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The lecture discusses various tools that can be used in medical astrology including anatomical correspondences, decumbiture charts, and the use of eclipses.

Anatomical correspondences between the zodiac signs and parts of the body are discussed, ranging from Aries to Pisces.

A decumbiture chart is a chart cast for the time when a person becomes ill.




a lecture by


by Diane L. Cramer, M.S., NCGR IV
from an NCGR Conference

Anatomical Correspondences..................................................................4
What to Look at in a Chart....................................................................5
The Decumbiture Chart......................................................................... 10
Chart Indicators................................................................................... 13
The Chart Ruler.................................................................................. 16
Chart Qualities................................................................................... 17
Critical Days....................................................................................... 17
Treatment......................................................................................... 19
The Use of Eclipses................................................................................23
About the Author.................................................................................29

*Please read the disclaimer at the end of this article for important information.
Always consult with a licensed health care practitioner when you have a
medical condition that requires attention.



Welcome to this session in which we will discuss some of the

tools that are available to us in medical astrology. In the lectures

that I have been giving over the years, I always show how to read
a chart from the perspective of medical astrology. Today, I want
to introduce you to some additional techniques that you might
not know about.

We are going to explore three separate methods:

1. Anatomical correspondences.
2. The Decumbiture Charta chart for when you get ill.
3. The use of eclipses with respect to health.


Tools in Medical Astrology

You will get an introduction to several techniques that many astrologers know
nothing about. Lets start with the anatomical correspondences, from Aries to Pisces.
The anatomical correspondences used to be on the NCGR Web site and hopefully
will be listed there again. They can be found on the Internet simply by searching for
Anatomical Correspondences. The Geocosmic Journal The Best of NCGR, Spring 2006
also lists them.
There are many sources for interpretations of degrees of the zodiac. If you go into
the Nicolas Devore Encyclopedia of Astrology1 you will find information from zero to three
hundred and sixty degrees for each degree of the zodiac. The degrees we are looking
at were done by Ebertin and translated from German by Mary Vorchek years ago, with
the information in parentheses given by Charles Carter. So what you are seeing is
information that is strictly medical although there are many other ways of finding out
what each degree of the zodiac means.
Some of this information goes back to William Lilly. The decumbiture chart goes
back to the 1600s. What is all this stuff and what do you do with it? Supposedly, every
degree of the zodiac relates to a part of the body, a bone in the body, a disease or anything
you are prone to. I am going to give you an example in one of the charts on your handout
and Ill show you how you can use them.
The degrees of the zodiac have been used as far back as William Lilly and
Culpepper. If you want more information on them, look at the Encyclopedia of
Psychological Astrology by C.E.O. Carter.2 In your handout, anything in parentheses is by
C.E.O. Carter. Notice that it says 13 Aries, and in parentheses it says nerve fibers and
rheumatism. That is from Carter. Ebertin is responsible for all the other information.
And as I said, the information was translated from German by Mary Vorchek many
years ago. Read all the information that C.E.O. Carter says about the degrees of the
zodiac. There are many degrees that correlate with various diseases. Thats in his
book Encyclopedia of Psychological Astrology. The Devore Encyclopedia of Astrology has
information from zero degrees through the whole zodiac. Some of them are medical,
others are just natal chart meanings.

www.dianecramer.com/arts.html - DIANE CRAMER

Tools in Medical Astrology

A Handbook of Medical Astrology, by Jane Ridder Patrick3 has an entire chapter with
degrees of the zodiac, and she also has information on the decumbiture chart, but more
on that later. My first book, How To Give An Astrological Health Reading,4 is on how to go
through a chart with respect to health. If you want to get more specific information on
the degrees, you can find it in the Ridder book. The example Im going to give you is from
Eleanor Kimmels book on cosmobiology.5 She has a whole section using the degrees of
the zodiac. So there you have it, there are different sources for information on this topic.
I recommend that you investigate them and see if they work in your own chart. For now,
Im going to show you what Eleanor Kimmel does with them.

What to Look at in a Chart

The example I am going to give you is from Eleanor Kimmels book.5 The
question to ask is, what should you look at? You should take your Sun sign and the
exact position of the Sun in your chart. Then look to see if you have any of the health
disorders related to that degree. Your question to me might be, What degree do I
use? It starts at one and goes to thirty for each degree of each sign. So it seems that
0 in your chart would equate to 1 and 29 in your chart would equate to 30. If you
have a planet in 29 you look at 30. If you have a planet in 0 you look at 1. But there
is no agreement among astrologers. Jane Ridder Patrick mentions this, and she says that

HOW TO CALCULATE A MIDPOINTDo you know how to convert to longitude?

Let me give you a quick example.
Well do the Saturn-Neptune midpoint. For instance, Saturn is at 29 Scorpio. Scorpio
starts at 210 so we add 29 to make it 239. Well forget the minutes. Then we look at
Neptune, at 28 Libra. Libra starts at 180 so we add 180 plus 28 to get 208. We add
the two together, divide by 2 to get our Saturn-Neptune midpoint: 22830'. This is equal
to 1830' Scorpio.
You have to also know your near and far midpoints. The midpoint could be Taurus or
Scorpio. Literally, the midpoint is the point between two planets or angles in your chart.
You use the near one but you can use the far one also.

www.dianecramer.com/arts.html - DIANE CRAMER

Tools in Medical Astrology



Diane L. Cramer, M.S. is a certified (Level IV, NCGR) consulting astrologer, lecturer
and teacher in all aspects of astrology in New York City. She is an expert in the various
disciplines of astrology including natal chart interpretation, long-term forecasts, solar
return interpretation, and chart comparison. She specializes in writing and instructing
on medical astrology and nutrition and has published four books: Managing Your Health
& Wellness (Llewellyn), How to Give an Astrological Health Reading (AFA), Dictionary of
Medical Astrology (AFA) and Medical Astrology: Let the Stars Guide You to Good Health
(Jove Press). She prepares health readings based on the natal chart.
Diane has Masters and post-Masters degrees in Education from Hunter College
in New York City, and a BA in English, Speech and Journalism from the University of
Florida. Diane is a member of the education faculty of the NCGR in New York City and has
published articles on medical astrology in both the NCGR Journal and the AFA Bulletin
as well as the Uranian Journal of the Uranian SIG. She has also been featured in Dell
Horoscope. Diane lives in New York City.
Visit her Web site dianecramer.com or contact her at diane@dianecramer.com

v v v
Books by Diane Cramer
Managing Your Health & Wellness
How to Give an Astrological Health Reading
Dictionary of Medical Astrology
Medical Astrology: Let the Stars Guide You to Good Health
Articles by Diane Cramer
The Astrology of Weight Loss
The Planets in Medical Astrology
Improve Your Health with Astrology
Rebalancing with the Elements & Modes in Astrology
Mental Aberrations in Medical Astrology
Staying Alive & Healthy with Astrology

www.dianecramer.com/arts.html - DIANE CRAMER

Tools in Medical Astrology


This is a transcript of a lecture given at the December2002 conference of the
National Council on Geocosmic Research, NCGR. It has been edited for consistency and
clarity. The material in this article is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
It is not intended to replace or to be used for the purpose of a medical diagnosis.
Diane Cramer is not a licensed physician, nutritionist or medical doctor. For
a medical diagnosis, see a licensed medical doctor or physician. Always consult a
nutritionist and your doctor when changing a dietary regime, when starting a weight
management program, or when using any kind of nutritional supplement. The author does
not endorse any one of the diet and weight management programs mentioned in this
article, nor does she receive any kind of financial or other compensation for mentioning
these programs.
All trademarks mentioned in this publication are the property of their respective owners.
Reproduced with permission from NCGR - NY Chapter, www.geocosmic.org. For more
information on specific astrological configurations, see bobmarksastrologer.com
LAYOUT & DESIGN: Vincent Vanderbent, vanderbentv@gmail.com
COPYRIGHT 2007-2009, Diane L. Cramer, M.S. All Rights Reserved.

www.dianecramer.com/arts.html - DIANE CRAMER

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