total contract.

June 2013 Mathematics of Plant Earth (MPE 2013+), PI: F. Roberts, Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer
Science (DIMACS), Rutgers University; Co-PI: E. Fiorini, DIMACS, Rutgers University. Evaluation Team: A. E.
Weinberg; M. Cozzens, DIMACS, Rutgers University, $15,000 total contract.
September 2012 Mathematical and Computational Methods for Planning for a Sustainable Future (PS-Future), PI: M.
Cozzens, DIMACS, Rutgers University, Co-PIs: T. Carpenter, DIMACS, Rutgers University, Lead Researcher: A. E.
Weinberg, NSF Solicitation 11-588: Discovery Research K-12 (DRK-12) Program, $425,773 total budget.
January 2012 CAREER: Multiscale Dynamics of the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, PI: T. Birner,
Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Program Evaluation Expert and Advisor: A. E.
Weinberg. NSF Solicitation: 11-690: CAREER Program, Program Element GEO, Division Climate and Large-Scale
Dynamics. ~$150,000 allocated for GRA in School of Education.
January 2011 Colorado State University Noyce Scholarship Program. PI: A. E. Weinberg; Co-PIs: C. Stevenson, School of
Education, CSU; P. Kennedy, Department of Mathematics, CSU; J. Nerger, College of Natural Sciences, CSU; T. Siller,
Department of Engineering, CSU. NSF Solicitation: 10-514: Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program. NSF Award:
1035298, $1,200,000 total for 5 years.
June 2010 Supplemental Funding for Additional Research: The Value of Computational Thinking across Grade Levels, PI:
Leonard Albright, CSU. Lead Researcher: A. E. Weinberg. NSF Computer Science Education for the 21 st Century.
$117,012 total for 4 years.
April 2010 The Value of Computational Thinking across Grade Levels, PI: M. Cozzens, DIMACS, Rutgers University, Lead
Researcher: A. E. Weinberg. NSF Solicitation: 09-602: Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12). $120,552 total for 4-year
April 2010 The Challenge of Interdisciplinary Education: Math-Bio, PI: Fred Roberts, DIMACS at Rutgers University, Lead
Researcher: A. E. Weinberg. NSF Solicitation: 09-602: DR K-12. $247,209 total for 4-year subcontract.
June 2009 Teacher Use and Spread of Innovative Practices: The Effects of the BioMath Connection Project on Teachers and
Students, Research/Evaluation Coordinator: A. E. Weinberg, NSF Supplemental Proposal: BioMath Connection Project,
$174,812 total for 2-year subcontract.


Multi-Scale Evaluation in STEM Education Conference. Spring 2017. Received travel support to attend this NSF-funded
INCLUDES Conference hosted by NIMBios at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN.
NSF CADRE Fellow 2011-2012 The competitive CADRE Fellows program is a capacity-building experience for early career
researchers and developers. Fellows learn about DRK-12 research beyond their projects, network with researchers and
developers from across the country, and gain insights into the NSFs perspective on successful and effective research and
National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) International Databases Training Seminar Spring 2009. Awarded
support from the NCES to attend a 3-day training program for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS).
Certified What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Reviewer. Attended multi-day training, passed the WWC test, and have
successfully published using WWC evidence standards and procedures.


Courses Taught at Colorado State University:
Course Title

Credit Hours

# of Semesters Taught



Graduate Courses (M.Ed. & M.S.)

Action Research
Curriculum Development
Contexts of Schooling
Teacher Preparation Practicum Supervision
Practicum Seminar
Student Teaching Supervision
Student Teaching Seminar
Teacher Preparation Capstone Seminar

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Graduate Courses (Ph.D.)

Introduction to Research Methods
Program Evaluation
Independent Study



Undergraduate Courses
Literacy and The Learner (Recitation)
Literacy and The Learner (Lecture)
Differentiated Instruction




School of Education Ph.D. Advisor:
John Howe (anticipated graduation Fall 2020). Dissertation Topic: Effective STEM teacher practices that can begin to close
the opportunity gap that exist for Hispanic and Native American students in STEM disciplines.
Sarah Long (anticipated graduation Spring 2020). Dissertation Topic: Early Career Mentoring to increase retention for
STEM teachers.
School of Education Ph.D. Committee Member:
Raynie Wood (anticipated graduation Fall 2016). Dissertation Title: Establishment of an internationally based offshore
branch campus: An Australian case study.
Michael Dewsnap (anticipated graduation Spring 2019). Dissertation Topic: Conceptualizations of Physician Leadership.
Biology Ph.D. Committee Member:
Neely Clapp (anticipated graduation Spring 2017). Dissertation Title: Teachers andrResearchers beliefs of learning and
the use of learning progressions
Diane (Dee Dee) Wright (anticipated graduation Spring 2019). Dissertation Topic: Interdisciplinary STEM Education and
Place-Based STEM Education
Advisor or Committee Member: Educational Sciences M.Ed. students
Spring 2017 (anticipated): Aimee Burnett, Timothy (Tim) Cree, Macey Downey, Samantha (Sammy) Feliz, Mary Fowler,
Taylor French, Rebecca (Becky) Fuller, Joanna Heinze, Ryan Luytgen, Alexandra (Lexi) Pollock, Savannah Pullin,
Alexandra (Alex) Schneider, Candice Silva, Rebecca Trehus
Spring 2016: Haley Fletcher, Jessica Guidotti, Kelsey Jenkins, Nicole Kiesel, Gabrielle (Gabby) Mallette, Amber Pennell,
Alison Schnitzler, Jillian (Jill) Titcomb, Madison Zelias
Spring 2015: Alison Ambrogio, Alicia Bermudez, Rachel Bruggen, Katelyn (Katy) Cunneen, Morgan Dorsey, Nichole
Fritzche, Deandra Gardner, Nichole Guidotti, Johannes Paraan, Michelle Vandewoestyne,
Spring 2014: Bryannita (Bry) Aiken, Mary Butterfield, Rachel Chapin, Leah Hittesdorf, Alison Horsch, Millicent Lippert,
Tiffiny Pieper, Gabriella (Gabbi) Polen, Rachel Wilson
Advisor or Committee Member: Organizational Learning, Performance, and Change M. Ed. student
Spring 2017 (anticipated): Phillip Taylor
Undergraduate Honors Advisor: Duel Major, Biological Science & Sociology
Spring 2014: Emily Hall
Outside Committee Member: Social Work M.Ed.
Spring 2016: Christopher Barker, Evie (Evan) Decker , Sierra Weast

Journal Reviewer: School Science and Mathematics (2016), Networks: The Online Journal for Teacher Research (2014-15),
The Journal of Geoscience Education (2011)
Book Reviewer: Corwin Press (2008) Five steps in statistics: A consumers guide to inferential decision making.
Conference Reviewer: AERA Reviewer (2015) Division K Sections 7 (Teacher Recruitment, Induction, Mentoring, and
Retention For and From Diverse Communities and Contexts) & 8 (Teacher Professional Development: Impact on Teacher
Practices and Student Learning); AERA Reviewer (2014) Division K Sections 7 & 8.
Professional Affiliations: American Association of University Women (AAUW), American Educational Research Association
(AERA), School Science and Mathematics Association (SSM); National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Association
for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE); American Evaluation
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Association; (AEA), Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), National Association for the Education of Young
Children (NAEYC).
University Service: Co-hosted a screening of Fort Collins: Choice City. For Whom, a film about racism in Fort Collins, CO,
which was attended by approx. 225 university and community members; CSU Center for the Analytics of Learning and
Teaching (C-ALT) Member (2015-present); Judge for Undergraduate Research Showcase (2014-present).
Departmental Service: Action Research (Course Leader 4 sections, 4 instructors); Curriculum Development Course Leader (4
sections, 4 instructors); Assistant Business Manager Search Committee (Fall 2016); TEAC/CAEP Accreditation Committee
(2014-present); M.Ed. Education Sciences Admissions Committee Member (2014-present); Ph.D. Education Sciences
Committee Member (2016-present); School of Education School of Education Program Review Committee (2015-present);
Diversity Cluster Hire Committee member (2014-15).
Other Service: AERA Session Chair (2015) Division K Section 8: Teacher Professional Development: Impact on Teacher
Practices and Student Learning.

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