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The Exact Time of Death and Birth Time Correction

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The exact time of death

and birth time correction

Cemal Cicek

29 April 2018

"Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the
end, by forces over which we have no control. It is
determined for the insect, as well as for the star.
Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance
to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an
invisible piper.”

Albert Einstein

The Rules ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Winehouse, Amy ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Elisabeth, Empress of Austria................................................................................................................ 21
Barbault, Armand .................................................................................................................................. 32
Kennedy, John F..................................................................................................................................... 40
Kennedy, Caroline ................................................................................................................................. 66
Trump, Donald....................................................................................................................................... 69
Witte, Alfred .......................................................................................................................................... 76
Sieggrün, Friedrich................................................................................................................................. 82
Lefeldt, Hermann................................................................................................................................... 88
Allen, Garth (Donald Bradley) ............................................................................................................... 91
Fagan, Cyril ............................................................................................................................................ 96
Firebrace, Roy C..................................................................................................................................... 99
Duncan, Gary ....................................................................................................................................... 104
Stahl, Carl W. ....................................................................................................................................... 108
Leo, Alan .............................................................................................................................................. 113
Uyldert, Mellie..................................................................................................................................... 117
Mertz, Bernd Arnulf............................................................................................................................. 123
Walker, Patric ...................................................................................................................................... 130
Cole, Robert......................................................................................................................................... 134
DeLuce, Robert .................................................................................................................................... 139
Shaw, Victoria...................................................................................................................................... 141
Chessman, Caryl .................................................................................................................................. 144
Rich, Ginger ......................................................................................................................................... 147
Lennon, John ....................................................................................................................................... 149
Bohain, Jennifer................................................................................................................................... 154
Clydesdale, Victoria Elizabeth ............................................................................................................. 155
Fawcett, Farrah.................................................................................................................................... 166
Cobain, Kurt......................................................................................................................................... 168
Theler, Brigitte..................................................................................................................................... 172
Banzhaf, Hajo....................................................................................................................................... 176
Davis, T. Pat ......................................................................................................................................... 181
Cayce, Edgar ........................................................................................................................................ 184
Jayne, Charles...................................................................................................................................... 187

Armistead, Julian ................................................................................................................................. 191
Ryan, Juliann C..................................................................................................................................... 197
Rabin, Yitzhak ...................................................................................................................................... 201
Astaire, Fred ........................................................................................................................................ 205
Rodden, Lois M.................................................................................................................................... 210
Elliot, Roger ......................................................................................................................................... 213
Englert, Walter .................................................................................................................................... 217
Weil, Eric.............................................................................................................................................. 219
Abrams, Griff ....................................................................................................................................... 223
Caroline, Princess of Monaco.............................................................................................................. 227
Rainier III, Prince of Monaco ............................................................................................................... 233
Casiraghi, Charlotte ............................................................................................................................. 237
Casiraghi, Pierre................................................................................................................................... 238
Casiraghi, Andrea................................................................................................................................. 239
Irene, Princess of the Netherlands ...................................................................................................... 240
Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands...................................................................................................... 243
Bernhard, Prince of the Netherlands (1911) ....................................................................................... 247
Johan Friso, Prince............................................................................................................................... 249
Beatrix, Queen of Netherlands............................................................................................................ 253
Newman, Scott .................................................................................................................................... 255
Dee, Sandra ......................................................................................................................................... 257
Derek, John.......................................................................................................................................... 262
Derek, Bo ............................................................................................................................................. 264
Freud, Sigmund ................................................................................................................................... 267
Malcolm X............................................................................................................................................ 271
Mansfield, Jayne.................................................................................................................................. 275
Presley, Elvis ........................................................................................................................................ 279
Reynolds, Debbie................................................................................................................................. 282
Fisher, Carrie ....................................................................................................................................... 287
Martin, Dean ....................................................................................................................................... 289
Martin, Dino ........................................................................................................................................ 292
Hamill, Dorothy ................................................................................................................................... 294
Perón, Eva............................................................................................................................................ 295
Rogers, Ginger ..................................................................................................................................... 299
Schmidt, Helmut.................................................................................................................................. 304

Steiner, Rudolf..................................................................................................................................... 309
Steiner, Marie...................................................................................................................................... 317
Taylor, Elizabeth .................................................................................................................................. 320
Gibb, Barbara....................................................................................................................................... 325
Palme, Olof .......................................................................................................................................... 330
Gandhi, Mohandas .............................................................................................................................. 336
Astrid, Queen of Belgium .................................................................................................................... 341
Leopold III, King of Belgium................................................................................................................. 345
Hughes, Howard .................................................................................................................................. 349
Adams, Evangeline .............................................................................................................................. 352
Bergman, Ingrid ................................................................................................................................... 356

The Rules :
1-The Time of Death : It must be in harmonic 262144.

 t / t =  t =  n

This equation lasts only one second. And for the same person it repeats
every 4 or 5 minutes approximately when mars or saturn are not
slow,retrograde or stationary. If death time is accurate to 5 minutes, you
can correct the death time and birth time to the second.

If death time is known for the hour, then you have to correct the birth
time and death time with progressions (with higher harmonics) ,
especially tertiary and minor, and then use this method to find death and
birth times to the second.

2-Sidereal zodiac (Krishnamurti Ayanamsa).

23°45'56" for Year 2000. Speed of precession is 50.2388475.

3- Accuracy: We will still be able a lot to discover, if we correct the birth

time in seconds. It's about astrology. It's not about the egos claiming that
their correction is better than others.
Example :
When Diana, Princess of Wales married, was her tertiary sun on 0° 0' 36''
in harmonic 4096 and her natal VE/MN is on 0° 3' 14'' difference was 0°
2' 38'' .The 0° 2' 38'' is an exact harmonic point. That means her tertiary
sun with natal VE/MN was exactly harmonic.Therefore, we know that the
birth time (approximately 14:00) is correct no matter who, what says.
And nobody can trick this astrological system.
In the harmonic 4096 you can tolerate 1 second.

4-Progressions Keys : The progression keys that astrologers have used
so far, a tropical day equals a tropical year, is wrong.To be able to see
that clearly, one needs first; sidereal zodiac, second; at least harmonic

But as I wrote above, when it comes to not astrology, or you work with
tropical zodiac, or with just normal 360 ° horoscope, then my work is not
for you. You can continue like so far. Do not let it bother you.
Just ignore it unless you empty first your cup.

Right keys :
Tertiary I: 1 sidereal day = sidereal month (27.321661 days)
Rate : 0.99726966 / 27.321661= .036501062655012
Tertiary II (Minor) : 1 sidereal month = 1 sidereal year
Rate : 27.321661/ 365.25636042 = .074801328493181
Secondary Progression : 1 sidereal day = 1 sidereal year
Rate : 0.99726966 / 365.25636042 = .002730327978008

I have given examples here :

I could there shown with thousands of examples. But I know that it does
not work, for those who do not want to see, hear and understand.
5-Progressions :
Secondary, tertiary, minor and converse are used.

6-Transit, Solar, Lunar, Progressed Lunar are used.

7-Last New Moon before the event.

One can take last moon phase before the event too.
In this work, I will explain with 4 examples in detail how to proceed.

Winehouse, Amy
14 September 1983 at 22:25 (= 10:25 PM )Enfield, England, 51n40, 0w05
British singer.
Death by Accident 23 July 2011 at 3:54 PM in London (alcohol poisoning)
Minor (Harmonic 4096)

We have to look through all the progressions to get a first impression of whether
the correction takes just 1-2 minutes or less than 1 minute. First, I show Minor
Progression with the 22:25 birth time. Sun and Neptune above are not exact. If
you think that the cause of death was alcohol poisoning then the sun and
Neptune would have to be exact. Depending on the type of death we should pay
attention to the planets that can be considered.

p = 0° 4' 19'' - 0° 2' 38''(exact harmonic point) = 0° 1' 41''

p = 0° 1' 38''
The discrepancy between Sun and Neptune is 3 seconds and unacceptable. But
the correction will be less than a minute. Therefore we can use our equation
transit MA/SA = transit SU = natal SU (harmonic 65536)

Because the transit sun with MA / SA is not exact , we need to run transit
sun left around (since the correction should be less than a minute) until
transit SU = MA / SA is.
Below after 30 seconds (15:54:30) transit SU = transit MA/SA ≠ natal SU

If we correct the birth time to 22:25:08 then that would be transit SU =
transit MA/SA = natal SU

Harmonic 262144 :

This harmonic 262144 has a time window of 2 minutes. Between red

points (marked in green) is about 30 seconds. That is, we have four
possible birth times when running left around with the sun .

The first possible death time would be 15:54:30. The first possible birth
time is 22:25:08 for this death time , second possible birth time
22:25:38, third possible birth time 22:26:09 and fourth possible birth
time would be 22:26:39

After we have possible birth times determined , we must check these
possible times with the progressions, which comes in question as a proper
birth time.

We use harmonic 65536 for this. But let's look at harmonic 4096 minor

Minor (h-4096)

If we take the second possible birth time 22:25:38, it is better than


Harmonic 65536

If we take the first possible birth time 22:25:08 :

progressed Lunar Return

p ≠ n /n

Harmonic 65536

If we take the second possible birth time 22:25:38 :

progressed Lunar Return

p = n /n

Harmonic 65536

If we take the first possible birth time 22:25:08 :

Secondary converse

p = n = n
It's about death not marriage, that's why this possible birth time is wrong.

Harmonic 65536

If we take the second possible birth time 22:25:38 :

Secondary converse

p = n /n = n
p = n
This interaction between the Sun and Jupiter also shows that this birth
time is correct, because Jupiter is in the natal between MA/SA.

Last new moon before death :

1.07.2011 9:53:55 GMT+1 15°16'32"Gem New Moon (Partial Solar


Harmonic 65536

We see transit Jupiter again with transit AC between natal MA/SA

Last moon phase occurred on the day of death :

23.07.2011 6:01:57 GMT+1 6°06'05"Ari Last Quarter

Harmonic 65536

t /t = n /n
And besides, it was :

t = t = t =t = n ; t = n /n
t = n (She has sidereal Taurus-AC)

Check with marriage.

Winehouse married Fielder-Civil on 18 May 2007, in Miami Beach, Florida.


Solar Return (harmonic 65536)

Solar / = n/n =n

Solar AC = Solar  = n = n
birth time is correct firstly, the harmonic`s are exact,

secondly, she divorced (Solar /=n and natal /).

Check with marriage.

Winehouse married Fielder-Civil on 18 May 2007, in Miami Beach, Florida.


Lunar Return (harmonic 65536)

Lunar / (Marriage) = n = n (ends with divorce)

When divorce was granted on 16 July 2009, (not illustrated)

was Lunar /  / 

= n n = n and Lunar =   n= n
when the divorce became final on 28 August 2009, (not illustrated)

was Lunar / = n/n

Elisabeth, Empress of Austria

24 December 1837 at 22:43 (= 10:43 PM )Munich, Germany, 48n08,

Death by Homicide 10 September 1898 at 1:15 PM in Geneva (Stabbed)

Transit of the time of death 13:15:00 (Harmonic 262144)

The birth time seems to be exact. That's why we look at the Harmonic
262144. In the next step we will bring the transit sun (highlighted in
green) to the 1st point. The pointer is set to transit MA/SA.

After we have brought natal sun on the exact point too :

t /t = t = n
The first possible death time would be 13:14:48. For this death time the
first possible birth time 22:42:39, second possible birth time 22:42:10,
third possible birth time 22:41:41 and fourth possible birth time would be

If we take second possible birth time 22:42:10 and look at solar:

First : it is very noticeable that the death planets Mars and Saturn each
other ,to natal Saturn and to Solar AC exact.
Second : Solar MC = natal= natal  = 
Third : Solar  = natal /

Solar  = natal /
that you see is very precisely,that's why I show it

Solar for the first possible birth time 22:42:39 looks like this:

Here is neither Solar Mars with Solar Saturn exactly nor with natal Saturn.
Solar Moon is nowhere.

Lunar Return for the first possible birth time 22:42:39

Lunar / touches nothing

Lunar return for the second possible birth time 22:42:10

Lunar / = Lunar 


Lunar return for the second possible birth time 22:42:10

Lunar  = Natal /

In this example is natal Mercury = natal MA / SA and solar Mercury makes
interaction (solar Mercury = natal Saturn, solar Saturn = natal Mercury)
like our first example Jupiter.Mercury is DC (Aquarius) Lord.

Progressed Lunar Return for the second possible birth time 22:42:10

Lunar  = Natal /

also :

Lunar AC = Lunar  = Natal AC /

Last new moon before death for the first possible birth time 22:42:39

17.08.1898 11:34:04 GMT+1 2°08'26"Leo New Moon

Harmonic 4096

t = 0° 3' 38'' - 0° 2' 38''(exact harmonic point) = 0° 1' 00''

n = 0° 1' 01''

Last new moon before death for the second possible birth time 22:42:10

17.08.1898 11:34:04 GMT+1 2°08'26"Leo New Moon

Harmonic 4096 (It is clear that the correct birth time is 22:42:10.)

t = 0° 3' 38'' - 0° 2' 38''(exact harmonic point) = 0° 1' 00''

n = 0° 1' 00''

Barbault, Armand

2 April 1906 at 10:00 (= 10:00 AM )Champoulet, France, 47n3930,

French astrologer.
Died 1 May 1974, 04:10 AM, Hattstatt, France

Before we with the correction begin , we always look at harmonic 4096

progressions, Solar and Lunar.We see below that Solar MA/SA is with natal
Sun not exact.

If we take the birth time a minute later (10:01), the birth time will be
accurate to the minute. Then we have solar MA / SA = natal SU.

The birth time to correct to the second, we go to harmonic 65536

Here's the approximately correction 10:01 and the death time 09:04

We need to bring transit sun to the green marked point, which is with
transit MA / SA exactly harmonic.

harmonic 65536

After we have brought transit sun to the exact point , we must bring the
natal sun the green marked point.

harmonic 65536

After we have to the second exactly :
transit MA / SA = transit SU = natal SU

the corrected birth time 10:01:13

the corrected death time 04:09:33

Harmonic 262144

Solar for the corrected birth time 10:01:13 (harmonic 4096)

Solar / = 0° 1' 02''

natal  = 0° 1' 02''

Solar for the uncorrected birth time 10:00:00

Solar / = 0° 1' 01''

natal  = 0° 0' 59''

Last new moon before death for corrected birth time 10:01:13

22.04.1974 11:16:29 GMT+1 8°29'55"Ari New Moon

Harmonic 4096

t = 0° 3' 40'' - 0° 2' 38''(exact harmonic point) = 0° 1' 02''

n = 0° 1' 02''

Last new moon before death for the uncorrected birth time 10:00:00

22.04.1974 11:16:29 GMT+1 8°29'55"Ari New Moon

Harmonic 4096

t = 0° 3' 40'' - 0° 2' 38''(exact harmonic point) = 0° 1' 02''

n = 0° 0' 59''

Kennedy, John F.
29 May 1917 at 15:00 (= 3:00 PM )Brookline, Massachusetts, 42n20,
On 22 November 1963, shortly after 12:30 PM CST, he was shot in Dallas,
Source Notes
"...JFK's mother quoted for 3pm in the audio recording of her voice
....Scholfield submitted death certificate stating time of death as 1pm."

After correction : Harmonic 524288

corrected and exact birth time : 15:00:59
corrected and exact death time : 12:36:32

This example is so important that we made the correction with harmonic
524288. It will also happen that you have to use this harmonic too.

How do we get this time 15:00:59 ?

Step 1 :

We always look, the given time with the harmonic 4096 for progressions
and solar, lunar etc.
Natal sun is with solar MA / SA not exact.That's why we have to take a
minute later and we bring the sun on a red pointer.

Step 2 :

In this step the birth time is 15:01:00.

We have to search the death time between 12:30 and 13:00.
We proceed until transit sun,transit MA/SA and radix sun are in red
points (number 1 and 2) or between 2 points(number 3) exact.

Step 3 :

In this step the birth time is 15:01:00 and deat time 12:36:33
Now we look with harmonic 524288
As we see here suns are exact but MA/SA with suns not exact.
if we take back both suns one second, then we have first picture above.

Step 4 :

In this step we have to control this possible birth time with progressions,
solar etc.We take always deaths, marriage, separations and births in the

We take first Patrick`s death time and compare with the birth time of John
Kennedy, Patrick B.
The third child, born six weeks premature to John and Jacqueline
Kennedy. Patrick had Hyaline Membrane Syndrome and died of respiratory
problems 8/09/1963 at 4:04 AM EDT.

Harmonic 524288
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:59
Patrick B. Kennedy`s death time : 04:04:00

As we see picture above : transit MA/SA = transit SU ≠ natal SU

There are two possible options. Either Patrick 's death time is correct,
john's birth time is wrong, or Patrick 's death time is wrong.

To check it out, which option is right, we'll take John 's birth time as
correct and we'll correct Patrick 's death time. And for the second, we'll
take John's birth time as correct and correct Patrik's death time.Then we
have two birth times and two death times.

First option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:59 Patrick B. Kennedy`s death
time : 04:02:32

Second option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:53 Patrick B. Kennedy`s death
time : 04:04:00

There were 5 deaths in Kennedy family. We will now compare the new
moons before deaths with both birth times , namely 15:00:59 and
New moons must clearly demonstrate true birth time.

Last new moon before his son Patrick death
20.07.1963 16:42:42 GMT-4 4°09'00"Cnc New Moon transit to natal

Second option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:53

Harmonic 262144

t = t = t/t =t/t = n /n;

t = t =t
Transits show clearly death of son.

Last new moon before his son Patrick death
20.07.1963 16:42:42 GMT-4 4°09'00"Cnc New Moon transit to natal

First option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:59

Harmonic 262144

t = t = t/t =t/t = n /n;

t = t =t
But in this option there are shocking.

t = n; t = n/n

Last new moon before his brother Robert F. Kennedy death
27.05.1968 0:29:41 GMT-7 12°44'20"Tau New Moon

Second option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:53

Harmonic 262144

t = t/t = n /n;

Last new moon before his brother Robert F. Kennedy death
27.05.1968 0:29:41 GMT-7 12°44'20"Tau New Moon

First option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:59

Harmonic 262144

t = t/t = n/n = n /n

Last new moon before his son John F. Kennedy, Jr. death
12.07.1999 22:23:57 GMT-4 26°31'45"Gem New Moon

Second option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:53

Harmonic 262144

AC t = t = AC n/n = n /n

Last new moon before his son John F. Kennedy, Jr. death
12.07.1999 22:23:57 GMT-4 26°31'45"Gem New Moon

First option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:59

Harmonic 262144

AC t = t =  n/n = AC n /n= n
With transit saturn = sun and mercury saturn midpoint, this birth-time
fits better , because mercury saturn midpoint and natal sun are

Last new moon before his wife Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis death
10.05.1994 13:06:34 GMT-4 26°06'59"Ari New Moon

Second option:
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:53

Harmonic 262144

t/t =  n/n = AC n /n

we have to focus our attention on venus and moon

Last new moon before his wife Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis death
10.05.1994 13:06:34 GMT-4 26°06'59"Ari New Moon

First option:
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:59
Harmonic 262144

t/t =  n/n = MC n /n =n/n;

 t = n
Here one sees clearly, it is about wife and although death of the wife.
That the new moon shows itself over a natal sun as with his son John F.
Kennedy Jr. , sun not only represents himself, but also his family too,
because the suns in a family have to be exact to each other.And in
harmonic 65536 is New moon = natal Jupiter (DC Lord) and in
harmonic 4096 is new moon MA/SA = natal Jupiter = natal moon.

Last new moon before his Mother Rose Kennedy death
1.01.1995 5:55:38 GMT-5 16°51'18"Sgr New Moon transit to natal

Second option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:53

Harmonic 262144

we have to focus our attention when it comes to the mother on venus,

moon and MC/IC (parents) axis, at the wife on venus, moon and AC/DC

t = MC t = n/AC n

Last new moon before his mother Rose Kennedy death
1.01.1995 5:55:38 GMT-5 16°51'18"Sgr New Moon transit to natal

Firs option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:59

Harmonic 262144
we have to focus our attention when it comes to the mother on venus,
moon and MC/IC (parents) axis, at the wife on venus, moon and AC/DC

t = MC t = n/MC n = MC n/n
Here one sees clearly, it is about Mother.
But I show next page another picture for this birth time with this new
moon from another perspective.

Last new moon before his mother Rose Kennedy death
1.01.1995 5:55:38 GMT-5 16°51'18"Sgr New Moon transit to natal

Firs option :
John F.Kennedy`s birth time : 15:00:59

Harmonic 262144

AC t =t =t =n =n =  n/n

=  n/n

I would like to show here a comparison that the birth time 15:00:59 is
accurate to the second.

His mother Rose Kennedy died at home in the family compound on Cape
Cod, Hyannis Port, MA, January 22, 1995, 5:30 PM EST.

Solar (harmonic 4096)

Solar n = n
MC =
Solar  = n

Solar AC = MC n /n
For One second earlier and one second later birth time , there is no longer
these equations.

Step 5 :

In this step you have to find a possible second death time and compare it
with the first death time. If the birth time is correct, then until 13 o'clock
second possible death time 12:48:16 and third possible death time would
be 12:58:48.
We skip this step as if birth time were correct.Then we go the next step

Step 6 :

I published my theories three years ago. I do not want to write why these
theories in the astrological world have been ignored. But I know what
reasons they could have those who call themselves astrologers.

My theories are no longer theories but they are true astrological rules.

Two of these rules says:

1-Family member’s sun position on their birth chart has to be in exact

2-A country’s all presidents’ sun positions in exact harmonic with each
other’s and the country’s sun position.

Following these two rules, we are able to, firstly, correct the birth times of
all Kennedy family members and the birth times of all US presidents (if
birth times are known). Even we can find out true US horoscope. Here,
with John Kennedy's birth time I'll just correct birth time of Caroline
Kennedy and a US president.

Death by Homicide 22 November 1963 at 12:36:32 PM in Dallas

Lunar Return (harmonic 4096)

Lunar AC = Lunar (natal AC Lord ) = n = Lunar

(malefic- natal DC Lord )
Lunar  =  n/n = n/n

Lunar  = n; Lunar = Lunar /= MC n

Lunar MC = n/n

Solar Return (harmonic 4096)

Solar / = Solar / = Solar MC /= n;

Solar (natal AC Lord ) = Solar  = Solar= n

= AC n/n ;
Solar AC = Solar = n/ n

Solar MC = n/n = n/n =Lunar(see above)

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 4096)

Lunar/ = Lunar ; Lunar = Lunar = n/n;

Lunar (natal AC Lord ) = Lunar AC = n/n

=  n/n =Lunar (see above)( his wife  was also there

when he was shot)

Secondary (harmonic 4096)

p (natal AC Lord ) = p/p = p/p

= n/n; p = n/n
We will see / in all murder cases especially if killer is unknown
p = p (malefic- natal DC Lord )

Tertiary (harmonic 4096)

p = p/p = p/p = p/p=

p = p/p
p = p = p/p

Last new moon before death (harmonic 4096)
16.11.1963 0:50:17 GMT-6 29°55'50"Lib New Moon transit to natal

 t/t = t/t = AC n/n = n ;

 (natal AC Lord ) = t/t = n/n = n

Last total solar eclipse occurred

20.07.1963 14:42:42 GMT-6 4°09'00"Cnc

Eclipse AC-Lord () = AC t/ t = AC n/

 n
Eclipse AC ( 0° 1' 48'') = AC n ( 0° 1' 48'')

Kennedy, Caroline

27 November 1957 at 08:15 (= 08:15 AM )New York, New York, 40n43,

The daughter of John F. and Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.
Mother died on 19 May 1994, at 10:15 PM EDT, in New York

Because the birth time is less than a minute wrong, after we have checked
with progressions, we go directly to harmonic 262144 and get that
The corrected birth time of John F.Kennedy 15:00:59
The corrected birth time of Caroline Kennedy 08:14:23

Harmonic 524288

Mother died on 19 May 1994, at 22:05:49 (corrected) PM EDT, in New

Solar Return (harmonic 4096)

, and MC/IC axis are mother.

Solar / = Solar = MC n (died of Mother)

Mother died on 19 May 1994, at 22:05:49 (corrected) PM EDT, in New

Solar Return (from another perspective)

, and MC/IC axis are mother.

Solar MC = = MC n/n = AP /n


Solar =  n/n; Solar = n/n;

Solar AC = AC n /n

Solar  = n/n = n/n

Trump, Donald
14 June 1946 at 10:54 (= 10:54 AM )Jamaica Hospital Queens (Queens
County), New York, 40n42, 73w4859
Marriage 22 January 2005 at 7:00 PM in Palm Beach, FL (Melania Knauss)

Harmonic 262144

The corrected birth time of John F.Kennedy 15:00:59 (as transit)

The corrected birth time of Donald Trump 10:53:52

Of course there are three other options (marked with green). But after
checking with events, the correct birth time must be 10:53:52.

When it comes to marriage, then we look

,,/,AC/DC axis and AC-DC Lords. In addition,

we also have to look at , because we do not know whether there will

be a divorce or not. If  is there, eventually it will be divorced.

The problem is, which ruler should we take for AC and DC ?

I can tell you 100% safety, neither tropical nor sidereal rulers are proper.
The funny thing is, both systems sometimes have proper rulers.
Therefore, they do not come to the fact that some rulers are wrong. They
are looking for the error elsewhere.

A short story :

Someone watched Nasrudin searches something on the ground. "What

have you lost, Nasrudin?" asked he. "My key," the mulla said. Both were
now on their knees and searched.
After a while, the other asked, "Where did you actually lose him?"
"In my house."
"But why are you looking for him out here?"
"Because it's lighter here."

That is why there are many different Ayanamsa in the East, and that is
why the ruling system is changed every 100 years in the West and there
are so many house systems.

If an astrologer can not 100 percent determine between two different

birth times, which is the right one, he must his astrological system
change until he finds right system,and he should be open to the
unimaginable,because astrology is not a religion rather mathematically
exact procedure more accurate and exact than you can imagine.

I take  for  as ruler and for .

Marriage 22 January 2005 at 7:00 PM in Palm Beach, FL (Melania Knauss)

Donald Trump has AC () Lord  and DC () Lord

Secondary (harmonic 65536)

AC Lord n = DC Lord p =p/p

Where is p ?
AC Lord

AC Lord p=n/n=n (he is happy)

Solar (harmonic 65536)

Solar AC = = Solar / = n/n= n/n


Solar  = Solar MC = n/n ; Solar  = Natal AC

Solar  = n/n = n = n

All planets that show the marriage (solar and natal), they are perfect
connected, if / was not there. He will divorced sometime.

Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, mother of Donald Trump, died August 7, 2000
New Hyde Park, New York, U.S.

Solar (harmonic 65536)

Solar = n/n = Solar = MC n

Solar / = n = MC n /n

You can see perfect symmetry here. And aditionally :

Solar MC = AC n/n = n = n

Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, mother of Donald Trump, died August 7, 2000
New Hyde Park, New York, U.S.

Lunar Return (harmonic 65536)

Lunar AC = AC n/n = n = n;

Lunar  = n; Lunar MC = n;

Lunar  = n /MC n;

Lunar /= n/n = MC n

Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, mother of Donald Trump, died August 7, 2000
New Hyde Park, New York, U.S.

Progressed Lunar Return (harmonic 65536)

Lunar  = n/n = n/n = MC n/n;

Lunar  = n/n = MC n;

Lunar /= Lunar = n= n/n

Witte, Alfred
2 March 1878 at 21:12 (= 9:12 PM )Hamburg, Germany, 53n33, 9e59
German Uranian astrologer who established a sophisticated system of
spatial reference and founded the Hamburg School.
Death by Suicide 4:01 AM CET 4 August 1941
After correction : Harmonic 262144
corrected and exact birth time : 21:11:51
corrected and exact death time : 04:00:59

t /t = t = n = AC n /n

Lunar Return for corrected birth time 21:11:51 (Harmonic 65536)

Lunar  = n /n = n
Lunar  = AC n; Lunar AC = AC n /n
Lunar  =  n = MC n
Lunar  (natal AC- ruler) = n /n

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time 21:11:51

Lunar / = Lunar  = Lunar  = Lunar =

n /n = n /n = n (natal AC- ;

Lunar AC = Lunar p/p = n /n;

Lunar  = n/n; Lunar = n
Harmonic 65536

Secondary converse for corrected birth time 21:11:51

(Red) p = p /p
(Green) p /p = p = n = n
p = AC n /n

Tertiary for corrected birth time 21:11:51

p = p /p = n /n
p = n /n

Minor for corrected birth time 21:11:51

(Red) p = p = n /n
(Green) AC n = p /p
p = n /n

Sieggrün, Friedrich
20 December 1877 at 08:41 (= 08:41 AM )Lübeck, Germany, 53n52, 10e40
German nautical scientist, professional astrologer and author. A
committed student and collaborator of Alfred Witte, he was a proponent of
Uranian Astrology and creator of the term "Hamburger Schule."
Death, Cause unspecified 4 May 1961 at 01:15 AM in Hamburg, Germany

Hamburger School Forum WSL gives as a official birth time 08:15 LMT and as a
death time 02:25 AM.Birth time 08:41 would be the corrected time.

corrected and exact birth time : 08:13:00
corrected and exact death time : 02:25:00

Solar for corrected birth time 08:13:00 (harmonic 65536)

Solar  / = n
Solar MC = n /n; Solar AC = n =n

Lunar for corrected birth time 08:13:00

Lunar  = Lunar  = Lunar  = n

Lunar = Lunar  =  n = AC n

Tertiary for corrected birth time 08:13:00

p = p = p /p = n /n

Tertiary converse for corrected birth time 08:13:00

p = p = p /p ; p = n

last new moon before death
Compare (1 6.04.1951 11:51:37 GMT+1 22°44'50"Psc) New Moon to
corrected birth time 08:13:00

New Moon = n ;
New Moon AC =  n (natal AC Lord); New Moon  = AC n
New Moon MC = n /n
Harmonic 16384

Lefeldt, Hermann
29 June 1899 at 17:30 (= 5:30 PM )Bornhöved, Germany, 54n04, 10e16
German pro astrologer and author, a student of A. A prominent advocate
of Uranian Astrology, the Hamburger School, he was the co-author of
Witte's "Planetary Rules" and editor of an index for this book.

Death around eleven o'clock in the morning

Transit (harmonic 65536)
corrected and exact birth time : 17:29:02
corrected and exact death time : 10:59:35

Secondary converse for corrected birth time 17:29:02

p /p = n = n = n;
p = n

Secondary for corrected birth time 17:29:02

p /p = p ; p = n /n= AC n /n

p (natal AC- ruler) = AC n /n
p = p (natal DC- ruler, =
the planet that brings death) n

Allen, Garth (Donald Bradley)

16 May 1925 at 02:04 (= 02:04 AM )Bruning, Nebraska, 40n20, 97w34

American astrologer.
Died of cancer on 4/25/1974, 12:25 PM MST, Tucson, AZ

corrected and exact birth time : 02:03:35

corrected and exact death time : 12:24:57

Solar Return for corrected birth time : 02:03:35

He has AC ruler is , DC  ruler is .

Solar AC = Solar = Solar= n/n
You can check whether death time is 12:25 or 13:25 with
progressions.Because astro.com page has been given three different
death times.Here I will not go into this question.

Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 02:03:35

Lunar  = Lunar  = n = AC n/n

Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 02:03:35
from another perspective

Lunar (natal DC Lord)= Lunar  = AC n/ n

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 02:03:35

Lunar  / = n (AC Lord)

Lunar  = n
Lunar  = Lunar = Lunar = Lunar MC = AC n

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (22.04.1974 3:16:29 GMT-7 8°29'55"Ari) New Moon transit
to natal

harmonic 65536

t /t =n
New Moon AC = AC n/n (Lunar = Lunar  -see above)

Fagan, Cyril

22 May 1896 at 12:00 (= 12:00 noon )Dublin, Ireland, 53n20, 6w15

Fagan was a siderealist astrologer.
Fagan died on 1/05/1970, between 3:00 and 5:00 AM, Tucson, AZ
Source Notes :
"...AFA quotes Fagan's mom's statement for 11:45 AM LMT...."

corrected and exact birth time : 11:45:01

Compare to Garth Allen .

Transit to natal.Because the suns have to be exact,we correct only one

Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 11:45:01

Lunar / = Lunar AC /= n

Lunar  = Lunar= n/n

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 11:45:01

Lunar  = n/n
Lunar  = Lunar AC = n/n

Firebrace, Roy C.
16 August 1889 at 16:45 (= 4:45 PM )Halifax, Nova Scotia (CAN), 44n39,
Canadian sidereal astrologer.he was the instigator along with Cyril Fagan
of "Spica"
Firebrace died on 11/10/1974.

corrected and exact birth time : 16:44:32

As transit is Cyril Fagan`s natal. Because the suns have to be exact.

Harmonic 262144

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 16:44:32

Lunar  = n/n
Lunar / = n

Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 16:44:32

Lunar AC = Lunar =Lunar  = n/n =

= Lunar

AC n/n= AC n/n

Solar Return for corrected birth time : 16:44:32

Lunar /= n/n = AC n/n= ACn/n(=Lunar

AC = Lunar = Lunar =Lunar  -see above )

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (15.10.1974 13:24:47 GMT-1 28°21'04"Vir) New Moon transit
to natal harmonic 4096

New Moon = New Moon AC = t = AC n = AC n/n

= t (DC Lord)

Duncan, Gary
6 August 1931 at 01:13 (= 01:13 AM )Fullerton, California, 33n52,
American sidereal astrologer.
Died of a massive heart attack 6/19/1988; 8:00 to 8:30 AM,
Marine-on-St.Croix; MN.

corrected and exact birth time : 01:12:51 corrected and exact death
time : 08:18:08

Transit (harmonic 262144)

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 01:12:51

Lunar  =Lunar  =Lunar = Lunar /= n

Lunar AC = n (natal AC Lord)
Harmonic 65536

Minor converse for corrected birth time : 01:12:51

p /p = p = n;
p = n = n 5536

last new moon before death(harmonic 65536)
Compare (14.06.1988 4:13:48 GMT-5 29°55'15"Tau) New Moon transit
to natal

New Moon /=n (natal AC Lord);is(DC Lord)

New Moon AC = AC n

Stahl, Carl W.
13 March 1914 at 19:44 (= 7:44 PM )Kilmanagh MI, USA, 43n44, 83w21
American sidereal astrologer.
Stahl died on 1/02/1980, 2:45 PM, Bay City, MI.

corrected and exact birth time : 19:43:59

corrected and exact death time : 14:41:32

harmonic 524288

Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 14:43:59

Lunar / = Lunar AC = AC n ;

Lunar ( natal AC Lord)= n/n= Lunar AC /

Ruler of all fire signs is
Ruler of all earth signs is 

Ruler of all air signs is 

Ruler of all water signs is  5536

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 14:43:59

Lunar / = Lunar AC = n


last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (19.12.1979 3:23:23 GMT-5 3°20'34"Sgr) New Moon transit
to natal

New Moon AC = AC n
is natal DC Lord

On the day he died, a full moon occurred.

2.01.1980 4:02:07 GMT-5 17°37'59"Gem Full Moon

Full Moon n
Full Moon AC = n/n

Full Moon / = n/n

Harmonic 4096

Leo, Alan
7 August 1860 at 05:49 (= 05:49 AM )Westminster, England, 51n30,
British astrologer, businessman and author, a Theosophist who is
considered the father of modern astrology.
Alan Leo died on August 30, 1917, 10:00 AM in Bude, England
Source Notes
Sy Scholfield quotes from "The Life and Work of Alan Leo" by his widow
Bessie Leo (London: Modern Astrology, 1919), p. 177: "Alan Leo was born
at Westminster on August 7, 1860, and Mr Lacey has mentioned that the
time originally given was 6 a.m. The result of rectification was to change
the ascendant from the beginning of Virgo to the end of Leo, and the
accompanying map, set for approximately 5.49 a.m., is that which was
considered by Mr Leo himself to be his true horoscope."

When in this world like Clinton, Bush, Trump, Merkel ... become head of
state, naturally, like Alan leo a businesmen are recognized as the father of
modern astrology.It is totally normal.

Because he wants to have Leo-AC, therefore corrects father of modern

astrology his birth time 11 minutes, which is then true horoscope.

Then you can imagine, if father is like that as the children are.

Currently the astrologers who want to correct their birth time, but can
not,then change they the house systems that use or correct each year
once (or several times) because something is still wrong.
They then say that they can not be objective. Then they ask other 4
astrologers. The 4 astrologers all come with different corrections.
The other 4 astrologers apparently can not be objective either.

What do we do now ? We search other house systems ? But maybe we'll

look at the Asteroids (Chiron etc.) ? other house system ? more Orb ?
Eventually we find then a birth time what we like, maybe not.
Until the next transit or progression, which shows nothing, although has
much happened.Transits show nothing anyway, right ?

Then they search further.

He could not find his own birth time until his death , but he was a great
astrologer , he has also corrected many birth times and had a lot of

corrected and exact birth time : 05:59:47
corrected and exact death time: 10:00:09

Solar harmonic 4096

Solar AC = Solar = AC n/n = n;

= Solar
Solar  = AC n = n

He has  AC ruler is , DC  ruler is 

Solar =n (the planet that brings death is DC ruler)

Harmonic 4096

Secondary harmonic 4096

p/p = p/p = n

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (17.08.1917 19:20:33 GMT+1 1°37'01"Leo) New Moon transit
to natal

t /t = n

Uyldert, Mellie
31 May 1908 at 15:52 (= 3:52 PM )Blaricum, Netherlands, 52n16, 5e15
Dutch astrologer ,she died at age 100 on May 10, 2009 at 14:57 in
Bilthoven, The Netherlands.

Before the correction : Transit to Natal (harmonic 65536)

t /t ≠ t ≠ n

If we take the birth time 31 seconds before and the death time 36
seconds after.

will be : t /t = t = n
After correction :
corrected and exact birth time : 15:51:29
corrected and exact death time : 14:57:36

Progressed lunar return :

For not corrected birth time 15:52


Progressed lunar return :

For corrected birth time 15:51:29

p = p = n/n
p = n


For not corrected birth time 15:52



For corrected birth time 15:51:29

n/n = n =n = p

Mertz, Bernd Arnulf
10 July 1924 at 07:25 (= 07:25 AM )Berlin, Germany, 52n29, 13e21
German writer, a journalist, Jungian psychologist, occultist (tarot,
numerology), astrologer and graphologist.
He died peacefully of a heart attack just when he had finished his 50th
book on 11/17/1996, 8:38 PM MET, Frankfurt/M., Germany.

First we look with harmonic 4096

if we take the death time one minute and one second later
and look with harmonic 16384

We have to take back natal sun about a minute and a half so that the suns
are exact too.

we use harmonic 131072 make-the-second accurate

After correction :
corrected and exact birth time : 07:23:35
corrected and exact death time : 20:39:01

"....he and his wife used 07:21 AM, which is probably a rectified time."

For not corrected birth time 07:21 AM


For corrected birth time 07:23:35 AM

For corrected birth time 07:23:35 AM

(Red) Lunar  = Lunar  = Lunar  = Natal 

(Green) Lunar AC = Natal /

For not corrected birth time 07:21 AM


Walker, Patric
25 September 1931 at 12:18 (= 12:18 PM )Hackensack, New Jersey,
40n53, 74w03
American-British astrologer
Death 8 October 1995 at 11:45 AM in So. Kensington, England

As we see below, there are already exact harmonic available.

Harmonic 165536

the birth time will take only 2 seconds back and death-time just one

After correction :
corrected and exact birth time : 12:17:58
corrected and exact death time : 11:44:59

Harmonic 131072

Progressed Lunar Return
For corrected birth time 12:17:58

p = p = n
Harmonic 131072

Progressed Lunar Return
For not corrected birth time 12:18:00

p ≠ p ≠ n
Harmonic 131072

Cole, Robert
7 May 1948 at 05:18 (= 05:18 AM )Henderson NV, USA, 36n02, 114w59
American astrologer and author.He died 8/13/1992, 1:24 PM PDT, San
Francisco, CA.
Source Notes
Given in his "Book of Houses" (WTPE obit gives 5:12 AM)
If we compare only natal with the last new moon before death, then we
see which birth time is correct.
Compare (29.07.1992 12:35:10 GMT-7 13°14'23"Cnc ) New Moon to
5:12 AM Harmonic 4096

Compare (29.07.1992 12:35:10 GMT-7 13°14'23"Cnc ) New Moon to to
5:18 AM

Harmonic 4096

After correction :
corrected and exact birth time : 05:11:20
corrected and exact death time : 13:22:04

Harmonic 65536

 t / t =  t =  n =  t= t


For corrected birth time : 05:11:20

Solar / = Natal / = Natal MC


For corrected birth time : 05:11:20

Lunar / = Lunar  = Lunar MC = Natal /

Lunar  = Natal  5536

DeLuce, Robert
24 August 1877 at 04:20 (= 04:20 AM )Payson UT, USA, 40n02, 111w43
American astrologer, author and lecturer.
Died on pneumonia 5/03/1964, 5:07 PM PDT, Pasadena, CA.
After correction :
corrected and exact birth time : 04:20:10
corrected and exact death time : 17:06:52

Harmonic 131072

For birth time 04:20:10

Solar/ = Solar AC = Natal AC

Solar  = Natal 

Harmonic 65536

Shaw, Victoria
25 May 1935 at 01:17 (= 01:17 AM )Sydney, Australia, 33s52, 151e13
Australian actress and astrologer. Victoria died on 17 August 1988, 11:45
AM, Warrawee, Australia.
Source Notes
LMR quotes her 1979, rectified from a general time given by her mom
(Her skill in rectification was the best that LMR has ever seen,
After correction : Harmonic 65536
corrected and exact birth time : 01:16:58
corrected and exact death time : 11:44:31

For corrected birth time 01:16:58

Tertiary converse / = Tertiary converse / = Natal 


For not corrected birth time 01:17:00

Tertiary converse / ≠ Natal 


Chessman, Caryl
27 May 1921 at 12:10 (= 12:10 PM )St.Joseph MI, USA, 42n06, 86w29
American homicide.
He was executed in the gas chamber on 5/02/1960 at 10:03 AM, declared
dead 10:12 AM, PDT.

After correction : Harmonic 65536

corrected and exact birth time : 12:10:06
corrected and exact death time : 10:11:57

For corrected birth time 12:10:06

Lunar Return

Lunar  = Lunar  = Natal 


For not corrected birth time 12:10:00

Lunar Return

Lunar ≠ Lunar  ≠ Natal  5536

Rich, Ginger
7 February 1945 at 19:57 (= 7:57 PM )Detroit MI, USA, 42n19, 83w02
American State Capital security guard.
Death by Homicide 17 January 1997 at 03:34 AM in Lansing, MI

After correction : Harmonic 65536

corrected and exact birth time : 19:57:12
corrected and exact death time : 03:34:08
For corrected birth time 19:57:12

(Red) Secondary converse  = Secondary converse /

For not corrected birth time 19:57:00

Secondary converse ≠ Secondary converse /

Secondary converse ≠ Secondary converse ≠ Natal 


Lennon, John
9 October 1940 at 18:30 (= 6:30 PM )Liverpool, England, 53n25, 2w55
"......at around 10:50 p.m. (EST) gunman Mark David Chapman shot
Lennon four times in the back at close range......"
Richard Houck gives 6:50 AM (The Astrology of Death)
After correction : Harmonic 65536
corrected and exact birth time : 06:49:56
corrected and exact death time : 22:49:42

For corrected birth time 06:49:56

Solar / = Solar MC = Natal /


Tertiary converse
For corrected birth time 06:49:56

p = p = n = n
p = n

(last new moon before death ) New Moon on 7 December 1980 at
09:35:02 New York as transit

Newmoon = Natal /


New Moon on 7 December 1980 at 09:35:02 New York as transit
(from other perspective)

Newmoon / = Natal AC


Bohain, Jennifer
22 February 1989 at 12:50 (= 12:50 PM )Nice, France, 43n42, 7e15
French homicide victim at the age of three. Along with her sister, mom
and maternal grandparents, she was shot to death by her dad, Stephane,
who then killed himself on 11/06/1992, 9:10 PM MET, Aubagne, France.
corrected and exact birth time : 12:50:13
corrected and exact death time : 21:10:01
Minor converse :

p/p = p =p = n 5536

Clydesdale, Victoria Elizabeth
16 May 1990 at 17:08 (= 5:08 PM Stirling, Scotland, 56n07, 3w57
Scottish child murder victim in the Dunblane school massacre.
Killed on 13 March 1996 between 9:32/9:35 am.

Because the death time is accurate to a few minutes, we first look at 4096
harmonic, where are the transit and natal sun.
transit and natal sun are almost between two harmonic point that's why
we look another harmonic (65536)

After we take the death time one minute and one second in 65536
harmonic, looks like this.
Harmonic 65536

Natal sun still stands between two harmonic point.Because the birth time
is AA rated (that is, the birth time should be accurate to the minute), we
go next harmonic.

Here we need the birth time take only 8 seconds back.

After correction :
corrected and exact birth time : 17:07:52
corrected and exact death time : 09:30:59

Harmonic 131072

Now we have to use progressions to check if that corrected birth time is

Solar (Harmonic 65536) for corrected birth time : 17:07:52

Solar  = Solar / = Solar AC = Solar 

Solar  = Natal AC

Solar  = Natal MC

Solar MC = Natal 

Solar (Harmonic 65536) for not corrected birth time : 17:08:00

Secondary converse (Harmonic 65536) for corrected birth time : 17:07:52

p = p = p = n

Secondary converse (Harmonic 65536) for not corrected birth time :

p ≠ p ≠ p ≠ n

Tertiary (Harmonic 65536) for corrected birth time : 17:07:52

p = p/p

Tertiary (Harmonic 65536) for not corrected birth time : 17:08:00

p ≠ p/p

last new moon before death
Compare (18.02.1996 23:30:08 GMT 5°53'11"Aqr) New Moon to
corrected birth time : 17:07:52

t = AC t = n =n = AC n /MC n

last new moon before death
Compare (18.02.1996 23:30:08 GMT 5°53'11"Aqr) New Moon to not
corrected birth time : 17:08:00

t = AC t =n

Fawcett, Farrah
2 February 1947 at 15:10 (= 3:10 PM )Corpus Christi, Texas, 27n48, 97w24
Death by Disease 25 June 2009 at 09:25 AM in Santa Monica, CA (Of
cancer, age 62 "shortly before 9:30 AM")
After correction : (Harmonic 131072)
corrected and exact birth time : 15:09:21
corrected and exact death time : 09:25:41

t /t = t = t = n

Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 15:09:21


Lunar AC = Lunar  = Lunar  = Lunar  = n/n


Lunar / = AC n

Cobain, Kurt
20 February 1967 at 19:38 (= 7:38 PM )Aberdeen, Washington, 46n59,
Cobain died on Tuesday, April 5, 1994, at 7:27 am.

After correction : H 65536

exact birth time : 19:38:00
corrected and exact death time : 07:26:23


Solar  = n
Solar  = n = n


p /p = n

last new moon before death

Compare (11.03.1994 23:04:36 GMT-8 27°47'18"Aqr) New Moon to

birth time 19:38:00

New Moon = n

Theler, Brigitte
1 February 1959 at 09:40 (= 09:40 AM )Zürich, Switzerland, 47n23, 8e32
Swiss professional astrologer.
Death by Disease 17:34 13 December 2007 (cancer, brain tumor)
Death time 17:34 (in my archive I have this time, but I do not remember where
I got this time)

After correction : H 65536

corrected and exact birth time : 09:40:12
corrected and exact death time : 17:33:45
Progressed Lunar Return
for not corrected birth time 09:40:00

Progressed Lunar Return
for corrected birth time 09:40:12

p /p = n

Minor converse
for not corrected birth time 09:40:00

Minor converse
for corrected birth time 09:40:12

p =p = n

Banzhaf, Hajo
15 May 1949 at 00:02 (= 12:02 AM )Gütersloh, Germany, 51n54, 8e23
German professional astrologer and tarot reader.
Death 11 February 2009 at 2:45 PM in München (sudden death by
After correction : H 262144
exact birth time : 00:02:00
corrected and exact death time : 14:44:36

t /t = t = t = t = n = n = n

Lunar Return

Lunar / = Lunar = n

Lunar  = n; Lunar  = n /n
Lunar = n


p /p = n /n
p = n

Tertiary converse

p /p = p = n


p = n /n

Davis, T. Pat
30 January 1927 at 20:11 (= 8:11 PM )Kansas City KS, USA, 39n06,
American astrologer.
T. Pat died on 1/20/2001, 10:45 PM EST, Orlando, FL

After correction : H 65536

corrected and exact birth time : 20:11:46
corrected and exact death time : 22:45:47

Solar for corrected birth time 20:11:46

Solar / = Solar  = Solar = Solar 

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time 20:11:46

p = n /n

Cayce, Edgar
18 March 1877 at 15:20 (= 3:20 PM )Hopkinsville, Kentucky, 36n52, 87w29
American mystic known as "The Sleeping Prophet."
Death by Disease 3 January 1945 at 7:15 PM in Virginia Beach
Source Notes
"....Zip Dobyns quotes 1:30 PM given as family records from a librarian at the
Cayce Foundation...."

After correction : H 65536

corrected and exact birth time : 13:31:44
corrected and exact death time : 19:14:10

last new moon before death

Compare (15.12.1944 10:34:35 GMT-4 0°31'44"Sgr) New Moon to

birth time 13:31:44

t = t = n /n

last full moon before death

Compare (29.12.1944 10:38:05 GMT-4 14°47'27"Gem) Full Moon

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse) Full Moon to birth time 13:31:44

t /t = n ;
Eclipse = Natal AC

Jayne, Charles
9 October 1911 at 22:43 (= 10:43 PM )Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, 40n06, 75w08
American astrologer. Charles Jayne died 12/31/1985, 8:32 PM, Goshen, NY.
Source Notes
"My own birth time was given as 10:43 PM, EST, i.e. was given to the exact
minute...but the rectified time...turned out to be 10:39 1/2 PM, EST..."

After correction : H 65536

corrected and exact birth time : 22:39:43
corrected and exact death time : 20:32:12

Solar  = n

Lunar Return for corrected birth time 22:39:43

Lunar  = Lunar  = n /n

Lunar  = n

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time 22:39:43

p /p = p = p = n

last new moon before death

Compare (11.12.1985 19:54:26 GMT-5 26°22'23"Sco) New Moon to

birth time 22:39:43

New Moon = New Moon  / = n

Armistead, Julian
10 August 1926 at 01:32 (= 01:32 AM )New York NY, USA, 40n42, 74w00
American astrologer.
Death, Cause unspecified 20 February 2008 at 7:30 PM in New York, NY

After correction : H 65536

corrected and exact birth time : 01:32:19
corrected and exact death time : 19:33:24

Lunar Return for corrected birth time 01:32:19

Lunar  = Lunar  = Lunar  /= n = n

Secondary for corrected birth time 01:32:19

p = p = n /n

Tertiary for corrected birth time 01:32:19

p/p = n

Minor for corrected birth time 01:32:19

p = n /n

last new moon before death

Compare (6.02.2008 22:44:31 GMT-5 23°51'15"Cap) New Moon to birth

time 01:32:19

New Moon = New Moon  = n /n

Ryan, Juliann C.
27 June 1925 at 08:41 (= 08:41 AM )Lansing, Michigan, 42n44, 84w33
American astrologer.
She died at her home in Kansas City on 2/06/1998, 6:02 AM

After correction : H 65536

corrected and exact birth time : 08:40:57
corrected and exact death time : 06:01:49

Solar  / = n

Lunar Return for corrected birth time 08:40:57

Lunar  = n /n = n

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time 08:40:57

Lunar  = n /n = n

Secondary for corrected birth time 08:40:57

p = p = n /n = n

Rabin, Yitzhak
1 March 1922 at 16:17 (= 4:17 PM )Jerusalem, Israel, 31n46, 35e14
Israeli military man and politician.
"On the night of 11/04/1995, he spoke at a rally in Tel Aviv. At 9:40 PM, a
right-wing Israeli, Yigal Amir, 27, fired three bullets ..."

After correction : H 262144

exact birth time : 16:17:00
corrected and exact death time : 22:19:46

Solar for birth time 16:17:00

Solar / = n = n
Solar AC = Solar 

Progressed Lunar Return for birth time 16:17:00

 p / p =  p / p = n = n

Tertiary for birth time 16:17:00

 p / p = n = n

Astaire, Fred
10 May 1899 at 21:16 (= 9:16 PM )Omaha, Nebraska, 41n16, 95w56
American dancer and actor.
Death by Disease 22 June 1987 at 4:25 AM in Century City, CA

corrected and exact birth time : 21:15:45

corrected and exact death time : 04:24:24
Solar for corrected birth time 21:15:45

Lunar Return for corrected birth time 21:15:45

Lunar  / =  = Lunar MC

Secondary for corrected birth time 21:15:45

 p =  n / n =  n / n = AC n

 n / n = Dancer

Secondary converse for corrected birth time 21:15:45

 p =  n / n =  n / n = AC n

last new moon before death

Compare (27.05.1987 08:13:21 GMT-7 12°13'15"Tau) New Moon to

birth time 21:15:45

 t / t =  n = MC n

Rodden, Lois M.
22 May 1928 at 00:27 (= 12:27 AM )Lang, Saskatchewan (CAN), 49n56, 104w23
American pro astrologer.
died on June 5, 2003 at about 8:30 AM at her home in Yucaipa, CA

corrected and exact birth time : 00:29:38

corrected and exact death time : 08:19:57
Lunar Return for corrected birth time 00:29:38 (harmonic 4096)

Lunar / = Lunar  = Lunar  =  n=  n=  n

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time 00:29:38

p =p =p

Tertiary converse for corrected birth time 00:29:38

 p / p =  p

Elliot, Roger
25 June 1937 at 03:15 (= 03:15 AM Torquay, England, 50n28, 3w30
British astrologer.
Elliot died during heart surgery 9/29/1993, 6:26 PM GDT, Bristol, England.

corrected and exact birth time : 03:16:30

corrected and exact death time : 18:20:21
Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time 03:16:30

 p / p =  n

Lunar Return for corrected birth time 03:16:30

Lunar / =  n

Secondary for corrected birth time 03:16:30

 p / p =  p

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)

Compare (16.09.1993 4:10:17 GMT+1 29°35'28"Leo) New Moon to

birth time 03:16:30

 t / t =  t / t =  n / n
New Moon =  n

Englert, Walter
1 December 1907 at 12:23 (= 12:23 PM )Frankurt am Main, Germany,
50n07, 8e40
German pro astrologer.
Died 8/03/1984, 7:40 PM MET, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

corrected and exact birth time : 12:22:57

corrected and exact death time : 19:40:18
Secondary converse for corrected birth time 12:22:57

 p / p =  n

Secondary for corrected birth time 12:22:57

 n / n =  p / p =  p
p =p = AC n

Weil, Eric
9 June 1929 at 01:10 (= 01:10 AM )Zürich, Switzerland, 47n23, 8e32
Swiss astrologer.
Death by Heart Attack 21 April 2010 at 01:10 AM in Locarno

corrected and exact birth time : 01:10:06

corrected and exact death time : 01:09:28

Secondary for not corrected birth time 01:10:00

Secondary for corrected birth time 01:10:06

 p =  p =  p =  p / p =  n /  n
p =n

Solar for not corrected birth time 01:10:00

Solar ≠ n

Solar for corrected birth time 01:10:06

Solar =n
Solar  = Solar AC

Abrams, Griff
25 January 1880 at 05:58 (= 05:58 AM )Swansea, Wales, 51n38, 3w57
American astrologer.
Death, Cause unspecified 11 November 1947 at 02:30 AM in Los Angeles, CA

corrected and exact birth time : 05:57:52

corrected and exact death time : 02:29:35
last full moon before death
Compare (29.10.1947 12:06:47 GMT+8 12°31'22"Ari) Full Moon to birth
time 05:57:52

New Moon = t = AC t = n

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected birth time 05:57:52

 p = p = p /p

Secondary converse for corrected birth time 05:57:52

 p = p = n =n

Minor for corrected birth time 05:57:52

 p = p /p = p /p = n /n

Caroline, Princess of Monaco
23 January 1957 at 09:27 (= 09:27 AM )Monte Carlo, Monaco, 43n45,
Her second husband,Stefano Casiraghi,death 3 October 1990 at 11:18 AM
in Monte Carlo

Harmonic 262144
corrected and exact birth time : 09:27:06
corrected and exact death time of husband : 11:18:13

Solar for corrected birth time 09:27:06

Solar  / =  n =  n / n =  n ;
Solar  = Solar  =  n

As I wrote in my research Marriage-Divorce, ;

Separation by death :  / = /

Secondary converse for corrected birth time 09:27:06

 p / p =  p / p =  p =  n =  n / n
=  n;

p=  n

Tertiary converse for corrected birth time 09:27:06

 p / p =  n / n

last new moon before her husband death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (19.09.1990 2:46:21 GMT+2 2°11'52"Vir) New Moon to birth
time 09:27:06

New Moon = AC-DC Axis = n

last new moon before her mother death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (19.08.1982 4:44:53 GMT+2 2°17'12"Leo) New Moon to
birth time 09:27:06

t /t =MC t =  n

Rainier III, Prince of Monaco
31 May 1923 at 06:00 (= 06:00 AM )Monte Carlo, Monaco, 43n45, 7e25
Death by Disease 6 April 2005 at 06:35 AM in Monaco, Monaco

corrected and exact birth time : 06:01:12

corrected and exact death time : 06:35:53

Lunar  / = Lunar  / =  n / n

Secondary for corrected birth time 06:01:12

 p / p =  p

Secondary converse for corrected birth time 06:01:12

 p / p =  p=  p

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (10.03.2005 10:10:21 GMT+1 26°03'33"Aqr) New Moon to
birth time 06:01:12

New Moon = New Moon AC = AC n

Casiraghi, Charlotte
3 August 1986 at 19:00 (= 7:00 PM )Monte Carlo, Monaco, 43n45, 7e25
The second child of Princess Caroline and Stefano Casiraghi.
Death of Father 3 October 1990 at 11:18 AM in Monte Carlo
corrected and exact birth time : 18:58:55
last new moon before father death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (19.09.1990 2:46:21 GMT+2 2°11'52"Vir) New Moon to natal

 t =  t / t =  n=  n
New Moon =  n/ MC n

Casiraghi, Pierre
5 September 1987 at 02:46 (= 02:46 AM )Monte Carlo, Monaco, 43n45, 7e25
The son and third child of Princess Caroline and Stefano Casiraghi.
Death of Father 3 October 1990 at 11:18 AM in Monte Carlo
corrected and exact birth time : 02:46:15
last new moon before father death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (19.09.1990 2:46:21 GMT+2 2°11'52"Vir) New Moon to natal

 t =  t =  n / n =  n =  n;
 t / t =  t =  n

Casiraghi, Andrea
8 June 1984 at 22:50 (= 10:50 PM )Monte Carlo, Monaco, 43n45, 7e25
The first child of Princess Caroline and Stefano Casiraghi.
corrected and exact birth time : 22:52:24
last new moon before father death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (19.09.1990 2:46:21 GMT+2 2°11'52"Vir) New Moon to natal

 t =  t / t =  n=  n/ MC n
New Moon- AC = MC n

Irene, Princess of the Netherlands
5 August 1939 at 01:09 (= 01:09 AM )Soestdijk, Netherlands, 52n11, 5e18
The second of four daughters of Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard of Holland.
Mother death by Disease 20 March 2004 at 05:50 AM in Baarn, Netherlands.

corrected and exact birth time : 01:08:59

corrected and exact death time of mother : 05:50:04
Minor for corrected and exact birth time : 01:08:59

 p / p =  n

Minor for not corrected and birth time : 01:09:00

 p / p ≠  n

last new moon before mother death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (20.02.2004 10:17:41 GMT+1 7°15'00"Aqr) New Moon to

New Moon-AC =  n

Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands
30 April 1909 at 06:50 (= 06:50 AM )The Hague, Netherlands, 52n06,
Death by Disease 20 March 2004 at 05:50 AM in Baarn, Netherlands

corrected and exact birth time : 06:50:33

corrected and exact death time: 05:50:04
Solar (AC(Gemini) Lord is Mercury)

Secondary converse for corrected and birth time : 06:50:33

 p =  p =  n / n

Secondary for corrected and birth time : 06:50:33

 p =  p / p =  n;
 p =  n / n

Minor converse for corrected and birth time : 06:50:33

 p = p =  p ;
 p / p =  n

Bernhard, Prince of the Netherlands (1911)
29 June 1911 at 02:45 (= 02:45 AM )Jena, Germany, 50n56, 11e35
Death by Disease 1 December 2004

corrected and exact birth time : 02:44:37 (because suns must to be exact
harmonic by all family members)
Lunar Return for corrected and exact birth time : 02:44:37

Lunar  =  n =  n / n
Venus is AC Lord (Taurus)

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected and exact birth time : 02:44:37

Lunar  / =  n / n =  n
Venus is AC Lord (Taurus)

Johan Friso, Prince
25 September 1968 at 08:48 (= 08:48 AM )Utrecht, Netherlands, 52n06, 5e07
Accident 17 February 2012 at 12:15 PM in Lech (buried under an avalanche, still
in koma a week later, severe brain damage feared)

corrected and exact birth time : 08:47:58 (because suns must to be exact
harmonic by all family members)
Solar Return for corrected and exact birth time : 08:47:58

Solar AC = Solar / = Solar / = AC n / n

Solar  =  n / n =  n; Solar  =  n

Secondary for corrected and exact birth time : 08:47:58

 p =  p =  p = AC n / n;
 p =  p = AC n;
 p =  p =  n =  n / n

Secondary converse for corrected and exact birth time : 08:47:58

p = p =  n = AC n / n;
 p = AC n / n

Tertiary for corrected and exact birth time : 08:47:58

 p / p = AC n / n (= Solar AC)

 p =  n / n =  n (= Solar )

Beatrix, Queen of Netherlands
31 January 1938 at 09:47 (= 09:47 AM )Soestdijk, Netherlands, 52n11, 5e18
The first of four daughters born to Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard.
Mother death by Disease 20 March 2004 at 05:50 AM in Baarn,

corrected and exact birth time : 09:47:04

Solar / = MC n
Solar MC = Solar 

Secondary converse for corrected and exact birth time : 09:47:04

 p = MC n(=Solar /);
p =  p = n;
p =  n / n

Newman, Scott
23 September 1950 at 16:06 (= 4:06 PM Cleveland, Ohio, 41n30, 81w42
The son of Paul Newman.
Death by Suicide 19 November 1978 at 11:30 PM in Hollywood, CA

corrected and exact birth time : 16:05:54

corrected and exact death time: 23:30:02

Solar / =  n / n
Solar AC = n / n =  n

Lunar Return for corrected and exact birth time : 16:05:54

Lunar  = Lunar = Lunar  /

Dee, Sandra
23 April 1942 at 05:35 (= 05:35 AM )Bayonne, New Jersey, 40n40, 74w07
American actress and teenage film idol of the late 50s and early 60s.
Death by Disease 20 February 2005 at 05:57 AM in Thousand Oaks, CA

corrected and exact birth time : 05:34:51

corrected and exact death time: 05:56:40

Lunar  = Lunar  =  n / n
Lunar = n

Progressed Lunar Return for corrected and exact birth time : 05:34:51

Lunar  / = n

Secondary converse for corrected and exact birth time : 05:34:51

 p =  p = p =  n / n = n

Tertiary converse for corrected and exact birth time : 05:34:51

 p =  p = p =  p / p = n

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (8.02.2005 14:28:02 GMT-8 26°26'01"Cap) New Moon to

New moon =  n / n

Derek, John
12 August 1926 at 13:20 (= 1:20 PM )Hollywood, California, 34n06, 118w20
American actor.
Death by Disease 22 May 1998 at 11:45 AM in Santa Maria, CA

corrected and exact birth time : 13:19:45

corrected and exact death time: 11:41:17

Lunar /= Lunar MC = n

Lunar AC =  n / n

Tertiary for corrected and exact birth time : 13:19:45

 p / p = n

Derek, Bo
20 November 1956 at 14:13 (= 2:13 PM )Long Beach, California, 33n46, 118w11
American actress.
Death of Mate 22 May 1998 11:45 AM in Santa Maria, CA (John Derek)

corrected and exact birth time : 14:13:06

Secondary for corrected and exact birth time : 14:13:06

 p / p =  n / n (Separation by death)

Tertiary converse for corrected and exact birth time : 14:13:06

 n / n =  p / p (Separation by death)

Minor converse for corrected and exact birth time : 14:13:06

 p / p =  p
 p= n
 p =  p / p =  n / n

Freud, Sigmund
6 May 1856 at 18:30 (= 6:30 PM )Freiberg/Mähren, Czech Republic, 49n39,
Death by Disease 23 September 1939 at 03:00 AM in London, England

corrected and exact birth time : 06:30:09

corrected and exact death time: 02:59:59
Tertiary for corrected and exact birth time : 06:30:09

 p = p =  n / n
 p =  p =  n =  n / n= AC n

Minor converse for corrected and exact birth time : 06:30:09

 p =  n / n
 p= n
 p =  n = AC n

Secondary for corrected and exact birth time : 06:30:09

 p =  n;  p =  n

 p =  n / n

Secondary converse for corrected and exact birth time : 06:30:09

 p =  n / n

 p= n

Malcolm X
19 May 1925 at 22:25 (= 10:25 PM )Omaha, Nebraska, 41n16, 95w56
21 February 1965 was pronounced dead at 3:30 PM in Harlem (New York

Richard Houck gives time of assassination 3:15 PM (The Astrology of Death)

Without correction : harmonic 262144
not corrected birth time : 22:25:00
not corrected death time: 15:15:00
we see here birth time and death time are nearly exact.

corrected and exact birth time : 22:24:58
corrected and exact death time: 15:15:01
Transit for corrected and exact birth time : 22:24:58
harmonic 262144

 t / t =  t =  t = n

Secondary converse for corrected and exact birth time : 22:24:58

 p =  n / n =  n (Mercury is DC Lord);
p =n
harmonic 65536

Secondary converse for not corrected birth time : 22:25:00

 p ≠  n / n
p ≠ n
harmonic 65536

Mansfield, Jayne
19 April 1933 at 09:11 (= 09:11 AM )Lower Merion, Pennsylvania, 40n02, 75w18
She was a major Hollywood sex symbol during the 1950s and early 1960s, while
under contract at 20th Century Fox.
Death by Accident 29 June 1967 at 04:07 AM in Slidell

corrected and exact birth time : 09:10:58

corrected and exact death time: 04:06:54
Transit (Harmonic 65536)

 t / t =  t = t =  n / n =  n

Secondary for corrected birth time : 09:10:58

 p =  p =  n / n =  n

Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 09:10:58

 t / t =  n / n =  n =  n
 is AC Lord (Gemini)

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (8.06.1967 0:13:27 GMT-5 23°25'53"Tau) New Moon to natal

t =  t / t = n / n

Presley, Elvis
8 January 1935 at 04:35 (= 04:35 AM )Tupelo, Mississippi, 34n15, 88w42
Death by Heart Attack 16 August 1977 at 2:50 PM

corrected and exact birth time : 16:34:30

corrected and exact death time: 14:50:26

Solar / = Solar /=  n / n

Solar AC = Solar = Solar ; Solar  = Solar = Solar 

Lunar Return for corrected birth time : 16:34:30

Lunar / = Lunar /= AC n =  n / n

Minor converse for corrected birth time : harmonic 4096
This is another proof that the birth time is PM, not AM for those who want
to see, hear and understand.

AC n = n / n =  p / p
The King is dead

Reynolds, Debbie
1 April 1932 at 17:49 (= 5:49 PM )El Paso, Texas, 31n46, 106w29
Death by Disease 28 December 2016 at 5:39 PM in Los Angeles (Stroke,
"intracerebral hemorrhage")

corrected and exact birth time : 17:48:50

corrected and exact death time: 17:36:25
Transit harmonic 262144

n = t =  t / t =  n / n


n =  p / p =  p = p

Tertiary converse

p = p =p =  n / n
p =  n
p =  n


p = p /p =n
p = p /p =n

when her daughter Carrie Fisher on 28 December 2016 at 08:55:41 died

Transit :

t /t = t /t = t /t =t =n=n;

t =n; t =n; t =n; t =n

Fisher, Carrie
21 October 1956 at 12:49 (= 12:49 PM )Burbank (Los Angeles County),
California, 34n11, 118w18
The daughter of America's sweethearts, Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher.
Fisher died at age 60 on 27 December 2016, at 8:55 AM local time in Los

corrected and exact birth time : 12:48:54

corrected and exact death time: 08:55:41

p /p = p = n

Tertiary converse

p =p = n /n

Martin, Dean
7 June 1917 at 23:55 (= 11:55 PM )Steubenville, Ohio, 40n22, 80w38
American actor and singer.
Death by Disease 25 December 1995 at 03:30 AM in Beverly Hills, CA (Acute
respiratory failure, age 78)

corrected and exact birth time : 23:54:39

corrected and exact death time: 03:29:09
Progressed Lunar Return

p /p =p=p= p = ACp = n= ACn /n


p = p /p

Secondary converse

p = p /p

Martin, Dino
17 November 1951 at 18:50 (= 6:50 PM )Santa Monica, California, 34n01,
The first son of Dean Martin.He died on 21 March 1987 at 1:55pm

corrected and exact birth time : 18:50:32

corrected and exact death time: 13:53:35
Transit harmonic 65536 (Mercury is natal AC Lord -Gemini)

t = t = t /t =ACt =n = n = n /n

t = t /t = n (harmonic 262144)

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (27.02.1987 16:50:38 GMT-8 15°18'31"Aqr) New Moon to

ACt = t /t = n = MCn =n = n /n;

New Moon = n /n; t= n
t = t = n /n= n /n
(Mercury is natal AC Lord -Gemini)

Hamill, Dorothy
26 July 1956 at 21:18 (= 9:18 PM )Chicago, Illinois, 41n51, 87w39
spouse relationship with Martin, Dino
corrected and exact birth time : 21:17:58
last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (27.02.1987 16:50:38 GMT-8 15°18'31"Aqr) New Moon to natal

New Moon = n;

t /t = t = n /n = ACn /n =n

Perón, Eva
7 May 1919 at 05:13 (= 05:13 AM )Buenos Aires, Argentina, 34s36, 58w27
Eva died at the age of 33, at 8:25 p.m. on Saturday, 26 July 1952.

corrected and exact birth time : 05:13:24

corrected and exact death time: 20:24:49

Progressed Lunar Return

p = n /n

Solar Return

Solar  = Solar  / = n /n

Lunar Return

Lunar  = Lunar AC = n /n


p = p =p /p = n

Rogers, Ginger
16 July 1911 at 02:18 (= 02:18 AM )Independence, Missouri, 39n05, 94w25
American dancer and actress.
She died 4/25/1995, 7:00 AM, Rancho Mirage, CA

exact birth time : 02:18:00

corrected and exact death time: 06:59:49


t = t /t = t =t = n

Progressed Lunar Return

Lunar  = Lunar  /= Lunar / = n /n=MCn

Lunar  = Lunar 


p/p = n

Secondary converse

p = p = n = n
p = p = n/n = n/n =MCn

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (30.03.1995 18:08:37 GMT-8 16°12'04"Psc) New Moon to

New Moon = New Moon AC/MC = ACn

Schmidt, Helmut
23 December 1918 at 22:15 (= 10:15 PM )Hamburg, Germany, 53n33, 9e59
German Social Democratic (SPD) politician.
Death by Disease 10 November 2015 at 2:30 PM in Hamburg, Germany.

corrected and exact birth time : 22:11:00

corrected and exact death time: 14:30:25
Lunar Return

Lunar  = n /n; Lunar  = Lunar  = n;

Lunar  = n


p = p = p/p


n = p/p

Minor converse

p = p =p = n =n;
p/p = n/n

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (13.10.2015 2:05:43 GMT+2 25°21'20"Vir) New Moon to

New Moon = n

Steiner, Rudolf
25 February 1861 at 23:15 (= 11:15 PM )Donji Kraljevec, Croatia, 46n22, 16e39
Death, Cause unspecified 30 March 1925 at 09:30 AM in Dornach
Source Notes :
".....Nandan Bosma sends a Xerox copy of a letter from Steiner
giving his own data as February 25, 1861 with an hour of 11:07 PM LMT."

corrected and exact birth time : 23:06:27 (27 February 1861)

corrected and exact death time: 09:30:24
Transit (harmonic 65536)

t = t = t = n /n


Solar  = n /n

Tertiary converse

p = p/p = n/n


p = p = n/n

Secondary converse

p/p = n/n

last new moon before death(harmonic 65536)
Compare (24.03.1925 15:02:47 GMT+1 10°42'21"Psc) New Moon to

New Moon / = n

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (24.03.1925 15:02:47 GMT+1 10°42'21"Psc) New Moon to

New Moon / = New Moon  = n

The second wife of Rudolf Steiner, Marie Steiner died 27 December 1948
last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (30.11.1948 19:44:27 GMT+1 15°26'29"Sco) New Moon to

New Moon = New Moon AC = n

Steiner, Marie
14 March 1867 at 04:29 (= 04:29 AM Wloclawek, Poland, 52n39, 19e02
Rudolf Steiner death, Cause unspecified 30 March 1925 at 09:30 AM in Dornach

corrected and exact birth time : 04:29:21

corrected and exact death time of Rudolf Steiner: 09:30:24

Separation by death : p /p = p/p

Secondary converse

Separation by death : n /n = p/p

Transit at 09:30:24

t = n/n;
t = t = t = n

Taylor, Elizabeth
27 February 1932 at 02:30 (= 02:30 AM )London, England, 51n30, 0w10
Death by Disease 23 March 2011 at 01:28 AM in Los Angeles, CA
(Congestive heart failure)
Source Notes
Church of Light gave 7:56 PM from Adrienne Ziegler, 1958.

exact birth time : 19:56:00

corrected and exact death time: 01:27:48
Transit h-262144

Lunar Return for exact birth time : 19:56:00

Lunar  = n /n = n
Lunar  = Lunar  = n /n

Secondary for exact birth time : 19:56:00

p = p = n /n = n
Of course you can see why she divorced so many times (eight husbands)

n = n /n = n /n

Secondary converse for exact birth time : 19:56:00

p /p = n /n = n

Sara Sothern, mother of actress Elizabeth Taylor, died September 11,
1994 in Palm Springs.

Progressed Lunar Ruturn

I do not think I need to write something here.

Gibb, Barbara
17 November 1920 at 23:58 (= 11:58 PM )Manchester, England, 53n30, 2w15
British-American noted family, wife of Hugh Gibbs for many years.
Death of Child 20 May 2012 at 10:47 AM in London (Robin, age 62, cancer)

corrected and exact birth time : 23:57:44

corrected and exact death time of child: 10:47:01
She has outlived three of her four sons: Andy died on 10 March 1988, Maurice on
12 January 2003 and Robin on 20 May 2012.
Because she has in the natal :

n = n /n

Solar for exact birth time : 23:57:44

Solar  / = Solar AC = n /n = n

Solar = Solar  = n /

Progressed Lunar Return for exact birth time : 23:57:44

Lunar  / = n
Lunar  = Lunar= Lunar AC = n /n

last new moon before her son death(harmonic 65536)
Compare (21.04.2012 8:18:24 GMT+1 7°38'59"Ari) New Moon to natal

New Moon = AC t =t = AC n /n

last new moon before her son death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (21.04.2012 8:18:24 GMT+1 7°38'59"Ari) New Moon to natal

New Moon AC = n /n ;

t =t =n = AC n /n

Palme, Olof
30 January 1927 at 05:15 (= 05:15 AM )Stockholm, Sweden, 59n20, 18e03
Swedish attorney and politician.
Palme was pronounced dead March 1, 1986, 00:06 AM.

corrected and exact birth time : 05:14:44

corrected and exact death time: 00:06:03
Transit harmonic 262144

Solar for corrected and exact birth time : 05:14:44

(red) Solar  / = Solar = n /n

 /This midpoint comes in all murder cases that killers are unknown. The
victims, who are murdered, are mostly exact harmonic  = in the radix

and/or progressions.( for example Barry Mannakee,Princess Diana,Dodi Fayed)

(green) Solar AC /  = /= natal ;

Solar / = Solar 

Lunar for corrected and exact birth time : 05:14:44

Lunar  = Lunar / = n /n = n /n

Tertiary converse for corrected and exact birth time : 05:14:44

p = p /p = n/n

Secondary for corrected and exact birth time : 05:14:44

p = p /p = n /n = n /n

last new moon before death(harmonic 65536)
Compare (9.02.1986 1:55:19 GMT+1 26°24'20"Cap) New Moon to

New Moon / = n = AC n

Gandhi, Mohandas
2 October 1869 at 07:08:12 (= 07:08:12 AM )Porbandar, India, 21n38, 69e36
Death by Homicide 30 January 1948 at 5:27 PM in Delhi (Assassinated by

corrected and exact birth time : 07:08:08

corrected and exact death time: 17:27:06
Solar harmonic 65536

Solar / = AC n;Solar AC / = n /n

Lunar Return

Lunar / = Lunar / = Lunar /= MC n

/ are involved in the murder cases.


p/p = p/p = p =  n
p = p/p

Secondary converse

p = p/p
p = n
p = n/n

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (11.01.1948 13:14:34 GMT+5:30 26°57'53"Sgr) New Moon to

New Moon = t = n/n= n/n= n

Why is mercury there ?, and when you look at the first picture (solar)
again, then you see mercury at the AC, why ? because Mercury is AC
lord.As I wrote on my homepage for three years, Mercury rules all air
signs,Gemini,Libra and Aquarius.And at death mostly AC and AC lord in
interactions. Mohandas Gandhi has Libra AC.

Astrid, Queen of Belgium
17 November 1905 at 16:52 (= 4:52 PM )Stockholm, Sweden, 59n20,
Swedish-Belgian royalty, married King Leopold III of Belgium November
While motoring with him in Switzerland she showed him a map, he drove
into a tree and she was killed 8/29/1935; 9:15 AM, Kusnacht,

corrected and exact birth time : 16:51:53

corrected and exact death time: 09:15:35
Solar harmonic 65536

Solar AC = n/n; Solar = Solar = n

Lunar harmonic 65536

Lunar / = n
In this case there are many neptune pluto connections.I do not want to
say that she was murdered, but conspicuous are these connections. She
has in natal AC lord Mercury in midpoint Neptune and Pluto. You never

Lunar / = Lunar (Husband)

Lunar  = AC n /n = n/n =n

Progressed Lunar Return harmonic 65536

Lunar / = n
Lunar AC = Lunar = n/n

Lunar  = n

Secondary converse harmonic 65536

p = n/n =n (=t it is not shown here)

Leopold III, King of Belgium
3 November 1901 at 15:05 (= 3:05 PM )Brussels, Belgium, 50n50, 4e20
Husband of Astrid, Queen of Belgium.

exact birth time : 15:05:00 (With Astrid`s birth time already exactly harrmonic)

Compare harmonic 262144

He has already (as transit) Separation by death :

 / = /
and that's where it should not to be.

last new moon before death(harmonic 65536)
Compare (29.08.1935 2:00:15 GMT+1 11°53'56"Leo) New Moon transit
to natal

t /t =n /n = /nn (Separation by death)

New Moon / = n/n

Astrid, Queen of Belgium was killed 8/29/1935; 09:15:35 (corrected) AM,
Kusnacht, Switzerland.

Lunar Return

Lunar  / = Lunar AC /= AC n/n = n

n is wife because Astrid has Gemini AC

Progressed Lunar Return

Lunar  / =n /n = /nn

Hughes, Howard
24 December 1905 at 22:12 (= 10:12 PM)Houston,Texas, 29n46, 95w22
American industrialist, film producer.
Hughes was loaded into his private jet and died over Brownsville, TX on
4/05/1976 at 1:27 PM, on his way to Houston.

Source Notes
".....Howard Robard Hughes, Jr., Born: September 24, 1905....."

corrected and exact birth time : 22:12:07 24 December 1905

corrected and exact death time: 13:26:52

Harmonic 262144 (transit death time)

Marriage 12 January 1957 at 12:00 midnight in Tonopah, NV (Second
marriage, Jean Peters)
Solar Return (Harmonic 65536)

When it comes to marriage, then we look ,,/,AC/DC axis

and AC-DC Lords. In addition, we also have to look at .

He has  AC ruler is , DC  ruler is .

Solar ACn/n = n = n;

Solar=n /n =n /n

Solar  = n/n; Solar = n /n =n

Because of these connections Solar =n/ n and Solar AC = n/n
= n = n he logically divorced. Most important though for the divorce in natal

n/n = n = n.
Marriage 12 January 1957 at 12:00 midnight in Tonopah, NV (Second
marriage, Jean Peters)

Lunar Return (Harmonic 65536)

Adams, Evangeline
8 February 1868 at 08:30 (= 08:30 AM )Jersey City, New Jersey, 40n44,
Alternative birth time (birth year 1859)
8 February 1859 at 08:30 (= 08:30 AM )Jersey City, New Jersey, 40n44,
American astrologer with a clientele of nearly 100,000 people.
Adams died on 10 November 1932 at 4:00 AM in New York City.

corrected and exact birth time : 08:30:01 (8 February 1859)

corrected and exact death time: 03:59:04

Secondary (harrmonic 4096)

 is her AC () ruler , and / give up connections

Secondary converse (harrmonic 4096)

p /p = p/p = n/n= n

Lunar Return (harrmonic 4096)

Solar AC =p /p = p/p =

= Solar

n/n= n
is her DC () and  is her AC () ruler

p = n

last new moon before death(harmonic 4096)
Compare (19.10.1933 0:44:37 GMT-5 2°32'58"Lib) New Moon transit
to natal

 is her AC () ruler

New Moon AC = n New Moon  = AC n

Bergman, Ingrid
29 August 1915 at 03:30 (= 03:30 AM )Stockholm, Sweden, 59n20,
Swedish-American actress.
Bergman died on 29 August 1982 at 12:00 AM, her 67th birthday, in
London, of breast cancer.

corrected and exact birth time : 03:30:15

corrected and exact death time: 23:59:58 (28 August 1982)

Transit (harrmonic 262144)

On 11/01/1950, the Lindstrom divorce was granted in Los Angeles, CA.

She has  AC ruler is , DC  ruler is 

Secondary (harmonic 4096)

p/p = p =n

On 11/01/1950, the Lindstrom divorce was granted in Los Angeles, CA.

She has  AC ruler is , DC  ruler is 

Secondary converse (harmonic 4096)

p/p = p ; p =n; p =n

Marriage was arranged on 5/24/1950, 10:30 AM, Mexico City.(Rossellini)

Secondary converse (harmonic 4096)

p/p =n/n = AC n ;p=p =n ; p =n = n

She divorced Rossellini 1957

Publications :


Progressions Keys

Murder Cases

Jack the Ripper






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