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Eeu 305 Lesson Plan 3

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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Mackenzie Snyder Date: 03/18/2021

Group Size: Full Class Allotted Time: 50 minutes Grade Level: Third Grade

Subject or Topic: Exploring Different Types of Motion

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Standard - 3.2.1.B1
Demonstrate various types of motion. Observe and describe how pushes and pulls
change the motion of objects.

NGSS Standard

3-PS2-2: Make Observations and/or measurements of an object’s motion to provide

evidence that a pattern can be used to predict future motion.

Learning Targets/Objectives:
3 part objective
The students will be using different types of motion, recognizing the force behind the motion
and observing the motion with different objects.
Assessment Approaches: Evidence:
1. Motion Journal (Formative) 1. Observation
2. Sticky Notes 2. Observation
3. Choice Board Worksheet 3. Collect

Assessment Scale:
● Advanced: The students observed and elaborated on three or more of the sources
from the choice board
● Proficient: The students observed and elaborated on two of the sources from the
choice board
● Basic: The students observed and elaborated on at least one of the sources from the
choice board.
Subject Matter/Content:
● Motion
● Force
● Rotational Motion
● Oscillatory Motion
● Precessional Motion
● Observation Skills
Key Vocabulary: Vocabulary you want them to understand and remember from the lesson,
list and define, get definitions from kidsdictionary.com, source at the bottom
● Rotational Motion:is the change of position of an object with respect to its
surrounding on a circular path.
● Oscillatory Motion: the repeated motion in which an object repeats the same
movement over and over
● Precessional Motion: a change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating
● Motion: is an act or process of moving
● Force: a natural power or effect that is able to change the speed or direction of
● The teacher will do a quick recap of what each of the types of motion are and what
force is.
● The teacher will tell the students to pull out their Motion Journals for observations.
● The teacher will explain the expectations for the observations
● Students will observe all three different types of motion and take observations
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
Engage part of the lesson, give enough information to understand what is going on, use a
verb or command word, not paragraph, bullet or number
● The teacher will start the class off by pulling out a bunch of random objects and
materials that relate to the different types of motion we have been learning about,
out of a box in front of the class. The teacher will then ask the students if they think
they know what activity they will be participating in today. The teacher will then wait
for students to make guesses. The teacher will then tell the class that today we are
going to be looking at the different forms of motion that we have been learning about
and working with objects hands on and causing the motion.
Development/Teaching Approaches
● The teacher will then begin the class with a little review so the students remember
the vocabulary that they had learned the previous days so they can use it
appropriately in their inquiry. the topics we are going to review are:
○ Motion: is an act or process of moving
○ Force: a natural power or effect that is able to change the speed or direction
of something
○ Rotational Motion: is the change of position of an object with respect to its
surrounding on a circular path
○ Oscillatory Motion: the repeated motion in which an object repeats the same
movement over and over
○ Precessional Motion: a change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a
rotating body.
○ Observations:
■ Should be looking for the differences between the three types
■ Differences between different objects/materials that you use
■ What kind of force is needed for the object to go into its appropriate
● After reviewing all of the different topics the teacher will then explain that inquiry
that the students will be participating in for the day.
○ “Today class we are going to be taking a closer look at the three different
types of motion that we have learned about. This time it is going to be a hands
on learning experience.”
● The teacher will then tell the students to get their Motion Journals out and pass out
the observation sheets for the students to add to the journal.
● While the students are adding in the pages the teacher will write groups up on the
front board for the students to get into once they have the papers added.
● The teacher will then pass out all of the materials to each of the groups.
● The materials are:
○ a variety of spherical objects (4 per group)
○ a Newton’s Cradle (1 per group)
○ A watch on a chain to swing back and forth (1 per group)
○ A mini globe on an axis (1 per group)
○ 3 different size ramps (1 set per group)
○ A variety of different size tops (3 per group)
● The teacher will walk around observing the students and listening into their
conversations and helping if there is any confusion about the different forms of
motion that they are observing.
● The students will get 20 minutes to observe these different types of motion and write
all of the information they can before going back to their original seats.
● The teacher will pass out sticky notes to each student and they will write one thing
they observed and put it on the front board. They will then have a discussion with
reading all of the different sticky notes and talking about the activity.
● The students will then pull out their iPad/Tablets and they will look at the choice
board the teacher had created and fill out a worksheet that relates to the choice
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
Do not put your assessment in the closing, revisit objective, leave something exciting, books
videos, use a teaser to have them excited for the next day
● Today the students observed the different forms of motion with a hands on
experience. They got a closer look at what the different forms of motion actually look
● The students also explored the choice board including topics about the three forms of
motion and Rube Goldberg Machines.
● We are going to close out today’s lesson with another Rube Goldberg Machine video
for inspiration for tomorrow’s lesson.
○ Tell the kids they can bring in different materials they would want to use in
their machines like toy cars, blocks, boxes, balls, dominoes, etc,.
○ https://youtu.be/RBOqfLVCDv8
Accommodations/Differentiation: Follow all IEPs
Student X has progressive muscular dystrophy. She struggles mainly with her fine motor
skills. For her I will supply her a tablet or iPad to be able to do her journal on the iPad. She
will be able to take notes for her journal using the voice to text application. She can also use
an apple pencil with a grip to be able to draw in her journal. She will also be able to complete
her worksheets on the iPad or Tablet. The teacher will also provide bigger more tangible
objects for the student to be able to participate in the hands-on portion of the lesson.
everything needed for inquiries, anything you use, all of your resources, books in APA, don’t
have to cite websites
Make a list of ALL of the materials needed at the bottom of the page
● Motion Journal Observation Sheets (30)
● Various size spherical objects (6 sets)
● a variety of spherical objects (20, 4 per group)
● a Newton’s Cradle (5, 1 per group)
● A watch on a chain to swing back and forth (5, 1 per group)
● A mini globe on an axis (5, 1 per group)
● 3 different size ramps (15, 1 set per group)
● A variety of different size tops (15, 3 per group)
● Choice Board
○ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1S5gSoJsvwzg578vX8FgRx5i-7UW-
● Choice Board Worksheet
● Rube Goldberg Video
○ World’s largest Rube Goldberg machine lights up Christmas tree (Video file).
(2016, December 06). Retrieved April 17,2021, from
● iPad/Tablets (30)
● Apple Pencils (30)
● Crayon (30 packs)
● Pencils (30)

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels
Remediation Plan (if applicable)
Personal Reflection Questions
2-3 questions picked to ask myself
Additional reflection/thoughts
Rotational Motion
Oscillatory Motion

Precessional Motion


Choice Board Worksheet

Pick at least 3 topics to explore and write down what you learned from them in the boxes.
Choice 1:

Choice 2:

Choice 3:

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