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Dillon Lynch

Stage 1 - Desired Results

Properties of Matter Unit: Energy and chemical reactions change and affect the world
around us
Essential Questions
The students will understand that
How does particle movement and
The world is made up of matter and
placement affect the state of matter?
can change based on the environment
Why is particle movement
around it.
dependent on energy?
How can changes of matter and
particle changes be reflected in our
everyday life?
Students will know
phase of matter is dependent on
particle movement and arrangement
in a solid, particles are tightly
arranged and cannot move past each
in a liquid particles are loosely
arranged and can slide past each other
in a gas particles are loosely
arranged and can move past each other
very quickly

Use the relationship between heat
and the motion and arrangement of
particles in solids, liquids and gases to
explain melting, freezing, condensation
and evaporation (
Students will be able to
identify the different phases of
describe the process of particle
arrangement as heat is added.
explain the relationship between
energy and heat in terms of particle
Language Objective
SWBAT classify the different states
of matter verbally
SWBAT define the following terms:
Particle Arrangement

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
Exit Ticket
See, Think Wonder
At the end of the class
Students will watch a
period, students will answer the
video/demonstration and observe
question: Draw the particle
what is being presented. Then the
arrangement for a solid, liquid and
students will write down or raise
gas? What happens to the
their hand when they hear words
particles when they are going
that they dont know. Then they will
through a phase change? Correct
share-out questions they might

Dillon Lynch

answers indicate mastery of learning


target of the day. Teacher can

determine what materials need
further explanation by observing
trends of where students are
struggling with lesson based on
incorrect answers.
Criteria of success is
by answering correctly by the
correct drawing of the three particle
arrangements. The correct answer
to the second question would be
related to something along the lines
of As energy is added the particles
begin to move faster and move
farther apart.
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Pre-Assessment Drill (10 min)
Directions for the drill are on the board along with the
learning target. The drill of the period is What makes a solid different from a
liquid? What makes a liquid different from a gas while the learning target states
that I can describe the states of matter and their particle arrangements. The
teacher will circulate, respond to questions, and monitor behavior to keep
students on track.
Students silently answer the drill questions and copy the
learning target on their Drill paper. Students that finish early will help pass out
student notebooks.
Provcevation: See, think wonder (15 min)
The teacher will prompt the students to turn to the particle
notes in their note book to have open as we watch a video. The video will be
viewed twice. This first time, the teacher will simply show the video and tell
students to just listen and watch what is on the screen.
The second time the video is watched, the teacher will ask
the students to write down words that they dont know in their notebook under
the appropriate section. Once the video is over, teacher will give students 1 min
to write down any question that they have. Once the minute is over, students will
share out to the class question that students might have.
Students will silently view the video both times, only writing
down for the second viewing of the video for content they were unfamiliar with
as well as thoughts and comments. During their minute to write down questions,
they can discuss at their table and can then speak at a normal volume level if

Dillon Lynch

sharing out to their class.

Procedure: Finish Guided Notes (20 min) Teacher:
Teacher will tell students to remain on the particle notes
page that they are on and will fill out guided notes alongside students on the
document camera. These notes will cover what a particle is, the arrangements
or particles, and the definitions of the various changes of matter (condensation,
evaporation, melting, and freezing). Teach will have students read sections out
loud as we finish the notes.
CFU: thumbs up when done, fist to five: how confident do
you feel that you understand particle arrangement
High five and share is it seems necessary to keep students
CFU: listen to student conversations
Students will complete guided notes silently and
independently. Students who were not present for the previous class will be
given the completed notes before hand to fill out.
Particle Game (15min)
Teacher will go over rules of the game. This includes that
the students are particles and their movement depends on which state of
matter they are in. The will call out the state of matter or the changing phase
that the particles are undergoing. The students must change to the correct
particle movement. If they dont change, are the last person to change, or if they
do the incorrect movement then they must return to their seat. The game ends
when either enough people are sitting down or enough time has passed. The
teacher will have three volunteers come up and demonstrate what they think
each particle state should look like. For example, if the teacher says Solid then
the students would respond by not moving or buzzing in place close to the
other students. If the teacher says Evaporation then the students who were
moving slightly would then begin to move around a lot not being in a single
Teacher will then go over the expectations for the game
including how we show respect for our classmates during a movement based
activity (no pushing or shoving, no hurtful language, indoor voices, etc.). If
expectations are not followed then the game will end early. Also, the teacher will
tell students that particles do not have talk therefore there shouldnt be shouting
from the particles. Some noise will be allowed as it is a game to get students
active and moving.
Once students are ready, have the students stand up and
push in their chairs. The teacher will then begin the game. After about 10-15
minutes, the teacher will end the game and have students return to their seats
The students will sit silently while the instructions for the
class are being explained. Students will raise their hands if they wish to read
both the rules of the game and the expectations of the game.
Once the procedures have been followed, then when the
teacher says go, the students will stand up and push in the chairs and begin to

Dillon Lynch

play the game. If they are told that they are out, then they will sit back in their
chair until either a new round or the end of the game. At this point the students
will then return to their seats.
Post-Assessment + Closing: Exit Ticket
Teacher will post on the board the exit ticket. The exit ticket will be the
following questions:
Draw the particle arrangement for a solid, liquid and
What happens to the particles when they are going
through a phase change?
Teacher will circulate, scaffolding and helping students who are having
difficulty answering the question.
Student will silently respond to the exit ticket question and write a
reflection on the day. Once completed, students will stay in their seats until their table
is dismissed by the teacher.
Stage 4 - Reflection
Glows: Easily the best part of the lesson plan was the particle game. Doing this allowed the
students to not only visualize the concept via movement but it was also a way for students to check
their understanding based on the movement of the students. If students were responding in a
different way based on my call (still moving around when I would shout out solid) then I knew one
of 2 things. Either they didnt understand my directions or they didnt understand the topic and I
could address it with the student to see what the issue was and if they need help with the content.
Grows/Improvements: One thing that I would definitely change if I were to do this activity again
would be to pause the video more often so that students had time to write info down about the video
they were watching. This was hard because I would want to circulate around the room to monitor
students but also had to be near the computer in order to make sure that I could pause the video.
Even though it was stated in the lesson plan, if I were to do it again, I would have students watch the
video the first time straight through and then watch it one more time and pausing if the students
raised their hand to indicate that they wanted to make note of something. During the actual lesson I
didnt follow this and had students just raise their hand when they wanted me to pause it the first
time and this meant that a lot of time was taken up by the video.

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