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Astrological Research Virus Diseases

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The document provides biographical information and astrological data for over 300 people who passed away from COVID-19 in 2020.

The document provides biographical details and astrological charts for over 300 people who died from COVID-19 in 2020, listing their name, date of birth, date and location of death, and a link to their Wikipedia page.

For each person listed, the document provides their name, date and place of birth, date and place of death, and a link to their Wikipedia page. It also includes an astrological chart for each person with astrological positions.

Astrological Research:

Virus Diseases

Cemal Cicek

31 March 2020

Preface. ............................................................................................................... 7

Ailey, Alvin . ........................................................................................................13
Ashe, Arthur . ......................................................................................................15
Bagouet, Dominique . ...........................................................................................18
Barr, Richard . .....................................................................................................20
Bender, Hans . .....................................................................................................23
Bennett, Michael. .................................................................................................26
Bergalis, Kimberly . ..............................................................................................28
Bernau, Christopher. ............................................................................................30
Bertin, Gilles . ......................................................................................................31
Blazey, Peter. ......................................................................................................33
Bloom, Allan . ......................................................................................................35
Boswell, John E. . .................................................................................................37
Brudnoy, David . ..................................................................................................39
Burke, Glenn. ......................................................................................................41
Cammarata, Maria Carla . ......................................................................................43
Carter, Charles. ...................................................................................................45
Carter, Lynne . .....................................................................................................47
Cazuza . ..............................................................................................................49
Cervera, Jorge . ...................................................................................................50
Charleson, Ian . ...................................................................................................53
Chatwin, Bruce. ...................................................................................................55
Cole, Robert. .......................................................................................................58
Collard, Cyril . ......................................................................................................61
Corey, Robert Edmund . ........................................................................................63
Cunningham, Scott . .............................................................................................65
Derlich, Didier . ....................................................................................................67
Deveza, Robert . ..................................................................................................69
Donn, Jorgé . .......................................................................................................73
Dorsey, Issan. .....................................................................................................75
Duve, Pascal de. ..................................................................................................78
Eaton, Joseph Emerson . .......................................................................................80
Ellis, Perry . .........................................................................................................83
Everett, Kenny . ...................................................................................................85
Eyen, Tom . .........................................................................................................87
Forsythe, Roger. ..................................................................................................89
Frederick, Derek. .................................................................................................91
Gaffney, Martin F. ................................................................................................93
Galindo, Rudy . ....................................................................................................95
Gaudin, Laurent . .................................................................................................97
Gaudin, Stéphane . .............................................................................................101
Gibson, Gary. ....................................................................................................104
Guibert, Hervé . .................................................................................................106
Halston . ...........................................................................................................109
Hamerslough, Bruce F. . ......................................................................................111
Hammack, George . ............................................................................................113
Haring, Keith . ...................................................................................................116
Hegland, John Raymond . ....................................................................................119
Helm, Jesse Portis . ............................................................................................121
Feinberg, David B. . ............................................................................................123
Flynt, Althea . ....................................................................................................125
Foucault, Michel . ...............................................................................................127

Galvao, Ney .......................................................................................................129
Govers, Frank ....................................................................................................130
Grossman, Michael Jay ........................................................................................132
Henfil ................................................................................................................134
Herran, Christian ................................................................................................136
Higgins, Colin.....................................................................................................137
Hoban, Gordon...................................................................................................139
Hocquenghem, Guy ............................................................................................141
Holmes, John .....................................................................................................144
Hudgins, Jayson .................................................................................................146
Hudson, Rock.....................................................................................................149
Ida, Bruce .........................................................................................................153
Idemon, Richard.................................................................................................155
Jarman, Derek ...................................................................................................156
Johnson, Hadley .................................................................................................158
Johnson, Holly....................................................................................................160
Joseph, Tony......................................................................................................161
Judge, Peter Daniel .............................................................................................165
Kastner, Charles.................................................................................................167
Kert, Larry .........................................................................................................169
Klinsky, Michael..................................................................................................171
Kraus, Werner....................................................................................................173
Le Luron, Thierry ................................................................................................175
Liberace ............................................................................................................177
Lloyd, Daryl .......................................................................................................180
Loud, Lance .......................................................................................................183
Lucas, Hue ........................................................................................................185
Lupo, Michele .....................................................................................................187
Mancinelli, Graziano ............................................................................................189
Manzares, Henry ................................................................................................190
Marcoaldi, Stefano ..............................................................................................194
Marocco, Steve ..................................................................................................195
Messina, Calogero ..............................................................................................197
Millious, John .....................................................................................................199
Monette, Paul.....................................................................................................200
Moschino, Franco................................................................................................203
Mapplethorpe, Robert..........................................................................................205
Moyer, John Jr. ..................................................................................................207
Newsome, Houston .............................................................................................210
Nomi, Klaus .......................................................................................................211
Noss, Gary.........................................................................................................213
Ognibene, Albert ................................................................................................215
Parker, Al ..........................................................................................................217
Paul, Patrick.......................................................................................................219
Paulin, Thierry....................................................................................................220
Pender, Stephen.................................................................................................222
Piriou, Val..........................................................................................................224
Popham, Paul .....................................................................................................226
Preston, Jonathan...............................................................................................228
Querico, Michael .................................................................................................229
Rambo, Dack .....................................................................................................231
Reed, Robert......................................................................................................233
Reichstein, Dallas F. Jr. .......................................................................................235
Richardson, Eric Todd .........................................................................................237
Richmond, Timothy.............................................................................................239
Rodriguez, Enrique .............................................................................................241
Romero, Jean-Luc...............................................................................................243
Russell, Craig .....................................................................................................244
Russo, Renato . ..................................................................................................246
Santucci, Raymond James . .................................................................................248
Sasportas, Howard . ...........................................................................................250
Schwabe, J. . .....................................................................................................252
Scott, Jeremy. ...................................................................................................254
Shilts, Randy . ...................................................................................................256
Siebel, Jay . .......................................................................................................258
Silva, Frank . .....................................................................................................260
Skau, Frederick . ................................................................................................262
Smith, Jack. ......................................................................................................264
Steers, Hugh Auchincloss . ..................................................................................266
Stiehr, Charles . .................................................................................................268
Sullivan, J.P. . ....................................................................................................269
Sullivan, Louis Graydon . .....................................................................................271
Sylvester . .........................................................................................................273
Tank . ...............................................................................................................275
Tatelman, Milton . ..............................................................................................277
Taylor, Victor . ...................................................................................................278
Teague, Forrest . ................................................................................................280
Torres, Don . .....................................................................................................282
Vassi, Marco . ....................................................................................................284
Waddell, Tom. ...................................................................................................286
Wagstaff, Sam . .................................................................................................288
Walliker, Paul . ...................................................................................................290
Watkins, Perry . .................................................................................................292
Westergard, Dan . ..............................................................................................294
Westlund, Chris . ................................................................................................296
Weston, Bradford C. . .........................................................................................298
White, Edmund . ................................................................................................299
Whiting, Terry Owen . .........................................................................................300
Williams, Rev. Robert . ........................................................................................303
Winnings, Michael . .............................................................................................304
Wojnarowicz, David . ..........................................................................................305

Spanish Flu Cases

Auf der Maur, Melissa. ........................................................................................307

Boumal, Louis . ..................................................................................................308
Genet, Camille Gabrielle . ....................................................................................310
Janiszewski, Zygmunt . .......................................................................................312
Kabotie, Michael . ...............................................................................................314
Leneru, Marie. ...................................................................................................317
Marto, Francisco . ...............................................................................................319
Marto, Jacinta . ..................................................................................................321
Souza-Cardoso, Amadeo de . ...............................................................................323

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Cases

Nicolas Alfonsi. ..................................................................................................326

Aileen Baviera . ..................................................................................................327
Mark Blum . .......................................................................................................328
Lucia Bosè . .......................................................................................................329
Germà Colón. ....................................................................................................331
Manu Dibango . ..................................................................................................332
Luciano Federici . ...............................................................................................333
Paul Goma . .......................................................................................................334
Vittorio Gregotti .................................................................................................335
Olle Holmquist ...................................................................................................336
Li Wenliang........................................................................................................337
Mike Longo ........................................................................................................338
Zororo Makamba ................................................................................................339
Terrence McNally ................................................................................................340
Angelo Moreschi .................................................................................................341
Marcelo Peralta ..................................................................................................342
Giovanni Battista Rabino .....................................................................................343
Calogero Rizzuto (Architect).................................................................................344
Lorenzo Sanz .....................................................................................................345
Hossein Sheikholeslam ........................................................................................346
Aytaç Yalman .....................................................................................................347

“Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just
because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books.
Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because
someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true.”



The systematic use of harmonics goes back to the Hamburg School . The Ebertin School
took over the harmonics from the Hamburg School and worked first with harmonic 4
(90°) and later with harmonic 8 (45°).

The Hamburg School of Astrology is currently working with harmonic 16 (22,5°).

However this does not mean that nobody at the Hamburg School worked with higher
harmonics. As I have been informed,in the 40's an astrologer from the Hamburg School,
Ernst Esch, worked with harmonics 64,128,256.He would also have worked with
harmonic 12,24,48,96. Although he made some exact predictions with his harmonics. As
far as I know, the Hamburg School has not done any research with these harmonics.
We don't know why. It was a serious mistake that this postponed the astrological
development for 70 years.

Now the Hamburg School makes another mistake and pretends that Ernst Esch only
worked with harmonics 12,24,48,96. And the Hamburg School only wants to research
these harmonics further.It would be logical if the next harmonic was h-32 after working
with 4-8-16.A hundred years later they come up with maybe harmonic 64.The Hamburg
School has obviously forgotten what is written in "Rules for Planetary Pictures".:

It would be foolishness to say: "Now we know everything"; we don't know that, but we
know ways that bring us further than the previous ways.

I am curious to know, if it were the other way round, that is, if I had worked with
harmonic 12-24-96 etc. and were examples from Ernst Esch with harmonic 64-128-256,
what would the Hamburg School have done ?

There are many astrological schools in the world, which differ greatly from each other,
and these schools are not homogeneous, because within these schools there are various
sub-schools. Of course in this sub schools there are also different opinions. Astrology
world today looks like a jungle.

1- In Microastrology we work with the sidereal Zodiac, because my experience since I

have been doing research has shown that the tropical Zodiac does not work.

I write again, astrology is such an exact science that you cannot imagine it.My works are
proof of this. I don't say "works for me" like many astrologers, but I bring proof that can
be checked at any time.

2- The sidereal progression keys are used because tropical keys do not work, which is
more evident when using harmonic 64 only.

The examples of this can be studied in my work "Progressions",which I published in

2018.And the works that I have published since 2018 prove that these keys are
correct.Western siderealists are looking for the right key, but they are not sure which one
is the right one, because they only work 360° circle and look somewhere else where they
cannot find anything.With only axes examinations one does not find much.Of course
before that you have to define the axes finally, what they are.

3- Only 2n harmonics are used.

4- We work up to harmonic 4096 if it is not a matter of birth time correction. If we want

to correct the birth time to the second, we work with the even higher harmonics. For this
we use only the sun and planetary pictures, not AC and MC axes.

You can't see all events in harmonic-16, so you have to control other harmonics so you
can see everything that can't be seen in harmonic-16.
If we had software that displayed harmonic points in a circle, we would only have needed
two harmonics to see all the harmonic points.

Here other harmonic points are displayed when we work with a circle that is set to H-16.

2n Harmonics :

360° 1
180° 2
90° 4
45° 8
22°30' 16
11°15' 32
5°37'30" 64
2°48'45" 128
1°24'22" 256
0°42'11" 512
0°21'05" 1024
0°10'32" 2048
0°05'16" 4096
0°02'38" 8192
0°01'19" 16384
0°00'40" 32768
0°00'20" 65536
0°00'10" 131072
0°00'05" 262144

Here other harmonic points are displayed when we work with a circle that is set to

There is no universal harmonic for all events and for all astrological calculation
techniques such as progressions and returns. It is the worst mistake of all astrological
schools. They only want to use either 360° horoscopes or H-16 to see
everything.Inevitably compelled, they then use other tools to explain the events, such as
domicile and detriment, exaltation and fall, triplicity, terms, face, fixed stars,
lots,asteroids, antiscion,aspects,house ruler and orb .....etc.

It may be that you can see marriage event e.g. with Solar in h-16, you cannot see with
Lunar in h-16, so normally for an event you must consult h-16,64,256,1024 and 4096.

Here only harmonic 256 was used, I find h-256 more practical than other harmonics.
First reason is, you don't need the birth time to be exactly correct. It does not matter a
few minutes of inaccuracy.Secondly, if we only know the day of the event but not the
exact time, we can use this harmonic for secondary progressions. if you also want to
calculate tertiary and minor progressions, you would have to use harmonic 16 and/or
harmonic 64 when the event time is only given as a day. In order not to confuse the
readers, I have not used tertary and minor progressions.

5-Transits,Secondary Progression,Secondary Progressed Lunar Phases (if it is only known

the year of the event) ,Solar,Lunar and Progressed Lunar returns were used.
6-In some examples, the AC ruler is referred to so that the connections to the sun can be

7-In this work most of the research is done AIDS/HIV cases, because we have many
known cases, but for Spanish flu and corona virus (Covid-19) we have very few known
a) For the AIDS/HIV cases harmonic 256 was used.For two examples harmonic 16 was
used, because there are no birth times.
b) For the Spanish flu cases harmonic 256 was used.
c) For the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases harmonic 16 was used,because
there are no birth times.

8- In the examples I only write the planets that are relevant to this research. I do not
write other planets that are also involved, except in some examples AC ruler, so that
they do not disturb our attention.We are only interested in what we are looking for.
Whether the person has suffered much or less, or what the circumstances were like, or
what person was with her/him, this is not the subject of this research.
Therefore for each person during the event other planets will be there.

9-AC Ruler : I take these planets that showed below as AC rulers. I will show that our
planetary pictures will work regardless of AC ruler in all cases. I only show for the
researchers, so that they can check the connections.This is also a possible way to find
out true rulers. You can often notice at important events that (Progressed, Solar, Lunar
etc.) AC Lord forms exactly harmonic with the Sun, AC, its own radix position or with the
planets that indicate the event.

           
           
AC and AC ruler represent the body, respectively the place.The sun represents the
person, the soul.The sun represents not the Ego.Ego is something artificial, depending on
the planet constellations is created and disappears. Like the sun rises and sets every day,
the soul (sun) is born again and again with a new body (AC and AC ruler) after death,
when predetermined time comes.

It is neither right nor wrong when Hamburg School takes the AC as another,social
environment, surroundings.If we write AC in a planet picture, this is actually AC-DC axis,
because in Dial both coincide on one point.DC and DC ruler are partner and social
environment.In order to differentiate whether it is about the own body or the
partner,social environment, we would have to examine the true rulers of AC and DC.

10- I ignore progressed MC positions, because I have not yet checked which calculation
method is the right one.

11- We can add and/or subtract the harmonics values to each other, the value we have
found is also a harmonic value.
When we work for example with the h-256, only add/subtract opposition and square
positions of the harmonic we are working with.

For example, if we work with H-256 (1° 24' 22") then we only add/subtract the values 0°
42' 11" and 0° 21' 05".To find the harmonic point between two harmonics points you can
subtract or add the value 0° 10' 32".

12-The virus diseases indicate ,and .

When these three planets form harmonic to each other or to the sun, the person has the
virus, and if MA/SA is also involved, it will be fatal. It is not always necessary that three
or four planets simultaneously together form a harmonic.It is also enough that the four
planets are linked with each other.

As you can see in the picture below, Uranus connects both planetary pictures.

Used :

1-Sidereal zodiac (Krishnamurti Ayanamsa), Mean Node.

23°45'56" for Year 2000. Speed of precession is 50.2388475.

2-Progression Key :
Secondary Progression : 1 sidereal day = 1 sidereal year

Zet Settings :
a sidereal day (23h 56m 4.091s)
a sidereal month (27d 7h 43m 11.47s)
a sidereal year (365d 6h 9m 9.5s)

Note : a) When only event day known, event time is not known, I take time as 00:00.
b)  is Zeus. For those who do not know Transneptunian :


Ailey, Alvin

5 January 1931 at 05:30 (= 05:30 AM )Rogers (Bell County), Texas, 30n56, 97w14


Death by Disease 1 December 1989 in New York (Complications from AIDS, age 58)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar = n /= n /

Solar / = Solar = n = n

Solar = n 

is AC (Scorpio) Ruler

Note : Regardless of the AC ruler  is our requirement (the combination of
,, ) fulfilled.

Death by Disease 1 December 1989 in New York (Complications from AIDS, age 58)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /= n /

Lunar = Lunar = Lunar = n 

is AC (Scorpio) Ruler

Ashe, Arthur

10 July 1943 at 12:55 (= 12:55 PM )Richmond, Virginia, 37n33, 77w28


Medical diagnosis 10 September 1988 (Told that he had AIDS)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar = Lunar /= Lunar/= n /

Lunar = n 

Lunar = n /

 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Death by Disease 6 February 1993 at 3:13 PM in New York, NY (AIDS, age 49)

Transit (harmonic 256)

t / = t /= n /

t =t

t / = t /

t / = n 

Death by Disease 6 February 1993 at 3:13 PM in New York, NY (AIDS, age 49)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = t /= n /

Lunar  = n 

Lunar  = n = n /

Bagouet, Dominique

9 July 1951 at 22:00 (= 10:00 PM )Angoulême, France, 45n39, 0e09


Death by Disease 9 December 1992 (Of AIDS, In Montpellier, France, age 41)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = n 
Solar / = n / =n 
Solar / = n /

 is AC (Capricorn) Ruler

Death by Disease 9 December 1992 (Of AIDS, In Montpellier, France, age 41)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p / = p 
p  = n / = n /

 is AC (Capricorn) Ruler

Barr, Richard

6 September 1917 at 07:48 (= 07:48 AM )Washington, District of Columbia, 38n54,



He died of liver failure and other complications from AIDS on January 9, 1989 in New
York City.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / =n /= n 

Solar = 1° 08' 35'' - (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 21' 05'') = 0° 05' 19''

n / = 1° 08' 25'' - (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 21' 05'') = 0° 05' 09''

n = 0° 05' 14''

AC (Virgo) lord Venus-solar forms with natal Hades and natal Venus with solar mars
exakt harmonic : Solar  =n  ; Solar  = n 
I take Venus as ruler of Virgo.

He died of liver failure and other complications from AIDS on January 9, 1989 in New
York City.

Secondary progression (harmonic 256)

p / =n 
p/ = 0° 47' 24'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 05' 13''

n = 0° 05' 14''

p / =n 

He died of liver failure and other complications from AIDS on January 9, 1989 in New
York City.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar  = n / 
Lunar / = Lunar / = Lunar /
Lunar  =n
Lunar  = n / 
 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Bender, Hans

5 February 1907 at 22:15 (= 10:15 PM )Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 47n59, 7e51


Died on 7 May 1991, 11:36 AM MEDT, Freiburg, Germany.

Transit (harmonic 256)

t  =t / =n / =n 

Died on 7 May 1991, 11:36 AM MEDT, Freiburg, Germany.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / =n

Solar / =n

Died on 7 May 1991, 11:36 AM MEDT, Freiburg, Germany.

Tertiary progression (harmonic 256)

p / =p /  =n 
p / = 0° 37' 19'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 16' 14''

p / = 0° 16' 01''

n = 0° 58' 31'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 16' 20''

Bennett, Michael

8 April 1943 at 08:00 (= 08:00 AM )Buffalo, New York, 42n53, 78w53


Bennett died of AIDS on 7/02/1987, 7:45 MST, Tucson, AZ.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p = n 
p =n

Bennett died of AIDS on 7/02/1987, 7:45 MST, Tucson, AZ.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / = n /= n 

Lunar  = Lunar 
We could have written like this : Lunar (=)/= n /= n 

Bergalis, Kimberly

19 January 1968 Tamaqua, Pennsylvania, 40n48, 75w58


Death by Disease 8 December 1991 at 03:00 AM in Fort Pierce, Florida (AIDS, age 23)

We use harmonic 16 for this example, because the birth time is unknown.

Solar Return (harmonic 16)

Solar /= n / = n 

Death by Disease 8 December 1991 at 03:00 AM in Fort Pierce, Florida (AIDS, age 23)

We use harmonic 16 for this example, because the birth time is unknown.

Lunar Return (harmonic 16)

Lunar /= n /

Lunar = Lunar = Lunar = n /

Solar / = n 

Bernau, Christopher

2 June 1940 at 08:14 (= 08:14 AM )Santa Barbara, California, 34n25, 119w42


Bernau died of a heart attack brought on by complications from AIDS on June 14, 1989
at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital (now Mount Sinai West) in New York City at the age of


Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / =n 
Solar / = 0° 51' 02''

n = 1° 11' 59'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 50' 54''

Solar / = Solar /

Bertin, Gilles

25 March 1961 at 02:05 (= 02:05 AM )Paris Arrondissement 11, France, 48n5130,



Death by Disease 7 November 2019 (AIDS, age 58)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /

Death by Disease 7 November 2019 (AIDS, age 58)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p / = p /= n 

Blazey, Peter

24 November 1939 at 04:12 (= 04:12 AM )Melbourne, Australia, 37s49, 144e58


Death by Disease 7 February 1997 in Sydney (AIDS, age 57)

Note : Because the birth time is not reliable, I have used harmonic 16

Solar Return (harmonic 16)

Solar  = Solar /  = n / = n /

Death by Disease 7 February 1997 in Sydney (AIDS, age 57)

Secondary progression (harmonic 16)

p / =p /  =p 
p / = 14° 59' 10''

p / = 14° 58' 38''

p = 20° 33' 15'' - 5° 37' 30'' = 14° 55' 45''

p / =n
p / =p

Bloom, Allan

14 September 1930 at 11:25 (= 11:25 AM )Indianapolis, Indiana, 39n46, 86w09


Death, Mysterious 7 October 1992 , Chicago, Illinois, U.S. (From AIDS, age 62)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / =n / =n /

Death, Mysterious 7 October 1992 , Chicago, Illinois, U.S. (From AIDS, age 62)

Lunar Reurn (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / =n / =n /

Lunar / = 0° 54' 40'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 33' 35''

Lunar / = 0° 33' 26''

n / = 1° 15' 36'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 33' 25''

n / = 0° 33' 35''

Boswell, John E.

20 March 1947 at 15:28 (= 3:28 PM )Boston, USA, 42n22, 71w04


Died of AIDS on 12/23/1994, New Haven, Connecticut.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /

Solar = n /

Died of AIDS on 12/23/1994, New Haven, Connecticut.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / =n /

Lunar / = Lunar = n 

Brudnoy, David

5 June 1940 at 02:20 (= 02:20 AM )Minneapolis, Minnesota, 44n59, 93w16


Medical diagnosis 1988 (AIDS)

Secondary progressed lunar phase (harmonic 256)

12 Aug 1984 AD GC 15:42:34 CDT +05:00:00 Full Moon

Note : Because we do not know whether diagnosis was before or after June, we first look
at secondary progressed lunar phase.If we had known, we would have looked at relevant
This lunar phase is applicable until Disseminating Moon 24 July 1988, because this lunar
phase shows that aids diagnosis should have been made before 24 July. Therefore we
look on the next page solar for 1987, which is valid until june 1988.

p / =n 
p / = n / 

p / = n / 

Solar Return for 1987 (harmonic 256)

Solar  = Solar / = n / = n 

Solar / = n /

So we know the diagnosis was before 5 June 1988.

Burke, Glenn

16 November 1952 at 21:17 (= 9:17 PM )Oakland, California, 37n48, 122w16


Death by Disease 30 May 1995 in San Leandro, California(AIDS complications, age 42)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / =p  =n
p / = p /  = n 

Death by Disease 30 May 1995 in San Leandro, California(AIDS complications, age 42)

Secondary Converse Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p 
p / = n 

p / = n 

p =n

Cammarata, Maria Carla

21 July 1957 at 12:00 (= 12:00 noon )Troina, Italy, 37n47, 14e36


Death by Disease 18 November 1988 (AIDS, age 31)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar  = p / = n /

Lunar / = n 

Lunar  = n /

Lunar  = Lunar /

Death by Disease 18 November 1988 (AIDS, age 31)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p  = p / = p /
p / = p /= n /

Carter, Charles

8 December 1931 at 18:30 (= 6:30 PM )Dallas, Texas, 32n47, 96w48


Death by Disease 23 September 1987 (AIDS age 55)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / = n / 

Lunar / = 0° 43' 39'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 01' 28''

Lunar / = 0° 22' 37'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 01' 32''

n / = 0° 01' 16''

Lunar  = n /; Lunar  = n ; Lunar  = n 

Lunar / = n /

Death by Disease 23 September 1987 (AIDS age 55)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / =p /  = n 
p / = 1° 13' 39'' - (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 21' 05'') = 0° 10' 23''

p / = 0° 52' 32'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 10' 21''

n = 0° 10' 16''

p / =p =n

Carter, Lynne

6 November 1924 at 02:20 (= 02:20 AM )Cleveland, Ohio, 41n30, 81w42


After suffering declining health caused by multiple heart attacks and AIDS-related
complications, Carter died of pneumonia in Manhattan in 11 January 1985.


Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / =n/ 
p / =p

p / =n

Carter died of pneumonia in Manhattan in 11 January 1985.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / =n /

Lunar  = n /


4 April 1958 at 21:10 (= 9:10 PM )Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil, 22s5410,


Death by Disease July 1990 (AIDS, age 32)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n / = n /

Solar /= n /

Solar = n /

Cervera, Jorge

13 April 1945 at 00:45 (= 12:45 AM )Progreso (Yucatan), Mexico, 21n17, 89w40


Death by Disease 12 June 1986 (Died of AIDS, age 41)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n /

Solar /= n /

Solar /= Solar /

Death by Disease 12 June 1986 (Died of AIDS, age 41)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar = n  = n 

Lunar = n /

Acute illness 1983 (KS, AIDS)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

8 Jan 1981 AD GC 17:09:44 CST +06:00:00 First Quarter

p /(==)= p /= n 
p (==)= n /

p/= n 

Charleson, Ian

11 August 1949 at 08:20 (= 08:20 AM )Leith, Scotland, 55n59, 3w10


Death by Disease 6 January 1990 (AIDS, age 40)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n /

Solar /= Solar /= n 

Solar /= n 

Solar = n /

Death by Disease 6 January 1990 (AIDS, age 40)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p = n /
p /= n /

p / = n 

p= n 

Chatwin, Bruce

13 May 1940 at 20:30 (= 8:30 PM )Dronfield, England, 53n19, 1w27


Medical diagnosis 5 September 1986 (Diagnosed HIV+)

Solar Return (harmonic 256) :

Solar / = Solar /

Solar  = n /

Chatwin died at a hospital in Nice, France, on 18 January 1989, at 1:30 P.M..

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / =n /= n 

Solar / = n /

Chatwin died at a hospital in Nice on 18 January 1989.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar 

= Lunar =n / =n /
Lunar / = n /

Cole, Robert

7 May 1948 at 05:18 (= 05:18 AM )Henderson, Nevada, 36n02, 114w59


Death by Disease 13 August 1992 at 1:24 PM in San Francisco, CA (AIDS, age 44)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n /= n 

Solar = n  = n 

Death by Disease 13 August 1992 at 1:24 PM in San Francisco, CA (AIDS, age 44)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /= n /

He was diagnosed on 22 July 1988 with AIDS

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n / = n 
p /= n / = n /

p  = p /

Collard, Cyril

19 December 1957 at 17:40 (= 5:40 PM )Paris, France, 48n52, 2e20


Death by Disease 5 March 1993 (AIDS, age 35)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p = n 
p / = 0° 31' 43'' - 0° 10' 32'' = 0° 21' 11''

p = 0° 21' 23''

n = 0° 21' 28''

Death by Disease 5 March 1993 (AIDS, age 35)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n /= n /

p / = 0° 19' 32'' + 0° 42' 11'' = 1° 01' 43''

n / = 1° 01' 24''

n / = 1° 01' 23''

p /= p 

Corey, Robert Edmund

20 January 1960 at 05:42 (= 05:42 AM )Milton, Massachusetts, 42n15, 71w04


Corey died of AIDS 4/19/1991 at his home in Milton, MA.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar 

Solar / = n /

Prrogressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar /

Lunar / =n 

Cunningham, Scott

27 June 1956 at 09:25 (= 09:25 AM )Royal Oak, Michigan, 42n29, 83w09


Death by Disease 28 March 1993 in Massachusetts(AIDS-related cryptococcal meningitis,

age 36)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar / = n /= n /

 is AC (Leo) Ruler

Death by Disease 28 March 1993 in Massachusetts(AIDS-related cryptococcal meningitis,
age 36)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar  =n /

Lunar / =n  =n 

Derlich, Didier

22 April 1965 at 00:30 (= 12:30 AM )Moulins, France, 46n34, 3e20


On 6 October 1995 (Announced HIV positive- on the 1:00 PM news)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / =n 

p / =p =n

On 6 October 1995 (Announced HIV positive- on the 1:00 PM news)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar / = n /= n /

Deveza, Robert

8 November 1957 at 03:10 (= 03:10 AM )Algiers, Algeria, 36n47, 3e03


Acute illness 3 March 1992 (Diagnosed AIDS)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = n / =n 
p / = n /

p  = n /

Acute illness 3 March 1992 (Diagnosed AIDS)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = n 
Solar  = n /

Death by Disease 10 April 1993 (AIDS, age 35)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / =n = n /

Solar / = Solar 

Death by Disease 10 April 1993 (AIDS, age 35)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /= n 

Lunar /= Lunar = n 

Lunar / = n /= n 

Donn, Jorgé

25 February 1947 at 17:45 (= 5:45 PM )Buenos Aires, Argentina, 34s36, 58w27


He died of AIDS on November 30, 1992 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /  = n
= Solar

Solar / = n /

He died of AIDS on November 30, 1992 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p = n /
p /= n 

p/ = 1° 10' 22'' - (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 21' 05'' ) = 0° 07' 06''

p = 0° 07' 08''

Dorsey, Issan

7 March 1933 at 05:49 (= 05:49 AM )Santa Barbara, California, 34n25, 119w42


Death by Disease 6 September 1990 (died from AIDS) in San Francisco, California.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar / = n /

Death by Disease 6 September 1990 (died from AIDS) in San Francisco, California.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / = n / 

n / = 1° 01' 54'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 19' 43''

Lunar / = 0° 19' 26''

Lunar / = 1° 22' 40'' - (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 21' 05'' ) = 0° 19' 24''

Death by Disease 6 September 1990 (died from AIDS) in San Francisco, California.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p /  = n 
 is AC (Aquarius) Ruler

Duve, Pascal de

5 February 1964 at 15:55 (= 3:55 PM )Antwerp, Belgium, 51n13, 4e25


Died of AIDS, 4/15/1993, Paris, France.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n /= n 

Solar /= n /

Solar /= n /

Solar = n 

 is AC (Cancer) Ruler

Died of AIDS, 4/15/1993, Paris, France.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p / = n 
p /= n /= n 

p  = p  = p / 

 is AC (Cancer) Ruler

Eaton, Joseph Emerson

5 August 1950 at 00:57 (= 12:57 AM )Boston, Massachusetts, 42n22, 71w04


Acute illness 1986 (HIV+, AIDS)

Because we don't know which month, we don't know which solar to look at, therefore we
check secondary progressed lunar phase.

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 16)

10 Jan 1985 AD GC 13:33:28 PST +08:00:00 Balsamic Moon

p / = n / 
p / = n

Death by Disease 2 December 1988 (AIDS, age 38)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p  = p  = n /
p / = n /= n = n /

 is AC (Taurus) Ruler

Death by Disease 2 December 1988 (AIDS, age 38)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n = n 
Lunar  = n /= n = n /

 is AC (Taurus) Ruler

Ellis, Perry

3 March 1940 at 23:15 (= 11:15 PM )Portsmouth, Virginia, 36n50, 76w18


Death by Disease 30 May 1986 New York City, New York, U.S.(AIDS, age 46)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar / = n 

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Death by Disease 30 May 1986 New York City, New York, U.S.(AIDS, age 46)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar 

Lunar / = 0° 40' 09'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 19' 04''

Lunar  = 0° 19' 03''

Lunar / = n /

Lunar/ = 0° 21' 58''
n / = 0° 22' 00''

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Everett, Kenny

25 December 1944 at 03:00 (= 03:00 AM )Crosby, England, 53n30, 3w02


He died of AIDS on 4 April 1995,London, England.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar /

Lunar  = n /= n /

Lunar  = n = n 

Lunar  = n /= n /

 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

He died of AIDS on 4 April 1995,London, England.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /= n /

Lunar  = n /

Lunar / = Lunar  = Lunar / = n / =n /

 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Eyen, Tom

14 August 1940 at 12:40 (= 12:40 PM )Cambridge, Ohio, 40n02, 81w35


Eyen died of AIDS-related complications in Palm Beach, Florida on 26 May 1991.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar/ = Lunar / = Lunar /  =n /

p  = n = n 

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Eyen died of AIDS-related complications in Palm Beach, Florida on 26 May 1991.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / =n 
p / = p /  =p  = n 
p / = 1° 15' 28'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 33' 17''

p / = 0° 33' 27''

p = 1° 15' 29'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 33' 18''

n = 0° 54' 24'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 33' 19''

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Forsythe, Roger

11 July 1955 at 20:24 (= 8:24 PM )Chillicothe, Missouri, 39n48, 93w33


Forsythe died on 6 October 1991, aged 36, at the New York University Medical Center of
HIV- related lymphatic cancer.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar / = n /

Solar / = 0° 58' 58'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 37' 53''

Solar / = 0° 37' 43''

n / = 1° 19' 52'' - 0° 42' 11''= 0° 37' 41''

Forsythe died on 6 October 1991, aged 36, at the New York University Medical Center of
HIV- related lymphatic cancer.

Secondary Converse Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = n / 
p / = 0° 59' 25'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 17' 14''

n / = 0° 17' 12''

p / = p 
p/ = 0° 07' 00''

p = 1° 10' 13'' - (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 21' 05'') = 0° 06' 57''

Frederick, Derek

2 February 1935 at 16:00 (= 4:00 PM )Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 39n57, 75w10


Death by Disease 9 April 1989, Seattle, WA. (AIDS, age 54)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar  = Solar = Solar AC = n = n 

Death by Disease 9 April 1989, Seattle, WA. (AIDS, age 54)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar  =n

Lunar / = Lunar / = n AC

Gaffney, Martin F.

17 January 1949 at 09:55 (= 09:55 AM )Boston, Massachusetts, 42n22, 71w04


Death by Disease 25 October 1991 (AIDS, age 42)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / =p /  =p / = p / = n / 

Death by Disease 25 October 1991 (AIDS, age 42)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / =n / = n 

Solar / = 0° 58' 35'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 16' 24''

n / = 0° 16' 24''

n = 1° 19' 36'' - (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 42' 11'')= 0° 16' 20''

Solar / = n /= n 

Solar / = Solar 

 is AC (Pisces) Ruler

Galindo, Rudy

7 September 1969 at 11:28 (= 11:28 AM )San Jose, California, 37n20, 121w54


Medical diagnosis 1 March 2000 (tested positive for HIV)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = n /= n /

n / = 0° 28' 19''

Solar / = 1° 10' 13'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 28' 02''

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Medical diagnosis 1 March 2000 (tested positive for HIV)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /

Lunar = 1° 22' 30'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 40' 19''

n / = 0° 40' 21''

Lunar  = n 
 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Gaudin, Laurent

21 July 1980 at 13:10 (= 1:10 PM )Échirolles, France, 45n11, 5e44


Laurent died of AIDS at age 11, 1/31/1992, 2:05 AM MET, La Batie-Division, France
(45° 30′ 38.88″ N, 5° 35′ 54.96″ E).

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /

Lunar = 1° 13' 58'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 31' 47''

n / = 0° 32' 00''

Lunar  = Lunar 
Lunar / = n  ; Lunar  = n /
 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Laurent died of AIDS at age 11, 1/31/1992, 2:05 AM MET, La Batie-Division, France

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p = p 
p/ = 0° 08' 25''

p = 0° 50' 56'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 08' 45''

p = 1° 11' 38'' - (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 21' 05'') = 0° 08' 22''

p/ = n  ; p  = n /
 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Acute illness February 1985 (AIDS from contaminated blood transfusion)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar /= n 

Solar  =n 
According to Hamburg School / is infection.
 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Acute illness February 1985 (AIDS from contaminated blood transfusion)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

19 Apr 1983 AD GC 15:29:04 CED -02:00:00 Gibbous Moon

p / = p /= p /

p  = p /

Gaudin, Stéphane

10 September 1977 at 19:45 (= 7:45 PM )Échirolles, France, 45n11, 5e44


Stephane died of AIDS at age 15, 6/02/93, 10:00 AM MEDT, La Batie-Divisin, France.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar /= n 

Solar  = Solar = n 

Solar / = n /

 is AC (Aquarius) Ruler

Stephane died of AIDS at age 15, 6/02/93, 10:00 AM MEDT, La Batie-Divisin, France.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar /= Lunar / 

Lunar / = 0° 29' 49''

Lunar / = 1° 12' 10'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 29' 59''

 is AC (Aquarius) Ruler

Acute illness February 1985 (AIDS from contaminated blood transfusion)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

2 Nov 1983 AD GC 18:32:05 CET -01:00:00 Crescent Moon

p/ = p / = p  = n 
 is AC (Aquarius) Ruler

Gibson, Gary

10 December 1948 at 03:50 (= 03:50 AM )Santa Rosa, California, 38n26, 122w43


Death by Disease 16 June 1987 at 12:00 noon in Seattle, WA (AIDS, brain tumor, age

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar AC = n /

Solar / = 0° 21' 20''
Solar AC = 0° 42' 37'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 21' 32''

n / = 0° 42' 20'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 21' 15''

Solar / = n AC

Death by Disease 16 June 1987 at 12:00 noon in Seattle, WA (AIDS, brain tumor, age

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar = Lunar = n /

Lunar  = n 

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Guibert, Hervé

14 December 1955 at 05:15 (= 05:15 AM )St.Cloud, France, 48n50, 2e11


Guibert died of AIDS in Clamart on 27 December 1991 at 4:30 PM.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar  = n /= n /= n 

Guibert died of AIDS in Clamart on 27 December 1991 at 4:30 PM.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar  = n

Lunar / = Lunar /

Guibert died of AIDS in Clamart on 27 December 1991 at 4:30 PM.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p/ = p / = n /= p 

p = n

 is AC (Libra) Ruler


23 April 1932 at 18:45 (= 6:45 PM )Des Moines, Iowa, 41n36, 93w37


On 26 March 1990, he died of Kaposi's sarcoma, an AIDS-defining illness, in San

Francisco, aged 57.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /= n /

Lunar = 0° 09' 41''

n / = 1° 12' 45'' - (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 21' 05'' ) = 0° 09' 29''

n / = 0° 51' 46'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 09' 35''

Lunar  = n / 
 is AC (Libra) Ruler

On 26 March 1990, he died of Kaposi's sarcoma, an AIDS-defining illness, in San
Francisco, aged 57.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /

Lunar = 1° 12' 34''

n / = 1° 12' 45''

Lunar / = n /= n /

Hamerslough, Bruce F.

26 October 1948 at 18:50 (= 6:50 PM )New York, New York, 40n43, 74w0


Death by Disease 27 December 1995 at 07:30 AM in Seattle (Complications from AIDS,

age 47)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n 
Solar /= n /

 is AC (Taurus) Ruler
Note : There is also on astro.com site with the name Bruce Hammerslough,with 18:45
birth time.With a birth time of 18:50, the progressed Sun with progressed Neptune is
more accurate than 18:45. The planetary pictures remain the same.

Death by Disease 27 December 1995 at 07:30 AM in Seattle (Complications from AIDS,
age 47)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = n /
p / = n /

p / = p 

p  = p = n 

Hammack, George

13 February 1948 at 00:35 (= 12:35 AM )Lake Providence, Louisiana, 32n48, 91w10


Death by Disease May 1995 (AIDS, age 47)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar = n 

Death by Disease May 1995

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

14 Jul 1992 AD GC 20:11:40 PDT +07:00:00 Disseminating Moon

p / = p /
p / = n  = n 

p =p

Acute illness 1989 (Diagnosed HIV+, started on AZT)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

1 Feb 1989 AD GC 08:11:20 PST +08:00:00 Full Moon

p / =n = n 
p / = p / 

Haring, Keith

4 May 1958 at 12:41 (= 12:41 PM )Reading, Pennsylvania, 40n20, 75w56


Death by Disease 16 February 1990 at 04:40 AM in New York, NY (Cardiac arrest caused
by AIDS, age 31)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n 
Solar /= n = n 

Solar /= n /= n 

Solar = n 

 is AC (Cancer) Ruler

Death by Disease 16 February 1990 at 04:40 AM in New York, NY (Cardiac arrest caused
by AIDS, age 31)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /

Lunar  = n 

Lunar  = Lunar = n /= n 

 is AC (Cancer) Ruler

Medical diagnosis 1988 (AIDS)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

5 Aug 1986 AD GC 08:02:27 EDT +04:00:00 Full Moon

p / =n = n 

Hegland, John Raymond

25 February 1949 at 12:35 (= 12:35 PM )De Kalb, Illinois, 41n56, 88w45


Death by Disease 5 August 1992 in North Hollywood (AIDS, age 43)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar = Solar = Solar = n /= n /= n /= n /

Death by Disease 5 August 1992 in North Hollywood (AIDS, age 43)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /= n /= n /= n /

Helm, Jesse Portis

31 August 1947 at 10:35 (= 10:35 AM )Brooklyn, New York, 40n38, 73w56


Death by Disease June 1989 in Ft. Lauderdale (AIDS, age 41)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n = n 
Solar /= Solar 

Solar /= n /= n /

Solar /= n 

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Death by Disease June 1989 in Ft. Lauderdale (AIDS, age 41)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= Lunar 

Lunar / = 1° 24' 07'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 1° 03' 02''

Lunar  = 1° 02' 58''

Lunar = n /

Feinberg, David B.

25 November 1956 at 12:34 (= 12:34 PM )Lynn, Massachusetts, 42n28, 70w57


Feinberg died of AIDS, November 2, 1994, in Manhattan, NY.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar = n 

Solar /= Solar /= n /

Solar /= Solar 

Feinberg died of AIDS, November 2, 1994, in Manhattan, NY.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar = n /= n /

Lunar /= Lunar /

 is AC (Aquarius) Ruler

Flynt, Althea

6 November 1953 at 17:45 (= 5:45 PM )Marietta, Ohio, 39n25, 81w27


Death by Disease 27 June 1987 Los Angeles, California, U.S.(AIDS, age 33)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n = n /

Death by Disease 27 June 1987 Los Angeles, California, U.S.(AIDS, age 33)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n = n /
p /= n 

Foucault, Michel

15 October 1926 at 07:30 (= 07:30 AM )Poitiers, France, 46n35, 0e20


Death by Disease 25 June 1984, Paris (AIDS, age 57)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar  = Lunar /= n /

Lunar / =n /= n /
 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Death by Disease 25 June 1984, Paris (AIDS, age 57)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar  =n / =n /= n 

Lunar / = Lunar / =n = n 
 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Galvao, Ney

11 January 1952 at 07:30 (= 07:30 AM )Itabuna (Bahia), Brazil, 14s4708, 39w1649


Death by Disease 1991 (AIDS, age 39)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

28 Jun 1990 AD GC 00:18:03 BZ2T +03:00:00 Last Quarter

p / =p /  =p = n 
We cannot investigate other progressions and returns, because the date of death is
only given with year.

Govers, Frank

6 March 1932 at 12:30 (= 12:30 PM )Tiel, Netherlands, 51n54, 5e26


He died of AIDS at age 64 on January 14, 1997 in Amsterdam.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= n = n /

Solar /= Solar = n /= n 

He died of AIDS at age 64 on January 14, 1997 in Amsterdam.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p /= p /

p = p = n  / 

p =n

Grossman, Michael Jay

27 February 1943 at 07:46 (= 07:46 AM )Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 43n02, 87w54


Death by Disease 6 April 1991 at 1:00 PM in Palm Springs, CA (AIDS related cancer, age

Note : On the same astro.com page, it also says, that he died at 1:00 A.M.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /  = Lunar 

= Lunar =n 
Lunar / = n /= n 

Death by Disease 6 April 1991 at 1:00 PM in Palm Springs, CA (AIDS related cancer, age

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / =n /

Lunar  = n /


5 February 1944 at 01:20 (= 01:20 AM )Ribeirão das Neves (Minas Gerais), Brazil,
19s4601, 44w0512


Death by Disease 4 January 1988 at 12:00 noon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (AIDS, age 43)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / / = n /= n /

= Lunar

Lunar / = n /= n 

Death by Disease 4 January 1988 at 12:00 noon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (AIDS, age 43)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar / = n 

Lunar / = Lunar /= Lunar 

Lunar /= n 

Herran, Christian

1 February 1935 at 04:30 (= 04:30 AM )San Bernardino, California, 34n07, 117w18


Secrets revealed May 1988 (Announced that he had AIDS on PBS)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar 

Solar /= n /

Higgins, Colin

28 July 1941 at 09:30 (= 09:30 AM )Nouméa, New Caledonia, 22s16, 166e27


Death by Disease 5 August 1988, Los Angeles, CA. (AIDS, age 47)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / =n /= n 

Lunar  = n /

Lunar  = n 

Death by Disease 5 August 1988, Los Angeles, CA. (AIDS, age 47)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / = n /

Lunar  = Lunar  = Lunar 

Lunar / = n /

Hoban, Gordon

4 August 1941 at 06:43 (= 06:43 AM )Faribault, Minnesota, 44n18, 93w16


Death by Disease 10 April 1993 at 10:13 AM in Kukuihaele, HI (AIDS, age 51)

Transit (harmonic 256)

t /= t /
t /= n /

t /= n 

t = n 

Death by Disease 10 April 1993 at 10:13 AM in Kukuihaele, HI (AIDS, age 51)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n /

Solar = n /= n 

Solar = n 

Hocquenghem, Guy

10 December 1946 at 15:25 (= 3:25 PM )Boulogne Billancourt, France, 48n50, 2e15


Death by Disease 28 August 1988 at 8:10 PM in Paris (AIDS, age 41)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p = n 
p/ = 0° 04' 22''

n = 0° 04' 24''

p / = n / 
p / = 1° 12' 11''- (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 21' 05'' ) = 0° 08' 55''

n / = 0° 08' 55''

Death by Disease 28 August 1988 at 8:10 PM in Paris (AIDS, age 41)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= Solar /= n /

Solar  = Solar  = n 

Solar / = Solar /

Death by Disease 28 August 1988 at 8:10 PM in Paris (AIDS, age 41)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= Lunar /= Lunar /

Lunar / = n 

Holmes, John

8 August 1944 at 22:00 (= 10:00 PM )Columbus, USA, 39n58, 83w00


Death by Heart Attack 13 March 1988 at 01:00 AM in Sepulveda, CA (Because of AIDS,

age 44)

Note : Birthplace is given in wikipedia as Ashville, Ohio.


Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / =n 

Lunar / = Lunar /

Lunar  = n /

Death by Heart Attack 13 March 1988 at 01:00 AM in Sepulveda, CA (Because of AIDS,
age 44)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar = n /

Lunar  = n 

 is AC (Pisces) Ruler

Hudgins, Jayson

15 March 1953 at 00:01 (= 12:01 AM )Dallas, Texas, 32n47, 96w48


Death by Disease 29 April 1995 (AIDS, age 42)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n 
Solar /= Solar /

Death by Disease 29 April 1995 (AIDS, age 42)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /

Lunar  = n / 

Death by Disease 29 April 1995 (AIDS, age 42)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p  = p = n  = n / 
p  =n /
Progressed Neptune is exactly between two harmonic points.

Hudson, Rock

17 November 1925 at 02:15 (= 02:15 AM )Winnetka, Illinois, 42n06, 87w44


Medical diagnosis 24 May 1984 (Kaposi's Sarcoma)

Medical diagnosis June 1984 (AIDS)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n  = n 

Medical diagnosis 24 May 1984 (Kaposi's Sarcoma)
Medical diagnosis June 1984 (AIDS)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n 
Lunar / = n 

He died of lymph cancer, a complication of AIDS, on 10/2/1985, 9:00AM, Hollywood, CA.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = n /
p / = p /= n /

/ is cancer.

He died of lymph cancer, a complication of AIDS, on 10/2/1985, 9:00AM, Hollywood, CA.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar  = n 

Lunar / = n 
 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Ida, Bruce

13 January 1945 at 19:25 (= 7:25 PM )Minneapolis, Minnesota, 44n59, 93w16


He died of AIDS the morning of 10/01/1995, Los Angeles, CA.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= n 

Solar /= 1° 21' 41'' - (0° 42' 11'' + 0° 21' 05'' ) = 0° 18' 25''
Solar / = 1° 00' 29'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 17' 59''

n = 0° 18' 10''

Solar /= Solar 

Solar = n 

Solar  = 0° 08' 27''

n = 0° 29' 34'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 08' 29''

He died of AIDS the morning of 10/01/1995, Los Angeles, CA.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = n / 
p / = 1° 22' 42''

n / = 1° 22' 48''

p/ = n /
p = n

 is AC (Cancer) Ruler

Idemon, Richard

8 February 1938 at 21:37 (= 9:37 PM )Akron, Ohio, 41n05, 81w31


Chronic illness June 1985 (AIDS)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar  = n = n 
Solar  = Solar  = n /= n /

 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Jarman, Derek

31 January 1942 at 07:30 (= 07:30 AM )Northwood, England, 51n37, 0w25


Death by Disease 19 February 1994 in London (AIDS, age 52)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = n  = n
p / = p = n /

p / = p

Death by Disease 19 February 1994 in London (AIDS, age 52)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= n /

Lunar /= Lunar = Lunar 

Lunar  = n 

Johnson, Hadley

9 February 1954 at 12:10 (= 12:10 PM )Levelland, Texas, 33n35, 102w23


Johnson died of AIDS 6/21/1990, San Francisco, CA.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar = n 

Lunar / = 0° 46' 12''

Lunar  = 1° 07' 19'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 46' 14''

Johnson died of AIDS 6/21/1990, San Francisco, CA.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= Lunar /= n /

Lunar / = 1° 03' 24'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 42' 19''

Lunar / = 0° 00' 07'' + 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 42' 18''

Lunar / = 0° 42' 11''

n / = 1° 03' 05'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 42' 00''

Johnson, Holly

9 February 1960 at 16:15 (= 4:15 PM )Liverpool, England, 53n25, 2w55


Medical diagnosis 1991 (Diagnosed AIDS)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

22 Jan 1989 AD GC 12:24:05 GMT +00:00:00 Gibbous Moon

p / =p /= n /

Joseph, Tony

7 December 1946 at 00:35 (= 12:35 AM )Cleveland, Ohio, 41n30, 81w42


Acute illness September 1985 (Diagnosed with AIDS)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar /= n 

Solar = n /

Death by Disease 5 June 1986 at 3:00 PM in San Francisco, CA (Aids, age 39)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar /= n /= n 

Solar /= n /

Solar = n /

Death by Disease 5 June 1986 at 3:00 PM in San Francisco, CA (Aids, age 39)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar = n /= n /

Lunar /= n 

Lunar = n /

Lunar = n /

Death by Disease 5 June 1986 at 3:00 PM in San Francisco, CA (Aids, age 39)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p / = n /

p  = n /

Judge, Peter Daniel

10 October 1959 at 21:54 (= 9:54 PM )Boston, Massachusetts, 42n22, 71w04


Death by Disease 1 June 1990 at 12:00 noon in San francisco, Ca (Complications from

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar /= n /

Solar /= Solar 

Death by Disease 1 June 1990 at 12:00 noon in San francisco, Ca (Complications from

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar /= n 

Lunar = n /

Kastner, Charles

7 March 1951 at 17:45 (= 5:45 PM )Nyack, New York, 41n05, 73w55


Death by Disease 4 February 1993 at 12:00 noon in Santa Fe, NM (AIDS, age 41)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar /

Lunar /= n /

Lunar = n /

Death by Disease 4 February 1993 at 12:00 noon in Santa Fe, NM (AIDS, age 41)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar /

Lunar = n /

Lunar = Lunar 

Lunar = Lunar /= n /

Kert, Larry

5 December 1930 at 11:10 (= 11:10 AM )Los Angeles, California, 34n03, 118w15


He died at age 60 of complications stemming from AIDS in his Manhattan home on 5

June 1991.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / =n 

Lunar  = Lunar /

He died at age 60 of complications stemming from AIDS in his Manhattan home on 5
June 1991.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p 
p /= n /

p  = p = n 

Klinsky, Michael

16 June 1963 at 11:57 (= 11:57 AM )Red Bank (Monmouth County), New Jersey, 40n21,


Death by Disease 16 February 1994 (AIDS age 30)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar  = n /= n /

Solar / = Solar /

Solar / = Solar / = n /

Death by Disease 16 February 1994 (AIDS age 30)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar = n /= n /

Kraus, Werner

10 June 1948 at 05:25 (= 05:25 AM )Bottrop, Germany, 51n31, 6e55


Death by Disease 26 May 1995 at 12:00 noon in San Francisco, CA (AIDS, age 47)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = n = n = n /

Solar = n /

Solar  = n 

Death by Disease 26 May 1995 at 12:00 noon in San Francisco, CA (AIDS, age 47)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar  = Lunar /

Lunar = n /

Lunar /= n /

Lunar = n /

Le Luron, Thierry

2 April 1952 at 05:00 (= 05:00 AM )Paris, France, 48n52, 2e20


Death by Disease 13 November 1986 (From AIDS, age 34)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar / = n /= n /

Death by Disease 13 November 1986 (From AIDS, age 34)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /= n /


16 May 1919 at 23:15 (= 11:15 PM )West Allis, Wisconsin, 43n01, 88w0


He died from pneumonia as a complication from AIDS at 2:05 PM on 4 February 1987.

Transit (harmonic 256

t /= t /= t /

t = n /

He died from pneumonia as a complication from AIDS at 2:05 PM on 4 February 1987.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n /= n 
p = n 

p =n

p  = n /

He died from pneumonia as a complication from AIDS at 2:05 PM on 4 February 1987.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= n /

Solar / = n /= n 

Lloyd, Daryl

10 November 1957 at 00:58 (= 12:58 AM )San Francisco, California, 37n47, 122w25


Death by Disease 14 March 1991 at 4:00 PM in Oakland, CA (AIDS, age 33)

Transit (harmonic 256)

t  = n /
t /= n /

t /= t /= n /

Death by Disease 14 March 1991 at 4:00 PM in Oakland, CA (AIDS, age 33)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar /

Solar  = n /

Solar  = n /

Medical diagnosis 1987 (Diagnosed as HIV+)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase

26 Oct 1984 AD GC 18:31:25 PDT +07:00:00 Full Moon

p / = n 
p / = n / 

p / = n / = n 

p / = p  = n /

Loud, Lance

26 June 1951 at 22:34 (= 10:34 PM )La Jolla (San Diego County), California, 32n51,


Death by Disease 22 December 2001 at 01:00 AM in Los Angeles (died of HIV infection
and Hepatitis C)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar /= n /

Solar  = n /

Solar  = n /

Death by Disease 22 December 2001 at 01:00 AM in Los Angeles (died of HIV infection
and Hepatitis C)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n = n 
Lunar  = n /

Lunar / = n 

Lucas, Hue

5 May 1935 at 00:34 (= 12:34 AM )Wilson (Wilson County), North Carolina, 35n43,


Death by Disease 9 March 1995 at 12:00 noon in New Elm, NC (AIDS, age 59)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar 

Solar  = n /= n /

Solar / = n 

Death by Disease 9 March 1995 at 12:00 noon in New Elm, NC (AIDS, age 59)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /= n /

Lunar / = n  = n 

Lunar  = n /

Lupo, Michele

19 January 1953 at 05:00 (= 05:00 AM )Genzano di Lucania, Italy, 40n51, 16e02


Death by Disease 12 February 1995 (AIDS) Durham, England.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = n /

Solar = n /

Death by Disease 12 February 1995 (AIDS) Durham, England.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /= n  = n 

Lunar /= n /

Mancinelli, Graziano

18 February 1937 at 02:30 (= 02:30 AM )Milan, Italy, 45n28, 9e12


Mancinelli revealed in May 1992 that he had AIDS.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar  = n = n 
Solar /= n /

Manzares, Henry

7 April 1957 at 02:39 (= 02:39 AM )Lander, Wyoming, 42n50, 108w44


Death by Disease 23 September 1988 at 12:00 noon in San Francisco, CA (AIDS, age 31)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = n /= n 

Solar / = Solar /

Death by Disease 23 September 1988 at 12:00 noon in San Francisco, CA (AIDS, age 31)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar /= n /

Lunar / = n /

Lunar / = Lunar 

Lunar / = n /= n 

Medical diagnosis January 1988 (AIDS)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

18 Jan 1987 AD GC 12:12:46 PST +08:00:00 First Quarter

p / = n/ = n /

p / = n / = n 

p / = n

p / = n / 

Death by Disease 18 November 1993 at 12:00 noon in Milan, Italy (AIDS, age 41)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar  = n /
Lunar / = n /= n /

Marcoaldi, Stefano

18 April 1952 at 07:00 (= 07:00 AM )Pescara, Italy, 42n28, 14e13


Death by Disease 18 November 1993 at 12:00 noon in Milan, Italy (AIDS, age 41)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar 

Solar /= n /

Marocco, Steve

4 March 1957 at 09:30 (= 09:30 AM )Winchester, Massachusetts, 42n27, 71w08


Diagnosed with AIDS 4 July 1983

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /

Solar  = n 

Solar / = Solar /

Diagnosed with AIDS 4 July 1983

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar = n /= n 
Lunar / = n /

Messina, Calogero

11 March 1971 at 21:00 (= 9:00 PM )Finale Ligure, Italy, 44n10, 8e20


Death by Disease 20 February 1992 (Aids from blood transfusion)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar / =n /

Solar /= n

Death by Disease 20 February 1992 (Aids from blood transfusion)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p = n 
p = p = n  / 

Millious, John

10 April 1948 at 03:30 (= 03:30 AM )Columbus, Ohio, 39n58, 83w00


Medical diagnosis 1977 (AIDS).He began rapidly wasting away with the ravages of AIDS.
He died soon after.

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

7 Feb 1977 AD GC 01:04:19 EST +05:00:00 New Moon

p (=)/= p /
p = n 
p = n 

p /= p = n /

Monette, Paul

16 October 1945 at 16:03 (= 4:03 PM )Lawrence, Massachusetts, 42n42, 71w10


Death by Disease 10 February 1995 West Hollywood, California(AIDS, age 49)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n / = n /

Lunar / = n /= n /

Death by Disease 10 February 1995 West Hollywood, California(AIDS, age 49)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p /
p /= n /

p = n 

Monette moved to California about 1978 where he came out of the closet. He believes
that it was then when he contacted AIDS, as he and his partner were in an "open"

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

11 Jun 1976 AD GC 19:37:30 PDT +07:00:00 Gibbous Moon

p (=)/= p /= n /= n /

p / = n = n 

 is AC (Pisces) Ruler

Moschino, Franco

27 February 1950 at 14:20 (= 2:20 PM )Abbiategrasso, Italy, 45n24, 8e54


He died of of cardiac arrest associated with an abdominal tumor on September 18, 1994
in Annone di Brianza, Italy, age 44.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar  =n 

Solar /= n /

Solar = n 

Solar /= n /

He died of of cardiac arrest associated with an abdominal tumor on September 18, 1994
in Annone di Brianza, Italy, age 44.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar /= Lunar  = n /= n /

 is AC (Cancer) Ruler
/ is cancer,tumor.

Mapplethorpe, Robert

4 November 1946 at 05:45 (= 05:45 AM )New York, New York, 40n43, 74w0


Death by Disease 9 March 1989 in Boston (Aids, age 42)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n (==)/

Solar  = Solar 

Solar / = n /

Death by Disease 9 March 1989 in Boston (Aids, age 42)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar = n (==)/= n 

Lunar / = Lunar 

Lunar  = n /

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Moyer, John Jr.

25 January 1959 at 15:43 (= 3:43 PM )Sarasota, Florida, 27n20, 82w32


Death by Disease 26 November 1998 in Sarasota (AIDS)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n  = n /

Solar / = n /

Death by Disease 26 November 1998 in Sarasota (AIDS)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n 
Lunar  = Lunar  = n /

Lunar /= Lunar /

Acute illness 1993 (AIDS)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

10 Jan 1991 AD GC 01:16:43 EST +05:00:00 Disseminating Moon

p / = n 
p / = n /

Newsome, Houston

9 April 1936 at 14:40 (= 2:40 PM )Selma, Alabama, 32n24, 87w01


Death by Disease 21 June 1993 in San Francisco, CA.(AIDS, age 57)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar / = n /

Solar / = Solar  = n 

 is AC (Leo) Ruler

Nomi, Klaus

24 January 1944 at 20:40 (= 8:40 PM )Immenstadt, Germany, 47n33, 10e13


He died from AIDS on 6 August 1983 at age 39 in New York City.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p  = n 
p / = n /

 is AC (Leo) Ruler

He died from AIDS on 6 August 1983 at age 39 in New York City.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar / = n 

 is AC (Leo) Ruler

Noss, Gary

19 February 1934 at 23:58 (= 11:58 PM )Halstead, Kansas, 38n0, 97w31


He died of AIDS in May 1986 in San Francisco, California.

He died from AIDS on 6 August 1983 at age 39 in New York City.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar / = n /

Lunar  = n /

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

He died from AIDS on 6 August 1983 at age 39 in New York City.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p  = n /

Ognibene, Albert

30 January 1947 at 10:36 (= 10:36 AM )Chicago, Illinois, 41n51, 87w39


Death by Disease 6 October 1991 (AIDS, age 44)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n / = n 

Solar /= n /

 is AC (Aries) Ruler

Death by Disease 6 October 1991 (AIDS, age 44)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar / = n /

Parker, Al

25 June 1952 at 15:13 (= 3:13 PM )Boston, Massachusetts, 42n22, 71w04


Death by Disease 17 August 1992 (AIDS, age 40 in San Francisco)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n /

Solar /= n /

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Death by Disease 17 August 1992 (AIDS, age 40 in San Francisco)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar 

Lunar = n /

Lunar /= Lunar = n 

Paul, Patrick

8 July 1949 at 13:26 (= 1:26 PM )Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 43n02, 87w54


Death by Disease October 1992 in Los Angeles (AIDS, age 43)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar = n 

Solar /= n /= n /

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Paulin, Thierry

28 November 1963 at 14:25 (= 2:25 PM )Fort-de-France, Martinique, 14n36, 61w05


Death by Disease 17 April 1989 at 12:00 noon in Fresnes, France (AIDS, age 25)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar = n 

Death by Disease 17 April 1989 at 12:00 noon in Fresnes, France (AIDS, age 25)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = n /
p /= n /

p = n 

 is AC (Pisces) Ruler

Pender, Stephen

4 April 1950 at 16:53 (= 4:53 PM )Boston, Massachusetts, 42n22, 71w04


Death by Disease 1 March 1986 (Aids, age 35)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n 
Solar /= n /

Death by Disease 1 March 1986 (Aids, age 35)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar = n 

Lunar = n /

Piriou, Val

30 August 1963 at 00:15 (= 12:15 AM )Quimper, France, 48n00, 4w06


Death by Disease 13 March 1995 at 7:50 PM in Quimper, France (AIDS, age 31)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= n /

Solar = n 

Death by Disease 13 March 1995 at 7:50 PM in Quimper, France (AIDS, age 31)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / =p / =n /

 is AC (Gemini) Ruler

Popham, Paul

6 October 1941 at 19:03 (= 7:03 PM )Emmett, Idaho, 43n52, 116w30


Death by Disease 7 May 1987 (AIDS, age 45)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= n 

Solar /= Solar = n 

Death by Disease 7 May 1987 (AIDS, age 45)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar  =n 

Lunar / = n 

Lunar  = n /

Preston, Jonathan

11 December 1945 at 01:45 (= 01:45 AM )Framingham, Massachusetts, 42n17, 71w25


Death by Disease April 1994 in Portland, Maine(of complications from AIDS, age 48)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= n /= n 

Solar / = n /

Querico, Michael

8 July 1960 at 12:27 (= 12:27 PM )Worcester, Massachusetts, 42n16, 71w48


Acute illness 1991 (Diagnosed AIDS)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

10 Jan 1990 AD GC 01:14:32 EST +05:00:00 Full Moon

p / =p / =n /

p / = p /

p / =n

Death by Disease 1995 (AIDS, age 34)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

23 May 1993 AD GC 20:16:30 EDT +04:00:00 Disseminating Moon

p / =p/ =n /

p / =p

Rambo, Dack

13 November 1941 at 08:35 (= 08:35 AM )Delano, California, 35n46, 119w15


Acute illness September 1991 (AIDS)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n = n = n 

Death by Disease 21 March 1994 (AIDS, age 52)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p / = n /

p  = n  = n = n 

p / = p 

Reed, Robert

19 October 1932 at 20:43 (= 8:43 PM )Highland Park (Lake County), Illinois, 42n11,


A closet gay, he cruised the Hollywood gay bars and clubs where he contacted AIDS. In
November 1991 he was diagnosed with a tumor and he died of colon cancer from AIDS
on 5/12/92, Hollywood.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n 
Solar /= Solar = n /

Solar = n 

 is AC (Gemini) Ruler

Death by Disease 12 May 1992 (AIDS, age 59)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p  = p / = n /
p / = n /

p / = p 

p =p =n

 is AC (Gemini) Ruler

Reichstein, Dallas F. Jr.

24 November 1928 at 04:30 (= 04:30 AM )Santa Ana, California, 33n45, 117w52


Death by Disease 9 August 1992, San Francisco. (AIDS, age 63)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / =n/ =n 
p / =n

Death by Disease 9 August 1992, San Francisco. (AIDS, age 63)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= Solar /= n /

Richardson, Eric Todd

25 October 1950 at 04:06 (= 04:06 AM )Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 40n26, 80w0


Death by Disease 4 July 1998 in Monticello (Wayne County) (AIDS)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = n /
p =n

p =n

p  / = n /

Death by Disease 4 July 1998 in Monticello (Wayne County) (AIDS)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n /

Solar /= Solar = n /

 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Richmond, Timothy

7 June 1955 at 04:55 (= 04:55 AM )Ashland, Ohio, 40n52, 82w19


Death by Disease 13 August 1989 in West Palm Beach, FL. (Of AIDS, age 34)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar = n 

Lunar /= n /

Death by Disease 13 August 1989 in West Palm Beach, FL. (Of AIDS, age 34)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p / = p  = n 
p  = n /

p / = n 

 is AC (Taurus) Ruler

Rodriguez, Enrique

8 January 1960 at 02:05 (= 02:05 AM )Los Angeles, California, 34n03, 118w15


Death by Disease 11 March 1995 at 10:00 AM in Los Angeles, CA (Pneumonia and AIDS,
age 35)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n 
Lunar  = Lunar 

Lunar / = Lunar = Lunar 

Death by Disease 11 March 1995 at 10:00 AM in Los Angeles, CA (Pneumonia and AIDS,
age 35)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n 
Lunar / = n 

Lunar  = n /

Romero, Jean-Luc

30 June 1959 at 12:05 (= 12:05 PM )Béthune, France, 50n32, 2e38


He is the first and the only French politician to have revealed his HIV-infection in May
2002 in a book called "Virus de Vie" (Virus of life).

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar = n /

Russell, Craig

10 January 1950 at 22:30 (= 10:30 PM )Toronto, Ontario (CAN), 43n39, 79w23


Death by Disease 30 October 1990 in Toronto (AIDS, age 40)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p / =n /= n 

p  = n /

Death by Disease 30 October 1990 in Toronto (AIDS, age 40)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /

Lunar  = n 

Lunar  = n /

Russo, Renato

27 March 1960 at 04:00 (= 04:00 AM )Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 22s53, 43w0613


Death by Disease 11 October 1996 at 01:15 AM in Rio De Janeiro (AIDS, Age 36)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n 
Lunar / = n /

Death by Disease 11 October 1996 at 01:15 AM in Rio De Janeiro (AIDS, Age 36)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p 
p / = n 

Santucci, Raymond James

2 January 1955 at 23:59 (= 11:59 PM )Queens, New York, 40n43, 73w52


Death, Cause unspecified 13 July 2011 in New Port Richey (Age 56)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= Solar /= Solar /= n /

Meet a significant person 22 August 1990 at 10:55 PM they had sex and he contacted
AIDS at that time.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n /
p  = n /

p =n

p  = n = n 

p  = n AC= n /

 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Sasportas, Howard

12 April 1948 at 01:46 (= 01:46 AM )Hartford, Connecticut, 41n46, 72w41


He died of AIDS on 12 May 1992, 5:12 PM, London.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= n /

Solar /= n /

He died of AIDS on 12 May 1992, 5:12 PM, London.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n 
Lunar  = n /

Schwabe, J.

12 November 1942 at 09:30 (= 09:30 AM )New Orleans, Louisiana, 29n57, 90w05


Death by Disease 27 April 1984, San Francisco, CA. (AIDS, age 41)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= n 

Lunar / = n 

Death by Disease 27 April 1984, San Francisco, CA. (AIDS, age 41)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p /= n /

p =p =n

p / = n /

Scott, Jeremy

17 October 1961 at 00:02 (= 12:02 AM )San Diego, California, 32n43, 117w09


He died of complications from AIDS on 28 May 1994 in Rockford, Illinois.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p /= p = n 
p  = n /

He died of complications from AIDS on 28 May 1994 in Rockford, Illinois.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= n /

Shilts, Randy

8 August 1951 at 21:17 (= 9:17 PM )Davenport, Iowa, 41n31, 90w35


Death by Disease 17 February 1994 in Guerneville, California (AIDS, age 42)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n /

Solar /= Solar /= n 

Solar /= Solar /

Death by Disease 17 February 1994 in Guerneville, California (AIDS, age 42)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n 
p / = n /

p / = n /

p / = p  = p 

Siebel, Jay

9 March 1948 at 03:06 (= 03:06 AM )Darby, Pennsylvania, 39n55, 75w16


Death by Disease 9 April 1989 (AIDS, age 41)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p / = p 
p / = p /= n /

p / = n 

Death by Disease 9 April 1989 (AIDS, age 41)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n /

Solar /= Solar /

Solar = n /

Silva, Frank

31 October 1950 at 21:40 (= 9:40 PM )West Side Hospital, California, 37n1709,



Silva died on 13 September 1995, aged 44, from complications of AIDS.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /

Solar  = n /= n 

Solar /= n /

Silva died on 13 September 1995, aged 44, from complications of AIDS.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n / = p 

p / = n 

Skau, Frederick

16 June 1943 at 05:30 (= 05:30 AM )Houston, Texas, 29n46, 95w22


Death by Disease 19 November 1991 at 04:00 AM in San Francisco, CA (AIDS, age 48)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p 
p / = n = n 

p / = n 

Death by Disease 19 November 1991 at 04:00 AM in San Francisco, CA (AIDS, age 48)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /= n /= n /

Smith, Jack

14 November 1932 at 11:05 (= 11:05 AM )Columbus, Ohio, 39n58, 83w0


Death by Disease 16 September 1989 at 06:35 AM in New York (From AIDS, age 56)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar /= n 

Solar / = n /

Death by Disease 16 September 1989 at 06:35 AM in New York (From AIDS, age 56)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p /= n /

p / = n /

p = n /

Steers, Hugh Auchincloss

12 June 1962 at 06:20 (= 06:20 AM )Washington, District of Columbia, 38n54, 77w02


Steers died of AIDS related complications on 1 March 1995 in New York City

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar = n /= n /= n /

Steers died of AIDS related complications on 1 March 1995 in New York City

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /= n /= n /

Stiehr, Charles

16 May 1947 at 23:40 (= 11:40 PM )Saginaw, Michigan, 43n25, 83w57


Death by Disease September 1988 (AIDS, age 41)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= n /= n /

Solar / = n /

Sullivan, J.P.

6 June 1940 at 19:40 (= 7:40 PM )Spokane, Washington, 47n40, 117w26


Death by Disease 7 October 1990 (AIDS, age 50)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar / = n /

Death by Disease 7 October 1990 (AIDS, age 50)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = n /

Sullivan, Louis Graydon

16 June 1951 at 12:48 (= 12:48 PM )Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 43n02, 87w54


Death by Disease 6 March 1991 (AIDS-related, age 39)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar = Solar  = n /

Death by Disease 6 March 1991 (AIDS-related, age 39)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar  = Lunar /

Lunar = n /

Lunar = Lunar 

Lunar /= n / = n 


6 September 1947 at 01:35 (= 01:35 AM )Los Angeles, California, 34n03, 118w15


He died December 16, 1988 in San Francisco, CA.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar / = Lunar 

Lunar = n /

Lunar = Lunar /

He died December 16, 1988 in San Francisco, CA.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /

Lunar = n  = n 

Lunar / = n /


30 March 1949 at 16:45 (= 4:45 PM )Rockville Centre, New York, 40n40, 73w39


Death by Disease 8 March 1992 at 02:27 AM in Dallas, TX (AIDS, age 42)

Transit (harmonic 256)

t /= t= n /

t /= n /

t  = t  = n /

Death by Disease 8 March 1992 at 02:27 AM in Dallas, TX (AIDS, age 42)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p = p/= n 
p = p = n / 

p / = n /

Tatelman, Milton

24 March 1943 at 00:37 (= 12:37 AM )Newton, Massachusetts, 42n20, 71w13


Death by Disease June 1993 in Newton (AIDS, age 50)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar  = n /

Solar /= n /

Taylor, Victor

12 February 1940 at 01:17 (= 01:17 AM )Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 39n57, 75w10


Death by Disease 16 June 1991, Los Angeles, CA. (AIDS, age 51)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= n /

Death by Disease 16 June 1991, Los Angeles, CA. (AIDS, age 51)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p= n 
p /= p /

Teague, Forrest

16 September 1943 at 15:05 (= 3:05 PM )Stephenville, Texas, 32n13, 98w12


Death by Disease 14 August 1989 in Los Angeles (AIDS, age 44)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar /= Solar / = n 

Solar /= Solar = Solar = n /

Solar  = n 

Death by Disease 14 August 1989 in Los Angeles (AIDS, age 44)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p
p /= p = n 

p  = n /

Torres, Don

27 June 1936 at 22:12 (= 10:12 PM )Santa Barbara, California, 34n25, 119w42


He died of AIDS on March 22, 1986 in Los Angeles, California.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p 
p /= p /

He died of AIDS on March 22, 1986 in Los Angeles, California.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= Lunar 

Vassi, Marco

6 November 1937 at 04:15 (= 04:15 AM )New York, New York, 40n43, 74w0


Death by Disease 14 January 1989 in New York (AIDS, age 51)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n /
p /= p /

p  = n /

Death by Disease 14 January 1989 in New York (AIDS, age 51)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /

Lunar = Lunar /

Waddell, Tom

1 November 1937 at 06:30 (= 06:30 AM )Paterson, New Jersey, 40n55, 74w10


Tom Waddell died from AIDS on July 11, 1987, aged 49, in San Francisco, California.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= Lunar /= n /

Lunar /= Lunar 

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Tom Waddell died from AIDS on July 11, 1987, aged 49, in San Francisco, California.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= n /

Lunar /= n /

Wagstaff, Sam

4 November 1921 at 12:00 (= 12:00 noon )New York, New York, 40n43, 74w0


Death by Disease 14 January 1987 in New York (AIDS, age 65)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar = Solar / = n /

Solar /= Solar /= n 

Solar / = n 

Death by Disease 14 January 1987 in New York (AIDS, age 65)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /

Walliker, Paul

1 November 1947 at 10:20 (= 10:20 AM )Clinton, Iowa, 41n51, 90w11


Death by Disease 20 December 1990 (AIDS, age 43)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = n 
Solar / = n /

Solar / = n /

Death by Disease 20 December 1990 (AIDS, age 43)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p  = p /= n 
p /= n 

p / = p /

Watkins, Perry

20 August 1948 at 01:05 (= 01:05 AM )Joplin, Missouri, 37n05, 94w31


Death by Disease 17 March 1996 in Tacoma, Washington, USA (AIDS)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p  = p /= n /
p /= p /

 is AC (Gemini) Ruler

Death by Disease 17 March 1996 in Tacoma, Washington, USA (AIDS)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = n /= n 

Solar / = n /

Solar  = n = n /

 is AC (Gemini) Ruler

Westergard, Dan

17 April 1947 at 07:25 (= 07:25 AM )Los Angeles, California, 34n03, 118w15


Death by Disease 14 November 1992 at 12:00 midnight in San Francisco, CA (AIDS, age

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p /= n 
p /= n /= p /

p /= n 

 is AC (Taurus) Ruler

Death by Disease 14 November 1992 at 12:00 midnight in San Francisco, CA (AIDS, age

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar = n /= n 

Lunar /= Lunar = Lunar 

 is AC (Taurus) Ruler

Westlund, Chris

3 October 1949 at 20:50 (= 8:50 PM )Glendale (Los Angeles County), California, 34n09,


Death by Disease 28 January 1987 in Los Angeles (AIDS)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= n /

Lunar = Lunar 

Death by Disease 28 January 1987 in Los Angeles (AIDS)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar = Lunar 

 is AC (Taurus) Ruler

Weston, Bradford C.

10 September 1958 at 18:57 (= 6:57 PM )Houston, Texas, 29n46, 95w22


Death by Disease 1992 (AIDS, age 33)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

11 Aug 1990 AD GC 16:42:20 CDT +05:00:00 New Moon

p / = p /= n 
p /= n 

p = n /

White, Edmund

13 January 1940 at 17:11 (= 5:11 PM )Cincinnati, Ohio, 39n10, 84w27


Medical diagnosis 1985 (HIV+)

Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase (harmonic 256)

11 Aug 1990 AD GC 16:42:20 CDT +05:00:00 New Moon

p / = p /
p /= n /= n 

p (=)/= p = n /

Whiting, Terry Owen

3 October 1956 at 07:24 (= 07:24 AM )Glens Falls, New York, 43n19, 73w39


Death by Disease 19 June 2007 in Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. (AIDS, age

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar / = Lunar / = Lunar / = n /

 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Death by Disease 19 June 2007 in Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. (AIDS, age

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p /= n /= n /

 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Acute illness on 5 March 1991 (HIV+, AIDS diagnosed)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p  = p  = n /= n 

Williams, Rev. Robert

21 July 1955 at 15:23 (= 3:23 PM )Abilene, Texas, 32n27, 99w44


He died in hospital in Boston on 24 December 1992 from AIDS.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p /= n /= n /

p / = n 

p= n

Winnings, Michael

9 August 1950 at 08:15 (= 08:15 AM )Butte Creek, Montana, 48n53, 105w51


Death by Disease 15 January 1991 (AIDS, age 40)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = Solar /= n /

Solar / = n /

Wojnarowicz, David

14 September 1954 at 09:01 (= 09:01 AM )Red Bank (Monmouth County), New Jersey,
40n21, 74w04


Death by Disease 22 July 1992 in New York (AIDS)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p / = p / = n 
p  = p  = n /

p / = n 

p / = n 

 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Spanish Flu

Auf der Maur, Melissa

17 March 1972 at 13:10 (= 1:10 PM )Montréal, Quebec (CAN), 45n31, 73w34


Acute illness 16 July 2009 in Hudson (recovered from swine flu)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p/ = p  = n / = n /

p= n

It looks like this Sun-Jupiter-Uranus combination has protected.

Boumal, Louis

11 May 1890 at 16:00 (= 4:00 PM )Liège, Belgium, 50n38, 5e34


Death by Disease 11 October 1918 (spanish flu, age 28)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= n /

Lunar / = n 

Lunar / = n 

Death by Disease 11 October 1918 (spanish flu, age 28)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar = n 

Lunar / = n /

Lunar / = n /= n 

 is AC (Virgo) Ruler

Genet, Camille Gabrielle

18 July 1888 at 18:00 (= 6:00 PM )Lyon, France, 45n45, 4e51


She died on 24 February 1919 in Paris from the Spanish flu, at age 30.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n 
p / = p 

p = n 

p /= n /

p = n 

She died on 24 February 1919 in Paris from the Spanish flu, at age 30.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= n 

Lunar / = n /

Janiszewski, Zygmunt

12 July 1888 at 07:30 (= 07:30 AM )Warszawa, Poland, 52n15, 21e0


He died on 3 January 1920 at the age of 31 in the Spanish flu.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n 
p / = n 

p  = n /

He died on 3 January 1920 at the age of 31 in the Spanish flu.

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /

Lunar /= Lunar /= n /

Lunar  = n /

Kabotie, Michael

3 September 1942 at 16:45 (= 4:45 PM )Keams Canyon, Arizona, 35n49, 110w12


Kabotie died on 23 October 2009 from complications of the H1N1 swine flu in Flagstaff,

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar  = Solar = n 
Solar / = n /

Solar /= n / = n 

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Kabotie died on 23 October 2009 from complications of the H1N1 swine flu in Flagstaff,

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n / = n 
p /= n 

p / = n 

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Kabotie died on 23 October 2009 from complications of the H1N1 swine flu in Flagstaff,

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar/ = Lunar/ = Lunar 

Lunar/ = Lunar/

Lunar  = n 

Lunar  = n 

 is AC (Libra) Ruler

Leneru, Marie

2 June 1875 at 13:15 (= 1:15 PM )Brest, France, 48n24, 4w29


She died on 23 September 1918 in Lorient, following the outbreak of Spanish flu.

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= p 
p / = n /

p / = n /

p= n

She died on 23 September 1918 in Lorient, following the outbreak of Spanish flu.

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar  = Solar  = n 
Solar /= n 

Marto, Francisco

11 June 1908 at 03:00 (= 03:00 AM )Aljustrel (Fátima), Portugal, 39n3657, 8w3953


Death by Disease 4 April 1919 at 12:00 noon in Fatima, Portugal (Spanish flu, age nine)

Solar Return (harmonic 256)

Solar / = n 
Solar /= Solar / = Solar = n 

Death by Disease 4 April 1919 at 12:00 noon in Fatima, Portugal (Spanish flu, age nine)

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /

Lunar / = n /

Marto, Jacinta

11 March 1910 at 16:00 (= 4:00 PM )Aljustrel (Fátima), Portugal, 39n3657, 8w3953


Death by Disease 20 February 1920 at 10:30 PM in Lisbon, Portugal (Spanish flu, age

Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= n /= n /

Lunar  = n /

Death by Disease 20 February 1920 at 10:30 PM in Lisbon, Portugal (Spanish flu, age

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= n /= n /

Souza-Cardoso, Amadeo de

14 November 1887 at 02:30 (= 02:30 AM )Manhufe, Portugal, 41n1551, 8w0919


Death by Disease 25 October 1918 (Spanish flu, age 30)

Secondary Progression (harmonic 256)

p /= n /= n 
p / = n /= n 

p / = p 

Death by Disease 25 October 1918 (Spanish flu, age 30)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 256)

Lunar /= Lunar /= Lunar = n 

Lunar /= n /

Lunar  = n /= n 

Coronavirus Disease


Nicolas Alfonsi

Born : 13 April 1936 Cargèse, Corsica, France

Died : 16 March 2020 Ajaccio, Corsica, France


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = n / = n /

t= n

t / = n /

t / = n  = n 

Aileen Baviera

Born : August 26, 1959 Manila, Philippines

Died : March 21, 2020 Manila, Philippines


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = n / = n /

t  = t / = n /= n /

Mark Blum

Born : May 14, 1950 Newark, New Jersey, U.S.

Died : March 25, 2020 New York City, U.S.


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = t  = n /
t  = t / = n /

t / = n 

Lucia Bosè

Born : 28 January 1931 Milan, Italy

Died : 23 March 2020 Segovia, Spain


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = n 
t  = n /

t  = n /

t= n

Lunar Return (harmonic 16)

Lunar / = Lunar = n

Germà Colón

Born : 30 November 1928 Basel, Switzerland.

Died : 22 March 2020 Basel, Switzerland.


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = t / = t  = n /

t / = t / = t  = n = n 

Manu Dibango

Born : 12 December 1933 Douala, French Cameroon

Died : 24 March 2020 Paris, France


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = n / = n  = n 

Luciano Federici

Born : 16 May 1938 Carrara, Tuscany, Italy

Died : 18 March 2020 Carrara, Tuscany, Italy


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = n / = n /

t / = n 

t  = n = n / 

Paul Goma

Born : October 2, 1935, Mana, Kingdom of Romania

Died : March 25, 2020 Paris, France


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = t / = n / = n 

t  = n /

Vittorio Gregotti

Born : 10 August 1927 Novara, Piedmont, Italy

Died : 15 March 2020 Milan, Lombardy, Italy


Secondary Progression (harmonic 16)

p / = n 
p  = n /

p  = n /

p  = n = n 

Olle Holmquist

Born : 15 November 1936 Skellefteå, Sweden

Died : 26 March 2020 Skellefteå, Sweden


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = n / = n /

t= n= n

t / = n 

Li Wenliang

Born : 12 October 1986 Beizhen, Liaoning, China

Died : 7 February 2020 Wuhan, Hubei, China


Transit (harmonic 16)

t  = t / = n /
t / = t /= n 

t / = t 

Mike Longo

Born : March 19, 1937 Cincinnati, Ohio

Died : March 22, 2020 Manhattan


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = t  = n /
t / = t /

Zororo Makamba

Born : January 17, 1990 Harare, Zimbabwe

Died : March 23, 2020 Harare, Zimbabwe


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = t / = n / = n 

t / = n /

Terrence McNally

Born : November 3, 1938 St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.

Died : March 24, 2020 Sarasota, Florida, U.S.


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = t / = n / = n 

Angelo Moreschi

Born : 13 June 1952 Nave, Italy

Died : 25 March 2020 Brescia, Italy


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = t / = n 
t  = n /

Marcelo Peralta

Born : 5 March 1961 Buenos Aires

Died : 10 March 2020 Madrid, Spain


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = t / = t 
t / = n /

Giovanni Battista Rabino

Born : 15 December 1931 Montaldo Scarampi, Italy

Died : 12 March 2020 Asti, Italy


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = n / = n 
t / = n /

Calogero Rizzuto (Architect)

Born : 20 January 1955 Sambuca di Sicilia, Italy

Died : 23 March 2020 Syracuse, Sicily


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = n / = n /

t  = n /

t= n

Lorenzo Sanz

Born : 9 August 1943 Madrid, Spain

Died : 21 March 2020 Madrid, Spain


Secondary Progression (harmonic 16)

p / = p / = p 
p  = n / = n /

p / = n 

Hossein Sheikholeslam

Born : 29 November 1952 Isfahan, Iran

Died : 5 March 2020 Tehran, Iran


Secondary Progression (harmonic 16)

p  = p / = n / = n 
p / = p / = n 

Aytaç Yalman

Born : 29 July 1940 Istanbul, Turkey

Died : 15 March 2020 Istanbul, Turkey


Transit (harmonic 16)

t / = n /
t / = t = n 

t / = n 


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